AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1933 Toronto Workers in Los Angeles Unemployed Movement The Background of the Anti Fascist Strike New Deal Policy stration to begin at o clock on lion 98. He continued with an movement, and what can be achiev. uricun Workers by barriers of lan body. In discussions held once a crease the output per man, toget Working basis in the interests of of the factories. tiun and to give the conference to the question of nemanovent, organized eommittees to visit wel illustrate the state of mind of the The result is that on a whole thel Jity prices prceeds both by the way the drudgery cheered each newly arrived groun. Jewish nationalist character. an agreement was reached 88 to fare and relies institutions to ask mass of workers at that time, meet disproportion between value added of inflation as well as by setting Ition were made by fire people: Hal. elements not only joined in this the increase. But what is espect remains still the one most essenN. Upholsterers After the Collapse Inter national Left Opposition, under algamated Union leaders produced are indignant and enraged at what beer organized into units. Their Recovery Act favors the concentrestant drop in new capital emissions will tight and is fighting against Spartacus Youth Club, the Unserdaries of the united front by in the basis of scab conditions.
OL The unemployment movement in Chamber of Commerce, on the other of securing state aid. The progres Los Angeles is in many respects the land, is intimately linked up with sive elements saw in this an op the local administrative apparatus, most interesting in the country. ding its representatives to meet portunity to change the whole trend from the standpoint of the number lugy of local governmental bodies of the movement away from a semiTronto, Canik No action on the Banner of Lenin and Trotsky. of workers included, the powers and maintaining a private anti legalistic class cllaboration ap won radical armed force, the Red proach toward one of class press(Continued from Page 1)
for the productive forces with a huge unemployed army this emthe part of workers in Canada since by this time several other speak for itself, and the size and. cohes: Hyues squad. Second, the city of ure on the state and local auth force of all capitalist production bolled prospects of the class struk of cry were being heard in various iveness of the Left wing within the Los Angeles is included within an orities.
the realization of surplus values, gle to develop at a rapid pace 1910 carries such tremendous su parts of the park. It was not long back over a year and a ball, in an cruit and vegetables, and constitutClass Collaboration vs. the realization of protits. To check against the owners of private pronificance as the mass parade and wefore comrade Mass Pressure the heavy tendency of the falling party. From this there need be no demonstration asuinst Fascism also of the Luft Opposition, took organized form, and sufficient exing to Because of the prewith it the county of which took place in Toronto on the stand. He warned the work perience with it has been accumu. Los central body, the County Coun rate of protit by preparing for an misunderstanding. It is not be the July 11th. For the first time in erstot to be led into believing that iated to allow certain political los dominance of farmer elements in cil of the Unemployed Cooperative increase of the mass of protit and welfare of the working class 18 ity found expression in a mouster mark the victory of the struggle position has participated in a lead is even more backward than the and offered attillation to all the was the probleme was to which is the concern of the recovers belonging to trade unions and uguin le stressed the neces. movement from the beginning, and special exploitation of the Mexican ning had attempted to solve their exploitation of the workers. As the aim to neutralize the unem Front Committee had issued a call struggle for free speech and assem lius of objective work are open to ant clumeut in this region and have housing, gas, light, water, etc. now and standardization within indus: the oversupply and obtain a better capitalism.
the afternoon of July 11th. An analysis of the German wvents, led by correct Communist policies guage, custome, and lower living week, each unit electing a voting or with direct speed up and even The third measure in the way.
bers or workers had already begun comrade Spector.
hour before that time large num speaking in greater detail than had carried out with energy and persist. standards.
They have been used as delegate and these delegates in turn measures applied. In a recovery, and a keystone in the industrial re strikebreakers on many occasions electing the Executive Board and industry will thus start from a covery policies, is the increase of to assemble in Wellington Park in Sabotage of Loaders The unemployment movement in in the past.
trades the heart of the clothing district. When o clock cume, No account of this demonstration Los Angeles, sot under way about the beginning of the unemploy. At that time the class collabora high level of intensity of exploita commodity prices. That is no es park by the huudeds, whole factor remarks concerning the activities posted or Left wing elements of ex working class neighborhoods in the Council and succeeded in keeping pression of the wage level below cution of the prvits contemplated ses marching down together or of the atliliated organizations of the tremely diverse characterunat asis of the lack of attempts by the mass of the workers toa pole the value of labor power was fore or the future. What it will meat hurrying to the assembly gwint by waited front. From the beginning tached communists, anarchists, state and welfare agencies to a ley of dependence on formal legaled through ruthlessly. In this the the working class, however, 18 by of the couturence we had to con syndicalists, Mustektos, and others ford any reliet. The first step was methods particularly stressing the served as a means of facilitation, will form part of the bitter expert street car, were scen everywhere. the efforts of the Right. was organized. Atter much dis thu organization of neighborhood preparation of an to be sure the heavy unemployment and its ences which will be their lot under spirit of enthusiasm pervaded the tend wit welfare committees, which in turn mitted to the state Legislature to competition for jobs did the rest. The New Deal. The rise in commoseebe as the workers, freed from wing reformists leaders to delay ae scussion as to the basic ings were usually opened with the by the arbitrary monopoly prices.
cheered their class brothers and recally anxions to get around the the necessity of accepting as a for reliat action.
First Steps in Organization singing of prayers and of the na by applied labor power and In this general program there sisters who this afternoon wero idea of a strike and a parade was at the backwardness of the workThe first attempts at organizational anthem. The progressive actual wage paid is constantly on ally to be borne mind is the fact against the bloody rule of Hitler algamated Clothing Workers Union program was worked out.
The objective situation in which tead, Firth (a syndicalist. Meyers but be sitesinde der the casting that industry starts today from an is to increase the ration of Amerltial be can capitalism in world cconomy. It all over the world. By 3:45 Soms, ranging from the remand we were working may be character of the Opposition of the Proletar one else were successful in casting extremely story stante today.
when the first section of the purade chut the Industrial Union be shut ized by the following facts. Los tan Party. Downing (of the an ridiente on the ceremony and evenThese were the measures affect is not at all let out of sight in the moyed of, the park was a sua of out of the conference to a request Angeles is probably the most not archist wing of the and tually in getting rid of it. ROSE ing the working class most direct New Deal. Granted the re estab(To be continued)
ly. But there were others worthylishment of confidence, within capiof workers taking up battle against the ground that the locals had not ted States. Trade unions are ex. sympathetic socialist, an assistant of attention from the point of talism, in the process of reprodue common enemy. Ten thousand yet discussed the question. All ceedingly weak there, while the principal, the use of a school for view of studying the backgroundtion, which is now 80 meetings was obtained. Leaflets workers, three hundred banners. sections of the conference opposed were printed, distributed from all ruising the voice of proletarian Nesbitt on the first point with the New Burdens for alle ore pente est une tomate med at the conditions will no ample the problem of expansion of bully prepared for a gigantic offenresult that in the actual working house to house, posted up in the credits. Undoubtedly the establish sive upon the world narket. struggle against the murderous re gime of Fascisin.
out of the demonstration the Am.
neighborhood stores, and after a Workers in NIRA ment of the Reconstruction Finance dress rehearsal has already taken week of these preparations meetatlyamated was not a formal mem.
The parade moved off from Well ber of the conference. Instead a Strike Grows ing was hell. The first response available for the bankers and big ference. ARNE SWABECK.
Ington Purk through the clothing comloittee of the united front conwas (Continued from Page 3)
industrial corporations served this district on to University Ave. and Lerence worked out the mechanics whom had been in the trader past the parliamentary buildings of the united front demonstration unlou movement in the past, and though big industry has always et purpose admirably. In the main, to assemble on masse in Queens with a committee from the Amal(Continued from Page 1)
Park. In the front ranks were the gamated for a two week postpone the general strike demands would cialists. The most developed of when they have been invoked went to butress the large metropoli, de cheminoles, praying kite settlement one of London Confab ing Workers, some 1400, followed kranted to take away from the is no reason, except Stalinist dis hood committees. More meetings vided with legal instrumentality by the ILGWU, the Industrial un union leaders any excuse for non regard for the interests of the were held, in the same district and for the acceleration of trustification previously contracted obligations other unions affiliated participation.
strike, to explain why they did not in new district, the attendance in and monopoly at the expense of the funds expended did not become transformed into productive capiThen came other mass organiza Stalinist Stupidity immediately adopt the strike decreased from 40 to 300 400. After the small capitalist.
tal; for during the course of the (Continued from page 1)
tions, the auxiliaries of the party, the and finally The sabotagist tactics of the Am. mands of the majority.
appears to them to be an open bid first functions were take up the tion of capital, the big industrial In new financing. Nevertheless in higher taxes. The French governa counter obstacle in the ultimatist to the bosses on the part of the cases of destitute workers who had Ists have shown as we have ade: ance capital faces the whose banner marched the Toronto branch of the Left Opposition, the request 1strand bessthetic bouts Industrial unton for settlement on sen throw of the rellet, or had cated, a certain reluctance in substage with a greater Luldityovery mont se bolny foread to the wall by mitting to the le of the credits. Simultaneously there has which Kamt Club 98 well as a body of This phase in a few months as law. Ill concealed about 60 unorganized workers Hulging in fierce attacks upon luote the ominous significance of yosey before us the question of large industries, production has And in this connection, we must sumed very large proportions, and on in high places. In many of the been a cheapening of the elements means an open attack on the service employees, and intaconstant capitai by the price fall Iry, the Stalioists at brought out on strike by the Left and tion the Opposition. The Inst banner in the demanded as a first prerequisite for the complete boycott of this striko organizing mass pressure through been stepped up in order to build commodities and raw materials. of debt. At the same time French mass a large stock to meet the eventual Concentration of Capital parade, the parting shot, was For attillation to the conference that the in the Communist party press. Can a centralized and city wide capitalism is being forced to a price rises with a possibly reduced Aside from these points mention Sharper open offensive against ward to Victory Under the Banner social democratic organizations ad. this mean that the Party and the organization.
of Lents and Trotsky!
As the revolutionary organiza Liebknechtos Luxemburs and Karl sterkere simply because it is not un class collaborationis nemorowth of the force when the codes And there is also to be taken into wages in the effort to lower costs Liebknecht. Only that! Our com der their control? Possibly, since ticularly former cooperative social character of capitalist production is industry and banking already ac perialist countries the effort is to tions left Wellington Park, the rades opposed this as did almost this is not the first strike that has ists, who are numerous in this re shown by the fact that the indivt. complished. With hurricane speed raise prices, France may quite strains of the Internationale rose every other organization in the con been ignored by the Daily Worker, gion, and former trade union lead dual industries are looking out for the crisis eliminated the weaker conceivably be later than other above the throng sung with a terence. The Left Opposition stated and major ones at that. But more ers, made their appearance. They their own particular interests even and more antiquated sections of the countries in turning upward from to solve the immediate spirit that is characteristic only of that while it was true that the so probably the reason can be found precios of the unemployed throne though they may be at the expense capitalist structure, countless of crisis to depression, as it was in proletarians on parade.
ciul democrats, Noske and company, in that they have not yet recoverof small independent producers whom entering the crisis.
In Queens Park, the throngs were responsible for the murder of one from the confusion into whicle the minods of mutual seit help, of The anomaly in the situation is they supported. Industrial mers The crisis in Germany shows littory of the Toronto working class session of sullt could not be do upholsterers okho voted with their organized unemployed to the neigh oisie which has been throwing ita ization were given more favorable foreigu trude continues to decline Here is the paraders kiere greet. manded as a condition for atbilis teet to support the Fof her boring turmers, who had piled up entire support to the Roosevelt pro. conditions, subsidies were made in spite of the most vicious attacks created a scene unique in the bis auxemburg and Liebknecht, die een profisterer shows howed the sharikinis fering labor to be furnished by the demonstrated by the pretty bourgeoise rationalization mode standarde le improvement, primarily because many of whom were workers an ists were swamped on this issue. trial unionwho in some respects part the produce; Similar ar closer to the edge of the abyss by efforts were initiated to adjust the tariat in order to reduce wages to xious to participate in the demon Again when the Amalgamated represent the cream of the industry, rangements were to be made with the working of this law. This com various sections of industry to bet a point where it can compete more have it as their duty to be among small business men in the city, stitutes to see what was going to happen. strike, the stalinists wanted to re now moving into theranks of local for its immediate needs with sep That the Roosevelt administrazolitan institutions began to make is expressed by the fact that gold stration while hundreds came only asked for the postponement of the the masses of the trade, who are each neighborhood unit negotiating pecull. one of these contradictions ter correspond with the whole and Aftecvely in the wild market.
to American politics.
branch banking by the big metro. The financial weakness of Germany It was a glorious spectacle a strike without cand. malgamated 78. Just as before the split in arate farmers and business mention may be oyer reaching itself in reale headwayt Alpinas a resultere reserves are of note circula: ners Wank overhead. mirroring this was a criminal position, foron as much andere erective light for valgono istemelor de toekersan109 Bremsen egnaustrialists. The which the organic composition of rates as a burden on profits, and all the phases of the class strus and be the played the lento their point of view within the mass mest universally adopted this meth frank skepticism expressed in the American capital is becoming high increasing ditticulty in offering libbilet al een helematiche distus peotest ers and shut out of the conferenco ion, where they should constitute od. It began with the city units bigher eireles is reflected by Wm. er. But it still remains for the eral tinancial terms is one stimulus quch as the elite of wing recovery to exports, which was formerly one nourishing learen to in collaboration with the city bour, the request for postponement was tion of class struggle and mili members, organized in about 20 We are building up great of the greatest supports for GerSome pressing steps are yet to man trade expansion. Production start, it embraced 40 to 50 thousand merce organ. He says: be taken by American capitalism ligures and unemployment statistics es noused proletarians and bour went to die for tom istuen elamass of strikers have spoken, it is organized, about halt, principally in the uults, of which the Left wing had vecialities including Intation, structure of national economy, reliable) show that a little, but to complete the adjustments of its (the latter being particularly ungovernment credits, government working class protest aturally went out of their way to reintegrate yourselves into the main By June 1932, this method of restrength These are now in the making and very little, progress is being made, competition, government control. those workers who may credulously in spite of the Hitlerite methods. Every Intelligent person won believe that the departure of meth in spite of the enormous sucrifices demonstration aroused the hopes opposition Parige romanchete List in New York and similarly in other ciency, particularly as the surplus ders whether and when the system ods of the Roosevelt administration, which are being extorted from the and admiration of multitudes of Opposition targets for their for cities. Deraand of your leaders to of crops began to disappear and a workers and aroused the furs of and mul alinging. This editor of do like wise.
the bourgeoisie to which lat. the Kamb might have split the unl win the Strike, Beat the Bosses! creasing shortage. This posed with sour theories of failure and sent from the capitalist Imperialist and Italy. In spite of the con tightening up resulted from the in tual answer. There are merely any way at all mean a departure crisis.
theted front. The Amalgamated leadest police campaign against centration of control of industry We call on you men in the strike increasing sharpness the question majority of well informed some rude awakening.
cry at first attempted to seize upon mental hopes of success.
marchers testifles.
monopoly basis, will experience and labor in the total State. has it as a pretext for non participato close your ranks and fight for To the ex.
Taking up their stand at the tion. It was only the skillful tac the realization of the full demands crisis than bourgeois democratic base of the Asth Highlanders Monu ies of the left opposition and the of the strike. You have evers op Dissension Marks year or perhaps a year and a half precisely to that extent do they states; the only difference is that ment a speaker from each organiza taft Ponla Zion that overcame the portunity now, if you put your the new schemes will give an im also serve much more effectively to the working class has been ground tion addressed the crowd. When damage done by the Stalinists.
petus to business so that there renforce the imperialist monopoly down further and its resistance association a crushing blow, and to will be something resembling mo absis of American capitalism.
ins Green of the Left Poale Zion. hnd the conference followed the mighty sweep from the miserable derate prosperity. Meanwhile broken. Guld continues to leave inmost Higher Living Standard an Illusion the country, reflecting or the Jewish there will be great blunders, great Workers policies of the Stalinists there stus it is now into one of denew false relationships, and the What do these methods imply?
thoughts of capital as to the proing. In the tumult it was impossi Would have been no strike and decency, with more leisure to develop cinlist Action when contrary, the problems a year or more hence, Kanization program already Initi further increased by the grandiose cumulative effect of these errors (Continued From Page 1)
First of all the completion and difficulties are nearly as much of spects of the regime. Budgetary monstration. The ble to hear him bour strike yourselves towards a greater meas nolie by their perfidious will bring a new set of further rounding out of the reor a problem as in France, and are close at hand. When he finished, and demonstration crushing blow the confused ure of control over the conditions Right and the Center wings bore There need be no doubt that the nted during the crisis. In our comarde, Maurice Spector, took stalinist theory of the united front of your lives. Fight in solidarits down heavily upon the Left, which critical problems that will arise Iwo measures now on the way lendula of the public works constructe ontweicher side by a trio of cope, couine united front was apparent from below. The success of the and you will win!
tion program.
For the Left wing group, upon the motion of Paul Faure ex: shall constitute added burdens to themselves particularly well, and opened with an attribute to the The period of increasing strains to all.
tended the hand of friendship and the shoulders of the working class, are being utilized to the hilt, for CARL COWL united front of the marchers for SOL LANKIN.
solidarity to the Right wing which Whatever increases in wages demagogie propaganda fostering 11 throughout international capitalism Results of Strike breaking through the police bani on meetings and raising the strong What are the results and what claration of war. The left wing will be more than offset by the real crosity. We have in mind the ques: shocks and disturbance, social, arm of the proletariat agaist the conclusions can be drawn from the has also given this tendency posi wage losses through currency de tions of a return and a stabiliza political and military. As the Left Canadian bourgeoisie. He urged united front of the Toronto worktions in the leadership and on the valuation. Furthermore, there is tion of the purchasing power of Opposition has predicted, the cyclithe inrchers to continue the strusers The strike and demonstration editorial board of Populaire (organ no doubt that only a relatively the masses and the reorganization cal upturn within the framework of labor power to the productive of the general world crisis of sle for free speech and assembly, is unique as the only working class for the repeal Section 98 and for protest, of a mase nature that has ot the French These are som all my rehen be relaterte heroplow forces by reduction of working capitalism is Intimately connected to France the release of the eight leaders of linken place in Canada, and possl.
policy of social Fascism. By of the occupations created by the hours. In regurd to the first ques with rising militaney and aggresthe Communist Parts of Canada bly in North America. The workplacing the workers who are turn application of the Roosevelt pro tion what is to be expected? Is it siveness on the part of the workers.
ing to the revolution before the gram. The unemployed problem a matter of securing what is ab. The huge wave of strikes in the în Kingston penitentiary. Ile went Fascism is not regime that is ing up an intamy with a calumny. Fascists of Stalinists, they impelleres ver potatis munsolvable pro all as far as the capitalist rulers of the illustons offered by the na on to discuss the victory of Fase listinguished by its pogrims against Now they are using the conces them to the center of living for the masses? Not at industries and localities, in spite the Right. blems of capitalism phe it was for the German working ifles the last efforts of decus capi. French government to a revolution. In demanding of the Left wing that faced with the maturing of mighty ter of securing conditions under discontent in other countries (in Class and the international revolu talism to save itself from the eary fighter to distort the truth they be decisive, that they apply historical contradictions in the cap which surplus values can be real. England even the backward farm tionary movement. Warning the plotted masses. They have learned again, and prevent the workers the ideas that they stand for.
italist system. The new turn in ized, and to that extent to stabiler are striking against the pay.
Germany presented the greatest the proletariat and that Fascism for the revolution comrade Trotsky party has ended. The The Congress of the Socialist the policy of capitalism is a keen ize the purchasing power: but on ment of tithes to the clergy, which danger to the continued existence can only be fought by proletarian is doing, in the fields or propaganda workers will again see the same must be recognized by the workers to be known as the celebrated Amdred years. the growing shadow of Socialist reflection of this. Th new turn a level distinctly lower than used have been going on for four hun.
Union, comrade Spector urged them Besides arousing the political handicape of physical isolation took place before the and organization, inspite of the debates reopen in their units that and a Marxian estimate of present crican standard.
Congress day conditions made.
In regard to the second question, ing tasks on the shoulders of the Against fascisms to a creare un seront consciousness of thousands of work stalinist slander hande al reparation What happens will depending upon From the standpoint and save the Soviet Union by the lam the demonstration has been a the October Revolution, the Comtheir leaders to carry out their to fear from the new economic or industry running at partial capac less than ever can sectarianism class that of working hours, it should Communists, the revolutionary vanforce relations, workers have much be noted that during the crisis with guard of the working class. Now cluded with the ringing slogans te con vindtention of the policies and tae munist International.
ties of the Left Opposition.
Down with Hitler! Long Live the Every revolutionary worker and lean see the justice in it, that they the state productive and adminis short order. The relative decrease and entecores which waste energy.
demands. They pretend, and we canization. The reorganization of ity, overproduction still resulted in futile of the revolutionary Soviet Union! etc. rousing cheer party member should demand that do not want to be placed in the trative apparatus signifies further of employed living labor, compared forces be tolerated without crustrwas the answer of the workers to the necessary steps be taken for same camp with the parliamentar. weakening of the already weak to the amount of crystallized labor ing penalties in the future. Clarity Comrade Spector remarks as he READ SPREAD AND SUPPORT sky and the International Left op it they want to be taken seriously bic political and cconomic strus capital which it set into motion, be imperatively called for by the imstepped the monument. The cheer.
Ing was reechoed as our comrades THR MILITANT position into the Communist Inter they will drive the latter from From La Vergles are ahead.
shouted: Forward to Vietory Under IT IS YOUR PAPER came transformed into an absolute mediate needs of the world situaparty.
JOSEPH GIGANTI. decrease of necessary labor power tlon. FIELD.
the entire Jewry had stased in Massey Hall section of the united front. When movement, leading it in the diretry. Within five months from the sue of the Chamber of Com policies to cap the climax.
thinkers think this: For the next tent that these methods are new. theho more ability to deal with ne morate secretion to say that we are your creations blommor French Meet you were also dealt a critical this, Trotsky Moves (Conlly. Page 1)
who were now serving long termsers of this city have learned that can only say that they are cover dilemma of either being left social will continue to exist as one of the stractly called a decent standard United States in the most varied