Andrés NinAnti-naziCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyLeninLeninismMarxismNazismOpportunismSocialismSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Cleveland Conference Against the Slavery Provisions Exposed in Code for Steel Industry Fascists Kill Young Worker in Astoria Bonapartist Government Robs Labor Spartacus Delegates Raise Internat portes de energie Lento in of clariancation.
Published weekly by the Commandet League of Amerian (Oppodtlom) at 120 Ent 10th Street, New York, Bate red as seeond elnias matl matter, November 28, 1928 at the lont Once at New York, NY. under the set Marc, 18 VOLUME VI, NO. 36 (WHOLE NO. 183 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1933 PRICE CENTS Fighting the Recovery Act MINERS PROTEST VIGOROUSLY HITLER PREPARES SUICIDES AGAINST RIGHT WING REMOVAL OF ALLARD FROM PICNIC FOR COMRADE TORGLER POST AND THE BULGARIAN Annual Midsummer Pienie Outing COMMUNISTS EDITOR NOTE In the rush to compete with the John Lewis Sports, Games, Refreshments gang for the favors accruing to Good Time for All Berlin, Germany The trial on labor fakers from the Roosevelt Bring your Friends and Comrades the arson attempt against the National Industrial Recovery Act SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1933 Reichstag has been postponed sev.
administration, the Right wing at Tibbetts Brook Park eral times. The mysterious Van Weeks have passed since the Ininists refuse to answer the follow the progressive Miners of America Plot No. der Lubbe is designated as the lustrial Recovery Act became a law. Ing qustions (Let us hope they ans have launched a broadside against chief defendant, comrades Torgler, Directions: Take Wood opore, Dimitrofe and Taneort are In this time ble business and its wer them in the near future. Do all Latt wingers and genuine prolawn Jerome train to last stop named as being suspected. Those are ushering in a new to wit, that the Is on a control of a majority on the lead. then take bus and street car who are really responsible for it, form of industrial slavery. decline and is being liquidated and the organs, their first step in this Picnic Grounds Goering and Co. are working on The broad layers of the working that therefore we must split locals direction was the removal of Gerry The fierce attack upon the living way they will amount to even less.
class have not been organized away and build parallel unions all Allard from the editorsblp of the Auspices: Branch new provocations.
The Fascist government keeps on standard of the workers, which the The stoet workers shall not have due to the confusion that exists Recovery Act help to rearm the Miner. The reply of the rank and to resist and to fight back. This is along the line? Will the Industrial paper, the Progressivo (Opposition) and Protomagin Clujostponing the trial and is atteint. American capitalists are making dard of living they shall have ing even to suppress it altogether.
standard of starvation.
within the ranks of the organized leaders in their hold upon me to this Right wing challenge is Tho jailed Communists are sub under the cover of Roosevelt inthe trade union movement? Should recounted in the dispatch we print Publicity to Steel Baron forces of the class.
mitted to tortrue. It is quite ap dustrial Recovery Act. becomos Generosity The lenders, the Right we hasten to build a Left wing below.
that suicides are being more openly vicious with each new partened Right now the capitalist press is wing in the Progressive Miners of within the Should the Gillespie, II. Local Union No. America and the conservative Inde turn to the en bloc and vrica voted almost unanimously in minals.
crlcy of the proposed stock code, giving ull possible publicity to the pendent unions are supporting the function as Left wing there. To favor of a resolution demanding The whole international working the robber barons of the steel in win of the steel losses in a 15 percent raise to their The socialist leaders are ignore these questions, in the needle the reinstatement of Gerry Allard, class must enter into a broad and dustry make clear their intention of singing praises to the great for trades resolution in the New York recently deposed editor of the ottiserious protest action against the taking their rightful places at the workers before the code goes into ward step. The majority of the Conference resolution and in the cial organ, planned murder of comrades Torg head of the capitalist offensive rect. But the trunkey journalists ler, Poporf, Dimitroff and Taneot! After the Cossack terrorism of the carefully forget that this 15 percent The Stalinists, as usual, were not ignore the most vital question of union in the of with a New York, While bourgeThis is the largest single local Great Steel Strike in 1919, and the wage increase is wiped out and consistent brutality with which all more than wiped out by the rise did not recognize the danger until trade union policy and tactics in membership of 2300. Claude Peareyols democratie America hailed Genequal to the task. The Stalinists HOW NAZI PACIFISM attempts to unionize the steel mills in living costs. The proposed code after it had fallen upon their heads the struggle to protect the class, president of the union, is a memelerul Balbo, representative of the have been put down, nothing less liberality sits on the shoulders of LOOKS IN PRACTICE less shows how strangely the clothing of its trade unions and to repel the ber of this local.
Now, at last the Stalinists have enpitalist offensive. The Left op President Pearcy and Secretary bryonic Fascist organization the Dirst Was ist state, the latest em could be expected of the barons the steci barons.
called for action to fight the In. nosition answers these questions in Keck appeared at the meeting to Khaki Shirts of America was pror we receive the following news, From a small town in Thuringia, than this code.
The code fixes the work week at a wateges range from us to to cents for hoursBut there is a cruel calling a national conference in the immediate past.
sented his case in person, claiming Brown Shirts of Italy and Germany peace work of the loud mouthed for duterent territories. Assuming trick in the provision limiting Cleveland, August 26, 98 oferol. The working class have no votco no substantial tions, and others; to protect the in drafting the codes for the dir reasons for removing trade unions, and to rally the class Terent industries. Only the presheetie hour debate the local una working class student of City watch factory which at one time hours a week, this means wages the members of the code shall cause employed thousands workers. The of from 10 to 16 dollars a week or permit an employee to work on sure of the class through class voted over istemesly to sup. College, New York.
against the capitalist attack.
The murder took place at a meet watch factory was closed down Since the dollar is down 25 per average of more than forty hours previous strugkle will force concessions from port Allard. We welcome the fact that the storie completely, it has been transform. cent and more on the international per week in any six month period. last. When the is jointly calling this conference, have this class pressure effectively they were confident the member Long Island, on Fridays the grande igniters, employs 2000 ing. these wages at present really the number of hours worker may some workers and the organization would a last realized the necessity of the against the capitalists depends cept the executive beard decision audience questioned the statements workers and works at full speed are worth from 50 to 12, and be forced to (4)
struggle, but they have not prepermits the steel when inflation really gets under week. The in any single on the matter.
attack was launched against them. Comment is superfluous.
manufacturers to drive their worksented a program suitable for re One of the Khki Shirts drew a reers eighty hours a week for three sistance to the bosses attack. HOW volver and shot months, and then to throw the young Antonio to fight the capitalist offensive 18 Fierro.
the most important question.
Though the murderer is known to six months. By this treacherous Anyone can criticize after the the authorities he has not been event. We are criticizing the pro.
am upon seasonal unemployment anti fascists who were present are coupled with the longest possible conférence prior to the August 26 held by the police. They are Athos work week. Every advantage the 28 conference. Further, we were Vienna, Austria. numerous layer of the Austrian Terzani charged with first dgeree The Youth Conference against the way of all Stalinist miscarri. Workers can gaiu from the shorter the first to raise th cry of aları, Quite a number of to give a Marxian analysis, and to bombshells werking class with the aru murder and Michael Palumbo, andcistent which comerte has reserts commerfect will berkena work werk is stolen from a bele Sunday, July 16 at the Church of further confusing the workers, every emplos: fight for the mobilization of the have exploded in Austria in the last ment that the overpeid wages of charged with telonious assaul with the The Right to Organize?
attacks. At the Gillespie Trade should not be underestimated even peded the creation of work for which Is handling the defense or list of organizations, primarily the will continue to tight Finally, what about the right to auxiliaries. The Sunday meeting organize, the great gift the presented a resolu. It must not be overlooked that they cree ordered the suspension of the iug for the arrest of the real mur was to prepare for an international Statement of the Spartacus Youth Lakers claim is granted by the In.
tion, prior to the act becoming a constitute tremendous progress lu present collective agreement and derer. Full support of the Club, Communist Left Op dustrial Recovery Act? Article IV, law. bloc of Stalinists and the undermining of the entire Auslaken measures for the introduction in this case is the duty of all work conference of youth, in Paris, late ers.
this summer. About seventy dele position) to Youth Congress Section of the code states: That The murder in New York by the of young Communists representing sates, composed in the largest part Against War and Fascism New no employee and no one seeking the left wing of the conference the living standards of the Austrian building concerns, so that the tuYork, July 16th, 1933.
work shall be required to join any fighting around the resolution (See Moreak one with a deadly call, without ele building trades workers will be provocative actions elsewhere, pars and the like, appeared. The war You have assembled to organize company union, or to refrain from the Militant of June)
The national conference called any outer effects. The peace was distinctly of advantage to the boss ticularly in Philadelphia, which Resisters League, a group of mila united movement in support of joining, organizing or assisting apparently is their headquarters.
caricature of the proposal present. saw to that. but euch blow by the Muste. stalinists bloc is a not even disturbed by those who es.
Schlager Indignant With the tacit approval or wtant pacifists, the Lovestoneite the World Youth Congress against abur union of his own ecosins. All the limits of shamefulness. and order. they direct their first and the partecus Fouche ei ole Paris, August 1th, 6th, and Gl. It is the better of the Industry What is the basis for the Congress. that the method of collective bar.
sent delegates.
weeks later, at the first national The first mine was laid in the said the social democratic Federal The history of similar organizaUnder what program will the move caining set forth in such plans unemployed conference since the May days by the Dollfuss govern Councillor Schlager in an Ingu The only display of enthusiasm ment be launched. Employco Representation Plans)
became a law, at the Columbus ment, when it destroyed the worked on June 9, are overstepped in the tions such as the Xazis which provides for a day to day adjust.
Muste Stalinist conference, thel Left Opposition again raised the ens right to strike with one stroke so called bakery workers law. The started out as anti Marxist and at the conference took place when To understand this you should ment of all matters relating to the law on the holiday rest day is put ended up with the destruction of all the members of the Spartacus Youth recall the Barbusse is. Wash. com to read the state gress held in Amsterdam last Aug such principles should be maintain employment of employees. that of the pen.
question of the Industrial Recovery Act, especially dealing with its et. This blow was completed with bukery workers; the pastry bakers must be driven bome and used in ment printed below, comrade Carter ust. Led by a number of individ ed and that the rights of the em.
completely out of force for the forms of workers organizations Club, the building of a united front was allowed three minutes, after uals, so called anti war fighters, ployees and members of the indusfects upon the unemployed. We the introduction of compulsory arwere the only ones to raise our bitration for all vital Industries are even deprived of their Sunday of all labor manifestation of nascere period of disorder, indivorced from the mass organiza try to bargain collectively through on this subject. The Muste to which the printshope were added rest day, which they enjoyed up to ent Huseise in America.
the present; the shift of hours and Stalinist bloc ignored this another comrade attempted to com gress was a flasco. The American which to read the statement. Whentions of the working class, the coin des elected or appointquestion. At last they have all and lately so, the building trades. the nullitication of the provision real in accordance with such plans NAZIS LAUNCH No matter how vague the clauses that bakery workers are only to NEW plete the reading of the statement, Committee for the struggle against without interference, restraint or med its importance. But how are of this act may be, its sense is work hours per day, will have a vote was passed forbidding it. War has been living a paper exist. coercion of any sort should be preATROCITY CAMPAIGN they going to fight it?
quite transparent: the old lordly the effect of throwing out of work, AGAINST WORKERS It is significant that the ence since then. Last month an served and protected.
The socalled Employee Repre.
Colle. resor de loot wine proposed a again to be established with an bakery workers. True as the factsrew days, a new wave of persecu po tenia question to the trutal treat in the struggle asuinst Fascism per vetton of representatives on the Leipzig, Germany. In the lasters who ran the conference refused Anti Fascist Congress was held in imum wage. The left wing, Stal reached at the arbitration office, when one stops with just stating since the proscription of the International Left Opposition at physical attacks took place against elections shall be held on the preInist group proposed a 40 hour before which all disputes between them. In the streets, all those wearing about employers and workers are brought, The suspension of the Hour corduroy jackets are halted and the Paris Anti Fascist Congress this enters of the International Left mixes of the employer These reminimum wage. Later the Freiheit or if one party raises objections and ist June. report of the Paris Opposition who came as delegates presentatives shall settle differences sad that was a mistake but with against the verdict, then the super Day that holds good not only for the jackets confiscated as imper.
ont stating what should be done. arbitrator can make decision whole working class. The lowering sume holds true for the blue linen conference. Yet we were called Switzerland Germany, Italy, Hun with representatives of the em.
report on Fascism, at the Sunday Spain, Belgium, Grecec, Poland, ployer by collective bargaining Preparations for the Cleveland decision wine riever do harm to at the overtime wages is only rane shirts formerly worn by the so Conference are under way. disrupters. and out of order. sary and France. Those who for player, but in case the representa union conference was called in New the employers cause is quite ob other step others will follow un cialist Youth.
less there is resistance.
But the Nazis for questioning and for condemn berpest few years fought for the tives cannot agree, procedure for York, July 15th. The Stalinists vious.
are not con ing the treatment of our comrades correct program against Fascism in appent shall be maintained it necLet no one be deceived: At a time cerned only with clothing. The at the Paris meet.
passed out a draft resolution. This in the public utilities the elimin. in which thousands are knocking strong distribution of material from is a step forward and has some ation of the workers voice from at the factory gates the work them a blind wrath. Consequent. sions for work, just as little candemn such conduct as absolutelyployee Representation Plan is a Little can be expected of this congress, beaten up and ejected. All player, responsible for the manage. in which the all organizations has aroused in gool proposals but the draft laves the decision of their working con: wages of broad layers of conference and its customary deci true fighters against the Fascist ment of the business of such em out an answer to the trade un ditions takes place even less masking class are only slightly if at ly at the unemployment registry be expected of any of the numerous movement must vehemently comployer. In other words the Em.
tion dealing with the Needle Trade lustration is to decide about con out to the unemployed, the under been tored to undergo thorough anti war conferences that the stal. Maschinental to the struggle against company union, set up simon pure call for the Cleveland conference. After the metal workers and the nificance of social political protec stopped arbitrarily in the streets conference still to be held, will go standing for the necessity and sig examinations. Workers are also nists have conceived. Undoubted. Fascism.
In New York several attempts under absolute control of the bose, ly it, as well as the international In all of the preparations for railroad workers, the workers of (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
the Cleveland Conference the Stall the building trades form the most (Continued on Page 4)
On the morrow of the proscription of the the former social democratic factory councillers in many of the big concerns were put under arrest (Borggold, Stoehr, etc. Toronto, Canada. The Left Op International Solidarity of the greatest and most militant labor Dear Comrades, become a political throughfare The new atrocities can be ex position was the last contingent in working class. Free all the class demonstration since 1919, were able You have begun the publication eight or ten years constitutes and that it retains its influence pleting spirit or the Latitude worked Tuesday, July 12, and tollowed alation 38. Freedom for Chen Du of its ideas, the enthusiast enna of a little monthly, the Red Flag. most important task in the eductonly with that section of the proers precisely has held on This is a modest step forward. tion of the Left Opposition itself. letariat which has been forcibly longer eetly behind the official Left wing Slu and Andres Nin. Forward to idealism of its banner bearers, and We must hope that other steps You should carefully study the pushed to its side by the decomwill follow.
official publications of the Party position of both capitalism and factory cells) did not succeed in sympathizers and friends rallied we swung into Queen Park to our participation and banners, bas many factories, the NSBO (Nazl Over 150 workers. members, and Trotskyter etter Berner of Lenin the general growth of our move.
The advance of Communism in throughout this period, digest reformiam.
Great Britain is no way corre them, and bring out clearly the Along with the new printed or getting more than one or two mem behind our big masthead The In the enthusiastic tune of the Inter already brought incitements sponds to the rate of decay of ternational Left Opposition of Can national. As our contingent pro threats against us as well as the can you have at your disposal a British capitalism. The conserParty line on the matowar al problems: its atitude bectographed (excellently hecto The spreads a great deal of ada. This banner, in the centre ceeded to their station, they again other revolutionary vative traditions of British poli the Labour Party, the trade un graphed. bulletin, The Commun. nimeographed material. Organt. of which was a big hammer and shouted out the slogans of our pro quote from The Toronto Telegram, ties, including the politics of the ist. It would be extremely dezationally, however, it has been sickle, was carried by two young minent banners. When the Stalin July 13: Nothing is ions, the Minorits the unl.
working class, are in themselves the colonial more cal.
sirable devote the greatest greatly weakened, since even among girl comrades, one of the Spartacus ists as if to reply to us, shouted culated to persuade Torontoans obviously Insufficient to explain possible space in this publication the local leaders there were a num Youth Club and the other of the Long Live the of Canada, that Hitler was right than the preted front policy: the ete.
this fact. We only declar what Even the mere selection of the to the examination of the policy her of stool pigeons. Politically, we joined in the loud unison. Then sence in the Toronto demonstration is true and cannot be confuted most striking quotations, and the of the British Communist Party most of the remaining members Slogans in Parade in order to reveal our identity of banners carrying such slogans when we say that above all, and, presentation of them in chronolo along the lines indicated above, live on the hope of a revolution in As our contingent ewung off, our our comrades immediately pealed as, Victory under the Banner of alas, with greater success, than gical order, would lay bare not and also to the discussion of con the fall or the winter. There are comrades boomed out the Interna. out, Long Live the Left Opposi Trotsky. We demand the abolt.
by any other factor, the progress only the glaring contradictions of troversial questions within the some, to be sure, who come to us tional. Then followed a flow of tion. Forward to Victory under tion of Section 98. and Hands Communism during the last the general line. but also the Left Opposition itselt. While per and say: You were right. The revolutionary songs, The Red the Banner of Lenin and Trotsky. of the years has been hindered by the Inner logle of these contradie. sistently striving to widen our sentiment among the work. Flag. Solidarity Forever. The Young Communist League. Unless Victory under the ban.
The speakers representing every leadership of the British Com tions, e, the violent vacillations influence among the workers, we ers is especially encouraging. They Red Army March etc. As we came tendency in the labor movement adner of Lenin and Trotsky and munist. They, of course, have not of the Centrist bureaucracy be must at the same time make it a completely renounce the past and up Spadina to Queen St. the work dressed the big crowd from plat Hands off the Young Communist acted independently, but have tween opportunism and adventurpoint to work the theoretical look for new roads. We have roers lining the streets applauded and forms. As comrade Spector took League do not mean the advocacy only followed blindly the orders ism. Every one of these tactical and political education of our gistered good advances, created new cheered. As the march proceeded, the platform we again shouted out of revolution, the English language given by the leaders of the Com zigzag pushed Communists, sym.
own ranks. We have a long and positions for ourselves and distrithe enthusiasm and spirit of our the slogans of our banners amidst has lost its meaning. The editIntern. But this fact does not pathizers, and potential friends laborious road front of us. buted our material very well. Among comrads rose still higher, and soon the general free the British Communist bu back, to the Right, to the Left.
For this we need first class cadres. others, at an important metal fac. were shouting out the slogans of The same applause of the crowd. orial calls upon the police to take was repeated when com.
reaucracy from responsibility, and Anally into the swamp of With all my heart wish you tory. We hope, through close col our banners, all of which breathed rade MacDonald stood up on a seeWhat do the Stalinists say to the nor lessen the damage it has done. indifference. We can say with success.
laboration with other groups, to the spirit of International Solidar ond platform.
above? Is this another united The study and critical examina out the least exaggeration, that LEON TROTSKY. Increase and extend our work here ity and class struggle. Free the The Left Opposition were active front between Trotsky tion of the policy of the British the British Communist Party has Prinkipo, 10th of May, 1933 for the new Communist party. Scottsboro Boys. Long Live the participants and organizers of the burgeois press?
act Trotsky Greets Red Flag. British Organ of Left Opposition Active in Toronto Anti Nazi Meet and bers Movement: and the