BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismNazismOpportunismPrivate PropertySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the com moniat League of America (Oppoedtion) at 126 at 10th Street, New York, Putered as second clase mall matter, Novemba 28, 1928 at the post of te me York, under the act of March VOLUME VI, NO. 35 WHOLE NO. 182 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1933 PRICE CENTS Industrial Recovery Act Prepares Plan Columbus Unemployed Confab New Capitalist Crisisin NearFuture to End Forms Dual National Organization Relief inN.
Chiang Kai Shek must not be on reports met came it is a proof of the efficacy of thely be water they woulation of the Huleration less than dele Holds Extraordinary Conference To Whitewash Bureaucrats Failure Columbus Meet, Retard Progress was paper money, fets.
whether af Columbus, Ohio. The July 5, Benjamin of the National Commit The National Industrial Recovery Increased sharply, because of the Act, its immediate and its further increased demand from large in SAVE CHENDUSIU HOLD ANTI FASCIST Columbus Conference ended of consequences, occully the center of dutrial users of power, and is at FROM WHITE TERROR!
STRIKE IN TORONTO creating the National Unemployed made the following statement in the American stage today. What the moment not far from figures We have received the letter League with an executive Commiteence: The National Committee effects does the bourgeoisie want for the corresponding weeks of 1920 printed below trom our Chinese More than 25, 000 Toronto work tee of 22, overwhelmingly domin of nemployed Council believes urs staged a two hour general strike ated by the fusteites.
that the delegates of Federation the new policy to have on the at the height of the boom. comrades. The urgent need of inNew York, Suspension of against the Hitler regime GerNational Convention units should not be seated, and Yet during this whole periotl the ternational action to save Chen an jobless rellet by the city ad many. The demonstratiou which Starker on the reformist and in of Truax opened the first session as a this convention to be the revolutionary trade unions, on tot broadenin but arrow is self evident. Every corrade 9, 000, 00 employed workers and carried though in denance of the commirary chairman, giving a lone contient alone. This the relations between capital and nation actually taking International labor Defense theo bercois state apparatus? The The tremendous increase in the and the party members for the as gestion is not yet docked as we strument against all public mani who also talked at great length on Swart with the of speculative securities so to press. Only vague promises festations of the Canadian working enited actlou ute. When Copust Stalinist tulee licy of ro new legislation reaches so deep into rowlities bought, at risingumption of responsibility by the of aid from the state government class. This effective protest of the reported how the convention would independent organization from the of the Rules and Order Committee and the as an the inner machinery of capitalist prie latter The situation of Canadian workers is a most fitting organization that the workers must, together with a substantial in cater in the defense of our brave have been made class war prisoner be on their guard from the very crise in the physical volume of the unemployed remains highly pre reply not only to the savage mal be conducted and how many dele med Councils even though reprezentatives of the latter movebeginning to resist the new attacks os produced, albo at rising proletariat by the Fascist hordes Praesidium, several delegates who had been informed that which the sharpening of these new prices, was financed by less money allowed to do away with the found ists in their ranks.
and less bank credit than had been ment. The stalinists must not be about as a result of a financial united front, under whose auspices antes raised this question. Before relief fraternal and extraordinary powerful two months ago.
But this statement of the Stalinist Council representative was out pons is preparing.
April. Actually, money in circula allowed to sabotare his defense! crisis due to the sabotage of Relict the demonstration was held.
To begin with a rapid survey of tion was about 1 billions lower. Luft Oppositionists, bet on the Job Bond sales by the local bankers.
The Toronto branch of the Left able to maintain that the question of line with the widely circulated The bonds had been issued by the opposition took a most active part of cralentials was out of order. Council resolution towering the Colthe economic background against much more than the c0 millions of for the defense of comrade Chen city government. The bankers are in the preparation of and in the Delegate Newby was able to point umbus Convention to refrain from which the new policy stands out, old which were added to the we may summarize the situation as money supply by the return of gold Shanghai There has been no intent on cutting down the city bud demonstration proper. It issued a out that the Call read as to setting new dual wemployed follows: The first really prolonged from private bands to the banks owse ChenDu Siu since the rest so as to enable the administra special anti Fascist Strike number ows Whamngome ad escort appar last July, with a speculative bank crxlits showed a correspond to 13 years imprisonment, beyond aat least to force concessions produe contains an appeal to the work workers and farmers.
symptoms of an upturn began to under threat of punitive measures of his bad been sentenced tion to my them on loans due, or of the orxan of the Left Opposition vention avec leguntes from any man of the Stalinist to send profit in Canada, the Vanguard. This is orgunized group of unemployed Council dulcentes to the Columbus brief announcement in the press able for them (e. a raise and Convention and ask that they be boom in securities and in commoing contraction in deposits that he would appeal against the to bolster up the traction interests ers of Toronto to demonstrate dities, following on the successful loans.
souteil. In fact, there were dele After the latter fact was put rates from the Councils there on against the persecution of the Ger: murely before the delegates overcoming of a hanking crisis in the late Spring. The tentative et money, although the demand for being even more sinw and involved On Monday and Tuesday crowds man workers by the Nazis and at was later necessary that the cred disastrell quickly after the Yet there was no shortage of senter. co Legal processes in China, they control. at the first and second day but they than in the capitalist West, it is of workers milled around the relict the same time against the trententials committee admit that al. SustoStalinist caucus on the night forts at spontaneous recovery re it was greatly increased and its not likely that this appeal it It sulted in relatively small increases to place the danced zmenekan tome sto tever heard at all, allcom. e ber demanas canciones en los protests itingers to come sorernment int week leaving het hierdie grond think that dele ale sulye. At this caucus the know the seco obtained on time loans for to fore the court in the near future. word of the most recent develop cludes its appeal with a ringing to the Federation of Unetuplayed that the leader of the Leagues an agreement hold, but did not return to the lowscem as if the results of inflation the official Chinese Communist delegations of jobless appeared be to nosecute the struggle to be seated as regular delegates, still year. By the first quarter of this production were being obtained Party toward the arrest and trial fore a meeting of the Board of under the banner of Lenin and the Call was broad enough to Por the Councils not to try to a part year, sone signs of renewal of while actually carrying through de which was one of unconstimat at City Hall to celed exultation the comrades their demands to the odministrotsky!
make them eligible. Whether de se regulur voting credentials The coming issues of the Militant legates from units meant that they no longer would th tendency toward Improvement cation will contain ruller and more com were to be regular or were again perceptible, but werel The answer to the apparent per keep the matter before the attenplight of the orgashe (ory. The the scene; on the role that they vention. Becke question as to tion. that they woed unemployed plete reports from our comrades on delegates were left up to the con new deal fraternal try to prevent the setting up of a Create the power on the theme in that amount or currency and of bank hissi bien procent nainst the companie deutest divendres de for a body thayeachines the strike Palemonstration eller lenke organiza: would not demand of February and culminated in a credits is being turned over faster, tinul imprisonment of Chen should Socialists appeared separately and and of the status of the Canadian tion wits affiliated organizatut the League athiliate to the nation wide closing of banks from that is, that the average velocity be sent to the Nanking government Communists separately. No attempt anti Fascist movement to date.
to the National Federation. For the LA was left unanswered while of the Councils to say through March to March 10. Within a (Continued on Page 4) and published as widely as possible. was even made to get a united de few weeks after the banks bad berllenamin that it does not favor the gan to reopen, the tendencies to le stehe result of this aplie ok forces Stalinists in Bloc with Musteites at the units can harally be regarded.
ward recovery again manifested was obvious. The Tammany fakthemselves. From Mayon, how ers naturally used the one against 18 support of the ever, they were powerfully accelerthe other. While some time ago.
And, when a few minutes later at by the increasing evidence on a similar occasion, they allowed that the government was prepared the Musteites ludenz and Montrose the socialist Norman Thomas to Lised this statement as an argument to make large concessions to those speak and djected the Communist THE UNITED FRONT Steam roller tactics of the steer ugainst the Federation unit dele sections of the bourgeoisie and of the putty bourgeoisie which were ing class by Vascism through the agiuable in not carrying out this the tables and permitted the Com The July 5 Unemployment trolled by the lusteite equal those with vote is well as voice, the The defeat of the German work they are guilty of every crime in delovation, they this time turned FROM ABOVE ing committee of the conference con gates who were asking to be seated port trade, certain sections of in Stalinin has already had its retion. According to their own report while ejecting the socialist repre a united front from above between cutting of opposition, trampling when the bestoneite Cunters sata very. Furthermore, sion netually made was the embargo of the United States. The revision activity. Why has the party fail. ported to have protested vigorously works before the conference. com: the delegates from discussion on the that he thought he should be seated on gold shipments, which tore the ist policies of Stalinism having al. ed? Because we have not carried dollar away from its anchorage to ready sapped the main vitality of out the Plenum resolution. What democrats and a gold base, and opened the door the American party. It was shaken must the party do to correct these the the united front between Vened the Musteite Stalinist bloc most vital problems confronting the suce his organization was not yet the Commun. was formed with the rank and fille conference. When the Mustoltes affiliated to the Federation he did ists. It comes with ill grace from of both to speculation in the foreign ex from top to bottom by this reper errors? The party must increase them. For they were in a similar nothing about it. The Terence 100 percent organizations knowing saw they could not control the con interested at that time in ant convince anyone that he changes. Along with this came the cussion. The stalinists do not real its activity, must intensity its work situation the last time and may group can the conference while the what they wanted, they referrea than his own piticul fate, while more provision that tanks could not payize the cause, but they do see the in the shops and baste Industries. Just as well be the next time. It nemployed Council representatives every important question to the inte har deres med rathy out gold against Such in brief is the sum total of is true that Minor did not protest sat in as fraternal delegates walt coming executive where decisions tinem An acute party situntion has been the open letter of the Americanainst their exclusion, but neither ing for the Musteites to pick the would be rendered. conference filiated to the Federation or part ploye, organizations, which was generally taken as a preparation for inflation.
revealed. An extraordinary party Stalinists.
did Thomas when he had occasion chestnuts out of the fire of the that cannot decide the vital quesconference was el lled to cope with a review of the party conferences to. The responstility for split in Ohio conference which was red hottions itself and refors such to an of the Unemployed Councils.
An enormous wave of specula this situation. The conterence has and plenums since the stalinists the ranks of the unemployed, which with mag waving, natriotle Ameel becoming executive that has not yet ous statex was set as follows: Calit.
The voting strength of the varltion, both in the markets and in issued an open letter to the party have had power reveals a whole is of the greatest aid to Tammany cans who conducted religious re been elected is in reality no con Pa. and Ohio 10: 11. 1; actual production, was thus added members.
on top of the natural or spon. The open letter is the most con errors because the line was not Shoulder bestand upon the rivals in the morning before the ference THE SOCIALISTS faneous forces within capitalistic fused, worthless piece of trash over carried out insteal waxe accompentes formist as well as the stalinist The united front from above callX. Va. and Wash. 5; Ind.
The few socialists on hand play.
Mo. Mich 3; Conn. and economy making for an upturn. issued by an extraordinary party by a conclusion that more activity bureaucrats.
ed for a state federation of the ed a negligible role in the conter Later in the same session AmTo give one instance, steel produc conference. It is an attempt tion, which had dropped to 11 per prevent the disintegration setting comings. From ordinary mistakes Minor to the Board of Estimate: Leagues and Councils; the adop ence. If they did have polley die massive the platform as the kesman for cent of capacity, picked up by leaps in, in the party, at a rapla pace they have at last arrived at extrabounds to 64 percent, the highest due to the defeat of the German ordinary mistakes, in the present olutionary workers to observe how of fifteen from the Leagues, Coun wasted their time mainly on see this convention shall take steps to It is of special interest to rev RE the Unemployed Insurance terences, no one found it out be gates from the Councils. He introof the Stalinists; a committee cause their steering committee duced the following propisal: That Railroad car loadings, which indi the Communist party in Germany. The party is instructed to make the delegate from the party. con cils and the National Unemployed ondary poluts of order.
Ward the formation of a PREPARcate the physical movement and it is an attempt to cover up, to RAPID TURN to revolutionary trolled unemployed council acted Federation. and a conference in THE STALINISTS ATORY COMMITTEE, composed of commodities, increased over 50 per made, to prevent in understanding. tion of the American industrial Estimate was the purest reformism Congress convenes, where an amted the Stalinists nothing. They Citizens Leagues, tire Unemployed consequently the production of prevent areal analysis from being mass work among the decisive see Ninor address to the Board of Washington, in December, when The united front from above net repentatives of the Unemployed zat. fifteen, they did not obtain an set up in Chicago, with which the Electric power production, which tain their hold upon the party and conference ordered a NEW TURN, the revolutionary spirit of Com canizations is to take place they have been constantly turning munism. On the contrary, it serves THE POLITICAL TENDENCIES (Continued on Page Continned on age 1)
ures in the curly weeks of the year. The party fathers admit that but they have not yet turned the to breed further dangerous illusion The Musteltes objected to any sets or class relations in America sibilities of permanent rellet from tendencies. However, they saw to there is a new severe attack of ernment. He restricted himself als its out of twenty two on the executhe bourgeoisid on the toiling mass most exclusively to a statement of tive committee of the Unemployed es, and on the other hand, that immediate domande, never once Leagues. Other political tendenc New York, The general Left wing most demand represenhis wildest dreams such a trang the correetness of the policy of revolutionary npsurge of the mass not be otherwise. Under the guiselere the Right wing flag wavers, workers is spreading day after day the strike, otherwise there is a class struggle It coula formation of the daily life as Fascthe ism has brought about. The period few more interesting observa Every plenum and conference of of revolutionary phrases, under the United Workers Party, the stalls is an excellent condition. The more confusion will develop which the socialists, the Lovestoneites, the to the non union shops. The strike danger, as the strike goes on, that of transition in the workers motions. When we stroll through the the stalinists had informed us that use strugerea la derechi ists and the Left Opposition. strikers are in a good spirit. It will demoralize it. More mass speak of the transition period until streets here one is struck by the there is a beginning or a revolu. Fascism. the Stalinist itself of its dress, the worst of clerbess sthan before when demary upsurge of the American work opportunist trappings hit the reveposer. Lo aim to use the from the Right Wing leaders that take place in order to show these which are at present the traitors. ocracy still existed. as we alwaysers has confronted us in every resolutionary worker right in the eyildation for their Labor Party. Op fight due to the fact that the bosses will be made while the strike goes Unemployed Leagues as the foun the workers will not and cannot employers that not a single bg The police swoope down daily on Sixth This is due to the fact solution for the last several years. So engrossed uld Ninor become the workers quarters. One betrays that the poor people. the and in this same period the work in his positive, constructive option to their Labor party aims starved out the workers for the The. another sous to exonerate himselt. creep out of their holes, and when disorderly retreat by the capitalist one point before whom he was pre who have formed a united front workers have been and are eager there was ruorted that through In the last issue of The Militant dare to ing class has been driven back in portunist program that he forgot at 91d not come from the staliniste last few years is nonsense.
The Nazis penetrate everywhere, senting it and broke out into the from above with them. Opposition to fight to improve there onde On holidays and there are they do, then they put on their offensive.
many of them wow. the workers auspicious. The coffeehouses and conguish the hind were able to class amid the smiles of the Tummany in the state conference forced them ership who keep the workers back in Morris White shop in New York, erg best clothes so as not to appear if the stalinists were able to dis pelation. Now, comrades. the A, by the flag waverations. It is the right wing lead the militant struggle of the workers hus simply disappeared. ed only by Nazis now. The work front end: or an offensive from alhe whole position of the Stalin time being open agitation for the advantage of the last few years and with the union and concede to the restaurants of the elty are frequent Date or a revolution from the racketeers. lle barely caught him to concentrate their energies to re from fighting for better conditions. Mr. White was compelled relea Sometimes dues are still collected. ers Inns and the flouses of the defensive struggle, they may tain political the why but that is all. The two issues of People are shut down. In the brought down the conditions of the unious demand. It also said that the Rote Fahne (Stalinist organ. ritzy restaurants the officers fre not.
the able to get somewhere, but they do ists flows from their past line. Labor party was pushed to Their workers to the lowest level.
the agreement has not been signed.
Last Saturday Morris White backaccording to which all of Germans quent, in the others, the lower The further disintegration of tecl front oh of the Leninist uni background, in gripped by strikes, and stands ranks. Very often someone starts Stalinism on an international scale. unionization program has left them unemployed movement the workers prove that in spite of the junction instead of signing and their third period One must recognize the mass The strike of the pocketbooked out and run to court for an inon the eve of the revolution, have singing the Horst Wesse the song after the detent inter the German divorced from the broad mass with have, but at the same time one starvation and Stuttering the works agreement with the union. The been received here. They aroused (Nayl hymn. Then all those pre marty and on the eve of the re an artificial, private property as must recognize that it is still alers went through for the last few workers of the Morris White shop party comrades who swore by the Sent have to stand up and partici cognition of the son by hands. Unwilling to make the turneducated by Musteism. Much of some of the conditions the Right the firm with more vigor until great resentment everywhere. Some by to speak mass movement on their fag weving, religious, mass mis years, they are fighting to get back are currying on the fight against line as by something holy unti pate.
the United States is further shift toward a correct united front tactic hanemployed League South can wing has given to the employers White will be forced to settle with March 3, now speak of the bureau.
crats as of plain charlatans The portunism.
The retreat from their und unton policy, because that in the elemented for by the fact that without a fight.
the union and grant the demands PICNIC altra Lott course to the right will volves their shaky barcaucrati pre torces are using the leagues as The Right wing leaders in the of the workers. What actually Intelligent workers are beginning be into a long and difficult period. Annual Midsummer Pienie Outing solution and revolutionary they still control, they mimle tac The Hunger March on Columbus, at the union as their private pro is certain and our leaders should to realize that we are now entering with empty phrases at flere and whatever then party forces buffers against the Unemployed Pocketbook Workers Union as well happened with the settlement of a.
118 other Right wing leaders look White nobody knows. One thing of the as such there is upsurge, Sports, Games, Refreshments even less to be seen than of the The Marxian position of the ell headed by themselves and capl. was met by the police with clubs the union. They think that the vering will not settle strikes. reformists in the unemployed coun: led by the Unemployed Councils perty they have a monopoly on know that diplomacy and mandu Good Time for All But often it so happens Left Opposition on the German tulate to opportunism within their while the unemployed League union is an union, tendstrike must be fought in a militant that many former adherents of the Bring your Friends and Comrades events has gained many new relown four walls, so to speak. How conference in Columbus was approvership, and only speakers are way till the eanployers are forced are more upright and SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1933 cruits and many more sympathizers else can a speech like Minor be honest anti fascists than, for in at Tibbetts Brook Park ed by the authorities. The Work invited to address the meetings of to grant the demands of the workstance, some of the unemploy.
the the strikers. If the Loft wing had ers. We In the meantime, this polley does ers Patrol. established by ed. Those elements who have conDirections: Take Wood party for the Communist League explained?
clusively broken with the are lawn. Jerome train to last stop Stalinist apparatus is widening. The serious damage to the working Unemployed Leagues to keep order. been given a chance to be in the workers again to be on guard and very sympathetic to the slogan of. then take bus and street car open letter of the extraordinary class as a whole and discredits the stund themselves with clubs, The Loading committees of the strike, u to it that similar situations and the new party. since their conConference is an attempt to head very name arming patrol but they are tive today in New York and vicin peat themselves during the strike.
viction about the disaster of Auspices: Branch off the revolt against Stalinism and the unemployed workers need In quilty of miseducation which led ity. There is chaos and inefliciency (Continued on Page 4)
POCKETBOOK WORKERS BE formist policy has in no case been (Opposition) and Protomagia Club keep it in safe channels.
to this end.
in the leadership of the strike. The ON GUARD. Letter from Fascist Germany Pocketbook Workers Struggle be