BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandLeninismLiberalismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1933 Lessons of the United Front PINCHOT AND LABOR Strikes Spreading FROM THE MILITANTS An Example of New Bourgeois Methods in Pennsylvania Strikes in Massachusets Labor Shows Militancy in Los Angeles Conflicts the New Deal Shoe Industry in Operation against any plan to conduct nego small strikes are occurring in the understand that the workers win The main cause of this is that Eight women have been arrested. nnion as Left wink, and fromvrosperity hungry employers. Many while others of no reduction conthe the un.
to Both from the point of view of he carries out measures in the Los Angeles. The seventh week The former status of complete un the number of strikes and strikers, interest of the workers the NIRA of the strike at the Golden Bros. organization has been changed to a on the one hand, and the militancy. Pinchot does essentially the same.
Millinery Shop finds the workers condition where there is a semi(Continued from last issue)
of the workers on the other, enn. Only through his wife he goes a with spirit high and ranks intact. company, nationalist union in the sylvaniu occupies the center of the step further; he intervenes on the Boston, Mass. The New England Picket lines have been maintained field with a large membership of Chicago, 111. In Chicago, the New stage. Within this area are taking side of the strikers. Pinchot shoe industry is so complicated that in the face of the Red squad, agricultural workers.
BEHIND CLOSED DOORS place the strike of the Reading methods are an extension of Rooseven those close to it can hardly which probably is the most degen. In this case the tactics of the Deal with the as its prinUnited front plans for common osiery workers and the struggle evelt Why do they do this? They within the class apelon must be conducted in the the central Western miners. In do it, because they forsee a riso keep up with the new turns that enate collection of strikebreakers in must be to function ceweapon, is now in full swing collaborationist attended by much enthusiasm on the part of gullible workers and the castern section of the state of working class struggles. They present themselves from day to day, the country.
make attempts to recover some of the. to into leaders of the working class would cries against sweat storenditions. The groutan Peley house during het. Dhe Buot and Shoe (A. com most brutal attacks, in which pie. genuine class struggle unton. We arms have signed up and are now ask for such a privilege, only mis: the strike of the miners marks the years of the capitalist onslaught. cently lost all but a few shops in been slugged and beaten. The execute this maneuvero wtion under individual trade codes.
are preparing to fune.
leaders of the revolutionary Marx developing working class offensive. This they week to prevent as far Brockton and the west. Its history an idea of the activities of the is embedded in the ideology and leaders would high water mark thus far of the as possible and where it is not in Roston, but still remains strong in events of Friday, July 24, will give the dualism and sectarianism that Where employees have been workdo such. The more than forty hours, exclu ing ist has nothing to hide from the The capitalist class is moving in sille they want to contine there is one of devoted service to the Red Squad as well as cour practice of the TUUL and the party sive of certain types of vocations, working class. They conduct their this are too. From Philadelphia sults to a minimum.
keep the union upon the futile path it will mean shorter hours, with negotiations before the whole work to Payette County there is the fam At the same time the capitalists ized the strikebreakers by agree At o clock as the picket line of ultra Leftism?
Ing class.
Hollywood Film Strike in pay ilar story of police brutality and are trying to put their house in ment with the boss in the Hyde was forming, Pfeifer, lieutenant of the possible increase in the near and a no THE CAPITALISTS AND Hollywood famed industry, the future. However, in actual practice, the viciousness of hired deputies. order to launch their assault on (Cambridge) plant where the Na the Red Squad beyan donning a THEIR OFFICE BOYS The arm forces of the state have the world market. They need a tional Shoe Workers Association is pair of gloves. Every picketer movies has been the latest to be it looks like the same old marked being used in the New capitalist system is a great one. agogy in the high places of the lization of industry and its admini run into fourteen weeks. In Brock gloves cover brass knuckles. Un satulrday, July 22, 650 sound tech Deal.
The job of defeating the capital: state burcuucracy and in the ranks stration and a reorganization of ton, its stronghold, it is now los liuchingly the strikers maintained nicians, a highly specialized and Hoax of Employment ist agents within our ranks is part of organized labor has been trained labor to the reorganized industrial ing many members and a new their ranks. Squad cars rolled up. ralped group of of this task. If the revolutionary on the workers to dull the edge apparatus at the expense of the mutual group is forming. olice unloaded from these cars. against a wage rate of as low as For example. For Marxists are not superior to the of their militancy. Betrayal too working class. To carry through Department Many Unions With fuce pule the picketers con per week for work that often the large Chlearany years, in lasted until midnight or later.
stores, it has been customary to capitalist agents within our ranks plays its part. These are the time this program they have devised the then we are not yet capable of honored methods of dealing with measures embraced by the New Union, Strong in Haverhill and The Shoe Workers Protective tinue. Clear the Streets When the studios advertized for hire the great majority of the basis.
overthrowing the system that has labor troubles.
Deal, among them the NIRA: And Lowell, despite its actions in the Clear the street, officers! com nahe to take the place of the men salesforce on commission are who had struck, strike vas call. Until the great depression set in, sent these agents into our ranks. But now for the first time a new to carry them through they need past, was able to save itselt by mands Pfeifer. The street The tactle of the united front is cleinent has made its appearance. class peace in a period of rising militant words protesting its destre eleured. Fighting every inch of by four other unions bringing some small drawing account or a necessary step when preliminary The political Munkles of Mollon and working class struggles. That is for amalgamation when the shoe the way the picketeers are forced the total strikers up to nearly stipend was allowed, but in most are fought. It prepares the ground pon. They are beginning to use through under cover of liberalism. The National Shoe Association, Eighth Street, the picketers re by these unionists the sad truth is The average customer, unfamiliar the sistance increases. Pfeffer becomes that.
for united action of the class for liberal policies which they accom The key to the strategy is summed beginning in Lynn, took over prac panic stricken. Take your sans unionist Influence of craft with this pay arrangement, on see the overthrow of the capitalist pany with deeds. Mrs. Pinchot, the win the formula: the European: tically all of Lynn, Boston ideology many unions are ing the great number of and out officers and use tbem, he still working for producers whose in attendance would natural ople SITTING AT THE SAME TABLE picket lines and marches with the vent the political development of few smallexcept powo large has WITH BETRAYERS she bawls out head of the working class.
workers have organxed under the mittee is punched.
The chairman of the strike com be heard of this strike later STAMM.
been taken by the owners and man The Strikes and the Left wing The united front action of the the Philadelphia police force for his mame National Leather Workers demonstrate. Brass knuckled fists The picketers agers of these stores for employing strikers.
working class is not a moral ques. brutality in dispersing Association after tion. It is a question of bringing inchot himself after Roosevelt, SPECIAL SUB OFFER refused to settle with a combined Curtis is knocked to the class from unskilled farm hands to resultant large payroll, Merely witte beste restrikce and black jacka tly. Comradevolving all sections of the working large numbers of employees, with a National Shoe and Leather Workers cround. He recovers his feet and highly educated sound technicians By working their helpon cheap propaganda.
possible in order to obtain our ob state secretary of labor. She car. SUPPORT THE CLUB PLAN Union. The two unlons are close is whisked off to a doctor where a and camera men the question of commission basis, the store paid jective.
Misleaders will be exposed rios out a ly allied.
number of stitches are taken into a cressive action and leadership of nothing to such employees unless in action. You can talk about mis of the workers which brings down FOUR HALF YEARS SUBS In Salem, an independent union leaders year in and year out and on her head the charge of being FOR TWO DOLLARS sends The Militant Club Plan offers the exists. This is due to the fact his scalp.
they will retain their followers, but strike fomentor. Pinchot The picket line stands its ground. Houdt importance to the left wine reimbursement has been very small. once you get them in different uni troops to the mine strike area to friends and sympathizers of the that when they went on strike inted frontations they can be ex protest the strikers against the MILITANT an opportunity to take Junctions kept the National out or The next day all the picketers are The training of cadres of mililittle more than a bare living and there again, early in the morning tants capable of participating in that gradually reduced by cuts in posed providing the Marxists know deputies. He blamed the strike point to obtain new readers advantage of a special talking Salem.
Spanish and Union andl English what to do And finally, we have the Boot, young and old, in a display of soll the drawing of lessons from these the commission rates. To add to these miserable conditions, during darity, that is making working more from the failures this is extra help has been added on a from the successes and even periods of large sules and the rights guaranteed in the Na new supporters for the most imporpromotions That misleaders, betrayev ap on Recovery Act. The time tant Marxian labor weekly in Am. Shoe, and Leather Workers Indus. class tradition on the west coast. The present task of the TUUL and similar basis, thus making it diffifakers can be elected or pointed from their organizations to has gone by when striking miners erica. Units of the Left Oprultrial Union (TUUL. which has sola time western rebels pay a tri the the united front only proves how can be clubbed into subunission by Lion, worker clubs and Individualsmall group in Boston, Chelsea bute as the most militant strike in harty as well as the entire recult for the regular force to take districts, it movement.
assistance the In Los Angeles since the shops with al. In the heart of reaction advantage of such sales Is the TUUL seriously undertak their meager pay and make up for increase their workers and how important it of the national guard and the ante MULITANT for four half year club rettled a few smali the test of action so the rank and while am governor. PLAN CARDS should be carried Victories. were blazoned in the Harry Chandler salipe is a heroic conventions of the TUUL are called Now, the blanket core stipulated is for us to put these fakers to police and it will not como back PLAN CARDS. These paid CLUB slight increases, and while these Tos Angeles the white spot oring this work? Tuding by the far former losses.
by each member and sympathizer Freiheit, the majority of the show to maintain Angeles Times Cical bureaucratic manner in which 300 Workers Laid or Times, August 6, 1933. Ale can see their true worth.
of the MILITANT and should be workers joined the National.
As the crisis The proper application of the Bravo!
used at every opportunity to obtain There are some unkind people new subs. You resell these cards! Workers conditions, the shoe deed. The tribute is well earned the answer is, NO. few days ago by the Roosevelt Recovery Plan is the Los Angeles TUUL held a gen being forced on the workers. This reached General Strike Needed Every militant in the entire eral pre convention discussion mem means a minimum wage must be means of exposing misleaders. It who say that all this is not meant for 50e. As soon as the paid cara bertera pot depthsan Speed up, yellow table with misleaders. It is a crime up appearances and furthering bere sewnuju bere bere bens placed on the tor skilled men, sirls on two doWars strikes one thing becomes obvious furriers aneh milik and the month for what have been the result? one if you do not know what to give wonal political ambitions. They say mailing list.
deposits for the and that is, that in Union establish union conditions it is ity of the TUUT the por price merchandise, has accepted the and take in the united front when Mrs.
The Friends of the militant Club Job. The Boot you do sit down with them. on a senatorial seat. They say that or Chicago and several units are legalized these outrages. The ately 300 salespeople, many PARLIAMENTARY AND EXTRA the appointment of Miss Carr to active along this line. What about was in the air. The Boot, Shoe general strike into the millinery in were meagerly represented.
PARLIAMENTARY ACTIVITY the position of state secretary of you? Attention Workers Culture Union (TUUL) tried Industrial dustry. Faced with the highly or While this highly important and whom have been with the store for start sanized association it is absolutely poorly attended meeting was in ses many years.
front we refer to activity in the Ground with whose machine Pin Militant Workers Club: and branch the When we speak of the united labor was a blow directed at bossclub: Spartacus Workers Club, things going these won a strike necessary to organize all workers in on the Friends of the Soviet Union! This same scheme is and will be small shop in Chelsea, then in the entire industry. In the were holding a mass meeting for practised by other stores, offices extra parliamentary field and not be called broken in pursult of a cs of the Lett Opposition.
they pulled out some workers in millinery trade the New Deal is a Soviet recognition.
2, 000 people and factories, resulting in the in the field of parliamentary activity. Participation in parliamen All this may be true.
SUB PAID CLUB PLAN CARDS one Boston factory, only to have joke. The minimum the bosses racked the horse. This is party speed up process, putting more work We of tary activity by perolutionists is the Pinchots and we cannot say. BRANCH OR WORKERS CLUB. found out who was lending them than the minimum for women in to lawyers, doctors, rabbis, preach fewer employees. The administraEVERY SUPPORTER OF THE The Party representatives had not California. The idea of a general ers spread opportunism among the tion has plously warned against plicated problems.
rule, in parliamentary activity, is talist class do not serve their masThe generas! At any rate we are ready to be MILITANT SHOULD CARRY impressed the shoe workers favorite field awaiting it in the under that at a meeting of the TUUL in workers they will lieve that the servants of the capt. PAID CLUB PLAN CARD.
strike will undoubtedly find a fer workers and an infinitesmal part of speed up methods and assures the ably in the 1929 struggles. be protected to oppose united front activity. ters ont of altruistie motives.
Left Wing Isolates Itselt paid, speed up millinery workers.
the midst of a series of intense against this evil. We must not be In Lynn, the National Shoe CutCORRECTION strikes!
Agricultural Workers Strike deceived by this sort of talk.
Besides this, one must re The Daily Worker takes a someTwo errors crept into the article ters Association, under the The recent strike of the 5, 000 leadSlowly, but surely, the ideas of There is a promise of shorter motorbestra twitter falls into the cate: Pinchot critics. The Daily holds by Gourov on the Left Social orship of reactionary Mahan, began asricultural workers has been ended the Left Opposition are gaining hours and increased pay. In fact. sory of auxiliary class activity and of demagogy is the familiar orand take in translation and faulty shoe workers. The whole town and the recognition of union on the picket line, in the union, in worker, whether he wears a white turned to its support. Strikes the question of when to participate the capitalists have been doling out proofreading.
and bos. ESTION OF UNITY for decades. It notices neither The sentence that reads The was the militancy of the rank and been increased to a minimum of ers generally and especially the Delano and allow the great white called and the outstanding feature Mexican Consul. Wage rates had gained us the respect of the work rest his confidence in Franklin THE quantitative nor qualitative differ centrism of the Stalinist faction to Ble. The Boot, shoe and Leather 60 for a nine hour day, with all thinking communists. Above all prophets to gulde his destiny AND PRINCIPLE DIFFERENCES TRACT formula to all situations vulstons and signugs or by a stand settled one small shop the day the rate of 20 cents an hour. Before is being avidly read as the facts age worker, especially those now on Many non Marxian, but sincere and gets the same results. still and it is the most conserva strike was called and then workers are for the united front we What is actually taking place in five of all centrist formations that leeeded to antagonize the new to the ink was dry on the agreement that our correctness in action in the Roosevelt bandwagon, to real union the ranchers began breaking the the everyday struggles of the work ize the award position into which contract.
fighting the capitalist class. In doing on a national scalethe Eur movement. should be changed the new union or working with it.
ers is based upon Bolshevik clarity he has been cast? How far distant to read it is the most stable they campaigned for the is the time of The situation is still ripe for an and theory is recognized.
other words, they propose to do opeanization of American politice TUUL aggressive tarike. The workers de While his Way with all the different politi. From the capitalist side. The capi of all centrist formations that has union with the result that they mands have not been satisfied yet Embarassing questions hs may fees are decreased, and labor ever existed in the workers more were left with their original small. not by far, at the former to the figure, or possibly Increased, cal groups and factions and the talists not only talk tight within the political tendencies rights and needs. They make a group of editors of the Daily Worker: Wherever the article Outwitted must be made to realize that all refers while the bulk of the shoe work. The TUUL Agricultural Workers gress of the for the last five stration are pressing forward to Why hasn there been a con the policies of the working class. These work. sentence of doing something about ers are hall right and hallit. And under cover of these con to the Left Opposition within the ers, now in the National were with Union was completely outwitted by years?
wrong alted from acele brings through further attacks plot and carry socialist organizations it concerns out radical leadership to fight the Mexican Consul. The leader Why hasn there been a con in a lower standard of living for a higher cost of living, resulting the the Left wings or Left socialist Mahan and his agreements. While ship of the TUUL while courageous vention of the for the working class. Only when the together different working class groupings organizations for common action sits into the Roosevelt labor policy (Bolshevik Leninists. The whole of the Pinehot poltes catione end not the heeltempered to Unity complains of the way to say Now it is necessary to make the Why basn the DAILY pub, his page is returning him in neces against the capitalists. They are as a finger fits into a glove. Roos the international Left Opposition. ments, he should add that this was the Agricultural Workers Union. telegram to Herriot?
wrong, insofar as they think, this tactie will enable the working classerelt calls for class peace while. Ed. made possible by the fact that the desired, will he question the fake to merge all organizations into one party had kept the radical work altruism of the present government, big organization. Principle differers from being present. Maban spokesman for the ruling capitalist ences are not solved by giving up should publicly thank them for this.
principles and getting together into The National Shoe Cutters AsWhile liberals, socialists and laone hodge podge big organization.
sociation now become the National bor fakers are tooting their horns We would not trade one small or Shoe Workers Association and proand shouting hymns of praise in ganization of active Marxists for Federal Labor Unions, chartered leaders are blowing life into the conded to organize Boston and printed an account of meeting Stewart, the MacMillan Company, Deal, the Communist party and its About a month ago the Militant White Armies of Russia by George support of Roosevelt and his New trong into one big hodge podge. all of the workers within the plant, substitute this form of organiza markable. Instead of 1, 500 work. The feature attraction was White Guard forces in the south of position, with its correct Marxian struggle and in action and through workers into the candles of those tion for the industrial unions.
several To bring to life the old federal answer to the call. Here again Archbishop Benjamin, self con Crimea. The Red Army was press to assist in the early destruction of enable the organization and leader organization necessary to meet the demands of the present situation inity, and by maintaining a At that time the exact nature of them into the Black Sea. Wrangel workers blinded by the gilt embell.
the. ship with a correct program to gain new situation under the NRA, ac which can only be fulfilled by the attitude found themselves the rank and file and expose those cording to the labor lead organization of industrial unions separated from the workers to beat When the services His Eminence had was defending the mountain pausges ishments of a program organizations that are based uponers.
based upon the class struggle is the Protective leedership under the rendered the White Guard troope Stewart records: The Red Army elements of the petty bourgeoisie.
down the proletarian class and some a wrong program have mislead Speaking of the workers engaged to use the federal unions as buffers reactionary Nolan saw which way of General Baron Peter Wrangel attacked in the Perekop area on Strikes are being outlawed and ers at their head. The united front in mass production Green says: and stumbling blocks for our class. the wind was blowing they hasten was unknown to us. Nor did the March 31 and were repulsed. Af discredited. Class collaborationis action puts all organizations to a There is no way by which these majority of the working class are bargaining except through the esta purpose of the L, in its at from extinction. They led the the Daily Worker enlighten us in the Whites. During the operation by struggle can their lot be imtest and by this test in action the workers may engage in collective conscious workers understand the near future and so save themselves meager notices of the meeting in ter bloody fighting, the Crimean encouraged. The now gullible transformed into one bigantic or blishment of the federal labor un tempt to substitute the federal un strikes in Lowell, Lawrence and this respect.
ganization, and the masses are long afiliated with the American ions for the Industrial Unions, it Haverhill.
won over to that organization which Federation of Labor.
can use the federal unions as a Some idea of his faithful devo Wrangel walked along the skirm zations of Lett and revolutionary Prospects of Many Strikes has a correct program.
What Green says in 1933 WAR skeleton structure for the organiIn the last few days the National tion to the Soviet cause in the dark ish lines encouraging the men while tendencies must play leading roles ference between organizations there These workers could not be organ: AS Teaders will try to dissolve has begun an attack on the few days of the Civil War may be promoted since why the has been rupt tactics or capitalism and pre would be no need of a united front. Tized erectively into craft unfonsthe federal unions into craft unions open shops left in Lynn and in cleaned from a brief passage in a who was with him, blessed them pare for its complete liquidation!
The need would be to iron out the The question is, will the federal when they become a menace. The Boston Also some of the manu recent history of the counter rev. with his cross before General Aug STUART secondary differences and get to unions answer the new situation Left wing must use them as em facturers are refusing to abide by olution and intervention. The wladze led them in the storming decisions of the state board gether into one organization. Uni: Is the starting out on a bryo industrial unions.
of the Red positions. Page 363)
of arbitration regarding back pay.
YOUTH CLASS IN BOSTON Times have changed. The Soviet of the existence of organizations Towing such a plan of organization NRA is the organizing of powertul This ietan dhe Ataken at the same besond the vehidlertaken with thesis is now a power. But the venerable ton, Mass. wau begin a class on (To be continued) is not in any way departing from class struggle policy inside and offered by the union discard arbi ofitame strike athere they find a futile magic of his cross. The dit on Monday, August ath opposis:90 the form of organization and tradi. of the to terment of working conditionslisten to them and Ale willing to ference is that he now sells bless The class will treat with ings to the. And the the fundamental points of differthe Telegram that as from the beginning.
dustrial Unions with a class strug future will be marked by many sent problems are (1) those of am story of the Wrangel officer in the and Stalinism. All young weapon against intervention a so. The labor leaders admit that slepolicy where Communists viet animal trainer is to train seals the craft union is not satisfactory well as other political forces have algamation. 2) those connected pay of the Left opposition are not are invited to attend and learn. The to divert the direction of torpedoes and state clearly they intend to the right of minority and political In the meantime has with the agreements which termin above anointing their bankruptcy class will be held at 11 Keswick St.
in marine warfare. The watery continue the same policy of the Inst expression are means of bringing shifted its position seals will probably prove as ofrec. century. Then what is the purpose class pressure upon the slave code bers have all gone 400 the tem ate August 1, and (3) those pre with holy oil compounded of the To get there take Beacon St.
into the Nation sented by the federal government blood of the Red Army.
to St. Mary St. and walk back one of the federal unions? The of the NRA.
tive as the official Stalinist seal.
Tal Shoe Workers Association to in its industrial code. STAMM. block.
he insofar wession theer 1n ce of Federal Unions The Archbishop Benjamin Again as strikes car