CapitalismCommunismFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorking ClassZinoviev

OF STRIKES. LABOR ANSWER On Some Misconceptions of Fascism and State Capitalism within the publise workers had several to The state Roosevelt that is font down heavily against any wing however, must be critiche workers would vote en masse ers. Wolfe, the owner of the shoe is the of securities, financial Times. To believe that it will convert (2) Reorganization. readjust the companies accordingly offered and Wolfe Toler hoe workers, en state and private trusts.
and aro PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1933 Roosevelt Asks WAVE for Class «Peacex (Continued from Page 1) Furniture Workers in General Strike St. Louis Shaken by Strike Movement while remaining perfectly In addition to the Stalinist prac units rather than won those octhe law.
All Out on the Picket Line!
He prefers to see how well his (Continued from Page 1)
Contm Page 1) Shoe representative, and Phillips, die ondersteuning in menter of the comment on the Maribor in capitalist labor lieutenants Green, Hillman, rank and file of the trade, led by Every shop in the trade, large close powers creases of not loss than 20 percent. business agent, urged acceptance of cial Coinmunist party (or Dubinsky and Co. will be able to the left wing demanded the rein or small, join the strike.
The Left wing calls upon you to Mayor Ickman will undoubtedly workers militantly denounced both tory label of social Fascist and capitalism, during the present per State control of industry or state fasten their stranglehold on the tegration of the left wing union working mase. The patriotic into the American Federation of Nort the general strike and the do his darlent to settle the wise, the company and the union officials. Scott Neuring amusin view of lad of capitalist decay, with its the in his estomarily picturesque man: They demandel, and insisted the Pascism based on a narrowing markets, is the mechan.
paraphanalla for working class ber and for a united general following demands: consumption will come later. lle strike under one banner. We The 30 hour day week in her, of appointing an arbitration were going to get. 33 3 percent retreat achhological massixm by which mividual national from the and then soap boxing to increase on grade shoes, 12 2 production economy of today to the economies or countries are prepara hide bis time. Capitalism is lleve that the militaney resulting place of the 40 hour week now pre cum telling them to accept percent increason foney shoes, a village of Fascism has come national mies a larger share Tins vailing.
the strikers, experimenting and its perspective from a victorious strike would in Minimum scale of 40 per she offer like good little children forty, hour week, and no overtime conception of economy of the past, newing to attempt to wrest from other is a long one.
What the worker can expect from wing strength in the merged union hour in place of the 60e average and xin no more The chairman fingered the speak into being. This conception has of the existing trade and Seweral laundred workers have ers: You strike and you get thed for its basic promise the belief that control. It is the mechanism by world what he received from the grand left wing in the leading tonitions: Abolition of the Piece Work en striking at Jackes Evans Mig. 23. 00. The workers anseated the State Capitalisan is a distinguish which the living standards of the the blanket code is evident from towards the reestablishment of the now prevailing.
Company for almost a month. They fose public works scheme. Htoos of influence and control which they System.
further evelt is the sponsor of both. From hell prior to 1920. Provisions in contract for high are demanding recognition of their chair and walked out of the union the characteristic of Fascist dieta workers will be strive er wages when cost of living rises in the United Metal Stampers rented a separate hall and announc state control over industry and works the conservation Versus the Union the union to determine when and and Assemblers Union, in addition their intentions of striking for state monopolies a move toward to Europe on the contrary state Nor is its development confined The wholsterers are going back how much.
to wage increases. This strike has their demands till hell frowe over. Fascism when in reality such a capitalism is almost as evident in hundred thobands of their own to Leal 76 (A. of They Protect employed at the niggurdly Are not going they are running. AMALGAMATING them into one at the Young People Socialist tive, immediately telegraphed the ary tendency of capitalism and has in Faarist Germany and to view allied trades by the art of the Socialist party of a day.
They are not running: they are al strong industrial union.
Leagle who are now having a re National Industrial Recovery ad been developing for a good many the process is move toward Fasc The blanket code promises mia ready there. This is the private No collaboration with the pirth St. Louis. So far the wake ministration that the union oficials years, imum of 14 and 11. That is topinion of the majority of the Party hosses under the National Recovery facturer attempts to use strike regarded the strike us a violation Increasing state ist dictatorship is to create confu.
be the law for employers and fraction in the Furniture. Workers Act in of the arbitration agreement and not a characteristic peculiar to capitalism ission.
workers alike, says the president. Industrial Union. The orerwhelm militant general strike, and crushing the strike Against the spirit of Roosevelt Prescism but is a phenomenon pre is not to form a so called corporThe fundamental role of Fascism What is to prevent the trusts, the ing rise of the workers to the a class struggle union, for better The Shoe Strike administrations recovery plans. sent during the state of economical state but to prevent the worksyndicates and corporations to mob. of strike all sustains that conditions in the trade.
ilize their armies of unke law. opinion. One party member after While this was happenin, 1000 and political development which ers from moving toward social rev.
For the left wing croni The strike situation that is the most important at the present time shoe workers employed at Wolfe makes the rise of Fascism histori. olution. Paseism will gain strength yers to circumvent the law, as other, in a meeting with the reCARI, COWI. is it will eat spontanoeus rebel Tober Shoe Mig laws? prentatives of the Trade Union voted down the cally possible. It is instrument preely at the moment when the Morgan did with the bank SOL, LANKIX. Lion of boot and shoe workers. St. offer of a 10 percent wage increase of impratim, being an advanced workers begin to threaten when Nothing. The bosses make the inity Council, Overgaard and Worlaws, they have the right. their is, this leclared that unless unity Louis is a shoe town. The organ and came forward with their own form of the mechanism by which the revolutionary movement begins means, their resources to break was achieved with the of Pocketbook Workers adier wage cut (60 75. since shoes, 12 12 rcent increase on trios is carried on a sort of u and once it comes to power it will them Just as well.
in the coming general strike, we months the beginning of the depression, faney, 40 hour week, no overtime. growing interation of the economic Muk alextroy French wit once said: The would find ourselves six not only the Win Conditions The Boot and Shoe Union officials The shoe workers ran the union activity of a national or interna vanguard but also all working state forbids both rich and poor to from now withont a rank and file.
are such perfect agents of the boss fakers out of the hall and conduct tional unit as a whole.
steal bread; the state forbids both Notwithstanding this overwhelmclass oganizations ind to sweep (Continued from Page 1) es that they endorsed the wageed their own meeting. They decid.
rich and poor sleep undering sentiment in the Party fraction, By means of concentration and out of existence all elements of bridges.
the TIC representatives put their minds of the workers. The Leftants, every time. Indignant, theed to strike with the Milins work centralization, the credit system, working class denray.
the bosses state. Its laws are the further unity Degotiations with the for not asking for a referendum cainnt accepting the cut and spon. company. however soture, directorshi, ownership of the business into an adjunt of the them stock, etc. a handful of finance state. as is claimed in an article ers. Workers rights must be fought only that the Industrial Union Is it settlement of a strikes, TheThe union officials would then to give him a week to reconsider. capitalists hare organized the econ in the July inste of the Modem laws and the codes of the emplos. of. Betrayers of tabor and vote on such an important matter Lanconly walk out of the meeting. In tonch with them for. They are not granted, they le maintained at all costs.
workers of the sociation shop over rule the voting and would The shoe workers decided to wait mic life of the various nations in Monthly, is to reveal a failure to buss The false face of unity behind were out ou strike for three and and still another until finally the The week ends July 24th, when of this system are ever in the prosee in the growth of state control must be watched from the to virtual monopolies. The parts understand its real churacter. To class. The same holds true for when the TUUC maseraded was half weeks.
the blanket code and the whole finally ripped aside at a meeting Through the militant strangle of to a sickening disgust. No leaders, secret meeting to consider their to a certain interrelation of inter the Illusion that the present adRoosevelt rigmarole.
of five show hold Tuesday Juls the workers, the bosses had to yield program, everything looked action. The indications are that cuts, thereby exhibiting a tendency ministration of the nited States is of it the. The St. Fascism Those labor fakers who speak th to discuss the question of un to some of the workers demands hopese so the shoe workers Wolfe will secule to their demands to transform the entire cconomie Puscistic and tends to resurrect above the classes, who speak of Stalinists refused to give the floor by a militant leadership and not by drew in their belts a little tighter, Millus strikers have, in the meanterprise under the control of the the fairness of the codes, are pres to the representatives of the left the Praternal Club administra renting the bossen sugry words time, gained everyone of their de countries into a single national en other form. paring the workers for further and wing group this time on the pre tion and the other cliquer the work as seen as business picka up, murds, over the thiends of the Boot state which acts as an exexativement ervated and maintained by greater oppression and misery. test that they were not members ers would lave wou all their just you ll get back the same scale. and Shoe labor fakers.
committee of the ruling classes the big tonneoisie to protect themThey must be exposed. Every step of those particular shops called to demands.
Totlation increased production of Now Briar Bros. workers are prices, production, dislet shoes and. tribution, etc. At the same time workers, Ax comrade Trotsky roint.
selves against the march of the trusted. Every proposal carefully why wars this meeting called? demands the workers gained from examined. The working class coun. Was it because the Stalinists want. the employers.
ter proposals, the proletarian cound to hear the opinion of the uphol.
the former senele. The workers just demands. The resetument agalustactual state monopolies financied Aller (1) 40 hour lagimning inance capital gathers into hits. weck ter strategy to the Roosevelt offen sterers as to whether we should september 1st.
of living was rising terrifically. The officials is so great that both Milius polles jointly controlled by the hands, as in a vise of steel, directly sive must be prepared.
The need of the moment is the It was leatise the workers, tired ments thuder which the workers wage increases but not lare masse, all agree to rent a crate Between 1911 and 1019, under stillately, all the organs and unite with local 76 or not? No.
concentration of all loft wins and of being fed om empty and worn freed for the last two yeams come to offset their previons to committee meetings, seperate for pressure of the demands of the cutive, administrative and cluca movement for the the inlustrial Tinion does not join (3) Manufacturers will not be sex promise was the match that the out and shoes Weit will bare capitalism went forward at a rapid tire state apparatus together with elaboration of such a policy. The to as a body, thuy themselves, as allowed to send work out to con made the hoe workers see fire.
official Communist hard to foretell RALPH MARTIN MCC. In Germany, for instance, the army, the municipalities, the Rebellion in the Union Stalinist leaderships and the Muste and the luster 76 the organizer of the in while their workers are not employ.
schools, T: Milins Shoe Company emvate enterprises and jointly control the trade unions, and the cooperaite Conference for Progressive Ladustrial Union, it appears, came to ed in their shops full time. ployees met Inst Monday (July bor Action have called a conference the ships to collect a three dollar for these concessions, the Fratiah) to consider the wage by Mirror Workers Strike mites for the production of bread, it doesn only mean that the forms on the National Industrial Recov strike tax. the workers. Who naive ernal Club administration gave up creases. The union officials, Ne Dotatoes, nitratos, ete were formed and methods of government ery Act in Cleveland for August. ly thought that they were in the one of the important demands: the Morrow, Tuternational Boot (Continued from Page 1)
and Whether this conference will ac midst of mity negociations, turned unemployment Jusurance fund. Al The financial system was central change in accordance with the one time tried to affiliate it with xxl under control of the leicbs. intern wat by Mussolinithe complish this burning task is ques on him suspiciously, and said: Let thongh the unemployed workers got in this sphere ultimately tionable and yet is needed to What us wait witil the unity negotiations very little out of the found beau Not only must the agreement, behe Metal Workers Industrial Un bank. In short, the entire economic changes. for minor role but it means temporarily into a single unit, the first of all for the most part, that is a well worked out Communist one mion, perhaps other arrange the Club boys misused the fund must be prepared for, to be given nothing cume of this attempt in the workers organizations are anni.
program, one that is based on prin ments will be made, etc. Fright for themselves, nevertheless, the during the season, to each and driven to desperation by the con her belligerent nations and, to hilatel that the proletariat is reciple and confirmed by experience, ene by the fact that the Industrial employers had to pay mer 800. 000 every worker.
one that will stand the test. Not, Inion was losing the little influ a year to the fund. This money Another thing the pocketbook tinuous slashing of their wages, the lesser degree, in some of the need to an amorphous state and that a system of ministration the least factor in such a program once it had np till now, the organ was given back to the employers 18 workers must remember, Is that Intolerably long hours, the filthy nou billigerent ones.
Is correct international orienta ixer ankel them to come to a spe a present for the demands they they must build a strong organiza sweat show without any of the Since then, although state capitis created which putrates deeply a time it into the masses and which serves tion. The Left Opposition will be cal shop meeting that night to dis were forced to give to the workers. tion in wont of town. In order Improvements gained by workers in talism subsided for on hand with such a program, it cuss the question.
Another important demand our offi. that the bosses do not get a chance other trades, own hands.
emphasis must be placed upon the stalization of the prictarint. Therewill work with all its might to The sentiment of the workers at eers in the conference committee to the workers out of town to ters in the decided to take mat growth has reached a point where to frustrate the independent erycompetition and antagonisme occur in precisely is the gist of Pasetsen.
of of workers more enero tween nations in national SIMMONS.
make it the driving force within go into 76 as a body. The Stalingenral helpers, and packers.
all labor organizations in the ATM were frantic Demagogie The strike in the Association to launch an organization campaign them Charles Aiori, maided by of and among the unorenneches rolled off their tongues shops is over, the strike in the in in the city and out of town. This Junon the workers of this trade anyone) distributed a cir circular call SAM GORDON. that would have shamed Tammany dependent shops is going on with job requires a leadership that is ing upon e vigor until the employers will determined and willing to sacrifice. to attend a meeting. The circular Remarks such as: Are you going be forced to grant the demands. and our present administration has none met with an unusually enthusiastic How the Bosses to desert us now? was in jail to sign an agreement with the Cn. these qualifications. It is up to response. The meeting was attend(Contined from Page 3)
ing. Better exile a thousand than 26 days for you! shed blood ion. The workers who will go back the left wing to start an educa led by a majority of the workers in for youI was always on the to the shops in the next few days tonalul national campaign the trade. After some preliminary better supplied. In any case every: Iwave a single omwsitionist. That Nitme Receive line it that among the to prepare by a the fear was lest Left Wing Defeated the agreement In Carried out a hun. the ground for onsting the Prat ular a strike was immediately de daily brend. Because of it people were left in factor(Continued from page 1) The territled lenders again de dred percent. For this it is neres. crnal Club administration. Other cider upon. list of demands was submit to the monstrous sufferings hours, in fact, is treated in the feated the Left wing by denying sary to elect the proper Chairman wise the present agreement will re drawn up listing among other of these Journeys. Leaders and les who are capable of leading the of them the floor, thus preventing an and committee men in the shops. main a scrap of paper. The Frat. things, an hour day five day bureaucrats call them contemptu movement, which contdeuxily start spreading the work, the stagger o comparison of policies when the workers en not rely on the precrual Che administration did not werk raise in wages and pieceously fly by nights kulak. on account of the general situation. Prophylaxis. And now the system introduced during the pre they knew conld swing the bulk of sent administration to carry through carry through 10 percent of last work rates. At the same time the peenatory sometimes sent crisis on an unprecedented the membership in favor of unity that agreement for them in the year agreement. What assurances union began to crystalline and take peasants which shouldwignity chistka hus begun, they are getting with shops. The workers must organize do we have that they will carry shape finally, evolving into the that their hunger is not real hesarud mere and more scale.
The wife of one of those arrested over a greater number of workers. Skeches and appeals, in which only and stick together in the shops as throngh the present agreement. As can be seen by the account letarians, but instead these people said to the prosecutor. Why did the bosses benefit not only keep the Stalinist polnt of view was ex a unit as they did in time of strike.
thus far, the whole thing was done should be. ed. These specu you arrest him! He has completeing many of them from the miserly, they finally put thronghi hastily, in the most haphazard lators. are speculating ouly to get y atome for his past, absorbed unemployment benefits which they wote to strike under the banner of fashion, anaided by any experienced a piece of bread. These fs by in his work, etc, etc. But the might get but also by establishing the Industrial Union in the com ing strike trade unionists. Consequently a mights fly from one factory to the rosecutor demanded of her that the habit of an unprecedentediy low scale of living bitsed on one, Do the party leaders think this namely, the demand for piece work You know what extent thievery is an endorsement of their polley. They say that in the Soviet two or three day work a week.
No one in the party believes or and the failure to consider the has grown. The theft of collective Union there is no inequality, that (Contined from Page But the greatest immediate bene of obstructing unity? It was noth At of all, which the capitalists will but a vote of sympathy and youth who replaced comrade Putno believe that these imedrole workers in the other crafts in the property, even if it is potatoes or the highest leaders receive 50 bread, is a capital crime. It has much and so much. In my opinion obtain from the act, is its efect confidence in those individuals who when the latter was shipped to are applied ouly by accident. Were member of the Left Opposition been completely forgotten that there is no more distinct form of in shoving the question of organi made the appeals, but in no sense Japan, interprets the reference of this the case, they would not have in the trade (whose craft was not every is the product of condi. inctuality than the inequality be Trotsky to Clemenceau as been so systematic, they would not considered) met with the strikers tions and not of evil character. In ween the one who is simply well the masses of undeveloped work the lit policy of the party and for shooting ers. Roosevelt and the Recovery furniture Industry. Let them not at the front in time of war. What would not remain unpunished. declared) and pointed out the ab. instead of education we have brutal srs. Our bureaucrat is well fed, Act will take care of wages and deceive themselves about their fol is this is not an open Thermidorian, whole system is involved and this surdity of such a step nieve work laws. We are going backwards. clothed, and lives in heated and hours why do we need to take out towing. The workers in the shops not to say Black IIundred, axits system of preparing the Congress. and that unless the union was or All are tired, filled with despair. well lit artments. But millions of union cards? is the crudest form Winte helt otomore in the best of the tion, the aim of which is tocoup that is, the system of not permit sanized on an industrial basis the only a small part of those who are workers live in barracks, in simply of this reaction. Another form is strike, eren more than before the terpose the peasantry to the opting any normal preparation for the chances of winning the strike would absolutely well fed still helieves in lestial conditions, and this has been unions, as well as of reformist stated here that the Stalinists, with party? And this villainy does not all, its centre: the Secretariat of list of demands had already been mands courage and optimism. We worker needs to his complaint of trade union leadership, by hitherto the calling of the general strike, call forth any rebuff from the party the cc. that is, the real concentra handed in to the various bosses. En have not only lived throngh worse hunger, and to this complaint of unorganized workers as a great have already lost the golden op leadership despite the fact that the tion point of the management of couraging replies were returined difficulties, but conquered! That is hunger, and to his dissatisfaction.
victory achieved without a struggle. portunity to unite the two streams attention of the ccc was called the party. In reality the Secretar which partially raised the prices the ultimate wisdom of a bureau the bureaucrat replics that this is This will tend to lead off into in the movement, the Left and the to it.
iat stands above the cc and tries on all sizes of mirrors although not cracy that is entirely confused. But no clase conscious worker, but the safe channels the discontent of Right. They will stand convicted, we shall not speak of the miser beforehand to impose its will upon quite complying with the workers why pick on them, they are en prensant of yesterday.
the workers which would other in the prices of the entire movement, able editorials lw Skvortzov in the the Congress, that is upon the demands had evidently fired them meshed in their own chains. One. Not long before Hitler aswise flow toward the strengthening of complicity it not collusion with Izvestin, or of the poetical partici mrty. Precisely herein lies the with so much enthusiasm that it can say with assurance that out sumption of power happened to of the Left wing in reformist un the reactionary burocants of the nation on party questions of Dem essence of the anti constitutional, was impossible to sway them from of ten party members elght are le present during the following conions or the organization of new of in preventing thelian Bedny.
whose licentiousness anti party mechanism which has their original plans.
eaten with doubts. In private conversation in a train. Abureau.
militant class struggle wnions. Hun achievement of what lies nearest grows simultaneously with his ideo atready been set into full swing However it was determined to versation they relate that in the crat was talking about the ap dreds of thousands of new workers and dearest in the heart of every logical poetical vacuity. The kulak for the prepartion of the Con organize and call out the whole in nuclei and in the conferences all proaching German revolution and are coming into the AFL, from basic furniture worker in the industry: pornographic tone of Demian Bedny gress.
dustry in the event that the boss the decisins are accepted. mant: the hard lot of the German nem especially. These workers one strong union, is provoking the increasing disgust. ZINOVIEV. les remained adamant in their stand. mously. Why? What the use? ployed. The first part was listened new to organization unfamiliar with and contempt of the most detached Sept. 6, 1927 The workers overwhelmingly voted If rot in Siberia, won help mat to with distrust but the second the traditions of reformist bureauparty members, who are not at all to continue striking and immediate. ters any by it.
cracy, will form a broad basis for to the losses wagon by their pol. Oppositionists. At the same time the future growth of the left wing. icy of class collaboration, and that there can be no doubt if anyone THE MILITANT strike committee was elected have heard that Eismonta hyllyinterrupted. That and picketing ordered in front of had no group whatever, it was sim workers run away from us, one The revolutionary leadership of the workers will get nothing unless mind that the putrid writings Entered as a second class the workers cannot remain content they fight for it. This Bedny are encouraged from November 28, the Simultaneously with the organi intoxicated, sighing how good it remarks flew from all sides. The to defend himself. It for themselves how hollow are the left wing in the reformist unions, publications are controlled througb Under the act of March 1879. quickly gotten together and form Outside of this insipid sigh there an lies, there is nothing worse than Illusions with which they are being taking advantage tion of the new the press department by the Secret. Published wookly by the Communist danassociation. Negotiations was nothing at all.
the Soviet rule: our kids always Wholesale arrests among those throw it up to us that we chose in showing the workers that they as well as the organization of broad rade Stalin. In all the facts tion. To date a number of shops who had left the Opposition (in such a government ourselves. the are getting nothing from the In class struggle industrial unions in enumerated above we consider the EDITORIAL BOARD have already signed up, though no Moscow alone more than 150 were same woman retorted with extreme dustrial Recovery Act, that the those industries characterized by most James Cannon Anal settlements have been arrived arrested and exiled) were explained sharpness.
first codes presented already clear great concentration of capital and most serious the expulsion and exile Martin Aborn Maurice Spector at. All shope must be signed up as a prophylactie measure. Although an isolated incident but it shows ly show the intention of the bosses wide use of unskilled labor, which members, for their Oppositionist to give them nothing and of the the F. has up to now been convictions; the system of breaking VI, No. 37 (Whole before the workers will return to many of the capitulators were pas that in the backward layers of the work with all the inexperience sive, no confidence was had in proletariat the dissatisfaction government to back up the bosses, afraid to organize and is now en up party meetings by gangs organ SATURDAY JULY 29, 1933 and errors made at the start, it is them. Stalin evidently considers times goes a long way.
that the reformist union lenders tering, thanks to NIRA.
ized from above and the pogrom Subscription rate: 00 per year reasonable to believe that the bat that it is necessary to exile a man NEW ONE.
are simply harnessing the workers FIELD. agitation in the press. Foreign 50 cents per copy tle will not have been in vain. before he succeeds to begin thinkEnd of May 1933.
Letter from Moscow ized, of the Zinoviev on the Party Regimento industry ly man all shops.
of Arne swabecko. 184)