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Impressions of Fascist Germany The Overflow of the Cuban Revolt HOW presented from that of my that was lacking was some cere Form Relchsbannermen but they unite the working class W89 not at carry the change lications point redemonstra such frenzy that a mere signal the field of internal politics, forly to the doctrine of socialism in retrospect, it is not difficult to 88 WIS among the first to encounter (uba permanent economic in SATURDAY AUGUST 26, 1983 THE MILITANT PAGE vanco? No, that would not be the conclusion of the attentive observer.
For that there were too many examples of actual readiness. There the head he art stay in Bernin adrenis (An Eye witness Account and the demand for the death pen: were the instances to the home of my good comrade of Conditions in Hitler alty. Thelr eyes met in silence, 1e strikes in the free elite e bere ardo Machado, has been successiteur. Continued Strikes, Riots on him in forelun banks, was a mutual dreadfully frighten and in the city of Stassfurt proSo general was the opposition to Burst Bounds Set by contingency.
American imperialism will now he had invited me to come next Regime ed expression. At that moment two testing against the Nazi murders. the butcher that Ambassador to ell New Deal Diplomacy be able to consolidate its forces time to stay at his house. Now trucks loaded to the bumpers with both cases all wheels were Welles, who was attempt was vvvvvvvvv in Culia. how deal for Cuba found a police seat on the door and pital.
Of course, this was all Nazi Storm Troopers approached. Pascist demonstrations would turn not given time to bring his media understanding in a confused and is already being woken of quite brought to a standstil. For anti minate Machado peacefully.
my mind very quickly, to get out appropriate proclamations about women hurried away. That excess out oftentimes hundreds of thouton to the hoped for conclusion. general way that some maneuvering, and the sending of four under American warship of the house and make no in the furthering of the interests of sively charged atmosphere to Travana is sands eagerly awaiting a decisivol The disaffection of the army was was afoot, took the offensived not so much lisocle of it is sym.
made to swing the leadership of Communist quiries. knew then that both national elevation and the protee one feel uncomfortable. couple leadership in Hamburg, at the the last straw the dictator radical petty bourgeois elements. ptomatie of the spirit of this New that the the clutches of the incints. The the Alarxist Bonzen. In reality supreme penalty had been imposed quarters, thousands of workers still recognize the master voice. the first days of August, received month over the cirerences and vision of the savage beating with it was one further important step upon four of the Altona prisoners. thered in front of their building: American Imperialism, after many the whollearted support of the contradiction of the Calisma molt munist prisoners sont a cold shlver schaltung. Evidently they had leader of the group Letker de on the inside, who were more Machadist elements, had at last utilized by the bourgeois opposition the workers. This new situation down my spine.
Hospectives of Raids upon workers homes were their rolme as having fully stood highest honor to a revolutionist. srlchtened at this mass demonstra spoken clearly and the army shiftists asmuch as it was directed will open hout against the Machado regime. Wall strugkle for the Cuban workers, as still going on; now less dramatic the test; that at least was the ally but more ordnungsgemness. verdict of Goebbels at a huge Ber.
In February the Fascists were munist plot, beseeched and cajoled There is every indication that the Street mediation Formerly the groans of the victims in meeting of his party function only beginning their expansion, their members to stay at home. rank and Ale of the army would failed, and now the only way toitainetean solve the contradictions all sonunds were muffled. But the lle presented what he called the within the state apparatus, cutting onderwede persona Wigrkeren brewery their officers and supported the al found in going along with it. The expres of the workets.
pregnant terror was still used by the Nazis recente mudor political achievements, resents while, ut dhe same time, arrived only as the smoke cleared to Workers and prettes bourgeoise of which were directed against the war wil les for the enumerating for WIR the master. It also provided four diferent events. First there also moving by way of head on col. away. It was at Neukoelln where if their superiors had not come at the eleveuth hour, and in the lat. ut in order to full its role, governmentCommunist party and the proletarin mutlet for the acrimonious hatred were in the field of foreign affairs lison. But the advance was still came one evening when Stormward in support of the revolt at interests of Wall Street thus assurer un any we realistical deliberately fostered and tempered the demand at Geneva for German with the Nazi rufflans, moving ints. got near enough to see against the perpetuation of Mach before the insurgent mass should te prut mement raised quite chaotic. The streets swarmed Troopers had made a raid on a the time they did.
restaurant frequented by Commun. All the decisive forces were ing the downfall of the dictatorly all the fuctors in the situation.
of een on foreign policy. At home there next had now been added to im were the May Day demonstrations sur ports themselves not content relyed on the street being picked up by workers and prove the carller dramatic staging and the cupture of the trade unto the Steelhelmets would meet, click brethen. The workers had with the urban maaltogether ado gone, Dr. Cespedes was hurt to the limit in order to better sure of. Members entrench charty among the These had become specific features Incidentally this also gives a pictheir heels and salute in the stift middle classes were riedly sworn in as provisional pre given a good account of themselves. the first to take up the struggle sident and has already at this writ, democratic demands must of the process of German Fascism ture of the Nationalist Socialist fought But that was only one of the iso openly, American Imperialism during commenced to bring repressive and consistently est takink over newer and consolidat marty political methods the method iga jealous animosity among the lateddesperate efforts to fight or ing the whole perlod since last Feb measures to bear in order to check for innker to gain every possible ing its gains.
intoxicated with the spirit of march Scorn Tino per see Here mando there direction to these efforts, a firm tlon to peacefully replace Machado comiences to show the first signs Puier that is bound to ensue, and What a difference in the picture ing from Victory to victory. All could still be seen groups of unl. polley, or a serious attempt to before a mass uprising that might of abatement.
which the conceutration governfar, couN Once unleasbed, following the ment of the espexies, even with first visit in February! Then thero monial self criticism. But that is not were much more uncertain.
was an atmosphere as it before a yet in the faculty of the Nazl.
workers everywhere carried the hand. The parties in which the set under way. On July 1st, the Arst reports of tho butcher Wall Street direct and complete big battle in which the opposing expressions of bewilderment and tradition of organization discipline, Ambassador Sumner Welles, com uncontrollable. The National Pal fundreds of exiles and political German workers, through their imperialist representative u. light, the fury of the populace was support, cannot entirely elininate, forces had not yet come to grips. mean that the National Social fearful anticipations.
had placed their confidence, failed. menced his negotiations for that uce was sacked us were also the prisoners are returning to Cuba had not yet really measured ist movement is to become the Did the German workers fall in In thnt lies the real explanation end, with the rank cooperation at nurivate homes of many of Mach frem ti their places of exile abroad, strength. Adisqueting anxiety State Goebbels old at this meets the decisive hour because they were prevailed, a painful uncertainty as ing. In this the old guard possess not ready to resist the Fascist ad of the ease of the Fascist victory. almost all of the bourgeois opposto udo personal supporters and those from the detention colony on. ARNE SWABECK tion elements. The masses however, of all his cabinet ministers. The Isla de hos. Among these ottices of El Heraldo de Cubu addition to communkts are also It was in the air, it was every ed amid the thunderous applause Machadint daily were wrecked and many pretty bourgeois aspirants for where, Could it be possible? Were of the horde. little later the the presses demolished. Many Delical jobs. Among these latthe Panelsts really going to be vic narty decided that the original workers and soldiers under the ter, a jockeying for power, haridy torious? Apparently there was yet hundred thousand members were leadership of members of the intended to calm matters, is bound time to stop the onrushing horde. to be provided with jobs ImmediBC. systomatically hunted down to take place. All But time was precious. And then, utely. Surely one could then bet Two or three weeks aflo, the of plans, directed against the present change in the external policy of the and slow those who had most dis to a friod of struggles in May, it had been settled, virtuter understand the reasons for the All Soviet news agency, TASS, current in Germany. These words Soviets. the rumor ant features of the Third Reich non Aryans from their economic returning to the USSR. The sol. strative disassociation from Trot. Stalin played a two handed game ers and torturers of enemies of revis amper mpg.
were visible and even the Nazis and professional positions. One of sky. Can there be any doubt that in this question. At first it might the old regime. The police were an attempt at it were surprised at the ease of their the very attentive observers of polemn and categorical tone of this the article in Izvestia was written have been thought that the rumor either neutralized or powerless to sime is made, it can only be tem victory.
itical developments in Germany at deulal gave cause to believe that after a corresponding diplomatic of Trotsky return arose accident inter cure the lo portato allachado hot such as to quermit et democratie Most is peel af ethet dier marturscene of the Jewish boycott the stor portante political aime but not in bad ns its purpose to convince his paper. tumors. But linking together extra le este prosecutiochu roerer matorsinizunter of the German scene that time said to me: On the day the Kremlin was pursuing some im inquiry from Berlin and that it ally, as happens with many news extra legal string narin Worce, in forms. Some form of bourgeois dicenthusiasm flowing over into Troopers had been whipped up to ler that Moscow holds unanswering all the stages of the question in olutionary workers and students, is inevitable. Therialist tutelage road out spectaenlarly Thus. Celebrating the National could have turned the whole affair neither the dental nor the newspa one country?
sume that the rumor itself was Uprising became the general title into all the horrors of a Bartholo per rumor against which it was spread by the Berlin department the wruth of the enraged populace crisis in that of the proletarian rev.
covering them all, but almost any mew Night. The anti Jewish directed, was published in the At the time TASS published of propaganda with the aim of Jose Magrinat, who was sent to tation. It if this is to be serlstatement forcing Stalin to a degrading dental 1920 to Assassinute comrade Julio munits mist Iny aside their op January only considered the Cuban Com.
occasion could be used for a de campaign was gruesome in all its The denial was intended abroad the categorical neerstration, and besides, they revolting detalls. But it was esen fully and exclusively for foreigu that Trotsky will not return to and assurances. This aim, at any Antonio Mella, did not even have wortunist shan of an anti imper served admirably to feed illusionsthally a by product of the real ait, consumption.
the the Berlin paper, rate, has been achieved.
to the Nazi plebian following. Holst namely, to cow the working class time to curry for his hole like the latest And Agrarian revolutions The sense of this dental will be ficial boquiry to Trotsky through Humanite which like the rest proverbial rat. In all, score or ing the rehabilitated Imperial with a reign of terror.
This slugn can only lead the proculors with Swastika on public It was dificult to imagine the recalled that about two years ago to whether he is really returning does not let pass an opportunity been killed if the butcher himlough of nationalism.
buildings meant the careful setting cerinun working class cowed or in Trotsky wrote on the necessity of to Rusia. The very fact of the In to disgrace itself, has seized upon sell escaped it was only due to his clear when it is its Constantinople correspondent as of the Stalinist press in the West. more of Machado finest have starian van deper into the of the stage for a demonstration. abject submission. But a look at preparing the Red Army for a quiry seems unexpected and at the the dental of TASS in order to superior alacrity and better proSometimes, in the rush, the Storm the Berlin North district soon con struggle against National Socialism. same time very significant, especial burst into a rude atack upon Trot. tection.
STALINISTS REFUSE Troopers would forget about the vinced me that it was so. stopped This article, not even mentioned in ly if the fact is taken into const sky, blaming him for having sperad. The deposed tyrant, now in reREPRESENTATIVE RIGHT TO SPEAK would go up alone; but the en pers displayed for passersby. Be a loud echo in the National Social is now completely in the hands of himsell for what purpose? lands, may yet meet the fate of Youngstown, Ohio About three thusiastic demonstratore did seem to notice the difference. When pour but neat appearance told they monstrative friendliness the Stalin the former liberal paper, through blind men serve at every step as intend to suffer any unnecessary ust First Anti War demonstration mot side me were two women.
Their ist press. We kuow with what de the Nazis. Hittler simply ordered Thus, these miserable bureaneratie His cohorts. ieanwhile, he does not hundred workers attended the Aus the new nationalist reactionary were from the working class quar ist bureaucracy received Hitler its former liberal correspondent, totools of foreign aims and under the personal inconvenience, as is cold of the Communist mirty here. Respirit demanded a change of street ters. Both had their attention at The public opinion of the Soviet of the coming return of Trotsky to compromise and weaken It. mounting into millions of dollars. Councils, Steel and Metal Workers ous Marxian, or even mere repub the trial of the Altona Communistal Union has never entertained any Moscow and of the corresponding lican coloration, as for example that have in recent years been the industrial Union, the Interuational Labor Defense, and John Marshall, changing latz der Republik to Adolph Hitler Platz, or the rechrisCommunist candidate for governor, spoke. But a representative of the tening of such streets as Erzberger Loca! Unemployed Federation was Strasse, Karl Marx Strasse, Bebel not kiven the platform in spite of Strasse, Eberts Allee, etc. a demon(Continued from Page 1)lity it is necessary that a powerful, The ranclerites Improve On (discontentment of the intermediary also have to employ exceptional the fuct that it had endorsed the stration with the solemnity of a Stalinists.
Why Fascism in Germany is call negal Communist party form itself religious ritual would be staged. pon to play a role entirely op in the process of struggle against Similarly at the enunciation of a site to that which it played Fascism, under the leadership of democratie slogans, has revealed it crack in the bloc of the possessjon International conditions, upon days ago that one of its Executive The contusion in the question of sistance of the workers will create ends upon the historie moment, ibu through Mack several new program of worthless promises or the matallation of new officials Italy. remains incomprehensible. which the proletariat could selgeself most profoundly in the protect tank to seek contact with it is not at all excluded that, har specilicuits fact that the speaker ing classes and will spur their the relation of internal forces. But members be permitted to speak on the local Federation.
Beenuse Germany Is not Italy. power. However, it must be said grammatie theses of the opportun the petty bourgeoisie. The task of ing conquered power, the workers Perhaps under the Gleichschaltung. Even the burning of Marxian books had victorious Fascism is in reality not that a creation of a revolutionary ist group of Brandter Thalheimer the proletarinn pirts with relation of Germany will find themselves it bud proposed was HI. Newby or to have its festival setting in which a locomotive full story befolie eerty of this sort in illegality: is on the question of the struggle to the liberal Aank of the pos sufficiently powerful to allow free e Left Omposition had something antic brakeJust as the policy. to do with the ing times the literary treasures working triumph of Hitler, so the regime of vance. The discontentment Indig Jite the manifestations of discontent in including them both in a bloc of to the exploiters of yesterday, of its to spare five minutes of its official gave expression to the country to the warming up of democratie will, from a certain moment on Fruscist dictatorship. Gegen den claring a decisive struggle against with the extent of thele treasury: class movement but also that which National Socialism inevitably leads nation, fermentation of the masses ment of all c) classes against the on the contrary in immediately de actual political influence, and not speakers.
progress in science and culture.
ward, grow much faster than the strom, page 7, the word all. Is it for influence on the lower strata the treasury will have been ex The greatest demonstrations, from Can the Social Democracy Allegal formation of the party van: underlined in the original. At the of the pretty bourgeoisle. propriated. Thus, even for the persian communist Party, in March At the Tth cures of the Rusthe point of view of numbers, were Regenerate Itself? guard. And every lack of clarity same time, the theses insistently those on May Day which was con in the consciousness of the masses warn: The partial slogan can not verted into a Nazi day of labor. the social democratie workers and German comrades testity that will inevitably help democracy. be of bourgeois democratic na this struckle take place? The dic forehand the freedom of assembly antworten carried on his sera che nel caleslogans wit principle no basis for limiting bears duron the discussion of the In a certain sense these Naxl May even many of the social democratic This does not at all mean, that ments, each of which is erroneous out of the Weimar constitution. The masses. The proletariat may be arism is dotie for, once and for alĮ, tare. Between these two state tatorship of Hitler grew directly and the press only to the laboring in, who considered that parliamentDay demonstrations became a testbureaucrats are disillusioned with after the fall of Fascism, Germany there is an irreconellable contra representatives of the petty bourge forced to such a limitation, but that it is historically exhausted.
of strength of the regime. To the democracy. We must extract all will again have to 50 through a diction. In the first place, the foreiste have, with their own hands this is not a question of principle. We must. Lenin retorted.
minton tradition of long standing, refermist workers, in the users will not eradicate the post contenemene on the classes eunds Forestan acetatorshow the we mahouta se dodelande under the contre, whether or round e so vse meant adding insult to injury. stii interests of their revolutionary political experience. It is even less absolutely incredible. The Russian assume a very favorable and qutek tions of present day Germany, when we bournevis parliamentarism. To attendance was made compulsory: the extent of the reformists dis structure of the nation. It would such a formulation in the struggle then the demand for the convoca exists for all but the proletariat. hack, is Utopia. after every setthe bulk of its proletariat marching derstood. The social democratic a new lengthy democratke epoch grew out the Menshevik conception elusion of all the banished deputies, struggle against the Fascist inferno should push us to this old position, dejectedly with their footsteps benvy and their heads bowed high priests scold democracy so as in the development of Germany. lot the revolution, later on adopted may. at certain moment, unite will take place, at least in the first we shall proceed to what has been ugons. In the Ruhr territory on to admit that they showed them monet of the masses, democratic so box Staliu for China, Bust fun Russian werkers with the widest strate stages, under the slogans: sive also conquered by experience to the justify themselves. But in awakenthe other hand, was told that in selves as contemptible cowards, in guns will inevitably constituto the collision of the bourgeois nation crisis should break out later and bly and the pres. The Commun. Lenin objected to a doctrinaire most cases they sent stories afloat capable of fighting for the dem. arst chapter. Even if the further with the privileged monarchy. In the memory of the Reichstag should ists, of course, will at this stage unti parliamentarism with regard a socutor fashion told about the their soft berths in it, these gen general not permit, even for one bourgeois nation, of the struggle of the slogan of new elections may ac of the Soviet regime but they will ained the Soviet regime: We must size of the potatoes this year; show tlement shift the blame from them day, the regeneration of a democra: all classes against Fascism, which quire great It at the same time support every not the our hands beforehand, size (the Rod Front salute. As we see, this radicalism is not the struggle itself cannot develop against the proletariat? It would To tie one hands with relation to ocratie slogans, and wherever pos pushed back to the once abandoned a road complete taking over of the trade through and through! Let the slogans revolutionary party wher, the manufacturer theoretile many of you end upon solo en nog which suche wino venkene the initiative in positions in Germany. there has the Nazis, including their bourgeoisie only beckon these dis that would attempt to jump over vulgarities, would unite the dispetty bourgeois alles and by the well stocked treasuries, and the illusioned ones with its little finger this stage, would break its neck. contentment Between the regime of bourgeois dictatorship. but there is a dietatarrest of practically every trade and they will run on all fours to union official, from the top down. a new coalition with it. It is The question of the social dem he is also discontented. with the itselt, would be tatal doctrinarism democracy and the regime of proorship of Fascism: Germany has Outstanding among them were Lel in the mass of soctal democratia cracy is closely connected with afscontentment of an unemployed Brandler Thaelmann belleve, how. regime, the democracy of the laceois democracy. Under these con part and Grassmann. Both had workers wa real disgust with the wageneral perspective was worloren how cloud comme une not ever, that we should nohty advocate horing massey True, the Spanish dictions, to renounce beforehand the Tos by their abject servillity.
Now is being born. But to what extent organization is frrevocably lost. by putting oneselt on the basis of democratie rights for the Inboring republe calls itself the republte use of demoeratie slogans and the of the laboring even in the text bourgeois parliamentarism ineana of assembly of its constitution. But this is a to clear the field for a social dem.
the official report of the arrests. The greater half of the seven to But this does not at all mean that bourgeois democracy? Verily. masses: the right gave them special mention saying eight million Socialdemocratic social democracy cannot be regen classie combination of opportunism trade unions, freedom of press, or formula of political charlatanine. cracy of a new formation.
with an ultra radicalism in words! sanization and strikes. In order The Brandierlan formula of dem Prinkipo, July 14, 1983.
laconically: transferred to a hos voters is in state of the greatestlerated under new historie mas The movement of the proletariat to emphasize their radicalism moreocracy only for the laboring. par and cap Opportunist parties which talla TROTSKY.
confusion, glum pumors. At the decompose so easily under the blows against the Fascist regime will ac they add. these demands should thenlarly in combination with the Itulation to the THE MILITANT be strictly. distinguished from same time, a new generation will of reaction, come back to life as gurean ever greater mass charac bourgeois democratie demands of unity of all classes. seems to be If the number on second be forming especially designed to confuse and the heel of Fare easily at the first political revival. ter to the extent that the petty universal democratic rights. There mislead the revolutionary vanguard. 187 disappointed your wrapper is is no person more wretched than in the most important question: Post Omco at New York, Weimar constitution will be an his example of the Mensbeviks and with Fiselam, isolating the possess the opportunist who takes the knife When and to what extent to adapt your subscription has expired.
Under the set of March 1879. torle legend. What line then will the German socialdem ing summits and the government of ulta radicalism between If you want to get the MINblished wookly by the Communist the political crystallization within ocracy can not only regenerate it apparatus. The task hls Ourselves to the movement of the of a prole tant promptly every week League of America (Opposition) the working class follow? This deselt, but even acquire great influ tarian party would consist petty bourgeoisie and the backward renow your subscription at EDITORIAL BOARD the strata of the working masses, what pends upon many conditions, among once, If the revolutionary proletar. Ing the weakening of the yoke on Freedom of assembly and once: per year for alty Martin Abern Jamo Cannon them, of course, also upon our poi ian party should set up a doctrin the part of the petty bourgeols press only for the laboring masses concessions to make to them in the two weekly issues; a halt Max Shachtman Maurice Spector ley.
year for twenty six weekly Arne Bwabeck democracy against a dialectic atting the activity of the proletariattatorship of the proletariat, that is, ment and the slogans on the order Issues.
VI, No. 40 (Whole No. 197) Historically the direct replace tude towards them. The Praest on to the road of the conquest of under the nationalization of build of the day, so as more suecessfully SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1933 ment of the Fascist regime by dlum of the Comintern in this field, the lower strata of the petty bour Ings, printing establishments, etc. to rally the proletariat under the THE MILITANT Subscription rate: 00 per year workers state is not excluded. But as in so many others, remains a selle It is possible that the dictatorship banner of its own revolutloanry 126 East 16th St.
Toreign 50 cente per copy for the realization of this possibl gratuitous assistant of reformism. It is true, the growth of the of the proletariat in Germany will dictatorship?
names from their former obnoxi tracted to an article dealing with Noming to power. Izvestis wrote: check up on the newspaper rumor pretence of serving the revolution, enced by the large sums of money presentatives from the Unemployed Leon Trotsky on the Question of Fascism and Democratic Slogans than utiliteeth!