AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1933 Perspectives for American Lessons of the Leninist United Front Tactic The Bulletin of the Russian Class Struggles Needs Your Aid time as it was ricts the available as the vanguard must have suffi cides over the heads of their menuse of the united front from bTIONS of the working Letter from Party Member Exposes Bureaucracy in not (Continued from last issue) weakens the misleaders of the other low. over the heads of the leaders AGAINST UNITED FRONT organizations. When we invited the and the organizations.
whole organization and the Left THE RELATION OF THE (Continued from last Issue) to establish the dictatorship of the FROM ABOVE An opportunist deviation which wing responds and the Right wing UNITED FRONT FROM ABOVE BULLETIN OF THE OPPOSITION ficulties. It is forbidden not only It is a fundamntal teaching of proletariat in contradistinction to (BOLSHEVIKS LENINISTS)
by Stalin but also by Hitler and the swamp is the united from Heult for the Right wing lenders The united front with leaders of its swaddling clothes, extenus dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. above. When the leadership of an to fight the united front than it and the united front from below To Readers Who Are Adherents and Mussolini: it is factually forbidden to readers who are sympathizers! Lithuania, Iatavia and a few other the scale of production at the same section of the working class known organization comes together and de is when they have a chance to are both wrong. united front light through must be BETWEEN ORGANIZAThe profound crisis through which countries. The entry and circulank class for the Soviet Union has been passing tion of the Bulletin into these bership or without the participa market. As capital numerically dion of the membership, except by the working class (or between pol for the last few years has reached countries is tied up with great dit accumulates, cient strength, both itical tendancies, groups and fac the decisive stage. The Soviet Un tieulties and expense. Stalin, on tions, etc. You do not appeal ion is in danger. Stalinism is lead his part. resorts to most ferocious expended on the means of produc lutionary proletariat onto the broad on and how to unite you can be rom being it to ruin with seven leagad me to close up the roads for tion in proportion to that expanded Lenin. And, in the opinion of the bring the desired results.
and assured that wrong start will not low. You bring PRESSURE on boots. Under these conditions the the Bulletin into The for labor power. Competition be writer, it is precisely this point The united front between leaders, win the and file from below Inition assumes tremendous his ways. We are issuing a special the fundamental to force the ORGANIZATION Into torical significane The Bulletin edition of the Bulletin for USSR.
pels the production or commodaties task of the LWeek varuus capitalistic units com which covevolutionary the united front from above, is a ut lower cost, thut 15, with each parties today. It is one of building front of the working class. The denial and violation of the united he united front. Have the other serves as one of the most important the wall size and bulk of which organizations elect delegates weapons of this struggle for the facilitates its entry into the Soviet of commodity containing a smaller the vantionary amount of necessary labor power. state of Cory consciousness tees in advance the victory of the into a united front of the leaders guaran It is time that Communists shoula through their orgnizational chan aving of the October Revolution. Chion. Upon request, we will for in an effort to do this, more and a larger number of American work light wing. the opportunists, and openly state their views and aims. nels to the united front regardless Hven though more capital is expended for laborers, of educating them in the stra the labor takers over the Left The tactics of the official Commun of who are selected as the dele in an insignificant quin fructed and readers. this cation saving sucniuery With the result tegy and tactics of the coming wing, the revolutionists, theist party contradict the fundament. Eates. You try to obtain Left wing tity of copies, it nevertheless plays as well as the circulars we issue al aspects of Marxism which are celerates, but you take what you a big role in its life, in the forma mire new resources. These we tout unemployment grows, at tirst truggle. Tomorrow the nature of united action No essential for the strengthening get what they clect. the ortion of genuine revolutionary ex lack. Generally there obtains relatively, duu a ter, absolutely, is our tasks may change. But, until AGAINST THE UNITED that happens, they must be con FRONT FROM BELOW of the party.
ganizations, send misleaders and dros. The ideas of the Bulletin among a few unders of the Bulletin well.
sidered in their proper chronol The tactics and strategy of Stal Lietrayers they must be scated in res from mouth to mouth. Our an incorrect conception regarding For example, thu llouver commit logical order.
ted front from below is the most inism low not from contemporary the united front representing their task lies in strengthening this role: the thuancial security of our publicas teu report, Recuul Economie in nchieving a larger circulation of tion. At no time was this even in Changes, tells us thout the number SIMMONS. harmful caricature and denial of requirements but from complex espexctive organization.
che united front possible. If The dialectics of the united front the Bulletin in In sue prospect. This iste of every num.
an system of buren ucracy which bases of workers employed in the major and difficulties manufacturing me and it is si. On a Club Plan with three on some concrete issues Font Itselt on an erroneous foundation between organizations is to win the ceeding in publishing it each month her is tied up with immense efforts Half Year sub to the Militant organization desires a united But never braucies of mudustry (agricuture, and pro The Inreancracy has adventuristic rank and tile (now) and expense regularly.
action (above. successful For this we require the help of has the Bulletin been in so onerous ways) in tue u. fell from 25, 106 others it is only 50 cents. coeds to send the call to all orally anticipated the This concept of below and above 000 in 1918 20 to 23, 125, 000 in 22 ganizations it is sure it can con building of an isolated socialist was nothing in common with unt readers and friends, primarily fin a material condition as it is at the trol, mechanically or ideologically, society the This in under ancial help. The Bulletin is fore present time. The publication of 20. At the same time, production od to contend with unheard of dir. the Bulletin itself is being threat was increased 18 percentau iu Doll Workers Win but refuses to send the call to turn has created a dogma of action. cd fronte put forward other organizations of the working which, stands in fundamental con UNITED FRONTS AND en And in the meantime, the crease of 27 percent per worker. Iu class, because the leaders of the tradistinction to Lenin teachings. INDIVIDUALS situation dictates the transition of manufacturing alone the number Demands in Strike other organizations are fakers, bel. have recently been admitted The united front is not a tactle Spartacus Youth Club The Bulletin to a monthly schedule, or workers tell from 10, 780, 000 to cause of fear of losing control and into the where have come to corral a group of prominent in 4, 810, 000 and production was ininstead invite the rank and helpon such situations that havdividuals, liberals, and artists, who in Over Night Hike dates. The editors of the Bulletin have set themselves the pressing creased 22. percent un increase The Doll and Toy Workers (Laf alone to unite, over the heads of dumbfounded me and proved the do not represent organizations or task of achieving this. This task of 34. percent tween 102. 29, according to Lewis the Runeberg Doll Shop, 48 Weet their own leadership, the results impotence of my party which is al political tendencies.
worker. Be ayette St. won their strike at The Spartacus Youth Club legedly the lender of workingfront must have in as well as the guaranteeing of the Corey, while production was in 3th stone of the biggest shops to the misleaders and the fakers class in its serueries for emancipais conndation froWORKINGA KLASS vites all friends, sympathizers and existence of Buletin in general, and a scarick for those who carry tion. Prior to my admittance ex ORGANIZATIONS. Such a united young workers to meet at 126 East decisive and systematie help of increasing by avout 2 millonsitecognition of the union, and the on the united front from below.
pomuled some revolutionary con front end use as an auxiliary a few oth st. on Saturday, July 15th friends and readers. In the past yearly, due to the displacement or shop committee; hiring and firing It would be excellent if the task workers by machinery and other in control of the union and of winning misled workers scepts that coincided with those of prominent individuals and friends 12 noon. We leave promptly on this help was far from sufficient.
were the was immediately brand of labor. They must play subor our overnight hike.
technological causes.
crease in wage scales even for no simple. If the united front fromed a Trotskyite. This caused a dinated role and in no case should Be prepared for a slice of genu xible to speed matters ahead. We Without this help it will be impos On one hand, this process causes the girls who scabbed and tried to below were a short cut to winning delay to me entrance into the parts. they be given the leadership of the ind outdoor life, and bring flash appeal for decisive help and we are the rate de parul somad, thereby call the police, were, gained by the the rank and file from the mislead only when it appeared that was nevements lights, blankets, cooking two er s, onr task would already be an converted was given my member. GUIRANTEE LEADERSHIP utensils, firmly banking upon it.
compelling the capitalists to seek to militant doll workers after et al.
accomplished fact. This would im hip book.
We are in need of financial help: increase the mass of protit ly ex weeks of picketing OF THE UNITED FRONT This victory in the first strike ply a rapid transformation of tending the scale of operation and We return Sunday evening to the of immediate and regular contribua The bureaurats refuse to polemedasime against Trotskyism in an ob the capitalist class under the lead songs, Dancing. All very informal orders. All our friends and also to seek to tuduction of in action, and preparations for catedrank and file which Join the united front against headquarters for a social. Music, tions. We are in need of new subof exploitation or jective way but immediately de ership of the Communists (the all very fres.
the best surplus value per worker by means striking bother of the big shops is shaken off its misleaders and their wed it to all new members as Stalinist format united Spartacus Youth Club holds a mase free of charge simple copies of scribers.
st way very Wednesday evening the or wage cuts, speed up, etc. and onder way. On this may bang the pretty bourgeois ideology. The edu.
We are ready to forward counter revolutionary tendency to formulate ber or effective consumers and there on between the workers of the ers is not so simple that it can be learned that the road for success keological control and leadership Inth st. and 2nd Ave. Members and your renders.
the other hand, it reduces the num. fute of the negotiations to be careation of misled rank and file work. From these observations have front. We Communists hope to win open air meeting at the corner of the Bulletin to addresses sent us extent of individual to for an opportunist or a careerist in through our superior program, but sympathizers, take note.
It sets in motion a Canon Industry and the bosses, under the accomplished by telling them provisions of the Industrial Reunite with us over the heads of the party a matter of fact, no one, not even those who have We must succeed in having all subscribers pay for their subscripcapitalism can never permanently covery Act.
tions solve.
Last Saturday the union BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONS. the destructive characteristics in tion, can mechanically obtain lead MINNEAPOLIS PICNIC We must have addresses of book regularly and promptly.
Add to this the facts that capi who were deteated in the elections lies of the organizations can be telligencelies in the degree of United fronts are not called under of Farulla and Joseph Cannon, where the leadership and the pol. all members above the average in ership of the movement in advance. Sunday, July 23 Starting 11 A: stores, selling Russian literature talisin has already developed ite otticers in the union last year, put to a test, to enable the rank the verbal denunciation of Trot our leadership, or any other leadRiverside Park on South Side to stock Bulletins on commission productive forces beyond the effec and who thereupon opened up their and file to see leaders and pro skylam.
ership EVERYBODY WELCOME tive capacity of the world market, own little private office, called a grams in action that is the way will do all in my power to force it is wrong for one basis for sale. Nationally Known Speakers We need assistance in the matter that litar national spare the beat the mass meeting of their own workers, de ciucate and win the rank and the back to the correct policy for local committee and adopthe Auspices: Minneapolis Free of popularizing the Bulletin; there tween its various units, etc. are They did not want to go to Wash Workers belonging to organiza Mooney Conference our adherents live and in which the international do con, that capi ington without any workers to retions have faith in their organizamyself a purt of the Left Oppostaraft program and call the existence of the Bulletin is talism is in the fourth year of a Present. About twenty workers tions and often, their leaders. They tion and will fight for its reinte organisations to the united front.
violent process which attempts to and three thugs showed up.
it There are certain exceptions where THE MILITANT are placed in a position where they cration into the where widely known, and in which it is emergency demands speed, but re establish temporarily its lost The folland Toy Workers Union must function THROUGH THE htfully belongs.
those who take the initiative must Entered as a second class mat not on sale.
Hvery reader who is an adherent equilibrium, that there has been a is calling u mus meeting Saturday, ORGANIZATION if they desire to Apmly believe that the theories were to it that the program and matter November 28, 1928, at the must take stock of all his resources general narrowing of markets due July 15th at Stuyvesant Casino continue as members because of and practises of the Luft Oppost leadership is be to unemployment, lowered living standards and the developiasies Rosenberg Doll Co. as in the pre thehe workers to unite with us over with the power of Marxism.
iu In the struggle of the workers of false. con el recontrol. Whyte asking Tirty because they are endowed to eking class conferizationer have Published weekly by the Communist sponse! We await financial assist many formerly backward delegates, even thongh the condiof native industrial workers, and rutory work of the unton; in the the head of the leaders and the. Although am unemployed at tlone force the initiative upon one League of America (Opposition) ance!
Address all letters and money EDITORIAL BOARD you have a rough picture of united the present time, just as soon as political current. In fact, one polt. Martin Abern world situation today.
remittances to The Bulletin Fund iets, in picket line duty, in work front from below, we are telling lay my hands on a dollar bitical current will James Cannon Meichler bis rue Maurlee Spector Marey, Paris (XX. Max Shachtman Etienne The United States, as a national in the office; the Spartacus Youth these workers to break with their will become a regular subscriber initiative, but this has nothing in Arne Swabeck pelled to find additional foreign more active and prominent rold giving the mislenders an excuse revolutionary organ that gives its interpret this to mean, under our Vol. 6, No. 40 (Whole No. 182)
An account of the sums received will be published regularly in the markets. That it will succeed in than the Young Communist League, for sabotaging united SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1933 Bulletin.
is its the other hand. The acted from readers a realistic version of his leadership fronttorie facts and a corresponding rev(To Be Continued)
Subscription rate: 00 per year the position of a highly Editors of the Bulletin of efficient from below strengthens rather than olutionary diagnos.
HUGO OEHLER Foreign 50 cents per copy. the Opposition Paris.
manufacturing plant competing with a less advanced one. Its su the order of the day the question WHAT STAND DID THE technique and greater reof the open participation of the LEFT OPPOSITION TAKE?
sources, as posed on its foreign competitors by Fascism makes its appearance as this, the role of socialist party the second representative agent of means of war debts and loans, give it an advantage that cannot be and Fascism of Germany will in no weakened.
wise be the bourgeoisic. Like the social democracy, but to greater degred, overcome. Thaelmann, Some Mistakes in Puscism possesses ita special army, However, as the United States Stalinism did not recognize as on the decisions of the XI or Theoretic and Practical Work. its particular interests and its own munist International and the Ger count the position and inter relation expands it will do so at the ex pense of other exporting powers, class against the threatening danits task, to arouse the working plenum of the May Die Internationale, November Dec logic as a movement. We know man situation. september 1930, or all classes, circumna till inte tedation 1931. that in order to save and stabilizerige 13. proletariat, then the difference apprimarily England, thereby heightThe Leipzig party convention The x1 Plenum of the ears to be quite enormous. Page ening their internal contradiction of Fascism. On the contrary, and driving their workers even the Staliuists took pins to de confirmed fully the camd to the decision that it was 31. monstrate new day in day out, the resolution of the IX (1) Plenum imperative to put an end to those. In order to try to find a way out, closer to revolutionary action. At crroneous views which originate in the bourgeoisle must absolutely rid the same time, the prerequisites that between democracy and of the which declared ascism there is no basic differ that in our parties the counter pos the liberal interpretation of the itself of the presure exerted by the for such expansion include a low FOREWORD contradictions between Fascism and workers anizations, these must ering of the standard of living of cuce. Nothing was more quali ing of Fascism and bourgeois dem ocracy is a liberal interpretation The victory of German Fruscism closes a distinct epoch of bourgeois democracy, as well as cerds be eliminated, destroyed, utAmerican workers by all the meaus fied to make the workers under estimate the danger of ascism (Martynov. Komm. Internat. May political history and opens a new one. In the course of the past between the parliamentary forme terly crushed.
at the capitalists disposal as well as year the Stalinist bureaucracy did all that was possible without of bourgeois dictatorship and the At this juneture the historie role a tightening of the house of centrall than this distorted formula of 1931, No. page 895. But even worse is the fact that it, to render the Fascist victory vier. Addressing itself to the Stalinim.
outright forms. The gist zation around the necks of of Fascism begins. It sets on its weaker in spite of the conclusions of the XI proletariat of the world, the Left Opposition (Bolshevik Lenin this stalinist philosophy is quite eet those classes that are immecapitalist enterprises to the point They in our ranks who erroneous Plenum, In spite of the masterly ists) criticized implaenlly the policies of the Stalinist bureauwhere ever larger numbers of theun ly Act along the line of a belief in clarification of the problem as preplain: From the Marxist dimial of diately above the proletarint and crney and gave its answers to all problems as they were posed the absolute contradiction, it de who are wer In drend of being are driven out of existence, thereby the existence of a baste contradic sented in the final words of com by events.
duces the total negation of any contoreul down ranks: it organhastening the already rapidamericantlon between between the social wrot in our ranks tendencinetton At present no proletarian revolutionary can close his eyes to the conflict between the two factions raging within the camp tive contradictiory. This error is expense of finance capital, under industry.
democracy and Hitler party, are wards a liberal counter distinction typical of vulgar radicalism. What the cover of the official government, demtant and instructive task by collecting and classifying according By the very process of attempting harmful and fatal to the Commun. of Fascism and bourgeois Next, and it directs them to the extirpato subject the clearest and most inclusive statements that were ce 28. ds exist betweention of proletarian organizations, to escape the effects of its contra ist movement. Indeed, this is our ocracy, of the Hitler party and so dictions America will weld its chief danger.
cial Fascism.
given in answer to theoretic and practical questions, on the one democracy and Fascism. It is not from the most revolutionary to the workers into a clase conscious mass. Manitsky, Report, XI Plenum (Thaelmann, Some Mistakes in hand by the Stalinist bureaucracy, and on the other by the Left As vages continue to fall and un of the EC April 1931, Kom Our Theoretic and Practical Work. Opposition (Bolshevik Lenintsts. hope that this rare collee in the language of Marxism, it does Fascism is not merely a system employment to rise, the pretty table munistische Internationale, No. 16, Die Internationale November Dec tion of citations will soon find its way to every thinking work not at all denote the rule of two of misals, of brutal force, and of American class collaboration April 1931. ruge 703. ember, 1981, page 487. er. There will be no advance unless we learn by the tragic Irreconcliable classes. But it does of will disappear in favor of a growth From this we draw the first con Germany demonstrates. that denotd different systems of the dom In Police terror. Fascism is a parmistakes and defeats of the past. TROTSKY governmental system based of labor militancy.
clusion that only a bourgeois lib the transition of democracy to ination of one and the same class on the uprooting of all elements of an organie process. Page 29. In this connection it is well to eral can construe a counter distine Fascism is Also in the event that the Nazis bourgeois society in Italy. Fascism The statement that the transition seols society. The task of Fascism remember that the use of militant und Fascist regime, and can as the form of unusual and dxplosive eller ta den betono questo eran dente not only had to oprase sharply the from democracy to Fascism may be not only in destroying the com shores. America is not devoid or mine that we are dictaling here with occurrences but can be accomplish there can be no question that the social democracy but the tradition take on an organic and Ring the entire class in a state of will refuse the cooperjal parties as We character can mean one a grad munist advance guard but in hold revolutionary had many a stormy outburst in the manuilsky, Report, XI Plenum (Werner Hirsch, Fascism and the corrping out of the Pascist itical of the without any fuss without a fight, physical annihilation of the most the American workers behind their Eur of the Kommunistische the Hitler Party. Die Internation dictatorship. Die Internationale, worked in perfect concord. Fortun the proletarint may be deprived not revolutionary section of the work January 1932, page ately things do not work out that only of its material conquests noters does not suffice. It is also nec opean brothers can best be ex. Internationale, o 16, April 1981, ale, January 1942, page 28. The xi Plenum of the way. Economic anarchy is supple only of its given standard of living. essary to smash all Independent The objective situation in Gerplained not by reference to something inherently cousivative in their obliged to suppress the workers tibly practical argument against structed counter distinction between too, Fascism, which has been nour and political rights but also of molist all the defensive bulwarks The fact that the bourgeoisid is many is a striking and incontrovers structe de toutes les force for tablet en roented by political anarchy. Now, at its social legislation, or its civil and roluntary organizations, enderet nature but rather by the absence of moede te by means ther Priseist the liberal counter distinction be bourgeois democracy and Fascistished by the social democracy, will the basic weapon whereby these of the proletariat, and to proce give their philosophy its proper so upper ered an invaluable service to the reach.
mastered conditiophy Receptorer somethods does not mean that the tween Fascism and democracy, so aretatorship and these files readed to resto smash the latter in order were achieved that is, its organi whatever has been achierea aerone xations. The bloodless transition three quarters of a century by the (Trotzky, The Austrian Crisis. ninology. the most frightful capllons. For, in the last analysis, the to Fascism implies under this ter social democracy and the trade unIn conclusion, however, it might of governmental method to be dis: it the task of Communists to search Pleum has demonstrated that 80. November 1920. tulation of the proletariat that can Communist jurty also bases itselt never collapse of its own ac dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. He any possible dine between ex! and cannot exist, and that social democracy, by its whole pol in a Fascist regime, at least duron these achievements.
cord. As Lenin once said there is who thinks so is a liberal. What Next. Page 12. Werner ilirsch, Die Internation all confusing theories, basing them icy, prepared the blossoming Pooling its First EDITOR NOTEThe compllation no situation from which there is. Manuilsky Report, XI Plenum, selves on the history of Italian Fascism, it is no loss true that on the petty bourde of quotations published herewith absolutely no way out for the bour April 1981, Komm. Internat. No. 17 ale, January 1932, page 31. on the other hand, as the na: Fascism, about the Fascist need of ascism comes forward as a deadly stroys the organizations of the progeoisie. While the shocks of eco 18, May 1931, page 773. is taken from the German pamnomie crises open wide cracks in The Fascist dictatorship offers tional Sociatist movement swells met striking down the working threat primarily to that same to the car in the more feat cial democracy, all of whose magni there instance! Is phlet Leninism Against Stalinism difference in the elass prepared by comrade Oskar Fisthe structure of capitalism, to bring no haste distinction from bourgeois out, the Hitler party, too, offers cless, and bloodless abstractions. Schwab, The Nature of the fence is inextricably bound up with content of these two regimes. Il cher and published by the Ger about its collapse more than an eco democracy, through which also the stronger support for the bourse Facist Dictatorship. Kompyumlat parliamentary democratie. pacifist the question is posed only regards nomic crisis is needed. The work dictatorship of finance capital oisie This process will soon at man Left Opposition. Other parts ers will to revolution must rise to carried out.
the latest in connection with the ische Internationale, of this pamphlet will be reprintthe point where it is strong enough. Resolution of the of the Prugglan elections place again on iary 1933, page 18) No. 10. Janu forms and methods of government. the ruling class, then there is no (Trotzky, The Turn in the Com difference. It one takes into ac ed in subsequent Issues Nazis in the government. Through What the Left Opposition Said about Democracy and Fascism correctness of Leninism versus Stalinism car dan hoe de void med two basically different political and gradually and in a bloodless otion of the social democracycline meest not imagine that all the modern house things only nehode that the shore lontact me this end, the