BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxismNazismRadekRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Com montet League of Amerter (Opportion) at 126 Dart 10th Street, New York, Satered as second la mall matter. November 28, 1929 at the Port Odhee at New York. mder the set 18 VOLUME VI, NO. 43 (WHOLE NO. 1901 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1933 PRICE CENTS The Cleveland Fiasco The Clara HANDS OFF CUBA!
of the Stalin Invites Pilsudski to Soldiers and Students Oust Review the Red Army Gov ;U. Sends Navy Stalinists Ready to see more here to see the most creat de betrayalet e luat he same ss Winted in.
Give Up Saar Tried for Goering Reichstag Fire few facts, an incident, thatorial on August 20, Issues warn In regard to capital and labor relax exiles for some time in Germany. the support of all enlisted men. The. these file The Cleveland Conference was hundreds and thousands of workers, another stalinist united front while the left wing suffers catasmasquerade which adds nothing trophie defents. The most outpitive to strengthen and unify the standing Illustration of this anomleft wing for the struggle. That aly is to be seen in the needle The class conscious worker who was to be expected. service to trades.
has pursued with any measure of the working class would have been But this superficial possible there only it the confer of things is in reality as pontradie watchfulness the unfolding impro thee had been convened under the tory process which is not without Visations of this latest Great Ef promise fort of capitalism will receive the change of trade Uniootive is cts which policy and a renunciation of the for the future. If thousands Green Woll legend of NRA unionmonstrous system of mistakes and of the class conscious workers, ism with his tongue in his cheek.
The hangman of Communists, the same reasons the Communist InterThe rapidly developing events in the coup etat was nccomplished decimated the left wing forces in ure of external forces, are turning Ile will remember the sudden Jailer of thousands of workers and national has not met in Congress Ciba have found an answer in the without bloodshed and with rethe labor movement, robbing them their backs on the cut and dried strike truce edict of the great pensants, the Fascist dictator of for more than five years to discuing democratic regime of loosevelt. markable ense. The De Cespedes of the posibility of playing their trade union schemes of the Stalin labor friend in the White House Poland has been invited by Joseph the burning problems facing the Warships are steaming full speed regime offered no resistance. Qulot natural role in the present begin ists and reentering the conservaning of a new rise in working tive unions, this movement does not following hot on the trail of the Stalin to participate in the Red working class of the world. In its ahead to Cuban waters. Marinesly and with dignity it abandoned class activity. Instead of that the necessarily imply a retrogresion powerful challenge to the coal boss Army demonstration on the anni. stead are the tongression pacts are being mobilized H10t for inter the seat of power, saying only that versary of the Bolshevik revolution. scrape of paper which will he vention. Just to protect American the responsibility for the burden whole affair was consecrated to the on their part. Any movement to us thrust out by the miners of Marshal Joseph Pilsudski, whose violated at the first opportunity by lives and property. At the tit of government rested on other task of covering up the past and waris trade union organization is Pennsylvania lust July. The proces bitter hatred and cumity to the imperialists.
serious threat to the bags shoulders.
The painless amputation of the and practices which have brought companied by a profound disillus, by the way, stru in the otting to no one and which he has taken 1st. Tolle Ithashem te teatani mask is stripped from the face of De Cespedes rexime is to be exsuch trngle results.
slonment with the Stalinist dogmas He has witnessed the Johnson no pains to conceal is asked to ist the liberal administration and plained by the fact that it failed From the point of view of trade and the Stalinist leadership its pro Richterg comedy around section come to Moscow to celebrate the topion the world proletariat to obiit reacts like the most honored of entirely to enlist the support of the union tactics, the class conscious Sressive nature is by no means im. a) of the Recovery law. He has plotters to review the army of two stresle gainst Fascismo States history. For the workers in strike came to an end with the re overthrow on the landlords and texserve the November revolution by a the reactionary regimes in United workers. Although the general workers have to reject the findings naired. On the contrary, the decl seen an of the Cleveland Conference in Nive break of the advanced work with a stridente code adoptedonin and Trotsky. Sinister omen! and Fascism is not in Germany the United States the central prob turn to work of the Havana bus untl labor, open toto. aced with the overwhelm ers out of the straight jacket of shop merit clause. He has heard throughout the world must ask with for the Fascist Pilsudski. What lem is the light at home against in rivers and later the sevedores The revolutionary workers alone but by tender felicitations ing evidence on every side of Stalinism is the first and tervention.
and dock workers, strikes continurevival of the conservatie labor necessary condition for the reemer NRA for the arrest of peacefully horror what is the significance of san the Polish workers say to this organizations and a sweeping move gence and flowering of a genuine pleketing shace and bakerye strikers this move that is so illed with im. Invitation when they are clubbed, The Culan situation developed throughout the island in the ergarten te workers went to them, sotto wing in the labor movement. New York. And so on down the following close on the heels of them is indiferent to them. What wake hue how old When the there the military attempted to put Jailed and murdered for the obser: ing with hurricane speed. De Ces cities and on the sugar plantations pedes and his concentration cabinet These movements became ever trade union conference at this mo. And that also is the necessary basisline.
ment can serve a progrescapable Communem.
purpose for a reconstruction of American But even more striking than all was feted and entertained in regal concom 13 expressed for the res military, the students and the ABC down the strikes but the solidiers, only if it draws the conclusion. That is, to recognize CANNON.
these manifestations of the pro style by the editor of Pilsudski in totaalses ke in file dossier et de dissident wing blew it into eternity for the most part, FRATERNIZED that this new impulse of the workWITH THE WORKERS. This ers for organization, even in the administration are its acts which the Invitation to Pilsudskt contains atter record in the Polish nation most conservative unlons, is in itinvolve the parts assigned to Green, the serious warning that the Stalin alist movement in the Cxarist days.
the bourgeois Communists to Be sround under the age of the street selt a progressive ernmcat.
development which the revolutionaries must tasOn the other hand the De Ceais named in Only two representatives of or repudiation of Internationalism the Daily Worker that demilitary sist and encourage and take part pedes regime revealed its sympath ganized labor. And what The question becomes more insist Alliance between Soviet Russia and in. Regardless of variations in the repre ies with American imperialism and process, due to the exceptional consentatives! John Lewis, the re ent: Is the defense of the Soviet Pascist Poland is in preparation the Machadistas. Not only had the De Cespedes regime organized ditions in certain instances, it is actionary Czar of the United Mine Union to be entrusted to the Pi We sound the warning that there to Hitler absolutely clear to anyone who has Workers and Bill Green, Machado escape, but it revealed darling. Two labor representer sudskis, the Herriots? And is the can be no greater betrayal of interworla eyes to see that this drift toward that Wetariat to be sacrificed to nationalism, of the interests of the end?
working class, no greater danger great reluctance to satisfy the the of unions is the main of popular demand for the arrest and One bloody sacrifice of the German out of a board of seven.
On September 17 the trial The heinons theory of Socialism to the Soviet Union than the conthose accused in the German Itelctrial of all the agents of the formthe new situation arising from the adventurers the od leader hearing. Bill Green arrives us retine capientation Hovedred the sono stances and other comment work stag fire will commence before the dictator and the removal of his collapse of the Stalinist paper un lons, the economie upturn and tbe ship. They are all set to commit presentative of the administration. Shirts. Why? Because civil war er take note. The cook is preparitionably this represents the most crimental proste. This infuriated inauguration of the NRA. ne stitutes the crowning nature worthy test they won legotiate the thermers in het korte disturbed us another pery sour. This monstrous and most brazen frame the anti imperialist elements of the tional trade union conference, call of all their previous deeds. President of the of Green socialist socisty. For these sell stake!
ed together in such a tuation, crime which shows up to a apologizes, swears he is not there, history engineered with all the skin. Finally the government signified must deal with main lines if it does their unconditional capitulation be god forbid, as a representative of cutting the soldie for which the Nazis have becomes intention not want to leave the track en fore the nationalist phraesology of labor but as a legitimate spokesman notorious. The accused are Ernst pay. This was the last straw. The tirely.
the Nazis.
for the NRA. No use. You can on Torgler, former chairman of the soldiers rebelled. The movement The Stalinist engineers of the Cleveland Conference could not do The negation of internationalism fool the good capitalist instincts of communist party Reichstag frac developed with remarkable speed tion; Van der Lubbe, the Dutch and immediately swept beyond its this without revealing and admit in proletarian politics and the head the sfeel men. They turn their The New York Times in an edit titors on a perfectly legal basis. Communists, who had been living took to the radio and asked for Naxi dupe, and the three Bulgarianitin objectives. The soldiers of ting the falsity of all they have less race with the Nazis for the heels on poor Mir. Groen.
sald and done and tried to do on exploitation of the chauvinistic Inthe trade union held in the past stincts of broad masses in Germany speak The case hardened ing against any attitude of panteations the efforts are distinctly to Demitror, opoft and Tancoft.
jweriod. They would have had to are the fundamental causes boss clases. will not give up its class should the NRA not succeed ac re establish the old condition of response was immediate. The en admit that life Itselt 1s refuting of the class trenchery of the positions one inch without a tlga. ut it is now evident that the somewhat badly shattered during ramatically initiated the terror the movement.
The Reichstag fire on Feb. 27, tire army and Inter the navy Jolned cording to expectations. It says: Identity of interests which was the contentions which they set up. Tear the Chains of Versail. They know that it is only the The rebellion of the military is docile. not regime which have been obliged to recognize that tion of the People. the united front tout he is ever ready to talk peace decided by the first shock of at the identity of interests on the its victims hundreds of workers, a rebellion on the the king the sectarianism and bureaucratic with the National to them, to betray every last work tack. long period of what may old nawrow basis of collaborating killed or malmed for life: acts against the mismanagement of the paper unions Socialist German Labor Party. er be represents.
be called trench warfare 18 before directly with untons, exclusively which in iwir gruesome entaus nainst the overnment carried out craft in composition, and continued defy description, the battering and first actlon was to arrest results which operate as an objec ing the Red Referendum. the woo. But no matter. To accept him The main issues of this trench to the aristocracy of labor, or devastation of all semblance of missioned officers. And now class tive factor to discredit and paralyze ing and as an administration representa warfare degenerate militarists Stars notorious labor assassins (like tive? The idea alone makes the artare are already discernible through labor banks, labor Insur works organisation, the the first time in the present reythe and it will have plenty of new and ance schemes or stock ownership of opinion olution the soldiers and sailors are to rob it for the time of its great Major Giesecke, who later betrayed steel Tories see nightmares of greater shocks of attacks, covered schemes the methods of fattening and slot sex victims suffering putting forward THEIR OWN. all Soviet! Not an inch of such a con also by barrages of heavy artillery, the aristocracy of labor as a means the horrors of the Nazi concentra. HADIRS. At the main stream of the awakening these are important milestones First and foremost, In the order of of better keeping the proletariat untion camps. Ou Feb. 27, under the army and navy stand non comme workers back into the conservative the German workers path of sororganizations, even into those rows. The consistent execution of And the good General Johnson importance, is the onslaught upon der control. Such means are no slare of the flames, Ilitler said to sioned officers against which they have previously. the promotion cette rom the point of view of the not help lending to capitulation representative and ruefully rehabt. ly prepared. In other words we of American labor; the leveling pro commencement of a great historical The soldiers and sailors by themselves cannot constitute a regime.
offensive against Europe. Its fur Now the idea is to extend the 1d. And strangely enough, chter date and even the fate or the entity of interests to an alliance this date full right at the heicht the present situation that has been proletarian united front the Clevel This course is now to be continuitates him upon the protests or, are facing the American Imperialist cess has not been without effects, coch. This blaze is the they need political leadership. In land conference was a comedyed by the position of the party on his colleagues.
poslunique and perhaps a little more the Saar haar we most XRA is unmistaken. For Roose closely with this offensive. Conery, to embrace the working class Titler nor fioering mor Goebbels her the loan of the immediate But enough the class face of the recovery program, is boundup based upon Joint interests in recor of the election campaign, neither supplied by the petty bourgeoista this bition. As every vegetable has its monstrous things imaginables for welt it represents an efort towaru versely that will also influence the sense valorile Listen the biedt bertumiting, we convocntion of a comicituent As moon brings a new type of united working class of the whole world ternal reform and through the mob. class movement in the coming her et lalut power to the productive the fire.
creeted junta of tive: four proforces through reduction All aid my foreign counsel has sors and banker.
of workbelow. which condemned all non completely degenerte bureaucracy is tionist machine. For the steel Communist lenders als Fascists and capable of. It is not in this case barons it is a risky experiment. whould not lead to a minimalucola hours in order to blunt the most en denied the accused by the What will the pretty bourgeoisie Let us say at the outset that angerone edges of the unemploy. Naxl government. No one not on demand in the Count Assem.
weitere mena a matter any longer of theoretical They will not deal with Browder the importance between the coloca este Arming of the right to organization allowed to my into this een morar are inflamed with anti imperialist exclude any commerapproach tobom dispute. No, it is simps a crime me me have for den vier market sharp se torced cuffiome on and collective bargaining which in Amonge riche forelsen counset conter sentiments, the press remiets that problem.
ment Secondly, the al der strict Nazi discipline is to be bly? The petty Inasses reformist organizations for a united inal offense.
attempt decide by referendum in 1936 as to the day after tomorrow with wet must be the starting pointmerican tive unions for the purpose of cem staten, Kranting of Sweden, the cluded. student jump to the The Sanr territory, which is to social Fascist Norman Thomas and the contrary. Precisely that aspect reality means in tacit agreement to in their services were attorneys they signity their intention to that excluding criticism.
to include everybody at any price how it wishes to shape 10 tell. It isn one to give in prospects in the world market. The enting the alliance. Wages are, of well known writer Romain Rolland roof of an automobile and denouncFascist You never of ings with the Fascists and Social of Natione protectorate ever since to anyone who represents Inbor!
is already out of date. The deal future has been under a huge domestie market is the strong course, to be adjusted to the needs and many others. These have now American intermedling.
But the labor movement remains hold and the reservoir from which of capital and its profit Incentive constituted a committee to conduct The situation indicates that the in favor of the exclusive units dum the natives will have an op alle trece oto chan communise paing proceeds the operations abroad. The hot for the whole ft is hoped that a public hearing at the Hague sim de muntanthony e raised for the abroand a touchingis affectionate one portunity to express their will in (Continued on Page 4)
The world war has already left the Am. Continued on Page 1) the Cuban Constitution giving the with the Musteltes, that is, with three ways: namely (1) for the shows no comprehension for the extent of this penetration since the the NRA machinery of labor adultaneously with the Telpaig trinlation of the Platt Amendment in the Left social Fascists. the maintenance of the status quo ante ieft wing of the trade unions is due erican imperialist Imprint upon EurUnited States the right to intervene ope. But now operations are being with military forces in Cuba. The conglomeration of black shirts and my for the return to Get Only one solitary gesture of pro scale destined to put all past venfor annexation of the picture.
prepared for a far more formidable demand will also be made to debrown shirts who lurked behind France. 3) for many nounce the treaty between the two every bush.
test rises against this hypocrisy of tures in the shade.
countries which gives the United This bloe in reality is a crude Due to the social and economic the NBA Le recomes belas only. The American bourgeoisle needs States that right. The whole program and policy the British empire, who will next But the leaders of the new movehorse trade which Muste conducts composition of the Saar (prepon from a lady social worker who has to strengthen its hands at home in on the principle of glve and take derance of the coal and iron to be an appointed to a post in the ad order to be able to move with that of the world socialist movement: rear act as chairman of the disment, the Junta, do not dare to see the. be no doubt ministration.
much more certainty abroad. Et begins the cablegram sent to the arm or entialistereren ments. Dread this openly. They are afraid of CPLA does not do any of the giv that the labor vote will play the ing. Muste and Budenz sign their decisive role in the referendum. onde Aleeck of the Russel Sage forts toward this strengthening are New Leader (August 26, 1933) byers of socialist governments, Brant. Intervention by the United States taking place in three different air Abraham Cahan from Paris, are Ing here, withdraws her acceptnames to joint manifestos (which is also clear that nothing is furance of the post on the grounds ections which, however, all fit in being examined in the face of the for the awaing there, who have to protect foreign lives and prothe first time introduced com. perty.
cost nothing site on the abilities on them from the mor ddesiring worden het NRA does not intende bor sudetinancial and Industrial units which many brother speciale conference laber suth to one pattern Between the various calamity that has overtaken Ger prehensive unilateral reductions of of This lack of plain speaking charworkers. tion to French imperialism. That prives the workers of their only make up the national economic the Labor and Socialist Internacionalitary expenallsts who, at acterizes the program of the new It before the Communist the head of the Prussian govern government. How could it be The be found here for the move Thessatibility is excluded beforehand. Eenuine weapon or bargaining the structure ideal the relationshlanabis omal meeting here.
What a significant change there ment, stand in the front line of the otherwise? The petty bourgeoisie The Saar etc. capital and labor and finally th have no social ity. and naturally so. But when in the relationship of the govern is between this and the keynote struggle for the defense of the pot cope with the to. They can Third Reich. The Catholic Centre velt at its face value. Her protest or Instrument, by which this the republican achievements. And 48 problems of mocrete agreements in any sector of also. This surprises no one. The Is genuine. Of course, it is only hoped to be accomplished, is the years ago in Vienna!
Is second International a bare two ing crcumstances, in the govern ciety is desperate the trade union field, they fuvarla: social democracy is of greater im the isolated protest of a sincere la NRA.
ment in Belgium, in Pinland, in the existence between rate struggle for Today what difference! ex Baltic States, in Austria and in proletarian grindstones of the social at Cleveland showed the Musteltes portance, however. For years they bor sympathizer.
stood in the front ranks of the redissenting and keeping their hands patriation enthusiasts and there What the NRA deserved was a trections named, the most note national, Emile Vandervelde, com. It might be said without exaggera ceiving, let alone di e larging through ul this is funny enough. But was no official celebration in Prus protest from mass pressure by laworthy factors are the reorganiza uring its status at the Vienna contion that the majority of the mem the revolutionary transformation of every case.
bor itself. That will come, that tion accomplished in the financial Kress with that which prevalled on bers of the sum total results of the Stalin. sia in which some minister will be effective and take the roadtructure of the couptry, eliminat. the eve of the world war. De cialist Labor International Executive of the so capitalist society: that involves the et patriotic hymns to the This as a class.
are obliteration of their own existence field are no okey or lust at the moman loyalties of the Saar proletar por un metallo zer otheca tremendous. com features and dimmensely strengthen wrote with lyrical Jubilation in the to certainly proce of mounting in the Cuban revolution the summent when the workers are begin: Int. Today, after the hasportunities afforded by the situa ine the great metropolitan Institu organ of the Austro Marxists (Der power.
mit of their social vision is the in sharp collisions against the em sadale, career the latter has banished praise and analyze the present sit. of Industry on a much more formid. ternational of 1931 represents num mounting power. the unmistakable ers and a banker. On the one hand In place these of ployers in a word, in a situation at the patriotie ministers to the uation realistically when the mother ble monopoly oboris co Not only the pricely han incomparable Teater mood or depression has settled upon they stand in awe of the American revolutionary organization and in democrats in the Saar are forced to of Land snatches the lead rest large enterprises, but it is hardly one of its large parties the upper circles of the Second in imperialist collosus: Strict respect reaucrats reestablish thelr organt cally. They put forward the slogan from the Greens and the Wolls and mental supervision and control cipated in the government In one ing complete despair only because republic. This is assurance to the zations and secure their positions the Lewises.
through industrial codes which fact form or another. It is a socialist of the linquenchable hopes kept Chase, National Bank and the House and prestige on the support of new (Continued on page SAM GORDON. litates the elimination of small com the head of the foreign office of (Continued on Page Continued on Page 1)
all comfor vitality and by that to push the the whole party apparatus in cession, it sets precedents!
of front with a non agression Congress of Second International is it comes to the question of con today falling into step with the eral took the reformism of Roose ment to both. The specific method, struck at the last congress of the socialists have been, under change dern society. Their position in so. in