BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMussoliniStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Commundet League of Ameria (Oppoedtion) at 120 at 10th Street, New York, Batered as neend elus od matter. Novemba 28, 1998 at the Port Offee at New York. mder the net Marek 1970 VOLUME VI, NO. 37 (WHOLE NO. 1841 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1933 PRICE CENTS Around the Recovery How the Boss Class WAVE OF RECOVERY STRIKES: Roosevelt Radio Receives the Speech Asks for Class «Peace»
in Furniture Trade of New Boss Attacks in Britain St. Louis Hotbed of Strikes and Breaking through the class colla have not weakened the spirit of the the of a scanty few by boration net of the NIRA workers Reading strikers. organizations but genfrom California to New York are Hollywood Movie Workers erally they are spontaneous strug striking against starvation wages Tollywood Film Industry is The splitting tactics of the 22cn America third largest industry gles without organized leadership.
and slave conditions, Reading Hosiery Workers crippled by a strike of 665 sound of bureaucrats, and the sectar The Industrial Recovery Act also being left open to all kinds of In Reading, Pa. the entire work engineers, supported by a sympathian course of the Stalinists have the pos.
peanization of American economy. rar. Not a single one of them support of the striking Hosiery They demand shorter hours and in sibility of a real united struggle of creased wages.
through its close coordination of Kuarantees a minimum number of Workers in a splendid demonstrahours or weeks of work in a year, tion of solidarity. Jails, clubbing all workers capable of smashing Meat Packers in Omaha the slave NIRA codes and winning industries for the purpose of estab well as a maximum, which would and was bombs while exposing the Meat packers In Omaha, granite the five day week and the six hour wages, production, sales methods would set the year earnings, not lishing tixed policies as to priors, be a concession in so far as 10 mailed fist behind the Raw Deal workers in California, furniture any with increased pay.
workers and fool workers in New The significance of Roosevelt talism which is not unsimilar to etc. its foundation in class collathe week or the hour s, as York are engaged in militant speech last Monday night cannot the benevolent desintism of the borution between industry so co standard. The provision for forty strikes.
ordinated and the reformist trade hours a week introduced by the Organize Strike Among Uniform Makers in Pocketbook Workers be overestimated. It constitutes an Seventeenth and Lighteenth cenhistorical milestone in the downtury kings.
ward development of world capital The idea of benevolent state authority into an intimate minimum, and the lumber code even Mirror Makers ployed in the making of police and Win Conditions ism. It foreshadow whole trenchment of the ruling classes is supervision of the whole process of provides for a forty eight hour army uniforms have joined the Am coordination and collaboration. Week. The Roosevelt enthusiasm course of the American bourge rehashed in a new form, with the algamated Clothing Workers and many under the Weimar constitu reflected in the Black Buy and to ganizational effort was achieved reposed by the Mira Cholewages pro in Webster Hall, the Pocketbook New York. At a mass meeting Home and a broad. period, both at oppressed classes standing to gain tion and even under the Kaiser, at the provision that work on the new cently by a number of young work in isolated shops, towns and workers heard a report of their have no sympathy. said the of the depot still sharper, that ford much closer parallel to the navy ships for which bichs winers in the mirror novelty line, a trades innumerable other strikes wanager Stein, that an agreement after four years of crisis, with low.
head man of capitalist Americn of benevolence even more shal new deal than Hitler Germany he opened shortly must be on a branch of the pocketbook and ladies are taking place. Some are led hy was reached with the Industrial or Mussolini Italy.
thirty hour weekly basis. Now it handbag industry.
Council of the Leather Goods Em sist that things must run their agency Mr. Roosevelt refers to?
What is the particular human the professional economists who inOf course, it is a little hard for seems to have vanished.
The mirror novelty line is not a ployers Association. After the courses and that human agencies! It is the Cullel blanket code, some of the rugged individualists Instead, there are a number of large one Nevertheless it consists ager report a lengthy discussion to get used to the idea of exerting provisions whereby work can be of some ten or twelve shops emtheir influence over the industry pled up for a certain period, run ploying 70 or 80 workers, boys and en Strike ing the agreement.
took place for and against accept can have no influence on economic proposed by the National Recovery ills Administration. What are the The majority of the workers listening to the And the president went on through a trade association, instead ning as high as six months in some girls, coverers, pasters, tippers, etc economie ills this Agency is to of the free competition to which cases, far above the so called max who are the most exploited of the heated discussion decided to accept affirm the future utilization of remedy? They constitute the orthe ngreement with a majority human agencies by the bourgeoiserican capitalism in relation to its anizational backwariiness of Amthey are accustomed, and to solve imum hours of the code, on the semi skilled section of the working vote.
their labor problems in collabora pretext that the industry is con class. The industry was entirely tion with the Greens, the Wolls and tinuous, as claimed by the steel neglected by the various factions in It was the left wing that made quite clear. It is the closer and outstandingly predominant position the Lewises, instead of by the pole and the rayon employers. the labor movement. Although the the fight to continue the strike in more open merging of the economic on the world market.
ice club. Some of them have not the whole question of maximum Trade Union Unity League has at til the bosses will grant all the de interests of the ruling class with How will the support which the yet understood that according to their political, state apparatus. In president calls for in reard to the Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
the presidential edict their highest other words, a system of state captecolle accomplish the task he sets aim in life is to provide purchas New York, Four thousand himself?
ing power and to keep factories upholsterers were called out last It is intended first of all, by givgoing they keep thinking of profits Thursday, July 27th on a general ing up the former, reckless laisand wondering if the Great White was issued at white as in was born to ma bouter klang Militant Strikes Mark Beginning of Workess Resistance committee on health and the came the Executive Shoe Workers Rebel in Strike Without Leaders files for a breathing spell on the sex falre policy, to rally Ameriof them, on the other hand, havo internal market which will permit been quick to grasp the new idos, Edinburgh, Scotland. The Brit. Labor government while the captand the Standard Oil interests de strike meeting of over 500 sitting St. Louis, Mo. Six months ago the ILGWU. Worts are being a converted, national attack on the not hesitate to put the power to ish capitalist class is in an 18 talist class claim to have cleared under banners of 42 of the largest the majority of St. Louis working made by the to organize a world market.
class tongues were wig wagging left wing bloc inside of the liter an It is intended, in fix prices and to allocate produc cressive mood. Despite the plous the decks for the second tion right in the hands of the pre protests of the parliamentary La government under the Ramsey McShops of greater New York. Delust wait till the breweries open national Ladies Garment Workers place, to forestall a powerful move.
chasing power of labor. as carriedkanization of the police force upon ocracy is still to be the order of spirit swept the hall at the pro mp. Every other worker tempered Union, with the co operation of the went for the workers way out of sident. They understand that purbor Party, a scheme for the reor Donald administration. But it dem monstrations of enthusiasm mutually agreed upon the crisis by throwing a sop to out by a a president who sets a wage a military basis is now well ad. the day, then why disclaim against posal of the chairman, Brother Al Jis impatience to enjoy a decent Stalinists whose elemental, immedinte scale of a day for the retoresta Fauced and middle class youth are uscism? And if a period of peace Pert, for a general strike in the standard of living with the rose Left wing slate has been tentative the 17. 60. 000 desperate proletar being specially trained at tion workers, who cuts the veterans schools for service as police officers reorganize the state machine and the 30 hour work and the minimum das. To day every worker knows fought for at the coming union elee demand is a job with half way tolCadet tul progress lies ahead then why morning for the basic demands of cayered Today of the rood old. accepted and is going to be the scale of hour from bitter experience that even 90 tions.
pensions and the salaries of the At the same time the number of conscript labor upon the Fasclat Plaza, headquarters of the strike, perdent beer in for bestehas. The organization campaign has ton of the stagger system, mire erable way, through the introducthat will not interfere with proties, and the strength of the force raised made these questions the capitalist was packed this morning with the cold, 000 em completation that forced the larger shops to make and simple and furthermore, by The first few weeks of the lty thousand men under the spokesmene usually answer by point tirst day response to the call. Com 000. 000 employed to starving gestures of NIKA liberality to their coralling the forces of the working show however that this transition supervision of the reactionary Loraing knowingly to the latest heures every shop in the city down to and sing prices are employees concessions to stay the class ahead of time, in servile, stimulated workers enthusiasm for union or class collaborationist organizations, with the workers, th the out.
with tist, the death 18 Trenchard, now Commissioner of issued by the ministrere ofera Labor including the one and two to man production temporarily at least, bo waulization. Ey and Walker, for shromzh the sunsoring or a. 02 :increased of activity in such a as the new of to entrench the iniluence of capistretched hand, has not yet been animation comes news of a new the Unemployed Exchanges and this for a kitchen to feed the strikers Clothing, Shoes, boxes, ete. The in their 2300 workers an allow tal lieutenants within Along with this new police or only 2, 438, 108 persons registered at shops. Preparations are under way certain of the local towards al creased cost of living has driven 11 percent just last week; Labor fully made all the codes have to Onemployment Insurance Act, the is 300, 236 less than a year ago. The all indication. pro repeat the statements of the act outcome of the labors or several number of persons involved in trade militant and determined fight to the St. Louis workers forward. to ing a 10 percent intense granted nk.
about the right of collective bar. government commissions.
union organization and to militant a short time previously. These free All in all, scheme for the Eur.
strikes for higher wages, shorter will wage increases naturally only anization of Industry Accord. disputes for the first six months of unionize the trade.
Left Wing Joins Strike gaining, the workers freedom from ing to semi official statements made this year was only 50, 000 and the hours, etc.
on the make up for a small part of the American muss weatle, with all its compulsion to join company unions, in the government press, the new number of working days lost am Caught completely unprepared by The local APL organization com reductions of the past three years. benefits for the bourgeoisie and as and the willingness of the manu act will contain at least one drugounted to 530, 000 which is a sign the general strike call, the paymittee has organized over 3, 000 with the 40 of Minor strikes, medium strikes, little as possible of its drawbacks.
facturers toe omotuly with the mette change in the bencininistration on working and worst per year Industrial Union met bastily last work within a relatively short period osterstrikes Colle site in a This is the of James Extreutives oration: the mobilizaAn analysis of the actual code a scheme for the conscription during the period 1924 to 1980. But night, and without consulting the best within a relatively short period ous industrios concretize er industries, shows that the boss majority of unemployed in persons ist class know that these figures ed a general strike of the four et teades workers, clothes, etc. months lecture here the next per torna folie range drive toward ab submitted, particularly by the larg labor. at the present time, on the the wily statesmen of the capital membership of the union, also call. me time printers, Shoe workers, Cannou words at his last Hoteles capitalist Chic States in dealing with labor. The steal it and are no where cardinary bene. Iconial rather than reveal the real or five shops over which it receiving Fat British capitalism. The control. In contrast to the strial Union seems to have passed in a reign of strikes, strikes on a mines and carefully conceived plan The International Ladies Gar chology of the working class and an arive.
larger scale, a change in the wy to chain the working class to this declaring that the form of employee vided they can satisty the author arena is taking a heavy toll upon hour week and for the per hour ment Workers Union, within four increasing interest in revolution.
representation which it has had forities that they have no other means Britain and her balance of trade basie wage. This is the culmination weeks time, has a rapidly growing The temporary spur to production, thorough cunning of this scheme, It is necessary to realize the years, an empty and formal cere of maintenance.
goes from bad to worse, as witness of the weak and confused united mony, does not need to be changed intation has tsbered in its fat sightednes. The approach Unemployed Conscripted the decrease in imports for the front from below policy against membership that will soon have the due first six months of the year by which the Left wing group has mass of shops in St. Louis organa wave of both spontaneous and towards its fulfillment is in itselt to fit into the collective bargaining required by the act. This is would only receive benefit provided 10. 188, 875 pounds and exports by struggled over a period of months laed. This is an important achieve planned strikes in the herbal remarkable. Mr. Roosevelt Under the new act these persons calls not even a company union, but to they are prepared to enroll at spelefforts of the British employers to five shops called by the Industrial Fight wing union, when one const open shop town of St. Louis.
11, 743, 570 pounds. The desperate Two days ago, at a meeting of ment, even though the ILGWU is a upon the employers of the nation The minor strikes include: Rest to win this convenant with me take no chances, a number of steellcial work centers to be organized rationalize their industries in order Union, the mark of unity behindl ders that the St. Louis needle trudeaurant workers at a fashionable in the name of patriotism and hucompanies have been organizing by the state. The state would then to do battle upon the world market which the Party bureaucrats had have been notoriously open shop many coal operators, even in Kenn handicrafts, trades and physical official strikes fought in the teeth faces were the creations 100 percent, and inroads are being their labor to be worth only 00 understanding, etc.
company unlons as well. So have undertake to train the unemployed has given birth to a series of heen hiding was torna from their for many years. Already many of the club oranize and picket for manity.
hostess believing go along with us in a spirit of He calls upon the workers to able lorgnette tucky. In any event, they know that they can ways deal with the culture at a cost of million of opposition from the trade union mand for merging the pounds. The two schemes, reor bureaucracy and only defeated by with a decision from above that made on the larger clothlag com a week. The butchers toddle over Patriotism is demanded of the panies. fake, who are the ony sanization of the police and organ the most brutal use of police and the Industrial Union will be main. The count em on your hand mem the sidewalks of St. Louis demand bourgeoisie right of the bat. The representatives of labor recognized ization of conscript labor, dovetail hunger.
tained at all costs. For months the bership of the sectarian NTWIU ing union recognition.
whole nationalistic paraphanalia by the government. The Admirably into each other and in (Continued on Page 3)
is putting on a terrific organization the event of any emergency, such (Continued on Page 4)
The Food Workers Industrial is set into motion. Badges of honor has, correctly, individually joined Union, which recently gained wage to be handed out to employers who drive, putting hundreds of organ as large scale strikes or working izers into the field, and reaching class demonstrations, the increases of approximately 100 per cooperate. Strong national agita state cent in four Funsten Nut Companion has already been broadcast, in basic industries like steel, auto will have at its disposal a militaries, conducted anotber successful all the stands the administration mobiles, etc. which have been closixed police force and also an army strike at Hoffman Bros. Nut Com has taken on international affairs, ed to them hap to now.
of coerced strike breakers calcuThe decay of world capitalism is the small producers.
government. The capitalists On the vital question of wages, lated to smash any form of working win pany. Mass picketing meant mass in all the speeches. Mr. Roosevelt the 10. The establishment arrests, of the hide behind the American flag to the condition that prepared militancy meant police care already boast of achievements so farclass resistance.
the first few codes pregun to be The British ruling class ls look foundation for the Industrial Re codes and the minimum wage for far greater degree.
show the same effort to se clubbings, but the solidarity of the insofar as the bourgeoisie is on nut pickers became the cerneal. Ilasn he reestablished doing something for the worker, ing far ahead and with a duplicity Icovery Actal Recovery Act can capitalists with large constant a money wage increase of from talk of the town. After fizxled at the credit of the country when it each industry, suitable for the big 20. The code makes provisions for The while in reality making as few con in the art of statecraft they seek cessions as possible. The minimum to screen their intentions behind be summed up as follows: capital, modern methods of produc percent to 10 percent to prevent tempts to use scabs, Hoffman was lay prostrate? Haven he put It is an attempt ingless in the first place, they ap ism. They have backed up thea tottering and dpt to prop up tion and a high degree of exploita strikes due to the rapid rise in comforced to accede to the wage de through the Farm Bill to curtail wage provisions are in reality mean a mock attack upon German Fase mands of the nut pickers. 90e for Agricultural production and raise decaying capiati tion, will eliminate the small pro modity prices.
picking a 25 lb. box of pecans is farm prices for the benefits of all 21. The workers rights ducers who cannot live up to the ply only to one class of labor, the protest of Lansbury and the Labor ist system, under lowest pald, and even here they can party against Hitler with their own the code only begin after the em not a high wage by any method the farmers creditors? He feels It is an attempt to organize new form of competition produc ployees threaten to repudiate the theless result in nearly 100 per here, that he can make demands of computation, but it will never that he threads on sure production; instead be and will be evaded by classifs protests mouthed by the fingo all of the basic contradictions. tion through the code agreements is employers slave codes then the cent increased my cheeks.
will enlarge 11. The right to curtail ground of the bourgeoisie. He has been prentices who can then be paid latter mir suggest that Fasciam3. It is an attempt to regulate a weapon in the hands of the big capitalists and their government The Left Oppsition offered organ their man.
less than the alleged minimum will never find a place in Britain competition instead it will intens capitalists against the small pro will resort to arbitration to pre izational aid to the nut and rag ducers.
vent strikes.
of the workers he only demands wage. Second, the rates aro Agur as a system of government and inity competition, company strikers, saying that we that they go along with us. In ed by the week or the hour, while deed, at the present time, there It has the elements of state 12. It will result in a lower stan 22. It is an attempt to side step were ready to help in any way we this field he is not so sure. For dard of living for the American the dole and social insurance, abthe real living standard of a work seems no need of any great change capitalism.
by his wages over in the traditional method of parlia working class by Fascism has 13. Speed up and rationalization through the stagger plan and by at the offer of support. One, Al camps, with their forced labor and The defeat of the German workers.
er is measured could. The rank and file what achievements can he boast of the period of a year. Third, con mentary democracy, a political regrouping in will be intensified, trary to the government promises, Cowardly Document of Labor Party world politics and has accelerated 14. The real wages of the work program for the benefits of the con writer and come with a plan for is not very likely to impress the the inauguration of a public works Rosener, promised to meet nothing has been put into the codes But this is only a superficial view the American Imperialists attempt ing elass will be reduced regardless tractors and capitalists profits, to utilizing our help. But, poor chap workers. In the meantime, strikes to prevent still further speeding of things and only the unwary could to reorganize the internal economic or what the money wage may be employ some of the unemployed for the promised before looking up to or Tall sizes and amplitudes sweep employers to fire many workers, get the Pascist tidal wave that is sweep Rective international struggles and imum wage which will become the 23. It is an attempt to prevent bureaucrats stopped holding their the capitalist strategiat to go easy the same volume of production outing Europe. No doubt the method for war.
average and then the maximum.
of those remaining, and thus keep of Introduction will be peculiarly It reveals to a greater 16. The reduction of hours as gle unions and instead to maintain counter revolutionary proposal.
the establishment of class strug: noses and thumbed down the whole with the workers. They are in their total wages paid unchanged, British, the mailed fist concealed in tent the true role of the state as presented by the code is the stagger the status quo, or to establish Comno mood for fanfares.
even while paying a higher rate the velvet glove, but the dreams of an instrument of suppression for plan.
Rag. plckers striking at G, Mathes pany Unions or safe conservative and at Aaron Fere and Sons have ers that no aggression is now nee per hour or per week. Fourth, if a parliamentary majority still be the dominating class. The partner. The 30 hour of the six hour 24. It is an attempt to reorgan two weeks. Mass arrests, brutessary to attain those (the workHe merely pleads with the work week is a denial of untons plece work rates been on the picket line for over are permitted, ing Indulged in by the leaders of ship of government and industry is anda caricature of the what becomes of the minimum the Labor party seem to be rudely not new. Only the form of a re any and five day week.
ers rights He merely assures wage? Even the president had to shattered. At any rate, their relationship is changing from a con 17. It will establish a class colla high productive forces of American of the 00 a week rag pickers ted to whittle.
lze the surplus labor power to the police clubbings, the determination them that nobody will be permit recognize that the textile code was cent manifesto denouncing both cealed to a more open form. boration machinery to hold in check Industries. away the rights too raw in this respect, and to make communism and Fascism in in favor It will organize Cartels the working class. Arbitration will to win or dle, has finally forced which they have not rot.
the deal look plausible to the work of parliamentary democracy will go through government aid.
be established for every Industry is an admission of the bankruptcy an investigating committee. The the workers will fall for the gas 25. The Industrial Recovery Act the democratie mayor to appoint. He prefers to wait and see how ers he had a statement inserted down in history as one of the most It will result in a government 18. It is an attempt to head off of the capitalist mode of production committee reported back, recom of the stagger system and the min that hourly rates were not to be cowardly a and hypocritical docu subsidy to the big capitalists and the class upheavals in the near fu and is an unworkable substitute for mending no discrimination in mat. imum wage which every capitalchanged to plece work rates in the ments ever issued by a group of the slek industries and is part of ture.
effort to defeat the purposes of the so called leaders of highly devel, the plan to raise the price level 19. It is an attempt to prevent overthrow of the capitalist system doing same work, and wage in form into the maximum wage, code.
oped working class. They claim to of commodities.
strikes. It will outlaw strikes and the establishment of a WorkThe provisions as to hours are be preparing for another term of It is a method of eliminating Strikes will be against the bosses ers Government. Continued on Page Continued on Page 1)
THE SUMMED UP caused ex