CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1933 The Columbus Conference Lessons of the Leninist United Front Tactic Ohio State Jobless Confab If this is so then the reformarees to refrain from criticismpany thugs. It was not until the present scheme of the partnership to or The Background of the Unemployed Movement Flag Waving Patriots. Muste Supporters (Continued from last issue) Chicago in May, with about two immediately attempt to set up cer The Columbus Conference can be to change their complexion and in ANOTHER SO CALLED dozen political tendencies; and the tain provisions which will guaran. OHIO CONVENTION EXPOSES against the effects of this capitalproperly understod only in the light evitably gravitated in the direction UNITED FRONT Unemployment Conference held in te them from the evils of expos. REACTION IN MUSTE ist offensive in the form of the of all past experience of the unem of class struggle.
Recovery Act. The unemployed have ployment movement. Four years By this time, the Unemployed in the hey day of the united Chicago In June, with steen poli. ure. One of their favorite means BUILT LEAGUES tical tendencies are first steps to is to attempt to form a non agColumbus, Ohio. We were re Pellow delegates: a social part in this struggle of economic collapse have not rolled Councils had drawn up several so front from below the Stalinist ward the Leninist United Front by without leaving their mark. As cial Insurance bills, the first one called many united front confer action. However, the number of resson pact with the others parin the united front. They ceived at the Columbus Convention The present economic crisis is a matter of fact, it radically chang demanding twenty five dollars ences, sending calls to orean workers put in motion and not the demand that while the united front on July 1st by a workers patrol, ed the whole physiognomy of the week for the unemployed, and the xations under their ideological and number of political tendencies is conducted, the theoretations marked with arm bands, armed here to stay. It is a natural devellabor movement. Trade union or others gradually going lower and mechanical control and asking all decisive.
should refrain from criticizing with clubs and headed by one Joc opment of capitalism. Increasing each other. If one agrees to re. Gershner. whom Truax, president wages, theater misery and increas.
unemployment and lower relative any great proportions, diminished ington and state capitals were or leadership and join the united THE UNITED FRONT AS frain from political criticism, then of the Ohio Unemployed in size and unemployed organiza ganixed which at first, as long as front. The and the MANEUVER tions gradually grew up and de they served to dramatize certain the and the frat.
The reformists say that the com. be able to retain their control and the last day of the national con Products of the present decaying veloped.
campaigns, aroused the country to cernal organizations, as well as any munists are insincere and that the will not be exposed in action for vention as stool pigeon, organ system. The capitalists have no present crisis. Their a At the beginning of the depres. the brutality slon. whatever organization of the later began to reter out, due todas strong enough to send a devet. wave nothing to worry about during united front action for third day of the convention, after of inslustry in government will no unemployed was resulted senseless repetition. To obtain the legate, received a call.
through the activity of the Com actual numerical strength of the The delegates at the conference because it the Communists call a Sakes one of the baste conditions incoming fraternal and out of town e solicite problem than all the socialist party was still grossy perigi is impossible. The Daily zations or real organizations they comodation, the Communists and right of minority rekepression and against these armed guards that and permanent solution to all the worker is not famous for modesty represented, represented one moltes course the united front tactic or reed at all times only takers the exception of discutered from an overdose of prosperity guaran. the clubs disappeared and with misery created by this planless sy stem of procluction is the proletarian and the of and truthfulness bureaucracy was busy helping Hoover cover up Need of Unity ception of the Lett Opposition which rather, the rejection of the united would ask for such Only vaca kena words about a disgutsed national revolution. For the working class the existence of the crisis. truly the door. front tactie by Sutinism has played only fools and Stalinists would guard not one publie word was to rid Itself for all time of the Gradually these various organix. was always kicked golden oppor communists presented to developwd and grew up side. is. then only by a socialist planned system of and several streutes who into the hands of the reformists, agree to such pct. Stainism, like said in protest, until the last day present conditions it is necessary to pool capitalism and replace it itself to the to.
production for use.
ing up mighty nation wide un in. The most radical, then and month out the same organlexcuse of the reformists to avoid crimes to cover up employed more In the last several years in GerThe first session began with the Toward the achievement of this heucharis might Unemployed Councils. sot out of wations sent delegates to the uni. taking part in the united front.
throw terror into bourgeoiste. Here also was the op. eriod and began to pay some encended with the Stalinist take the word maneuver in too nar forward with rapid strides, while the state oflicd, etc. and continu soal it is necessary first of all to portunity of cutting away the base attention to the needs of the une capturing themselves, through the row a sense by maneuver one Stalinism was in its third perioded with reports from county delo Pe the working class in motion means a trick than we are op the social democratic betrayers sations as to local conditions. Karl needs. This conference must adopt of social reformism. But Stalinism employed. In fact, the center of united front from below.
The united front is a tactic of used to a maneuver, but the fact were rendered the greatest histori Pauli, member spoke on the a program of action for the strug mentos detents and set backy are nicht erreicht von the other hand, conting. Gor temporary angreement ab military or political force is a man ist united front from below. When on the sponsored Small Homo In addition to local demands, the the rule that Stalinism works by, the self help organizations and the party course during this driven to the wall and had to rent political tendencies. To call cuver. In this latter sense, every over the threshold of state power and Land Owners Federation. Ar Communist League of America (Ioft tion to this rule.
conducted by the Unemployed socialist party control is not a un he ting on the revolution sets and the pressure from below made the house the mentind og sanitedence the consideration and adoption Amidst such splendid possibilit Councils; that is, eviction activity. Ied front any more than the calling the thing for the revolutionist and the social democratic leaders one of the mentioning of the following concrete slogans ies, the party was weighed downturning on us and electricity, etc. Together of those organizations un honest worker to find out is: Is it the Communists a united front Councils through state federation and organizational steps: but front. action with Unemployed with the stalinist third period etc. So that, at the beginning of der Stalinist control constitutes a correct maneuver, one that bene. with the nonression Foclause Vor immediate relief and sothesis, out of which lowed the this year, aside from the spontane united front. United front action is the working class or a false the statement and answer Clowe, chairman of the Franklin cial insurance at the expense agreed to refrain from criticism. County Lengue, in which Columbus of the bosses and their govruinous theories and tactics that ous organizations, practically every must be between organizations, but maneuver?
Again, following the united front is situated, jumps to platform and ernment.
were guaranteed to bring about the political group had its own unem at the same time must embrace NON AGGRESSION PACTS Isolation of the Communist party. Nosed For the hour day. day Since the third period called for on Drut the cache ore than one political current. The reformists and opportunists from below. the agreement to re demands to know whether or not same Each political current entering and misleaders will prevent a uni. frain from criticism rendered so the Councils respect the Star and week with an increase in revolutionary upeurge and this and having practically the same the united front expected to rally ted front as long as possible, but cial democracy more service. This stripes. Preis of Toledo follows, Wages.
unfortunately did not exist and program. And in fact does not yet exist in spite of init gradually the thought those organizations and forces it once more the mass pressure and was repeated at the Mooney Con attempting to defend the council Pight for higher wages and beynn to develop the has control over.
conditions force them make agress in Chicago by the Stalinists and explain the working class attiin move toward the united front they. To be continued)
tude towards the flag. He is inter increased relief to combat inof the fact that the has for thought of tiniting all unemployed The Mooney Congress hela rupted by a threatening riot, cries flation.
that the workers of Brownsville Make him take that back! and of Stop him. Call the police.
with great solemnity that capital. Another golden opportunity here Fderation of Workers Leagues of For the recognition of and the extension of long term ist stabilization has ended. the presented itself to the Communist America. The national committee should be interested in the Nation charge on the platform of about revolutionary surge had to be party and another golden oppor of this federation represents an lathaway speaks al Recovery Act, but instead they one fourth those present. Numercredits to the Soviet Union.
To nttain the necessary strength manufactured. The fight for the tunity was missed. At this point, hues of unemployed organiza this workers streets was inaugurated and de. the united front from below hung tions as dominated by the philoso on United Front sky and the united front.
So comrade Hathaway has caught stration. Fortunately there was al steps: guard took part in this demonto struggle for these demands we monstrations of unemployed organ: like millstone around the neck phies of the various political groups.
propose the following organizationized for that purpose. Somehow it of the party, with the burocrats The end of the conference, which the workers of Brownsville at a fence between the audience and the decisive Left wing did not occur to anyone to ask keeping vigilant guard lest anyone revealed a in Brownsville very serious crime. The workers platform, which stemmed the rush The application of the united what the party would do with the should seek to loosen it. When majority, was so distasteful to Mr.
were inquiring how was it that long enough to let the Musteltoe front tactic as a means of unitystreets after it had captured them the thought of unity took on con Borders, that he refused to enter Hitler took power with such an Johnson and Bauhot smooth the ing the various unemployed organ in the third period this would crete form, it was not the Stalin. the national committee and subNew York, Hatha enormous and well trained Commun izations (Unempio Wars have been sheer heresy. Instead ist leadership that concretized it sequently withdrew his organiza But the situation was still tense employed Councils.
their immediate demands, the at Karl Borders, of the Chicago this because he was afraid to be care another of his famous loc questions that llathaway Choo hot enough when Perkins of Franklin Latucetc. etc. should be put of organizing the unemployed around but on the contrary the reformist. tions from the Federation. All of way, editor of the Daily Worker, ist on hand to lead the working situation over with words.
was shouted to the four winds. Moyed movement of considerable The results of the Chiengo Con. This time the subject was to be was surprised again when during that the following be inserted in canadan atlon retains its The writer, who was active in or intluence. It was this Workers ference were entirely unexpected the National Industrial Recovery the discussion period xberympath the Preamble of the elama independence, refrains from slander and personal attack Fanizing the unemployed in. Committee. together with the work by the stalinist leadership of the Act. The with others, began to lay some em began to talk in concrete terms of in th no policy and were forced when pace for about one hourl Spoke on the united front. The! When they re right we ll uphold the right of minority expression Under phasis on the immediate needs of federation. Of course, Kari Bor along the course proposed by the the dreadful united front business the weaker down, but the protest oblee them on that also parte da redoto no circumstance can cung united the unemployed instead of spending ders had an axe to grind. fed. Luft opposition. In private con nee more. And there this great from the workers was so great that Belect math This was amassed before front (xclude or bar Ben Smith of Franklin, Counteployed organization from participe any unemhis time extolling the Chinese Soeration of unemployed viets. Together with his associatestions which would exclude the Un. openly admitted that the national apostle of Stalinism could not recinte and he exposed the false pol urged the crowd to return to their tion. Should the leadership of any he was hailed before a meeting of employed Councils would be quite committee of the Unemployed a strain himself frm casting a fewlicies of the Stalinists, of social seats saying that the was unemployed organization attempt to Coun.
th District Committee and all were aceptable to Mr. Borders in a cils had not the slightest idea that and comrade Trotsk. the fold the Fascism, united front only from bot arcanized porodher the credo das prevent the entry of its organiza leadership the Chicago contenererent workers that the renegade Trotsky It looks as though the more the canization, and pacitied them with cfforts must be made to bring them The party was out for independ could easily take the from Stalinists speak on Germany above, and that the the words about diplomacy.
ent Igadership. The party would and thereby capture the control of known what would happen, he wanted only united be moists into the united front.
With such a start it was hard The Columbus Conference is have nothing to do with social additional Fascists. The party must ight tions. As for sployed organiza stated, would have been there told the workers that they must more clear becomes the position of the Workers League Amter would have been there, and not attack the leaders of the social.
the to expect much from this conven: the second national conference held for the streets. The party must well, that is a small organization other leaders of the Unemployed arty. It appears that the organize revolutionary trade un which could be easily du But, as mission. But also a damning ad in order to fool the workers intol Stalinist Slugger Beats Rang (to be mild) came mostlyers Committee on Unemployed and of. Councils. For once leaders of this non elass conscious of June 13 15, called by the Worktruthful ad Hathaways will stoop to any level fons. This was surely the rond So thought Mr. Borders.
from Franklin County, in which the the Workers to success did not the party set the canny Scot would have it, mission. For in making the above League, has tabthe statement, Benjamin unwittingly believing that Trotsky is a counter Columbus office of the 18 lished a National Unemployed FedLeft Oppositionist located and where we should nor eration of Workers Leagues, to balt unemployed on the first cap and the lip. And, in this admitted the fact that in wenkty revolutionary. What a shameless March 8th. See the Daily Worker) case, the cup was rudely dashed the general state. that is the party burocracy, is asleep at the The height of this fever was reach out of Borders bands.
When and where has the Lett Brooklyn, Continuing elements to be, if the Nusteite pleist a ren already athiliated the Opposition ever said that we must policy of using their fists when leaders of the o. had really in the The Chicago Conference od when Browder thundered out switch, and in spite of the fact unite only from above and that their heads ceased to supply arcu followed a working class organiza stands for the unification of the un country. This Federation manifesto to the American work. The call for the Chicago Con that capitalist stabilization still we must not attack the leaders! ments, leading. members retional and educational policy.
ing class to follow the example of ference of Unemployed Organiza: woefully clutching at the tail of The Trotskyists want us to go to sort to the method of physical violemployed movement and is opposed the Arkansas farmers, storm ware tions was very plain spoken.
the doors to ans discrimination against race.
the unempoyed movement houses, and help themselves. conference e was to achieve unity. The Unemployed Council dele and cons of Hillquit and Thomas ence against Left Oppositionists.
knock, and in this manner they On Friday night, July 14, after Declaration of at of all the But somehow no response came but the Unemployed Councils were gates who had attended the the Trotskyists, think they will an open air meeting held by the color, creed or political opinion.
that par to this swashbuckling call to arms to be left out. No organized voice Chiengo conterence therefore had form a united front.
the conference, endorsand it was not long before the of protest was heard from the no Instructions from New York and same hand of Browder wrote an rank and file of Border organizaAt a District membership meeting ended and the comrades had left. Columbus Conference the Federation such TO ALL DELEGATES TO THE the Unemployed Lecanizations as other article in the same Daily tion agninst this peridious arrange participated in the conference in of the where he attempted comrade Joe Elliott was attacked in Workers Worker of directly opposword Borders to proce na ment. What made it possible for quently, they committed a mistake polley, it was this same Hathaway stalinists previously made attempts ture and this without even a NATIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT Committee, Workers League, and in this manner which to CONFERENCE Uenmpioyed Councils. only the of explanation. Whereas the first with impunity was the past activ xond to the Was be who got up and in a mass of dram to provoke him. Al Dasch, Brother Borders leadership of the Workers decree had instructed the workers its of the Unemployed Councils of the Industrial Re Federation Committee has tried to split the to seize the food warehouses for along the lines of united front en die done setting two representa, se cfact that yesterday comrade notorious as a retired pugilist, hard Brother locates in themselves, the second article save from below previously commented the federation nostensibly see the Muste and we got him to ac out! These Trotskyists must be covers Act by the Roosevelt govern: ment is the most far reaching at: Columbus Conference is unification The most important task of the th Upemployed Councils was to As the day of the conference ap unemployed Council leadership. cept our united front invitation. driven out of Brownsville!
through the Daily Worker, hailed And did comrade Hathaway forget? Comrade Elliott replied: the working class. This with the National Unemployed Fed M Act is a direct attack against the make the American work to close the courtesy of Science and dessed on the Chicago conference as a great we called the Norman Thomas and leave where the workers of a Brown. unemployed.
centracting on the immediate needs letter to the asking for a Lett snu cerming were maderation to their lion. See the National Committee onze ed away. This Conference must go on of the unemployed. Naive people wine bloc to fight for militant lown legitimate child. But actual the Socialist Party.
Al Dasch swung viclously ment emergency rellet has proven record favoring affiliation to the scratched their heads in amazement policy in the conference. The only something else was happening. Then there was still the question blows, injuring his eye.
at Elliott and dealt himn several inadequate and has come to a breakNational Federation. This will be and marvelled at this sudden group that came into this confer: What. must have thundered and (a new policy in the Hathaway down. The capitalists realize that the greatest step in the direction change.
ence with clear cut program of the New York burocrats, You did lectures) discussion period.
Alany of the workers present pro they will have to spend hundreds of establishing unity in the unem national a majority of the nato and behold the same incident to loudly voiced their opinions, pro in order to keep the 18 million un scale.
Unemployment Councils Decompose unity through federation wis the not committee of the Federa leven a greater extent then at the mising to bring this matter up atempos mission. Hence thel Our objective shonld be the that in whate period the Unemployed conference adjourned our position tion. Don you know better than District membership meeting of the the Soetton headquarters. To some The whole secret lay in the fact Loft Opsition and before the tona Councils, which had at first expert. was adopted in the main amalgamation of all the unemployed that? fig for the enced relatively rapid From the point of view of numn when we don control iteration The questions were all of of the others this educational This Recovery law is an attempt organizations into one. This can had now begun to decompose at an was no great success. But it was conference a Trotskyite nature, causing com. work of Dasch, who is a member on the part of the capitalists to be accomplished only after Quantity Becomes Quality equally rapid pace. precisely be thoroughise representative and won From the very start, the Stalin. as he remarked, plcking up the sidered in line with the New have passed codes in various in how to work together in a united cause they could not be kept to that lay its importance. Literally, ists frowned on the Federation, in large bundle of questions, think Turn though not outlined to the dustries precisely for the purpose front or federation which at first sether on the basis of In fact, the demonstra all shades of political thought were spite of the fact that the Unem famous Open Letter.
florswhich had been the stimu represented through the medium of ployed Councils were members of zation, and only have a paltry two Several members expres system in order to absorb some of tion organizational autonomy. This the delegates from the various ihls Federation, they did bestir representatives on this national sed their indignation by saying that the unemployed into at a course must be followed because allve, had begun very seriously to they had built up It was, how. organizations. To withdraw from its. In order to achieve unity we Section and bring charges against lar program of public and manu. vanced step than afiliation to the decline in size and generally to ever, very uncertain at the begin the Federation would have meant propose that you agree to elect a Dasch. In the meantime the Sec facturers. Workers hired for this National Unemployment Federation Azaleanwhile the Unemployed Coun would protectomicate political current Borders and bus tose prestige oployed Councils elect a committee matter: by its very silence it is in indiated currency, which will not ected towards the unification of cils were the only organizations in would predominate the field. The was still bliss fully oblivious to its own possibil! The first hattle of this conference tion and kill it from within. But ences also a committee of five, and sterism and 88angsuffice for the barest necessities of the struggle of the unemployed Left Wing Scores Vietory they decided to stay in the Federa of five, and the Columbus confer. condoning and methods. life. employed of of forced labor which the capital and in and out organizations would come into After a heated debate, a vote was bled upon a very likely scheme. ington at the time that Congrese positions by plenty of use of the social insurance not been reached where spontane of Ideas, Earl. range in Wash and functionaries ists will institute in the place of ing class organizations.
July 3rd, 1933.
The Industrial Control Law esUNEMPLOYED ORGANIZATION tablishes a form of state capitalism party to adapt itself to the needs first victory, which indicated the Suste had also called for a unity unemployed organizations into one.
of the moment, as well as the deep general possibilities. From then conference in Columbus. So nego. Then we ll present one common and is calculated to save the rotten FRACTION, COMMUNIST and decayed capitalist structure by the crisis, at length be on, the conference began slowly but tlations were started with the Lett front to the capitalist government.
LEAGUE OF AMERICA ening of their way into the con. surely to slip from the hands of social Fascist Muste. And why Such open hearted frankness WIS CHICAGO BEACH PARTY the organization the elimination of small producers. LEFT OPPOSITION)
se lo teness of the American retorm. Mr. Borders, and the Left wing. Hicks, and Purcellere the members at the committee that for At Roscoe and the Lake cartels, the outlawing of strikes, the establishing Ists served to encourage the er. The Stalinists, who had comes, then he certainly cannot be a moment they lost their bearings SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1933, PM of a class collaboration machinery OPEN AIR MEETINGS and it began to organize its own uncertain even of being seated, be worse than Chiang Kai Shek, whom and almost fell into the trap. But (Meet at home of Esther Oller, to hamper the development of class experienced struggle organizations and the shiftFOR NEW YORK 631 Roscoe Ave. unemployed movement. The Muste came arrogant and attempted to Browder knew in the past rather fortunately a few members came from Missouri and every Thursday night P.
organize its unemployed organiza through the utmost exertion of the And so it came to pass that on remained untored by Browder Refreshments Singing, Games is the entire burden of the Manhattan: Tth st. and 2nd Ave.
a fine day in June, Browder came eloquence. So they voted against Come Early and Enjoy Festivities instituting these measures and re 86th Street and Lexington Ave. tions. Still another stratum of un. Left Opposition employed organizations came intolences between the the differto Chicago and suffered himself to the proposition as laid down by Ausplices. Spartacus Youth Club dan capitalists hope to be in Harlem: 125th St. and 5th Avenue, every Friday night various Left the cost of production, the existence, organized on a self help wing group bridged and unanimity appear before the national commit. Browder and, in spite of the out.
a position where they will be able every Saturday night P.
or barter basis, of which the orig established on the sallent points of tee of the Federation. Said the raced protestations of innocence on ominscient one to the national com the part of the Stalinists, decided All comrades sending In news ae to better compete on worla Bronx: 163rd Street and Prospect inal California carrot pulling or rolles To the left wing emerged victori mittee: Frankly, we are not satis to poll the entire committee on this counts and articles for publication market.
Ave. every Sat, night P.
ganization is typical. NORMAN SATIR. In the Militant are requested to determined struggle must be Brooklyn: Pitkin Ave. and Bristol But as the crisis deepened, even ous from this conference. Out of fied with the Federation. Here we question. To be continued) prepared typed copy, triple spaced. waged by the entire working class St. Brownsville) Friday night these self. belp organizations began this conference grew the National are, the biggest unemployed organl.
in growth. erical attendance, the the the