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The Death of Com. Klara Zetkin Whither the Insurgents?
tc of adventurist or infantile ultra Tett ultra Leftist leadership in 1925, the both ideologically and organization cognize that the Communist move able to decide where they belong.
The Legend of the Red Nazi Onthe Expulsion of Wollenberg of the SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE In her defense of Levi against Bela Kun, Pepper and Froelich, as in her defense of Serrati against Bordiga, there was a noticeable dis.
tinction between her position and The death of Klara Zetkin re. Historical Appreciation Iler gift of orators, warm with the position, let us say, of the Lenin Several months ago, a few circles The Expelled Chicago ment is one to at least three de moves from the revolutionary labor a rich inspiring prose, was not al who so demonstratively proclaimed of the Young Peoples Socialist of the Great Woman movement one of that diminishing Youth and the Three are far too important and fundaways combined with the quality of himself a member of the Right League of Chicago, were expelled.
handful of true founders of the mental to be overlooked? Such profound and original political wing at the Third Congress of tho The immodiate issue which caused Revolutionist thinking. In this respect, she had international. As became even the expulsion, was the united front, Communist Currents questions as: Socialism in ono Communist Internntional still left in leaned very heavily upon the sturd more apparent in later years, Zet concretized at the time around the its ranks. More than half a cenery and reaction who were ready ier and surer tury of undivided devotion to the to speak and act for international throughout the years before barn the requirements of the revolution national Mooney Congress and the ally. It pointed out the need of the role and signiicance of the to be during the world lary epoch. Her interventions against Socialist party. The change in line and a campaign of education, bet International us the organizer lay behind the great militant whose found the already aging but tireless steel snede from this then she has sociauated by a distinct leaning to the events in Germany, offered the pos the bureaucracy awaiting only an teu front, the strategy and tactic last public set was her appearance German revolutionist. At that tion did not, unfortunately, grow Right.
sibilities for a genuine united front appropriate moment to a few months ago in Berlin to pre time, it is true, she did not yet in the years that followed. This weakness she revealed most and the creation of a mass move through such an expulsion. In the pressed now in the events in Gorside, as senior member, over the stand on the side of the Bolsheviks.
The young Communist Party of tragically throughout the whole ment for the freedom of Tom writer opinion these clementary many. the role of the Internation.
last session of the Weimar Reicb. The latter delegates to the Berne stag before its dissolution by those conference, Inessa Armand and Germany was cruelly deprived or period o tfhe October 1923 strug. Mooney. But the despicable role steps were not well taken, and be al Right wing the International Krupskaya, were isolated its central staff immediately after sle Germany. Trotsky argu of the Socialists their Social. cause of this the movement remains Left Opposition these questions move position in the one some snarling Left wins, whose resolu. the war Lounge without the sifted meets that was die personeline and sele. parents in the labor move to large degree localized and in ment, he must needs take a posl.
Were these the only weaknessestion on each one of these. He must to the eloquent defiance of a tongue Lenin, was overwhelmingly rejected and tireless revolutionary spirit of surrection and to orient the strat this movement to a mass character because it put the question of the talents osy and tactics of the party to the manner in which the movement of the expelled yipsels, they could be claritied and know precisely why Liebknecht, the which proclaimed the inevitable break with all patriots and Cen of Tychko. the organize of the wards it that is, his application for Mooney freedom was finally by intense labor be overcome to a he takes one position or another.
the treacher large extent. But more important revolution in Germany.
trists in sharpent and most unparty slipped by default into the of the experiences gained in the organized, established and en than these, the indecision and lack At independent existence for any Born more than seventy five years mistakable manner. Not even Zet hands of an Interior stratum of the Russian October to the German ous role of the were situation she regarded as a species abled the left wing and progres of correct political outlook, of met postuneling en het weeper Socialism to not exactly enhanced by the accre of Blanquist heresy. The protests sive socialists to wage a struggle rather. the false political outlook and Communism is impossible, unbecame socialist nt the time the consummate the rupture. But even someone the motlegedle thing that or the militant and Lett wing see within their organization for par. and perspective of the leadership Less it be extremely temporary and Iron Chuncellor launched the not though. Lenintsutmitted the ambig Joined it after the splitting of the tors of the party against the dilaticipation in this movement. Ber of this group (Larks and Smirkin. ebeca ta etice for street fotoeleven the swein democratic movement to an aerid criticism, the Confer Ludependent Socialists at Halle. tryd headless polley of the cause of this, and their eventual is responsible for its drawn the Brandler Central Committee always breaking of party discipline by and confusion. what is the tactic less the entire organization is aware Her activity in the party not only ence was nevertheless the first Eur strength from the wells of a Luxem encountered her ardent resistance, entering the united front confer of the group? The tactle 13. te Its political direction. The bigbegan with its heroic period, but oman milestone along that road, burg, now turned to Paul Levi, who Even after the catastrophe, ahelenices prior to and including by gether until the conventions of the Lory of all similar movements is a the maintain the expelled group toshe carried best of the and Kienthal, which led directly tradituch of those days throught to the founding of the Communist collection of rare pottery than in Thalheimer and Radek, not in the the were expelled. Tho and y. come and wage the proof of this statement. Post. bar the of her life.
International in Moscow in April party. In the party crisis that on the international leadership that no expulsions took place only what kind of struggle will this be the ninetticacy and inability of re 1919.
followed the luckless March Ac. where it belonged, but as an apol the charters were taken from these, Will be for readmission to the it has sunk in the motion to role.
Klara Zetkin Women Leader Russian tion in 1921, Zetkin marched at oxy for the calamitous course of circles. and the This century, her name was prominently revolution and the Communist In Levi heels together with the the Right wing combined with a For more than a quarter of a The first years of the It would be wrong to assume that can hardly be the leftward turn of the expelled forward considered a step with a record as black as the proy a group that is developerbial durkness. The fundament associated throughout the Socialist high water mark of Klara Zetkin others who finally went back with She was linked with Brandler elements was a sudden developing distinctly towards Communist questions of revolution and the world with the the great period of stormy resolution. Levi, too, she balked at Lenin takusbund, and the left wing 80 for some time now. carried on an direction ist be waged in the been vindicated a thousand times to win development and activity. The Levi to the social democracy. With from the earliest days of the Spar ment. This particular group has The struggle the dictatorship of the proletariat have the working class winning greater num.
standard of revolution. Therary flood brought out all that was struggle against Serrati, whose cialist movement before it. And agitation within the adult and youth bers away from the reformist so by these very betrayals of interna.
more than to any other single force best and most positive in the Com. fatal attitude in the Italian Social those bonds were strengthened by organization of a Lett character. cialist Party and towards Com. tional social democracy, and more goes the credit for the rich edu. munist leaders of the time. Der ist party impeded so markedly the her violent reaction against those They issued an internal bulletin, munism. Olwiously a discussion of recently by Stalinism, which rests cational and cultural work among spite her years, she put at the dis development of a mass Communist whom inoviev, Stalin and Buch The Class Struggle, in which a Lett organizational taeties to be pursued Marxism and lives under the cloak proletarian women which was car posal of the German and interna party for the sake of unity with a arin helped to impose upon the wing and militant point of me the same that this partielle Haute the borden en mational socialism. Thus the Virtually by her own efforts, she which distinguished her. fervid Still, unlike both Levi and Serrati place of the discredited Right wing to force a change in the reform general political questions as raised osti su presents itself what is hodical Gleichheit (Equality) and tion, kept alive in her y luminous tional and after each crisis, with less ultra Leftists of the type oership. The intent of the group so that no contusion can exist. spsels and how do they propose to edited it uninterruptedly from 1802 dame which dimmed only towards her position increasingly comprom Ruth Fischer, Maslow, Katz, was to assemble all left included is in the above question that the realize this?
to 1917. when the social patriots the last. An abyss lay between ised, she was to be found in its Schwartz and the camarilla around members in the into a solid real essence of the whole future of summarily removed her from the her that legion of others, fawn ranks.
It would not be correct to say that the questions of Stalinism and Journal which had become synonying careerists and stock market In taking her position in the in. deepest mistrust. If she reconciled a fight. The tendency was distinct What is the attitude of the ex the Left Opposition have not been socialist woman movement came Comintern in its early years like comintern, Klara Zekite did not leadership, it was not due to the communism. The Left Opposition questions of dispute in the con discussed but not as a result of a the structive internal disputes of the hersele somewhat to the post. 1923 kom morement drieting towards pelled comrades to the burning discussed by this group. They were into existence in Germany, distinct so many tourists and soon left it alas! always distinguish between change of heart on her side. Rather of Chicago, tried, in a modest way, munist movement? Do the mem.
and separate from the feminist and to write apologies for their mo the revolutionary Left wing and the the contrary. After the removal or to help the growth of this group bers and leaders of this group re stemselves in order thereby to be systematic effort of serious revolutionaries attempting to educate other bourgeois movements, it was mentary abberation.
in no small measure due to the unparty and the International engag.
remitting labors of her brain, her ed upon that protracted course to These questions, when they are dispen, her tongue. Little wonder wards opportunism in which Klara cussed, as a result of a certain then that the Executive Committee pressure of the members who desire of the Communist International, than during the period of the to know what is to be done. In the after its foundation, to her of the direction of Canist activ.
wurde of such informal discussions of late there have been numerler, one rebellion followed an. literary effusions and the wind and Moscow, USSR. In spite of all and was put in special charge of certain attitude is expressed by ity among the working le leadership which is indicative thrughout the world.
positional Naxis in Frankfort a. for years never stopped Brandler and Thalheimer, virtually intern bureaucracy to suppress it, he often came into contlict with Her activities, however, were not several hundred mutinied and shouting about the increasing dis marooned in Moscow up to that the discussion around the expul the Central Committee (because of very bluntly and crudely. After all, The leadership puts the question contined to this specific teld. Klara are supposed to have sung the integration of the Nazis. And at dine commenced a bolder factional sons of comrades Wolf and Wollen the slogan people revolution and have a big everything. And in the party, sholtifr. in Bautzen 72 Nazis had to be really more than scandals and a time it appeared that the pitiful new for defeated, incapable leaders, Thaelmann attempted to of doing a lot of mass work. The xurty and there is the possibility stood unwaveringly on the side of transferred and in Berlin Charlottips between criminals and loy Thaelmann leadership was to be to turn with redoubled wrath bribe him with a mnandate to the Trotskyites are too small! This that small band of warriors wholtenburg 20 men were interned in alites who came into the in solidified by the rehabilitation in Againg their critics. In the Wol. Reichstag. Wollenberg rejecteu argument is not new, and it is as constituted the the very outset of the internal Stree, etc. The Intest report speaks ler on salary bases. This accumu. The latter counted on Zetkin sup all the more painful since the mas ged at a Nazi demonstration by sculse as it is old. It is not num.
struggle. She stood elbow to el of the arrest of the high Nazilation of anti social and lumpen port, nor was it withheld.
bow with the Left wing of Rosa odlicers in Berlin and of their trans proletarian elements was confront It was only when the dawn of middle layer functionaries admit weeks in a hospital, Thaelmann or course of the revolutionary move Luxemburg and Franz Mehring in ter to a concentration camp. ed with the Schutz Staffel, the third period sealed the fate the justification of the criticisin utilized the opportunity to remove, meat. Political policy is the deter.
their light, made in common with in the ranks of those who are defensive corps) as the socally and of the Right wing for a second, and against the complete failure of the him from all his posts. Since mining cours What greater lesson Kautsky, up to a certaines potente prophesyin hemangiato finale politically not able Prickle do saldne opsiendly last time, and the end conei Convection Comintern in per great resentment, ensued from this werelle working en onder het bandes Bernstein, Davỉa and Co which Comintern and its sections as well the morale among the Storm their supporters was consummated, The reasons for the expulsion to call Wollenberg back Fascism. Oue must admit that And even when Parvus turned grain Incidents of rebellion among the the is a sort of military polleo ultra la listeck abandoned. The are, in briet, the following: Both to Moscow by cable. When he ar insofar as numbers are concerned, wrecking crew, const comrades voted against the resolu rived there he was informed that both the social and munitions agent for the House Nazis are interpreted as symptoms and is rigorously utilized against derably interior to the group of tion of the on the situa he would not be allowed to work defeat Fascist, but also to soothe Stalinists had Quercy and the not only to After Storm Troops.
They Maslow and Fischer, which was tion in Germany declared in the German party. He received of Hohenzollern during the war, of impending disintegre after the Naturally the disillusionment of given the helm of party leadership that not only the but also employ as translator and editor in the dispositions of those who relish and Kautsky effected his touching all hopes corrillation with Bernstein.
Klara labor organizations had been do the Nazis who rebel today is much practically completed the elimina the Comintern, bad collapsed and the publishing house for foreign in arithmetical quantities and not Zetkin remained with the whole three under thradec unions even stronger than heretofore when ittion of Kiara Zetkin from all active that the and the Comintern workers. There he was permitted berlemah solterof its numbers under the Christian firm was still possible to find consola participation in it. It cannot be had to be rebuilt on a new basie. to translate Stalin was speechese bly coerung not defeat fascista But by deeds, while others were drown the National Front, the Center pro all sorts of promises. But in the distateful to her. She had after did not refer only to the events of of the nervous indigestion from its false political policies, to belp fended proletarian Internationalism shield equalized. the Stahlbelm, tion and cause for self. negation in said that it was an event entirelyThe criticism of both comrades which only caused an aggravation and everything in its power through ing it in fratricidal blood or else sribed after all this, all bureau meantime the Hitler dictatorship all once worked by the side of a the last few months but went even which he was suffering.
it sufficient formal acknowl crats who still cannot realize what has become more and more en Rosa Luxemburg, a Franz Mehring, farther back. For comrade Wolf. Comrades Wollenberg and Wolf unconsciousness of this aid is not this victory. The consciousness or Karl Liebknecht. Even in later the Russian questions also played had requested the to be important. Objectively its policies edereensity to continue attacking hope on a rebellion among the All opposition parties and organisoars, her party had at least been able to be honkede these cup permitted to return to Germany, in od in this direction. When the Spartacus.
Conflict in Ranks Expected the rebellions of the dissatisfied who, no matter how much his de bureaucracy in his exposure of the of a new Communist party.
Opposed the Social Patriots collapse.
That, after the selzure of power. Nazis simply have to evaporate fects impeded and finally put The solemn decisions on the ques there would be and had to be con into empty space for the time being, stop to his political growth, never Great Indignation over Expulsion this request the reply given to Inists alone, but it is demanded of and Co. raised a blg howl against it does not request this of the Staltory on the situation in Germany.
tion of imperialist war adopted by ficts between Hitler and the lower or else crash down in the face theless had a head on his shoulders, The expulsion of comrade Wolthem was characteristic: expulsion every revolutionary worker and How could she now lenberg sroused great indignation from the party.
ternational and of the German predicted long in advance and is strata in the Fascist camp, in whose subordinate herself voluntarily to among the critically inclined tunc those who would be revolutionaries.
Coincident with the expulsion of August 4, 1914.
the seizure of by Hit. CORRECTION it internationally advertised, pro among former members of the Red in the article of Trotsky. and because of Standing at the head of the Wuertler was very profitable, namely, to the Larks. Smirken group the termerg party organization, together all those who were placed in the It would be an error, with dis. ibavo revolted her) as were put at take on even greater amplitude by Max Eastman and reprinted bert Goldmun, and Lydia Bydel with Crispien and Westmeyer, she state and administrative apparatus astrous consequences to follow to the head of the parts of Heluz when the comrades find out the in the last issue of the militant were expelled from the party and vehemently opposed the and posts. put great hopes and expectations Neumans, whom she never ceased reasons for the expulsion. This from the magazine and and irresponsible ad much we know from letters coming typographical error was responsible munist League were expelled, for Contempo, tive members of the Young Comin voting for war credits, and de. Marxist incitement, despite dis. even to see in these elements trust. venturer and a sinister figure in the oute manded de equalization. there worthy alates the proletariat best come in the hearttienindad reach who have recently arrived from last thing that the author had in question, Germany and related is gesture. When Rost Luxemburs above all, those lower rank ering of forces and the formation and traink horomired applied be the party as an active army officer in cess. Obviously this is a mistake, similar struggle against a similar did she rest content with a formal ist camp who cannot be satisfied, tion, namels, that of a new sath ed a point where she could no long Comrade Wollenburg joined the the verdict of the historical pro Yipsels against bureaucracy finds and Beaux Ache non decena delovne terases postermantelor months have a trom the various camps the working tribune of the party or the Inter Burning the servere does the sovies are ben could hacer en korotuschust party remained not these traces at det April 1915, delivering those crush purely criminal theft and plunder class.
the course of this process of clarification and the treatment of Brandler and his Republle he was local commander the contrary. The error originates cisive importance to a skrans alike, the name of Klara at house raids and Zetkin was to be found on this roli making arests. But pillaging can. of regroupment must in no case be triends, against the abnominations area Army of Bavaria, in in the proofreader mixing up two groyp which is slowly wending its not be carried on indefinitely and hampered by a revival of the old (Continued on Page 4)
charge of the main front at Dachan sentences of the original article, way to communism? Most cer of honor together with Karski, even the anti Jewish boycott does Stalinist legend of the revolutionin the course of the struggle for which reads as follows, But the mainly they are.
Jogisches, Thalheimer and the other not suffice to satiate all the hungry ary man and of the brothat that time as well as on later was to console anybody. He merely recognize the extremely temporary We believe that this group must internationalists who subsequently peasant sons and petty bourgeois. erly hand (to the Nazi proletar.
It the number on founded the Spartakusbund. Like For a period of time they can be ian. Even today the 18 Occasions by his 183 extra ordinary wished to interpret in his book the character of its independent exist your wrapper is.
Rosa and countless others, she was used as auxiliary police or auxill publishing a little sheet, The Revpersonal bravery. After thrown into prison during the war, ary border guards, etc. but only olutionary Man. by the disyour subscription has expired. re, he had to spend us cap verdict of the historical processence Upon a recognition of this several years itself.
begin at once, without to the great relief of the Kaiser for definite period of time and tribution of which the safety of sc. If you want in Jall and after his release hel Undue liberties were by the way. delay, to probe the problems con. get the MAsocialists. An illegally distributed only in a limited capacity.
The tive Communist members is endan. tant promptly every week became party editor in the Ruhr taken in the translation of the fronting the revolutionary move.
Spartacus leaflet of that time com rest of the men, on the other gered in an irresponsible manner, renow your subscription at aistry and in East Prussia. In bureaucratie stratum memorated the contrast between hand are subjected to daily drill while at the same time the Otto once: per year for fifty 1923 he was put in charge of the Russian mss. as the bureaucratie movement particularly. It must be the two camps in the social dem. and to the drab life of the bar Straser and Black Front people, two weekly Issues: a half Biggest Gerraeth aistrictese and the class. We call the attention of prepared to take a clear must doe ocracy by showing three pictures racks court. But they do not fail long, endorsed and nurtured by the year for twenty six weekly Rosu Luxemburg and Klara Zet to see how their upper party com. today once again repose lesu.
one of the few comrades who want. Marxist literaturo fundamental al questions. The question of 80.
kin, each in her prison cell for rades feed on fat little posts, ride under Hitler and Goering kindly ed to strike out in the fall of the distinction is made between class clalism in One Country, the united THE MILITANT anti war activity, and scheidemann, through the streets glamorously in wing. And the well known Police year, against the will of the Cen. and stratum (or layer. the front, Social Fascism, the Commun 126 East 16th St.
Noske, David and other social. im elegant autos and they want their Lieutenant Giesecke. who was perialists photographed at a dis share of the booty.
tral Committee. After the defeat bureaucracy in the Soviet Union is Ist International, are as important dragged around from mass meeting of the party in 1923 he had to flee not a class.
for to the Soviet Union, because secret creet distance behind the front. Therein lies the elementary ex to mass meeting and got a good in.
member of the Communist Party and the fraternizing with army officers in planation for servicemen had been shot down in Com SUBSCRIBE TO front of their quarters: the munist sympathizer. The German a police raid on the military dirple today: they are the wage strikes of of the party works today in the THE MILITANT UNSER WORT situntion is as significant for the tures were eloquent enough without employed retainers and could be emigration centers for the construc ection Entered as a second class man in the Soviet Union Wollenberg social democratie worker as for the comment nor did the leaflet sup. for a period of time, Ittion of Fascist stool pigeon and matter November 28, 1928, at the entered the Red Army and soon German and are interested in get tion of systematic campaign of overcome to ply them with any.
Workers and friends who read Communist worker. The organizar To Klara Zetkin falls the distinc again let loose on expropriation ac. Of course, the revolutionary pro: Post Office at New York, received the rank of captain. He ting first hand accounts of condi education should be instituted at successful International socialist But even in this respect only the groups observe and pursue with at Published weekly by the Communist tion of the Museum of the Red subscribing to hungen dort benden eller es roup should invite Army, among other things.
Illegal of the German Left in the revolutionary movement for EDITORIAL BOARD Conflict with Thaelmann the war and the collapse of the Sec ben chewed off long ago, for the of the bourgeoisie and of the scheme League of America (Opposition)
Opposition, published in Prague. Joint discussions, debates, etc. as ond InternationalUpon her own most part.
in order at At occasions to utilize The repeated requests of Wollen Address all subs to Unser Wort, stop in the direction toward a responsibility, the international so Mussolini Also Shot Adherents these processes according to the Martin Aberm James Cannon berg to be returned to Maurice Spector were continually denied up to 1932. Prag. XII, Ve Pstrosce 17 Germanyeo Wolfgang Salus, solution of these questions. Unless cialist women conference was con At any rate the phenomenon is possibilities. But the prereguladte Max Shachtman Arne Swabeck this is done, unless the group imme vened in Berne, Switzerland, In the summer of 1932 he became Czechoslovakia Mussolini also had for this is the existence of revolo in pot unknown.
diately the Vol. VI, No. 36 (Whole No. 183)
develops a concrete the editor of the Rote Fahne in perMarch 1915, with representatives his adherents shot upon after his tonary Marxist cadres, for spective of its tasks and what it from all the important belligerents seizure of power, had them arrest formation of which all forces must SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1933 Berlin. At the same time he was taken into the leadership of the Subscription rate: 00 per year ARE YOU SUBSCRIBER Is to do, disintegration is inevitable, on both sides. There were noted and put into jail. And even be. be strained.
and the splendid beginning will many in those black days of treach fore the seizure of power by (From Unser Wort) Foreign 50 cents per copy League of Struggle against Fascism TO THE MILITANT be lost. ALBERT.
Party met langer med en sleitcances to presente le sex parte de power bertatea centrated means of power are con un interest vonalt, advertised on the room forum Gemeng en de related fact, it must be