AntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Stalinism Weakens the Narrow Down Free Tom Mooney Meet larcouras EUROPEAN ANTI FASCIST CONGRESS AN ANTI TROTSKYIST SLUG FEST OF THE STALINISTS PAGE TIE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 1, 193 ing big ones, expanding its production of manufactured goods at the expense of its production of foods and raw materials, reaching Continued from Page 1) sold under the control of the gov peal to employers to incrense wages out more and more for export marthe contradictions between the im instead of a series of advances a export. Wages in many licids re ernment, etc.
The revisionist conception of so perialist world and an isolated series of set bucks are likely. Nor muined high its comparison with This feature of concentration intention of including binding and above all, throwing the main on policies flowing from It have not want the point of explosion. tulist Nations and the USSR lusKurore, although the shortage of and coordination is one of the agreements on wages and working burdens of these readjustments on cialism in One Country and the workers state are developing to has the tension between the imper.
the political labor has disappeared as wituessed most marked characteristics of the conditions among the subjects on the working class. This means wulici se powing from to that the next period is one of dras foundation for a cyclical revival of If the Workers Triumphed selleu becuuse of the silence of the Comiutern. On the contrary it has by the restrictions immigration. Hoe vekt policies. Its result must wzried, te poleg ta the factions are tuttic and painduar ican économy kivus little reason to justment and to combine as much toward minimum wage legislation. ternally, and of shartments in capitalism but also have aided in Had the German working class reased. The existence of the The situation confronting Amer. Be to shorten the urefriendly attitude conflict creating a danger for the Workers defeated Hitter, thereby taking a suvise un stil retteus a threat and the Black till for the thirty of interests Internationally.
Fatherland fur greater than active step toward social revolution, the for operation of natural und spontan those of the cyclical (1929 1933) of the a day forced labor, the stem or reverse these tendencies, iussia could have done. Stalinism have spread. Workers throughout bring the present period of their think that through the teaceful possible of its burdens with four week. All this in the face The Roosevelt program is not to support of revolutions outside or influence of their success would to the capitalist World 118 erri tory is needed by the imperialists cous forces, the present crisis will, crisis.
like previous LION, 30 on The currency policy of the gov road workers, the anti labor pro optimism, to let them worked with its theory of the united front the world would have been hearten decay and it is the one xwer all 10 per cent wage cut for the rail nor, as in the old days of them from below, together with the so ed and the objective revolutionary through uphuse of present stabilization ernment, the much nooted question visions of the Industrial Recovery sebes out blindly. On the con cial democrats, has helped to lead factors created by the or them wish to destroy. But now political conditious for intervenprosperity to a boom which of inflation, must be regarded as Bil, etc.
trary. it not only will aguin set new high records. part of a general mobilization of The recovery which now seems control in the hands of tbe Fed. Period of Drastie Readjustonents existing trends of Anceepts the the German working class to deworld crisis might have been to have shirted in their favor.
econ. feat. It has helped to destroy the matched by a growth of subjective com So long as American businesses, but put itself at their head second strongest communist party factors now lagging behind. Abot The Soviet Univu first line of de to be under way is essentially a eral government on a war like torve them leadership and sup of the world. At the same time its itical crisis for capitalism, as well use the possibility of effectivo resistance other counbreathing spell in a long, bard and basis. In its most extreme form, looked forward to automatic re port during the critical period to impotence has been instrumental in As its economie crisis, might bave tries and particularly in Germany)
painful processhocks and dis currency. thus fully integrating sperity after every crisis, the u of readjustinent, it becomes a policy of managed covery and new high records of pro come. Through mobilizing and con creating condition the workers developed.
marked by centrating economic control, with a fear.
has been temporarily weakened.
History is replete with examples (To be continued)
ing Coolidge Iloover policy of min: corresponding mobilization of dem With the rise of Hitler to power of revolutionary movements in one turbances, and abroad boy increasinance and banking into the sys SIMMONS.
with the videre powers in the effort The Mobilization of Public Opinion in economic life was a natural coragole propaganda, it attempts to not only has the revolutionary country leading to progressive me cor basten the necessary domestic re movement had a set back but we forms in other parts of the world.
Kausas City, Mo.
to find a bigger place in the world Third, corresponding to the con ollars.
Under present conditions we see front against the outside world in ment of social forces favorable to Whither England. the great brench adjustments and present a solid are beginning to witness an align As comrade Trotsky pointed out in markets.
centration and mobilization of in industrial expansion supplies the is the main sportation and finance, American economy, to provide an the struggle for international mar, a capitalist attack on the Soviet Revolution served as a powerful The Textile Code The driving force of American Austry, re inion. comparable to that of war. ductive forces in a cramped rokets, and against the working class, Union itself. In spite of the so stimulus to the growth of the lamobilization of publle op outlet for its rapidly motive power the machinery adjusts itself by displacing agricul time except that the element of readjusting itself by closing small the petty bourgeoisie at home world, the farmers, and broad sections of called non aggression pacts be bor movement and democratic ten tween the US and other nations, deticies in England; the July Rev. Continued from Page 1)
ture and raw material production compulsion is lacking. This ac banks and businesses and enlarg FIELD. particularly France and Poland, olution of 1830 in France was large calling for labor representation bely responsible for the first English ing turned to precisely what they with the increasing production of counts for much of the demagogy manufactured products, small scat in the President official statements Election Reform Bill in 1881; the were intended for the formation tered industry and banking by and in his legislation. The incident revolistionary movement of Chart of company unions. Even the Amism contributed to a reduction of erican loueration of Labor is not large scale branch bunking, producnsgressive bonus petitioners at (Continued from Page 1) tive representatives of the political delegates to future Mooney confer and to the abolition of the Corn ates, uuless it is needed to head or percent toward the home market by edition wear themse spit, port subjected to the usual barrage of tion directed to the extent of 90 Fort Hunt, where they were allow.
out in in. of the delegates present but was organizations in the conference. ences.
Laws in 1846, the influence of the u real class conscious won.
So effectively did the steam roll The conference, though adopting Russian Revolution in 1906 helped ticularly the steel and coal Indusports, and isolationisza by a life Jouing teh reforestation camps, abuse on the part of Minor, Alex. er work that even a non partisan the principle of the united front of to raise the Labor Party to the tries have been active in the forand death interest in world affairs. especially illuminating, not only in ander and other party leaders. representative, the one from the all working class organizations de the English Parliament, while the The New York Times reports of Roosevelt Contribution to Mr. Hoover last year to dealing democratie principles, the Muste. be for received an equal voto parted in actuality from this prin Russian Revolution of 1917 was to numerous instances of coercion to Capitalist Technique Roosevelt contribution to capt with the Bonus Expeditionary loudly with the other nominees was deciple and set itself the task of win. large extent responsible for the force the workers into the comtallsm technique for getting out Force. but also in the light of the ites, who complained so the chairman ning the local organizations and new Election Reforms of 1918. any unions. In some parts of of the crisis appears to lie, tirst, substantial reductions in expendi when they were refused the right clared not elected that the de disregarding entirely the central In short, an examination of his Kentucky, workers have been evictin the recognition that natural and tures for veterans carried through to distribute their paper at the for the simple reason legate spoke up for the right of bodies.
spontaneous recovery is not enough the Roosevelt administration.
recent united front National Youth the Lett Opposition and all politi It is necessary at this time to a triumph of the workers in Geral to sigu company uniou rolls.
tion back to normal prosperity increasing pressure of the crisis the Day, refused to fight for the elecat organizations to a votcoat issue a warning to the left wing many would have strengthened the This practise with Within the next workers who for years have been International working class in gen few weeks probably assume na, after le erbes, Tasmuen use is to of the general crisis of American a realization foers voter in here were 31 delegates present in the thick of the struggle to free oral.
tional proportious.
most energetic actions are taken ican farming, has been politically united Front Conference. The con at the conference representing 14 Tom Mooney from the capitalist Defeats Bring Reaction These are the first few signs of recovery, and to tuke effect over such as the promise of inflation and tons of the delegate, acleration 34 came from trade un chat unless a real united front of Fascism the reverse is true. Both ments. Many workers undoubtedly Second, he proposes to treat this proposed to win bis sympathy or at a certain Larry Cohen, who notions of the non party delegates all workers organizations is for the German workers and the Inter believed that the Roosevelt program Their disillusionment basis of an emergency comparable program, while at the saine time speak but was elected to the execu the Fellowship of Reconcilia Leased, The Left Opposition, as its have suffered a tremendous cercanaperity.
great will be both soon, sharp and comto a state of war. That implies a carrying out the work of reducing tulungrettent with the Stalin atera Thess, the toetsbord group and stands for such a policy of united French Revolution led to the reste plete. The working class cannot the state, the coordination under to as large an extent as possible ist clique policy of an exclusivo the Communist league Federal control of economic actis. with the consent of the farmer Free Tom Mooney movement. Left Opposition. The trend of correct application of the united and the Corn Laws in England, ministration; this the hard master ities such as railroading, the en himself. The only alternative An executive committee of 25, the conference was for work in the front will force the leaders the defeat of 1848 dealt a blow to of events will make only too clear.
to banks to consoli policy would have been to let him arbitrarily selected by the execu locals, socialist locals and and the labor fakers to the English working class, and the To secure a living wage, to secure thirty hour week, no conference operations under be starved and foreclosed off the tive of the previous conference, was opponent fraternal organization answer before their following and defeat of the German workers in Federal (or Federal Reserve) con farms by the naked operation of elected without any consideration locals. The organizational secret the whole working class, if they 1923 gave American capital the opboard will sufle. For this tho branches of industry in all import Similarly, in face of the real at the present conference. Again upon ed penetration of the Knights of Left wing and Communists in orzation of its plans for the mo organized into powerful industrial ant respects except actual owner tacks on its standards and organi an appeal by Minor, the conferened Pythias, the Moose, Elks, the Am der to force the capitalist Jallers mentarily, peaceful subjugation of unions that will learn and know Europe, so today, a similar wave how to fight for better conditions.
ship through trade associations, the xations, the support of the work. voted down a motion by the o. erican Legion and the boy scouts. to free Tom Mooney send GELDMAN. of reaction is beginning to set in.
concentration of all holdings ofling class is sought through the ap: delegate to include in the execu: These organizations are to THE Let these Gentlemen Hold the Congress in Peace. Two Regimes, the Detectives and line of his speech.
Chinese comrado, delegate of the Long Live the Proletarian Revolutionl Down with th Trotskyltes. Example of The evening session was marked Red Aid of Paris; comrade Say the Police to the Protest Delegation the Press Cards Loy a violent incident. Belgian were savagely slugged for having Fascism! Long Live Trotsky! Free Rakovsky!
Two detectives of the North comrade, Vereeken, handel in his protested with comrade Vitsoris.
ents name at the very beginuing of the Que comrades struggled with the under guard at that time. group call a genuine Congress. was them (the delegates) to return and well known to the Algerian work session and, unable to get the floor. bureaucrats to retain the places from our headquarters came down continually interrupted by the bu (Continued from Page 1)
Labor (Gilly miners. Delegaer had a credential nor a card, they gauzation committee. Press cards. him from the platform, pulled him to them but containerat their immediate liberation of the criminal policy of the German tion from a meeting of 500.
Greece Greek section of the Crange aux Belles Hall! That did the cards. come in, gentlemen, the cellar. When several comrades delegation, indiquant at the brutale ensued in the hallway. cops passt his voice was drowned by her hue eration of Wounded War Vic servants at arms brutally squelch dicks passed the calous sergeant mitted, they were themselves Vio was ouly with consideralw eirort ing by interfered and reproached and cry from the howling pack.
tims; Union of War Veterans:ed the protestants. In a word, they at arms.
Union of Widows and Orphans systematically robbed the credenSaraceno, former editor in chief delegates cards were demanded and spite the protests, to throw our these gentlemen hold the con delegate from a red trade union be gress in peace.
ruled out of order.
Woodworkers Trade Union of Lials from the members of the Op or Unite, the central organ of tho taken from them and they were comrades out of the ball. The intervention of the group great number of votes against this Athens; Barbers Trade Union position.
Italian Communist Party, possess thrown out. Other delegates whout their anti Trotskyist action from our beadquarters was, how. bureaucratie decision Aulas was of Athens; Bakers Trade UnBureaucratic Measures Breed ing a regular press card, entered protested against this violence were and not stop at that can ever, effective. Our comrades were forced to leave the platform and ion of Athens; Arbitrariness the Congress.
threatened with expulsion if they led to the cellar of the theater immediately afterward released.
the hall.
Poland. Polish section of Besides this, many of the scenes Led away into the cellar by the did not keep quiet.
Bergery Prepares the Break The opponents of the united Unanimity at Any Cost Polish Enigres of the, Paris were comical: delegate from an agents of the political control The same afternoon two members questioned in typical police manner anti Fascist committee was de to the special Italian committee of the Unitary Trade Unions, a rail and sequestered there under the District: of back to his district because they surreuder his right to enter. were expelled from the hall. The for more than two hours. Vaillant uncomfortable position with their pear their agreement with the reAt the conclusion of the discuseesna endome to organi zation themselves in an sion the chairman made a long apSwitzerland. Swiss section the Left Opposition: Young suspected him to be a Trotskylte Before allowing him leave the sergeant at arms thought they had Among the bureaucrata Couturier. Comrade Vitsoris proposing that the delegates Socialists of Zurich; Marxist one of our comrades having pre Stalinist maxzleri (twenty against a doubtful attitude.
pro combinations. The Pleyel Congress show viously presented a credential from one) threw themselves on our com The first day of the discussion lestel to him and demanded that emphasized how the already mis solution presentd by a demonstraJewish Workers Clarto group be suspected Trotskyite was quand these boken and cover dealsed henhof the report now beheranta pe smiled ironically and turned his greater Anths. Not only wasn hands were raised against it. Stupe Vaillant Couturier horse leals have sunk of the Paris district; to even solution to a vote and a half dozen Germany. German section back the Left Opposition; ating by this hullaballoo secured on his left temple by the bureau spectives, was devoted to anticrats.
Italy. Italian section of the Left Melegates card.
Trotskyist speeches of the usual It was only after the arrest by vious retreat is also being pre time, that the German dologatos Welcome to the Delegates Opposition: Group of anti Another case is no less comical: type, and a theatrical Comrade Fascist emigres of the Paris delegate from a Spanish trade tain his Atlan was unable to ob course of which the scene in the the police of the LaTt Opposition Pared by elements for dign to the who had voted against it had not Belgian dele sroup, who came to the Congress bary to break away from Amster understood the resolution. He had the resolution translated and again district; union was recognized by a bureau aux Belles and appeared at the initierite lag. The session con our delegates, that our comrades Bergery is prepared to take an they voted demonstratively against Hungary. arian section of crat from his country and refused Pleyel Hall on the first day of the cluded with collective singing.
were freed the afternoon, al important part of the terdam it. On them explained his posithe left Opposition: Hungar a card; accidentally, they returned Congress. They wrested his cred The Parade Ends though in a very bad conditions under his influence. Bergery tion by shouting out: Long live Upon their entry into the corri During this time the radical does this with ease. He publicly Trotsky Then a German delegate whose credential had been rejected corner, violently sluggd him and dor, two delegates, Oblin of Mon bour. eois deputy, Bergery. con advertizes his support of Amsterfrom building workers of the Paris from Switzerland appeared with then threw him into the street. tigny and Devreyer, were simply tinued bis speech dam. He coments his positions Frankfort stood up and said. district. the Spanish credential. The Span. Since he protested and a crowd had thrown out of the ball because they the pressure of the comrades from door with greater advantage ac was not Left Oppositionist. But Obliged to free our comrades by which will permit him to slam the When came to this Congress France French section of the secured his admission card to the sergeant at arms spoke to him in their credentials were torn up!
Left Opposition the outside, Beaugrand demanded cusing the Communists of unimpor by your slanders against the Committee, Charente Interieure Congress. Oleron. Public meeting in. However, they discreetly distriter! Oh well, come in Atlan once comrade George Vitsoris delegate tion stating that they were not this tone: You really want to en. At the opening of this session that our comrades sign a declara tance.
Bergery already has an under us in Germany, you have driven me Oval nists who, in every case as revolutionaries along with Lille, Red Aid (Chavigny see buted credentials to members of the again entered the Pleyel Hall. Many from the General Federation of refuten. Our comrades responded taking, the Common Front. which closer to them and vote against party. benten they would not siga such trict; Workers meeting at Moned many surprises to the Stalinist saying: We will check up on his written request to the a declaration platform which is on the same level who wanted a unanimous vote at The organizers of the Congress tignyen Gohelle; Indo Chinese apparatus.
credential and then give him access demanding the floor, prestan In the Future We Will Speak AS Amsterdam.
group of the Paris district; to the ball. They drow Atlan into wrote back that each delegate who to You with a Revolver The Congress Begins Trade union section, Commita small retreat, closed the door to wanted the floor had to set it Many conferences have been hela sion. They surrounded the French In the meantime a German com between the party and Bergery in And Belgian delegates who tee for the Defense of Human The detailed instructions Elven the retreat. member of the 13th through an intermediary. the load. maderentes de les de feroce the corridors and behind the scenes. Voted against the resolution. The ite, and various other sections to the sergeants at arms were dir section of the Red Aid, Beaugrand of his national section, who telesailet and more der worden bestele Dorlot represented the party at the Chairman made a new ballyhoo tipo of the Red Aid and workers ected at meeting of the Common peal for unanimity. The Sett op meetings.
in The sum of these credentials re violent rating a sentiment of SIURBO him, shouting to the dis floor was denied to any Opposi cellar. He was told: No discus front.
reaction against any rov turbed comrades who were massed tionist delegate.
sion with you, give us your iden The situation is positionists who protested were serious. The thrown out of the hall. But even presented a brepeat, evenimente de los tended struggle against the Young they examine his credential. they submit to this anti proletarian and They took all his personal papers mans compromises. were they were insectele nego luat notis number of delegates from the pro Patriots was only a means of strik are dealing with him in a com bureaucratie decision. That is why besides and, returning two hours course, is happening without any Nevertheless this did not prevent ial reasons.
According to prattle of the Stal guards and a corps under the lead. main Atlan that he would re when the chairman announced that will speak to you with a revolver. way for his eventual break. From from declaring that the vote was mittee was organized with several they told sequestrated until the conclu Bergery, petty bourgeois radical, All his personal letters were kept the Communist point of view Dor unanimous.
Inists, the Oppositionists repre ership of a specialist.
sion of the Congress and they beat would take the floor, comrade Vit Comrade Paget protested Rented no one. but, one of the or Kanisations represented by us: the from eant at arms was barled him brutally. Atlan crids drew Soris stood up and addressing him hall when he saw our Comte lot reply Wis no less odious. It The very first day, and not the attention of numerous dele self to the Congress, shouted out: rounded up. He was immediately of the Political Burete resto shows just where the sympathie Results of the Masquerade General Federation of Disabled knowing whom to suspect, he bulle gutes who energetically insisted Comrades, in the name of 60, 000 ejected into the street The Congress has succeedel nel ther in improving the relation of Warp Victims of Athens consists of led everyone: And that one, isn that they let him go.
disabled Greek War veterans proLast Day of the Parade SIXTY THOUSAND MEMBERS! hea Trotskyist? In this way al To the delegates that protested test against the exclusion of the girl comrade, member of the After much petty discussion one sinking its roots among them nog Young Socialists Protest the party to the masses, nor in Bureaucratic Sifting member of the party was violently they declared that Atlan was Lett Opposition. demand 1st organizations were automatic his membership card on his person hall. We have told above just how Communist International of Lenin by the proceedings against our com. Gully miners. requested the toor. xress was a party gathering and All the credentials of Opposition thrown out because he didn bave police agent that they found in the floor in its name. Long live the Anti Fascist Committee, outraged Belgian Knights of (party and masses. The Conally rejected.
The slogan was to hound the Trot they received the police agents. and Trotsky! Long live the prole rades, when the brutalities against The leader of the Edglan delega its results are already apparent.
First Day in the Hall of tarian revolution!
regular credentials oficially stamp signell to that task. The Squad was the Congress Fascism! Long live Trotsky! Free ously on the floor. She too, was floor but only on the condition that The problem of Fascism and the ed by workers organizations passed completely put off the scent when The packed hall at the first ses Rakovsky!
immediately made harmless by he first submit to him the outline struggle of the workers against it leaderships; all those recognized as detective was in the hall. Take meeting rather than a Congress: coming from all parts of the hallly reached the street with a bloody Wered that his point of view WAS has not only not solved any of through the sitter of the national they learned that a plain clothes sion bore the aspect of a mass Bands of bureaucratic funkeys the anti Trotskyist squad and final of his speech. Our comrade ans remains before the international working class. The Pleyd parade Trotskyists were subject to the him out quietly No provocations! no real discussion.
threw themselves on him with sav nose. The other socialist Youth that of the Left Opposition. This following maneuver: Their creden Get him to go out. Out The delegates grouped according age bestiality, dragging him by the comrades left the meeting protest was enough to gag him.
these problems but has augmented order to issue tial was demanded from them in side on the sidewalk, two young to languages had to obey national hair and beating him with their ing with her. Incomrade oursion was with Most important in this last see the confusion. The Left Opposition delegates card workers who listened very atten discipline, to make known the num hands and feet. Comrade Marle the young Socialist against it; they were requested to tively to Trotskylte much to ber of delegates desiring the floor. Dimitricedes, delegate of the war delegates made clear to them that rade Aulas from the Unitary Fed criminal Stalinist policy alone can wait a minute, then they the bu the chagrin of the sergeant at An Italian comrade requested the Widows and Orphans of Greece: those Stalinist maneuvers had eration of Teachers. Aulas demon solve these problems.
and retained the credential! Then, under the fallacious pretext that for the group came to see hom sabla tomande re delegate of the see nothing in common with a genuine strated the responsibilty that the bore in the German From La Verite, organ of the pore diplomatically, they requested they weren delegates. demanded that he submit the out. Meurthe et Moselle. an Indo Some of our comrades were stiu catastrophe and in the fallure to French Left Opposition In spite of a the we