BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

WORKERS OF THE THEMILITANT WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of Amerlen (Opposition) at 126 at 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1929 at the Post Othce u New York, ander the act of March 1899 VOLUME VI, NO. 41 (WHOLE NO. 188 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1933 PRICE CENTS The Left Wing Place DEMAND THE 7TH CONGRESS: NRA Reveals Its True Is in of Unions Role in Strike Situation Russian Recognition Class Youth Day Must Left Socialist Conference Shows apparentemente Question for World Labor Prepare for Real Trend Toward Left Opposition Anti War Fight Is the Communist International Soviet Union, once the proletarian Do the Comintern Stalinist le.
dead? This question may well tower of strength, is facing the ers fear to give an account of now be asked more insistently, greatest danger in its existence.
their stewardship openly before The most convincing answer to direction of working class movement more sharply than ever. It de And now a new reactionary period the world proletariat in a World It is an Instrument for Greater Class Collabaration and the question of Left wing trade at the present time is into the conmands an answer.
has been inaugurated with the Congress? If so and there are union tactics raised anew by the servative unions. This is the de Fuseist victory posing new probRoosevelt policy has been indicated cisive fact which determines the At this moment the Second Ingood reasons to believe that such Simultaneously a Means to Make Strikes illegal by the instinctive action of the necessity for the slogan of entering ternational has just concluded its lems in all their magnitude to the is the case that will prove even workers themselves. In tens and these unions and organizing the special international congress.
world revolutionary movement. more fatal than the combined As the moves forward, tion, under Grover Whalen, to out.
hundreds of thousands in various struggle within them.
The Amsterdam International of But its general staff fails to meet.
trades and industries results of their disastrously false to conquer new territory its true taw the TUUL union shoe workers throughout By this we do not at all commit trade unions recently held its con Again we ask: What he become the country, the workers are stream ourselves to the fetishistic beliet gress. Lelt Socialist parties from manufacturers of Lenin Internationa?
policies and orientation, That recently this has been established strike because the ing into the conservative labor or in the possibility of transforming various countries are now meet could only mean that the Cominganizations. of Lunions the of into a fighting in ing in special conference. Only The Second International leadin two directions both of which it had plastered the Blue Bagle signs tern is entirely wiped out as a the plans for strengthening of mono on their windows.
which in man cases were reduced strument of the workers. We do the Comintern remains silent.
ers gathered under the heavy world revolutionary force for the poly capitalism. On the one hand are Industrial Codes to Prevent Strikes to skeletons during the recent years, not expect Green Co. to organize There are no signs of its Seventh shadows of these territie delcats future tasks.
the notable efforts to make the encing a stormy revival. the masses of unskilled workers in World Congress.
their own openly demonstratNRA a perfect class collaboration The Recovery Administration now motley crew of ed bankrupety. An If we wish to keep a live con the basic industries for effective But what about the millions of machinery carefully guarded by the admits that the progress registered It is now five years since the persidious betrayers attempting Communist workers? Their heavy tact with the masses, hasten their strucgle. The resurgent struggles to shove off the burden of respon tasks still lie before them. What caetonary labor leaders. On the on the coal and auto codes came inevitable disillusionment with the of the masses, following the inevit. Sixth World Congress. Five years sibility and attempting to find about the still existing official this machinery as an other hand are the efforts to use just in the nick of time to avert krandiose swindle of the able collapse of the Roosevelt pro marked by the most severe capinew avenues to capitalist minis Communist parties? Are they and steer them into great class bat gram and the disillusionments of talist crisis ever known. Five terial posts. Though they failed content tles we must march with this in the masses who are now captivated years of the most fatal consequclub against working class resist Boneral strike in the coal tields to become reduced to imentirely, as could be expected, to auce properly backed up by the with possibilities of spreading to stinctive movement and influence it by it, will very probably break out ence to the world proletariat, culjotent nationalist seets without means of force at the disposal of the auto industry. That is how draw a balance of events the rank they those.
of the formal bounds of the minating in the disastrous German from within. The Communists must and the Social Democratie work the werment urge the workers to join in this of and seek expression in a new defeat. Five years filled with leadership? Will they raise their ers are now proceeding to do it first instance we need ally count upon its efficacy to crush main stream which is flowing now trade union movement. But in dreadful experience of false policy voice in a powerful demand for only refer to the concrete example workers resistance. But even in for them. That is manifested in in the channel of the of order to influence such an eventual pursued by the Comintern leder the many currents Social Dem the convocation of the Seventh of the recognition by the coal codes this they may count without their and unions of a similar type. And, ity the revolutionaries must connect ship. The German proletariat oeratie workers everywhere mov.
World Congress? We address this of the John Lewis union to hosts. The coal code with its prowhat is no less important, the Com themselves with the live process lies prostrate, trampled underfoot question to the American Commun harness Jasible miners revoltjected forty hour weck und 60 a munists must go with them in full of the movement at every stage of by the Faseist hobnailed boots.
desenim listward direction, toward ste nxiou soust know what your nainst forcibly imposed slave con Winthe south, lideres til theo force and without hesitation. To its development. The center of Its revolutionary party is oblit.
Second International called its stand aside from this living move cravity at the present moment is erated. The Communist parties say, wiat it intends to do. De festations were recently displayed old probems of unempayment with congress. Not even that much sinn mand that the Comintern leaders For the second ment with its present direction and unquestionably in the conservative elsewhere, misguided and disoriits misery and the generul unbearinstance of life is displayed by the Comin.
arbitrarily prescribe different mass organizations. That is where ented are declining in numbers and declining in influence. The tern.
give an account of their steward proof is available in the attempts ably low standard of living as beship!
path would only mean to rob the we must be. CANNON.
of the New York NRA administra fore. But and this is significant it contemplates complete recognition mass inovement of its dynamic revof the United Mine Workers olutionary nucleus, to paralyze re throughout the fields. In this mansistance to the unholy combination of the bosses, the government and collaboration machinery An ac.
the labor fakers and condemns the complishment not without ImportLeft wing to an isolated sectarian ance for it is precisely from this futility Just at the time when conindustry that the worthy adminisditions begin to mature for its wide trators received their greatest expansion in the labor movement.
The recognition the Soviet Un porary coincidences of immediate Coverete manifestations of fer, ent Labor Party of England, the shucks and entetained the greatest Yet, from all accounts, this is ion by the United States is rapidly aims.
At the height of the patriotic mentation within the various So Independent Socialist Party of Hol fears of mass rebellions.
the ruinous course which the stadig drawing closer. The first breaches Unity of Proletarian Interests Is hysteria of the last World War, cialist parties, as a result of shat land, the of Germany, the At the initial tering of faith in the Second Inter Norwegian Labor Party and indething they can to disorient, disor. Russia have been made, with Soviet coal operators rekanize and discredit the Left wing. bonds being freely offered for sale tween the two states, which party proclaimed civil truce with wet Socialist grouping and parties groups of Switzerland, oland and their sacred rights to run the The fundamental differences bewhen the leaders of the Socialistational, are wultiplying rapidly. pendent Socialist parties and negotiations the use of the code alued adamant insisting upon are the capitalists and supported their the conference at Cleveland. For these in this have imposed on the trade union. untry, and the govern far more important than the see wational master class, a small, buf are energing and groping their elsewhere. The reason for organizers of defeat every catawance Corporation financing pur been kept in the have courageous group of revolutionary nevertheless in. Left ward directo be: The complete failure of the they now see things dinerently. It company ment controlled Reconstruction Bur: ondary immediate way, with much contusion, but calling of the conference is said industry open shop or union as they pleased. Evidently trophe only serves to justify the by the Soviet Soviet government. The fact that zerland, July 1915, tu organize the ancestations in the conterences and their atliliated parties to offer and more the tople shops in the worstais policy that brought it about and to chases of cotton seek new felds for its destructive Objectively the recognition of most, a workers state, has played whelming developments in the needle for the workers state, and therefore American policy toward recognition. In total disregard of the universal les. convening at Brussels, August intuence, allaced with in the need the Soviet Union is a great gain mo part whatever in the changes of resume aina og betaler reactional Committee of the independ tucks et capitalism tle workers for the company anten, have chang trades where, thanks to the ultimately for the cause of the world Tho Lett Opposition, true to its chauvinistie public opinion, with ing the lesser evii. Alilitant unionConfusion Is Still Apparent ism they fear above all.
However, in what this the resurgent movement failure workers has led to the reintegration only on the basis of the temporary posals for Long Term Credits to the working class, irrespective ofference call been issued than the initiators. In their confused way Xo sooner, however, had the con consist is not yet clear to the for the bosses to obtain the Blue Werltes reactionary forces and the concidence of the immediate needs the Soviet Union on the needs of personal consequences, these young actre artistinct and more decisive. ter use as an attempt to prepare toath to display it even neuleither of It has been comparatively easy organizations, the collective Stach the Russian workers state. Some the working class in America. These the next steps to be taken, and proslost notable is the trend toward for a world congress the purposesions in the show remained either els could think of nothing better to times it happens that two lines needs are identical, based on both claimed the first Sunday are very the Left Opposition. While these of which is to bring together the the same as before, or certainly un doudtversal application of the bank tions may cross at a polnt but ests; these two lines do not merels Day the day of demonstration repulsed by the stalinist bu Basis of revolutionary struggle for manufacturers in Brooklyn. It did Youth parties and groups are trying to representatives of working class satisfactory to the workers. That rupt policy.
only at one point, only in a tem cross and coincide at a particular against capitlist In the Daily Worker for Augustporary and limited way militarism 28th, the gruesome wisdom derived The American state wants bigger through. The international solid War.
reaucratic ultimatist and bank the achievement of Socialism, for not, however, detergenthou.
from the new developments is an markets for its products, to help arity of the proletariat means that The Young Communist Interna are penetrating deeply into ruptes: The Left Opposition ideas anity against Fascism, war and sand workers from striking for de nounced as follows: it get out of its typically capitalist not only the immediate interests of tional, the inheritor of the best membership of several the capitalism. Invitations to parti cent conditions under the banner Answering Muste on of these cipate were sent to all Socialist, of the TUUL union. The NRA adworkers to poin the of foundation for some kind of milit. the American worker will be serv. traditions of the Socialist Youth groups. Numerous and increasing Communist and working class or mission headed Stachel said we are against this wary agreement which will help se produced for the met Sobion, kinue Intercoguise corned state are are the instances of pressure to suniuntions. In other words the Whalen pounced upon this as test except in certain cases like the in its plans for imperialist expan also his ultimate interests in build traditions of the Borne Conference, and clarification is the need of the Internationals, both of which have charged with egally striking arrested Railroad Brotherhoods, as simhe sovietistate wants help in ing patirst fortress of the contenus the practise Lautern hour and the prospects that several failed, amul, of course, neither of NRA shops, and charged with beA. of is organizing the work ers for betrayal and not for carrying out the second Five Year The Stalinists have consistently years of its existence it succeeded them, will fully find their way may hand among organizations struggle.
Plan, first and foremost. It nego This is what they have learned tiates with the American govern refused these proposals, have re in mobilizing broad masses of young be enhanced.
By this action Grover Whalen, cused to can ou this busis support such a to mobilize the working class workers on this day a culmine from the great trade union devel ment as one state with another. Continued on Page 4)
Among the initiators of this con conference are the Right wing Com out of ambition and clownish stup opments which are taking place solely on the basis of these tem (Continued on Page 1)
Edity, revealed the ference are included the Independ (Continued on Page 4)
strategy the capitalist wlil pursue to bolster up before everybody eyes. This is LEON the Incredible deduction from the the NRA and against working class militancy. First they will strike Laft wing catastrophe In the needle ar down the Left wing unions and the trades. Are the masses themselves Communist movement. If this serves going to the of unions of their purpose of keeping the work.
their own motion? This question. Copyright Harpers Magazine) domain of world politics.
calculated pacific sentences, after of the disarmament which is decisive for the elaborapolicy have tions, that is, it touches only the ers in leading strings of the class Up to May 17, many thought that having allowed themselves to be manifestly increased. What a tlag technical side. Behind the dip collaborationist of unions tion of an intelligent and realistic Diplomatic routine has its advan. Iritler would proceed with violence frightened by approach, does not exist for these tages so long as events move along in the question of the Versailles phrases. Jou Simon has gruterul secret of the hubbub is simple: lomatie feucing, however, are coo, and the arbitration structure of of several plenums of the Comin new great events, it wanders of the European regme the same met the moderate to our colorate stel. brandishing an axe and encounters plus. It would be just as false to sault there, at least for the time tern and the Profitern and the most dangerous thing is not to ods is to the Relchstag building. That is also the impression of Aus hidden in his bip pocket, cannot claration of a demagogue we make strikes everywhere legal.
instead a man with a Browning tuko Elitler pacitism at its word being. But if the workers press as it would be to dismiss tho de forward along the paths of struggle Party and the instruct appraise any enemy exactly only Atarxian literature and the Jewish tiu Chumberlain. Contrasting Hitthe capitalists will not hesitate to and stay away from the of the bounds of routine. To reduce knew where the lightning would las discovered in the declaration to But that does not prevent the political problems consist in estab That is what is revealed in this the masses to join the red unions because his system extends beyond department stores. Nobody realls ler to Pupeu the Morning Post fail to experience a feeling of repenetrating into its sense.
ishing the inner pict of events and ot pressure or leis a demagogue, une hysterical strike. But neither could anybody el sott accent of the South. Teo Browning from being more danger.
various kinds, have taken a differ person and a comedian, means to predict twenty four house nerade whole atmosphere has suddenly be There is no lack, on the other ween Ilitler defationship bercase, and that is also the danger to and his the labor movement as a whole.
ent path, how can that possibly close one eros tolerownies the risks liberulers de come less tense. At the same time, ta ndicher Sisterelated people who stand by what ways Fascist Ger se plans, The Workers Path is Through Struggle.
various Plenums? It is quite clear that leads to the seizure of power gangster assault napon Belandas ed: the Shrewa diplomat Mussolini odie maneuver occasioned by the which he best more at we those nende watavorable echo o te behet spesielt for the past must already have adequ to support this a wondeat vow Evidently Bill Green did not dare tionist could make such a sugges in the hysteria of National social staggers one with its unexpected has brought Hitler to reason; thout tion.
ism. Woe to those who do not pacifism. By this alone it has at doubtlessly not been wothout into a few weeks, to deceive public opin ately shown that if there is funt doubtedly, from this point of view, asy id delirium in the workers for betrayal. Insofarers of the German labor organiza is always advantageous to take agence and cousequently: the chances and then one will see. An all National Socialism, this does not tent of the NRA. The of 19 organizing understand this in time! The lead tained its most immediate aim. It too simple explanation! The men mean that Hitler is incapable of growing pressure from workers Because of the as the leadership is concerned, tions refused to take Hitler serl. opponent by surprise. Hitler 18 there is not a class conscious work ously: while they considered his developing his first succes HX BROWNSVILLE provoked by the speech of Papen welirlumes are like bei fantasy and everywhere for their rights to or point. The discovery is not origley proved incapable of appreciat. Highly experienced diplomats have MASS MEETING impulsion to Ilitler intervention, it with ous reale political aims. ditions he found himself obliged But all this relates to the order That is our point of departure in not to be associated with this astion of the fact does not prevent danger may be repeated in the halfway assuaged by a few well What Is Now Happening in the and to the tone of political declara(Continued on page 4)
the betrayal. Neither does it preCommunist and Socialist Interkosure also threatened the success vent the workers from entering the nationals? What Are the Perof the delicate work he is doing to maintain the illusions among the of unions. In this circumstance it is quite obvious that the velopments. workers that the NRA is for their organization of the struggle against Sacramento, California, August sentence commuted to life imprisonCan the Socialist Party in Gerbenetit. Rank and file unionists in Temps of August 13th publishes has no program, no adherents and many other industries might draw the betrayal can begin only inside 19, 1983. Asa Keyes, who as Los ment is now serving his elgtheenth many Be Revived? Has the these unions. To stand aside from Angeles District Attorney was con year in San Quentin Prison.
Communist Movement Been Dea cable from its Moscow corres that his name no longer evokes an their own conclusions from a strike the surging movement into the ola Victed in 1928 of criminal conspl. Despite reading many letters, stroyed pondent which we recommend to cho in the Russian masses. In in any one instance being declared unions on the ground that the bu racy and sentenced to five years in petitions and telegrams from workHEAR reaucrats have treacherous designs San Quentin prison, received a full ers all over the world, and reports MAX SHACHTMAN Communist. The cable seems to other words, the organ of financial written directly in capital no con le does not contents. Nevertheless it is necessary that means only in effect to facilitate pardon from Governor Rolph to of demonstrations by millions of Editor of the Militant Stalin office. Trotsky will in no the treachery and free the hands day. Keyes has served eighteen the tolling masses; despite Who Has Just Returned From case return to the Soviet Union. supposedly but on the con draw the proper conclusion from of the traltors. This is the essence months of his term.
Wickersham report and the interAn Extensive Visit to Various Trotsky never was a friend of the of the Stalinist trade union policy European Countries Where He Had the Opportunity to Study Imposed on the left wing for After reading leters and peti vention of liberals, pinks, conserva.
pensantry. no reconciliation is with assurances of the full and the assault Grover Whalen and possible between Trotsky polley of Ismerer the permanent revolution. lyn shoe workers, has been comhis associates, due to the determincomplete victory of national social ed attitude the militant Brooknumber of years and now again tions urging executive clemency, tives and all manner of friends of the Revolutionary Movement proclaimed at Cleveland. some from former Chief Jus justice, including the judge who First Hand and to Visit the Ex.
tice Matt Sullivan, and Sup. sentenced Mooney, but not includ.
se odment socialism in one countryThe political meaning of the Temps please keretreat bene en We cannot bave anything to do errigor Judge Edward Butler, ing former prosecutor agent, Matt iled Bolshevik Leader Leon All this is said, it is clear; not view of Herrlot visit to the USSR was a part of the real intent of the Trotsky in Turkey and France to senre the bourgeoisie but on the and in general, in connection with NRA. It is sure to be renewed schons workers have to adjust them who senteneed Keyes. Governor Sullivan, Governor Rolph who serves the. is convinced WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1933 contrary to pacify the publle opin the poliey of rapprochement be elsewhere. It means for the work at P.
selves closely with the living moveure to pardon Keyes and wish him the capitalist class great pleasure BROOKLYN LABOR LYCEUM ion of the French bourgeoisie.
ment of the masses. Cut and dried every success. Times, to keep him in Jail.
219 Sackman Street orders the official Communist press Stalinist bureaucracy.
lessons implied. They will also schemes are of no use in trade August 20. How long will the workers allow BROOKLYN, The most significant part of the union questions. Different indus Tom Mooney, militant labor this symbol of working class mill ADMISSION. 10 CENTS is an ally, a prop and hope of the cable, however; is its conclusion: soon realize that reagrdless of the trics present different problems. organizer, who was framed up and tancy to rot in fail? Into the fight Auspices: world bourgeoisie: Bat the Temps competent sources that even in case their conditions is the path of the we are reassured from absolutely working class can pursue to better Blue Fugle signs the only path the There is no universal formula to sentenced to hang for a crime he to free Mooney and all class war New York Branch, Communist correspondent assiduously assures At every situation. But the main didn commit and later had his prisoners!
League of America (Opp. Ithe French bourgeoisie that Trotsky (Continued on Page 4) class struggle.
which Y28 Temps and Stalin Against Trotsky have been the To fool the foreign workers Stalloween bourgeois France and the ers to be on guard and to learn the