BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismFascismGermanyMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Lessons of the United Front one by ers in an attempt to solve some of my he Needle Trades Worker the organization is to exist and civilization and its achievements to led to the workers. Under this make became law it carried with it the only militant unlon in her followed with along the able part of it.
in the face of brutal pollee terror who could not be intimidated by decrepid, tottering centenarian, exPAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1933 Political Character AMONG THE YOUTH needs fewer such devants. Tad FROM THE MILITANTS SESI means that it is no longer neces they are making about the nut pickof Strikes Under Yipsel Suspended the leaga me te te onded to be Examples of at eros con los medios prominent party members, spoke do not think that physical educa: Work in St. Louis which they led, the results when for Union Activity and presented their position summed up are practically nil. The sequent to this, a debate was ar ior colleges and colleges are neces first thing they did in the former The following appeal is from a ranged in which the Stalinists were sary or even desirable for the chilSt. Louis. Comrade Oehler pre strike was to propose a coinmittee (Concluded in this issue)
The NRA slave codes of the capi.
participate. Pressed Aren of workers and poor petty diction that the NRA would not to see Mayor Dickman, doubtless has begun to see the reactionary come statement, the youth submit bourgeoiste. In fact it is danger solve but intensify the basic concepute to serve the prophets of POLITICAL BLOCS (Extrafamilor can work tots elus huko nature of the leadership of the ted page document their whost ous to have an army of unemployed tradictions of capitalism is belns 10 New speed was not to be found Parliamentarian)
they clearly formulated their post youth who can think for themselves. Corne out to the letter here in st. mung. Like some fabled beru of The united front of working class Militant and by the Left Opposition wounct the YI SL. Iler being ex. tlon upon a number of points.
ever since the Gillespie Trade Union pelled for class activities on the The statement is introduced by outlet for their education than in Louis, which may be taken as an old he strides forward sword in Oranixations and political bloc Conference prior to the act becot priekot line makes this document ing a law. In the meantime, we more than an apala warning exists among the leadership as well little education to spice the aisa cities. The basic contradiction of preying on his people. Ilo gali organizations are two entirely difhave been lammering away on the to all revolutionizations as on the question of the united front, have bad efects for the capitalist forces on the one hund. which the strikers at the Labor Lyceum in to enllunited front of all within the as the rank and nle of the of Jingolsm and chauvinism did not capitalism is the tremendously acvanted be swore. he declared that trrent things. The same elements celeruted growth of productive justice should be done. He spoke enter into both but the relationship is entirely different. It 18 question of trade union policy in scialist youth the different industries. correct to the real drift of their leader and Germany due to constant clas. Since education cannot be collaboration changes without explanation or anabolished altogether the capitalist throws thousands of workers into the member of the Left Opposition speak in organizations and find one or more presented in order analysis of the NRA must first bel ship towards club awal lalysis. Ionenty to avoid effects of legal narcotics in educathe other. It was in a futile at received ten times as much applause Chine to form a political bloeb and strike breaking present a corclarification lackey decided to strengthen the steality contracting market on this fortress ok Stallion and refusing to join in another Shaks for itself. are necessary in order to reet program of struggle against similar catastrophes. It proceeds tion; civics and History. Then the new capitalist offensive. With LOS ANGELES. in the ranks of the other forces of TO THE MEMBERS OF THE to prove that the theory of the lim. they reduced the antidote. scienti. empt to solve this coutradiction as the Communist speakers.
Many tween two organizations ns a unlthat the Roosevelt administration workers still believe that the victed front.
the labor movement confusion still YOUNG PEOPLE SOCIAL Ited front, from below and the fic method, mathematics, laborators came forward with its tory gained was the result of the The difference between a united of social Fascism advanced work, etc. to incffectiveness.
lolos reigns. The socialists are still Han and its demands for a 40 hour Jolt cfforts of the Communist FORMS of united action cannot be IST LEAGUE Aghting within their organization COMRADES:the leadership of the are Decline in Flucation Marks week and a minimum wage sale party and the Democratic Party settled within the frame work of over the question of an analysis of mainly responsible for the German Capitalist Decay the NRA. Other groups say little The State Executive Committee defeat. The must severely But this will did not meet with Burden Loaded on Workers employees are negroes only one the discussion on the hestion of or anything except that are has declared me suspended from condemnete hacer con concern policies the approval of the workers and striklug example is the gar white man cooperated on the plcket the united front tactle. The differaru ulso opposed to the NtA but without voice or vote for a period maling the Manifesto as a the pretty bourgeoisie of Chicago. ment workers strike reported in Hine. Insofar as seluar Dar lielie eers between two forms can only be understood properly when the have not answered the busine ºf two months pending further in turn in the correct direction the They do not think that their chil. another column of the Militant by tiun in the strike was concerned the theoretical and political questions activity with statement of the comrades correct dren are being over educated. The Murphy. The manufactur party practically subotugodite or underlying the question of how to fight the NRA. vestigation of my ly warns of the ensuing danger little red school house is an anarude code agreeing to the at least seriously neglected it ited (rontare It is of the uni In eve ution where they have communists.
achronism today and the workers 40 hour week and a minimum wage (which amounts to the same thing. otten possible for organizations of fought the capitalist and reform Every member of the which flows from its (the mani Non Ag are fighting against ers codes, the Stalinists have trail must understand the reasons for festo) acceptance of a momentarily pose tactical questions ed behind them, not only in de such arbitrary actions on the part gressions act with the Social Parts But their protests have so preserve their protits the entire is Frank Bittner who although opposite theoretical usitions to mands presented but also in many of our leadership its basic causes Democracles. The document confar been of no avail against the burden of the code agreement bad voting for my expulsion from the in the same light, As far as surface to be loaded on to the shoulders made haste to tell me that Indications reveal. Such simllarCANOS on the demands adopted as and its inevitable consequences. cludes with a remorselens denuncia Beard which ignores them.
At the same time that this fight of the workers mostly girls and he was forced to do so or be blm ity is not enclent grounds for a a Charges when brought down to within the organization, demanding against ducation is conducted in women political bloc. Such. who were already brutally self expelled from the party. united scene exploited. plece work scale was The capitalists projected the NRA actual facts amount to two things change (tree discussion, a con Chicago, Chicago is also ROBERTS. front would only result in blupactivities in the union of my vention, no bureaucracy, etc. It of festivities which laud capitalist worked out by the bosses and handdering and confusing the baslo the difficulties coufronting them. trade, the theoretical and more fundamental However, the steps taken in this Union and partielpation in the Uni direction have created other conted Front Anti War Conference.
the degress. In compliance with the skies the Century of Progress. scale many of the girls found it Davenport Stalinists Use differences between these organiza of the Rotten Liber Strangely enough this action of the impossible to make their minimum.
tions, such 19 the question and tradictions. The most important of In the name of what working alism Act (expel immediately all Chicago school authorities is as relation of the Night, Centre and Naturally they were foredom thed Hooligans these new contradictions thrown to class principles do these leaders who disagrees the comrades were much as part of the Fair as the more efficient workers hitred in thell Left Opposition.
machines which decorate its inter place. It was not a case of new surface is the one dealing with of working bring a Yip.
The question of a revolutionary flor. Instead of being a blot on comers or inexperienced girls that Davenport, Iowa. The first open bloc, such as Communists and coloit is air meeting of the branch was held nlal revolutionists is a two fold interest this the outlawing of strikes as soon trade?
and other movements Not only have the last hundre On the contrary, many of the Washington Square where about ed. In the meantime, an increasing dustrial Union has proved through indicative of the fact complices machine but also it has seen the years. In the shop where our com, Darts as usual became frantie du THE UNITED FRONT The Needle Trades Workers In xame line These convulsions are wears witness the growth of the were workers who have been Dity Workers listened to comradetlons, and the framework of the ployed in the trade from to 10 united action.
NRA. The THE MARXIAN CONCEPT OF were not only continuation of Ashting for and in the interests of who the left mora stoards decline of the capitalist system of seven girls were thus Casano was employed to the renewed activity of the Left dismissed The purpose of the united front the NRA as an effect of the upturn in production and increase in prices while the leadership sits back present their view in face of ex Production. Little over one hundred but since comrade Casano enjoys Oposition, and immediately meth. 1) to bring to bear the greatest but also as struggle for the and engages in petty discussions, mulsion. One must not look at this ears ago the young and vigorous prent deal of respect among thods were devised to disrupt the amount of working class pressure in isolated one: nor should capitalism in the United States he. Siris cu nerebop, they carried open air meeting They of possible anginst the capitalist Rysright to organize and to pressure to obtain better conditions consistently fought by the Needle the comrades consider that their an one of the wildest rides down militant fight for the seven girls with whom it is well known there objective and immediate class inbring the cause of the workers is being group as an degenerate, tem, and. 2) to gain our class has even witnessed. Today it is a is something wrong in his upper terest. 3) to train and educato 88 the codes were being considered. rade Union. Even at this time work is now completed. To those the rocky rond of history that time tired and they were reinstated.
The Same Trick This wave of new strikes at the manhandling of women and beating threats of expulsion in the face hansted by its ride and rotting wil the story, to get up and rave the masses and their organizations time the codes were being consi up of men on the picket line, of such Important events as Gers many contradictions and diseases across the same scheme is the no howling at the top of his voice. 211 misleaders, agents Another concern which is putting speaker, threatening arrests and in netton. 4) to expose in action dered threatened to upset the NRA, strike is being waged in a milo many way that come workenes which its mount has helped to Interiously low mascherecucerit te But the meeting was not broken talists, and opportunists, and (5)
especially the enna, miues strug cry shop under the leadership of now only begun. You have opened tenxity.
gle. special emergency measure the was adopted. The establishment of to think The visitor to the Chicago Pair pression wages of this outfit of the party who have to resort to struggle and revolution under the the NRA Adjustment Board, an for being active in a strike, those honestly gectively not stop at the Fair on the one hand and the Now since the code has been sign of the Left Opposition. It is well teed in advance, it must be won to view things should note the showy tinsel of 00 a day for eight hours work. answer the conclusive arguments This leadership cannot be guaran Instead of suspending a member must Germany. There is China arbitration board to consider all members of the State Executive Britain, Russia and America. Stal grading publie encation on the years as well as in service) havol khown that the party member call in action. The united front must and measures for entalling and deed many of the old men (old to strikes. The NRA outlawed strikes Committee who by their silence and intem has failed miserably. Why? other.
after the codes were adopted. The inactivity have tactily sabotaged Begin immediately to study these connected.
new measure outlawed strakes when the strike, these Yipsel leaders questions. Read the literature of are both integrally tren distalssed because they can and hauled this depraved Indivi: at no time result in a compromiso the codes were being considered.
make their minimum. To their dual by the name of Frank Holldayan porbciples.
should be severely condemned.
all groups. Do not contine yourplace are hired young and busty Not satistied with the threats porary Agreement. 2) between The united front is (1) AtemThis means the workers face a The leadership charges selt to one side. If you study obmen, many of whom are farmer new condition, a war measure con mo with Anti War activity with Jectively our position along with dition in the trade union field. the Communists. Who is accused others, we are certain that you will the golden promises of the party leaders mobilized for the immediate demands. 4) in action, Trade union struggles of yesterday and who are the accusers? It is lie in our ranks before long. goodupholsterer can make extermination of the Left Oppost (5) where each organizntion retains from 15 to 18 a week. We have tion, by force, if necessary. So its organizational al Independence, contradiction the capitalists them the YPSL who must charge the participation in the class struggle.
proceeded to get one of their (6) refrains from slander and per ho worthwhile contacts in this the while leaders. Hay Secoy, drunk Ronal attacks. 7) but maintains selves have created. Most of the leadership of the YPSL with not in the revolutionary movement they tory but are working in that directrade upton strikes of the past were participating in this United Frontare inseparable. To those who nt of minority Hon. As is to be expected the shop and on Wednesday August yth they the right listed as industrial and economic activity, with sabotaging this Unl shout that outside of the is bitterly anti union and two work waylald, with another gangster and political criticism (8) no czstruggles and only the outstanding ted Front, with betrayal of their you cannot carry forth work for ers have already been fired strikes took on a political nature class.
your class, you must answer: talking organization.
who was on his way to his fishing tions. 9) and where continued of Some months ago the workers of of a high degree. Under the NRA The Left wing apologizers for one has a monopoly on the class camp along a lonely road and pro fort must be made to bring into EVERY STRIKE BECOMES the leadership say. That is all very struggle.
the midwest states organized Last week 500 employees of the cented to attack him. The fight the united front those organizations POLITICAL STRIKE AT THE well, but our National Executive rogressive Trade Union Educh Western Cartridge Co. of East was only stopped by a stranger that refuse to participate VERY START. Astrile against Committee has a policy which we tional Committee with headquart. Alton, walked out in a body and his wife from a house nearby. The organization with a Marxian the saptablets is a strike against must follow no matter how much Education and the Cen ers at Gillespie, Tuinots. The promenitiek aradiset the side and does It would not be amiss to describe program has nothing to lose and we are in favor of united front se the lay Secoy who is aspiring tor verything to gain by united ac sented in the militant some months This brings to the surface as the civitation are a disciplined or tury of Progress The reactionary ILGWU oficials leadership in the party, but who con of the working cla Marx.
theory ago. The whole Left wing approved have already announced that at this was defeated, due to the activities ism will stand all tests in and practice.
tion and opposition to the NRAformal discipline of HUGO OEHLER.
the workers right to strike, the an organization clashes with the go ord of Flucation struck the by MacFarlane and Walker, secret tion of unfon recognition. Taking last election on which he had sery. Some of the shops pay the code Chicago Last month the chic except fontora amellent with the time it is not a question of wages of the Left Opposition, for the see school system intend to smother them class col thing must give. The rifte blow maim it per laboration, in arbitration and by working class wil win which has some influence here, im locally as a degenerate of the worst others!
maneptly. After a secret meeting We are now informed that a secLayouts are prevalent, outlawing them. The class strug. Our leadership would gladly instigated by the secret Citizens ret meeting was called by the medintely began to talk about type. Ile is trying to utilize the Abont wages gle cannot be stopped this way. sidetrack the entire principled dis. lCommittee they passed a bill which Right wing, over the heads of, and and shop conditions and besame methods as be previously didnt 20 pay checks were photographed which ranged from 1, 00 the Communists are not equal to ganlyntional formula. The question pro They It can only be warped, providing cussion into the track of barren or removes all the educational im without the knowledge of the duly cause of this has ruined additional in his hijacking of workers by hold for three days and for four In the last forty elected Executive Committee. At has also the additional advantage once in a penitentary and another The Yipsels have some influence prestige among the workers. It ups for which he has served time days.
the task.
is too big to be handled in this years.
In other words, the central point lawer dike manierie di base to be on the over education of the entered tondoe labey independent parts. particularly the Tipsels who These local leaders of the party great militanley on the picket lime.
of the workers struggle in. to federation of labor was estab to ist answer to the trade union ques. ecutive Committee said this or that which were supposed to be stiftingsists of several independent crafts only in the garment workers strike their incorrect policies, by the fact ing. For singing the Internationale now of loyalty to the ors, Painters, in small party, in District 8, has made them on the charge of listurbing the class.
against the capitalist state.
schools, physical education, Junior towns of the coal flelds, the logical Interested Only in Pio Card appeal to all comrades who are high schools and a junior college carry and break, that follows the scapegoats for the wrong policies pence. Among the pickets arrest.
Around the fight against the cap. interested in forwarding the cause These measures to revive the lit trail of the Progressive Miners The officialdom of the ILGWU is, of the Central Committee and the ed was comrade Rose Casano of stands the capitalist government of the working class, to protest the red school house are the wate: Unton break with Lewis and Com of course, as in all other of District Committee.
and the capitalist labor agent against this anti proletarian act of Astrous that they deserve our imme. pany.
unions interested only in one thing. It is evident by the above actions The speeches by the workers are NRA slave code, the workers fight suspension diate attention because they are, for the right to organize, to strike This new eraft federation comes trobe de mund the candle Files derived that the party leadership will stop fair but they lack leadership. About For the Revolution, ominous signs and to live must be woven the the decline of the to ife after the NRA takes shape the support of the bosses by laying position from being active and pre few radical phrases and then. wo struggle for the other demands of FLORENCE WYLE.
public school system the United States.
throughout and the workers hace flooking into low on the question of wages. But seating cits ideas to the workers of must stick to our government the class at this stage. The stag.
ger plan must be fought by the This act was the solution of the at the mercy of the bosses agents. been doubled and trebled under the The Lett Opposition of the tri tionary stute over and again.
struggle for the six hour day the Chi. Bureaucrats Board of Education, to critical a powerful Left wing.
the labor fakers, unless we build NRA will have something to say cities appeals to all worke. to But in spite of the Inbor skutes five day week with increase in pay.
about this matter and the leader combat such terroriste activities the workers are militant. The public school system has been in The whols affair raises a few ship will be pushed in a leftward us the party leadership is at this walls of the old fall echoed with must be fought by the strastie uter Expel Militants entangled for the last two years Important question. First, what direction whether they like it or time displaying in order to cover the strains of the Internationale.
unemployed and social insurance.
due to a premature depletion of the Is the position of the Right wing not.
up their miserable failures which the cops just stood and gaped in The question of long term credits The purvancrats of the Chicago city treasury. For the last two leadership of the MA Percy and On one during the strike are only a part of the national astonishment.
to the Soviet union and recognition have found it necessary Comrade Casano has been doing our of the Soviet Union as against the once again, to stem the tide of op. Fears the public school employees Kock, etc. Now that a big section when made Casano was to failures brought about by their inhave worked almost gratuitously of the Right wing is ready to be refused a place on a committee correct tactics and policies. fine work and was one of first capitaliste manenvers on this ques. Amongst its memberas blev ekoped and meekly citike me trupin patriots. make amends with one to the fam. cause de known that she whe BETTY ROWLAND. to get the workers in her shop to down tools 100 percent.
others About 100 only The struggle of the youth to obtain sions. This is answer conducted plus a student strike Pered by the Left wing or such a is hostile to communism, took the workers were employed her shop.
for the youth donted a chance to comrades of tho solicited resolutions from the Board us would it not be more porreyten. Het protest any e Componente St. Louis Dress Workers wall his pickets to the strikes it make a living by the abolition from the bureaucrats. Five Expulcation.
their part to wipe out the Left before this thing Is over. She is doing all it can to help the strikof child labor.
sions and Probations for one. The of Chooses Gract ers and gain influence among them.
applauded. The Strike for Recognition wing in the PMA as they are, and WAS Wuerats may find it neces The Stalinists are nowhere to be The trade union question of the dance of the statement which working class has now become the provoked by the German catastro. choose: either curtail irretrievably move by McFarlane and others kills sary to revise their past policies the expulstons Was The of had two courses to kill the Progressive Trade Union of St. Louis. The ILOWU of St. seen. LLOYD MURPHY.
the committee.
in words at least.
central point of the workers strug. Dhe and by the tendency on the the educational facilities of the Louis has declared a general walkthe the Just as the socialist party and out for the industry. To dato FOOD WORKERS MEET lawing of strikes. Violators of the devastating policy of the united asigruntled, childless taxpayer of Stalinista doing. The Stalinlets the Musteltos act as a brake on the about 10 percent of the shops bave FOR UNITED ACTION codes can bo Aned and imprisoned. front from below which was respon follow the Strayer report and elim have ideological control of the leftward swing of the workingers out of the 3, 000 employed in ponse to a joined the strike. Some 2, 500 workAng. 22. In reTast all by the Amalgamattrade unionists This means strikers. This means sible for the German disaster. The the funds previously. In making sive Trade Union Educational Com is that the Amalgamated acts as the trade hare walked out and Food Workers Union for united inate the craft which had eaten up ecutive Committee of the Progren masses towards Communtam so it statement concerned itself with these their decision they followed the mittee. What are they going to do a brake in the needle trades to pre more are leaving the shops every If the young bureaucrats expect the representatives of big business about this. They did not use the vent the workers, alsgusted preba day. The largest and nationally action of all food workers organi LIMITED EDITION OF ed that the German defeat and the dictates of the citizens committee, for the Cleveland Con. of tactics from finding their own shops are effected by the in Palm Gardens Hall, More MY LIFE ON SALE strike.
expulsion of Albert Goldman from in Chicago. Graft was more fav. ference. Will the stalinists allow way to the class struggle unions than one thousand workers were Pioneer Publishers has recently the would be recelved with orable them than an educated the Progressive Trac Union Edu.
The reason for the strike is present. The TUUL wag nt hand Stalinists Win with the Mayor obtained a limited number of copies silence on the part cational Commitee to be killed by the citizen.
that the bosses have signed the but the vague references made of leon Trotsky autobiography members. It is only because they This fact is not as strange as it the Right wing! They cannot preAnd it is just here where the NRA but refuse to pay the min its speaker on the subject of uni My Life and is offering them for have isolated themselves so from seems. The system of universal vent the accomplished spilt, but they rub comes in. The stalinists have imum wage. The grlevance of the ted action under a titel organisale at the special price of 00 the rank and Ale that they can compulsory education extant today can call an executive committeo no untons worthy of the name. The plece workers is that under the ention called forth a very cool recopy. The Publisher price is no more guage their sentiment was instituted when American capland utilize the PTUEC with its NTWIU is only a shadow, and present rates they cannot make the ception from the workers. Gitlow. 00. Make haste and take advan The leadership was taken by tallem was expanding. It needed more correct policy as a sectional group should comrade Casano step out, its minimum pay. To meet this condi representing the on the tage or this offer. The book can be surprise when it was informed of trained clerks, professionals, skiing of left wingers to be connectod already insignificant influence would tlon the bosses speed up the mal contrary, played up this very thing obtained from Pioneer Publishers, the actions of and in violation of ed workers, etc. than our private nationally with the other Left wing melt away like snow under a mid chines and if the workers cannot that the party speaker omitted and 84 East 10th Street, New York City. the no fraternization law, organ schools could provide. Today our bodies.
summer sun. In spite of the noise make the minimum they are alrea. fairly brought down the house, Progressive de Center Disrupted by Right Wing מת When