BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Lo It puts a brake on the sign of resistance from the this latter category we include ot is to keep them from losingle out of tbe crisis. The fright beneficiaries of this development, ency.
in SO powerful to Stalinist Policies Weaken In Face of Japanese Aggression National Recovery Act to Throw New Burdenson Proletariat ism.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE terest, in the West it has become!
the instrument for the disorganization and the weakening of the proletarian vanguard. Without the slavish dependence on the Soviet At the present time the social Our Attitude Towards the ship placed themselves under the bureaucracy the official parties of The speeches of the Fascist lead. How the Economic Side of the well played up rescue measures democracy is everywhere passing. West through an acute crisis. In a num. Independent Left Socialist absolutely inevitable. The further cound a way to the correct road which are launched at everyop the Fascist Regime Works purchasing power must be raised, ber of countries more or less imTendencies Out in Pratice portant Left wings have already has made many promises, and still on the polley of the of its dust ceding their place to heal af lung power and thundered into separated themselves from the soInternal regime, ete. In the camp thier organizations.
certainly find it hard cial democratie parties. This proThe personnel of the official shipping pretty bourgeois shop keep behind him on string. He will of the workers movement today, it That it has not yet taken on a been said can evidently be extended ous organizations are deducted. one exclusively by faith in the tion to the practical deeds with people. The 25 pfennig shops of everybody, and at the same time cess flows from the whole situation. tion of the What has just the Fascist, nationalist and religi parties maintain themselves today ers, stand in honorable contradie. Descarly pennies of the pauperized leads all kinds of human vermin more developed character is due to Austria where the on a can observe the predominance of R, and its leadership. Many hon which the brown gangsters try to Woolworth and Wohlwert, of the take care of the interests of the to. est Communists bave religious with the necessary enreaucraci fear of criticism and now differentiation in the face of the earth. The oldest Actal for good cause. It is ful, profound, crushing misery, which have also resulted in a few To reconcile the contradictory ranks of reformism and closes the party of the which so in clear that the rebirth of the revealth in the leadership of the which has been bearing down on eat morsels for the margarine In interests of the little throat cutters Communism to the revolu: gloriously disappeared from the olutionary workers movement will It is that and only that the shoulders of the many millions dustry.
with those of ti bigger profit swaltionary wing. The appearance of scene, win not revive again! The take place at the expense of Cen: which can explain the fact that of unemployed for years, which What was a benefit for the mars. lowers, requires, outside of Fascist independent socialist parties as threatening perspective of complete well as autonomous organizations, elimination of the old Communista. Toreover, not only indivi. Brown up people, often sincere re drives thousands each year to take arine producer was an evil for the wistorical tasks here too, a large which will have to carry out duals and groups but entire or volutionaries throughout years their lives, and brings further thou: peasant. The consumption of butis a vote of direct and deserving parties. But at the same time the ganizations will place themselves supported such monstrous things, sands slowly closer to physical ter shrank rapidly as many con portio of demagogic and diplomdefiance to the address of the sections of the Left Opposition maneuvering, for the Independent socialist organiza initiative than up till now, outside cation will depend on the generat human thaliced workers and ot in the ranks of the German prole er margarine. The price of butter which Fascism has an almost inThe Stalinist bureaucracy calls should manifesta muchBrenta anew under the Communist banner, which are a mockery of Marxism, death by starvation, this misery sumers turned to the much cheap atle trickery The further development of re edu of the advanced thought. Those who free tariat is being intolerably sharp sank considerably, while on the exhaustible gift.
in themselves from the fetishism of ened by the government large other hand foodstuffs became dearmost dangerous of all. That was extent of the workers movement and finally on the march of historic into a state ot indifference. As is pockets of the broad masecs in or the German pasant production was so in his own way with the nec.
IIitler promised to put the screws especially its attitude towards the unexpectedly, after the struggle to another and higher one The transition from one stage of events.
th of March, and with extraord: has never been effected without in our literature how heterogeneous parably greater number of mem the disgustine accompaniment to which is supplied with much chear according to the greatest puddingWe have many times repeated in tost, in the last years, an incom ceoisie and the big landowners. And cially by the foreign competitionery of the German peasantry, which Inary attention the centrales esternal frietion.
Some comrades, Centrism is: Centrism comprises bers than the Left Opposition has which the Aryan scoundrels are er foodstufts. One evil resulted in head of our century is the corner as represented by the Independent homesick for the mass organiza: All the transitory degrees between won over.
Labor Party (the sonce fruits that are still unripe. Others is not the same thing between tie original characterized by ring class of brain and hand. with the German market by ever higher would be to pick the pockets of The Centrism of social democra ed tirades about the German work to keep foreign competition out of omic crisis, the most effective step Fusion is in Pace or the decompost tearing for the purity of the prin Marxism and reformism. It is im. movement from Right to Lett in which they hope to study the mouths tarins. At the same time, the per the workers and white collar class tion of the social democracy, which ciples of the Left Opposition receive possible to understand the centrist a political situation which renders of those whose bread they are sants turned in increasing degree the means are simple enough. One all attempts to approach the larger movement solely through its de dificult all temporizing positions. Margarine or Butter Question of order not to have to use foodstuffs butter; limit the production of unfortunately coincides with own decomposition.
mass organizations with distrust. clarations and documents of today: The International Left Opposition Nazareth. How can one approach of its development and the diree in their majority of that revolu. What good can be expected from we must keep before us the history Taste or Qpestion of Wages?
socialist organizations are deprived, which had been made expensive by margarine, which currently must new task: to accelerate the organizations at the head of which tion of its movement.
faces evolution of the Left Socialist or are Centrists? We are quite ready.
not exceed 60 of the production tionary guide, that has more or on wages since the beginning of the Unemployment and the pressure tarifs.
The New Measures in 1932; and levy a tax on the en el centro entre towards com en expert they say. to unite with the rank cachen by.
Centrism of the Stalinist less succeeded in gaining members crisis has brought the standard of In order to help the big land consumption of these artificial ence into this process. There is no and Ale workers, but we do not see ot convulsions and xlg zags or by the other hand, the independent an ever lower level, has taken away than before, tariffs and subsidies The consequences of these meatime to lose it the independent any sense in appronchine the Cen: standstill and it is the most con socialists, not corrupted by fetish from the worker table one by one are not enough; it is urgently necsures to cheaper the cost of food their present amorphous state for formal manner of posing the tions that have ever existed in the free from conservatism are passing clude milk and butter as well as wheat production in Germany itselt, ment is modestly called on account question is erroneous. They are workers movement. This is explain through an internal crisis, are meat and vegetabletter the forcible on the one hand in order to pre or the issue of fat cards, have been a long period of time they will die integrate: the political tasks of our greatly affected by propagandisted by the fact that this time Cen honestly seeking for Nectarianism.
answers to worsening of the living conditions vent the excessive internal prices no secret to anybody in Germany.
epoch are so acute, the pressure of trism has found a powerful social questions posed by our opoch, are of the proletariat, which has also from attracting foreign competition the cheapest margarine has risen hostile classes The 3rd International wae itself support the Soviet bureaucracy: evolving to the side of Communism. embraced fairly broad sections of which would skim of the cream, in price from 25 to 75 pfennigs a this it is necessary to add the recruited from 10ths of centrist the apparatus of the western At this time they are much more the petty bourgeoisle and of intrigues of the reformist bureau clements who evolved to the Left. parties are mere appendages. While amenable to the ideas of authentic white collar class, has resulted in German peasant from getting around who are favored with fat cards at the on the other hand, to prevent the round, and may be bought by those cracy on the one hand, and the Not only Individuals and groups the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Bolshevism, according to all Indt a special boom for those sections the excessive price of foodstuffs by pfennigs a pound unless it just Stalinist bureaucracy on the other but also entire organizations and is forced to defend the cations, than the members of the of Industry which have arranged going over to the use of the cheaper happens to be sold out. This 100 bond on the unshakable basis ofers or a part of their old leader olsle for the sake of its special in. Such is the odd combination of their production especially for the oil cakes. This is the kernel of all increase in the price of the cheap est kind, for those who receive reMarxism can assure the revolution historic conditions, in a certain Het or pensions and are entitled to ary organization the ability to sense unforseen. which opens up buy cheapened margarine on their maintain itself against the hostile new opportunities of activity and fat cards, is the clearest character currents and to lead the proletarprogress to the Bolshevik Leninists ization of those honey sweet words ian vanguard to a new revolutionWe must utilize it to the end.
with which IIitler on Labor Day ary epoch. GOUROV.
sought to win the favor of the tollThe new situntion facing the Left ing masses for his national socialOpposition, unfolding new oppor tunities, poses new tasks to it. Up no official records are kept, but it Along with margarine, butter also till now we have recruited memhas been computed at anything behers chiefly on the basis of in. Continued from Page 1)
rose in price substantially, the inplete governmental control and su tween 100, 000 and 200, 000. There The good ship, American Capital. Act. The government 18 taking dividual select on. This was an. has pervision. During the three years are approximately 50, 000 silk bla 1em, its hulk battered and leaking, these steps purely in the interest crense amounting to 35 marks per absolutelyzetre vitable stase, to that weakened the Soviet Union by en 1820:32, when the workers lay detture workers unemployed in the loaded with its hauty dlsarranged the capita bis hinge terminator sing to qurition in February of this year.
degree where the conservative cencouraging Japan in the belief that the heavy defeats of 1927. this pro being closed. So meager are the into uncharted seas. Compelled by the social cataclysm that awaits it Undoubtedly the milk producing trist bureaucracy mande impossible whatever she does to Soviet inter: city, organizeit so that it may survive peasants are still rubbing their the direct and immediate influence ests, more less minor of the they the cessity of attempting a soluowever, merely that hands. ers were largely deprived of any become length and the work face of. But their Joy will be shortevidently be a very big mistake to With Arm policy, steadfastly pur parties in their entirety. It would provocation has followed another. independent trade union organizaslightly teployed, a distress only precedented magnitude, the Roosing the social and political implica lived by the existenco evelt administration has adopted tions and the posable develop: The Government Needs Scape Goats. contie in China of a closely knit family methods entirely new to the Amments, would be incorrect. Of official parties all that can be Soviet Union would be immeasur Due, however, to the disintegra system whereby there is a moral erican scene.
course, it is obvious that this is the shortage and dearness of drawn from them. On the conably stronger in the Far East now tion of Nanking authority under obligation for members of a famThe National Industrial Recovery not Fascism. Fasclem could not be margarine and the price advance in and local organientions to the Lett be much more guarded in their and the accumulated domestic dif.
trary the passage of entire units and the Japanese imperialists would the blows of external aggression, 11y to assist one another.
Act, promulgated as an emergency Imposed in this country or in any butter have resulted in unpleasant Starvation Kampunt Opposition, etc. is still ahead of actions.
measure, is the most important of other without an immediate threat surprises. The deep bitterness ul. But our influence on the mass of the unions was latterly, to a tion and semi starvation are ram present administration came into working class. The There is no doubt that starva: the unusual steps taken since the from a clase conscious, organized which took hold of even many adcapitalists herents of Hitler, caused the gov.
The Anti War Committee set up certain extent, allowed to slip. The pant on a scale unprecedented. So power. Its avowed purpose as stated themselves do not want Fascismernment to look immediately for a workers organizations cannot be achieved according to an order the Amsterdam Congress last Trade Union Act suffered the same serious is the attuation that the by the President the reemplos. because while this form preserves apedrete lonwhen could be placed ante eye we must follow the live China, which is to organize a Fare the legislative enactments of the addressed a petition to the Nanking Act provides for control for indu while longer, it restriets the indiv. to divert indignation against others.
processes in all the workers organi. Eastern Anti War Congress The Nanking government. Hence, some government urging that express or stry, the regulation of hours and dual capitalist enterprises within and at the same time to show the opportune moment to concentrate mission are being followed. This leadership, free of Kuo Min Tang tous Chinese factories from either of code for fair competiton ehen, as the Inst resort and when all they hope to chip of little the Lytton Comunions developed an independent ders be 19sued prohibiting the war wages of labor, the establishment organization. Fascism comes about, phatically that there are mistakene our attention in that field which commission, bearing the stamp of influence or control.
Stalinist approval, headed by the The independent socialist organi labor peer, Lord Marley, and was required so long as the work No move toward a tightening up this retition it is stated. Whllo blic works program involving the other means of holding power have piece of this profitable business for zations or the Left Oppositionist otherwise consists of several paciers suffered without opposition the been compelled to have recurso million dollars.
is true that some factories have expenditude of billion, hundred been exhausted. The conditions their own pockets.
prerequisite for Fascism in this The government is by no means a factions within the social dem tists, besides including the Com: tyranny and intense exploitation to to such measures on account of At the head of the administration immediate future, unless something cards. It had the announcement country will not materialize in the stranger to this game with false ocracy are either a vowedly centrist munist renegade, Miss Ellen Wilk. whlebunt lately, with the em. the dumping of foreign commodit. of the Recovery Act was organizations or they contain with inson, the former Labor Jected.
they have so long been sub the general economic depression of in their ranks strong centrist tend. While the Communists in Shanghai ploying class trantically endeavor tes, not a few of them have done Gen. Hugh Johnson, close as not mean that the workers should quality butter costs 20 marks a encies of survivals. Their positive area lite os revent the forthcoming ing to solve the economic crisis at so intentionally with the malicious sociate of Bernard Baruch the sa: not look to all organizations of a pound while at the same time this del tes in that under the Intluence visit, it has remained for a petty the expense of the workers, the purpose of breaking up certain la ministration with sweeping powers hension.
marks in the shops. At the same and great freedom of action: all time, in Munich and in part elsethey develop in a revolutionary dir Yat Sen, one of the presidium of stir.
At the same time, the yellow of its decisions are contingent on But the economie organization of where in the country, several hun.
ection. For us to seriously ap the Longue against Imperialism, to The obvious fact of this renew. Kuo Min Tang controlled officials Anal approval of the President.
a express the view that the compronch these organizations on Fascism is state capitalism. State clear principled basis will signify mission and the congress of lib ed activity has had a correspond who drafted this petition issued a The Recovery Act, as we have Capitalism is the final form of can dred little shops were closed for and brought to concentras of the left opposition and thereby semble in Shanghai (it permitted sans which beginning with the at once epitomizes their own degen of codes for the regulation of hours this development with remarkablotion camps, where presumably they of the rebirth of revolutionary by the police to do so) to PASS recommenced reasserting their con which separates them from the in all industries. These codes are and Scient his Socialism, Utopian have been cured for some time of Under this form their hopes in Hitler.
in movement. great international Japanese imperialism is a futite rolled in the trade undone The revolutionary fighting traditions of to be submitted by the industries all industries become part of the It is readily understandable that has led in many Instances to sharp the Shanghal General Labor Union themselves and when once accepted State apparatus the Corporative the difference between the price revolutionary organization inspired and nonsensical nffair.
conflicts between the workers and of 1925 27. In the circular order, by the Recovery administration with state, as in Italy. The enactment named officially by the government by the ideas of the Left Opposition Yave In China would become a center of attrac The past two three months sent upward curve of workers ac Work in whole hearted coopera the force of law, violations of which branch of Industry by the cor in the shops caused anger and bittion for the proletarian elements have witnessed a general tendency tlvity continues it might be expect tion with their employers and to are penalized. The objective is the poration Involved has all the force terness among the consumers, which of the official Communist parties. toward revival of activity amonged that these conflicts will grow devote their best efforts to their organization or the entire industrial of law as this organization was directed against the retailers It must not be overlooked that this the workers of China after a fairly more numerous and more severe. work in order to avert a total col output of the country In other branch of the government itselt.
path taken is its whole can open lengthy period test edermauertes Tea The Economie Situation in China lapse of the native kindustries inted words a capitallet planned econ Viewed from this standpoint, the furtherned when the govand bitterness was of new Communist parties. The other is more or less genA few facts concerning the pre esta of labor and capital are really striking similarity between the eco crnment, in its straightforward in China, identical and interwoven and that 18 Germany is concerned hot by mainly observable in the larger and the activity of the workers, all workers must adopt an attitudotional laissez faire rugged Individ set up of the Recovery Act is apposed and punished before the eyes Quite a change from the tradi nomle structure of Fascism and the and honorable manner. corenly ex us but by the march of events centers, especially Shanghal.
in complete and final manner. It would be incorrect, however, ing a period of approximately five wards thelr employers.
will no doubt be of interest. Dur of sympathy and cooperation to unltsm extolled by many Ideologists parent. The steps taken by the of the world the profiteering man.
of American capitalism. Neverthe Recovery Act are to the tune of cuvers of a number of dealers. And less, atbough more than a month Fascist music. Let us not over precisely this was the object subject in our ranks, particularly due to a growth of militancy among press reports, no fewer than 11 tlement and Chinese controlled ter. dustry has The differences that existed on this to describe the renewed activity as weeks from mid May, according tol In May, in the International Set. has gone bytted code which question portant aspect of the government action. The radio, only the textile in look this of with the German comrades, have the workers in the sense of that Industrial concerns in Shanghal ritory of Shanghat combined, there was accepted by Johnson and the prices for butter, thereby dropped What has happened in the mean: a little poison into the ears of the Everything that has been produced partial or temporary, economie retilme. Five of the eleven were silk working days. The corresponding ber, utilities and other important by Congress, the Roosevelt admint of 10 pfennigs pound and thus are reduced to secondary nuances. place as the accompaniment of a while many others went on short workers and the loss of 106. 608 manufacturing, transportation, lum tawa? Without actual annulment ers were profiteering to the extent. articles in the stalinist press, the place is rather in the nature of a were rubber shoe factories and April were strikes involving 1, 939 about submitting their codes. 80 These laws had been enacted under it is a question of the stripe resolution of the Presidium of the desperate rearguard action in the a cott on April 1st, the course face of everche of the as characterized in onslaughts. are constantly ly 4, 000 workers; the cotton min 16 strikes involving 6, 809 workers their heads, and what is more to exorable growth and encroachment Everybody wants their part. The ccapitalist cerns employed between them rough. ing days. In May, 1932 there were threatened to write a code over the mass pressure of the petty which can still be cut out of the. Pully confirm the prognosis of the is being steadily cut, especially in 100 workers were discharged days. These statisties are extract. ruling for all of industry, referred definitive and inevitable disintegra the larger industries (sometimes to from a Japanese cotton mill in May. ed from the monthly reports of the to as a blanket code.
yearly out increasing numiretty bourgeoiste and the small as little as three days. and in while some 100 seamen lost their commissioner of police of the Inbers of small establishments. Al farmers will be fed Illusions which closing Jobs when their vessels were lata ternational Settlement.
How have these innovations af. Continued on Page 4)
Fascism attempts to give a certain Do not forget that THE MILI down one after another, throwing up.
TANT needs your support. The tens of thousands into unemploy.
material basis. It is the intenAs will be observed, ten times octed working class opinion? In At Tentsin, cotton mill em. more workers were involved in among the stalinists who claim that There are some very best way to do it is to get a ment.
tion of the government that the ploying 2, 700 closed down, and at strikes in May than in the preced. this, like the Hoover administration THE MILITANT new sub.
workers should entirely dispense But even the desperate rearguard Canton a rubber factory employing ing month of April and almost three and other events of the past, Entered as a second class mall with the use of margarine, even if If the number on Ing amid steadily worsening econ the arsenal were given notice of the fact that while the number of Fascism is sublimely ignored, prov. Post Office at New York, of matter November 28, 1929, at the that means an increase of the budget of every individual household.
your wrapper is.
omic conditions are bestoning to dismissal because of the projected strikes In May this year was being that the recent German catas. Under the act of March 1870.
Who will still doubt the social your subscription has expired, engender a real Aghting spirit o removal of the arsenal to Hanyang, same as In May, 1932, the number trophe does not necessarily ténch Published weekly by the Communist Butter for the People. It doos If you want to get the Millmuch so, in fact, that the Kuo Min on the Yangtzse.
of strikers was nearly three times any lesson to certain people. Then League of America (Opposition) not even glve them cheap margar tant promptly every week Tang is beginning to sit up and On June 19, two large cotton greater, indicates a tendency for there are those, especially among take notice.
renew your subscription at mills in Hankow, employing bet the larger industries to be drawn socialists, who see a form of social EDITORIAL BOARD ine. From (Unser Wort)
once: per year for any The Trade Unlon Act of the Nan ween them approximately 10, 000 Into labor conflicts. From the comfor being interdouced in the rosa Martin Abern James Cannon two weekly Issues; a halt king Government, which became workers, closed down, and the fol parative figures of working days Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Do you remember THE MILIyear for twenty six weekly Arne Inese operative on November 1, 1929, alm. lowing day a third, employing ap lost, the tendency for strikes to be. To dispose of this last vlew Arst ed at the Fascization of the trade proximately 7, 000 followed salt of longer duration will be noticed, it is sufficient to point out that the TANT CLUB PLAN? It gives you VI, No. 38 (Whole No. 185) the advantage of a reduced prices THE MILITANT untons, the strangling of their in The unemployment situation in which may be taken as an indica concentration of wealth and the SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1933 for new subscribers. six months 128 Fast 16th St.
sub for 50e provided they are sent dependent activity. The trade un Shanghai, which may be taken astion that the workers are becom means of production into tewer lons were converted into safetyl a pattern for the rest of the coun. ing more stubborn in their strug. hands la not only facilitated but subscription rate: 00 per year into the office clubs of four. Why valves. under more or less com try, has assumed extraordinary gles.
also accelerated by the Recovery Foreign 50 cents per copy not try it?
This 1s 185