BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Commundet Lengde of America (Opposition) at 124 Best 16th Street, New York, Entered as renand class mat matter, November 28, 1898 at the post office at New York, dor the actre 16 VOLUME VI. NO. 38 WHOLE NO. 185 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1933 PRICE CENTS Foreign Developments Spanish Gov to New Shops After the Collapse of Recognition by a scrive bedek 35, 000 Pa. Mine Workers the London Confab Strike For Right of Union Organization cracy and agressive imperialism retty bourgeoisie. The budget bas the as a factor with promises to live up to the code, es led directly in the battle taki fashion shot down in cold blood men.
the be indefinite blems have been left unsolved in the invasion and drove the uniform Izvestia does not fool the capital men who are coming into the comrade Trotsky will be sent to the spread the issue became more than Up to this point, but no further.
ditions imposed coal barons.
It has been in since the days or particular plans of their shop. special answer to all these rumors It is significant that the strike pledged governmental protection. Dissension in French Japan Provokes the Soviets Recognition of the by spirit of militancy pervades The London Economic Confertion will prove to be very vulner. Times is hailed by the Izvestia as second week of strike. Over Afty Spain as cabled to the New York the upholsterers who are in their ence, which opened less than months ago to the accomaniment in the meantime, the price level a step taken when the victory of shops, large and small, have already of a tremendous blast of publicity, within France remains high, while socialism in the Soviet Union had responded to the call issued a week of hopes, promises and fears, has wage cuts in general have not gone been decided finally and without ago, Thursday by local 76 of the slipped quietly to an early grave. as deep as in the United States or argument. The extension of the American Federation of Labor. The Western Pennsylvania is again line extended over a far fung terri 1930 the Pittsburgh Terminal Comtions of monopoly capitalism has talism, which will inevitably at. is direct evidence of the 40 per hour. The manutacturers aflame with a miner revolt grow. tory.
the competitive national organiza. creasing pressure on French cari tertional connection en come the and the baste minimum wage of Death bas taken its toll. Many again recognized the tinceanera improved to be al utopian tempt to force its burdens on to foresente soeta lored Co Preckon wet association have failed to bring the one daily in sweep and scope. The typen Pennsylvania steel trust though not one agreeable to the Illusion, under which bankrupt der the French proletariat ernments are forced to reckon with by company plug uglies can conceal their nakedness.
Test of Recovery Act better to live at peace.
giving the merlesen flag at the head tiopy of the code were made public ing blows as the powerful picket of a picket This strike is one of the many The keynote of the conference (Continued on Page 4)
line. Several was the antagonism between Amerother expressions of working class atti: To speak of the victory of sol (44 hour week and 34c per hour)
miners are expected to die from tude under the national industrial fean clalism as decided finally. and roar of laughter went up from and imperialism.
wounds received and many are suf recovery efforts. It is a test inFrance utilized the conference It is better. for the capitalist, to the men when this was read Leon Trotsky Moves fering from lighter injuries. dicating that the working class is a mobilization ground for its pol. Hitler Executes Four live at peace. with the Soviet Un by Brother Moskowitz, chairman of ton is to confuse the real state of the strike committee Concora no From Turkey to France Pennsylvania darkest corner and relying upon the clauses of the The strike started in Fayette Co. ready to resume the offensive, not tical and financial allies. Germany, which was in the position of mere. Altona Commuuists ly asking for concessions without talist attack upon the Soviet Union. be tricked into any conditioris beIt started as a direct challenge to power to inforce its right to union even the bluft of having anything The Nazi beast has struck again. Recognition does not flow from the low those demanded by the strike to offer was completely shoved into This time he has brought down with the Soviet Union, not because The notoriously scabby trade shop y obtained rermission from the the right of union organization. ditions. While progress, the With the Illusory hopes of com in the defense of the working class of the victory of socialism. Thelon Long Island, the backbone of French Government to make a trip This company is the largest pro spokesmen for the steel trust at mon action thus shattered, national quarter of Altona, near Hamburg, opposite is true.
with the determination the men are Southern France where he and are are the one anticand si subsidi. Washington hypocritically eliminperiod poration. In its further sweep the demand for company unions. Obent directions in accordance with them in a provocative parade fast in the pressure of world. conditions now showing the strike is bound to stay, for an.
Around these simple facts a number strike has embraced the adjacent viously their intention was to rely and needs of year. The Hamburg workers, steel the quest for profits forces capitalmonopoly capitalism in the differed in the traditions of the fighte ist nations to trade with anyone, In the midst of the solid spirit of have been built, both by the bour heny. Washington and Armstrong, bayonets to maintain this demand ent countries. All the major pro of 1919 and 1921, bitterly resented even with the Soviet Union. The the men, however, is to be found geols and the stalinist press. It The latest reports estimate a total in practice. They have struck a apathy which is characteristic has been stated for instances that of 35, 000 miners involved. As it smag. The miners gave the answer: ereasing production, dealing with od gangsters out.
ists with this kind of phrases. This of unemployment, markets, currency authors of mass helps disarm the workers to dan Hurst eind, inte the strike for hele United States, as first Soviet Am. the one of right to union organi. on July 22 the Pennsplvania sov: stability. The efforts to solve them acre were at that time condemned gers to their own class and helps first timers casier to rely bassador, that he has made peace zation. It assumed the character, crnor dispatched National Guard by reestablishing the water and the death the better to feed the then capitalists cover up their war responsibility sbar victory of Fascism in responsibility yourself. Too much French government is willing to cite demands formulated, of a gen ain order. How did the troops immediate next steps will undoubt tenses and rottice all the more partiche Germany and the victory of Japan work and responsibility is being have him because he will help them eral revolt against the intolerable discharge that duty the became in the East against China and the shoved upon a few Individual at against Hitler, etc.
edly further increase the disproportor Fascism that were going on Soviet Union places the Soviet Un shops do not meet to consider the It is not necessary to make any Irania steel and coalho Pennsy Frick Company to declare its mines tions and contradictions of the varthroughout the apparatus of open shop and semi open shop con the immediate signal for the the top. As a result, the struck ious sections of the world market, German government. Now the son in the most dangerous position reopened, calling for scab labor and and the political expression of these hypocritical mask of democratic War: The daily general strike meeting excobetto polo out that they are has also embraced the mines of the new bloody onslaught was launched contradictions in preparation for measures can be cast aside. The open intervention and elvil Naxi terrorists have been freed.
The realignment of imperialist problems of the individual shops fact. When the Stalinists insinu Pittsburgh Terminal company which upon the miners led by the com Economie Trends in pardoned and treated as heroes, forces since Hitler took power cannot be taken up there. For exate, however, as in a recent issue now has a contract with the Uni pany privately armed deputies, of farming out of work of the Daily Worker, that this was the very backbone of the on said to have only 275. But de The general background against The Communist workers who acted forces the Soviet Union to make ample stes shop to two by four the reward of the bourgeoisie forslanght which smashed the Ispite these heavy odds against the which these efforts are taking place in self defense have been behended. amends with Poland, Franco. mete by is one of mild improvement in the The last words of one of the four and now Spain. To cloak these dump, which threatens to demoral. Sonrad hetskriet services to them in the lost strikes of 1927 28. workers they have stood their Later when the National Miners ground. The mines remained idle, although nowhere is the death penalty is the largest honor to prepare the way for greater mis have been avoided it handled by trip to Copenhagen last year, we Union made headway and led the the strike spread.
ment taking place at such hyster for a revolutionary. Continued on Page 4)
tab should be kept by the shop Western Pennsylvania strike in Conditions in Fayette Coke Region ical speed as in the United States.
committees on the location The upturn here would have had Between the black bills of Fay.
and activity of the men, so that at any ette county lie dotted numerous of to take on a violent character at some point, if only because of the time the union could put its finger beehive stretching extremely low points which had on any sore spot.
for blocks with the rows of open been reached on the downward Right Wing Actual Victors. Left Compromises we consider it our duty to form Criminal Stalinist Policies Weaken Soviet Resistance des resembling miniature open swing of the crisis. further stimulating factor was the zigzagging character of the course toward The congress of the O: question of power, of workers un of pulling signed shops during a ovens belch out smoke blackening Shanghai There is a lull in mill know this, and China knows it everything in sight. heavy pall indation, which allowed both wild (French Socialist Party concludity of the struggle against war. takes precedence over all such tary activities in North China fol also. In the circumstances, it is haags over the little mining comspeculative uprushes and also seved after giving the left wing an The discussion on these sublects agreements. Strikers do not under lowing upon the conclusion of the aforegone conclusion that Japan munities. But that accounts ton upon the manner in which day to over the Centrists (98te xotes, and tradematen schanische werelmesek egy called them on strike, themselves in virtual occupation of huge and not on Soviet terms. Sell oa of the steel trust in evidence everyday events allowed the government the Right wing (753 and also tradictions which were masked by go back or we we.
during the past two months the resolution of the Socialist Action. mentary srond will come to the core of the strike demands. The bosses is now drawing back preparatory this is the Japanese attitude.
president had to intervene in a The congress was opened on the moror with more force always break agreements when it to a fresh leap forward, and it is the city and village administra Provocations by Japan tions, the stores in which the minfalling speculative market with the with a speech by Vandervelde, pre than ever before.
is to their advantage to do so. commonly believed that their next Japan is evidently so convinced ers make their purchases often in assurance that he had not given up sident of the Labor and Socialist As we foresaw, it was on the Maison Art. for example, introduced objective is Outer Mongolia, pos that the Soviet Union will not fight company serip as the only re International who bessed the dele question of national defense that pleco work into their shop in direct session of which would add to their in defense of her interests that received for their labor. The laws On this policy, of course, Amer gates not to disrupt the unity for the Right wing showed stselt most violation of the agreement signed strategic advantages in the event quite recently she took the bold laid down by the steel trust are inbehind it; the post war experience of the Belgian king epitomized the terdenouncing an ignoble arti. Greeppoint and others all violated Out here, the view is widely held sluijm, the 11. Tachikaze, deputies. For years the Fayette of most European countries was re confusion reigning in the nation. slom by Rosenfeldea gainst Paul. the agreement by paying single that the Soviet position vis a vis into Soviet territorial waters of county miners have been compelled cent enough to remind them International.
and other things, time instead of time and a half for Japan and the entire imperialist the Kamchatka coast allegedly to to work under these most revolting stitutes. With all the more enthu ble blow by the victory of Fascism its amplitude, the threat of war trade in all cases takes precedence as result of the capitulationist Japanese fishermen in the region of that the steel trust fights tooth and Weill over extent contracts. No work policy pursued by Moscow, notably Cape Olga. The warship entered mail to maintain.
of international asrcement, the In which then reformtest colea dera and Renandele stated categorical should be produced in these shop in regard to the agreement to sell these waters after permission for Many attempts have been mode Roosevelt government jumped into What About the Industrial Union: the Chinese Eastern Railway. The it to do so had been expressly re by these miners to organize a mthe activities of the National Recovery Administration, centralizing out resistance like houses of of Hitlerite Germany, national de It is worthless to hope that fronse can be organized not by leav. calling of the generall strike, bas ot imperialisın by Voroshitov is no Meanwhile Moscow, claiming to rights. Often they were sold out the Vanderveldes and the Adlersing the ground of August 4th but adopted an and coordinating American care will condemn their own policies rather by placing ourselves on that tactice 19 entirely new set of longer taken seriously. since these are established the fact that three by the officials. We still Knowing that the over gestures are not borne out in prac. Japanese fishermen were shot and remember the dastardly sell out of the next decisive leap at foreign after having dispensed with sever ground without delay.
al German social democrats who The extreme Left whelming sentiment of the men is tice. Not an inch of our terri killed by Soviet coast guards near the 1922 strike when John Lewis ing (So for going into the of they tory! yell Stalin Vorosbiloy Cape Olga, has cringing signe the The British polley has been one xainly tried to lick itler boots clalist Action) played an insigni have adopted the policy of help in unison. But in the interests of a wlogy to the Japanese govern leaving out 60, 000 miners of Fayof aggressive competition for foreign trade on the basis of stabil termination to remain united. But deputies received only 149 votes, In view of the cool reception that attitude before the political and to compensate the fanilies of those ion. The miners were caught in a to their organizations. Have the de proposal for the expulsion of the of unity with the rank and stes have adopted such a weak kneed punishment to the coast guards and sacrificing their budding organizaized currency and slow, definite in events are stronger than Vander so that it wo deduct the 104 votes their strike demands got from the military minions of the Mikado kilted. In the Soviet note on the south trap; but they have been creases in price levels, production velde tirades.
and note circulation. The unexpect. Split, more than ever before, percent of the Left wing was influ si an hour and the 40 hour week entire Chinese Eastern Railway. It made of the fact that the fisher they are joining the ed coup of the Argentine trade is first on the order of the day. enced by the Socialist Action. There to 15 an hour and the 35 hour the line were not sold now. It men were killed while trespassing What Does this Strike Indicato?
agreement, the removal of the teme From the time of the black white is nothing extraordinary in this week. In this respect they have would be seized. The negotiations in Soviet waters surely a mitigat There is much to be learned from increases in tariffs, all point in war by the Right wing after the done by the stalinists to the So The excuse of not knowing what face saver for this direction. The reparation of vote of censure hardly a month has (Continued on page 4)
giving a formal character toon tayt bandits the resous theodets strike. It is offensive in its charac (Continued on Page 4)
British money held abroad, and tossed. The Right wing not only ex accompli. Both Moscow and Tokyo upon themselves or rather. upon significance. In that sense it is ter. Perhaps that is its greatest some extent an influx of foreign posed the conflict before the social short term credits, have broadened ist and international party masses presumably were the financial basis of these operabut also before republican and soduty) the entire blame.
ticularly when viewed in connec tions and have reflected the will chest mother opinion the unity of of this coun By way of contrast, the Japan. tion with many other strikes ingness of large sections of Euro try. In ese foreign office returned a curtis but similar in character. Does it pean capital to support Enginna the Socialist party retains only a By the developments toward the ery act and its industrial codes. of them on a capitalist basis? And teseulent reply to the Moscow pro hot bring cloquent testimony to the in the duel with America.
formal aspect each tendency much heralded national e industrial Tomorrow when its scope is known so, it came about that the ideas er entering Sortet apaters atest news conclusion, which we have drawa France and the Crisis In France, the situation is com. these circumstances, the maneuvers is getting on the way. Maybe this code and well for other more are combined into a sort of a plan Judging by past experience, it covery efforts the class struggle aiming at the organization of is reasonable to suppose that the bound to increase in intensity? In of liquidation and deflation, accom responsibility for the split are determine just what this New Deal Crisis Creates New Conditions capitalism. greater concentra. Japanese imperialists will be furits further development these strugplished by the crisis in most ad relatively secondary.
is. Undoubtedly the general ider One thing is certain; the system tion and centralization of capital. ther encouraged by the kowtowing sles are just as sure to immensely vanced countries, has not been fully The Left wing won out in the behind it, the system of policies re of policies centered around the in a more cigantic monopoly. It is achieved owing to variety of voting: but the political advantage presented by that name, are quite dustrial recovery efforts represents the proponents of organized capti laite of Moscow. The day fol. sharpen the class distinctions in causes: the delay of more than a of the congress was incontestably clear. But the New Deal itself something new, at least to the talism. appearing under the col Soviet fishing vessels were seized the workers toward political conthe Soviet apology, three the United States and serve to load year before the crisis actually be gained by the Right wing. And it will be fully estimated only when extent that new conditions press tective name of the brain trust, by Japanese warships and their sciousness as a class gan, the prompt adoption of gov is no wonder. Only the Right wing it is put over and has become a for new methods. The new condi who are the moving forces behind crews placed under The strike also indicates that ernmental measures to shut of was decisive, The Left wing. on reality. Today the first steps are tions are nt hand. The crisis in these ideas.
charges of spying in the neighbor during the recovery porlod there France from the world crisis by the contrary, in the process of evo being taken, it is set into motion, its course of development laid the lala the Capitalist Economy Reorganized hood of the Kurile Islands. And will be a decisive trend of the worktrade restrictions and the mainten. lution, was split into numerous and we must view it in motion to basis for them. It offered the pos But before we took further into pow inspired reports are appearinging masses toward union organiza ance of domestic markets, the spe tendencies and grouplets. Also, the forecast its final results. It toniemen Ammense reorganiza: the question of the industrial recor aneste discrimination against Jap elecome stream will head toward program possible to say at the outset, how. tion of the whole national coonery policies of the Roosevelt ad. preewald paledivostokrather tallures and betrayals. Per clal favors given to certain indus Right wing stated its tries whereby they suffered less clearly and frankly at the con ever, that when finally put over. omic structure in preparation for mistention and in order to gain ists have long coveted. More and maps one can say that in the Pennup to the the next stage of the business cycle. better understanding of them, it Was burdened from the crisis but the government gress. It hid nothing. It spoke to the New Deal will loomthing en Now the problem is to step into is necessary to first examine their traver situations may be expected. sylvania mine fields there pearance of relative immunity from politicians they said, but statesmentirely different from what it ap that stage and secure an upward background. As already mentioned. diplomacy ala Litvinoy and com Union by its utterly false policies dened more, etc. The a We are not working masses as and are expected. Thus Soviet no other union in existence anyway.
the crisis brought in large amounts We are ready to give France an penrs to be today.
economic conjuncture. And it was a crisis becomes also a period of pany, expressed in action, is Score That is true. The National Minera investment in France during 1931 will assure internal order and the class Judgment will differ. Today of the old concepts and formulne mense reorganization of the whole bringing the Soviet Union nearer and methods long ago forfeited its reality contributing potential made in the old traditional verbt change is sure to be for the better the new requirements. They were crisis. With avlew to the future, the Japanese bandits (which began the future trend. To keep abreast to its apparent trength, but in that that pronouncement was not enter understandably so that ang not to me the new conditions or cconomy took place during the care opposite of what is being atm torbyBut that only so much element of great weakness. In in age caused a stie of surprise in that at least cannot become any discarded. At the same time now. this reorganization followed strict in late 1931, when Japanese troom with that trend the left wing must ternational capital stability of their majority, the leaders of the captivated by illusions of special catchy ideas, ideas of planned econ France, the French financial situa Left wing avoided all votes on the benefits from the industrial recor omy. Why not try to apply some (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
of lodging itself within the mass unions.
ndered bargo on Soviet trade, the steady motions up till the declaration of it is reflection of the damage still lagging behind the Roing on in Tokyo are simply ing circumstance! No, in the in this present Pennsylvania miners the unfortunate corring their very indicative for the future, par who BACKGROUND OF THE NEW DEAL smaller country: ence in the fimbola te confld Blum camp. In order to retain worse. Many workers are even ideas were sweeping the world, ly along the lines of the motive were arbitrarily transported over now take up in earnest the problem