BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

Cleveland Meet Spartacus Delegates at to Take Up Fight Anti Fascist Confab The Party in the field of Art and Philosophy on Recovery solution De the Austrian Labor Robbed of Rights united creation, Stalinists and their sympathizers. o spreuk openly and boldly The socialism in one country, Social aroused against Fasclism and water center andet buite die ereticions medicine the party waust be hoge worloved workers what want is Lovestone «Quotations»
PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1933 to the Communist International for It is needless to point out that the a world united front against Fasequestion: How do the philosophical ism. This maneuver of the Social views of a certain person or a Democracy aimed to shield its own certain group refract themselves in betrayal policies of the last ninethe field of politics and of the orteen years. The Comintern replied ganization always has a tremendwith a rejection of the world unious significance for the elabration ted front and a unite actions berdosal of national of a correct control by the party.
the Social Thus Lenin fought mercilessly ist and Communist parties. The against Corky in 1917 when above forces for the organization of a new Communist party (Continued from Page Continued from page 1)
Communist party on a Marxian the Social a united program, on the basis of the les refrain from criticizine advised to Reply to the American Comrades tician and to Gorky the artist, in all other considerations stood the Martin Glee, Harry Ross and spite of the fact that for a certain necessity of a revolutionary overMorris.
perick of time Bogdanov and Gorky throw. On the other hand, it must upon bow we answer the questions were made to organize ist leaders during the period of the Fascism were closely associated in politics. be considered as the of trade union policy and tacties. Front movement against sons of the recent historical defeat. united front. The other word sodal Dear Comrades. Lenin proceeded from the stand that the Stalinist bureaucracy is greatest shame The capitaists and their govern. and War. In March of this year status the United Youth Conference. The struggle against war and non agression pact of the Your letter proses very impor point that by his artistic activity transforming Barbusse the novelist ment hope to maintain the star Aguinst Fascism was organized the moment. In the far east the Stalinists This definite break with tant problems which do not, how and his popularity. Gorky could into a leading political figure in Fascism is the burning question of Democracy was accepted by the quo among the working class.
this is not possible they it is with benefits far exceeding the in polities that Barbusse marches to the cerul demonstration before the Where German Consulate, those in control and subjected by Japanese imperial Iront, must be condemned and re eral and categorical Son organiza harm of his erroneous declarations arm in arm with kenner, Vander suit class into company unions.
the leaders of able in all cases. As an channels they will try to guido the the Young Comtaunist League is threatened by a frontal attack from heted, The world situation tense. The tion we have as the point of de and actions which, moreover, the velde, Monnet and Paul Louis.
always correct in good am very much afraid that force into safe and conservative solvou the united front behind the Japan which can casily be converthave not given you a satisfactory channels such as the backs of the other participating into an offensive of all the in been destroyed. For the struggle ideas but certain philosophical and time and tactfully.
Viewed from this standpoint reply to the practical questions put The organization of the unorgan groups. Similarly with the Nation. Terialist powers against the work against Fascism and War we must scientitic methods. We base our er fatherland. In America, ized into industrial unions under a South Day Conference, organ government is going anead with forces. The Left Opposition must from which tow conclusions not art and politics, closer to the first of all unite the revolutionary selves on dialectical materialism, philosophical activity lies between to me. But what was been said ex. I ized by the Young Communist extensive plans for militarization politics Left wing leadership is our main ague in May. Not only did the The London Economie Conference stated into the Communist only concerning politics and sci than to art. In philosophy, the such a reply which requires contask of International, the false task, which The immediate practically violate the agreements rotlects the deep rooted conflicts of an tactics of Stalinism rejected. a vast difference in our attitude militant position, which is not the and the personal conditions. Just theories ence, but also art. Still, there is party itself occupies a distinct crete, knowledge of the situation from the hosk is the organlarrived at in the united front, but the imperialist powers which can The Communist International, the towards these conclusions. We can lette at least not to the same exsiderations will at leascally be separated the same, perhaps these brief conthey dissolved the permanent com zation of a Left wing within the mittce without giving any reasons be solved only by war.
Young Communist League, and the tot, to any similar degree, exercise tent in the field of art. Objections help in the working out Above all, the victory of Fascisip led International of Labor Unions the same rigorous control over art, to the effect that by the dogmirect policy in this complicated and cortionists must work in the organi. the methods to be employed in the in Germany, the imminent danger Slould appeal to the Labor and so by the very police of Liebe sa postes nation and canonization With Communist greetings, The stedet er bestions wet The New York Conference was to unite all the imperialist forces Touth International and the interbelised to permite a very extensive prevents the tree development or liberty in the field of art, eliminat philosophical and scientific thought. TROTSKY.
have already lost years because or have to discuss the reasons for the lor war on the Soviet Union. With national Federation of Trade Un lins pitilessly only that which is do not deserve serious attention. rinkipo, June 16, 1033.
the Stalinist blunders in this field. Victory of ascism in Germany, the best defender of the Sovietions for world united front against directed against the revolutionary No factory can work without basing You will have to understand the Union, the militant German Pro German Priscism, the danger of this est de be given and should be presented Democracy and the policies of the Naxis the defense of the Soviet and capitalist offensive. In the sume an immediate and direct re patients if the physicians do not The time is short answers must criminal policies of the social stariat lying prostrate before the Pascism in Austria, the war danger outlet band, beletariat not the itself upon a definite technological before the Cleveland conference. StalinistLeadership of the com Union is a thousand times more United States the communist party sponsibility for the declarations of case themselves on the established The call for the Cleveland Con munist party which played ference is signed by 82 individuals hands of the Social Democracy and All the more important therefore such united front to the socialist art even when it accords them its be sheer folly to permit dilletantes 80 organizations. Fascism. realistic analysis of is the need for utmost clarity with party and We repeat, tribune. The maintenance of these to experiment arbitrarily in the reperepresentatives of the most im. the present situation in Germany in the Communist and revolution to make this appeale effective dhe two rules the preservation of the tacory or in the hospital. on the portant organizations have signed will show that all the organizations ary movement on Fascism and War. false and harmful theory of social liberty necessary for Individual (Cont. Page 1)
as individuals, which means the of the working class, including the critical review of the past polic. Fascism, the tactic of organizations are not yet backing social democratic party and the ies and practices of the Stalinist front only from below must openly of the and the possion pretext that they consider themresponsibility its selves innovators. Innovators tion is very poor among the massthe conference. Mange papresent communist party, have been swasta madershi shot the communist Teter och masocally pecerul mal roads to the patry is especially must first wrove their right to the White sweation of ed.
it is all for its of movement working class be ot field of art, but of the artists towards those work even if it a twelve hour have facts must be faced not invent1 front only Spartacus Youth Club (Comtained a few others whom they are. To repeat that the from below under revolutionary themselves: painters, men of let innovators who only warm up day! But it is precisely because munist Left Opposition) ters, etc. In addition, the party stale critical dishes, or towards of these sentiments that it was using as a window dressing. In is not only not destroyed, but its 10. leadership, must be able to distinguish clear those who are still in the period of necessary to make it understood other words, the Cleveland call is fluence on masses is despite its The International Left Opposition a united front from above between illegality, greater than ever has for many years clamored for Struggle for Workers Rights the line where generalization in investigating, with uncertain re with all means at one disposal the field of art passes directly into sults. But least of all does this that the shattering of the eight Scores Victory in Los Angeles Speilukelting others to give it als criminare nightmindedness and democracy, trade unions, and. com the field of politics. Without mak signify that in the sphere of phil. hour day strikes at all the unemWorkers in Los Angeles haveing here any concessions in princlosophy the party can act as if all ployed, thereby have even less good appearance. This is is a conserves to cover up the capitulation munist party against the danger of scored twice their trial on ple, the party must, however, con questions have already been re for a chance to get work, and the tinuation of their abilee columbus of the stallists in Germany be Pascism. This was called counter Charges of speaking without permits fine itself in the case of artists to solved for it, and that it has not been or before the the folketores webose page Ohio unemployed conference. The task of the revolutionary work. Iritler came into power, the Labor and resisting oflicers during a May any false political conclusions flow. opment of scientific thought. It is ably.
united front from above cannot beers of Germany is to assemble their and Socialist International appealed Day demonstration. For the first ing from their artistic views. Marx not an easy matter to find the cor. Where there is a will, there is covered up by a list of 82 signatime in the history of the munici expressed this idea in a tures. What counts is the political tendencies and numbers actually repal courts, reds are being given phrase about Freiligrath: Poets is acquired only by experience and wanted to conduct a serious and the opportunity to prove that their are queer fish. Die Dichter sind by a flexible leadership. Just as effective resistance against the dispresented arrests were part of an The conference is making bad conspiracy against them. More different criteria to Bogdanov the ally hit by a series of shots which against the unlimited and merciless start and the call has failed to answer the most burning problems In the past few issues of the it in this civil war; that the heavy ever, Judge Irvin Taplin in die theoretician and professional poll. fali far and then short of the mark. skrivation of exploitation, then they could find ways of making the of trade union tactis. In spite of Lovestone sheet, the Workers Age, conditions of civil war would make the defendants ruled that the ormasses understand the significance these blunders and shortcomings, there has appeared a regular rub the Nazis dependent upon their ance prohibiting the distribution of the new labor regulations of the the conference should be given the Trotskyisin Exposed. in which other bourgeois allies and Impede of handbills, leaflets, and circulars government. Not even the blue Pencil of the censor could prevent full support. The class conscious the Right wing masters of political ther rapid entrenchment, workers and Marxists must fight sleight of hand manipulated quota Hugenburg and Co a certain bal aplies only to commercial advertisements and not to political proby them from doing this for a correct trade union policy. tions which are supposed to show ance of power.
ganda. The defendants, Lawrence Sterile Protest in order to put life into our de tremendous errors on part of the The working class did not fight, Ross, Communist candidate for With the representation of ecosire to fight the capitalist offensive International Left Opposition in the We plead guilty: We assumed that Mayor, Samuel Davis Daniel Sigal, nomie interests in Austria. the which has taken on the form of the course of the struggle against Ger. It would. The Lovestoneltes ac Max Shone, Sol Fisher, and Paul Arbeiterzeitung weeps on June 10, Industrial Recovery Act.
man Fascism.
cused us of this error. Very well: stern are represented by attorneys ON GPRMANY things stand thus: Before the is. HUGO OEHLER. If we leave aside Lovestoneite We have never read in the Work: Wirin of the American Civil The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
suance of a decree which digs deep posspurious diseases to the German catastrophen during the Liberties nion and Angelica stronie underneath the living conditions 192 pages paper cover 100 pages Porter, Ex Mayor John thousands cloth over 65 of people, the gleaned from dispensed their wisdom to the effect Postage 00 extra per copy Postage, 06 extra per copy working class hears nothing of the the quotations cited there can be not light. But we are quite ready Captain William Hayes, and all that the workers of Germany would chief Police Roy Steckel new decree. The workers represenlisted as follows. 1) We tatives are not asked for approval, to take their word for it post members of the Police Commission predict that Fascism would come humously. It only helps to char have been subpoenaed. The defense ON RUSSIA the trade unions are not consulted.
to power without civil war, but acterize the Right wing swamp.
will PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF l arliament is simply out of the pie assumed quite the contrary (2)
ture. But once the decree is is.
If they did not directly predict prove that the cases should be dis Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy We forecasted the utilization of that the German workers would missed on the grounds that the or sued, it is not even allowed to be Fascist regime by the German not fight, they might have just as dinances are unconstitutional, beON SPAIN criticized and it criticism is at bourgvolsle primarily as an off set not tempted, confiscation follows. Again THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER (Continued from Page 1) to entero werklons clase move the facts are stated quite correctthe bourgeoisie. 3) displayed in the German sitration speech.
tation these national opportunists from exercizing the right to free Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy taking from the workers every real After the seizure of power by Hit in the course of the two years in ly, but the workers are not served means of enforcing their demands, ler, we predicted friction between which the American Left Oppost Britt Smith, one of the Last Two ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION merely with a statement of the facts.
making them completely dependent the Nazis and their allies that tion persistently, through the Mili COMMUNISM AND SYNDI CALISM There is the argument that Fase upon the tender mercies of their would impede rapid Fascist en tant and in innumerable mass meetCentralia Prisoners Paroled Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy ism would gain advantage from ser employer. And it is this Plan that trenchment.
ious difficulties of the Dollfuss gov.
must be preserved and Ings, followed the Hitler Britt Smith, former Secretary of ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY ernment. Fascism will really reap from any interference Insofar as these are the bare step by step and warned against the Industrial Workers of the facts, we must, of course, admit it, giving the exact Marxist analy. World in Centralai, sentenced to AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION its fruits from this capitulation that of any real trade union.
policy. Decades of trade union our mistake. But all these errors sts of each force represented and 25 to 40 years for murder on Even the Children Are Protected were predicated on one assumption each step taken and calling for charges growing out of the defense THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT work, the destruction of the monAs for the ways in which the that is sine qua non for revolution struggle.
archy, the example of the Russian of the union ball against an Arm WORLD REVOLUTION REVOLUTION revolution were all necessary for steelmen will protect these delicato its informing strategy and tactics: But it is unnecessary to really istice Day mob of Legionnaires in 180 pages paper cover the Austrian working class to gain and useful children of theirs from namely, that in the face of the im take the Lovestonelte fraud serious. 1919, has been paroled as promised Postage 06 extra per copy cloth cover 00 those niggardly social political prothe contamination of real unions infnent danger, the working class ly. it one knows its purpose. It is by Gov. Clarence Martin, accordPostage 06 extra per copy tective that is not stated in the code. There would mobilize for struggle and only part of its bargaining processing to a wire received by the Amas tromers which were just overestimated in the working with the Stalinist burdaucracy for erican Civil Liberties Union.
ON CHINA their time by the trade union exthat there is no weapon, legal or class, the official Communist party. reinstatement. One of the chler illegal that the barons have hest would, in the face of the danger, be prerequisites for peace with Stalin w. prisoners, refuses to acRay Becker, the last of the eight PROBLEMS THE CHINESE REVOLUTION ets as they are powerlessly surrendered by them today. The tated to use against their workers. compelled to make a last minute has ever been a fight against Trot cept a prole. He holds out for a 450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 50 more we allow to be take The Cossack state troopers, gun. turn in the right direction.
Post: from us he Lovestoneites are commutation of sentence, maintainextra per copy without a struggle today, the hardmen, the courts, enforced starvation The whole logic of developments only doing their share.
ing that a parole implies an admis.
by keeping the strikers away from flowed in that direction. As Com er it will be and the more sherifices As to the broader principle ission of guilt. His contention that it will require, to regain what is lost, in the future.
Great Steel Strike. Now with the munists, wo naturally had the per neets of the question under discus he and his comrades were innocent PIONEER PUBLISHERS class sion and the character of the Love of the charge It seems as if the government the arsenal of the steel barons will would light; that a fighting work stone group at the present stage, der was borne out, says the Civil 84 EAST 10th STREET, only has the bosses desires in mind (From an Inquiry of the be even larger. That is what the in class would resist Fascism by we shall yet return to it on future Liberties Union, by evidence offer hypocritical phrases of the code so used by the bourgeoisie to lead for examination.
more extensive ed at the trial but berred on techsocial democrats in the Federal thinly camouflaged.
nicalities by Judge John Wilson, Council. And this code is not to be the she only one ne of its type. Already the 1922, at a time when a member of ment to winch an oppressive bureau: learn to avoid the errors flowing against Rose. But this time, the Comintern could still defend cracy is compelled to resort to its from them. In the mind of the too voiced no open protest: The operators of the con his views even when they were op own ranks. What a terrific arraign. bureaucracy, this aim occupied a peculiar triumph industry have announced their inof Stalinism tention of following the lead of ers, she protested to Lenin and itself only at the cost of such un. The tenor of the campaign was the meant for her, as for all revolu.
their fellow brigands in the steel industry. Contined from Page 3) national (Warski was another, forepleted upon the counter revolo Silent on Slander of Luxemburg Israel: Thor the jealous deity tionists who failed to choose the Thou shalt have no other alternative of open struggle, a gag The proposed steel code is fair of the party leadership, were utter position fight for party democracy ionists of the party. But haltIf sbe violated her own consci. Rods than Jehovah, paraphrased to in the mouth, a paralyzing of the example) who confounded the Oprepresentative of the Industrialed only in private letters exchanged Stalin. Kuusinen, will, a terrible spiritual degrada Recovery Act in practise. It per with carefully selected confidantes, with their own desires to loosen a decade of Stalinist rule had re ence in publie assault upon the end inste Kurt Sauerland, tion.
Bela duced the and. at mits the steel Industry, at present little the rigid lines of reviation ing guros to such a state that maintained silence when others Seacrecimetereople who never the most centralized in America, to Sympathetic to at Start. When the reached up to the hem Klara Zetkin was one of the half.
for the Russian Rp widened between the Opposi. Klara Zetkin, who once found traduced the memory of Rosa LX skirtleft no mud untouched with donen Spartacans left in the Inter form a huge, solid trust, uniting tion and the party the whole industry against the Opposition bureaucracy. etfeeted the death of Uritzky and worthy of one who was fortunate of red professors were let loose best of the living is gone. She em words in behalf of those who had emburg. But it was a silence on which to besmirch her. Hundrede antional, and with her death the workers. It gives the barons the ignominious end. In 1923 the part unfolded to its fullest extent, when Sinated Lenin and blown up Trot friend. When Paul Levi was beatdirect support of the federal more to the fathe cauenter ha annthe precise nature of its attitude sky military train could look the ing retreat to the socieying certo last Lenin Liebknecht. Luxemburg so many desecrating vultures. The movement in the social democracy the pre war Left wing stead of state troops are to be used skyism. The first open attack of towards the Brandlerites to butcher striking workers. By the septumvirate upon Trotsky unmistakableKlara Zetkin sup loctober revolution the Rakovskys, portray Rosa as a Menshevik, Klara Was celebrated throughout and the International that was rein of by trying to week ted front of industry and govern. International. The Polish party cold. Helplessly enseoneed among others, were sent into prison, exue magnificent vigor, and concluded phrase than Ruth Fischer s, but the great tradition of that resolute the Industrial Reevery Act, a uni caused a listinct uneasiness in the port became lukewarm and then the Trotskys and hundreds of Zetkin came to her defense with tacks upon Rosamore elegant in Bolshevism. She brought with her e official world by poisonous at constituted under the banner of ment is created for the task of protested against the campaign in the facade of the bureaucracy, she is in silence. For with an eye to great Eagle Later, too, even on praise to Stalin.
the tarnishing frescoes that formed or banishment. But no, not entire by pillorying the defamer of the no less despicable and hymns of group that formed itselt under the of the workers. Against this only leaders expressed themselves simili ure in the International, her pre.
driving down the standard of living France, the most prominent party had become a purely decorative Ag the renown still assigned her when a Ruth Fischer was seeking name of the herole organizer of the united front of all workers or farly in Germany, the Moscow apstige and her authority, with the name, the ball attached to her der the Zinovlevist dispensation, Paralysis of Stalinist Degradation slaves revolts in antara Zetkin bureaucracy Is It ganizations can fight that the puratus encountered. if not a re herole revolutionary memories at pamphlet for international con had been a syphilis germ in the dor of the program commission or should die Just after the ignominthe the task of writing the scurrilous to disseminate the idea that Rosa And Klara Zetkin? In the corri. perhaps symbolic that task of the hour. If the Commun sistance, then at least a reluctanco tached to them, serving cynical sumption, in which she demonstrat body of German Communism. the Sixth World Congress, another lous death of the Cound Arty ist party proves incapable and its to join the pack. At that time bureaucracy to conceal its malpraced that the leadership unwilling to use a cor. Klara Zetkin took no great pains Lisesa Bolshevik Leninista Klara Zetkin still found sufficient the old Spartacans, an educated tradition of the Spartacans, how.
which ne helped to The rect united front tactle in bringing to conceal her sympathy with the were really counter. revolutionists strength of mind and purpose to Marxist. Hermann Duncker, almost ever, established in the dark days about such a united front, it is Opposition. It is true, to be sure, doomed to have even its small in that she did not rally to its politi. been accustomed to speak ont fear of the organizer of the October in the triumph of Stalinism has meant Intimates at the idea that the new Communist movement in Ger.
Here was a revolutionist who had and that the banishment to Turkey excoriate such an abomination. But wept with mortification before his of the war, is not irrevocable. The Auence among the American masses cal platform. Trotsky refusal to lessly, to struggle against authority surrection was fully justified.
not only the physical but the spir. theory of socialism in one country many, rising like a phoenix out of have Brandler and Thalheimer made under the greater odds, to swim To resist a Lenin and submit to atual undermining of the Interna. had been inserted in the program the ashes of the dead, will revive. PETER MORTON. the Stalin Since Lenein Died ober, tool in the German Oct of such protean figures AS the ing force in the present regime, campaign launched against Rosa now vote to include it in the pro tradition and the memory of the the form of a conditional founders of German Communism. making for true homogenelty of Luxemburg exceeded all imaginable sama donet me te bese pated for ett old warriors, and enrich it with Comrades who can turn in extra defense of the former which was just cause had always found in her revolutionary doctrine, that voice his protest open the struggle for the liberation of Eastman, are asked to do so. They tion, she was not alone among the causes not so just she had never humiliating fall was the inexorable parts of her doctrine so that the herself aalmilar question when the will be refunded the original cost Right wing elements in the Inter. failed to express her convictions. In result of that moral disembowel modern Communist movement might detestable campaign was launched MAX SHACHTMAN.
25 35 of Slavery Provisions et de terror Revealed in Steel Code 25. 50 OF Klara Zetkin Her