Antifascist FrontBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1998 THE MILITANT PAGE workers and consolidated their reformist leaders. Worse yet: in every case where, despite the obAt each turn the reform or other, served The Greek the local unity committes for work The imperialist epoch, in Europe policy, rally around itself the ers defense were created, the bu The natioval revolution of 1821 its It must noteworthy adventuristie turns, in which politics has acquirBut of the Events by rise to this revolutionary tives to withdraw under threat of was carried through under the ined an extremely mobile character.
peak Is accomplished on the steps Acts of Capitalism and were utilized by the militarista stakes have been, of successive splits.
and perseverance only in sabotag. Revolution and financed by the explain the shooting of the royalist not some partial Leon Trotsky ing the front, from above island bourgeoisie, winch made its the Working Class ministers. This was also stated at but the fate of the regime.
It was not Lenin who invented as well as from below. All this it fortune in the Napolconic wars and the League of Nations by the Greek this fact the exces and of its lead policy of the Communist Interna the split witbin the proletariat intentions.
role of thel LAMA the policy of the united front; like atd, to be sure, with the best of by foreign commerce, particularly are seated in the Council of Banks ambassador at Geaura who used revolutionary with Russia. However the longare ists (the will of the workers. In ership is based. IL, in the good tional was correct before as well it is imposed by the dialectics of No policy of the Communist party duration of the struggle and the and vice versa.
old days We have in Greece side by side 1923 at the time of the royalist grew when the social democarey and uninterrupted as ducing the coup etat. cor would be possible without tempor could, of course, have transformed intervention of the Holy Alliance ly, like the capitalism which nourrect policy, however, begins with a ary agreements, for the sake or tan the social democracy into a party which prevented the extension of with backward forms of productiou rising the party allied itselt with of the revolution. But neither was the frontiers of free Greece So ished it, the leadership of Bebel correct appraisal of the situation. fillins immediate tasks, among that the aim. It was necessary to weakened the Greek bourgeoiste the most developed type of finance, the military government and apresembled a general staff tranquilly Yet, for the last four years, in fact various sections, organizations and Shaleentie plans for a war to the up to March 5, 1933, we heard day groups of the proletariat. Strikes. exploit to the limit the contradie that for the whole period up tim capital, suve two banks, which are welede by the workers to culist as trade unions, journals, parliamentism In order to weaken Fascism. Greek capitalism was unable to capitalist groups, the whole bankieto sve democracy. In 1945 they tion between reformism and Fase the beginning of the 20th century greatly dependent upon foreign volunteers under the bourgeois lag the dictator Pangulos in 1926 with under present conditions the Cen Fascist front was growing uninter demand that the split ber bridgedism by exposing to the workers the development Manufacture hadtional Bank of Greeee. But the tral Committee of a revolutionary ruptedly in Germany, that Nation in practice from time to time as incapacity of the Social Democratic practically been ruined by the war National Bank also collaborateties of Pangalos, and we hemicht not come after all. in and day out that a mighty antiary elections, street demonstration at the same time weakening reform make any signal advances in its system is bound up with the collaborated with party resembles the field headquar al Socialism was retreating and the need arises; that is, they de leadership. These two tasks fused and the merchant marine which with the Bank of England and with the slogut of a Lett republic and pure democracy which proves.
da ters of an army in action. The strategy of the study has been re disintegrating, and that the whole placed by the strategy of the bat situation was under the aegis of Form of one. In the first stages of the Communist International bu the Greek bourgeoisie transformed durikes it easil Bekane warunk moto, Thou came the third pertinent tle fleld.
Although the party led many The struggle against a central could policy have been correctly and spontaneously from below. Isult: the capltulation of the re of the revolution was also badly of the country with them. Through the interests of crippledThe bourgeoisie was re its wen tua Uful conclusion, it could Trained in a spirit of striet dle it was based was knocked over likeled to fighting through the organii the Social Democratie workers re overned the country until the last huge transport and industrial control it could bring none of them zations, unity must also be estab maindl with their leaders; the years prior to the war.
cessions, etc.
cipline, the German workers assi a house of cards?
tot crystalline a new leadership.
vigor during the War and the poli. sive retreat by the fact that the ditions existing in advanced capithemselves and in the leadership. ran to spring up in Greece, trade Bether with lariat, cruited to Now the party in it shell of an ormilated this ideht with renewed The Praesidiam justifies the pas lished at the top. Under the con Communist workers lost faith in In 1860 small scale industry be has courulation without a spinal column.
the hits influence over the radicalized tical convulsions which followed it. Communist party, lacking the supalist countries, the slogan of only The masses wanted to fight, but grew and the merchant marine beageously struggled against the masses who are coming towards defects of their leadership, buting class could not engage in Ism, fostered by memories of the they were obstinately prevented came more and more important, bourgeoiste. The arrival none of them as an individual is decisive battle without committing first stages of the revolutsist slon, uneasiness and finally disoriencies began to assert themselves composition of the working class official and exclusive representative froin doing so by the leaders. Ten Weak bourgeois democratis tend refugees in 1922 1023 changed the Communism only because it is the able to take off the urip of the a crime. Nevertheless, the same removement, especially in organization. The workers as a solution considers the July 20 call Russia.
entation disrupted the proletariat in the political movement and the and its conditions of struggle. They of the and the Russian rev: from within. It is dangerous to bourgeoisie showed some signs of ning by Greek capitalism to cutatus of the party stalinism only By mintaining the appar whole consider it better to have for a general political strike as At a certain level, the struggle keep molten metal too long on the influence.
a strong leadership, even if a faultydser known reason special praiso, though for for unity of action is converted fire: it is still more dangerous to wages and to beat down the del compromises the struggles of the one, than to pull different direc Isome neglects from an elemeutary fact into a tac, keep society too long in a state of to take on an accelerated rhythm unparalleled suffering and wretched slogans which have no basis in The rise of the bourgeolsle began mands of the other workers whose Greck proletariat toy its militarist activities. Never before in the his March Is not the general strike the united front solves nothing. Itseotsie swung over in its over, made headway against the landed theirs. But these young elements. tic.
tlons or to resort to freelance to mention an identical call of deal task. The simple formula of revolutionary crisis. The petty bour at the opening of this century. It conditions were no better than actual fact and are purely scholastory start played to important role strike calls wholly corresponded to for unity, but also reformists, and National Socialism only because in economic strength. In 1900 the who fell into the vise of capitalism.
The Left Opposition or borne such responsibility as in the obligations of a leading role even Fascists The tactical appli the proletariat, paralyzed from bourgeoisie gave a demonstration soon became the most abertssive Communist or unixation of Bolshe The present Left Opposition, the the present epoch.
in the anti Fascist united front cation of the united front is sub above, proved powerless to lead it of its strength.
The unparalleled defeat of the under the conditions of the revolu ordinated, in every given period, to along a different road. The military coup elements and they have conducted vik Lluist (Archiomarxists) hus its roots in the origins of the party.
important event since the conquest the strike calls fell on deat eura preparing the revolutionary nincsence of resistance on the part of trusted man of the bourgeoisie Creek proletariat.
At the foundation congress of the of power by the Russian proletariat. Hobody came out and answeredtion of the workers, without and assurance of Fascism and diminishehe The political and trade union or party in 1918 the left wing clearly The first task on the morrow of the theme But it, between them official en pasta referimism, Belong, persisted the fear of the big bourgeoisie cu leader the Creek bourgeoisie ganizations of the Greek proletar distinguished itself from the ro the leadership the most responsite strikes els han tibes one hand, and Portugalete sunited front with the the inevitable demoralization was the les Greek come togewichten and by the Russiamo revolution anti brukes from us, fermed the locom ble leaders who are heaven be the facts and deeds on the other, reformists is necessary, always, of the Communist detachment, Increas economically well developed terrt 1823. 41 the sincere and pathos to the imprisoned rank and diction, it is hard to understand the final revolutionary goal. It la rhudered impossible even a partial etc.
praised, safe and sound) point with there arises such a crying contra course from the point of view of inkly isolated from the proletariat, tories (Macedonia, Aegean islescareerist elements took a red magazine Communismo, organ: Ale executors of their policies in wherein a correct policy can be dis precisely in this field that Lenin resistance. Thus the triumphal aide by Stalinism, the revolution propaganda courses, etc. It poorder to suppress all criticism. We tinguished from a disastrous one. gave us incomparable examples.
procession of Hitler over the bones The Balkan wars and the great ary ferment dying down, the ressed. But after the adoption of can only meet such a spuriously in any case, the Praesidium has The strategic organizations war which lasted for Greece til formist leaders took control of the the points by the party and the sentimental argument with con forgotten to explain which was cor Communist International of the of the proletarian was false was assured.
tempt. Our solidarity with those rector the two strike calls or the from beginning to end. The point the false strategic conceptions catastrophe helped the Greek bour center) was abandoned in 1925 to representative of the It fused geoisie to amass a fortune, to cen conservative elements by its leaders with the party.
Communist International But perhaps the division in the munist party was that there collided with realits at every stage of the peasantry which bore the now the leaders of the reaction in highest posts in the party. num.
assailable, but this solidarity does tralize wealth by the expropriation who as members of the party are These comrades not extend to accepting the mis ranks of the proletariat was the nothing but a mere division occupied takes ined the lead you tires chosen flame for the defeati? socha nyerte labor between the social democracy comprehensible and inexplicable to support the most. 600. 000 hertugees the proletarian movement. er of them The Communist Party others understood that it was nee vanced. The preliminary condition letariat, as a universal slogan, is helping to aceravate the discord Formist leaders cannot be permit the ideas of the vanquished are ad lazy minds. The unity of the pro are similar if not identical. Instead ple of the Communist Iriternational who returned without any material united front with the re resources to the country.
The Communist party was foundary to work for the formation for For a whole month not a single homogeneous. The split begins with political adversary and integrincipal femmist headers the natoste perencitduring the war, particularlyn the who baptized themsetres Communist palli theo communist gerticeluya Communist organ, the Moscow the political awakening of the pro toe for which it would have been hour, the Committee manufacturers Greek ists under the Intluence of the Rusities inside the party and in the Pravda not excepted, uttered a letariat, and constitutes the mech sufficient to proclaim the truth German Communist partye without capitalism began to boom. It es sian revolution and the sentiment working classe ene in this word on the catastrophe of March antes conflits growth. approaching re sense that the first group met in the conditions the Praesidium of the Executive crisis, when it is to pened social Communist International convinced to the leaders of the social demploy 200, 000 workers. Hundreds of olution in with the led the reformists and the Fascistocracy, proposing the united front thousands of expropriated refugees came to the fore in the party after the winter of 1821 and (laborated a program along these lines. Eduthe Praesidium oscillated between letariat, provided with a correct repulsed the Social Democratic reformist camp interpreted this centration of industry has progress without ever having lum a Com national would say. For its part task, can the vanguard of the pro their conciliation, embittered and Both leaders and workers in the necessary to capitalism. The con inism. The Greek Communist party in beyan and was carried on systematically. This was two contradictory variants: The step, not as the product of fear, ed and now the industrial magnates munist party passed from the stage combined with the issuance of the German Central Committee led us. on magazine Archives of Marxism astray. and the German Central trap. After the inevitable failure which published the classical works Committed pursued a correct polof an attempt at the icy. The first variant was ruled Communist Internetomise. al. Angels, Lenin and Trotsky Jin Greek language. Up till that out: the preparation of the catasthat the appeal be ignored and the time no Communist publication extrophe had taken place under the LETTER FROM HAMBURG Fascism. There are united front very idea of a united front was isted in eyes of everybody, and the contro Our groupe shows good advances formations here with the Black once more proclaimed counter rev Philip Scheldemann, the German ful they were as servants, and mut Greece.
The appearance of the magazine versy with the Lett Opposition that here for the past few months. Few Front, some collaboration has al olutionary. Such an insult to the social chauvinist, now safely buried ter impotent threats against thote se disturbed the bureaucracy that preceded the catastrophe had too connections with and ready taken place.
political consciousness of the mass in Karlsbad, reappeared for a min. were glad in 1914 to support the May meeting of pass torn up Communist International. At, last There has not been any loss in equalization action brought with up to March one could, with some ute to offer his apologies in the Kaiser in the war, now call for ay gangs organized by them.
the Central Committee, with Thal comrade arrested for our special members. Some weeks later a fear of the enemy, might possibly have been very nasty in fact the these adventurers That ralyze greed. After Ignoring It silently (mann It must be the task entire mann at its head, was completely work. All other arrests have taken kreat many of those discharged call upon the Social Democracy, at have been slanderous. One may expulsions begun. They kept discorrect up to and during Hitler place on account coup Etat. It is only to be re party and the of work in the were rehired. In some concerns the last moment, under the club of Nazi lies is the claim that Herr pot exclude a bloody War is weltering Archiomarxists in the mass organizations. the stockyards. o. the enemy then the appeal of the scheidemann and the other social evident.
party till 1925 and expelled them.
sretted that all those who were or group is publishing its organs functionaries were made commis. praesidium on March sproposing democrats stabbed the army in the after a lifetime of prasyfooting The years of 1920 1928 were dispatched into the beyond by the ringularly. The composition of our sarial factory councillors, natural Joint action to the Social Democra back with a revolution. Instead, with the bourgeoisie in Germany years of bitter struggle in which Fascists did not learn of this con roup has been improved consider ly after the inevitable. equalizatic partick of the entire world, in en september 29, 1918, the army proper, Herr Scheidemann makes the stalinists took recourse to ter soling affirmation before they died. ably in the last months by a growth tion.
dependent of the internal conditions leaders demanded peace The resolution of the Praesidium in the number of factory workers.
even this the army had completely broken even this Karlsbad boldness is tomarxists. The present leaders of does not attempt to analyze the Ilsefar as the parts tovorni orkesterbe. com alio moting the cartes dictis explanation and ma possibile. Vem this down. On October 16, Wilson xoliey of the German Communisteerned, it must be said that its among the leadership. The belated and worldwide proposal for it clear that he would made characteristic of the social dem the partacos group were the or party which was, above all else. disintegration is being hustened by confidence of the membership in a united front, when Germany was never with the Kaiser. Only the only a deathbed snort: Herr Schei way the cowardly murders of com only ocratic bureaucracy, though it wanizers of these attempts. In this with to have been expected but consti heavy blows dealt through spies. the top lenders is very low. MADY Reichstag fire, there was no longer did Scheidemann, a member of the demann calls for war against Hit radi Georgoplatos, bakery democratic government, revealed by the flames of tutes another in the long series of the most notorious of these cases the ler not, god forbid, by a mobiliza worker and Ladies, a indictments against the social dem. is the case of a certain Kaiser. er. In many cases, comrades who a word about social Fascism. The Kaiser last cabinet, and there, ton of the world working class trouk place. These workers were units a coalition within bores coins mens the unemployed the two Trotskyista, come to us for ad bearedits hard to believe this. toe them botheby rebetulan. So were szede world and this appeal tants in our timehe roadre we teevaded. real struggle against leadership of the party and of the ruletionaries to request the colla white the refrain from criticism these facts Scheldermann defende end of the bureaucratic physiology: ccause we had comrades in the. In Kavilla Its hands the leadership of the Today Kaiser is a leading collabor y comrades come to our discus whole period of the joint struggle. ler, who has continued for fi call upon the workers to struggle powder and revolver mass, labor organizations, it sue ator of the state police. Recently this forces the bureaucracy to call capitulation to reformism had hard the stab in the back by the Novem very last trust in evdry other quack came the third period. While the The wave of this panic stricken teren in the produce by the codems in time, the bureaucracy to the meant for us, were seized. Then salvation. And when everything is party was busy with the conquest strike. All this is true. But it is that he had been for two years a deal Anal blow against Trot sworo fealty to Hitler, and Leipart nothing new. The social dem functionary of the information de skyism.
But to whom Scheidemann all over, when the enemy is firmly of the streets, there was free offered Fascism his assistance and apologizing? Is it to the workers entrenched, it takes an order de ground for the rebuilding of the form, exhausted the progressiveness German Labor Party (Fascists. The support. The Communists, imme whom he and the other social dem priving them of their pensions to trade unions, so that in 1980 two of its mission, as capitalism was er of these wople exclusively proceeds apce. The workers and right in calling the Social Dem vation of the imperialist war? chanyinism in favor of salvation under our influence. On the eve trade unions in Salthat he carried out the diately declared the Praesidium ofocratie lenders betrayed on August bake the bureaucratie lepers Sorevolution and Pireaus were transforming itself into imperialism.
During the war the social dem within the ranks of the Communist officials of the state concerns hasocrats social Fascists. These peo it to the Spartacists whom the by the entire civilized world. of our first national conference The example of Scheidemann is there were scarcely any trade un strument of imperialism. After the healthy party to contain within its lose out by equalization. The aid they themselves abandon the of Ebert, Scheidemann, Landsberg, deep, though tragic. lesson in son organisations but ours and the family doctor of capitalism. The these spies to stea in palitions with especially shamefully in this town. Before this unmistakable comtema Scrats, kuded in December 1918 and tion, it is neerssary once more to (from La Verite. Communist party strove to be its in it. But this Kaiser is a lum. After the arrests of 2, they tion of it? Luckily, nobody dares January 1019? Is it to Liebknecht recall that this degeneration began the whole course of development? any decent worker will have noth. cooperate. All trade union functhe plate embarrassing questions to and Luxemburg who were oriented substitute for et social che SUBSCRIBE TO The chaotic state of International ing to do. Only the inner party retionaries left the socialist party in do not stop there: the bureaucracy Not at all. Scheidemann is apolog conception of the Permanent Rev. UNSER WORT relations, the collapse of pacifist aime bronght him to the top. This body, If they are not yet mem: thinks too slowly to keep pace withizing to the same bourgeoisie whom plution where Stalinist bureaucracy Gorman and are interested in getWorkers and friends who read Illusions, the unparalleled crisis skunk is responsible for hundreds bers of the Nazi party, that is not the present tempo of events. Hard be served so faithfully during the too, within its own limits and in itating first hand accounts of conat: which is tantamount to a great war of arrests and raids. Rumors ary their fault.
with its aftermath of spidemics spreading in the party ranks that all this, it would seem, revealed other leading But in spite of its capitulation, upon the famous twins. than Hit saved from the proletariat during ready gone a long stretch of the tions in Germany can do so by the decadent character of European spies. It is rarely possible to test good proletarians. This has been struction of the tree trade unions triumph he made possible by diseration. The fate ot scheidemann illegal organ of the German Lese capitalism and the hopelessness of out these rumors, but they cause expressed in 10 May Day meetings and, incidentally, arrested Leipart arming the proletariat with parlia should serve the warning to the Address all subs to Unser Wort, reformism.
Then what happened to the Com days of April the party was dealt average. At the funeral of the do tween the twin brothers are not munist party? In reality the Com a particularly heavy blow. In two puty Biedermann, who was murder entirely brotherly.
But now Scheidemann and all sort to Karlsbad Boldness. Com care of the Militant, 128 East 16th munist International is ignoring days, blg printships were dised by Fasciats, about 2000 social the boot lickers of his type are munists everywhere must work with Street, New York City.
ARE YOU SUBSCRIBER one of its own sections, even though covered and material worth several democratic workers gathered. As historic reality, with its interests er is the Social Democracy able to tion of Permanent Revolution in Instead of taking reformism as a cast out as useless tools. No long all forces to prevent this and for TO THE MILITANT?
votes in the election. That is no ated. The whole manner of the cles, a Left wing is soon to split oscillations to the right and lett, bourgeois democracy by holding in the Communist Party of longer a mere vanguard. It is a action showed that it was the work away under the leadership of sev the buren wodels. Le part readi bourgeoisie are using the reactiongreat Independent army. Why, then, of a spy in the apparatus.
operates with back the workers. Instead the eral functionaries with the perspec mechanical If the number on Soviet Union did it take part in the events only your wrapper is.
182 as a victim of repression and poAbout the Revolutionary tive of the creation of a new In ness to crawl on all fours after the ary storekeepers, white collar slav Storm Troopers OPEN AIR MEETINGS dependent Social Democratic Party, detent, is offered as an argumentes, students, and peasants 18 a ption groms? Why, at the decisive hour, expired.
FOR NEW YORK If you want to get the Milltant promptly every week paralysis! There are streamstances tion among party members here out by the best recently came detent for the purpose of avoiding destroy all tracesus birth democratic Manhattan Teh St, and 2nd Ave.
renew your subscription at making fighting agreements with zations including the happy hunt 86th Street and Lexington Ave. without giving battle. su defeat storm Troopers) are revolutionary group. Our comrades have estabes the defeat. As if the policy of rights, demolisho all workers orrate once: per year for Afty the reformists were based upon the ing ground of may result from the superiority of the comrades are of the opinion lished connections with it.
every Thursday night P.
two weekly issues; a half Scheldemann bu Harlem: 125th st. and 5th Avenue, valor of the reformist leaders and reaucracy the social democracy.
the enemy forces; after derent one that in the future struggles it will year for twenty six weekly All comrades sending in news ac not upon the incompatibility of the every Saturday night may recover. The passive surren not be the masses included in the 188cs.
Now the social democrats, who Bronx: 163rd Street and Prospect der of all reveals an organic incapacity to will play the decisive role, but the counts and articles for publication organs of the proletarian democracy have been fortunate enough to savel Ave. every Sat. night P.
decisive positons present labor organizations that THE MILITANT 126 East 16th St.
their hides, all the places of exlle, Brooklyn: Pitkin Ave. and Bristol Continued on Page 4)
Oght which does not go unpunished. atsillusioned men, who will in the Militant are requested to and the Fascist bands.
whimper to their master how faith. St. Brownsville) Friday night The Praesidium tells us that the put the rope around the neck of prepared typed copy, triple speed.
News from Workers in Naziland Last Whimpers from Scheideman This of the masses, and as it had in kowtowed to the top leadership. part ask us for material. Au is the your