AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
Lay Basis for Real Impotence Veils Itself with Parliamentary Cretinism AmericaCracks Whip at London. Ruthless Policy Splits Confab Jobless in Ohio these to Elu on Nazis Labor Front in Action Expels Goldman Published weekly by the Com monist League of America (Opportion) at 128 East 18th Street, New York, Putered as second class mall natter. November 28, 1928 at the Poet mee at New York, under the net March VOLUME VI, NO. 34 (WHOLE NO. 181 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1933 PRICE CENTS Austrian Fascism and the Paris Meet ON TROTSKY RETURN TO AN OPEN LETTER TO THE THE RUMOR AND FACT COMMUNIST PARTY, Some two months ago rumors Federation of To the District Comm. were circulated according to which comrade Trotsky was to become Dist. 2, reconciled with Stalin and return Dear Comrades: to the Soviet Union. No member of the Left Opposition took On Wednesday, June 28, an The strength of Marxism lies in Naturally it is foolish to believe rumors seriously. Stalinismis Motioning Valley Workers United Branch of the Communist League The main accomplishment of the open air meeting of the its ability to recognize reality. In that there are broad preparations fighting against the Left OpposlFront Conference was the endorsethe mouth of a Marxist, parlia in every country for the Paris ton more sharply today than ever.
Kukorsky has been deported to of America (Opposition. at Pitment of the Federation of Unemmentary cretinism is not an in masjuerade. Beuten down by wuem thu ice desert ut Yakutsk, the kin and Bristol Streets was Lays Down Law to Rivals. Hands Off the ployed Workers League of Amer salt but the characteristic of a pol. Hoyment, the police, the Fascist Staltist pre is propefull of ica and the calling of another con broken up by members of the Domestic Problems First, International Quesitical system which substitutes for bands, the betrayal of the social slanders and pogrom incitement ference on July 16 for the purpose the social reality, Juridical and moral democracy, and the impotence of mainst the Opposition, at the of organizing a local federation. irty tions Later. Roosevelt Ends Stabilization Plans.
This proposal, which was made by Breaking up street meetings of constructions, ritual of decorate I, the Austrian proletariat Maris Congress our comrades were physically attacked and to Newby of the Left Opposition, was The current crisis in the London tive phrases. The strength of Bol is hardly interested in the lyricisti ally ejected with the aid of the accepted animously by the con oponent working class organiza It would be inexact to see the shevism consisted therein, that in of Burbusse, in the rhetorie of tions is not a working class or French police.
ference of 65 delegates who repreeconomic conference, brought on contradiction in wlicy as one of Lenin person it applied the maBergery, and in the petty muchin what in Idition all this, otsky sented 30 organizations with ap Communist practice. It has been by Roosevelt shurp note attack extreme nationalism on the part terialistic method of analysis with ations of Muenzenberg. In proximatly 5, 000 supporters.
The condemued by every responsible the greatest theoretical honesty muuner can the international meet had refuted this senseless rumor ing the attempt to stabilize the ternationalism on the part of other of the United States, and of inappeared some local federation will, of course, be working class organizution. It American dollar in the interna countries, or even as it clash of connot permitting any optimistic Ingin aris change anything in and the dental neglect to speak out what is not the Austrian situation which not in time ago in the world press. But affiliated with the national federa has been condemned by the Com(official tion: it will probably be called The tional exchange market, has brought ticting nationalisme alone. It is permitting any consoling Illusions ten years, nor in tive, but this very only How Stalinist press agency)
out openly and slamily the funda a contradiction between the proto comes Juay is moving towards the com all the problems of our epoch.
Pederation of Unemployed Workers munist International and the Organizations of Mahoning and Communist Party of the It mental contradiction of the whole gram of meeting the crisis by In the fundamental questions of Alete suppression of the proletariat: along and reports. can result only in discrediting conference: the contradiction be concentration of control in the the method isu it clear that by speaking in The Voss Gazette (Berlin) of Trumbull Counties.
revolutionary Because the conference failed to the people and the movement ween the national organization of hands of the national bourgeoisie, the power of the bourgeoiste and of coordination au mobilization not only a negation of es bastrul tone ou the Paris Con June and various other papers of this trolley rally the support of any of the which practice it. Such tactics its international interests. Of all with the purpose of throwing the permitted Trotsky return but also the worst caricature of it. Its real significance to sidetrack at report that the Soviet Union has o locals of representatives of the imperialist powers represented burdens of the crisis on to the the pretention from reality to tiction, from Russia, the Vow Gazette making come and was therefore will repel workers who are movWe can see this anew ing towards Communism. More at the conference, the United States working class and the petty bour.
time the over it plays into the hands of is taking the most aggressive meageoisie, on the one hand, and the organizations, on the fate of Austria. The proscription to purliamentary game from the perence to Trotsky represent influenced fraternal, defense and one of the Communist party which has reconcilable clash of the classes to tatives. is in a postthe police who are looking for and to concentrate all power in trolley of trusting to the intrinsic the hands of a small inner circle forces of recovery of capitalism not called forth any protest on the collaboration with the freelanc tion to declare that Trotsky re. Unemployed Leagues and various pretexts to break up workers streets of Vienna to free interplay of the topnost levels of the bouras expressed in labor groups on the other, it was open uir meetings.
to presentations do not base them.
Austrian workers, Iers. from of decided to limit the conference, for cuisie, and to interlock the appur of competition on the world marshould have it seems, forced the luxurious hall in a rich quarter selves upon the facts and obvious the most part, to the problems of We call upon all party and atus of the national government kets, on the other.
with this concentrate capitalist Jerents of the proletariat to relect creise in empty rhetoric. In other sire to misguide the readers The lack of time members and all workers the memployed.
In the United States, where the also mude such a limitation advis bendrally to put a stop to this wer. Therefore it was only nerisis in had the most devastating on the sad results of their previous words from the methods of Bol Trotsky was long ago banished as atble. But it was agreed that the anti working class practice. We turul that the contradiction beffect, where insolve contradie works. If the legal Austrian sherism to parliamentary cretina counter revolutionist, on the tween the nationul and the intercous masked ly th basis of a law put in force on broader problems of the working preceding per call upon the District Committee ational organization of the dicta: iod of stabilization from 1923 1929 class should be brought forward for ping its own press, showed ism.
itself to be unable in the least to The paper Rundschau, published February 20, 1932. The latter is torship of the surgeoisit should had accumulated the highest, where action in the newly formed fextera of the to take the necessary offer any resistance whatsoever to in Basle by the Stalinist bureau and will remain in force.
til its sharpent expression in the the transition from a tion. However, the tal resolu steps to see that the pembers of activities of precisely ihe American backward rulatively the purely pollce repressions of cracy, which seems specially deAustrian Bonapartism, how will it stined to prevent the German work Trotsky explained to an Amer. tions in regard to social and unemployment insurance, immediate reoppose the attacks of the Fascisters from drawing the necessury the further existence of the so themselves as workers and Com also why the American delega nomy involves the wiping out of the imperialiste the party and conducteletion at the conference. That highly clevel war economy to lief, evictions, endorsement of rebands? However, the Moscow lessons of the catastrophe, quotes viet Union should be Pravda sees in the very suppression the article from Pravda referred by any danger, then he will be threatened live march, struggles to free Mooney munists at workers meetings.
lom, which showed superficiales relies of the cameratin development and the Scottsboro Boys, etc. were of the Austrian section of the to above, in its issue No. 17 as a in its proposals to the conference, violent rewdjustments, the concen Comradely.
at its dispoal with all his forces. adopted. The conference also hopes which took place unresisted, a great revelation. Do not lose cour so will the whole Left Opposition, to make an attempt to intuence the NEW YORK BRANCH, out with a clear cut statement on the executive committee of the Wan precisely the only which eametration of control in the hands of if need be, event against the will alate introduction to victory. The uso, allied with your Renner (se of the Stalinists.
state and national conventions call COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF any subject and that statement bourgeoisie hals we throw wilay the Ohio employect Langue.
was No to a project of interna the order of the day.
Anti Fascist movement in Austria (Continued on Page 4)
AMERICA (OPPOSITION. tional collaboration in the stabillis growing every day. writes Part of Leit Opposition The conference was sabotaged by zation of the foreign exchanges.
Pravda of May sth. Despite the Last of all countries is the govthe of L, the Socialists, and urucut of the United States willsabotage of the leaders of the Auspretrial Social Democracy ang to give up, en temporarily, the Musteites. erkins of the wat in is an observer but parations are being made in all even tu. hy of its rapidly in creasing control over the processes countries for the European Antidid not submit a credential or take of reajustment within its national Fargist Congress cour emphasis Workers Get Big Wage Cuts; Look for Leadership any part. the discussion, etc. The 10. however, played a very Prominent Attorney Answers Party Charges wat lukte explicit, that The sound Roosevelis statement active part in spite of its small manner the Anti Fascist movement after Berlin, Germany. Hitler issued great majority. Now. grew every day in Germany only internet conie Nystem oť a na decree shortly after he had taken intoxication of victory, thero fol. liminary Conference came from man The Daily Worker recently re regard the victory of to disappear suddenly on the 5th Fascism in con la rester factor in its wellof March, no one knows lowed very quickly the The people not only have leare: over lower until September 30, of the morning after. Now in all be on the Call Committee. The com headache Oppositionist who was chosen to ported the expulsion of Albert Germany as it detent for the Ger being than the price of its currency Goliman, long could 1933, no wage scales standing party man working class. The essence of changing terus of the currencies nothing but they always cut their changed against the interests be the shops the so called equaliza forence was opened by a member member and leading counsel of their remarks Wils that Goleiman of of tion is being carried through of the who also acted success the International Labor Defense hnd entered the ranks of the reun to aid, Itetorntion goes of world optimism in the same patterns.
hat the workers. The government or with the sharpest emphasis by the fully as an authorized representa in Chicago, from the oticial party neuades, trade is an important partner, both priests who repeat this or that wered the NSBO (Naxt shop or leaders of the Hitler party. But tive of the national office of the ranks. whole series of charges formula, made up of consoling lids, cantation is not allowed to de What does the qualization meau pederal como lempuy workers were maled Waga uste richting charges mes et les consente tonterest: how clearly that they are staternas pose shop councils or discharge Kadical reductus in at the bedside of the dying.
statement issued by comrade in the organization of a Commun. mobilization and concentration of the Communist League of America Goldman and reprinted below, the ist, sh this coming full, and cion of world markets by greater in any shop on its own aul roofs? llére they are workers However, precisely in what is the thority. Only the police chief, hav. How the Fascist Technique Works was the only organization to sub exwilled comrade discusses the wishing to the merit of these charges on And why does it pass over the proton. The national leader of the At the beginning of music or proposals for this particular sis of fact and his own view power in international struggle, not THE STATEMENT OF by international agreement.
scription of the Austrian in conference a copy of these prol of the expulsion. Comrade Gold COMRADE GOLDMAN The later statement of the Am.
silence! It was very busy, this decree after the occupation of the shop councillors were equalized. man has held a public mecting on movement which is growing every German General Trade Union Fed dismissed. In the place to be was clear to every delegate.
commisurial shop Newby of th. was chosen to the whole arunchiusoban statement of district eight with re Even a cursory analysis of the note struck by loosevelt, that We of given be tasks the preparation of the Bar take advantage of the monetary councitor who had had nothing to continue with the other Call Com ference to my expulsion shows that montity prices; what is to be the are interested in American comlowthe main reason for the expulsion value of the dollar in terms of foran example of parliamentary cret over by force of large organizations, tion itself is carried om as follare committee which is to preChicago. Three. is my view on the united front treeign currencies is not and cannot hundred tie party members and sympathizers Chicago united front action of the forces the hyperisy and deception as applied in the be our immediate concern. rein of the most backward workers of the workers, He will be regard cuples the shop, the men are ment is necessary for parliamentary ed as an enemy to the state and compelled to take part la the or banization ceremony of the NSBO, GERMAN OPPOSITIONIST called, by comrade Albert Guldman: 1962; my opinion of the tactics of the Roosevelt statement.
held responsible.
cretinism: in general shaded rostCONDEMNED TO YEARS the so called reporter uncorks some on his expulsion from the Common: the German Communist Party in what they say is First let us Big words. The adherents of monstrous nonsense, promises pararums are sufficient, forums remov.
BY THE FASCISTS ist party. The expulsion of com. the struggle against Fascism and carry through our policy in Amered from the arena of strugkle from Hitler in the shox pointed trium dise and threuters, Whoever does rade Goldman, who has been my criticism of the method of the ca, then we shall come Germany. On the Sunday of party member for many years and to an which false speeches can be made. phantly to these decrees before the pot immediately enter the NSBO the Reichstag elections, there was whose activity in the courts or calling of the Free Tom Joondygreement with the rest of the barren formulas Taradel, and others, who actively orTvely will be regarded as an. That workers over a red tag that hadtionary workers is the talk of the Mooney Congress, the factor that in America without interference enemy to clash between troops and Chicago on behalf of the revoluCongress world. what they mean is, We twenty four hour alliances conject Fascism. And in spite of, or the state and arrested.
My violation of discipline at the want to curry through our policy cluded with journalists, pacists, even because of the worlacouscous all. The Naxi press says, Asalu bera hosted on one of the house moranent, caused a surprise and led to my expulsion, is really ineld from the rest of the world so that outraged radicals tenors, and secution of the class conscious the NSBO was able, after loug, pa tops. The police arrested arbitrar: resentment, unexpected by the local baritones.
workers, the latter are still the tient, comradely claritication to ily two (Continued on Page 4)
smash the last bulwark of Marx. Erich Neuman and turned them The subject of the meeting Critcomrades, Riess and stalinist bureaucrats. Continued on Page 4)
ism. The men received the ret over to the Fascint Special Court leism by Expulsion was an export of our excellent party com. There was no evidence that could tremely timely one. Comrade Goldspontaneously entered the NSBO, ally not against the latter. The flict with the party leadership on tew from Morris them too we shall convince in the was guilty and sentenced him ac and on other fundamental ques course of time of the great ideas cordingly.
New York, On Friday eve emphasized the strength of the of Adolf Hitler. Heil Hitler!
tions relating to the revolutionary Comrade Erich Neumann is a vet strategy and tactics of the Com. New York, NY. The strike offers in Bridgeport, Conn. Criticism ning, June 30, a long hair and church over the Soviet Government.
Eight days later, in the middle eran of the labor movement and munists. His attempts long bearded Russian priest Arch Here are some of the remarks of the work, u shop mieting of the has enjoyed special prestige in his out these diferences within iron 4, 000 pocketbook workers is the should be made of the union of the best answer to the demand bishop Benjamin, wearing a cassock made by the Wrangelite priest: hundred million Nazi leader, an old foreman, known hond functionary he realized the ed impossible because of the strancil of Luther Goods and contines of the party were render open shops of the Industrial Counspecifically exactly how they intend peared at the New York Labor Christians in the Soviet to be the worst hangman in the weaknesses and shortcomings of gulating hold that the bureaucrats Association. In the first week of labor under the same conditions as Employers to have the workers of Bridgeport Temple on 14th Street and delivered Ten milion your stoly pro company, opened the meeting after the labor movement and did his bit inaintain. Goldman pointed out the strike 25 nou union shows were the workers in The danger pure and simple.
His secretary Palth is growing in the Soviet e. the class couscous workers. reason he also faced expulsion from the parts, his position was distort of the workers is excellent. The port workers will not be raised to inted the speech into English. The Greek Orthodox Church has (a Nazi leader) took the toor. The year for counter revolutionary was never given the opportunity to daily. What is necessary now 18 The workers in both cities will be Whity Guard meeting you think? a great future in the Soviet Un firm faces bankruptey, it has been factional work. But since the make his Not at all. You are mistaken. We shouldn oppose the Soviet perating at a loss for months. Whole party section stoel sondly that the neinterested please bucurest picketing and mass demon seriously affected it such a situace Paradoxical as it may seem, this strations in the market to spreadtion develops.
the strike to the rest of the scab Another such Resnick Bros. which has a so called union This bureaucratic control of the shops Friends of the Soviet Union. The virulence since its existence is the owne cut, or the firm will close to refrain from expulsion. Today!
one Party the lack of inner dem.
In the last issue of The Militant whop in and two shops out actually invited an enemy will of God. Later on he pointed out that has been promised free land and of the first victims of the Fascistocracy or discussio. Goldman we wrote an analysis of the condi. of town, in of the Soviet Union to deliver from pointed out, was not local phentions in the Morris white shows teld, Mus. selenlemes we prese platform a speech that was Hitler government is also due to so capital, if it establishes a shop speial Court omenon, but arose directly out of where the workers are forced to shops and conditions different from mething about sa golwerdere me from the summed up with an appeal to negotiate with the firm as to the THE SOCIAL PEMOCRATIC the conditions in the Russian party a starvation level. Today we those in result in un DECOMPOSES. struggle against Trotsky and the taney of the workers in the Mor: workers in this city. Then the and can be traced back to the can show that through the mili derulining the coulions of the mitted having been arrested by the Church from suffering, please do so. This commission, which naturalBolsheviks in 1920 and having fled if the church continues to suffer it the titlerregine has nothing repared as a social democratic mental questions of the revolu. was forced to settle with the union came against the workers in In Karlsbad the Vorwaerts has Left Opposition, over the fundaris White shop in this boss employers will play the same dirty with counter revolutionary is God will. And so on ad nauto say, came back with a wage weekly. Wels and Stampfer are tton. Goldman showed that his and concede to the union demands and out of town.
army of General Wrangel.
We warn the workers of these The report of the Times cut. The office employees salaries Publishing it with the aid of the attempts to invoke a discussion on (1) 40 hour week; For all of this he received thanks (2) No and hand shakings from Dr. LeRoy on the next day quotes: The rell were ent 33 2 percent the work Second International: But the Ger the question of the united front in adjustments; No reorganization and re shope to see to it in time so that settlements of out of town shops (3) One week trial period and will be made on the same basis as meeting and Friedman, district growing daily. Suffering is the employees accepted this dictation ainst the emigrants. The new feat in Germany, was prevented by secretary of the both of best cure for a declining Chris With the workers it was more leadership under Westphal and the party leadership, that exists by Kunstler, holds on to the difficult. Two meetings broke up.
torretnimum wage scule en hoe hou The workers of the sub retaining the rank and file in them members of the 4) Unlotilation of the Bridge that the present leadership will en Now let the workers judge for the ordinary proletarians undermission tactic; side by side there mate of ignorance and find obedi The auditorium was filled with a reform ence. The speech had a profound port shop Coree the agrement. They must be mixed audience, mostly workers, a themselves whether these words are stood splendidly how to take away is a strong current for a the force of all the objections of a curretit for the creation of a new lively discussion ensual. In the from top to bottom, and further effect upon these present and a number of whom were party mem pro or anti Soviet propaganda. 5) 44 hours for the Bridgeport on guard to insure the enforcement bers and sympathizers. The meet: The workers looked at each other in only when the commissarial shop this much is certain: Wols and Becker spoke, together for forty White Guards applauded warmly. the workers instead of the 49 of the new agreement.
hours they worked previous ing was advertized in the Our Fraternal Club party admintly: press and through posters in the confusion, shrnesing their shoulders, councillor dictatorially ordered the stampfer, the tendency of the New minutes, on the party position. The stration is more interested in the Workers Center. There were a What added to the confusion and who had taken a prominent parted. We shall return to these de party. A raise in wages for the industrial Recovery Bill than they workers, etc; are in the enforcement number of White Guards of tho bureaucracy. Extremely The agreement has not been sign agrements for better working con as was demonstrated by the ap disgust was the chalrman remarks in the defense against the wage velopments later.
plause given whenever the speaker tragic was their view on Germany ed as yet. Morris White employs ditions. Pocketbook workers, on (Continued on Page Continued on Page where they indignantly refuse to 250 workers in and 160 work guard.
the Archbishop Benjamin Blesses USSR FSU Leaders Thank Wrangel Priest Pocketbook Strikers Win Demands White Co. in Struggle to Union.
is the tianit