BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyKamenevLeninMarxismNazismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1933 by the the the Holds SuccessfulMeetingin of Germany, they sigh, is the best the Irving Plaza liail to me to, was thrown open for questions and ther co operation with the Com. ideas in their program is the oe USSR Recognition It de nem tener en cuenta crema Prepare Youth Day for War Fight on Conference The article appearing below is upon the state, they mobilize and ois state, especially its propagand. Continued from Page 1)
stitute for the Hohenzollern army. with the internal problems of Eur.
a sucond contribution to the disthe workers. They are still ist agencies.
To be sure, here and there Hitlerope. Hitler speuks exclusively in cussion on the problems of the too backward, replies our revolu It is precisely because of this (Continued from Page 1) the appraisal of the internal as can pareith armaments. But he entirely to the stage through which violate the obligations defensive terms: this corresponds Germun situation after the vic tionary thinker. Small wonder that in capitalist society that we find munist groups though all of them well as the foreign policy of Na dealing tory of Fascism, The views ex with such Marxists abroad one finds in history spontaneous and instinc will not resolve upon any open renascent German militarism must pressed are those of the writer. the most sanguine perspectives of tive mutinies of the workers. Who still defend the basie line of Com tional Socialism.
The guiding philosopbical and measure on a large scale which pas. Ir the military rulo the best. Ed.
the conjuncture in the American ever sees in the elemental uprisings Intern policies which lead to the revolutionary press. The big hour of the workers organic, political cuilure and disasters. These people historicul ideas in the declarativu Hagrant conflict with the prescrip reet the diplomatic rule best The victory of many is now an irrefutable fact. spontaneons mass outbursts; it has of revolutionary class struggle till declare that what needs to be ure truly pitiful in their pretentious tion of Versailles. Only sone for preparation for the offensive is to in Ger Belle is prepared for riot, for acts the beginnings or expressions of the defensive is 20 The defeat of the German prole nut all its state machinery in order does not understand an Totat corrected is only the third period mullerits. The idea proclaimed by tunate clrcumstances, in the form tuke sectarian tariat means, of course, an indubit to meet the gravest eventualities, Marxism.
ble set back to the revolutionary even to the extent of preparing the The proletariat, as a class fully Folicies Apreets of the Stalinistitler of the necessity of re udape of complictions between the heavily less correct. In this sense, Brook ing the state Iroutiers of Europe armed states of Europe, could perdorf Runts, who had a taste for reorganization of society. To min Army to take over the railroads, class conscious, as a class for itsell, The resolution for the Brussels the frontiers of its races, is uue mit National socialsın, in the very paradox, told me in Moscow: Si vis imize the Fascist victory is to open it and when necessary. The ruling is historically the irresistible force conference deals with Germany. or those reactiotury utuples with next period, to execute a panther clium para pacem.
Wide the gateway to subsequent sang is hlarned by the lull below for the overthrow of the bourge declaring that the victory of Fase which the National Socialist pro polic But in their absence, Hit port of Italy, and will certain disasters But there is no less fearful that the longer the masses otsie. In the class struggle between ism has shown to the whole world sram is studied. Present day Eur her will be forced to contine him limits, this is assured him not so sun es victorious but ius victory is more violent may probar pe sex tariat, the Hegemony of the hour veratie and communist parties. nnd culturally not because its mus tions abroad and to pretty militaney wernal regime (the purely herman not tinal. Its triumpla was gained pulsion. But the revolutionists are geoisie depends upon its maintain condemns the coalition policy of the al frontiers ure imperfect, but contraband at home.
Third Reich is, as is known, in Germany over demoralized by manufacturing allbis, main ing the proletariat permanently in Social Democrats and their accept because the old continent is cut up otntial strength does lot liber trankly Latin Nagiarism. us beproletariat. It won because the taining their prestige, and screen a demoralized condition, in the conance of the lesser evil theory an every direction customs ate from actual weakness. If the cause of the urallelism in at workers were demoralized by the ing their own bewilderment.
the dis Germany of the Hohenzollerns set least their negtive loreign spiruberacy and the party of Stalinism merely hysterical from an acute geois state are directed to potente pod mod folic cance. As far as ated by the militarisın which Europe take a new partition of the world, rise to its fout. Only under the is the big bourgeoisie of America end all the agencies of the bour tied and correct. Yet the character order of the monetary systems, that the task of organizing Eur tous. But with the Italian crutch in Germany. To draw conclusions from this beateneck Though somewhat Cisteria: And because of this, us Lenin point least some of the initiators are con requires to insure its dismember present day Germany, thrown far condition of support from England leads to further demoralization, de a very paredes. ts or other thingleather of the workers movement takes its weru the camps of reformism and of the internal froutiers by a few forced to set itselt once more those essary freedom of movement. There and catastrophe on the inter Wig bourgeoisie sees danger on the course precisely in subordination Communism. first test will be dozens or hundreds of miles in one tasks which Bismarck Prussia fore: Ho adventures, 10 declarat onal scale Puert of the petty bourgeoisie which to bourgeos ideology. The less afforded at the gathering now tak. direction or another, would with solved long ago: the attainment of tions which smack of adventure!
thing about the class responds the cuickest the workers are imbued with so ing place and the prospects for the out changing much of anything, in the European equilibrium as a stage Hitler understands. every blow experience in Germany is that Hit and easiest to the elementai in accialist ideology the more readily do trend toward the Left Opposition volveu number of human victims in the unification of all the German against the West (u blow against ler was able to come to power les cordance with its subordination to they respond elementally, to autiny gainius momentum must be said to cediu of the dis territories. The practical program oland would rebound against the ally, e. that Hitler assumption bourgeois ideology which is pro in despair or revenge.
be good.
puted zone.
of Ilitler is today bounded by the West. would promptly bring closer of the state power did not provoke pagated and instilled in all in. Continued in next issue)
elemental resistance on the part of dividnals in society by the bourge.
The assurances given by the Na European horizon. The problems together England and France, and. JOHN WRIGHT.
The Issue within the British of continents and of oceans are be would oblige Italy to the greatest The attitude of the British tional socialists that they renonce yond his field of vision and can be reserve. Every imprudent, pecunu workers are aghast at this!
The worshippers of to this conference is of Interest. Germanization do not signity that of practical concern to him only ture, risky act of revenge politics its National discrepancy between the dynamic renounce conquests: one of The Right wing of gainst furthe central and most persistent in so far as they are interwovenwould lead automatically to the background and the inertia of the Council has isolation of Germany and, given its proletarian mass. The proletariat Upwards of 500 workers military impotence, to a new humilisten to discussion. Dozens of questions unist parts. In turn the leaders cupation of vast territories in the liating capitulation. The knots of the Versailles treaty would be and yet despite its strength man on the fate of the second and the temerity to say that the Com leaders ing and baggage counter peasantry may be established there.
drawn still tighter. An agreement and. An. Class Question with England demands a self limiterally slid Into power without anytic atmosphere manifest many when the Communists there ies of the Soviet Union. etc. The list declaration, having suddenly resistance.
after and unexpectedly left the ground ation. But Paris and Paris is Nothing approaching throughout the entire proceedings are painting slogans on working National Council (Continued From Page 1)
just what is involved is well were of the ideal separation of the past history. There are cite analog foreseen at opposition meetings workers defeated when they had revealed, finally decided that in te races, warns in a half threatening and particularly the unemployed went with Hindenburg, sa hrough the les that seem to apply. The incen were in evidence through these as Lenin and Trotsky? What is its view is: That whilst both the Hicts may arise out of the over, uition and financial support to the to accomplish his coup etat in toive to stand by the masses e dos et interne were scores besparty mem the direction of the bett Socialist Second and the Third Internation population of Europe, primarily of Soviet Union. This was the logie te gerombolan interpretatioketat the budge. Their lives are at stake and vers and sympathizers, Lovestone groupings, ete? als bear a share of the responst, Germany: the East. And when cal outcome of the theory of So Weimar Coustitution, so an agree.
yet the workers remain docile, in ites, Socialists and every other why didn the Left Opposition ility (for Germany) the nature of lamenting the injustice of the Ger cialism in One Country which ment with England, through the different or stupefied. Learnedly. shade of working class politleaf make a determined struggle against the failure is different. The so man Polish fromtier, he declared divorces the progress of the revolu medium of Italy, is to pernilt Ger facts and figures are being culled opinioni present. The questions up. Fascism in action?
cial Democratie failure is due to that one could without ditticulty tion in the Soviet Unoin toward many legally to ravage and to Spontaneously in the past. W65 derelosted clements in the working revolved around the problem of a policy. The communists had cor alle of satisfying alike the claims revolutionary movement of the pro is within this framework that the the same workers openly resisted class morement is there a chance new International.
To these com. Poet revolutionar precripciples but of Poland and the legitimate letariat in the countries which are declaration of May 17 must be viewGermany he simply bad a Hitler assumed power. Still more Socialist movement? Will there be was now a serious discussion going In connection with these develop in mind the annexation of Soviet have preferred to attempt to obtain uitous diplomatic improvisation, but preplexing is the fact that even at a resurgent movement within the on in the ranks of the Internation ments our British Left Opposition territories about her relevancha thin coat recognition, not by the pressure of a component part of a grand man the beginning of its historical ranks of the Communist Interna al Left opposition and that as soon metion appears to the comrades of Germanization siguintes, in this con: the masses, but by back stage nego eurer which is to change radically proletariat evinced untional after the of the mistakable initiative. At their Germany? these and a policy weakest, the workers tended in others of a similar nature were democratically questions and had been concermined the ploring them to make clear their race as the soignoral este in with our slogans, they have denied for the European and the world of L, especially on the che with spontaneously, throwing and developed and elucidated in a to the entire working class. was lack of this fornuletion makes it against annexation. They prefer saying that the workers were too litler this is but one part of against assimilation but not be mobilived around these demands, However, program and only the nega: to retrain from premamental urge. But now, almost on lems confronting all revolutionists could not unfortunately love had. bing shoulders with those whosa tunately, it is only a matter of the antagonism of the bourgeoisie, emann policy, it does not suttice to the latter tried to stem their ele, and critical approach to the prob was quite apparent that discussion lesion to the Communist parts rub interiore peoples to me the German averstand, that it was mirisker mange ture attempts at revenge is in es the brink of their historie goal, the at the present time.
The meeting concluded with the rightful place is in the labor party hypothetical conquests.
workers seem paralyzed. Once Following the collection, the floor singing of the Internationale.
Fascism assumes power, they per.
its way to the Communist position. When Hitler asserts with indig antious negotiations of the Soviet England. The declaration of May mit it to crack their skulls and Consejuently it has not yet fully nation that the great German poo 17 contains a clear indication on This policy of sacrificing the per the other, the positive, side of the made the break with Centrism.
are a number of revolutionists who evelt government are preparing The British Communist party Seconds been traustor tito a manent and ultimate aims of the Nazl program: the struggle against that this international working class to the Bolshevism. It is not a question of are at voicing privately Continued from page 1)
their inwention, if not disgust with tion to its regular anti militarist reserve of several hundred thousand now campaigning for a United contlicts with the interests of inter ein orary and immediate ones of the organizations of the German the workers of Germany and their propaganda.
young workers for the new imper Communist Party The unity is to national solidarity and the priuci the Soviet State, is essentially on proletariat but of the struggle psychology. The German work: Today the heavy clouds of war lalist slaughter.
In close ers, they To counteract this process of mill grens. und, we are told a dem. this idea rings false from these aims by retreating. How far this drive and like all Germans they have looms over the entire world. Thetarization of the youth, little ef ceratie one. But this congress is aps: the whole historical philoso retreat will go we do not now knowconnection with the program of the. militer takes upon himself point of becoming automatons, the Soviet Union, its robber war party and tern program. That is the program from the allegedly organic inequal past ready to goose step no matter who ano conquests in China, the conso Stalinist Communist commands. It is a shameful fact tdation of German Fascism, the Young Communist League gives adopted at the sixth Congress, the ty of nations and the right of the governments tasked with the Soviet the protection of European civiltthat today in America there are conflicts between the imperialist over to the Barbusses, Sinclairs programih separated the workers and to extirpate the inferioration to further revolutionary ac moral and material values, against of socialism in one coun superior races to trample upon against the use of Soviet recogni of the British colonies and other Marxists who produce such pay nations, England vs. the Uni and Drelsers the leadership of the try.
chology to account for the passivity ted States, Japan vs. the u. struksle akainst war. In the trade from the mass of trade unionists, reprograken ons ie whole, the Helvity in the United States, and has Bolshevtske barbarism romani or anit war puropses the left wing Social Fascism. and which is at of Europe is a reactionary utopian Communist International. We may marily from this mission, he hopes German workers. In order Germany vs. France, Austria vs.
unions, which are essential for war which cvolved the fatal theory of her program for the reconstruction even demanded the abolition of the historic mission, precisely and prin many, they find it unnecessary to rending massacre. The capitalist dig into the tragic historical course nations are reaching an economic International Youth Day belongs defeat in Germany. Our British tomar cannibalism. It is not hard far, but at what point will it stop arm itself. Hitler is convinced that say to the to submit it to an annihilating will that point be fixed by the on the scales of Great Britain the of the working class in Germany and political impasse. It is becom to the militant and class conscious Left Oppositionists the role of their parties explains ing more and more difficult for them young workers. To give it real beginning of the realization of this lomats or by the Insolence of the ern Europe weighs less than the nothing: the treachery of social to settle their problems peacefully. meaning to enshrine it in the It is impossible to talk of unity program that is on the order of the American negotiators?
of the Bolshevik Soviets in France is armed to the teeth. hearts of the American youth au on such terms. But the P day of the Fascist dictatorship, but correct revolutionary strategy the Hast. This evaluation constitreacherous policies or the oficial Japan, England and the United orientation of international revolu: camot exist on the mistakes of the the re establishment of the military cannot be based on the subordina German Communist Party explain States have been and are increas. tion is necessary of only one touche le For this reason, it is all the power of Germany, without which tion or opposition of the interna the whole forelyn policy of Hitler.
thing the racial psychosis fully is preparing the psychology of the against militarism and war be con tive discussion which shall aim at gram whatsoever. It is only from to the immediate interests of the only one. The National Socialist accounts for everything, not only in American workers for be war situa seived world medicalefits cloposition factors in the the seme in or problem thuis ostend point intreate the declara dirst starkers steaters With Bite with dictatorship will not only play are the American workers so inert? closely resemble those organized and endeavor to carry on the tradition and by the experience of the sound polley remains: to pose the West and the East, but also upon Hitler program is the program Hght for recognition as a working all the antagonisms of western Eur psy during the last war.
Through the tion of the handful of bold young rist in order to formulate your Choroby ringtead individualisia Civil Conservation Campka, the Am Alghters who met at Berne.
and not the psychology of hay foot, erican bosses represented by Roos JOSEPH CARTER.
Ston would have profound effects, dynamic and the most aggressive of the American workers with those ing a cross over the fantom of straw foot? Answeriana from the racial not only inside your own organizatime tion, but also inside the and wonki be the first step towards results of the and foot by the our demands in the course of special attention of Germany to the time bound hand defeat. It is this struggle from recognition and long young national states of Europe.
sis. Our rugged individualists, if they happen to be American workers are also provincial and hence the real unity of the best revolu combination of potential strength term credits to steadily higher He seeks xuxiliary levers to reby clonary forces on the basis of ideal and actual weakness that prede: levels, forward to the demand for establish the European equilibrium.
termines the exceedingly explosive a joint plan of economie collabora proposing to the small and feeble terribly backward. Clearly, the ogical unity.
American workers all workerscharacter of the aims of National tion and as our ultimate goal, the states to rally around the vane to blame if they do not know how Socialism as Temps and Stalin prudence of the as the extremel international planning commission guished and not the victor. Just most immediate for world economy.
or why to fight; clearly, the workas in its domestie policy, Nationalers and only the workers are to step towards the attainment of Unite the Interests of the Soviet Socialism has assembled under its blame for failing to learn ON GERMANY what But now we are faced with the banner the ruined and the desperate (Conti Pace 1)
these aims. One can speak today their psychopathie leaders cannot of loosening and gradually untying actual situation created The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
by the in order all the more tench them.
of repentance, as was done by the knots, but not of cutting them policies of the Stalinist bureau subject them to the interely to But according to our fetishists 85 192 pages paper cover Kamenev and Zinoviev. it would asunder.
cracy. We must declare unequl monopoly capital, so in his foreign of the elemental, the American, Postage 06 extra per copy. 65 cloth over be impossible to record him the vocally we are in favor of the re policy Filtler will strive to create a just like the German worker is sup Postage 06 extra per copy Any revision of the treaties, esnermission to return to the USSR.
posed to fight anyway, no matter it can only mean that Stalin, ab ments, would signity a change in state. The government of the work pitilessly to crush them in the futo every politically literate person pecially of the system of urma conuition of the Soviet Union, be united front of the vanquished and what he knows and what he doesn ON RUSSIA Why aren the American workers PROBLEMS OF THE DE VELOPMENT OF have to grow of Stalinism. For the present, the impe responding elementally like the Am Price. 15 ly obligated himself to the Agent Germany would Postage 01 extra per copy of French finance not to admit stronger, France weaker. Outside interests of the Stalinist bureau if Hitler has so eagerly accepted erican petty bourgeoisie, the farm Protskey to the USSR even if the this, the very question of rechey coincide with the immediate the ers, who are in open revolt? The ON SPAIN seething.
farmers are should sign a letter of repentance. vision has no meaning for Ger interests only of the Soviet State. reduet18h plan forarmaments militantly REVOLUTION IN DANGER However, the correspondent adds many. On the other hand, it 18 The Left Opposition, on the other counted in advance and with full it is only because he THE SPANISH they try to force their demands Price. 15 in passing. It is not at all in Trot quite clear that the rulers of France hand, always fights for the defense certainty upon its failure. He did Postage. 01 extra per copy sky character to sign such let will accept no changes that would of the first workers state as well not need to take upon binsell the NRA State Capitalism ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION ters weaken its position to the benefit as for the ultimate international odious role of the grave digger of COMMUNISM AND SYNDI CALISM of Germany That is why revolutionary Interests of the worla pacitist proposals: he prefers to Temps carefully circumvents the the Nazis regard as Illusory and proletariat. It is only the Stalinist leave that function to others. For (Continued from Page 3)
Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy impossible to accord Trotsky the upon an improvement of the incalculated apparatus that separates the two the same reason, Hitler is not nig.
Concurrently, we must strengthen ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISV IN ONE COUNTRY permission to return to the Soviet ternational position of Germany by we fight jointly with the present the American President for his deIn defending the Soviet Union, Kardly with his our unemployed work. Demand for warm thanks to social insurance, as well as all AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION Union. even in case of repentance, way of an agreement with France. government, which is the Stalinist claration in favor of armaments reother related unemployed demande THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT and is foreign to the masses. The as will be seen further on, runs terests of the apparatus or part of tensively the program of disarmand activities must be constantly held in the foreground. We must WORLD REVOLUTION REVOLUTION experienced correspondent kept pol through all the political activity of it conflict with those of the work ment is presented before the whole particularly develop united front. 25 180 pages paper cover. 60 itical discipline and did not ask Hitler, that flows the inevitability ers state, ns may occur in the event world, and the more ineviathly it Action among the various unem Postage 06 extra per copy cloth cover 00 ployed organizations in the field on Postage 06 extra per copy absolutely competent source. The and France. But not today. nor counter revolutionary crisis, we detestable will be Germany right to categorical obligation of Stalin: yet tomorrow. It is precisely this tend the wokers state and call on rearmament. No, Hitler is not preevery possible occasion.
If we at all successful ON CHINA Let the French stock market not fear a rapproachment with Mos that Hitler makes in his declara mobilize for its defense. correction with regard to time to rnatio proletariat to paring to overthrow Versailles by dealing with the tasks that present PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION ow: Trotsky will in no case beton and, in this sense. It is not even then the immediate question have power! But he is counting themselves to us with such violence for violence one must ness, when the mass disillusion450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 50 admitted to the USSR. sufficed for mere deception. When Goering of the recognition of the Soviet firmly upon the prospect that, after Postage 06 extra per copy him this time.
ment sets in the vanguard will be Yesterday Stalin set fire to the Reichstag, he risked Union will be settled, therefore, the the fallure of the British program Trosed by added atrength and made this pledge to Hitler, today nothing but the herds of his agents. Left Opponatle poses as its which he supports. England, toto the Comite des forges.
still Tett Opposition wing The premeditated firing of Europe task the of the revolu gether with Italy, will support with can rally to its banner new valu.
Once again: let the Stalinista is a more ticklish enterprise. In tionary vanguard of the interna all their right the right of Ger able revolutionary forces by demonPIONEER PUBLISHERS consider well this remarkable docu its present state, Germany cannottional working class for the sup many to strengten its defense.
strating that it is capable of unment. This is not chatter of the make war. It disarmed. This port of the next stage of the needs against the East. Nothing but de derstanding the new turn of events 84 EAST 10th STREET, yellow, tablola press. Not in vain 18 no phrase, it is a fact. Bespect of the Soviet Union, for economic tense, and only against the East. and applying correct Marxian taodid Jores once say: Temps is the acled students and unemployed collaboration and for International (Continued in next issue)
ties. JOSEPH GIGANTL bourgoolsie turned newspaper. with a swastika band are no sub defense. FIELD. TROTSKY, to explain the situation in Ger. Germany, and so on, brood an im insignificant.
of 100 pages 23 clear