AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

TIB MILITANT PAGE AMONG THE YOUTH SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1933 THE WORKERS FRONT Lessons of the Leninist United Front Tactic arADelegate View The best of the house for recommen, en of the USSR Recognition by the from within the Industrial Control Birending the full report of the Break United Front body after this outrageous fair.
Millinery Strike Progress Right Wing Excludes Left Following theme forestalo THE UNITED ACTION OF THE ing class on the question of the illics besin to break and copenly the at Chicago Antiat Strike Conference of WORKING CLASS int violation of the united front united fromt. Likewise, the reser tray the movement and terror serbe in Los Angeles Stalinisin fears more than anything The confusion within the rankstionary leadership fear of such blunders Fascist Meet the criticism of the left of the working class on the ques. this wwerful working class weg defeat of the Chinese revolution In the last issue of The Militant Boston Bakers Boston, Mass. On June 20th, the inlxts, like those of all other cities. Rather than allow the arily due to the present leaderships minuut the working class, them up. But to wake up and to militant strike now in progress in Chicago, ni The Chicago Stalin Germany is their vulnerable tion of the United Front is prim pon. The most criminal of all in had the solering effect of waking ulvere appeared a report on the following the aparance of the tok the truth they will smash of the Second and Third Interna are the Stalinists. Why because in the correct path are two ute of the millinery shops in Los Socialist Party of Boston called the demonstration, smash the unitionat. All leaders who fear a test we expect nothing else but condifferent things and the rest with Angelus, Cal.
We publish below a united front conference to help Comintern Sanifesto, appealing for red front, smash the lett Opposi in action, leaders who fear a com fusion portemon card maseduca is latter will come to li press release issued by the strike the Jewisho bukurs who have been for last national united with tion, thilate the speaker.
democratic organizations for the That is the explanation te bain control of their organizations tionary labor leaders: such leaders vers badly while playing around committee on July 1, 1983: months. The call was sent to all purpose of aiding the victims of STRIKE BULLETIN Right wing organizations; it was German Fascism, issued a call for pogrom spirit whipped up against By bureaucratic methods and those join united action only after mass with the leaders, the non Marxlau)
also in the press. However, Left a local united front. We shan us, but more than that it is the ex who are the direct agents of the pressure forces them into the unt stalinists swung to the other expocket Llanation for the Stalinists tenact capitalist class within our rauksted prose revolutionary Marxism deal here with the vest as out admitting the error, and there FINDS WORKERS OF GOLDEN rates as well.
nature of this united front nor of its krip on the united front from fear the united front of the work. Front: such leaders openly op treme, to correct the error with STRIKE ON THE THIRD WEEK wing organizations at their de of the pretired in the Russian revolution by, the notorious Third Period.
its tendencies to dissolve itself into flow; an explanation of its non ing class. The pressure front by the Bolsheviks under the lead. The opprtunist Right masses through the the items fronter crush or czasDETERMINED TO CONTINUE der by Arkin, the managed to a permanent organization. This arslon pact.
body, in line with its work, planned It is not because they desire to places a heavy burden upon all mistership of Lenin and Trotsky But those who claim to abide by the full support of the Right wing UNTIL SUCCESSFUL TERMIN. Boston Forward, who inade a pecch of a demonstration to be held ATION thee containing the purpose Then he proceeded ce wille de troint that does scalinist That leadership which has a cor the decisions of the Communist to be the stalinist attract with Chicago on June 24th.
will be favored to and who in reality have systematic low was not consistent with the Los Angeles. In spite of the to elect credentials committee Some weeks later, through the cater to them on the question of rect polley and uses a little com ternational, as the Stalinists do, zag to the united front from be in interne week the Arbeiter king organisatiegression spacetone is the recher word line for brutal terror displayed by the in This started a protest from the Independence and mon horseses by united actionally revised Marxism, must be ex. Itight wing ist the front with Lumous Red Squad against the work. Hoor. Someone declared that it was Bitte Schule a United Frnt Antithe real united frout. Throughout exposure by the other organizations For these reasons, many organi, the more so because they have leaders. Whereas, the British Geners of Golden Brothers liliners proper to turn the conference over selves elect a chairman and all the the conference the represeutatives in the united front. llence the non zation are systematically kept out usurpad the October Revolution and eral Strike and the Chinese Revolu: Sloup who are the third werk ou to the delegates, who would them of united front action or are mis have under their influence the tion were the ontstanding examstrike for. conference committees Arkin agree revolutionists ples of the Right Centre (Bucharin1. Reegonition of a shop com to this, but he insisted upon ap constituted the left wing of the sanizations in the united front cannot stand the test. Those lend that must be won over back to instalin) mistakes on the united mittee and Shup Chairman.
conference, waged a relentless Sheer opportunism, but a splendiders who fear the test demand either ternationalism to Marxism. That Golden Brothers taken in order to see who were the responsibility for the new shop legally whated delegates that Struisbes Bains the night wing in to the masses of workers presentacrues ser leadership setia more the water considere errors peristalin he crowning detent and expression and all agreements with the they can clect a legal chairman, shop committee include the His reason for this procedure was organizational independence, etc. As een tull lies. 5, 000 workers ra ism. where the workers are tola front, which by no means was the As Trotsky says, Stalinism will go new shop.
obvious; he was preparing to oust in every struggle, the Stalinists witness stalinist fears in the face to join the united front under com most harmul error, but which fow down history as the leader of That Golden Brothers obey the Left wing delegates. Mord prothe minimum wage law for tests from the tour saying that other. The carried forth at the communist movement. There used by these mislenders and non from revolutionary Marxism, we united front as well as the defeat women Arkin himself had not been legally a consistent battle and in spite of is nisthing like an object lesson to Marxian leaders are the united can realize how great is the con is the result of a more baste revi4. Equal division of work.
elected to the chair.
our uncomprising position against ut across a point. MAXIMILLIAN front from below, or the united fusion contributed to by Stalinism. sionism of Marxism by Stalinism. No wage cuts and no piece Only Right Wing Seated work.
But Arkin insist upon remainconference, won the respect of ev.
ted front of leaders in negotiation first stage of the blunders, was the International Left Opposition bas The strikers are just as detering chairman and made a sugges.
Cry delegate present. For this we behind closed doors. All such unt united front with leaders. In the carried on a fight against the Stalwined now as they were on the tion to appoint a credentials com received an adequate reward. Resolution of the bedrooms are false are a dental British General Strike and in the other politicat currents and the first day of the strike to continue water standartin reason Spartacus Speaker Chosen in substance though not in name, Chinese Revolution By Conference Int Left Opposition in order to cover up and to avoid struggles the Staliniste and their position on the united front and until a victorious settlement.
the test in action which flows from bedfellows, the Right wingers, since then, history has confirmed Examples The Youth Conference had agreed the extreme brutality for wanting to appoint rather than the Leninist unitedl front. threw overboard all the lessons and the correcto come our position on of the Red Squad and the bosses for this elect and it was car to support the demonstration of the Declaration of the International The two most powerful working experiences of the Russian Revolu this tactical and strategical ques of the Golden Brothers Millineryried by a slim majority.
committee, voted adult conference. For this the Left Opposition (BolshevilArkin class organizations in the world tions. They violated the B Cotion as well as on more funda Shop have been shown by the ar adults promised us a speaker at Leninists) to the Youth proceeded to rests, frame up charges and the such rapidity that it was clear that the demonstration. The Stalinists the social democrats and the Stal how to make a united front and to moutal questions of Marxism.
appoint his men with Conference at Paris HUGO OEHLER high buils imposed upon the at the Youth Conference who, we The workers of the world stand inists have been miseducating the set the masses in motion and how his machine was well oiled. The (To be continued) rested strikers.
credentials committee went out to must remember, supported origin, at a turning point. After a series reformist and revolutionary work to break a united front when the The Strike Committee and the check up. It did not take them the Right wing on every imlof victories of imperialist reaction, portant political question, expected articularly Fascism, the proletariat numbers of them into the The Two Sides of peal to workers and sympath whom to sear.
for they knew advance as a reward for this that the Right will yet have to pass through years wing would support their nominal of hard tests and difficult struggle.
surance and old age pensions. This In the meantime, Arkin called support to the strikers.
is a political rdform, it is true, upon one of the bakers committee tional questions. For speaker but it will serve to unify the worknominations were made. Morris movement can be assured only on ers on a class basis.
Fine of the and Nathan the condition that new phalanxes tions to the headquarters of the appeal to everyone to help in the Needle Trades Industrial of convinced and tested fighters Convention The must be made Union, strike and to save the union. CritGould of the Spartacus Youth Club emerge from the younger generamas organization, a recruiting Stina 755 Main St.
icism can be levelled against the To the great surprise of the Stalin tion.
ists the latter was supported by The social democracy, as its STRIKE COMMITTEE OF bakers union, which allowed the Bethlehem, Over two years tion for the non class conscious eleThe recognition of the Soviet every delegate but the Staliniste night before Hitler THE GOLDEN BROTHERS strike to drag out so long without and was elected speaker.
themselves calling a conference for shows, is able to very clearly ago, on the initiative of the Left nents, a reservoir of revolutionary Union by the United States, with MILLINERY SHOP.
Intro but not fighters. The young work in the Workmen Circle, the support, a source of class educa long term credits and trade rela educate lackeys, help. won go into details on motion was promptly International Worker Order was tion.
SAM MEYERS, this matter now. When he ended duced which provided that we at ers have nothing to learn in the organized. Simultaneously call The LW. can and will colon be a most favorable condition to Chairman his speech, the credentials com tempt to have two speakers and school of this party. The school of was sent out to the Hungarian, these arquirements Provided the offset the dificulties and contradic mittee reprted; recmmending that that the second speaker be fine. Marx and Lenin, aloue, shows them Slovak and Russian sick benefit or aderand His is atlyle control vityions confronting the Soviet Union, all the Right wing organizations bo Accordingly it was agred upon thut the way to break through the im canizations for amalgamation. Each leaders. This duty falls preved upon the Jewish workers, who with tes of statinism. The possibilities is the Recovery Act alt said that there was another sec scated, leaving out the Left wing.
if iwo speakers of different organ perialist and Fascist hell the hea kamation proposal in spese revole against its reactionary na ve been twe reased due to the dil Fascist Measure izations in the Youth should cialist society.
speak, they be permitted to repre. Although we appeal to the workcial conventions.
leaders and bureaucracy. It given later, after all the conference sent their respective organizationers to rally around the banner of 18 Heultjes pressing down on Amer committee on constitution and their duty and the duty of all the ican Imperialien.
committee had been elected. Again America is by Platform The Communist International we by laws was appointed by the cen members not to permit the newly no means Interling to change her The embodied protests from all From the outset the broke the United Front. First they out that the revision of the tenets nted organiation. The results of aud corrupted by any bureaucracy. tor Ajnerican capitalism to recoged by many. including the Stalin bers, a delegate from the Work which has been call credentials Schloss chloss cepted by the committing any member of fully fetters the influence of the sections, central and constitution addressed to the workers in the present relationship, it probably inists are well known to mislabe noor to say a few words and to the. the Second, they at on the young workers and ren committees were sent to the various various fraternal orders. Vart line everything they take hold of. In tempted to prevent our comrades ders their correct revolutionary branches only two weeks before the ous resolutions were adopted Germany the staliniste called the make a motion. Arkin insisted insurdate the demonstration. But he same untuk revision of the doctrine has called special meetings for the purance and colla de pensiones with pleapitalista materias eos relatorn Bayeningsverowent the veheschen. then speak. Schlossberig in dit cond time they sold Young Workers, found its worst expression in the pose of discussing the constitution The most important teature ofers government are born or rent cher government Fasciat dictator sented and after making his moLabor Defenders, etc. Third, thewry of socialism in one coun and by laws. The changes made or the o. is its class characteristic members dimanded that concessions in the hoa disarm the thereby their kere pechen he began to say the rent become on granted by these and proletarian composition. It is it, and constitute for ships. And leive the demonstration and promoternationalism and covers up all branches were again sent to the one of the tasks of the Lett Opposi not be explained to the workers real fascism did arriver favor of his motion. Arkin stopped mised to beat us if we didn of sorts of petty bourgeois, reaction central committee.
tion to see to it that this organiza a peaceful co existing of two sys.
The Industrial Control Bill is not seated delegate as yet and therefore him, declaring that he was not a the other and most important Wopian and nationalist tenBut to our grent surprise wetion becomes an effective toms, as Litvinoff does.
a Fascist measure. Every capital. could not speak. Other delegates breaches we shall speak later.
derne international lett Opposition du vention, for instance, a con. class movement generally. oIst Germany and the latest moves and bust because transitional steps Arkin, now suddenly becoming very found that in the Slovak workers ment of support for the working Likewise, the treaty with Fascist, sovernment is a Stalinist Disruption To the Stalinist chairmap they of programmatic documents, on the winted, consisting of three funein regard to the Chinese Eastern from the democratie form to the democratic, hammered away on the announced that there was to COL. ROBINSON Basis of the experience of the last tionaries and two rank and Ole deonly one youth speaker and he was ten years, has denounced the fatal legates by the central exccutive 1918 and 1933 not be, as the conference de distortions introduced into the the committee of the Slovak section. Stalin is most unfortunate in his File. atter a long argument they and practice of Communism by Tots was reported to the convenitoriews. Since the international stali nisem od are a sign of weak at Phrase state of it selsteis no pronta chatrman was selected nection seandal Fascism. The concentration and Ford Real United Front chairman agreed to permit Gouldery, here, at a youth conference through the use of steam rollertion of his talks with and publica hess and not a sign of strength or Fascism or of steps toward Mr. Campbell, the victory of socialism.
centralization of capital carries With recognition, America Many of the seated delegates did alsn that to strenuously protest against the methods.
the American klant farm advisor to to sak, but annoriher, against buncratle regime instituted in This committee also made some the Soviets, he has chosen bis in attempt to use her experts Find would speak.
will with it the centralization of gov. not vote in protest of the proced.
all decisions of the e teton only one of the features of Fascism. was elected and ruling with his placed on the box George Smirife of the Communist vanguard and had four different drafts in their worts, very carefully. He was to kin of the an organizacloses the rond to an independent hands. Confusion resulted much to closeted with Colonel Raymond ment and to establish relations with Industrial Control Law and some water again protested and after two tion within the Youth Conference development of the youth.
The common features between the haminer went over to the election the joy of the bureaucrats.
Robins for an hour and a half. All the enemies and Thermidorian ere of the measures of Italian Faseis hours of fighting with the Forward of the other committees. The dele This conference had made no nom Ination of Smirkin, nor was he pick soldier of a capitalist army but not Blind obedience is a virtue in a The Chicago Convention though the Colonel had promised ment. At the same time America, ed by a conference emergency com in a proletarian tighter. Revolu. sections lasted for the language not to reveal the nature of the dis will be forced to help Germany and lie in the fact that both contain clique, succeeded in getting the full The convention of (there was way out, in order to save the forms of state capitalism. These report of the credentials committee.
two days. Four cussion, he did let loose the followbillions invested there. Germany mmon features can also be comfore, Smrkin was placed on the will. supporter of the theory of than 617 delegates participated in celebration after the Bolshevist rev. et attack on the Soviet Union, as out anyone knowing why or where collective thought and collective Jions were all e della distintore) 11 1918 saw the first May Day is already moving in the direction pared to some of the measures in een winst found that the excluded or after 1918 when the The Mothers box. This fact, plus the fact that scientifle Communism does not be these joint sessions, making it more olution out at Khodinka held on the path of least resistance social democracy introduced state schools, and Freiheit League, Left wing capitalist forms.
Gould the opportunity to speak as everything be reason and by extion. The most bureaucratic meth Trotsky. Fifteen hundred tattered soviet Union carries with it the working class pressure, long us were treated here to find solut Gesangs Parein. Delegates who a Left Oppositionist.
The thought of an Oppositionist nrxism on command, it should the efe used to jam through all soldiers of the Red Army. few danger of counter revolutionary ac the working class of America do not united action was the main thing Berience. The youth cannot accept ods thousand Red Guards of the arm tivity within the Soviet Union, threaten the capitalist rule, there that could help win the main thing puaking at this strictly stalinist assimilate it for itself through an e plans of the functionaries affair, to almost 5, 0workers. independent effort of thought. This tralism is to be used anywhere it throng of workers streamed pastpoliey must be to overcome these and state changes to Fascism. The Lions was necessary and that this It absolutistic, autocratic cened proletariat and an inchoate such action is to be expected. Our will be no danger of governmental that the support of all organizamost of whom were members is precisely why the youth should will certainly be in the o. the reviewing stand.
contraditions carried with recoe Stalinist talk about the Hoover action was a bindrance. They also the hearts of the bureanerats. Johs educate itself but to make mistakenehm mitters and the rank and 10 of 15, 000 picked troops of the Red these difficulties with the policies, only disarm the workers to the real splitting the conference. This was or sympathizers, threw terror into not only have the opportunity to the constitution, gives the central This year, after fifteen years. de altion by the last two the commission Fascist measures and demanded that a baker se up to selt before the control commission errors to the Communist conception. All the work and duties, without Army with perfect discipline, equip. of Stalinism. The Left Opposition danger confronting the charged with Rotten Liberalism. Bureaucratic and factitious discip any rights.
of must say this frankly. The Lett class. We cannot replace the Marx. would ask all the orgauixations to ment and every new device The workers listened silently to the line lias crumbled to dust at the Yet, for all its shortcomings, the mechanized warfare. Opposition, while understanding Inn analysis of the Industrial Con participate.
first few sentences of the speech moment of danger. Revolutionary. o. is a workers organization That first May Day all the stress and approving the forced concestrol Bill or any other capitalist the Oppositional nature of the minds the right of checking and This cannot be done in the abstract on the world revolution Allto ascist Germany, ete, must at the Wigh sounding names. In America could be gained that the conterMtoch he lost control and proceed criticism. Only thus can an in. but by joining its ranks, retivelyether for world revolution and same time warn the world prole the real Fascist danger, if one wants once looked like a madhouse with was for the it was seen that the play nothing en te behouse like and hysterical woman destructible revolutionary solulers erticipating ball of its en les electebis year there was not one ban red with these concessions cannot side of the governmental structure already 10:45 ushne of the seated tariat that the contradictions car td talk about it at present, lles out attempted fist fights; that it was ceeded to work up a lynch spirit. The young worker needs leader can be corrected.
ner or one word of international be overcome if the policy of Stalin, and in the embryonic Fascist or delegates walked out in solidarity Counter revolutionary. he shout ship from the party. But this lead. No doubt, all sorts of names and revolution. It was Collectivization: ism ed, OIY with the Trotskyists! Jership should not be by command. epithets will be hurled at us hy Every collective farm Bolshevist, or Stalinis The criminal policyganizations. They will grow with with the ousted Left wing, making He can attack our party. En Where coercion is substituted at the stalinist bureaucrats. But when every collective peasant prosperous. and the must be replaced with ing class against capitalism, antess in the Soprinted with the increased per capitaliste tekstatements et les protesto e monopke emy of the Working Class! Stop cach step for persuasion all living we consider that there are about Industrialization: dies. to to win, you a return to Marxism; the theory Ete. Thus he carried forth the and with it the living people. influence and control of the agents In 1918 they thought in terms that flows from it throughout the pose them effectively.
historical tradition of Stalinism.
Not only must we rebuff but mer of the bourgeoisie, the reformists of world revolution in 1933, in world Communist parties must be The best help that Stalinism Such is the united front of the The demonstration was in concilessly destroy the use of repres and pationalists, we can see how terms of their own effort. Re. replaced with the Marxlan theory Studeneconcinitas, bet this socialist party to help in the class stage is to continue mislabeling as struggle. It is now the duty of the at work. Sluggers formed a cor in the struggle of the different group with timely issues and recruit large, New York Times of June 18, 1933.
social Faselsm and Fascism more Left wing to call don around our comrades. Shoutsings and factions inside the work ments for which they have no un front conference to which it will real united from all corners. Workers demanders movement. These invidious derstanding and as a substitute for invite the Socialist party and its ing the rights of the united front: methods have nothing in common by Arne Swabeck a Marxian analysis. organizations and show the workthat the speaker be permitted to with the arsenal of Communist eduUnemployment and the ing class how united action can be NOTICE achieved to help the bakers.
booing. The speaker will not stop. Ing the last ten years by the StalThe loudspeaker which had been inist bureaucracy have poisoned American Working Class The series of articles on the sit. SEATED DELEGATE erected during the course of the the atmosphere of the proletarian 24 pages uation in the Teachers Union has speech was opened and been postponed until September, shut of Threats to the speaker Vanguard, particularly in the youth, and isolated the organizations from Postage: le extra per copy when the summer vacation will be THE BULLETIN OF THE are coming from the RUSSIAN OPPOSITION burenucrats the broad working masses. Here over.
In Defense of the Russian Soviet Economy in Danger Articles by LEON TROTSKY spare their words at this united ay doctrines from stalinism to drain around the platform. They did not also we must purify the revolution Revolution Pioneer Publishers Letters from the SOVIET UNION Half Year sub to the Militant 48 pages front demonstration. Gould was the Internal regime in order to set 50 72 pages 106 86 pages 84 East 10th St. New York 25. copy is On a Club Plan with three pushed from the platform. the Communist International back. Limited number The Left Opposition left in a on the path of Marx and Lenin.
others it is only 50 cents.
Get your copy now!
Without one realizes that they are neces 18 a reflection of the further con must first be elected by the seated the the socialism in one country and all the Communists know how to op men Circle, and others.
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