BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

11 vitation, part tare ups, not planned strusers of Greater New York have gone Actuily, he and Haban of the Natuken. Nolan had got wind of this world was because capitalism was have been invited to attend the citite in the interces.
al plan and was afraid that the other decaying and its further existence! trike meetings and have daily apa polege to contribute su to anch lens war agenda of every shop, factory, and have left the field and, thoneha few being former members of the finally committee was elected party to free the workers from that the Right wing burenuerats and Fascism. because only can forts in the original Boston and once of presentatives of variou thrown open for questions and dis against the motion were the Work rapid pace, the TUULOX in negotiations the tem PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1933 FROM THE MILITANTS The New England Shoe Unions LEAGUE ACTIVITES are entirely divorced from the working class and its organizations.
Slanders as usual of their industry code of fair comstrongholit was very sympatheticalQuestion of Amalgamation and the Blue Eagle Code Toronto Branch This was the only serious contriConservative Unions petition. So tomorrow night ly received by a big section of the button to the conference, the only meeting of the union membership assembled workers and definite proclear cut position presente. In Grow in St. Louis will be held; a general strike call Boston. In our last article we amounted to having the other two Scores New Gains gress could be noted in winning spite of all the attempts of the these workers to Communism.
Stalinists, to prevent at discussion American laſt Wing will try to convince the outstuuding problems in the New hvadquarters until January and An open air mass meeting of the on policies, the communist tamil St. Louis, Mo. The We Are Active in Strikes workers aru on the march! Strikes workers of the necessity of a set England shoe industry were. 1) that then they could discuss amal International Lett Opposition of on war was heard at the confer.
The Left Opposition of Toronto ence. The fear of the YCL to take everywhere. unsylvauia, Toronto took place Friday, August is able to record progress in the a stand on the Communist agreements Officials in Log Rolling Game 18 in Earlscourt Park before an in economic as well as the political proch ontside of Inbeling it Carolinu, issuuri, New york, Canllement of all their grievances dur those of a the (2) those gamation.
Luruia. in every town and bamlet, in the strike and not merely connected At the Protective convention a (3) those presented by the federal committee of five was elected butterested crowd of about 1500 workshere of the class struggle. In llective aid to the longe is in every lustry aud vecupution, struggle for the abstract right of which terminated Angust 1, and union recognition.
was workers are ual. y murcing up to MARTIN government in placing the shoe they were only given power to the chairman, comrade Chris Dor the strike of the Hallan and Sable nothing less than cowowing and code not far down the list. How meet the other two groups and ask row announcer, in the Interests of izers of the Left Opposition assist pacifism on so important a mestim.
the bosses aud gemauding his Wages, shorter huurs. The have these problems been ap them for their plan of amalgama the light of the workers for free ed in the organization of the strike The concrete contribution of the towussities of life are rising. Doll Workers proached?
and actively participated in the the consisted of three pro The workers are losing their in Amalgamation gets lip service report back to the convention. Zimspeech and assembly.
The first speaker was comrade pleket demonstrations. Likewise poenix Participation in interna dividualism. ure lvuruing to stick Call Strike from everybody. Nolan, head of merman hal submitted a plan of the Protective, speaking at the malamation to the two groups red. Spector who pointed out that we have given assistance to the tional Youth Day. liling a mass Logether.
These strikes are for the most One thousand Doll and Toy work. National Shoe Convention on in presruting the National and Inde the reasons for the growing repres strike of the Durable Leather Goods meeting. Nijnaci tot other or praised amalgamation, prement, but no action had been sions in Canada and throughout the and Cloak workers. Our members sanizations and get them to miti Bexile kles of organization. The rent on a general strike, with at tonal after trying to arrange volts express the accumulateu relvust that many more coming out the iu pared on the pleket lines. Comrade ternational Youth Day, to iswentinent of the workers against as we go to press. The Doll and fusion could arrive nowhere, two groups had already adopted it, was possible only throue restric Macronald has addressed meetingsne a ertainmenber of eflets he took this means of finding troduction of Fascism, the the past four years of bellisha sur Toy Workers Union, Local 18230 cause there wouldn be enough so he tering. After the workers guin of the American Federntion of La Joos for the henchmen of each. The out. The three committees met and tion of the workers rights and the the railroad workers and valu the had nothing to say distrusting these burocrats the National and independent forcing down of the workers living contacts exists in the Boot These, plus our propeals for the their demands, or were and Shoe Trude.
holding of open air meetings them, the Rebelliou portion of bor, called the strike after a masstook up the initiative. On the In roue insisted that they had ac standards. The capitalists Bureaucratie Expulsion Rebuked discussion meetings on war and over. Iu most cases there is not wanimously in favor of it.
a new Imperialist war and the short time ago the Stalinists Fascist, sum up the accomplis a The conditions in the trade were presentatives to planning board group then presented. unofficially.
Comraules munent union orguization. They it no longer, and they would have amalgamation. This planning board which the others opposed. The through organization for the Social election issue. The presence of de Burgin, Craine and Weiss were the could National and independent group ist revolution. He further pointed Icgates from the left Opposition, elected as the arrangements comdo not forsee the coming winter, truck at beginning of the season consists of rank and nle locals were then invited to the Protective out what was behind the present user Kamt and Spartacus Clubsmittee for International Youth Day.
tatives of the majority of the the next spring.
in June, but for the fact that there in the National, Protective, and convention where they pleaded that swastika movement in Toronto and was the cause of the stalinist bus The Marxian Youth Club will With the worsening of conditions, were two unions in the field, the Independent (Salem. The Man the Protective give its committees all the fallacy of the common reauerats bringing in a motion for continue to fight for a communist wealth Co operative Federation as a our exculsion on the same grounds approach to these as XiA inflation continues unice o moto the Independent ains board has over sixty members were equivalent to their TUUL union which has diisolved. and claims to have powers equival capitalism.
lemand the expulsion of Left win: approach can solve them andler mill in the United States. The is the middle of the season, the This group, under the leadershipeut to the other groups of five In The Bolsheviks under Lenin and organizations from their confercome them.
Communists recognize this, and strike has been called with every of Klarfield, has made every cffort the menntime the TUUL shoe union Trotsky in 1917 showed the work ences.
plan accordingly. Big struggles are prospect of winning.
Several years ngo when we were Fight for Unions in ahead the present strikes will apThe conditions in my shop, and amalgamation over the heads of about 1500 has asked permission selves and the International Lett excluded from a stalinist packed on the horizon of tomorrow nch that dippers and grinderstion convention has opposed Jonus of the gram. The speaker concluded with votes registered against the motion The capitalists and their oven wohlberg te opposed to the are Lovestone group who claims that the demand for the repeal of section This year over 30 delegates voted Los Angeles. In the midst of an probabilities of the Communists make fifty collars the led by a week on the man of the Brooklyn local. They splitting. He buses his argument prisoners. Comrade Mill added and bureaucratie ultimatism. Amware, with the class. Conciousne Faining control over the buphazard average. The two main reasons have gained prestige by their ef on a statement made by a confer a few words and the meeting wasongst those who voted and spoke of the workers developing at strikes and have already laid plans for these terrible conditions, or to avert the danger. The dem which the above is merely an exam Chelsea strikes, which they helped tremi New York. Tulscussion.
ers Ex Servicemen League, who refused to recognize the necessity ucratie statesmen are using the pole, are the piece work system of vead. At that the most be or group after joining with them broke their position statement asserts that the TUUL Reformist Has His Day voted in a bloc. This organization for one and instead made feeble same methods that proved so sucnying and th contracting system was that the National As Buckley of the Toronto Trades is the most militant of the Left a war. Apact with the wolves iument of these two evils, and the wssible, but without if necessary. unite with any group that did not leading spokesmen of the legation of the Furriers Union re into their insignificant de mil.
cheap clothing, the labor fakers. enforcement of all the other deCapitalism promises through its mands of the union would be of the TUUL group called them trait accept the TUUL principles. In was invited to take the platforin. presenting 800 workers also appeal cloak section of the Needle Trades shops cidentally, this conference in New Buckley spoke for fifteen minutes to the delegates to reject the Workers Industrial Union.
government that it will recognize se greatest benefit to the Doll and they sent the workers back without York intends to unite the shoe un. which he attempted to sustify introduction of the Amalgamatea Increase. Their answer was Waitions there and then to join the the and explain why the methods in a Left wing conference an excellent example of their in The situation in Los Angeles is ize (into AFL unions) If the AFL, The demand of the Union, as put until August, then with a strong amalgamation class struggle in Canada could be leaflet on this question was lated character, for whatever the bureaueracy will agree to prevent orth in a pieaflet calling for the strikes and walkouts.
get an increase that will mean some in favor of admitting the fire frommentary methods only. Buckleyers, and for the first time in Torcome the mass organization. There The Great labor leaders. Green Recognition the Dollana and Lewis, naturally agree with Toy Workers Union No. 18230 was the use of the state board of cived this way.
ther it be socialistic or enpitalistic. portunism and bureaucracy is being joined and catch secerding Maximum work week of thirty Jarbitration. This also the Love What Was Done to the Wage any proposal for industrial peace daty Comrade Spector when he took heard amongst the Ukrainian Left sees an influx of new worker. Left hours and so they are drafted by the millstoneites insisted was temporary Inerease? Wages equal to the platform to reply asked the asThe Arst duty of tarist, Johnson 1020 and would go in August. They The National agreements with sembled workers wing. Right wing and workers who whether they scale.
have never belonged to a union bethe Industrial Peace Board being convinced the workers.
No overtime nor Saturday foro are all griped with the neces to phone by long distance the local ust The reader will remember ship of the workers are the capi Anti War Confab of The issue of Arilgamation nor Sunday work, sity for organization.
leaders of the 70, 000 striking PennNow let us return to the plan that the Lovestonetes answered all talist or a dictatorship of the capiEqual distribution of work Organizing a Small Shop sylvania coal miners and instruct ning board. The Lovestoneites in criticism in March with the joyous talists over the workers because Boston Youth in the slack season them to get the men behind the For example, am a needle National Recovery program by go Abolishment of contractor sys the initiative in the amalgamation 1: The Lovestonetes, and their workers dictatorship would in the After many weeks of delay, alin one of the many small shoes trades worker, recently got a job ing back to work.
Wages shall be paid weekly procedure that they will be playing sympathizers were high in the unend do away with all dictatorship youth conference against war and Dere. The shop has 13 workers With blue cagle of the NRA on a statel pay day.
right into the hand of the burocrats fon. June Went and half of July and class repression, the capitalist fascism was finally held in Bostonl. five are Mexicians and Spanish who will split away. taking the and not even hun determin. dictatorship must today in its pre Despite all the talk about the need workers who before have shiel even was taken to get on their breasts, the American dag! Dismissal wage in ther hand, and patriotic speech sent period of decline, increase the of a broad united front conference, Safety and sanitary conservative workers with them. most of the es in their mouth about the new proviMennial, Roosevelt, the AFL Is ac Nions to be Labor Age attacks the Communist This should have been started back workers in order to maintain its several units, the and their lower than minimum rebel against their forty hour week Xo home work complishing the organization of party group openly claiming that June. Some locals received no Clarkerule 11. Xo workers muler 11 years they want this split, hoping to get tice to take away peletoren gustuly. In a masterful was. comrade com Youth Club and one pacifist mest important workers to the National Alumni Assn. the Marx. wages. After having contacted the Hundreds of thousands of through the country. The AFL orof age Emplo me employed ganizers are now met with open should be made rally to the planning board if a we hold the Lovestoneltes directly ments to shreds and tatters and ex delegates from 11 organizations.
shop, and through them the others arms by the at their wit end bossI learned that the majority of workThe Spirit of the strikers is high santation must go through regular split occurred. He says all amal responsible for the fact that when es. Even the Southern bourbons responsible for the Gastonia and and they mean business. We ex union channels. In this he is cor hunt came the prices had not used the as a party to After the election of the officerslers in the other dress shops had been decided and in some cases save capitalism despite all its 80 and credentials committee, cialiste phrases.
Weiss, the district organizer of the 35 hour week and higher wages. Max already begun the strugule for the Harlan nightmares now give the state holdcontento all our de rect. The panning board meetings lists had not been presented by the glad hand to their arch enemy of hands are granted so that we can have degenerated to a light be union. Instead of playing pretty The meeting was a huge success YCL in the Boston section, took the came to my shop and got the workyesterday, the American Federation and make a decent wage for tween the and the Lovestone Dolls they should have centered and decided main for Communism floor and opposed the proposal of er together then called for the the provisional committee to elect stopping of all machines at the one of Labor. According to AFL higher standard of living under lites, fight which is reported to on this major task. They cannot send the Left Opposition.
have food working conditions. resolutions committee. In spite of seven hours and to prove to ures, over 150, 000 workers DOLL WORKER.
been organized down South with Ou August 23, another big open of the fact that four YCL members the ILOWU hall where we could When the National held its con brought up. They deliberately did in the past couple of months.
air mass meeting was held in Earl had previously agreed with us that conduct a shop meeting and decide vention in early June, amalgama. not act!
in st. Louis, within 1088 than Mirror Workers the applied and meetrite thing was confusion. The National Donald and a. Spector as the prin that resolutions should be present. The workers did not nect ang pang committee of time from the water demanded that the manufacturers siple speakers, and comrade Chris. and that a discussion should be talks. The most backward werkerk tion Committee has written 20. 000 membership cards. and Organize Union Independent and five from the Pro give a flat 20 percent increse with Morrow as chairman.
with the Comrade MacDonald dwelt on concrete proposals only (such as greatest enthusiasm and after seven recovery campaign is only in its tective. This provisional commit a fortyhour week during negotiaProof of the fact that workers tee was to go ahead with the amal tions. While the manufacturers the capitalist crisis, the bankruptey the distinto line. The paration they stond work and all infancy.
of leaflets) quickly hours work and with no more pre The method of organization var are now becoming conscious of the gamation. The Salem Independent was around the corner) and pripresent belated attempt of reform Marxian Youth Club delegates, proceeded to the union lunil. On delayed (knowing that the code of the old political parties and the made tes. Sometimes it is it is openly ac. cod of organizations afforded inton immediatels appointed five knowledged as a joint drive in the event within the smaller sections of on a similar committee, and the watels. It is said, offered 15 percent, sunt which has shown its bank. Lewitt and Craine, were the only the way to the hallabol in the hall to ensure industrial peace. The Novelty Mirror Industry is an ex awaiting the convention of the Pro a holiday. Then the manufactur world scale to resurrect itself anew on the problems confronting the the Johnson, Stephens, Shinkle Shoe ample. number of young worktective at the end of July, hoping ers gave their flat refusal, and in Canada, by exploiting the radiour proposal turned the confer joining the imion. showed conference take place. ne defeat member was advanced the len of Company, open shop for years, suders, driven to desperation by the that the Protective would appoint the union called a strike. This cal trend to the Left of the Canad of necessity for a united working class denly locked out its employees, re systematic declining of their liv a similar committee.
Comrade Cooperstein of the Left ple or consisted of putting a couſian workers, farmers and sections ence into a vaudeville show.
pickets in front of each shop. of the city petty bourgeois. IIC The Pacifist Position Explained and proved to them that only Prof. Dana, the first star number through a union could be achieve then refused to re hire any worker cuts, lengthening of hours, unpaid Opposition is on the Salem com although no attempt was made by warned the workers that the unless he first once the boot and construirati one potrebe strong upon the mittee and several of the fire re the more factoren to be workers in the top my bemible to tomat the one there are waxed eloquent on our Rims. Before the organisme Into this situation came the blue When comrade Spector took the Barbusse in their struggle against their initiation fees and he and American flag. Shrinkle two colago declared a strike in one of the stoneites or under their influence.
platform the supporters war. Not a word as to what to do had become members of the ILGW henceforth going to operate under vintely. These um ad explained that they were shops and began picketing imme. The setting up of this provision eagle. Mahan and a comemade futile attempt to disrupt should war break out, not a word coung workers al committee with complete power were called to Washington the provisions of the National lacked trade union experience, and for amalgamation, was followed by they ate humble pie out of Perkin the meeting, which met the sigut about the struggle conducted by Code had difficulties a fight in the planning board, Zim. hand. Their big speeches they deficant resistance of the workers, the revolutionary movement. Pure they elected the shop morting, and Generally the agreement between to surmount in decided to continue working seven the labor fakers and is kept more or less under cover. process of the struggle they quick jamalgamation propaganda only. a temporary 20 percent increase with more fire his should continued Following the report of the cred hours a day and agreed to meet the company ration. But as it matured in the No on record as limiting itself to coming home. They brought back situation quite easily and which entials committee, John Weber, the following day to decide short talk, the workers employed at the Chey. their victory and Irew in other tective is still to meet, and that increase, since the hours are now asked of him by supporters Parts spoke as a member of the left spoke to the boss: told Before rolet Plant and the Fisher Body Shop to their ald they would fail they might not vote for amalgama 40 instead of 48. And who is to This meeting like the previous New England Anti war Committee him his shop was a union shop aw Company, by the Automobile Indu. in their task.
tion or for a committee. However decide the permament increases, it seienwar werer Successful. The erit dhe per other to interesele said he that although he had fired me he could strial Workers Union, an affiliate Alded by a member of the Let the planning board backed Zimmer som passer old friend the state scism of reformism in this the peace paretse stigned by the so not the the union ehat the corka viet Union were hindrances to imers were going to work a thirtyof the AFL. Already over 2, 000 Opposetion, a worker of the trade, man. In the meantime it is said board of arbitration! The agree perialist war.
their need of higher wages. But lish that saimn. Workers in other posed to the Nation! group of five chat seorang menys no tient that the handladicality orhidem occurLeas: Histown was part concerned with shortly present that time to prepare against a strike. The provisional committee shoula ence, but rather with the concrete not only were the workers not getare going to proceed in an itious, hearing of example set The workers were given patriotte be allowed to prove its worth wito Tonight we are not concerned with not even getting the minimum are not going to make any wage canxing. And within a short per jears were earning as much as speeches by one of the committee plenty of pressure through wita proposals of action against war. ting the union seule but they were orderly and careful manner. They by one shop, needed very little yet. All they want is union re other shop. But because of the their wages have been cut in half locals accepted the decision with Even if the Provisional con The conference was thrown open meeting that night. left. Seven demands upon the employers Just iod of time the strike extended to fity and sisty dollars. To day close to the Tarestoneites and the maganda by the planning board. our own positions on war. We wage scale. After speaking to the committee want no quibbling.
workers and reminding them of the to even less a few dissenting voices.
fails to agree on amalgamtion, cognition in conformity with the above mentioned obstacles lack of and in some cases recently the union gained Thus we see that there have been part of it could call an open con for discussion. The chairman made hours later they stopped working employers pain. They state they ing apparatus, the strike was disunion.
in vain, a partial victory also workers now dare to tell the boss vistonal committees closer together the discussion. comrade Cralne of formed with the 14 wage scale The Industrial Ladies Garment scored by one or two groups in ter To day Workers Union has now a member obtaining a 25 pereent Increase in a number of women.
more March strike at least Go workers in The ideal thing at present would her organization had seriously con Will the Larn?
ship of over 3, 000 in St. Louis. As wager The workers in the shop have than seventy is growing daily as Boston were put back in their shope be to have all the left wingers get sidered the question of war, had prophesied, the baby outgrew its to All In the midst of the strike the workers come to realize the many after being fired by the boss. This together and work out a minimum discussed it and come to definite seen the effectiveness of united as swaddling clothes fast. Approxigained was done on the unions request, program on which they can agree conclusions. She pointed out that tion and they have pledged them mately 30 percent of the silk and union took shape and crystalled advantage that can not one case going to into the Novelty Mirror Workers through a union.
workers joined the union to date in on. At first the intention of the This is taking place, to be sure. The wages under the New This is an impossibility unfortuna clear understanding of our post selves to help in the fight for bet 65 percent of the cotton sarmentumfon are ately. The Communist party group tions was the first pre requisite for ter conditions. They have joined order to fight against the piece inexperienced union organizers was not without the usual hardships much higher than those under the were wrong in maintaining their the struggle against war. The the conservative class. collaboration!
work stretch out system and wage to organize only certain crafts, and, and confusion attending the formato from Boston to terri. days. When offered five on the which contained an analysis of the munist will be to expose the reneProtective, and already three shops TUUL unions back in the March statement of the Narxian Youthist yes but they have joined it.
scales of 00 and 10. 00 a week. Although Ignore the other workom experienced workers. Leadership tory under the protective.
tion of a union by a group of in are Club to the conference was read, My role and the role of a ComProvisional committee in July, they of the ILGWU came to St. Louis to and persuasion by the member of is naturally slow to developing. Will Amalgamation be achievedratssolved their union. This was danger of war, of the causes for the tionary policies of the leadership The important question now is wrong again. They were correct defeat of the working class, the of the ILGWU and to form an cl prevent trouble. He went into the left and the doorsities and a huddle with representatives of cisions were union in this small amalgamation. The planning board in their attacks on the negotiations victory of Fascism, and industry will grow. temporary is a Soviet representing the locals and the holiday. They are wrong methods to fight against wroposed feetive Left wing opisition within war. The 1t.
It is high time that the TU UL association, forgetting about the employed in the industry.
comprises some clected representing every shop and son, not a Communist party arti. board proceed with amalgamation that only the working class could main as impotent and folated its of piece work, minimum wage tete twenty or more shops in greater craft which is engaged at the pre fice. It is, however, not official. All The Lovestoneltes on the other lead this struggle against war and it is at present that anlatados amalgamation Fascism, and that it was the duty the message of militancy to the in his vehement insistence that New York and New Jersey. It em sent in drafting a Code coverine attempts to weaken it are to be de hand are right on of the union. The near sighted of which a good number are high committees to manage a possible planning board does more than pro ful role in the negotiations. These to initiate this struggle, instead of tnde and integrates itself into the Arst must come the recognition ploys some three hundred workers, the entire trade, and forming shop ched. On the other hand if the procedure but have played a shame of the Communists, youth and adult workers, unless it changes its atti.
manufacturers replied that they ly skilled, glass cutters, bevelers, strike that looms in the near future pogandize for amalgamation, the positions are irreconcilable at pre leaving it in the hands of a group mass mions.
would wait until the MIRROR WORKER. burocrats will yell Moscow, Reds, sent.
completion Polishers, sllverers, who in former. of liberal and pacifist elements who FLORENCE WYLE.
adopted workers 12 over!
not set the strike by any forming an share in Silene care le prestanu bogatarus, the strike functions on are strength. was compraia workers, including be the local carment manufacturers were grand testing true a