AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

on WELS the runks of the British Fascists, not in with the Communists but that German Fascism is no dicta. discussion on positive revolu must not let himself be blinded by not forget that we live in a clasy world, through the forces of the will SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE fare a section of the united front broke down. The Lancashire, Wales, North Eastern branches of the Edinburgh. The advent of Hit Will the British Workers would be operated by a body of retinand cuke an appeal to the Nation This article was publisted by Imperialist War and Class thought of revolution. Our slogan must be Arm the proletariat, to formation of Fascist groups in Bri Learn from the German by the artist coucoblet effective. The latter body meet in comrade Lenin in October 1918, War are Sharply coquer the bourgeoisie, to exprotain. Brown Shirt, Blue Shirt, and would also enpower the armed conference and after three days the Social Democrat, the Bolshevik printe mi to disarun it. This is Experience Green Shirt and Black Shirt or.
forces and the police to deal with labor produced yet another policy merland during the war. It is of Contrasted the only lossible actie which tactic for the ganizations are coming into existthe Fascists pending the socializa for th of the debates on this policy aparations are being made for an international discussion se especial importance now, when pre vvvvvvvvv revolutionary ence in different parts of the coun try and all of them seek to emulate upon the necessity for united Lion of the banks, mines and rallsplit took place over the question Anti Wur Congress with the parti question has been carried out main development of capitalist militarism this arises out of the whole objective ways, etc.
Flerr Ilitler.
front. But when we come to the This wonderful scheme, in which of contnuing the united front with In Scotland, a Scottish Fascistuestione lust what is meant by the montrachy would cooperate in the Communist party. John Paton, Cipation of Barbusse and other 1: party hus been formed under the united front then we come up the establishment of Socialism, was general secretary of the pacifists. It clearly states the reply, if not eselusively, in the Ger and is prescribed by this develop derxhip of Weir Gilmour, a forgalost certain peculiarities of the immediately seized upon by the National Council voted against the against war, and distinguishes it between which is hard to reproducerit throw all weapons onto the ashman language. And in German, ment. Only after the proletariat resigned and five members of the olutionary line in the struggle two words ure used, the distinction has disurmed the bourgeolie, can British labour movement that have mer member of the Labour made it the despair of its comrades leaders of the Conservative Party new policy which was only carried from petty bourgeois pacitism. To Russian. One 13 (Abruestung) uile, without being disloyal to its read this document now enables disarmament. and is used, for in world historical and nationalist feelings of the Scotto the disgust of Lansbury, Clynes by a majorit of four votes.
one to measure the distance which tish workers by calling upon them approached the Labour Thus when the Communist parts and Henderson, the Labour party Thus the looks like losing separates the line of Lenin and Stance, by Kautsky and the Kaut letariat will hele do this our supports Souchothing use Home Trudes Unlons, Cooperatives and wine toreused of secretly planning set another portion of its alread; that of Stalin, the greatest disci ofarmaments. The other is skyans in the sense of limitation at only then, and in no ease before.
If the present war produces fear lule for Scotland and the expul the Independent Labour Party for a dictatorship. The executive of the seatly reduced membership. While ple of Leniu. sion of the Roman Catholics from united front ugainst Fuscism they party and the General secretary of one section staggers back to the twaffuung) total disarmament. the reactionaries, the chrisand is mainly used by the Lefts in cialists and the weepy potty.
Neotland, while Gilmour also nd singled out not the most important denounced the scheme and have go over to the Communist party favor of disarmament is that, and in the sense of abolition of every only aversion to anytse of wea.
the trade unions have, of course, Labour party and a few members a One of the main arguments in the sense of abolition of militarism, borecols, only horror and fear, industrial union.
built but presented these organizathe members of the socialist League their precarious role of centrism tem. to Wond, death, etc. then we In London, a Green Shirt organichons with a complete zation has come forward with an and politicul plutiorm embracing as the previously dealt with the swinging between right and left. We are against war, in general are speaking in this article of the must Nily: Capitalist society is and avainst any war, and the most de second demand, which is prevalent And if the present war, the most Communists, i, e. by throwing them The latter wing of the party is be pul to the youth of England. The everything young logul rights of the the Socialist League the Versailles out of the Labour party. In reply. ing led by Maxton and Brockway ractionary of all the wars of this the British Empire from ruin by trade unions. The Labour party II.
society, is preparing an end in means of supporting the mich die and the Trade Unions replied by at pins to point ve been at who are endeavoring to stem of pression of this view of ours is the Democrats.
nt out that they the evil day of complete disolution demand for disarmament.
cred currency these tem which, uscist dictatorhelp they were alsal only wish to deal with Fascism in They are now supporting the world We have dealt with the incorrect An oppressed class, which does terror, then we have no occasion In its objec.
asluting that while they were against Constitutional manner and that congress of all revolutionary work hess of this argument in an article not endeavor to learn how to use it fall into cleptir.
demand for once adopted would bring prosper against Communist dictatorship and they are just as much against dic ing class organizations to be held on the Junios pamphlet, to which arms and to possess arms, would live meaning tire ity to the shores of The ontstanding wity In uist they agreed upon the neces. autorship as is Lansbury and in the in Paris. They do not favor a crit. We refer the reader. Socialists only deserve to be treated like Simment or, more correctly.
sur un united front they could rive at the remarkable y other ar cist of the policies of the second cathota beagalost every war, with slaves. Without becoming bourgeoise dicam of disarmament at a time and out ceasing to socialists. One pacifists or opportunists, we must when before the eyes of the whole however, is Sir Oswald Mosley, an would call upon the workers to join torship.
tionary principles. At the same the present For society, and that there is not and bourgeoise itself, the only legitimour party and a member of the the peacerul path to Socialism.
other former member of the Lab the Lubour party to show the world Thus the editor of their monthly time they leave the door open for the imperial per allst war.
epoch, just such cannot be any other way out of it ate and revolutionary war, that is Tabour government. He has on But this position did not suit the The Nazi regime is no dictator by declaring that the German Com 1! ypical, but democratic wars and overthrow of the power of the rullat bourgeoisie, is being prepared, organ, the Socialist Review, writes: an entry into the Stalin stronghold wars among the great powers are than the class struggle and the the evil war against the imperialganized it Black shirt group known intelligentsia of the but democrare absolutelyling class.
is nothing but an expression of just insurrections too, the British Union of Fascists now comprising our party ship. Hitler and his hooligans munist part held correct recolle not impossible, such as for instance in every class society whether such despair.
and in the capacity of propagandist League, a recently formed group of so just what they are doing bait wrongly while the cooperation or wars of oppressed nations against based on slavery, sertdom or. visionary theory, we want to rewere tlonary If anyone says that this is a he has published a book in which abians, ex members of the the Jews and suppress the Commun. the and the is begin tion from oppression. Civil wars oppressing class is also armed. Not Anind liin of two world historical he outlined the main features of the ex members of the and in its. The fact of the matter is ing to units revolutionary activity oppressors, for. labor the Corporative state. Mosley has paid cluling Murphy, Colonel that the Labour party is saturated that may well facilitate the creaber facts: the role of the trust wid several visits to Italy and is a Malone, Raymond Postgate, with love for the constitution and tion of a united revolutionary for socialism, are inevitable. We only the present standing army, but of factory work for women on the between proletariat and rent admirer of Mussolini Cole, and Sir Stafford Scripps. Both the Rights and the Letts movement.
Wars also the present militia even in Ilowever he sees certain flaws in They also would have nothing to would seek to destroy Fascism by between victorious Socialism in the most democratic bourgeois re oue band, the Commune of 1871 one country against other coun publics such as Switzerland is there 1905 in Russia on the other.
Fascism and he would do with the Communist party but lawyers tricks.
Both the and the Italian the weaknesses upon the they thought that the question of The Communist party has no at low ebb and it wel e are tries, bourgeois or reactionary are farming of the bourgeoisie against it is the bourgeoisie affair to known that possible.
the proletariat. This is such an wires are being pulled in order to develop trusts, to drive children basis of rationalized British Indus Vascism raised the other question lusions as to the constitution and push on the formation of a United cialisment is the ideal of So elementary truth that it is searcels and women into the factory, to ruin with a new political structure of the policy of the Labour party. even the leaders of the Independent Communist Party in Great Britain will be no wars, consequently dis here. It suffices to point to the use a skin them alive there, and In Socialist society there necessary to spend much time on it monarchy would be retained as the writing the in formu. condemn them to the worst misery.
but the llouse of Lords would be They declare that the Labour anti Faselst united front of these bankrupt Stalinists as well as to the social revolution and the dicta the same in all capitalist countries, but we stricle against it. But theless, a. is not well with the temoprary lense of fife to the realization of Socialison without strikers, a phenomenon which is het. We do not support it.
in place of the present parliament majority at the next general election of no criticism it was not long be how do we struggle? We know there would be a National Corpora but that then the capitalists would fore the leaders were busilys en the contradictions of the Stalin line which supports itself, immediately, the bourgeoisie against the prole tion elected from the best brainslet loose the forces of Fascism. Tolgaged in attacking cach other. And would bring the shaky structure upon terce. Fondach of claufarlat is one of the most import women are a progressive step. We in banking, Industry and politics. meet this situation the Labour when Fenner Brockway accused the in the twentieth down again.
The state would settle all industrial party must request the king to Third International of having be century as in the ant, most fundamental, and most do not want to go back wurd, to disputes and the trade unions would create a majority of Labour peers trayed the interests of the The danger of Fascism has xation in general is melther the significant facts of capitallet so handwork, to capitalism without brought to the forefront the basic list nor the but the army. clety in the present period.
monopoly, to homework for women, the reconstruction of Industry. In seney Powers Act would be passed tionary. And declaring him to be brief experience of the united front against the use of arms a little mand for total disarmament! That into account the objective course of be called upon to aid the state in House of Lords. Then an emer calling Brockway a counter revolu: working class morement and the gram would mean to say we are it is proposed that the revolution Post, und over them, to socialism These considerations, which take order to achieve this delightful with the consent of the king. Par worse than any Trotskyisthe movement of the and the there is to be In that ary social democrats set up the de.
adlarchy must tvercomes and country would be on Woolwed and urged the rank and file of the has once again proved that Marxism as it we were to say we means the same as the mentet e te development, can be applied with there are no short cuts to success, are against the use of force!
Mosley sums up this part of the pro series of Orders in Council which In the midst of this word war. At the same time it has revealed We want to point out that the class struggle, the rejection of every the imperialist bourgeoisie is milljection of the standpoint of the suitable changes to the present as meaning the struggle the Communist possibilities lying against Communism which must latent in the application of the tarizing not only the whole people, first of all be destroyed in Fascism united front based on sound printhe outh too. morro peris to triumph.
ciples. Neither the nor the haps it will go on to the militariAll the Fascist groups take up possess these essential qualxation, of women too. To this wo this latter point with great enthuities hence the failure to take adcan only say: So much the better!
siasm. Their literature abounds vantages of the weakness of the so much the faster is it going with threats against prominent discredited labour party.
abend! And the faster it goes Communists who are being at the ahead, the nearer we are to the Only In the last few days has Presents for the possessing classes: root of all the troubles that afflict mankind and especially the British Hitler shown himself to be the brutarmed insurrection against capitalAugust 14, 1933. Amnesty for tax evasion, to The launching of the NRA has The years of depression have ism! How can the social democrats Empire. The numerical strength of al representative of the Interests of ether with forbearance of halt the the lascists is uncertain but they industrial and agrarian feudalists, taxes evaded.
brought out in bold relief the in created havoc in the labor organd let themselves be intimidated by THE MILITANT tellectual sterility of Stalinism in nations atore than one of the old the militarixntion of the youth, it probably number 10, 000 and are that he always was. It is only a mwan time the favorite theme of few days sinco Herr Baldur von taxes for capital invested in fixed Poster November 23. 10. find the usual blatant generalities. fakers have been a bit apprehensive Misionary theory. dream, but Almost complete freedom from matter November 28, 1928, at the columns of the Daily Worker, we bership decline and disappear. The We of the Commune? This is no forms.
lar cartoonists. But despite this action. and Herr Goebbels, the Under the act of March 1870.
ridicule they have started actively dawn of the second revolution Abolition of the tax on trucks. Published wookly by the Communist entific analysis of the issue with something ought to be done about in fact if the social democrats, in to interfere with strikes and Com The masses of proletarian and. all ruunist meetings and are obviously petty bourgeois admirers of Hitler announced, for newly organized en EDITORLAL BOARD correct perspective for action on tunity and they are selxing it with acts, were to begin to doubt that being financed by certain sections had intoxicated themselves with the terprises.
Martin Abern James Cannon the part of the working class. hoth hands.
the imperialist epoch and the im6. The law decreed by the new Max Shachtinn of the capitalist class. Their main crazy notion that, after the steam.
of Maurice Spector The most important feature recruting ground is the middle roller of the terror had done its Minister of Economy, Schmidt, for recent bulletin brings us the perialist war must Inevitably lead Arne Swabeck the lles in the fact that the news, for instance, that class and the lumpen proletariat work with brutal thoroughness, now the creation of compulsory cartels, Vol. VI, No. 41 (Whole No. 188)
Akron, to repetition of such facts, quite a welul combination for any the road to socialism was open. which gives the government the new Roosevelt turn signifles the Ohio. 1, 500 workers have joined bourgeois witness of the ComSaturday, September 2, 1933 dirty work and their ranks are Hitler staff of torturers and their right to forbld the creation of Subscription rate: 00 per year itical and economie organizational Union of Rubber initial stage of an entirely new pol. the of s United Federal mme wrote the following in an likely to be considerable strength assistants could not dream of the enterprises and the expansion of Foreign 50 in May, 1871: Workers while English cents per copy form for American capitalism. It 2, 000 have joined the steel union in the French nation consisted only ched as the crisis deepens or if the purposes for which they were being existing ones. That means: the working class should swing to the wel. Every organized resistance struggle against unemployment by is the beginning of state capitalism the Youngstown district. When one of women, what a terrible nation Left.
had to be destroyed, the vanguard throttling production and assuring. the final economic form of capi considers that these two basic in. it would be! Women and children talist society. How soon a more dustries have If the number on weakness of Fase of the proletariat had to be locked. conopoly profits.
188 been traditionally over 13 fought at the time of the your wrapper is advanced stage of state capitalism open shop, the news ism Ind achieves real Commune alongside the men. It tremendous interest tbat is being camps, and thrown into the depths est food futs through an increase your subscription has expired, of Fascism in of illegality, so that the mutinous in the duty on lard from 75 to If you want to get the Midjuxtaposition of a of polleneral. The popular press devotes part of the Nazl troops might be 100 marks.
be multiplied hundredfold for the Baltics for the overthrow of the tant promptly every week tical and economle factors.
country as a whole. Everywhere bourneofsie. The proletairan wo whole pages to the development of deprived of any support outside of On the other hand, the working renow your subscription at It is altogether inadequate to call the of is busy organizing men will not stand by masively Hitlerism in Germany and each new its own ranks, and so be crushed class has been singled out for not once: per year for ofty the NRA, the Slavery Act and let Johnson declaration that no pol and see how the well armed bouratrocity against Jew or Commun. helplessly under the double pressure less than two kinds of additional two weekly issues; halt it go at that, as it capitalism in ice machinery will be set up to fer seoisie sloot down the poorly armist is justified or condemned in of terror mid corruption.
As was year for twenty six weekly taxes on wages: for ret out and prosecute code any of its forms is not s05 tions plays right into the hands or the case in 1871, they will take up Vola ed or armed workers.
To refuse to the workers.
with the particular policy Herr Wagner, who wanted to pro The so called marriage relief, nize this new turn, first, by clear the of leaders. The tasks arms, and out of the present inti ing pursued by the given news per. ilitler is written up as a hero effective organization within vide the petty bourgeoisie with an which must be paid by all single THE MILITANT the men. It begins at an income of 75 cut analysis and second, by the pos of organized labor under the NRA midated nations or more correctly.
126 East 16th St. ing by the Daily Mail or vigorously at ot its interests against big indus the income tax exemption level. It to continue the tail end position will be cond. tor the time be out of the went workers movethe that it engages in ment, which has been disorganized that the Stalinists have always fol. policing the industries by the opportunists more than by tacked by the Manchester Guardian. try and big finance, could only be is graduated, beginning with per SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT lowed with unenviable consistency. What is the left wing under the the governments there will develThe later newspaper has led the sent out into the wilderness after cent and ending with percent for One year 00; six Months 00crease in strike activity throughout Social Insurance Bill as a main produto certainty. an International Gegante noe the boru parike the It was not his program that Hitler words, the graduation ends just on Club Plan (Clubs of Four. the conntes, the overwhelming num. position to put before the American Lion of the terrible nations of Daily Herald, was made the defense letera y tend nitoSe merenya Portyd the wigher incomes to be in cuculated Sir Months 50 Cents.
along with the petty bourgeoisie 18 munist social insurance bill were Now militarization embraces all tureWhile in contradisteede het menns to achieve powers it was on the green wages, without obuted still convinced that the Roosevelt more Left than that offered by the of blic life. Imperialism is a the organ of the Communist partyers. Now, when national socialism salaries, 1 percent was held the support of grain prices, in 1982 employment of men and dollars. would still be widely dode for the division and reclivision of ty only his petty bourgeois supporting deductions. On all wages and space for the brilliant analysis of disposes of the whole power and back on July Even those who there were provided 67 millions. The present administration is very ing the main issue.
the world, and therefore it must the German situation by comrade zatlons, itd other mass organi do not receive wages, are graduated now 125, nearly double the amount. skinrul and effective in the use The reaction of the Left wing lead to further militarization in all Trotsky although it took pains to brutal frankness as that which it percent tax begins with an annual millions. The to forsion come?
point out that it disagree with had never ceased to be, as the in income of 750 marks and the per military purposes were raised from soaked thoroughly into the conosc fore it are clear. Every effort most well they blity care antecery war Not until it bas inust be immediate. The tasks be the small countries. But what will olution All the political parties have dis Composition of Economic Courell monopoly capital.
The very big incomes are therefore cial department of Herr Goering experiences in the actual results servative unions and every phase of militarism and spared, and by far the greatest part Aviation, to 745 millions, that is, and meaning of the cussed the Fascist question and only deran disarmament? Never they are all in opposition to Fasc sed in the composition of the Eco earners. It is therefore con On top of that must be added the surd to launch general appeals to Industry for which they are organ class, which is truly revolutionary Thig brutal frankness is express of the tax is raised from the wage an increase of over 100 millions Under these conditions it is ab. Where Left wing unions already the women of an oppressed exists constituting a factor in the will ism but the organs of the Conserva, nomic Advisory Councll, that has cealed tax on wages, especially as concealed expenditures of the bud. Aght the as a slavery Ized, they must be extended by content tive party advise the youth of taken the place of representation the marriage relief which is sup get (which is free from any kind of act on a united front basis. These well planned and executed organi erable roleres with such a mis Britain to watch and learn from They will say to their Hitler whose ensy triumph is wel br social class, which was explicitly posed to be financed by it, is not control and the tax relief for appeals will bring nothing concrete antion drives.
sons: comed with 11 concealed delight. rejected by Schmidt, former Insura gift but a loan which must be capital ownership, already men er ble wilt wea kene possibilitiesand The rapidly decomposing Liberal ance company director and now paid off in eight years.
tioned for the future when the in which organization efforts will They will give you weapons. Take groups have declared against Hit Minister of Economy. To this coun The voluntary donation for The employment. according to secret of spending more free directemelte femportantiems whe pe tolerated with shorta Theret this now learned the scenes Jerism but their spokesmen enun dl there belongs only a clate policies that are as near to er, in the shape of a sin slo farm create of its inventor, the new money and yet saving expenses some of utmost importance. The fore, every possible advantage lieutenants, on whom the the workers can squeeze out of the the proletarian not in order to being Fascist as makes the differ tenant. on the other hand, there Finance Minister, Reinhart, has easily solved. They took away NRA relies to a considerable exbrought in 400 million marks Na from the poorest, in order to be tent to successfully put it over, situation must be utilized Swift shoot at your brothers, the workers ence arhdly discernible. Thus the are four trust magnates, parties of the capitalist class are men from the Potash agenturally, it is just as voluntary as able to give to the richest. The have in the meantime stimulatedness of action will erunt great of other countries, is happens in Trust: then deal.
rent this war and as the betrayers of leering at Hitler but endeavor to Bosch, the master of the Cehmical the donation of the victim of a war cripples and war orphans re themselves into such activity 881 Will the give us shinlism are advising you to do ut in order to fight against the of mock condemnation.
Steel Trust, voegler and Thyssen. he will lose his job it he refuses 1010 millions, that is, 25 percent labor provisions of the Act less. The expenditures for the un specially designed to enlist the sup to see to it that we get no less than ople to used to explotach were very well, then, we shall organize bourgeoise of your own country. In When we turn to the working as well as Reinhart of the Kom to donate.
Jobless Are Not Spared employed are reduced from 945 to Port of organized labor. Aside from that which is granted to us. We to poverty and to wars, not with scene of confusion. All the parties adviser of Bruening. If the social But even the unemployed are not 520 millions, that is, cut down by the nullification arising out of bit shall nght to prevent the minimum pous wisties, but through victory almost hall. That a balance in ter opposition by the big open shop shall seateso poenen becoming the over the borgeoisie and through are against Fascism: all are ap. amaracter of a regime is shown by spared in this campaign of the buds should be established industrialists, the law specifically rule. We shall fight to retain pre their disa ming.
prehensive as to the nearness of what classes of society provide the bery. The budget estimate for the monster all have talked and income and for whose benefit it is closes, both in revenues and es at least in the theory of the bude and in so many words slves labor cent wage scales in a number of If anyone rejects such propademonstrated against German Fasc spent, then there never was a gov penditures, at 400 1882. How was this marsical poweb For het Hitler but paradoxe lies in the realization on for wage increases le is not brought about by any collectively. The reason for this the minimum set by the codes and with the present war, he would do of confusion when it comes to the the a character as that of the savior, trick of a saving In expenditudes meet in betetr not to use big words about question of how to defeat Fascism. Hitler. Never were the possessing worked, in spite of the lavish adat through the starvation of the disthe part of the Administration that creased cost of living. Such should international social democracy, of how to destroy the reptile he classes so gently dealt with, never tional spending for the sake of in inherited and the hell of the con a threat was necessary in order to see the tender of our argument. about the struggle against war.
fore it releases its deadly sting. was such naked robbery committed creased profit on capital and for centration camps.
whip into line the recalcitrant in. Continued on PREP To be continued)
In this connection all are agreed against the poorest classes, as pow. the militarization of Germany? For UNSER WORT. dastrialists. LENIN.
Hitler Socialist Demagogy Unmasked by Brutal Facts and Changing Forms Of Amer. Capitalist Economy of expenditures once.
ism but all are entangled in a neternment of such brutally exploiting lower than in to million martaget estimate, is a miracle. But this the right to Organize and bargain industries from being lowered to cla. Turtlenlarly in connection