Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY JULY 8, 1983 TIB MILITANT PAGE On The Fourth of August Browder Criticises Austro Marxism Retreats.
British Group Leaves Statement Supports Dote Sharpening Contradictions of Fascism Increase Danger to John Reed. for When people cannot answer basic Tha Limits of Historical Firstly, the defeat of 1923 is comVienna, Austria. Several weeks Record of Passivity Unemployment insurance payment arguments they hide ago the Arbeiterzeitung (central restricted for the great bulk of ondary, ones. The Brandierites Analogy. Reply to its extent nor by Its consequence: Trotskyism organ of the Austrian social dem Before the Advance the unemployed to 20 weeks (for as well as the Stalinists, are with the catastrophe of 1933; sec Some Objections merly 30 weeks) and for some clinging with their nails at the ondly, the workers do not forget the orcacy) published an editorial Jus of Bonapartism social dem We quote from one of Browder ocratie leadership and pointing out even to 12 weeks. Emergency recomparison of the 5th of March past: now the party will pay for all lief is to be cut off or reduced drastically by July Young 1983 with the 4th of August 1913 remains its historic crimes among which is masterpieces appearing in the April that up till then only outposts place in the form of street CAT workers up to the age of 25 are If we leave aside the outbursts of No other political place for it.
also the capitulation of 19:23. Bio Communist page 361. Browder told moral indignation or mere insults, ally, from the political point of the John Reed Club to read Ten had been evacuated. What do these nivals, especially on the side of the the objections reduce themselves to Already on the morrow of the view this is mol for to let the facts speak the following. a) In 1914 the south of March one could have and Smost important, the Days that Shook the World and outposts look like? We will at social democrats. the safety au to receive no relief at all any by drawing up a re apply the sharpest means provided thorities are hereby advised to more.
Strikes Are Prohibited cial democracy went over to the should have formulated this prog tion of its leading apparatus in our emphasis view pt everything the Austrian cor by against all such at Through a Law for the ProtecStalinist bureaucracy has not even ing of the catastrophe in connec the new was better or worse working class, led and betrayed by given the slightest Indication of tion with the policy that had caus than the old, but it is a fact that is made by comrade He de allowed to be snatched away froming class for the First of Way of Work political strikes are al But want to reject the critic the Austrian social democracy, has tempts. The parade of the work. tion of Economy against Stoppage going over to the Hitler sowed it. The only objection with and the Presidium of the was clared the kussian workers did not it without a struggle in the course banned, threats are issued against strikes in the vital industrial en all attempts.
terprises including printing plants. tinues to work, to publish, in a perhaps the party will save every discontent and revolt of the party Russian workers did need While the Ringstrasse (main The provisions for penalties are word, to stimate its the terrible defeat, it clearly and learowing out the Brandlerite Reed. Leniu thought a Jobal Freedom of Press and Assembly it would be a thing, if, under the influence of by Lenin Destroyed throughfare) is shut of for the much sharper than those of the mistake to as a sop to the revolu was delighted to bave Jobin Reed and renal code of 18. An example: forces; the social democracy dia sharply changes its policy and its clonary workers. Such a manca in the revolution and sometimes, Act the press law is revised back machine gun detachments on the on Aprilthe Viennese Bakers On the basis of the War Powers workers by mounted forces not die after the 4th of August, it regime to begin with, by openly ander is not realizable now: firstly, urter the ending of the civil war, wards behind that of 1862 and the First of May, the Austrian federal agreement, in existence since 1928, continued to exist, and even came honestly admitting its own times the apparatus is completely separ. comrade Lewin went out of his way www or assembly backwards behind army marches in review down the bus terminated marila Tho to power.
to be printed in Russian question of its its validity it it does not confine of all that has happened, that through No historical comparison retains even at that time, on the basis be elections: NeCondon John Reed book, and more, bo 1807. All of the labor press streets. On May 14 an exception bosses refer to the above law as the wrote a special introduction for submitted to pre cusorship. The to the law is granted and thon valid use for the baking establish itself to certain legitimate limits. It was impossible to expect Presidium of the Is Itselt too his Russian edition, on which he holding of meetings must be an sands of Iliomwehr men goose stepments (It provides for a strike ban in all enterprises that are vital are very well aware that the miracle of critical awakening closely connected in the eyes of the recommended it to the workers of vision which actually stiftes the We are several is stinguishable but even if that had happened it masses to the Thaelmann appare eutire world. Comrade Lenin working class in a period of such on April Fascism Receives Arms for maintenance. the cabinet decides Prayers Are Ordered from the pre war social democracy. would not have saved the Commun. atus due to the struggle against the did not do that for many books high political tension as the pre to form voluntary auxiliary bod On April 14, compulsory particlmuch by its character as by its re roditical Sciences et lehties. to the website rencontre este condy budeale e comrade Leon. It want to read are prohibited until further not delense organizations already stitutert, in all schools, liko in the Sth of August. We simply want to day to conjuncture on this theme the defeat itselt only agkravates ita for the purpose of our agreement. viscose. on the low were o fa uscirlistence idento the auxiliarde olul de Against the Constitution sahy by our comparison: In the same the test has already taken place mistakes and condemns it to an in With the greatest interest and 75 party meetings of the social members of the Peasant Defense The Christian Socialist members way that the party of Bebel finally in reality. There can be no ques fumous decline.
terminated its progressive mission ton of a political awakening of the with never slackening attention democracy on March 10, the main corre, the Austrian Home Guards of the Constitutional Supreme Court can the oth restoranti che the contrary worksheen lasken emparks the reactionary and autopista de la route that shook the World Unreserve thinkers on March 18, a meeting of an organizations furnishing aux: the government declaresene con revelationary fotel on tehe threshota critical thought have been stifted. Presente anap para tusicet et tremely do recoromend it to the the Friends of the Free School for illary police are exempted from the stitutional Court as suspended.
upon of the Fascist dictatorship. To Nothing gives a better picture of the masses, but of saving the best workers of the world. Here is complicate this analogy by consi the collapse of the CIG than the proletarian elements from despair, book which should like to see annual conference of the social forms. The task of the auxiliary which the whole state life, and the morass.
means to show rent catastrophe. Instead of mak: impossible to attain this result by stres a truthful and most vivid ex. 28.
the federal. on the question of concrete hising a theoretical clarifiention of the In the middle of May, the con 26 Years of Austrian Trade Union, been destroyed. thereby the AusWorks Are Destroyed Inside trian feslern constitution is in fact to swiep away all the traces of it, which becomes clearer every really is the proletarian revolution pre censorship was also instituted miracle in them, the impossibility to the comprehension of what prohibited, etc. etc. on May. of 24 Hours invalidate, very door and gate is ectic thinking.
Lenin compared the peace of by all sorts of insinuation, calumny, day. It is necessary to present an and the dictatorship of the prole for posters. Distribution of leaf Act the collective agreements On the basis of the War owers ned for any and every coup oftat. Arbeiterzeitung, April 24. Brust Litovsk with the peace of incitement and persccution.
In the guise of an objection, the and to lead the forces of the addiscussed, but before one can ac honest balance sheet of the past tariat. These problems are widely lets is made liable to arrest.
Tilsitt. It is not difficult to make the bank employes are nullified. As can be seen from all this, Streets Are Made Free. For comparison by example of 1923 might be citevanced workers towards the organi cept or reject these ideas, he must Wage cuts are instituted for So the advance of the reactionaries is the Reaction serving up dozens of clementary where the party also fallel but dua zation of a Bolshevik party for understand the full significance of The State secretary for the workers get cuts in overtime reimont. but of decisive postquestion of national Independence. portance and the lesson of this ex. Prinkipo, June 4, 1933 his decision. John Reed book maintenance of safety announces bursements and in pensions that go tions. The Austrian government for the Soviets it was a question ample: it is only necessary to draw will undoubtedly help to clear this on April: In view of the demon as far as 40 per cent among the has, as it informed the Austrian of safeguarding a new social re the correct deductions from TROTSKY.
people in its manifesto of March resteem om hielo tebe a fundamental strations which have of late taken lower ranks. firmly decided to proceed gime there the peace was signed by movement.
with iron determination and with the monarchy, here by the party of Here it is necessary for me to impassionate but bard perserverthe proletariat, etc. etc. But all these respectable commonplaces do say something wanted to say at ance along the road it has taken.
not tell us anything about the e the John Reed meeting. had What did the manifesto of the made a of it and meant to Social democratic party leadership sence of the question which Interinclude it in my speech and here say on March 99 ests us. We were forced to sign the peace of Brest Litovsk in order is where justified criticism comes It we do not take up our de in because this should have been fense when it is still time, we will not to completely succumb before said at that meeting. It is some the enemy but to reassemble our EDITOR NOTE The state iton, with further disastrous consecing must say here. That is (Continued from last Issue)
forces for freedom: it is in this ment below was issued by com quences.
tral Europe but also in protecting Alip right into that same Fascism, II.
sense that one can speak of a peacerades belonging to the Left Oppo THE AMSTERDAM ANTI accuracies and mistakes in John As a result of the World War, markets from the consequences of soment which has become the fate of our brothers in the Reich.
of Tilsitt hardly social revolution.
One would think it is high time The same Stalinists and Brand Independent Labor Party. It was the incorrect United Bront from the even pointed out by comrude Stalin more than the status of a colony. On the other hand, the figure to go further than mere words.
controlled mentioned above indicate that Hit berites rose up against the imalo submitted to all delegates of the top with individuals, leaders, pa There are certain statements which becoming economically between the press Boschstresime Bradford convention of the ILP citiets, clergymen, etc, but not with do not correspond with historical and exploited by other countries. ter is compelled to steer his course the to be exeputed from lished in the Militant several the Social Democratie organizations facts and when the time with rice. Approximately 1, 500, 000 square according to the desires of Ger the heroits of Austro Marxism. That and Bonapartism. They enumer ago themselves. hotch potch in which Trotskyist distortions of history.
miles of colonial territory, with a many foreign masters.
ated dozens of features in which social democratie workers them Against Versailles the is submerged, and takes no should have pointed these errore population of more than 12 million the Papen Schleicher regime differselves, provided with a firm leader.
While thundering ed from classical Bonapartism and TO ALL COMRADES OF THE always Ignored this fundamental. DETERMINATION OF poes against these particularmisTreatynot Versailles. In connection Treaty of Versailles and the dis constituted revolutionary vanguard. characteristic which makes them At the Eastern ILP Conference, tish all internal party democ munist, April, 1903. and coal, according to the World creation of the Polish Corridor, similar: the preservation of the those comrades who have been racy has been abolished. Policies Almange for 1983, the Lorraine Hitler can make no serious move SUBSCRIBE TO equilibrium between the two trre striving toward a correct revolue and decisions come from the top, giving it an introduction, then by by France together with the Saar many dare not to risk a war with Lenin sponsors the book Arst by tields were permanently taken over in that direction. Bankrupt Ger: UNSER WORT concilable camps. There is nothing tionary policy will fight for the discussion being confined to their unreservedly recommends and Aix la Chapelle was occupied by comparasevival and outside. par tions in Germany can do so by Workers and friends who read thought which, full of conceit, as a whole, but, whether they suc the supposed to tre held every most vivid. Stalin and Browder Belgium, and in May 1922, 75. per Industrial worse than that pseudo Marxist adoption of it: Basin for a period of Afteen years: military superior France without a German and are Interested in getof that polley by the ILP execution. The World Congress of mually by calling it long period of rapid ting first hand accounts of condistops just there where the quesceed or not the question of the years, has not met since 1928. And that there are serious politicent of the output of Upper Silesia ticularly American, economic sup subscribing to Unser Wort, the with Bonapartiam, quite concrete, squarely faced. The British see has been only one Gaereul inaccuracies and mistakes and was lost to Poland.
tlon first begins. The analogy relations with the must be while during the last years there certain statements which do not precisely defined, not only clarification of the cl. is the only existing gress, and that preceded by expul correspond with historical facta Following their victory. the from ita slavery of finterestermany illegal organ of the German Lere Opposition, published in Prague.
anew the role of the last Giolitti revolutionary party in this country. sions and suppression of effective and which fit in with Trotskyist Later, when it hauge reparations. Neither can he stand still Thel The paper appears every other al Allies demanded cabinet maneuvering between the The undersigned members of the Fascists and the Socialists, but also, ILI believe that the place of revo granted, and those daring to ques. How could comrade Reed indulce the sums demanded could be secur upon the German working class, only and are 00. Subscriptions criticism. Correctness is taken for distortions of history.
apparent that pressure of German capitalism week. Subscriptions are for a year throws a burning light on the pre lutionary workers 1s Inside thotion the policy of the centre are in these political inaccuracies be ed only at the price of sharpened Intensified by its defeat in the must be accompanied by currency.
sent transitional regime in Austria. Communist Paty. Recognizing that standered and expelled. This is in tore Trotskyism was discovered7 competition by Germany upon the World War, are too great for that. Checks and money orders will not So Hitler is compelled to act. He do.
of the profound, logical necessity quires drastic changes, and appre revolutionary leadership, and pre them? Or was he a Trotskyist tool effected. large part of the re ls forced to move toward war and Comrades who subscribe must tactics, maintain that criticism in and Fascism. The example of Aus of the is no legitimate excuse on the above points, we cannot and not Browder and Stalin?
then? Why did he please of a hold Ger quite conceivable that Fascist Lenin many down as an industrial rival. Germany may become the spearhead for their subs to reach the center tria demonstrates the enormous for staying outside.
The ILP, a Social Democratic theless realizing that it is the only yourselt.
accept the polley of the Never Read the book and Judge importance which an exact deliminA mortgage was placed upon to from the west while Japan attempts reach Prague and on top of that ation between Bonapartism and body, product of a past era, has its revolutionary party, we intend to Fascism has (or more exactly very economic basis from it. There enter it, to work as Communists, ARE YOU SUBSCRIBER increase production costs and there to grab Vladivostok and the Ch. ten days to two weeks additional should have) for alms of tore, corectly to criticize the ILP is at the same time seeking, by every TO THE MILITANTY wyleisen Germany chances Soviet Union Menace to Capitalism short, the first copy should reach practical politics, but formalistic to leave it, as a Party no longer legitimate means, to change these thought which, instead of a social able to play a progressive role. But noints in its policy which we control of the bank of toue brought out must be remembered that the the comrade about three weeks at analysis, gives an enumeration of the need, the economic basis for the sider wrong.
about a limitation of credits and the throat of the eapitalists. Its workers state is a constant bone in ter remittance to us.
ready to hand criteria, abandons an is merely to attack its subjec. We appeal to all revolutionary If the number on Address all subs to Unser Wort, high interest rates to further ham existence has been permitted not care of the Militant, 126 East 16th 181 anology very concrete and rich in tive policies, but never to challenge workers in the ILP to adopt the your wrapper is per the development of German in because stalinist checked the world Street, New York City.
content for pale platitude, which the fundamental basis of its exis same position. Any comrades wishyour subscription has expired.
dustry. At the same time the lo work of the Communist Interna do not teach us anything. It istence. The Revolutionary ing to associate themselves with the vestment of huge sums in German tional but because of a lack of far cent. Consumption of raw cotton If you want to get the Milipunished for this in every new his olley Committee) accepts the fun attitude as stated above should tant promptly every week torle situation like the ox in the damental basis of the and since write to the address appended. renow your subscription at ant branches of industry under the As comrade Trotsky wrote more had declined by 617, 000 tons. Yet, Russian fable who always finds new parties are the product of ma KERNOT omce: per year for fifty of of himself before a new door.
jor political events, and cannot be SOLOMONS, two weekly Issues: a half vention possible, a great, highly crisis British production had a fur The social democracy did not created at the will of individuals, SAINSBURY, year for twenty six weekly Foreign Interests in Germany industrialized, and moreover Eurther decline of approximately 30 die after the 4th of August. Do to pose the question of a new party issues. Hackney the quibblers mean to say that the outside both the and the ILP However, while the demands up opean empire would be needed percent. Although Industrial ac GIBBS (Clapham THE MILITANT slogan of a new party, proclaimed is a waste of precious time. The on Germany have been reduced one which would desire and be able, hvity was hardly above the years March 19, 1933 after the 4th of August was false? cannot build a substitute for 126 East 16th St.
19 Alwyne Road, from time to time as the result of to take upon itself the principal immediately prior to the political and economic develop weight of a holy pilgrimage against nevertheless British capitalism was Obviously they do not, but that is the CJ.
ments, particularly in the last two the sovieta. To be more accurate suffering from overproduction precisely the question. The social But Marxists cannot, and should years, it is interesting to note that a country would be needed which Only Avenue of Escape for democracy continued to exist after not, accept the programme and poCapitalism the Fourth of August, but only as licy of any party without full and the amount of foreign owned Gerhad nothing to lose. glance at Due to this contardiction win inan bonds was estimated by the the the democratic labor party of the open discussion in the light of cura Second Committee of Experts convince ve map of Europe en various national units of world you that such a mission imperialist bourgeoisie. its his. rent events.
could be undertaken only by a capitalism are compelled to expand.
torical function had changed. It was We, having discussed certain asthat very thing which justified the pects of the policy, have con Comrades: and they show more eign owned shares and interests in Fascist Germany would have no markets. This they can do only at birth of the Third International. cluded that there are certain weak Received the first issue of the clearly that the props of the capi. German Industries at between 12, 600 other road left to go. Having come expense of some other power and Do they want to tell us that the nesses requiring immediate and Militant you sent me and CP Go despite the catastrophe adequate attention and discussion reading it carefully decided to take communism shall be its substitute. and the amount of foreign owned able victims, having revealed its all capitalists wish to destroy. They Yours comraddy, the minds of the proletariat as the ISM IN ONE COUNTRY: This the ing you for a six months subreal property at approximately bankruptcy in all domestic prosce in an attack upon it not only 2, 000 million Marks.
revolutionary les continue to us a mass or stating that socialism can be es will nevertheory, advocated since 1925, and scription.
Being employed for the last two The total amount of German for and consequently to such semi vas ace, not only a possibility to shift wit. is indebtedness on February 20. 1932 by justifies such a on an abstract and toit rests of the rest of the world, is a trav. nessed blow after blow against Sunday, July 23 Starting 11 Mitical Bureau at from 25, 000 mit. pelled to seek some sort of a gam. but also a chance to obtain a po analogy esty of the Marxist conception of workers by the Stalinist bureau Riverside Park on South Side lion Marks (par value,. 2382 cents) tions of the international situntion a possible arenne of escape from with the fate of reformism. The old world economy, and has led to a crats without any resistance on the bling way out of the contradic. tential field for further expansion Social Democracy united within its completely contradictory attitude side of the workers who were given EVERYBODY WELCOME involving an interest service of apA war against the Soviet Union their present position in an almost Nationally known Speakers realism with those of opportunist in other countries, leading alter olution.
per apnum. of this amount apstances with fatal necessity.
Marks would grow out of these circum. blind alley.
However, while the situation Auspices: Minnapolis Free practice. The 4th of August tin nately to criminal reformist oppor. The fate of the workers state lles proximately 8, 392 million Marks Capitalism has developed its pro points to a probable attack on the ally cleansed it from the revolu tunism on the one hand, and blind, in the hands of Stalin and unless Mooney Conference are owed to the United States alone, ductive forces to a point beyond the Soviet Union by no means does it tionary tendencies and determined panicky adventurism on the other the workers throughout the worla Germany leading creditor, of effective consumptive capacity of follow that the Workers Fatherits transformation into a conserva This, a complete denial of Lenin will help their comrades in the Sotive democratic party. The Com policy, weakens the struggle for viet Union to rid the Comintern THE MILITANT term and 5, 165 million in long term As a result, in many countries, the trary such an attack might apply a munist party posed a revolutionary world revolution, and is the main of the bureaucratie machine the Entered as a second class mat credits.
present crisis is primarily due to a spark that would consume at least Whilehre always put forth and en SourceTHE UNITED FRONIFROM work welcome Tanya nas restore and Post once at New York, two teasome one outer mama thousand towe nog mom markets in the rothan the recen nagtadioworlds rather than conflagration Hsm in phasized in a bitter struggle against BELOW: shed light on the respite thes cal democracy. It is precisel now at the eleventh hour, has meant be buried for another hundred Publlshed weekly by the Communist Germany by the Hoover from an increase in the level of rion.
This policy Abandoned the idea of world revolution will under the act of March 1870.
morator production. In Great Britain, for conclusion, however, it must ly in this task that the Communist in actual practice, no united front years.
League of America (Opposition) ium and the reparations settle example, by the latter part of 1929, le pointed out that Stalinism with party proved bankrupt in the decat all and its consequences can The Left Opposition and its or sive test. It will not be regenerated most clearly be seen in Germany, xan, the Militant, seem EDITORIAL BOARD as a revolutionary party. Can it con The change of front on the part of their task as how to enlighten the Martial Achtman James Cannon power of the world, kranted Ger output of coal was aproximately from fear of provoking a capitalist role of the leading imperialist not attained pre war level. The particularly the German situation)
Maurice Spector many a breathing spell in order to 28 million tons less Arne Swabeck attack, instead of preventing such with other political functions? It come, and must be supported, but have never been in the worktobian bor 1943 are alta cast and the present Vol. 6, No. 39 (Whole No. 181)
it can, it will not be as a mass or the fact that the change is made ers movement and took little interthat, to assist Hitler in his fight world output of ple fron was it from the realm of imagination to SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1933 against the working class of Ger 13. in 1913 while in 1929 it fell the sphere of proba. SIMMONS.
lat, but as the purest type of an or In fact, with a of viet Union. However conditions Subscription rate: 00 per year many, thereby alding in not only to percent; steel in 1913 was agency of the Stalinist bureaucracy. changesuggests a possible reac have changed the last years Foreign 50 cente per copy averting a political crisis for Cen 10. percent and in 1929, perKansas City, Mo.
for the ists.
Amoreximately 400 million Marks: is