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WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition YOUNG ANTI FASCIST WORKER Lewis Betrays Fascism and Democratic Slogans Hearing Dress Workers Gain as Strike Ends; One Union Needed Clubs, Tear Gas, potrigande wa comma Young Negroes Fascism the accomplishment of overacy. The organizaciones austice Riot Guns Used Slain by Lynch Law in South shown Published weekly by the Commandet League of America (Opposition) at 128 Mt 16th Street, New York, Date rod 18 second class wall matter. November 28, 18:28 At the Port Office at New York, wader the act of Mareb 1870 VOLUME VI, NO. 40 (WHOLE NO. 187 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1933 PRICE CENTS PROTEST FRAME UP AGAINST LEON TROTSKY MASS MEETING THE 2ND AND SRD INTERNAAthos Terzani, a young antiFascist is being held in the TIONALS AFTER HITLER Miners at Coal Queens County Jail on a murder VICTORY indictment which is more flagrant What Is Now Happening in the a frame up than any the labor movement has seen for some time.
Communist and Socialist Internationals? What Are the PerTerzani has been accused of the spectives of Their Future Demurder of one of his fellow workOne may attempt to say that the Is it true that Hitler hos velopments?
The NRA has blown life into the or and comrade in arms, Anthony Can the Socialist arty in Gerdestroyed democratic prejudicest Spanish revolution is a proletarian Fierro no less! The charge of Vulteil Mine Workers Union and many Be Revived? Ias the The April resolution of the Prae one in its tendencies, and that the murder against Terxant has as has given Lawis and Company a Communist Movement Been Deuldium of the ECCI on the prosent social democracy in alliance with its pare the shielding of the new louse on life. After a wore stroyed?
situation in Germany will, we be other republicans has succeeded it real criminals the Fascist Khaki of years of the most brazen beHEALL False Policy of Stalinists Leads Left Wing Workers lleve, go down into bistors as the arresting its development at the Shirts of America trayals and sell outs, John Lewis final testimonial to the bankruptcy stage of bourgeois parliamentarism MAX SHACHTMAN into Blind Alley. Reentry of Left Wing into of the Cominter of the epigones. But this objection, correct in itThe workers are familiar enough is appointed Labor representative Fxditor of the Militant The resolution is crowned with a self proves only more clearly our it proof toe needed listen to this act at our disposal to determine who has just returned from an Cannot Be Delayed. Vital for Enforcement of Settlement prognosis in which all the rices and idea that if bourgeois democracy statement by Art Smith who Government Extensive Visit to Various Eurprejudices of the Stalinist bureau succeeded in paralyzing the revoluboasted before an audience of thinks of labor it would be suf opean Countries Where He Had the Opportunity to study the The big strike of dreamnkers of organisl. Sithtly this cracy reach their culmination. Tho tion of the proletariat, this was Tascis 600 in hila on July 23rd that ticient for condemnation. How.
establishment of an open of the Revolutionary Movement New York and nearby ints for men have been kept busy First Hand and to Visit dictatorship the resolution pro the yoke of the Fascist dictator his or anixation had murdered ever, the present governmen involved some workers, throughout the industry.
claims in bold face type, acceler ship, the democratic illusions were one radical and sent 19 others to imperialists have a long record for of the organining the Exiled Bolshevik Lenda hospital at a New Work meet the few months they are in power: stronger.
ates the tempo of the development not weakened but became come to conclusion with some Caine 35 tour Week er Leon Trotsky in a record of clever reform, and gains for the workers. The strike of a piroletarian revolution in Gerin recently Enough said?
Ilave democratic illusions diswas not it reitt deal of Turkey and France Defend Terzani The Mugar coated measures for greater many by destroying all democratie appeared iu Italy during the ten noodthirsty capitalit class must subjection and exploitation WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30 at P. ed all the lower and militaney for by the two It would be lasted only a few days but display. latte le dental advanced freeing them from the influence of this is how Fascists themselves labore martyr ook Tera Sena arena docking to the folds of throughout the mine IRVING PLAZA Main Hall which the needle trades workers to me to say that the deman Irving Place and 15th Street have become known. It was the were all gain, but the actual xetthe social democracy Fascism, it seems, has unexpect are inclined to picture the state of contributions immediately to Her the Not that they!
most complete trike seen in this tlement represents an improvement ADMISSION. 10 CENTS affairs. In Terzani have any faith in Lewis and Comof llla ocratie elity, however, dem lert Mahler, treasurer, industry for a long time. 11. pices: over past actual catus and it edly become the lowcratic Illus new force. During this period, al New York City.
are acquiring Defense Committee, 94 Fifth Ave. any, but because they think that tory: it destroys The overwhelming many of the enforceel, will mean it Nep forward New York Branch, Communist they will get a new deal under the sions, it frees the masses from the new generation has been raised up.
Lengite of America (Op. workers involved struck under the for American Ialor. Undoubtedly NRA, through the conservative unbanner of the International Ladies the most important sain in the 35ion. The sell out in western enn. it accelerates the development of Politically it has not lived in the Garment Workers Union, but the hour five day week. In this ret of conditions of freedom, but it knows the proletarian revolution. The full well what Fascism is: this is Ly Lewis a few weeks ago and the TUUL union dros section made the What demanded 30 hours Stalinist II. union demanded 35 the raw material for vulgar dem.
brought out in bold relief what the common cause with the former. In while the TIT.
this cortain progress must be lours. Both unions und demande those laste tasks which it proved and Liberty Is distributing illegal actual situation is. Nevertheless, recorded. At least it is a far crs the abilities of price work: the the absence of a Left wing in the itselt utterly Incapable of solving democratie literature in Italy and this from the position of the Stalinists. Mettlent, however retains The theoretie victory of Fascism not without success. The ideas of and the capitulation who are in control of the TUULNtem fur certain of the crafts, is undoubtedly an evidence of the democracy are therefore fluding adin Milk Strike ist Right wing, class collaboration union, took in the strike in 1929 while otherwise the wente agreed fact that democracy had exhausted herents, who are ready to sacritico policies of the Progressive Miners when this union declared it would won for week workers represents of America all favors the Lewis itself: but politically, the Fascist remain on the job in face of the improvement from formerly acthemselves. Even the fabby gen Richfield Springs, stranglehold upon the miners torecime preserves democratie pre eralizations of the liberal monarch. During the last four to five years gether with the help of the governOnce again the Negro hnting and ILGW, strike. But it is a change that conditions obtaining working class them into the youth and is even ist, Count Sforxa, are spread in the the farmers in the New York milkment.
baiting southern Slows of events. In essense there York dressmakers will unctombtelly which is compelled by the hammer. This progress made liy the New capable of imparting to them, for how far back Italy has been thrown limit by the big dairy companies.
Lewis and Class Collaboration bourgeosie has its has been practically no change its effect in further stimulat a short time, the greatest strength. during these years!
Lewis, speaking before the code unique method of meting out justice the bankrupt trade union policy of in the American workers to fight Naturally, therefore, when some more tenaceonly for their right to Precisely in this consists one of (Continued on Page 3) sliek organizers from up state be hearing suid: The Recovery Act to that dohbly exploited section of the official party leaders.
the most important manifestations Internatinal Consolidated Union organize and for a better standard gan to set up the Dalrymen Longue into life ngain of the forces of Negro.
means a rebirth not the bringing the southern proletariat. the of the reactionary historic role of It is necessary to add to this that of living regardless of all the empty the farmers all supported it hoping former years which we have found Fascism.
that it would solve their problems impossible. It is now a recognized day morning. August 13, Sheriff In the dark hours of early Sun at hte present moment the TUUL cemany of the NRA and regard union is right up against low of its class collaboration Masse thiuk with facts. The work: FRAME UP ON THE MILITANT The organizers solidified the recown authoritative oplnton, both within ed that for safety sake they ILGW us the sole union in the title strike elitest Doctrinaires think schematically. THE COAL OPERATORS ORGANI But they soon learned otherwise. fact by the most disinterested and Shamblin and some deputies decla. the wall. Essentially the strike was brakes. One cannot disregard the ing class perceives events not as one to entablishi recognition of the wornicions class collaboration in the experiments with this or that The Taylorville, Ill.
Breeze, a thesis but as living changes in Peabody Coal Co. rag, in its July bern the Borden company got ther, and without the industry, that it were going to transport the three industry to the exelusion of any lement. But it would be idle to finger into the pie. The result westchnotosiere itself without inside young Negroes, Dan Pippen, other. It will have to be admitted conjecture what could have been the fate of the people. The victory of Fascism adds a million times ated miserable that farmers ceived even less the Federal Government. Lewis with a typically southern felons wente Par toward attaining its ob leadership. We know the splendid also complished with a militant union more to the scale of political de scrawl headlined to give the ap for their milk than before.
recognizes that the coal Industry is murder of a white woman trom jective. The settlement which is militant tradition of the rank and than the prognosis for entrance of an advertisement of Farmers Get It in the Neck of The dissatisfaction continued to recognize this as part of the decas Birmingham, Alabama. lonely, and the manufacturers under the lat this forward step will lend its from it. Had a proletarian state article was to further the ends of grow, the conditions became one of capitalismo che absolut orecogent son intravelled road was picked for the whole of the Rocaile naministrat petux tu mewwwahce elsewhere.
democracy, the developinent of so the coal company by adding conto the governor to step in and is necessary to pull the coal in caravan. One car carrying One Union Necessity the de consciousness would have miners of Illinois and to attempt that the farmers expected to get as a first step in this direction, will prisoners and another following with facturers. Apparently all accepted pressing ever harder for a mulution But that is only one side of the ciety, as well as the development fusion to the siuation facing the appoint Milk Control Board. By dustry out of the rut. The NRA, Sherict, a deputy or two and the absennina tibe on uche bergren. comlete one remains taken a great leap forward. But to discredit the growing intluence square deal. In March the Milk start this process and it more deputies for protection. When as it was, in reality, the victory of of our paper in the minetields. Control Board was appointed, the drastie government steps are nec the journey was about that com the settlement enthusiastically and it catu perhaps be approached most concretely from the point of view Fascism that grew out of the bank.
ruptcy of democracy, the conscious and never could have placed an ad apparently was aproaching, but the operators profits.
The Militant of course never did farmers were happy, the New Deal essary they will be taken to insure pleted the sherift ordered the trail cheered for Grover Whalen.
This gentleman did not fail to of the situation is existing at this It is ness of the masses is set far back with the Taylorville Breeze and The Milk Control Board classilong experience in the industry that est intersection of the road. The the manufacturers, that it was now cual knowledge amongst the Again they got it in the neck.
of course only temporarily. The do not expect to refer to it again Lewis says: We knew from This was at the darkest and quiet:I make clear, as an inducement to moment in the neelle tradex.
smashing of the Welmar democracy until we announce that the comfied the various grades of milk it oenld only be stabilized and re sheriff car with the handcuffed their opportunity to make an end rank mu ne workers that the preto the democratie lesions of the the eabody Coal Co. and siullar them Thabowest erade was to be its esde pe lica wes u provisions out of waydain the center, and wondered manufacturers will undoubtedly exla question could be answered in have thrown and set the prices on the classic care se content or the wolucan be interesenti nella not goned car when industrie Proceedings from eals the was recome are one or such Reichstag on fire can burn out them the hekspittle tools the thirds percent of butter fat for Lewis never thought it was neces. the sherior to hand over the Necroto shops where it was not former necessary conditions obtain. First, parliamentary cretinism.
the totaylorvile which the farmers were to receive sary to have a national miners poles to them. All went as if rely recognized. The strike affected that the rank and tile members are The Example of Spain and Italy kind that edit (Continued on Page 4)
icy and national strikes. If Lewis (Continued on Page 4)
For four years in succession we thinks it is good for the operators practically all shops, organized and ever watchful of their officials and that the laſt wing definitely nort heard that democracy and Fascian and the government to have a nado not exclude but supplement tional policy then why does he not itself in this direction. Secondly ench other. How then can the vic.
htunity between the think that such a weapon would two untory of Fascism liquidate demions be accomplished in such a way also be good in the hands of the ocracy once and for all? We would that the left wing union has beminers against the operators. The like to have some explanations on separate agreements, one after the comes an integritlirt of the mars this score by Bucharin, Zinovlev, other; the strikes on district scales, movement. In reality the attainor Manuellsky himself.
while across the line the other minment of the former conditioned The military police dictatorship oth the latter.
Primo de Rivera was declared by new president of Cuba.
ers worked year after year, all Machado is out. Cespedale had outlived his usefulness to his Indicate who Lewis is talking about! is the motion against Machado. Machado The militant strike of over 1500 hour week in place of the 30 hour long since we have specifically the Comintern to be Fascism. But dum has replaced Tweeledee. Both Yankee masters. He came to power when he thinks a national policy upholsterers is nearing settlement. Werk demanded by the union; thed this as an orientation for If the victory of Fascism signifies are from the saine political party. As an anti imperialist but sold out Aber noget The Furniture Manufacturers As open shop: an arbitration beurt, to TUET ion of that section of proposed According to Jewis, capital and sociation has been brought to terms presentative, which would decirle that it week re entry into the LLOW prejudices, how can it be explained to be a concentration cabinet, Enel yoke he helped to fasten on the labor benetit as follows: The em. Wy one of the greatest strikes to Srlevances from time to time. o the INININ of no ciscrimina.
that the dictatorship of Primo de a more oppositional character Cphan masses. The base of his gov. player is the greatest beneficiary of the history of the trade. They Rivera gave way to a bour Without consulting the union or in their membership rights and publice a true that the resime the Anc for political recognition, rested Mally on the army and then, what do the workers either when Victory is in the grasp of the men in any way, this spurious article richiesteris mr.
ism. But it had, at all events, this agreeable to American imperialisme Porra, secret assassins. The latter Recovery Act. Nothing beyond the conciliate the dispute.
La band or brain, expect from the the strikers, to call in the NRA to rement was circulated brondited was a pring much in common with Fascism: It as its predecessor was originally proved powerless against the ris right to organise and cooperate east among the striking pickets for Nity then and the insibilities for the sole purpose of breaking the access of the policy were re. employer, And the NRA has acted. On resistance of the men who mightstab sool. Pulay it is even more ihan a pressing necessity. It of the parliamentary regime. Thislersonnel is the program to whleb Towed to the pamjered army. And what they have always been denied August 17th, the Washington con still have respect for the authorits lixar of life and death to did not prevent it, however, after its own bankruptcy was revealed the country: a reorgnization of entire nation the army served 10 of industry. In fact the workers chaleman of the Bureau of Compil. Noodles to say, the union me the most winst There can be from giving way to democratic par. surplus labor back to the land; retice that Machado time had won even get these crumbs Lewis the Furniture Manufacturers Associated warning the men against the ton movement withont such a pol.
Cespedes has commited it. And at last under the pressure of the fair participation in the output ciutator. Colonel Leopold Philionand impartiality of the NRAIN llamentarism.
organization of enormous debt to come. He fled to the Bahamas to speaks of clation at the Pennsylvania Hotel, the United States; and a trade exile declaring, like Alfonso ot agreement with the United States Spain, that he loved his country throughout the Industry, however The Agreement, which was to serve Upholsterers Union then upbraided BOLSHEVIK LENINIST IN Lewis and Company is discredited (the headquarters of the NRA. business agent of the Ef THREATEN PUBLIC TRIAL OF fake agreement Rudolph Thee, ley.
WE NEED MONEY. have a little shadow that goes selling below the cost of produetaphs of both remain to be written will give these labor agents a new Custry, calls for a sliding wage manded an explanation for his com MOSCOW in and out, with me, and what can tion, by the international Socialist release on life. Left wing must scale beginning with a coc an hour plicity in the matter.
be the use of it 18 The following highly significant than The details of this three point olution.
be built in the UMWA where they minimum, in place of the 40 per incident rrect the Congress can see runs a poem by Stevenson. program have not yet been made (Continued on page Continued on Page 4)
And that is how it is with us. Over publle but their character is Indichour, demanded by the union; a 40 the strikers they represent, the ers (ited Trade Union) of France To pacify the union leaders and of the Unitary Federation of Teach all our activities hangs a shadow, ated by the whole situation. There Colonel sent the following letter to which met on gust oth in Reims, a financial shadow.
can be no doubt that all the high the books association: France.
In the immediately past period cards will repose, as heretofore, in am terribly annoyed to find ressed by the delegates for an our shadow was small. From the the mitt of Uncle Sam. From Roosthat your association has distri answer and an explanation on the financial point of view we stood at evelt to Welles to Cespedes the Wholesale arrests were made to That is what pleases them. In this cutors in the government. buted today a pamphlet of the case of Victor Serut Bolshevik noon or not far from it. But lately line is unbroken. The stake of day by State troopers and Sheriff instance the strikers were poor will the workers draw the nec agreement into the sun has been going down. And the United States imperialists in deputies in their effort to between Leninist now in exile, the repreherent facters Ine manije others the selecteessary conclusions from white wat goueme enterede sentative of the Soviet tenchers our shadow has been lengthening. Cuba has been estimated from a the backbone of the ten day old ers are workers; but the treatment they understand that there is no After all, the agreement was federation statel officially from the Last week it got so long that wo billion and a quarter to two bile strike of milk producers. This is the same, and if there is any other way to advance their inter simply a tentative proposition and platform: couldn see in front of us and the lions. It reposes principally in statement appeared in the New difference, it is on the side of eat? Right now they are being set was not binding on either purty and Victor Here as well as other Militant didn come out.
sugar, tobacco, and government and York Times of August 11.
greater viciousness.
into motion, pressed forward by to have circularized that and the Trotskyist formed part of a and shorten aur shadow. despers Cuvat will have to barco Tisele on people andere zemlja tries many times the government under capitalism, direction cannot Openly and brazenly this mouth. Does any workers doubt that are not necessit: but be coured use of this organization in an efort cow for Frontonery, which all assured to is just been discovered. ato tug made it possible to get out the careful protection of these in week? And the week after? Cespedes Welcomes Warships that is the forces of the political lican, functions to protest the rich drawn from all these experiences. are the tactics that the dealers in the Recusations and proofs will be It isn at all a bleak future that it confirmation were needed Cen: to break a strike by wholesale ar functioning to protect the interests day class society and the function against you, which have endeav. amalgam of Stalin and his thermistate, of the government, are acting against the poor. Does any worker, That implies first of all a recogol tend to use, am sorry to confess given.
it is Is this another one of the famous faces ns. Next week issue or the pedes has supplied it. He has wel rests. Its headline issue of the week after will carry comed the presence of American 200 Milk Strikers seized cup of capitalism, to defeat the time of the capitalist government with: ored to listen to with an open mind torta allies to exterminate the the details of our new expansion warships in Cuban waters and has state. In sub caption appeared and aspirations of the workers and in it. With that as a basis it will and not to take sides, seem who program. That will be the lever to been at pains to reasure the not the addition, Trend Pleases Leh: sledge hammer blows. It is the in sheep clothing, the honos word well founded.
fought in the most dangerous hatlift us over this temporary og truc vous men of Wall Street that he man that is, the governor capitalist state in operation. Buted labor lieutenants of capitalism Insist that this statement betlefronts of the that all in in the meantime we need some keer pronts according to the rules en el senyories Are the game of serving Fan says: Sheriffs Are Handling Situs this is only one more example added who play hand in glove with the only purpose of this agreement was his declaration of the Soviet telerefuted by you immdeiately, as the If there is any assistance And we need it quick In short the cast has been changed to countless similar experiences. government to disorganize and de: to affect a compromise between Eate then it is a sign that the haitly. Let us put our appeal on this but the play is still the same. The Of course this trend pleases the American labor history is replete feat the workers. With that as hsais: the expansion program as capitalist press calls this substitu governor. It equally pleases the with these bitter lessons. Many basis it will also be easier to re during the period of time that these longer procent on the old basis.
our long lever to raise us to a new tion of actors a revolution.
us going. Send all funds at once Cuban society. Below it is not so attacks by state troopers, using been lata waste in strike strug tionary party to carry on the strug especially thru the lisenance of the which has That is how it is at the top of broken by arrests and by previous and often their organizations have ing class building its own revolu ment was to be made publiciya or ves of the proletarian vanguard grown dulrious and to the Militant, 126 Fast 16th St. satisfactory to the American puppet tear gas, clubs and riot guns. gles throughout the country. Such gle for the overthrow of the capi.
alarmed at the continued vicious New York, masters. The whole nation was in strike broken by force and violence, is the record of the capitalist exe Italist system of society. Continued on Page 4) ness of the Stalinist persecutions. Imperialism Holds High Cards in Cuban Situation Furniture Strikers Repulse Manoeuvers of the Employers WHO BREAKS THE STRIKES men civil war?