CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorking Class

Lessons of the United Front Middle West 11 has Opportunism in Food Uuion the Banks in Support We to Bosses Propose Starving Schools time would be clear PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1933 Sioux City except that many com. The Savarin boss, taking advantage LEAGUE ACTIVITIES rades have been expelled from the of the opportunity, has put up a IN THE PARTY e party, sign in the window which is very General Conditions trickly worded and reads, and more interested in meetings Report from the seem to understand this, but maybe lectures than have seen anywhere The noticable thing about gener strike Has Been Settled with the warty.
in the state. Hundreds gather on al conditions existing around the Union. This alone gives a black Lydia Beidel Expelled that because m new in the the river front in front of the lib. region is that there seems to be stalinist leadership with its slogan from Chicago Dist. This comrade ennnot speak here.
She has counter revolutionary in Davenport, lowa. The following the party is unable to make any the number of workers being em. of a flexible policy. which is nothing but a Right wing policy. The expulsion campaign of the tentions. She is looking for (Continued from last issue)
The only thing that made it pos Party in Chicago continues un audience. Let her talk to the sc cities anavenport, Muscatine and for two weeks and held six open minder bie appears to be making coursible for the leadership to act in abatud. Starting with the recent ex retariat: they ll settle her. It THE FRAME WORK OF THE UNITED FRONT state of Iowa: In the consideration of the uni No doubt you are aware that cryone that they were the biggest Jering about not knowing what to militant workers have been discourbere soon followed the expulsion of cratie centres ted front one must not only know the Unczuployed Union which was and most interesting meetings held. do. Slany bright opportunities exaged, and have left or joined the Albert Goldman. Now the latest disenssionalitpropshireedom of comrado Another bewildered the Leninist concept. One muster and on our initiative was had a debate with an ist for the Left Opposition in this union. Those who remain expulsion is that of a comrade with the years behind her in the Party. GEO. PAPCUN. ed have been terrorized by spoke up: If this comrade above all, apply this to oblective taken away from us and we were on tactics and policies. It was very territory.
threat of being thrown out of their (Note: All quotations used are been expelled from the party, why conditons, and the framework of expelled as the result of a combina well received. had a debate with jobs and discriminted against. accurate, being taken from a ix she here? Why was she allowed the working class and its organization of the party leaders and some a socialist on the Industrial ReThere are actual cases where this stenographic record of events at into the meeting? But the bureau tions.
muscrupulous Leaders ho rem poy attended this summer to balle ore in scovery Act where the biggest erwa has happened.
the meeting on July 6, 1933. cracy has never yet missed an ansLocal, sectional national and in action against us. The This membership meeeting, called All the members in Section Seven wer. ller unit organiser was not ternational united front action are ed Umon then changed its name to these debates our group made a complicated in their application, the Cooperative League and became gratulated by the workers.
to celebrate the victories recent. Chicago ware called together to notified of her expulsion, and the ly gained, attracted an attendance. Beforehand nobody was luvit her. Ferguson rose to the Defensive and offensive of only 50 or 10 workrs, which sul told what should be discussed but occasion this time but she failed call for different modes of work. Unemployed Council was complete. The different industries in the The whole recent policy of the sciently proves the emptiness of the the bureaucracy evidently had some to explain why the omniscient see Ing class motlon, Just as perlods of ty liquidated. And today a tight has city of Des Moines seem to be pick reaction, reform and revolution do ruken out between the of Ling up, If we can keep up our stalinist leadership in the Food boasts to victory.
The members thing new to blume on the member ton bureaucracy itself was so Inx about admitting expelled members.
The immediate objective must nt leadership and the party. It is open air meetings and agitation in Workers Industrial Union consti are not even Interested enough to ship.
Des Moines there is no doubt thattutes a sharp zigzag to the right, show up.
no time be isolated and separated doubtful as to the outcome. certain unfortunate party mem. It might le said, parenthetically, The Right wing poison has creptber, who had been a member even for the benefit of others who were from the direction of the objective a Marxian is heading for.
Now as to the activities of the spoken to many party members who alization among the workers. It is through the whole life of the union. In the ancient and forgotten day party members while Lunin was At the cooperative cumps, only the when Lenin alive, had begun till alive that on other occasions, THE REFORMIST REFUSAL rty. In Davenport they are do are very friendly and we have met hud to say whether this is a Lebkitchen men are members of the to think on things in general and Section Organizer Ferguson, aided ing very or. and get a weekThe on or wine the Unemployed Council The Wobblies are trying to make by the wiu the co hour week with others are so called welluntary cular and had tegun to doubt and Shields summarily experiennem and abetted by Ixtrict Agitprop UNITED FRONT las been more or less captured by hendway In Des Moines. The practice. In some shops organized workers, Thoot meribers of any union, had expressed these thoughts and borse the section at membership The proper application of the reactionary clement, according to vur information. The party united front tactiels winning one through the use of the doubts to some youths, who hnd meetings and get only a week.
for the revolutionist regardlesy of organized al Workers Sebo bas. of has chartered several locals wages as low as 12 prevails.
which The following is the situation in cent action in the strike at the the acceptance or refusal of the res not making very much progress. the mining regions of Iowa: The Savarin Cafeteria at 7th Avenue he thoroughly exposed and cleared virus of criticism. And so, this un highly intriente enlightment on Still more outstanding is the TeThe situation in this union must been thereby innoculated with the came then someone winded and gain will he altered by the positionized lust spring blew up. No directU. officials got the miners and 30th Street, in the heart of the tion.
formist leaders. The degree of tho The united front which they organ the up in order to stop this degeneru fortunate party member had been the German Situation and told cleviously and also directly by nited Front, which looked a great FOOD WORKER.
all those who had power that her den to the unfortunate comrade like in turn, the position of the mis the change of policy of the na without a vote of the membership ing ground. When the strike was days within the marty were definite an ideological hypodermle, especially numbered (to seven at the most. Hy when.
does not rest within their own the united front. Now as to thoiled. Fourteen or fifteen local uned that all workers would join to Now this unfortunate comrade Iturrah! Turnh! burst out handy. Their refusal or acceptance of As a result of the tons have already endorsed or call smash the injunction, which had had once heard liut that was also the victimizeil membership The In the Inst analysis rests in the industrial Recovery Act they are only sixteen locals are needed for the strike lasted two weeks nothin the ancient days when of Lenin German party was not defeated.
hands of the pressure of thelr we the tante citieter der this purpose. Meetings of miners Ing was accomplished.
was still alive about various my And hurrah, hurrah. the ugly rank and Ale. Insuficient pressure sanizing local union after local sterious concepts called democratic head of counter revolution had been are being held all over the district will enable the fakers to refuso union.
At the last membership meeting centralism. party democracy Bolby opposition forces who are more Muscatine and strong pressure will compell or less corrupted by the influence of the WWIU comrade Kramberg. In the name of patriotism with shovisk self criticism and freedom crushed in Section seven, the misleaders to accept or stand This ended the meeting that was exposed. This does not mean we del no existent although the help rankenMlang told martyWintermens achievements for the terror on the clasamente per around ways tilave ness she hoped to invoke those now called to discuss in to united front from below. Have about wine members who do bers, especially south Slavs, are in recent woeks. He told about the issued a statement pledging help to in her hour of need, forgetting that.
force them into the united front. as are in its ranks. The Unem stallize a Left wing within the criticized the past extreme revolu in part. One of the principle func name had been driven into exile.
If the leadership is able to preployed Council exists only on paminers union.
tionary policy of the union and tons of the banks is to finance the And so she thought of a plan.
vent the organization from Joining per. The Citizens Employed and Council Bluffs quoted, with approval, what the production and distribution of raw Many times had their comrade the united front we expose such Unemployed League has stopped Here where a year and halt bosses were saying You are good materials, food products and goods. seen what happened when those leadership, not through slander but functioning. We have somo con ago we had a splendid movement fighters but bad settlers. They Commercial loans made for these who thought tried to speak. So through political criticism. If the acts in this city. Through them nothing exists now of the party or are right. be added, we do not purposes are among the most desir she rat her thoughts on three long The April 1033 issue of the Ampressure is sufficient to force the we will organize some open air the Unemployed Council of the party know how to accept a good oppor able toxins which a bank can make, shorts of paper and made atty erican Teacher, oficial organ of the leaders into the united front and meetings and try, in the very near except a few former disgusted party tunity for a settlement when we such loans should be granted, of coples of each sheet and put them American Heleration of Teachers If their program is not to the cuture, to round up some of the members. The party organiser does have one. He pointed out that course, only where the credit of into briefcase and went to the In the of lists twentyre Interest of the working class and elements that have ceased function, not even bother to do anything at one must take account of the crisis the borrowers Justifies it, and each meeting which was called to dis commendations for economy in their action opposed to working ing in the party to form some sort all.
in making settlements, that of loan must be considered on its own cuss.
education sent out by the class interest than we EXPOSE of an educational group which will The of has organized a course one could not get as good merits We believe that in this All evening the bureaucracy flay Chamber of Commerce to all chamTHEM IN ACTION as part of the expound our ideas.
Worker Protective Association for terms as during the prosperity per manner the banks can and will be ed the membership, abusing them bers of Commerce in the United united front. Marxist can ex There is very little unemployment the Unemployed which they claim od. This is how he justified ac of the greatest help in assisting to for everything done and undone, States.
pose an opportunist and reformist. 4) Postponement of new capito bas 2, 500 members. We have cepting terms that were no better successful issue the President und being self critical according to button Industry te ofrece plenty of contacts Bluffs than those their lights. The Communist party tal ontlay for buildings and replace better and a more thorough job of which is working Organize alone were permanently located in the question of the Savarin settle sound loans can be made on the was a four year old crisis at hand hour. 9) Inerende size of classes exposure if it is done in action.
blast. It be very easy to o only about certain misleaders in has made no effort to do so. am ment, and workers of that shop financing of production, the bankers and the party had not yet been (10) Increase teaching hours. 12)
Workers do not have illusions button workers union but the party this territory.
Omaha able to make anything of it. By Suspend automatic increase of salwhom they still have faith. They sure that the of will do it The party has moved the office terms. These were wages raised the singers like the one or supports Heren o clock it was to aries (13) Keducation in teachers also have many Illusions about in the near future.
of District 10 to this city Many frou 12 2 to 26 cents an hour of the large capitalists are in a everyone that something was wrong: salaries not to exceed 10 percent: capitalism. In action, around the Des Moines united front, the twofold process of who used to be the most active. We other words, 15 cents a day. This the long tembola. com pile up prodts bouts desirate the loudness of the (14) Shorten school year hortento disillusionment in misleaders and The party got a very good start have many contacts with the old is less than the reforestration camp will be the accumulation of capital the denunciation of the membership tinue evening classes. 16) Disconin the capitalist system can be deelt due to incorrect policies. There to be demoralized and disgusted. to be taken on as extras under dard of livine wita a lower stan exactly what was wrong.
in this region but has isolated itparty comrades but they all seem wage scale! Three workers were in fewer hands; by the bureaucracy nobody knew tinue kindergartens. 17) Reduce elementary school curriculums by veloped. Only Marxian revolution and more misery for are about six Unemployed Leagues The socialist party and the this scale, another was to be raised the working class. The patriotic Then the unfortunate comrade consideration from eight to seven CALLING THE UNITED FRONT in the city. The party Unemploy zhe are making big headway in to help them stood up with her briefcase before years (18) Reduce high school done for the other whatever was action of the consolidation The calling of the united front Council is non existent. The mate.
18 not the simple task of sending they have some thirty or Lincoln, and Sioux City were left outside of the union, as triotic action of any band of rob which she had once been organizer, from four to three years. 19)
a letter to all working class organ forty members on paper. While. of the bere in any are the most promising bright shop committee or of Lincoln, Nebraska and Sioux City, there was no recognithe union, of class period of the history and where she was well known as Transfer one third of cost of inzations. Many Right wing secret was there a petition was circulated spots of the party. After consider. Nothing was said about the injune society an active and competent agitator struction above high school levels and organizer. she began to avail from taxpayer to pupil. 20) Imin the basket and the organization CHICAGO PICNIC herself of the three minutes allot pose a fee on high school students.
will in no way have knowledge orland that the organizer be forced Idone the party has been able to and can be used again should the FRIENDS OF THE MILITANT ted to her to explain her differences. This program is already being the projected united After had a chance to organize the com to call the meeting. The party or This was mainly due to the shop. On the basis of this injuncbig unemployed move WIU attempt to reorganize the CLUB with the bureaucracy, and to de carried out. In Ohio, California it is decided to collisional do front ent workers but due to their asin For Business INVEs expulsion. She very meekly sug been cut in some states drasticalSunday, August 6, 1933 fend herself agninst her imminent and other states the school year has and before the provisional compoline methods they all went over to worked on their own initiative. The ne the strike, which lasted two Western and 87th Street gested that maybe abuse of the is. In Now York City and elsetion) sends out the call those tak South East Side The workers in Des Moines are friendly to the left Opposition. The following fact alone shows Come and bring your friends along! dies, and then made so bold ns to more than ten per cent. New hulid membership would not help so much where salaries have been cut: in ing the initiative should organize their own forces to bring pressure from within the conference if we from below on all other organiza are allowed into the conference and mention Germany. From then on ing is virtually at a standstill.
tions and especially in the organi things happened fast.
Classes have been increased in size Germany is not under zations that have labor fakers at expose correct program against all over. Similarly with the other discusston. move this comrade be for items in this bill of particulars.
Executive Committee elected.
those taking the initiative must Uncle Sam is vitally concerned union because the warpers refuse they trall behind bidden to continue. This like. It is clear at a glance that the know about the call all and its objee THE FORM OF THE UNITED FRONT with the stek textile Industry and to join the and the dis blanket code calling for 35 hours son, who for years had sat at the the the Roosevelt machine gun fire from one Fergu burden of this economy will fall on tive. They must set to work preteachers and pupils. The The united front is not only paring the ground work for the question of local, national or in proving the textile by Arst apcredited Why are the a week. The slogan for the six feet of Kuusinnen and knows about teachers have already begun to call 80 when it is sent to all the termational unity, and is not a ques other sections of the industry are forced to organize the increase in pay is a realistic de cibility of the party line. And in temonstrations in Chicago and the working class organizations there force as many organlaztions as pogons or political tendencies to con wide discontent and strike strug. It is an attempt of the Staklomand at this stage of the American grand reflex came the seconds from protests and activities of the Left Staliniste class struggle.
her henchmen.
wing in the Tenchers Union in New stitute a Left wing in a trade un gles are taking place throughout to meet the new situation and sible into united working dass ac ion fight, etc. It is also a question the industry. At the same time change their old wronk policy while eral strike of the silk workers in comrade. expected this. So for teachers movement in the The Associated is calling a gen Very well. said the unfortunate York are laying the foundations organizational development to thousands of illusioned workers are they straddle the fence and wait fraterson when the hearior en kos wrote my speechechend there is United made to bring those organizations higher stage.
in the united front that at first roThe organizational development Associated and the United Textile conference to answer the burning place on the silk code in Washing And she proceeded to pass out the. But the scope of the Chamber tuse. Political exposure of those of the united front can take on Workers. Theso workers are pro questiny of trade untonthetics ton. The Left wing must put lite three long sheets in ifty coples of Commerce economy proposals organizations must be carried on a varied number of forms. Tem mised almost anything under the While the stalinisto wait for the about a strike; otherwise the that the great political maneuverers teachers as tenchers. It is an inUNITED FRONTS THAT EX1 orary agreements between organi Industrial Recovery Act. An equal Cleveland conference, the labor leaders will have a free hand there present lost fully three mintegral part of the attack of the CLUDE COMMUNISTS OR zations on one or several demands number of seasoned strikers wil skates are reaping the harvest.
HAVE WRONG PROGRAME or bloc in struggle that covers have nothing to do with the The Stalinists do not even have government in putting over another grasp the matter at hand.
in helping the capitalist and their utes before they could react and capitalist class on the working There are many types of reform a whole series of demands and ac that is discredited from one sense enough to call for a Lett slave code. Of course, the Stalin class. In New York City the backers who endeavor ted front action between reformist 26, or a federation as a crystal end of the industry to the other.
carry on und At this point the atmosphere one of the organized labor move higher form of the united wing in the Associated, which can sts have not yet stopped playing was rent by the piercing shriek of ment are the Building Trades. They for the other hand, the National motore castored as a 100 percent with them, non per te maken herons and District Agitprop Director Shields, sest son derece schodif monstranter organizations and exclude the Comfront which deals with one phase Textile Workers Union is facing muntets in order to keep the conse the class traselected the the new situation in the midst of The leaders of the As the where the relation of Sho passing out a document. And Imposing fees on high school sturelation of the Communist to this of the united front action of the reflects itself in the hopelcre polles Week, 30 week and two loom It is up to the other class conscious opened up and emitted, comrades size of classes places hardships on of exclusion should be that working close the Soviet brown of the T Many workers system for the sole code. The workers and the Left Opposition we forbid you to read this state the children.
This refers to united front action a whole series of stages of develbst the rewarded the third period na mume wa bombein ninguma. cel. It grganized labor has sufficient document. It is a platform against Under capitalism labor struggles consider all factors Involved more PLANS AND PROGANADA Stalinist revisionism in general and a 000 yearly guarantee. In influence strikes enlled when the the Left wing can the party and forth. cen to head selence and the arts place at the than once before breaking into al, Delegates do not come to united parliamentary united front action front conference to hear In Salem, Mass. the u. Aghting the capitalist silk code codes are being considered, a power. it. And the coples began forth disposal of selety. The labor of reformists.
anda speeches. The den Propas organizers were forced to organize as is the case with other codes. ful weapon will be at hand to force with to disappear found their way ous ideology which the capitalista as an independent union. In Paterson the Stalinists of the from circulation movement has to fight the polsonwell as the delegates who take the the are forced to or allow the leaders to preconcessions from the capitalists, although only The second question GP safloor must be instructed to save gnize the warpers they have in. Aent moradical demands. The their government and their labor to the desk of the bureaucracy.
inculcate in working class children ance in such a united front Then stood up Agitprop Shields: Inbor has a stake in the preservain the schools. In the United States Stalinists of the U. have a gente.
what kind of a draft program they on those workers outside of the by reformists is the question of their propaganda shes to nence over, into an independent been tralling behind the LA Ieft wing must be built in the expelled from the Communist party tion and extension This comrade, she shrieked, is have presented. We must enter united front who have not yet been of the tree lenders in every Industry on the Associated and a minority must be school system.
to oppose their class collaboration won over to our action.
merger of different organizations question of demands. Ultra Leftists organized in the The and her statement is counter rev: This economy move on the part policy with a policy of class strug. Delegates must confine their an political tendencies into one must but social reformers, fol. against the misleaders on But. said the unfortunate cometionary one. The teachers by themolutionary.
criticized for exaggerated two must coordinato their work gle. If we pass the first line trench the conterence must set the key political organization. One does lowing in the wake of the promises the one hand, and the Stalintatrade from the back of the room, selves will not, cannot be success arguments, and those in charge of of the capitalist class is a reacin shaping the immediate demands note on the question of program forma united front on concrete of the Roosevelt reform must be ex blunders on the other hand. Where You can expel a the to. anyone else was al in defeating it. The experience done it.
Executive Committee elected to do it is the job of the convention agreements in action.
struggle we should not serve on the adopted. What to do and how to throw of capitalism temporary must cmpromise with the reform we must organize a Left wing. We Shut up! said the leader of the this. They must nlly themselves ers on their exaggerated demands must fight for one union in the incarry out the reformist, abstract not propaganda speeches. The de On the other hand, the Marxists and polnt out the facts. We edustry. Out of the struggles, the revolutionary proletariat, If you The teachers movement must steer with the working class movement.
anti working class, opportunist pro legates should not have to be pro does not enter the united front for pose the labor een be in action. We Independent unions that will spring want to talk, go before the Control pagandized.
in this direction.
gram of the united front.
the ultimate The prove to the workers that the labor up out of the Left wing of the Committee and talk your head of The third important relationship IMMEDIATE DEMANDS AND but the membership will not listen STAMM.
to consider is the relationship of ULTIMATE DEMANDS revolutionists always has in mind leaders are giving lip service new and powerful union can be to your counter revolutionary Into a united front our nominated by forces that agreements. United fronts can be mand to the ultimate demand. The interest of the class. We must not tant, but it is not the only posible whe seemed to be distressed, siner in the Militant are requested to United fronts are not passive the relation of the immediate de. while the Communists ight for the bullt. This is the most likels var speeches.
All comrades sending in newe Then stood up new comrade, reports and Articles for publication adobe a fundamentally wrong pro only temporary alliances of differ proper connection of the two, dis allow the reformers and Aruvarlant. Much will depend upon he always had a very high opinton type their copy on one side of the gram of action such as the Amster. ent organizations in action upon tinguishes the revolutionist from labor fakers to lead to working the polley and action of the Left of the unfortunate comrade. But pugo, triple spoed. Clean copy in dam Congress of the Stalinists or immediate demands.
Communists the reformist.
class demande. The stalinists not wing foroes NOW. The stalinists d like to ask he said, why isn the original seves much valuable the Washington Continental Con cannot form a permanent body with (To be continued)
gress of the reformists. Under reformists to fight war or overonly trall behind the social reform are already falling, to measure up the comrade allowed to express her time. Help the Militant staff! The such a creumstance we expose throw capitalism. Such can be a HUGO OEHLER. ers demand for the BO hour week; to the task. opinion, even if it wrong? don Multant is your paper!
by Latest Developments in the Textile Industry emand