BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1933 Discussion on the German Defeat. Lewis Betrays Holds High Cards in Cuba Miners at Hearing the Young Negroes hewa United States at the motor comeluston thu London Confab Upon that 2, where we ad copilasized the able to hold its own position, it the official party responsibility. Urduntry through the fure ourselves the long active, thig in a stronger position. Imper. the foundation of the Comintern at the operators and miners as well andlate freedom of all imprisoned warned not to move them without ut it is clothed in velvet. Soft by the course of events Sume of vantage, at the expense of the tion, that there was no revolution 108 and the lost ground, our tasting is the statement of the Central Justice will be done. rants Judge assault on Europe has already be The article below represents the Cominter leaders, commit the workers and yet there is to discus(Continued from page 1)
people to blow off steam. They shooting and sacking, thought the the first installment in it discus double crime permitted by utilized the anti Machado senti mediators, is like a thunder storm.
xion on the problems of the Ger the historical character of the deship. Luguirlos Kuto the correctness The anti Muchado movement was man situation after the victory of fent and add to it the attempt ot of the official llue are taboo. Those Continued from Page 1) essentially anti imperialist, at dit nents of an entire country as a It makes a noise and it pusses. But hascite a hele were als whten witte het eerste recommunist what engelled. When these facts it direction to the revolt of the sains to the front and occupied the center creme forme necemberok a vederek Xs long as the people were in houded are such forces in order to give ferent times different classes camo safety valve. The hatred of the this thundertsorm did not pass printed as discussion article workers that litter will soon get follows that what still exists in illustoned workers in the very near of the stage. The students and the were hunted down like rats and motion the movement contained out of business Germany of sporadie activities by future. Proper tactics will be able Betty will be the clientideliked rohe Killed where they were found. The Within itselt the possibility of ic But as Ilitler remains and conso the official party remnants is not to guide such a struxgle to a higher Left wing of the nationalist front. Presidential Palace was sacked. veloping to a higher stage. reBy the course of events in Ger muuy, which cated iu thelldates his lower the disillusionment at all the beginnings of an orientalevel than the recent western Penn. While the proletariat remained as The Heraldo de Cuba Machado Nident Cespedes fuces the serious COM Victory rucis, the inter will inevitably set in. New and tion based upon the new conditious experience.
sive they fought the military dic tatorship with terroristic methods. paper was also sacked. The sot problem of. preventing the sucPucioase proletarianos conceito das were. result. The Communist itsei racu to lace with all outres will leave the stalinist party lead there can be no other perspectives coming too revolutionary.
workers After that follows the vold, for Capitulation and Stalinist Sections of the bourgeoisie went in diers and police stood by and even cessful mass revoltuion from beBlunders for beavler work. They Organized lent a hand occasionally.
Times, August 14, 1933.
Cespedes Job new situation.
military insurections which were And if it went far enough it it muuta mwisturiculars in disgust and despair. Today for a party leadership which denies The Progressive Miners of Amer put down.
in this way mediation canalized would inake necessary armoil instuge; the luauguration of a newese gigantic experiences are fresh the existence of the new historical lea lost their most favorable opporCommunist conditions.
The direct intervention of the the anti imperialist movement. The tervention ructionary period with its serious in the minds of induce it to subside tunity and now the fruit of the implications Lut only for Germany In that enne the whole of Latin The fucts being so, one can brand light wing policy has resulted in proletariat into the struggle procl.
only as crimination is the pitated the crisis which drove but for the world us a whole. That America with the help of England it will be ratugut with would raise tremendous cry policy has not even enabled them to has been described as a passive, tern resolution adupted after the set in on the NRA bandwagon. The revolutionary one.
against American imperialism with Lucks upon the workers, with pro German defeat; the resolution of light wing, or at least a bis sectionable that the proletarian or It is uniques the resulting Nhift in trade mare spects of imperialist wars moving much closer, with tew serious dunpense. The lessons of Nicaruga gers to the Soviet Union and also it is necessary to strengthen the the folds of the UMWA. The rett sanizations, many of them, distinctparty and all the masa organiza wing must intensify its work to opposed to both Machado and his and Initt have not punged Wall with new revolutionary Kassibilit 10, goes without saying The World Economic Conference, tions of the working class. Continued from Page 1)
Street by without a trace.
just concluded at London, met at. to prepare the musses for of the progressive Mers of Amer dispatches fail to show the revolu bearsed. The sherife did exactly as ordered warship to Chan waters Still treuling warily Istvo in measuring the concerned abse most critical period of the worla decisive listeners for the overthrow ica had called a national conferationary content of their participa rdered. He did not lift his little without write abward just to Oposition hus some me go mantu Germany and Japanese aggression of the Fascist dictatorship by an advocated by the left wing on in the struggle.
clear that for this new situation hung heavy over the conference. armed rising.
and has conducted a Left wing Pre Revolutionary Situation his gun. The youngest of the three perty. No antervention intended.
the orientation, the position and teltet ween these realities and Amer In other words, the armed upris policy, a different story would be the situation which developed cytos, Dan Pippen, 18, and T. And the Cuban army has been or omulue of the the past will no longerican mperialism, the conference ing is placed on the agenda in the written now. Ilowever the wrong was a pre revolutionary one. It re Harden, 16, were slain outright. dered to short down any violi sul. We thereby placed ourselv was unable to end satisfactorily midst of the greatest defent yet oled the whole series of Stal of the proletariat under the leader death only by a ruse. lle played over, as the medintors. Slave, of the light e cutirely upon the basis of the for the twing of the quired the determined Intervention more Clark, 28, was saved from tons of peace. The holiday is suffered by working class.
new historical situation created by this the victory of Pacisin alıd the In this situation, 1933 en Poncol what prognosis does it rest? First inints blunders for years in the ship of resolute, revolutionare dead and after het of Negro The policy of Roosevelt in the the lynch mob left back to your yokes.
accentuated 1913, and therefore, of all upon the Comintern at that trade union field means we vanguad to develop the situation crawled to the lapse of the German Comments any countries left the conference the cause of what has happened in have to retrace our steps to obtain into a revolutionary one and pretumily where he had his wounds Cuban situation is an extension on previously with fear of tomorrow.
Germany is Social Democracy. Its a running start for the coming pure for the seizure of power. The luressed and cared for.
umpind the immediately press ing probletns for a change of course Conclusions drawn from the Lorts the betrayal never meetica Struggles which are sure to develop demands which the workers made, If ever the phrase cool, calculat extie polley. American imperialism tous preventer en hause ist victory, those that the United States was not only the least explain the Comintern and in the sick and decayed colindas not on their bosses, but on the new cd and premeditatud murder could Is learning to speak a new langue and try. The rearganization of this in government before it had an op be used, this is it. The shere was age. For a time and for a purpose hecause worthy to consolidate its power, warned that a mob had organized it is foregoing the accents et harxh were modest. is there Where we before, in pressing for allst powers and capitalist nations firming the infallibility of its char: tors.
tion affecting wage scales; strieter utely sent e the trailing. Friendliness leams on lie weconomic conferences with any 1l thus nullifying and giving practices The National Miners Union enforcement of the eight hour day deputies on the darkest part of the free. lle believes and are now compelled to recognize its the objectives listed for publicited front with social democracy. could have saved the day some time cion Nacional Obrero de Cuba, the fort to resist the lyuchers. The crisis of American capitalism canposition of reform of the parts, welusions about their ability to solve to any expressions for desire of a Law: recognition of the Confedera resta de made outloodluleirt no mediation. The mason is not far to seek. The orient ion travlenion polies, understood ourselves upon that basis. To not he solvel on domestic scale extent there was ununimity within the Roosevelt government. ander of the preceding governments true of American aper and Schleicher having been the united front and used the little prices for foodsturs.
That typical southern hypocriti alone. Europe, Latin America and the International Left Opposition.
of southern courtesy Asia are the markets to which yawping These are essentially democratic and fair play is again to the fore. American capitalism must In this we al met with sympathy The real objective of the economic Enscist governments the same as common horse sense. Now they are export and considerable Agreement from conference that met at London was Hitler Finally it rests on the shed into a more difficult cornet. demands. All the more astonish Always after another lynching to realize its surplus value. The other working cluss groups stirred the imperialist struggle for polnts analysis, as presented in the resoluime to the Stalinist wrong polic sumigitter wing of the UMWA and the PXWA munist Party in the Daily Worker about pointing his finger at the South America are in preparation doubt arise when the question was panore intense economie aud military complement the change 19 as wars.
historical change bas taken the Communists can can once of August 4: Butcher Machado Is International Labor Defense Peuce conferences are en boys parleys with the South American Tully in the concrete: What mustaks for breater diconomic and toward strengthening the possibil again take the lead in the coming gone, driven out by the mass rer. had offered to defend Which That is the meaning of the trade follow the breakdown of the puruy. to compin olutionary uprising of the Cuban against lynch justice. The boys countries, as far as South America Can there for us be any other military wars.
On the contrary, the Fascist rete with the paper National Miners workers, peasants and toiling popu were undoubtedly course thau that of a liew purty! The high sounding phrases and tion is immensely strengthened, the Union is to waste valuable time lation, organized around the gen. the use of the terrorized against is concerned. And Roosvelt 19 not to by To pose the question that way was part of the southern blanders of Hoover Stimson type such a radical depurture from our the reality of the economic con. Communist parties elsewhere de class.
clining, demoralized and impotent.
HUGO OEHLER Cuba. The question arises: if sponsibility for this crime will go Cuba will no more solve the profor reform of the party, at the very opening of the London In face of this the armed insurrec the Communist party is so well unheeded by the southern lighting white blems of Cuban economy than the rooted in the proletariat that it can and Negro workers. These organize a general work: policies of Machiulo. Whatever historical change which had taken bomuld, in beball of Europe, and thou is placed on the agenda by the Comintern resolution. Criminal it not milddemands to the mass pressure of the work temporary scheme to protect the doubts could only emerge wherever hegemony over Europe raised the est characterization one can find corresponding to the situation? ing class throu out the entire profits of American capitalism on The truth of the matter is that country and even throughout the the lines of Cuban masses. The the full significance of this change forbidden question of war debts. for this.
was momentarily lost sight of. This move revealed an attempt of The International Left Omosiin Milk Strike the Communist party did not organ entire world set in motion by the condition of the Cuban masses can These doubts are disappearing und European united front against tion poses the problems facing the ize the strike and is not, untor. International Labor Defense that be improved and the problems of in their place we have a greater American imperialism which came German working class, and the tunately a decisive factor in the the Scottsboro boys are still alive. the revolution solved only in strug(Continued from Page 1)
an Order thut we here in Americu lan to further the process of put view of opposite considerations nuud taree fourth cents per cena ne se boasting: ante elust be proletar for a poor exploited Negro of the By themselves the Cuban masser may better understand what is in ting Europe ou rations.
volved in this questiou or whether The powerful pressure of Ameri foundation what lies shattered in from 2012 cents per quart. Marched behind the bourgeoisio tice meted out in the courts. Lynch erican Imperialism and Cuban cap or not a new party in Germany we can Imperialism and the tremendous Germany, its general working class But the big datry companies, 10. staiste Machado: That is why the Justice. The legal murder of Dan Italism. The socialist revolution in an ippen and Harden are no accl Cuba is dependent on the revolu.
what the historical change means ler took power smashed thes at the revolutionary party, that is the classified all milk alike and palautt Xachado movement dents. Rather it is the rule in the tion in the United States. That is to the working class in general and tempted united front. This first task. There can be no more talk an average of 3 cents per quart. The modesty of the proletariat south. To defend himselt from the true for Latin American as a whole calat. We have already mentioned occasions but to no avail. The formulae. The problem is to build were again sold out. From then of American imperialism above com class the Negro must learn that all the honor of entering for the anti Machado with the exploited poor whites of backward period. No further proof of that imperialism from her strong posi poses an orientation toward a new to worse. Most of them cannot ist struggle to an of movement. The job American of Sumner pro.
is needed than the tangible evid. tion was the European effort to pes Party in Germany literated from moet their taxes, not to speak interests and payments on mort. Welles ploiters will a measure of safety party rooted in the proletariat enees of experience since German up the dollar and obtain the tem the deadly embrace ofhankruptages. degrading poverty set in. out to alles in easing Mached the south against their common ex For that is necessary a Fascism came into power. What orary stabilization of internation Stalinism. ARNE SWABECK.
the rising tide of dis be gained for him. Lynch law is marching on a correct Internntionneeds particular emphasis, however, al exchange. England was part of The farmers reached the end of content, and slipping in a substi the law of the southern ruling alist road. In Cuba as all over their endurance. breaking pointtute of the same servile stripe, but class.
the world the Stalinist theory and is the seriousness of the scope of this bloc, half concealed and half came. The strike was declared and one more agreeable to the popu the working class defeat. First open, nevertheless, the blocand lation. The situation created by practice hold back the movement.
The revolution in Cuba cannot grow the Social Democracy miserably plan was shattered, especially afl Furniture Strilar Spread to seven counties her the intervention of the proletariat As we go to press we learn that to its full stature until the Com many thousand farmers. At exposed its bankruptcy followed by ter Roosevelt statement on this meetings the farmers agreed not very nearly upset his plans. But a committee under the auspices of munist party strikes off the shac the bankruptcy of the Communist question. Next the die hards under party. Both parties were numeric the leadership of France organized Defeat Maneuver surly but also ea pieket the milk betartat which demanded nothing the National Committee for Defense cormer Cuen Lert Owsition combe ally powerful yet they disappeared the Gold Bloc. This move, in the stations. There they took care of unreasonable or unpatriotle for of Political Prisoners and the Am. help it to do. STAMM.
in face of the onslaught of the long run played into the bands of (ContiPen Page 1)
the seats in the effective manner retain the cloak of friendly media. been formed to demand from Roos Fascist regime. Today there is no american Imperialism because it to erican Civil Liberties Uplon has revolutionary party in Germany. widened the gap between the French most dangerous material, such as This is the greatest defeat record and British interests and thereby broadside. Striking Against the Government is on the anti imperialist move. loose and to force the arrest of. BOOK ed in working class history. It is gave America a better position in the culmination to a series of de this three cornered fight.
ment, without resorting to more Judge Henry Foster and Sherle Very truly yours, The owners of the big dairy comforceful measures.
REVIEW: feats suffered by the Comintern be It is true that Germany played Col. icopold Phillip. Shamblin in connection with wnies, however, could lean back in None the less the mediators were ginning with Germany of 1923, no outstanding role at the conter. Chairman, Bureau of Com their swivel chairs saying: You worried. They had to allow the murder of the two young pliance. are not striking against us, you the Negros through the disaster of the Chi ence at the rise of Fascism to power GLEE. Bulgaria nese revolution and back to Ger in Germany caused a shake up and are striking against the governJuly 2012 many, In 1933.
And yet all these a realignment. It contributed to script without the knowledge of the willing tool of the dairy comHe added the following post ment. Meanwhile Governor Lehman FOSTAMARA defeats occur under the conditions the success of America against the union officials: remarkable book! From the panies, concentrated all the state first line to the laxt it is directed of the downward spiral of capital. Europe.
help iroopers in the teritory to give the ism, during the capitalist decay American Imperialism went to This letter was sent to against the sett regime in laly, stage, during the very period of its Loudon well armed for the battle. The whole fraud of the NRA as and order, enforced by clubs, tour striking farmers a lesson in how by against its lies, its violence, and bankruptcy being the most glaring against Europe, as well as Japan, the inpartial arbitrator in strike ags and riot guns. He proclaimed book of xxionate political proBURU: But evolutionary tal paradox. And because of that of the American representatives its nukedness. After secretly con to be protected, by that he meant sion is raised hert to much heights that it creates a truly artistle and strategy which brought such of the Roosevelt administration spiring with the bosses association the scabs. He proclaimed that all ON GERMANY work. Fontamarais disaster becomes only many times This move was cloaked as part of the industry, the NRA sends a farmers, must be prosecuted. Ser only it poor.
gol forsaken village in the South The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXTY of Italy. In the slice of the book greater. Of course, the leadership, the Stalinist lestern la national policy but was pointed hypocritical reprimand to out at that time in true inter the eral hundred were subsequently ar 192 pages paper cover. 35 two hundrei Tage, this name he Cover must be held entirely responsible national relations in the columns very elements with whom he made rosted.
Postage 06 extra per copy. 65 comes a symbol of the whole Ital. Once again the importance of a a lof the Militant. The Banking laws the conspiracy.
Postage 06 extra per copy in conntryside, its verty, ils The striking farmers demanded working class revolutionary party and farm relief amendment, which as their share 45 percent of the dehpair, but also of its imunit tion.
ON RUSSIA has been demonstrated, but this were important international weaNow, when we have the bosses price at which milk retalls in the PROBLEMS OF THE DE VELOPMENT OF Silone knows the from the time of the Communtst were used very effectively weathe licked is the time for solia rankselties. This would mean about Itaan AS Price. 15 antry remarkably well: the first Postage 01 extra per copy manifesto we knew that the eman conference in the strike. Let there be no talk to cents a quart. The trouble is, 20 years of the author life, ne cipation of the working class was America went off the gold stan of going back to work. NO FAKE however, that the farmers bave no are merely ON SPAIN cording to his own words wero Without the reloosely held together by pressure unthinkable without its own revolu dard, repudiated the gold clause, SETTLEMENTS spent in Fontamara.
THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER tionary party. It was the absence gave the President power to inflate cognition of the union you are help of the desperate conantons under Jeign to him. He knows how to see of such a party, or to put it more currency well as other forms less to enforce whatever conditions which they suffer. Neverthele Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy ment and sentimentality are for precisely, the failure of the Stalin of Inflation and to reduce the con you have achieved by the strike. they all expressed themselves as ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION lite as it is, how to generalize what he sees by means of the Marxist COMMUNISM AND SYNDI CALISM which accounts for the Fascists and the American representatives ata meisto step of men in the shor, that they had nothing to lose. At method and then to embody his not the proletariat being victorious not hold this threat over the Lon. It too late for that. If he wants the time of this writing a truce has Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy generalizations into artistic images.
In seeking the reason for that, don conference another story would to settle, make him settle with the been declared and it remains to be The stroy is told by the peasants, when ON THI THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY cafoni, paupers themselves. De dict will read: It is because we were very effective in helping the ing upholsterers under the slave seen whethes the strike will be renewed or whether the big dalry AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION spite the exceptional difficulty of had in Germany a party of national American representatives in shat conditions of the past years.
this style, the author executes It companies, aided by the state LANKIN COWL.
Socialism instead of a party of intering the united front of the Eurforces, will be able to enforce their THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT Iske a real master. Some chapters terntional revolution. For proof opean powers against America. The kind of an agreement.
WORLD REVOLUTION have a stupendous force!
REVOLUTION of this, wherever doubts or dis. mere threat to use some of them Has this book appeared agreements still exists outside of resulted in excellent results at Lonslaught on Europe, a greater drive. The roads here in all directions 180 pages paper cover Soviet Union? Has it drawn the our ranks, we need not confine our don as well as within the country by America to put Europe on rabave been patroled by about 500 Postage 06 extra per copy cloth cover attention of the publishing houses selves to the inescapable conclusion The internal policy of the Roosevelt tions, a prelude to the imperialist stato troopers equipped with steel Postage 06 extra per copy of the Comintern? The book dethat the theory of Socialisz in One administration is an integral part world war In which America hopes helmets and gas bombs. How many serves a circulation of millions of Country can produce nothing else of this international struggle. It she can duplicate her role of 1914 sheriffs and puties were added CHINA coples. But no matter what the to this force do not know but in but parties of national Socialism. Is two sides of the same problem. 1018 PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION may be towards works truly revWe can add the advice to the comThe Paris Soir paper summed up many instances actual wholesale attitude of the official bureaucracy 450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 50 rades to study the numerous desanized production is as hopeless the World Economic Conference in deputizing took place. The Dairy Postage. 00 extra per copy olutionary literature, Fontamara clarations of German party leaders as non agression pacts (regardless the following words: If we allow mens League asked the governor. we are convinced will make it on their program of national and of what Litvinot says. No one the depreciation of overseas curto also call the National Guard.
way into the official bureanerney social emancipation. This program at liberals and half wits expected reney to continue, their rivalry For the time being that is held in may be towards works of truly rey.
Is of course only a reflection of the such from London. America de will be more than ever Irresistible abeyance. There is no sign of the olutionary literature. To assist in basle party and Comintern orienta sired more from the London confer and our reserves will be wasted. Milk Control Board offering a soluPIONEER PUBLISHERS the circulation of this book is the tion.
ence, but America obtained more It is only a question of time until tion, but meanwhile the farmers 84 EAST 10th STREET, duty of overy revolutionist.
Today, after this frightful defeat, than the other powers. The London European Industires will be control are learning rapidly that the gov TROTSKY.
the German party leaders, speaking conference can be summed up as led by the United States. ernment is not for them but against Fontamari. Novel by from emigration, and behind them a prelude to a more intense on HUGO OEHLER. them. GADFLY. Silone, Zurich, 1933.
100 pages 25 cloth over tuleb in the. 50 00