AnarchismAntifascist FrontBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers FederationWorking Class

SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE Letters from Fascist Germany Powerful Anti ADelegate Visitsthe Soviet Union Fascist Front in Chile (Storm Troops Fascist Regulars. lease only upon signing a statement Berous, they take the money and painful and bloody experience of hands. When we music and the foreign worker is not able to but the guests are for the e most of the The Importance of the Hour Day Slogan Under the American Imperialism Preparing Offeusive Upon World Market 18 right on the street, brought to an The Socialist party and the hours and increases, shorter needs of the working class.
CI who was From the Lower Rhineland. No Abatement in Terror, bolleved that Fascism would step From the report of a foreign Outstanding Impression is createst difficulties in every kind June 28, 1933.
right over their trade union headCommunist, member of one of Workers Feel Effect quarters. Among the Communist the May delegations which visit Poverty of People and good where there is some initiative On June 26 the information de workers, many said: Good for ed the from below.
of Party Failure partment of the Schutz Staf them. It hurt the swine.
Reception at the station music, Long Queus At the Narti shipbuilding plant fel Fascist Special Corps) succeed. wwwwwwwwvvv But these sentiments of hatred were in Leningrad, thanks to local initi (Below is an appeal of the Na the Comintern song (it is now www ative, a sanitary organization was ed in tracking down the distriebooks torn up, flags and papers de Noon overcome by feelings of being tlonal Executive Council of the being sung no less often than the ency is: away from life, from real created. The plant itself built the center and information service of troyed, and its of skin, strands deserted and betrayed. Although Anti Fascist United Front in Chile Internationale. banners, dancing, ite: tired of the in the Lower Rhine of hair and large puddles of blood to the social democratie leaders. sted to the workers of that coun plouces, Comsomols. At the samely; the publia is also as Tthecary apparatus, including comthe main guilt has to be ascribed heavy revolutionary plicated radiologie machinery. This land. Nost of the persons connect could be seen in the courtyards. Awany Communists also accuse their try which can very well serve as time, a crowd of more or less un. lis false to believe that slogans or fact, which shows the extent ed with the latter were arrested. priest from for many years a a model to be followed by the rev concerned onlookers, silent, passie Girectives come from above to this local initiative, also shows the disAt the same time there were arrest member of the Nazis, was thought own leadership. Many say that it olutionary movements of the more workers for the most part. Allend; it is simply that pessimism organization of economy.
ed in our city a former alderman to be a Rabbi because of the beard united front and to do more about front was organized at the initia everything that is going on, can among all, particularly the intel. tory not designed for it naturally The proand a printer. They were charged he had grown. The lugged it. In united front, they feel. tive of the Left Opposition of Chile not overlook the dirence between lligentsia. And, after a brief le caused tentold higher costs.
with the production of Communist him down from a street car and concessions would have been made and the ideas that it advances are these two groups. One attention terruption. By the way, this realist) Workers Camp was dissolved We were brought into a bourand several of the leading figures quartered with the insane.
Badly mangled proletarians were did not want this and that we have primarily those of the Left Opposi is caught at once by the bad cloth. tects the economic situation tion. Ed. cuss and It was very difficult in the winecois botel with orchestra, waiters say: The arrests took place to Yes, the leaders. Italy, shoes. Those who are better dress. ter. Even the privileged foreigners in tail conts, etc. an unpleasant who forced their way into the camp that they had not been maltreated beat it out of the country. Work Fascism.
through the streets, in columna eleven pounds of meat a month intended for the use of foreigners, with louded pistols. The red air. Workers put under protective in the party has in some parts. Workers: democrats, social. somols the same picture. Indifferstand the conditions under which part Soviet and party officials.
accompanied by enthusiastic ComPoverty on Sidewalks these parts as a provocation of the day for protection.
In the com avold one another.
Many think archists or another tendency walks, as far as can see. One Union Had been painted to him poverty, many sidewalk vendors of Along fact Soviet that the source On the streets there is much government. All workers are discentration camps constant torture that Fascism will rule only for a your elementary duty is to defend comrade tells us with indignation, as a socialist paradise, it is not matches and cigarettes many homeappointed in the utter fallure of constant Inquisitions. For food short time and that then they will your family your wages, your class Trotsky is shown in a caricature surprising that a number of work less people in rags, some as young internationalism. No support any mostly potatoes, to be peeled by find each other again.
where for the German workers! Sol hand. Any visitors allowed can see afraid because of the mers are organizations and above all your next to Hitler! Another says. ers and foremen who returned to as 15 to 18 years old. No one con it happens that sanctimonious pro and speak to the prisoners only in have gone over to the Nazis. As many who right to life. Exploited comrades, against great the potential forces of the and are taking an active part in when they are taken away by the You simply cannot imagine how Germany have joined the Fascists cerus himself with tests of foreign social democrats, the presence of Nazi atendants. In to the slogans ordered to be smear the feudal bourgeois united front Opposition are. He says it in a the struggle against Communism. militia, they are released again in them. Even like that of Jouhaux in Geneva, is the evening the workers are made ed over the walls like The Red of hunger, reaction, terror and war half regretful tone. Fear!
looked upon by many as a ray of to stand at attention and to sing Front Fighter ton of leaflets call front wherever you work, light. Everyone is asking: Where patriotic and Fascist songs, all un and the League Still Lives. strengthen the anti Fascist united The difficulties of the Bewly ar a day or two. Many peasants with Pessimism and Tiredness is the Soviet Union?
rived foreign worker are especially bundles, and in rags, who have er the threat of blac build Ing for a general strike, many have committees of struggles for your competent comrade, who works enormous at the beginning. Only to come on foot or by rail from the Beginning of July 1933 When the trade union headquar a great aversion towards them and every day demands and ters and printshoe workers were cause they always accompanied were occupied, consider them as provocations, be Fascism.
Those who believe that the Fase the social against in the film industry, tells us that secure his midday meal, be has village, sit around on the steps, there has been no progress of late to run for days from one office to blocking the trafic with their bunist terror is declining, are mistaken. seized with panic. They had never with new persecutions. The organization participating the films have had to give up another, from one organization to dles. They are waiting for what?
Today a big bicycle raid took place Although know the Russian lanin the united front will bold pre great deal. The dominating tend another. In general, one of the in the proletarian quarters here.
paratory meetings leading up to a guage well, the interpreters and Everyone suspected of being a Com great demonstration which will accompanying functionaries do not munist had his bicycle or motortake place on July 1st.
permit any contact with the outside world. When one asks cycle confiscated. The inhabitants These are the objectives of the here feel like prisoners. The police interpreter, Who are these people come every day, and under one struggle of the Anti Faseist in rags. he invariably answers, front pretext or another, sheaks from one Kulaks. Abeggar approached worker rooms to another s, makes Dissolution and immediate our group! What did he ask?
arrests, set the arrested free and disarmament of the republican mill He asked me to show him the then arrests them again, etc. In tia.
The London Conference, consl. economic activity.
way. the interpreter answered.
Under the pressure of capitalist tional conference we held out the a large concern, stickers consider rationalization of industry and the perspective for what was then the Abrogation of all repressive dered as a battle ground for con. The experience of the London Another poor fellow comes along.
ed hostile to the state were found great swath which the crisis cut coming period of struggles by the laws, full freedom of organization, Hicting imperialist nations, ended in Conference reinforces the Roosevelt woman interpreter steps up to on the walls of the women toilet. in employment, the organized labor workers against the capitalist tot press, to strike and assembly and a draw so far as the United States policy of national concentration him, takes his hand, and draws him 18 girls were arrested, three were movement in its larger part has fensive We are now entering that amnesty for til political prisoners; was concerned. It won no conces and mobilization, and at the same aside. She is putting on a performheld in prison for a long time in turned toward the shorter work period. The character of an or the cutting of wages and for their able to come to any arrangement will be. The polley in its full form We, who came along as a front, an effort to get confessions out of day as a means For the six hour day, against stons of any importance, was un time indicates what is next phase ance of Meeting the acquaintance wave of strikes absorbing into assuming the them. In a suburb, six Commun industry some part of the great fensive. Nearly all of them center proportionate increase to meet the as to currency, wheat, or silver. On 1s to consolidate American capt understood this and were seized by ists were arrested by men army of unemployed.
around wage the other hand, it was able to re talism nationally before proceeding a deep feeling of shame not look at each other.
union recognition. For better treatment and sist the pressure of the gold bloc to a new attack on Europe.
armory and from there, as heavily of have officially gone on record In its Open Letter to the Central relief of the Workers, the em Lor early stabilization of foreign It is clear that this attack win. In Moscow there is more life. take a wide variety of forms theater. The magrada ramadeloving cal prisoners are no longer allow. It goes without saying that the 1931, the Left Opposition with families.
ed to recelve visitors or mall, on economic development of the United regard to the question of a central. Abrogation of all taxes and reduction in the American tarif preparations for the attack cover crty stricken. But hours before the European nations to obtain a and military. Correspondingly the ed, and the shops are not so pov the grounds of a certain incident. states makes possible not only a slogan and its relation to the stage tariffs on commodities of prime What minor positive results were a wide range big navy program, they open there are enormously. In Duesseldorf, several were found near the Grierer Six hour day but even a shorter of the movement: In each tactics necessity.
woods. They were the bodies of achieved by the American delega reforestation camps, banking lawsues standing before them. saw must lay the basis for correct pre Put an end to the setzurestion, such as the reduction in the railroad coordination, but above all, such lines a hundred yards. In The blanket code provides a thirty paration and direction of the ot land from the peasants and in special French duties directed the NRA, the unparalleled agency hero thandwore the bha opiskeletines Communist group North West For Most of the codes submitted pro this idea the Opposition proposed taxes, the ground rents and the trade arrangements with the Soviet slavement of the working class.
in front of shops that sell bread without cards.
No Imittance been the leader of a workers con reduction in pay. Today one on, and backene tone and torty hour maximum are stag mense on the piny hour readers without This program is jointly signed by amount of experts were obtained portanto para se to emphasizes this In Leningrad we wanted to visit cert band, was found dead, with the unemployed workers. The necessary to demand increased pavy the following organizations: or alongside the connection between his program the Putiloy works. On the excuse a fractured skull.
spokesmen for the electrical work to keep step with the rising cost of General Confederation of Worked by America was negative; the Imugural speech openly asked for tired, thies was refused us. The conference. The major result achiev. and the preparations for war. His that part of the delegation was FROM SAXONY ers union stated that to absorb the living. And the opposition hasers Workers Federation of Chile, disruption of the conference by opwar time powers; he linked up the real reason for the refusal was as At the time of the raid of hpur maximum was necessary! On as the means of uniting the emoe the Communist party. Prepares a temporary pause before by putting the ccc (Civilian Con for time the scene in constante the People books, safes were confiscated. imum is an increase in hours in the failure of the Stalinist lead cialist party. Students Federation, opet Workers arrested were made Onicers, whose trade place. The Putilov Workers saw say the Lord Prayer and to shout Hell, Hitler. The contradiction between the in the past period to the transition Teachers. och om United Chilea: The fniture of the conference it. popere near and Navy Jour many foreign delegates, who came hair on the workers heads in the creates the condition for influence the workers in their atti. Union of Bakers, Employees Fedsions from the participating nations city yonth; the end, untrained dressed, well fed. Pointing out that.
The troops clipped the and the labor provisions of the best partye bees bretones the reason the Workers Committee General self was due as had been predicted, nal. boasts of the efficiency of the from capitalist countries, well been unable Union to that tangible result they were more poorly dressed and shape of the swastika. The work a struggle for a shorter day in the tude toward the NIRA. It also eration. Leather Workers Union. cisely in a period of crisis in order to succeed, and it is pre of the famous billion dollar pu il fed. they put corresponding ers were then forced to gather interest of the working class. But explains the failure of the party Tile Workers Union Carpenters illusions of been planning for the expenditure Shanditure The show windows are poor and more a. the and horse manure over a distance of there is no struggle for the six to build a united movement of the Defensive Union, Professional present. when neciet mis like the blie works program so far hasl questions to the foreigners.
thiele bare hands, to smear the ers make a pretense of opposing the But the sta umemeployed workers Pedlers Union Young Communist Sinternational goodwill and under of hundreds of millions of dollars dirty. Many portraits of Lenin have learned Federation, Founders Defensive sowed that the material basis for parations and the Roosevelt way of Lenin. One of my acquaintances, walls with it and then to scrub the hours stipulated in the various nothing from their blundering. Ye Union.
concessions does not exist out of the crisis in a very significa German Communist who has been were beaten bloody, and forced to before the National Recovery Ad a propaganda slogan, a slogan of ends and in the interests of the What is distinctive of this con ant manner; and the Peace Board tells me Do you know there are beat one another and clip ench ministration and attacked the forty preparation for action. The Stalincapitalists.
ference however, was that so little now being organized other hair. S. G. worker hours demanded by the bosses on rists rejected it as counter revolu. Serious struggles of the work attempt was made to cover up the NIRA are modeled on the war many people here who have no are very who put on a swastika emblem so the ground that the average num tonery. They adopted the sloganers against the slavery which the failure. It simply disbanded quiet Labor Boards of Gompers, and say love for Stalin, there But unhampered was found out and sent industry in 1982 was a fraction changed its slogan from the seven ahead. If the party is going to the elismerocane de legationem returned me the best Rares entrusted to continens holy. Stelica not being. put back as as it had been man who represents Leninis. he cannot be touch From Unser Wort Aid (Medical)
man, group has his Lewis have come forward as Worker of April 8, 1933. ful sectarian leolation. At present pointing out that Europe was near capitalist and as an army hands cut up so that, you jack the champions of the thirty hour For a time the party was able to is travelling in the opposite direct war than any time in the General Hugh Johnson of the ass. you won be able to bandage week They are of two kinds to get by with this ambiguous and ection. One of the Arst steps to contrawentes intentioning others or the Co. Arme not the Atoline Plow Why They All Climb those quality the demand the serious contrary maintaining. true representative of medienments were taken away from the thirty hour week by stipulating gave it Its quietus. The codes are admission that its policy on the until the minute out all is well double face of the Roosevelt prolon Bandwagon alysis of the past course and open diplomatic fiction him.
a five day week or a six hour day specific. The Stalinists who forsee before the catas gram. The American cagle, holding the olive branch of class colDays after these ralds, scraps of slogan to retain their lendership of the class struggle were taken ses like the bureaucratie are making demagogie use of the nothing and reel under the blows shorter workday was false. Analytrophe.
The London Conference was an laboration in one claw and the and their hold over their follow by surprise by the Act were their wash of the Open Letter only make objective test for American imper, arrows of war in the other, is the The hankers support the NRA Threaten Deportation of their Takers with these qualche section stone the bankruptc in ons museondopt the slogan move the rise under the present relationes forces inflated bluebira which decorates obtain more interest.
Penna. Militant The manufacturers agree to tions are trying to put over a stag question and the shorter workday hour day, Ave day week with in my so called peaceful means, the grocery shops.
ger system on the workers. For was exposed.
by intrigue, coercion, economic The closing of the London Con support the NRA by producing more a maximum of thirty hours a week Today they are trailing not only of and the with a ser pressure and the like. Apparently ference, and the manner of its clos commodities to obtain more indusAntonio Bellussi, a militant Ital is not at all the six hour day, lous offer of a Ian worker of Luzerne, Pa, is being day week. It may and most likely the reformists and the labor tak dle for it. That is the road toplished. The conclusion is nestling, constitute a milestone on the trial profits.
united front strug little has been or can be accomers but even the capitalists. Their defent the attack which lies hid able. American imperialism must hagration toward which all inevit. road toward the International con The wholesalers agree to supthis held for deportation for his activ will be a three day week of ten polley on the shorter workday den in the wooden horse of the expand through force and the preparation and mobilization in Port the NRA by selling more comities on behalf of the labor move hours.
entirely empirle. It varies with NIRA.
ment by the federal immigration The reasons for the absence of a cach Industry and each trade and STAMM. threat of force.
pointing. No class conscious work modities to obtain more commercial authorities of the New Deal gov: militant struggle around the slogan each Roosevelt Consolidato Capital profits.
And in nearly every er ever had any illusions as to the we senden mehem intors centers But force to be used effectively possibilities of success of this effort The retailers agree to support revealed that despite its liberal are many. The of and Dubinsky appeared before the NIRA must be mobilized and concentrated to solve the contradictions of the the NRA by selling more phrases the Roosevelt government bureaucracies are not going to and spoke for the 30 hour week If the number on differs only by a thin veneer from conduct struggles it they can avold Hyman of the Industrial Union your wrapper is.
186 Roosevelt was making his plans capitalist world, in the agony of uities at higher prices to obtain for the London Conference under its world wide crisis, by peace and more profits.
the open deportation policies of the them. And they will lead thoso spoke for the 35 hour week accord your subscription has expired. the shadow of the worst banking mutual agreement. But now the de5. The landlords agree to supHoover Doak administration. the workers force upon them onlying to the Freiheit and 33 Accord If you want to get the MINI crisis in twenty years, with all the monstration has been made the port the NRA by renting more proto sell them out or steer them into ing to the Daily Worker. McMahon The case of comrade Bellussi tant promptly every week banks in the country closed. The academic possibility of internation perty to obtain increased rents.
shows in bold relief that any capt channels as little harmful to the of the spoke for a thirty renew your subscription banking crisis of March not only al understanding has been elimin. The government, the state as talist government in the United capitalist class as they can man hour week. Ann Burlak of the onco: per year for fifty showed the necessity of drasticated. War has been brought by the executive committee of the States, irrespective of its public age. The illusions sown by the asked for a 30 to 40 two weekly Issues; ball action by the State apparatus but that capitaliet class passed the NRA in NIRA also tend to keep the work hour week.
declarations, follows policy of year for twenty gli Wookly also pointed out the solution: inter Just as the capitalist class, and an attempt to save a sick and totvictimizing the foreign born workers in a state of expectant and On the other hand Powers, chair.
fusion of the State apparatus with its executive committee, the State, tering capitalist system, to estaber, sowing seeds of race hatred hopeful passivity.
man of a delegation of workers THE MILITANT the economic organizations of capi in America recognize by their aclish a class collaboration machinery between him and the native born than these reasons in speaking on the shipbuilding talism, mobilization, concentration tions how closely the question of to hold in check the workers, to worker in the factory, mine and lies the 126 East 16th St.
But dure of the Communistcode de demanded the six hour day. and coordination. The series of war is interwoven with the question eliminate the small producers, and workshop, and deporting him when party to give a correct analysis of fire day week (Daily Worker, July unprecedented steps by which the of the issue out of the crisis, so to prepare for a greater internahe fights in the Interests of his the situation, to foresee the blows 24, 1933. And two days later the banking crisis was solved: the em must the American working class tional struggle.
class to the Fascist land of his of the capitalist class and arm the New York Times and the Daily bargo on gold shipments, the free link its struggle against the NRA The labor leaders support origin where he is thrown to the workers with a correct policy and Worker reported that Alor Noral Ring of the banks from the necessity as a weapon of capitalist exploitathe NRA, because they are agents THE MILITANT of paying out gold against paper, tios with its struggle against war. of the capitalists in the ranks of tender mercles of the butchers and the correct slogans. The party of the Lumber Workers Union of murderers of militant workers that trade union policy isolated it from the Northwest in speaking on the Entered as second class mail prohibition of gold hoarding Against the class collaborationism the working class.
hold away in those countries. Only the organized working class move lumbermen code, demanded That try individuals, the new banking and social patriotism of the bourge8. The farmers will supprt the the mass movement of the workers ment. On the other hand from the the six hour day and sve day week matter November 28, 1928, at the laws centralizing control in can cement the ties between the beginning of the crisis the party be established for the industry as longer thice at New York, State apparatus and opening the is trying to force deeper into the NRA it they can obtain higher Under the act of.
native and foreign born workers. staked its cards on the unemploy a whole.
door for concentration of all bank ranks of the working class, with prices for their products so they ed The lack of a correct polley by Published weekly by the Communisting in the hands of a few big chains the help of reformist trade unions can pay the bankers the money they The workers must come to the separate the stalinists on the question of League of America (Opposition) all these measures laid down the and the Socialists, we must build owe them.
of the deportation agents and keep the class as a whole and the or. In this respect the party can record Martin Abern EDITORIAL general line of the Roosevelt prop defense and oftense, the militant support the NRA they are una him from falling into the hands of gantzed trade union movement. In only fallure. The party is unable Mar Shachtman James Cannon preparation for a long period of trade union and the mass Commun trotic, it they strike they will be Mussolini hangmen.
pursuing this orientation it made to influence the workers in thelr Maurice Spector shocks and disturbances in a periodist party, posing the class demands outlawed. The workers are asked unemployment insurafice its central attitude toward the NIRA. It Arne Swabeck of downward or a best stationars Higher wages and relief, the six. to support the NRA to enable the Do not forget that THE MILI. slogan. Later it added immediate seriously handicapped in exposing VI, No. 39 (Whole No. 136) tendency, contrasted with the hour day and the five day week, capitalist to get out of the crisis TANT needs your support.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1933 relief. But at all times in this per the fakery of its provisions. It their The lod it rejected the slogan of the has allowed the reformist and labor Subscription rate. 00 per year talism to recover from each cycli. Fuscism and the fight against war. the other imperialists on the world intrinsic powers of American capl ment insurance, the fight against backs In order to compete with very best way to do it is to get a six hour day five day week.
out of new sub.
In our thesis for our second na shorter work day for their OWN Foreign 50 cents per copy cal crisis to rise to new heights of FIELD. market.
en toekoms iron was presente in the seropose a motheachine his beraten doy reactions or grey workban, des chaussette om er andet le conference one participant exploitation purethe worker. doubles.
commomuch nerrer 1892e.
movement and