AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1933 The and The Suicide of Skrypnik Socialists Back Perspectives of the Upturn y. Upholsterers Trade Unions Striking Revelation of the Degeneration of Stalinism Out of Anti War Marxian Analysis of Business Cycles by Trotsky Strike Bulletin Congress of ov Greek Stalinists Support Bourgeois Party in Elections mellora teolation with the tory results.
On the Tth of July, Skrypnik Inist apparatus. Having lost the (Conti the business cycle curve. To (Continued from Page us. Page 1)
THREE small abops have signed committed suicide in 1901, Skryplast remnants of its authority in merely with the smaller section nik, a student, joined the revolu the eyes of the masses, the Stalin interrupted by the war years, has a new revival of business activity up with local 76 of the of of skilled trades but with the broad. tionary movement and soon after ist leadership is forced still further (Continued from Page 1)
made its way in spite of all tarit est strata of the working class. It became is the rolitically undeveloped ary. Hotel Ossional revolution on the road of repression, of the mists agreed to, or more accurately walls and has proven its powerful would not open a broad a venue our his is an entering wedge into the of the crisis, but would lead into united front of the bosses associaworkers, who are yet, at least to everal times wind escaped several which reduces the Leninist van cominterni manifesto the above every reason to believe that the ful crisis. On the other hand, the buses have failed to get them. The He was exiled further strangling of the party inspired In line with the March reality in painful form. There is a new, still sharper and more paintion. In spite of daily ads in the an extent, capitivated by Illusions times. He spent five years in Sib guard to a soulless and formless statement. They have traveled far coming reversal of the trend, in the inevitability of a more or less near spirit of the men is accordingly of the who are Just breakfar direction of a business revival by change in the business cycle is ing away from their former ceria. The official biography of mass of mere executors of orders afield from the policy laid doby not simultaneously and not with perfectly evident to us. We must high. Plans are under way for talist ideology; it is these workers internationalist position at the bea ferentiat pel diet edhe me the apparathi langue ante. waw. confessence of 102. a world wide character det her next post crisis period andrascapl. skrypik states that he took an The growth of discontent and dir Lenin for the Communists at the equal strength will likewise, assume equip ourselves theoretically for the organized relief for the strikers.
who are being set into the un actively in the October Revolution. The apparatus is no longer sure Through the Barbusse Anti War capitalism is resorted by the pre The years of crisis have throwa WASHINGTON IS THE BUNK!
motion and party is reflected in apparatus. and Socialists who are gravitating toward words, the cyclical movement of sume correct points of departure.
STRIKE MEDIATOR FROM ions. Their direction will fuevit From 1920 up till his death he was of itself and therefore cannot fult Congress held last August and all sent crisis.
and are throwing the international Pay no attention to anyone who reunions. That already Ile was not only a member of the for it. Stalin sohliged to confronts they have blurred the line blooded cycles in the future. In torical period. Discontent, the hore ONLY TO SELL YOU TOUT Naturally, we cannot expect full proletariat back for a whole his presents himself as such. He is in the Pennsylvania strikes. They Central Committee of the Soviet struct another apparatus the step all the way to militant Union, a member of the Political cadre of this apparatus, that is, ar in the direction of militant the last two decades before Bureau of the of the Ukraine, a narrow faction of loyals. By the pacilisi.
war, crises the character of the exploiters and their system, all lative in the Pennsylvanin coal unionism, nor as yet to seek new but also a member of tho logic of its development the bu They To the shame of John now appealing to the short and not too profound inter these emotions which are now be fields.
Will this not imply a revival and teenth anniversary was solemnly mines its own basis. For each of the Congress Against War. tar below. But now we must ex governmental repression, will force the men went back at the old. com Only a few months ago his six reaucratie regime constantly under socialist party branches to support ruptions, while each new upswing suppressed and driven Inwards Lewis and the United Workers of growth of the American Federation in the his mistakes Stalin sacrifices entire of Labor? Undoubtedly it will. Member of Stalin e Private Faction sections of his apparatus. They are Matthews, a member of peet the reverse: profound, long their way out with redoubled energy ditions. Don let that happen to Socialist party who trails along Moreover, to a certain extent it During the entire period of the branded as culprits, sabotagers or with the Stalinists in its united and painful crises, while the up at the first real signs of an in you! Only the workers organized will change its basic character in internal struggle in the party, counter revolutionaries and dustrial revival.
into a strong inlon can enforce fronts, has remained on the arrange ward movements are weak letarians from the heavy industries. site, ostychev and others boMachine Devours Creators ments committee. One or two so short lived. If the old cycles were Because of the general situation your demands.
What will emerge will be au longed to Stalin closest and most ministrators pay with their hand gress, but little more than that only be the mechanism of capital employers will not be in a position of the shops should be held. Not The big as well as the small ad cialist groups may support the con the mechanism of the broad up of present day capital, even in the REGULAR STRIKE MEETINGS of altered in composition and intimate faction which operated in today for stalin policy and mis can be expected. The sabotage of compelled to make certain organl the Ukraine and set the pace in the takes of yesterday for the leader.
to make such concessions to the merely the general meeting each zational readjustments in order to struggle and the repressions against ship is infallible. It aders of the Socialist party ist decay.
not combined with the false course of Only, the influence cyclic workers as to contine the struggle day. Men from the shops must be measure up to per conditions.
To the left Opposition. Consequently sufice for him to make scapegoats the stalinists and their anti revolu. changes on the histe of the mass within the framework of the trade drawn into the strike activity. certain degree is will be com this is a matter not only of une et calprits in the middle apparatus, tionary position on the united front of people remains enormous. In unions. We can predict with aspelled to give way to pressure from of the foremost lenders of the Solhe is obliged to reach out to the neninst war will result in keeping certain sense, it is now more surance that the industrial revival Framemakers in the union shop will leave no room even for a re controlled by 1204 of the Carpenters a will.
tar action The whole present status of capi turn to those conditions of labor have refused to come out in sup ably assert itself as the struggles cral weeks before Skrypnik commited Skrypnik without talism represents a completed not which prevailed before the present port of the general strike of framegrow and stand as a heavy counted suicide a campaign was carried least trouble to furnish any evidtaking the with the Communists.
At the Congress Against merely ripe, but overripe, pre re crisis. The economic contiets will makers called hy the Furniture and policy of the leadership. The June 10, the secretary of the Cen made against him.
to the capitalist ideology on against him in the press. On cnce at all in proot of the charges war the Left Opposition delegates quisite for the proletarian revolu not only take on a wide scope but Workers Industrial Unton. Elemencontinued castigation of the of as a company union, and con otycher, a careerist and one of and this is not just anyone tradistinction to Stalinist confus organization, its leadership. Because character ral Committee of the member of the and the a munist program against war in consciousness of the proletariat, its tical movements of a revolutionary strike which has become general (over thirty shops involved) deThe Comintern must strip of the manels that these workers be conforned by the oricul Communist valets, said at the Plenum of the shielder by their membership in the important sector of the class strug social equilibrium, the conjunctural las remonts of the theory of the demned for scabbing and that they the probleme de meditude to this us Central Committee of the Ukraine, party, were taken into his confid gle, his conception of the united ductuations lead to enormous shifts the perioder mest begin tom to be called out in sympathy and belp of Ston and isolation to the militants in the hands of all sorts of dogsts that is made by the CC Theerlean working class action against and counter revolutionary disturband social terrain of the struggle The bourgeols world, and with cording to its own good judgment. To prevent any misunderstandDonde experience of your his back as a member of the nikel is one or these chcrackeSkie wil old in the clarification of both it. the socialdemocracy awaits the to the proletarian vanguard but ings, SETTLING COMMITTEE policy of betrayal, it will continue known today of what Skrypnik sala creators. And Skrypnik who the Communist and Socialist work new upturn in commerce and in through the latter, guide the real must always accompany the officer its service as labor lieutenants of or did.
hasers and Iny the basis for a genuine Austry as a savior. The theoreti development of the class struggle of the union who meets with the capitalism. True enough, one can helped not little in the crention conmon action against war and the cians of the Comintern are afraid work among the trade unions. Loz. and at least one other member of According to Postychev, Skrypnik of this machine has been caught capitalist offensive.
out ally hope for a change answered that the policy that he in its tolls.
of such a perspective and deny the ovsky third period must be dis. the shop must be present. This of ou look in this respect. But be bad carried out up till that time JOSEPH CARTER. possibility of an upward turn incarded as well as the third period rale must absolutely be adhered to trayals have been facilitated essen was correct but that the situation of Manuilsky. Put an end to the there is bound to be unsatisfacfrom the militants voluntarily re yehey replied: No, what you have greatest sharpness must be posed maining on the outside. Under such done was as rotten six years ago The strike needs DAILY conditions two general the reactionary policies as it is today One has only to elections have taken placeneren and the Labor Federation (reform. known the Archio Marxists exposed the unity of the German trade unton STRIKE BULLETIN posted in of the leadership remains eatirely ask how it is that during these Greece. The last one, which was ixt. which is under the leadership the alliance and appealed to the movement, through the integration conspicuous place in the strike dominant over the mass movement. six years (1) none perceived or held in March, resulted in a narrow of Demetratos. But in spite of the party members to fight vigorously of all o. members into the meeting hall. Here all the news And, on a whole, that is just the sul that skrypnik had relations victory for the Topulist party head support of a the above elements against this kind of betrayal. mass of the free trade unions vital to the strike should be pub salient fact, the leadership is still with bourgeois nationalist dominant in the more che problem party cards in their pocket. that, failed and subsequently Tsaldaris shameful shrough the tion prevented the Stalinists from to must be obliged to join a trade formation and pep up the men.
and de anti Soviet clements and ed by Tsaldaris. coup Etat by the Venezelists were not sure of The protest of the Left Opposi Every party member who is able lished. That will give correct intermine its ideology.
onts who carry tlie Venezelist general Plastiras victory and of the Soviet withdrawing their candidates in union.
is to effectively challenge this lead. Skrypnik defended these foreign formed a it The development of the economic ership and infuse the mass move and hostile elements. that he hid ment.
parliamentary govern. Ambassador they sought and ob faror of the Venezelists, but tained the support of the official could not stop them from carrying struggle will put enormous tasks Litvinov and France ment with a new militant ideoloky all sorts of dogs behind his back. The Tsadaris government proved on their propaganda in favor of before the reformist bureaucracy.
and lead it to political conscious and all that for six whole years to itself capable of cererea surpresto Jackals Howl at Trotsky propaganda was teatured in the of the proformistes festen best de tecpom setter from travelysse Renowaconomic Venezelist candidates. That The exploitation of the difficulties Continued from Page 1)
This poses the old problem again then what has the Central Commit int measures against the working before the Communist movement, tee, the Control Commission and class and the poor farmers. Never(Continued From Page 1)
headlhe featured read: Only the ing united front policy.
situation. How does Humanite but in a new and more Oressing the party been doing during these theless the Greek finance capital, But that Trotsky, true to prole victory of the Opposition (venzel That the Left Opposition, in spite answer this?
form. The place of the Commun six r?
internationalism, represented by the Venixelists, could tarian utilizes ists) will defeat the aims of the of its small numerical strength, can Thus: In spite of their wishes, ists first of all is within the mass Is the Explanation? not tolerate a Populist party regime the right of asylum in France no government against us. This sup be in a position to occupy an honor Mr. Berland and the Temps movement. It is therefore neces. The explanation of the Skrypnik hased upon the retty bourgeoisie that will not do, port of the Venezelists the Stalin blo place in the mass struggle is striving peculiarly to oppose the sary to say to the leaders of the case, which ended with his suicide, and the remnants of feudal lords.
Who does not experience a feelists attempted to justify on the shown by the experience of the Bel recent declarations Paul Boncour official party that now an end must can only be made on the basis of the former have not yet found it in of indignation and disgust at grounds that finance capital is kian comrades. In any case, It is with regard to the USSR will not be made to the suicidal and fatal the processes that are taking place necessary to resort toont right the base provocations of the Polit working for closer relations with the task of the Left Opposition to be able to prove, by these calumT. policy. It is a splitting in the Soviet Union and the Stal Fascism. But this is in the making. ical Bureau? Then it is necessary Turkey and the Soviet Union. unfold the questions clearly before nies, the collapse and the weakness policy. It must be substituted by a unity polley. Trade union unity It will mean also an opportunity latter has organized a combinnion question: The political tunits initiated by the Populist party. The total arran opbetical procreate the The starinist maneuver succeeded perspective to tell the sceneral of the Soviet regime What does this phrase between is becoming the paramount issue to instill Socialist consciousness of Greek nationalists which held organizing censonstrations against sand votes for the Venezelists. But of struggle Now, less than ever, dashes signity? Hasn one the The opportunities for its being car into the masses. That is the task its convention on June 24 at Trotsky, but what has it done it also resulted in a decrease of can the Left Opposition be permit right to see here a discreet underried into life are at hand. No one of the Communists. Only the Com Athens. At that time the Greek Against Fascism. What has it done the party vote. In March its ticted to remain a closed propaganda standing with the French governwould, propose an outright liquida munists can lead in that direction workers, under leadership of the against the Italian and German ket Workers and Farmers United group, standing aside from the realment concerning information on the tion of all unions in dis But it is not sufficient to proclaim Archio Marxists (Left Opposition) Fascist ambassadors, against the Front polled 8, 404 votes, while in development of the class struggle. USSR. How far will they go on regard of the question of relation the abstract right to this leader organized a counter demonstration haunts of the white guards?
Not the re elections of July it received Every Bolshevik Leninist must be this path?
ship of forces. But the general ship: it is necessary to attain it in which our comrade Panagiotis a thing!
only about three thousand votes.
a member of one mass organization we must explain to the workers orientation must be for unification, by deeds. It cannot be accom was fatally wounded.
No class conscious worker can or The treachery of the Stalinists or another, above all, of a trade that only one force is capable of untons and for the Left Wing to prished on marty controllen te overnment to conduct Heredetto The rette opposition while continue nace communist in the eyeing the will our organization keep their heunities, the organitzen proletariat function within the mass move dependent unions but on the whole in Saloniki. The challenge was an unswervingly on its path With Greek workers. Greater tasks are hand on the pulse of the proletar the Communist party. Treaties ment.
The prospects are excellent for essential starting point at this mo. held on July The Venezelists en banner of Marx and Lenin and tion in its struggle to lead the vanguard of the vanguard.
field of the class struggle. The copted, and the re elections were new tenacity it will struggle for the thus imposed upon the Left Opposi Sat and fulfil their role as the signed by the USSR are precarious portection; they will be ineffectual the workers struggles to deepen ment, however, lies within the mass listed the support of the agrarians against all revisionists and provo. Greek workers forward to victory. TROTSKY. against imperialism will to war. ARNE SWABECK. under the reformist Sofianonpolus, entors.
Prinkipo, Aug. 18, 1932.
and broaden in the coming period. unions. From La Verite.
to evictions.
former trade unionist, who com for 50, 000 in cash month for re In the whole process of develop and have been able to reach fields Turning Om Gas and Light mitted Irregularities in handling lief, and a demand that emergency ment of the Left wing, the Lert which they have not formerly touchLater we changed our tacties, the warehouse work. We insisted work be furnished through the u. Opposition clements played the ed for a generation or more. They Jobless Movement and a Perspective and instead of putting back tho that his case, and its disposition, These demands were in leading role, posing the class is report enormous organizational furniture, roped off the streets, be handled entirely by the organl troduced to the County Council by sues, proposing concrete programs gains in steel, coal, textile, auto, pitched tents (which we Immed! xation, whereas the right wing ele. 23 units. At a series of mass meet and conducting systematic propa metal mining and oil fields.
ately wired for light from the over ments wanted to take it into court, ings, these demands were voiced, sanda for its class policies, simil2. In such a period of upsurge (Continued from last Issue) of evictions, as well as shut offs of head street lines. made fires, and and the County Council, by a vote together with demands for an in arly by constant visiting and speak of the elemental lat The Left wing, fluding itself ham sas, light and water. At a meet mobilized our forces with banda, of 13 to 3, voted to expel Mays, one crease in the supply of gasoline and in to the workers in the units, and there is enormous room for rett pered by the preduminance of sing of the Council of City Unite. street dancing. singing and speech of our first victories in the larger oil. The policy of fighting evle above all by prolonged, systematie, wing labor elements, which are bad.
the organization.
tions and shut offs was re atfirmed. direct participation in an actively needed for the concrete work of pecially backward elements from at which members of the Counts whole neighborhood and giving our a cohesive Left The city and county administra, and leading capacity in the practic organization. It the county area outside of the Council and the chairman counts werden med bred bed publike the most pathies during this periodist viva: wing is built up, and is able to cits, took the initiative in the or state wide unemployed organization resulted in a rush by the welfare illustrated by the case of Bera 20. 000, the former supplying 20, eral, the policies adopted were work together in spite of the basic of organizations to offer housing or who was arrested while and the latter 10, 000 a month those of the left opposition. The political differences: if such a Left On pacash, with the promise that if our committee Achting an in cash for relief.
of the city units into their own existing practically only increasing influence of the Left bloe is able to entrench itself into wingo per) with which the membre were evicted, all we had eviction. He was charged with center loc. Cound at the se was uns militiated, attended as visitors to do was to notify them and the criminat syndicalism, and the Local cressive council now began a series addition to those mentioned above beadership as has been the case be over the entire the rising movement, it will not The party groups within the pro is shown by a series of actions, in be possible for the Right wing tion, but in course of time it con legislate a bill to make evictions him elsewhere.
tinued to develop strength, and legal. The Left wing elementa We also adopted the policy of the unemployed movement. After one was called the Independent milk issue. Such were the resoluagainst Communist leadership in anixed several paper organizations, the Board of Supervisors on the organizations are consolidated.
while never formally affiliated with counterposed to this the use of turning on gas, light and water, four weeks of propaganda through: Organization of the Forced Labortion to support tarm hands lowed. the class collaborationist the cognoment to Courellent was later evicted worker bare noen kan into put her where they had been shut 01, bv hele the dream of zat oportere brought another Organization of strike the vote of confidence in the elements will consolidate their post ne advisory delegated to the weekly homes and to turn on again gas. erating the clectrical and value tore the County Homeless and sue the County Workers meetings of the delegates of the light and water where they had services) or the privately owned ceded in getting a resolution. Union. Following this party groups lawyer who defended the first evle isolating them even more than is Protective lution of thanks to the Communist development of the progressives, Executive Board of the latter. De been turned off. This to be done gas company turned them of again, ed putting the o legates from the County Council by a general mobilization of all wo came back and turned them on of him. The state cation in back attempted to have the unemployed tions case, the resolution against now the case.
later dropped workers shift their allegiance from participation of bourgeois politic would also visit The question of relation of Executive Committee of the Where meters bad bow the case.
meetings its under the direction of the again.
leading committee of the unit in taken out, we would connect the At about this time the Left wing paper organizations. As a result lans in discussions. All were taken forces within the Left wing cannot cil of City Units. At first only four the district where the action was house directly with the mains, mato. caneus drew. Statement and these mangu verstehe party whe Right wing elements in the County in the past. Confronted with the on the left wing ouncil, but this of the city units were represented to take place. resolution to this efect was the purpose. We would put up a pointing out the need of a united general Left wing, especially as Covers important also tremendous scope of the tasks to Brew to 14 and at me time to 18 passed, and response the be performed, the necessity of urg takeowniastie. At the first following shut off By Order of the Unem a minimam program of substantial consolidated itself into an effective workers who have developed a feel of consolidation of the Right wing.
by the u. through the eviction, over 20 units were mob ployed Cooperative Rellet Associa state aid to the unemployed, in working force.
ing of full class solidarity in the and the weak County Council finally agreed to lized, constituting practically all ton These cut offs amounted al. surance, and supprt to all workers After four months of collabora course of their participation in the dual nolltiralorees of the individemand 20, 000. Later it comprom the city units, out of 66 units to together to tens 50 thousands og streles and striecentede Stalin tion within the broad Left wins movement, and the breaking down which a Left wing can be built 1sed with the city and county the whole county. The police ar amount to be reduced to 6, 000 rested worker on the day. The committee consisted of powals for the six hour day and here to withdraw. Out of about ers.
ists, Musteites, Wobblies or AnarchLessons of the Los Angeles ists, the Left wing elements must tive of the Citizens Committee of trial, several hundred members of members, who signed a pledge stat. Union.
contrary to party orders.
Experience Because of the lack of form a trade What general lessons do we draw to be effective at all. In the course a united cohesive bloe in order mitted to sign all checks and thus witnesses, and the case was handlend, even at the risk of arrent. union organizations in this administer the funds, aitohush the ea, not as the defense of the orie: The one the same riletions were bandi che response as the practically most of 1982. under the control et varied at the present perspectives as a minitaney, unde correct policiers sof The Citizens Committee of the a broad caucus of the Communist class point of view, or den en hemm bred the condminestration collective defense. core the u.
About 4, 000 ery Act?
wing will undergo profound modifand the party (which had agreed to colon coples a week were circulated. We must adjust our strategy cations, as will the relation of their of Commerce repre. All members accepted re Chamber of Commerce sentative. The county also agreed sponsibility for the action. After State county and city authorities ize members in the the While its political level reflected in the American labor movement to forces.
to furnish gasoline and 011 for the 150 witnesses had been heard, and made frequent efforts toward the Austeiter, and non perty Left wing the backwardness of the movement a short term perspective, not to the The Los Angeles experience transportation of farm products costs of over 54, 500 to the county end of 1982, to obtain a detailed rectements. This group worked of in that stage, it nevertheless has long term tasks of building a new has conclusively shown that even help work was to be distributed by worker was acquitted, and the Jury Lodewine cogistently refused this, months, and succeeded in building raise this level. Its persistence was State apparatus is being ever more with revolutionary training and the ers) made a collection of 650 for tlon We are self sufficient. and del considencil of City Units into shown by the fact that, after the closely intertwined with the class bnsing themselves solidly on a corof own under the slogan of Meeting the Problem of Evletione force. More units County Council had taken over the collaborationist elements in the la rect polley, can be very effective In only one or two other feated these efforts.
were added, vigorous mass meetings paper originally founded by the bor leadership, and first of all with and gain great influence within a Another problem was presented cases was it again nevessary to We also drove off state interven were held. Out of the new strength Left wing, the latter after a certain the of The reformists are broad mass movement.
by the rapidly increasing number defend in court our mass rouletancation in the case of Pat Mays, a grew the renewal of the old demand period again got out its own peper. engaged in an enormous upswing. ROSE The Development of the Los Angeles was area. by the Lety wines per was started him.