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SATURDAY JULY 1, 1933 TAB MILITANT PAGE Discussion of the German Tasks the ation of our custom position with tournurgeoisie. There are this quite opening pur articlpation CHICAGO al nog even without the socialdemont averate. at ematea interessos del od letenang, has gone about no one has Representative Denounces en la conseguir Fascism in Chilean Parliament View of the Labor Scene in see more the British Isles Today Guard.
a clear and distinct reply from the leading German comrades to the questions posed above it would be The draft resolution (unfortunA Reply to the terenuleren thougeogal on the te perspective of a new party, but we ences have been overcome. We must (Continued from last issue) Review of the Past That recessury for them could be got ately, undated) clears some dif.
The war came and as its most one in collusion with Renner. That ferences (reul and imaginary, that of the German Helps to Understand immediate consequence, the Habswas the pride of the social demis, bused on misunderstandings. form of the Second International. must draw from this weburg empire collapsed.
There were to be sure, some par. the necessary practical to Auscruts and this pride allowed them Opposition but at the same time left others ticipants who avoided answering and fight in common agreement for tro Marxism, it lost the ground unthe Present to ignore the Heimwehren.
untouched. The task of the prethe question: for the II. or the III. them.
derneath its feet. But it did not vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv or course, this could not go on Hent criticism consists in defining vvv as exactly as possible the real charlero we are not concerned with tation under the bandes de limba. April 21, 183.
notice this. It believed that its praised as irrevocable. One after for ever, because the Heizuwebren acter of the differences today. anything but this second task. It wald in general.
period of bloom had only begun. The other of these conquests came soon began to show very distinct The Note: The Resolution of the That was only natural. The dom under the kuite, so that a short signs of life. llere and there, they resolution ascertalus results hot from any psychology. The proved to be an right at the beginning that the that is to say, from the state of episode the slogan of the ung) referred to above was pubGerman leadership (Reichsleitution of capitalism was heavily time usou madame social democrat went about assassinating one work.
shaken and the bourgeoisie could voiced the complaint in the Naer, then another.
not even think of rehabilitating it tual Assembly: From the com. The Incident of July 15, 1927 prived the slogan of its reform of trianguard, but from the the revolutionary policy of the weeks ago.
sell by its own power. And so it monwealth state, which we were After every one of these murders all content. in other words, that whole of the objective conditions: whole new epoch. At the present, transmitted the task of reconstruct supposed to be building up, nothing the Arbeiterzeitung would write: it Needless to say this rated the collapse of tbe kolicy as well accord, let us say, with the the cannot be from the victory of Kuscism and the questions are the same. The HELP FREE TOM MOONEY ing economy this is how it came has remained any longer jutrties were, What was to happen then. was this should huppel aguin, then.
of (SUPPORT THE NATIONAL TAG to be called instead of: reestablishing the capitalist regime to however, of dirrerent opinion. shown on July 18, 1927. On this the position that we all hold up to isto The state of mind of the loss important than that of Zim DAYS, JUNE 19 JULY the social democracy.
They believed that there was still day, when the Veluwese workers, March 6, bars a tremendous sly workers can yet change special merwald) on the road to a new Auspices: the National Tom nificance for all of our activity.
And the latter went about this a great deal of volutionary warembittered over the acquittal of ly in the sense of an ever clearer purty; but these are two different Mooney Council of Action work with the greatest of enthus wage that had to be cleaned up several ruscist labor assassius, put Boxes can be secured at the Paragruph of the resolution understuuding of this historie fact. questions Larm, for according to its view the and that this work could not be the ulace of Justice on fire, the League Headquarters, 126 East reconstruction of cconomy was done at all by democratie mounts, or social democrats thought of nothing direction of a new party. This tive of the left Opposition should. By the way, how is the ques16th Street, or at Room (le prerequisite and beginning at least, not us fust us they would better to do than to propose the 535 80 East Ilth Street, thesis completes the preceding one thares its of departure struggle for their own preservation, of socialization. And had not like. Fascism raised its licud and formation of a new coulition to the and thus restricts extremely the the fluctuating sentiments of the the leaders of the P: without democracy anything else but the is today about to establish its own Christian Socialists!
sphere of differences. The leading heart, but the objective changes in giving an answer to any of the THE MILITANT automatie generator of socializa domination.
programmatic questions, disassociAud along this style they have tion? Things were quite simple: The Rise of Fascism, Unnoticed. continued to carry on the struggle cognizes thout the Stalinist party in To interpret the slogan of the nted themselves from the Left OpGermany is jolitically liquidated new rty as u mechanical unit vosition, alleging that we still nur: matter November 28, 1928, at the ing class grew, and side by side the Heinwehren, urosu us curly us the rightfut aggravation of the murety will reconstitute itself as a position of the old party (Brand. This fundamental argumentation Under the set of warch 1870. The social democracy would grow. Sinully they were only to be about the side or hascison. The side by side new party, outside of the Stalinist ierites, Leninbund) would has been eliminated since, by the Published weekly by the Communist Ultimately it would have to get the der guards (therefore their name with the Heimweheren there arose organization.
not only be an absurdity but a march of events. Addressing League America (Opposition) majority in the house of parliament lleimwehren equals llome Guards. National Socialism Hitler simple mockery of our entire past. Helves to the we say: AP But let us quote more ex and then, no obstacle would any But the reactionaries recognized in Own Shirts. The unification of EDITORIAL BOARD With regard to one group or an. ter dearch 5, we are also concerned Martin Abern tensively from paragraph 3: AL James Cannon longer stand in the way of social them, with their unfailing intuithe workers enemies kept on makthough the development is in the some steps together, steps dictat. But a party is created on the basis other, we can only speak of taking with the creation of a new party. Max Shachtman direction of a new party. the Arne Swabeck into socialism, without revolution, role as self defense organizations spite of squabbles within their own od by the situation. So, for in of a program. What is your proVol. 6, No. 33 (Whole No. 180)
slogan of the creation of the lat:tance at the anti Fascist congress gram? It is necessary for us to Their without blood shed, without a die against the internal cuciny. stantly more distinbecame conter would be premature and false. we should seek an understanding be able to utilize the advantage of tatorship and without a rolgn of the social democrats SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1933 But the soterror, The whole sense of this sentence with the Sucevliet group, the sour new Kisition. If the leaders orl Subscription rate: 00 per year The Dream is Punctured, But. atriots they even handed out at It is not even doing anything did not recognize this. As good cal democratie party persisted in complete lies in the content that one gives German Socialist the term slogan. It may be in Party. etc. ainst the bloc of only now in the process of elabor Labor the Is not, obviously, the Foreign 50 cents per copy But one fine day the cup over 10 Ilelmwehren. And when the Inactivity.
terpreted as both an open proclam Nuchtenberg with Barbusse andating thelr program, we can offer Howed. The bourgeoisie parties dis Communiste brought attention to now, after Dollss, half encourcould now get the white in Germany as an appeal for the immediate at the slightest reason for con in the program discuss pantala pico.
ocrats and took teave of their coal their honeymoon with the coalition, creating those advantages for the fusing tactical undersatndings of rose even the creation of common PICNIC creation of a new party with the this order with the question of the theoretical discussion organ, natur atlon brethen. But that did not put them od with a little bite has to offer to it, while at the rouse the social democrats from sowing existing elements. Insofar as is concerned, warty. Only one thing can beally nireserving our entire independ SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1933 their democratic Intoxication. The Guards! Something like that could rame time protecting it from the stidskillful tactical agreements, ence of organization as well as our it would be the most ridiculous sort on the Insis of a correct strategie political journal. The question of unfriendly attitude of the bourre exist in backward unit, but not liksone conuences which such a Forest Preserve Westem Ave ok parties only went to prove to in a highly civilixed democratic regime brings with it for the ruling and 87th Street Among ourselves, them the correctness of the theory republic; this was all the more so. Classen.
a proposal, the formntion of cadres for the decisive question. Neither do we it at the opening of the discuss Communist party.
COOD TIME ASSURED that the social democratic camp because the democratie wing of the Even Dollfuss Can Put One Over.
want to substitute it for other there arouse a contest of calcula Christian Socialists, which was at sion, such misunderstandings could In the German documents, questions, but only to place it wide Games. Refreshments. Sports Lion as to the chances of the party that time still strong, did not have artament and announced a new When Dolltus cnnt aside the Come early and enjoy the day.
for the conquest of parliament.
ing the last few weeks has created the slogan of the new the slightest inclination absolute clarity on this score. It countered with the lerty is hy wide with them, as a serious of a partial question While the is not a matter for us of decreeing Intely impossible to understand this already hronght this result: it has new Zimmerwald. It is abso will num up: the discussion has Auspices: Chicago Branch of the delights outler wallowed in the venture of a civil war for the ad stitution on the basis of the of this socialization math Heimweheren? What for. said nomy, intending thereby to clean up Pnpowering Act of Wartime Ecoematies, the bourgeois parties ac Prelate Fauser, can get every the rest of the revolutionary gurCommunist League of America new party, but ot proclaiming open counterposing of things. Zimmer cleared up a number of obvious (Opposition)
much more effective task. They greement with Kenner (leader of to offer him than their democratic ly our position towards the old wald represented a temporary bloc mixinderstandings and has thus re cleaned up all those conquests of the social democracy. And party as well as our new perspec of Marxists and Centrists. The stricted the sphere of the differthe revolution wbleh the socialists was god own truth. Everything there just as helplessly today bethat oratory Austro farxism stands tive for work. It would be imperformer marched under the slogan cute. Nevertheless, before getting missible to diminish or to mask the crossed arms, like the ancient fore the advent of Fascism as the signitica nee of this turn. Our course Christians in the circus. We shall theoreticians and practicioners of is one of propaganda for a new be ready, tists clenched, certain party and preparation for it. It is that the future belongs to us.
the war. It starts out with the as.
necessary to speak out clearly and sumption that the normal condition openly about this change. Are we The violent repression being prefor capitalism is prosperity and pared for us will also be met in a violent form by the workers, who that through increasing prosperity tion does not offer the necessary thie closing the ranks of the proletarian class antagonisms will be clarity.
The following are the high stolen from the National Treasury. revolution will know how to put Edinburgh, Scotland. British straightened out by the collabora3. After a correct point of de wints of the discourse delivered This money is now being used for force and violence at the service of talism is still in the throelshare the wonde percent. That rollettion of the classes, leading up to parture the resolution then falls in by comrade Emilio Zapato at tho the purpose of solidifying the ex society.
crisis but a temporary boom in the wages and conditions. That so As to phenomena which appear to to a number of contradictions, seeint session of the Chllean White masks its fundamental declarations lions of Depttles on April 24, istence of your infamous continues also the guide of human provement in certain luxury trades Sir Godfrey was not in Edinburgh course not know even how to begin For the bourgeoisie can no longer building trades and a slight im cial service schemes Le repudiatel. contradict this assumption. it and does not give any practical 1933. Three days later at the (Tumult in the Hosue. Several destiny. Under its direction hu has been responsible for a reduction and made it known that he had no to tackle them. To the question as directives. The slogan of the new party. says the resolution, will re reelal session of the Senate of deputies speak at the same time. manity degenerates and rots. It is the capitalist press has seized up. malicers. No accommodations were crisis and its offspring seismin the number of the unemployed Intention of seeing the hunger to what can be done about the the itemblic of Chile, our com. Deputy ZAPATA: can prove to now the turn of the proletariat to munists. Why? Obviously because werkers challenge to the recent pel all criticul or semi crical Comrade Manuel IIidalgo threw the you, honorable gentlemen, that the take in its hunds the reins of power on this pretext in order to announce alable for the marchers to sleep they have a little an answer as they still believe in tbe Tel Fascist move when the mask communder in chief of this White in order to make possible the pro. British trade revival and the but they declared that they would they have to the question: how reform of the old party. The devoted moiture reached the upper house Sanchez Errasuriz himself, is one of toric perspective of a socialist as the majority of the wage work position resolved itself into a duell heavenly. lide with some other or has again been trotted out. So far down from his high horse. The earth should shortsighted revolutionists, who at of the Chilean Parliament. those who harvested so luxuriantly ganization of economy, destroying. Austro Marxism the cost of great sacrifices will atconcerned, the position re between the Edinburgh magistrates one will hear, is not astronomy, but Deputy ZAPATA: At this mo in the period of the recent dieta without pity all that which stands ers and the marchers leaders among economics and party in illegality will naturally ment, heavy with grave alternatives torial governments. or whom were Harry IcShane and itself, in spite ofics. It In the way of the success of such mains the same, state that ho robbed the treas an organization. concerns Although relatively better arsenals of the show themselves to be hostile to for the working class, come for than many wage earners in Central Aitken Ferguson of the and Republican Schutxbund (the social our affirmation that the perspec ward, as representative of the ury to the tune of one hundred Referring to democracy, Trotsky, Europe, the British worker is be John McGovern and licenan of the emocratic defense organization)
tive of the reform of the Communist Left (Chilean Section million pesos.
one of the most beloved leaders of ginning to feel the no longer bears any content which Dollfuse is 80 feverishly to at the same time. that the development is in the position, Bolsheviks Leninists)
The marchers at first obtained searching for, not with shooting (Tumult. Several deputies speak the world proletariat, said: There up inethods, while the rain of speed.
is no hope of conquering power employed men and women have long halls to sleep in, then they were irons and other weapons of dedirection of a new party. But it is precisely on these two. theses at the viewpoint of the ex.
masses on the proposed law. oratie deputy prove what he has biste retains the instruments of again. Especially is this the case that week they slept out in Prince parliamentary negotiations. Austrothat we find agreement with the For us Communists, this attempt said?
domination. Triply crazy is the in the heavy industries such as Street, the main boulevard of the Marxism is democratic and it the German leadership. What shall ye to give the existing government ex Deputy PEREIRA: The honorable hope of attaining power by the steel, iron and coal and on the Scottish capital. By Wednesday others do not stick to the democratic do about it? Shall we keep these traordinary power does not constinot being ethical. road that the bourgeoisie ing them out loud Wt hordlere more to is necessary for the ruling class in Deputy URRUTIA: It is cowardly simultaneously indicates and the many famous factories and ship they managed to threaten and fint same condition as that white repel from us the partisans of re order to impede the protests of to bring in here the discussion of trenches for itself, by the road of yards are standing derelict or becaujole the magistrates into paying sical Austrian general, who when ing used as rough house dance the marchers their fares back to ever he was asked why it was that form? Such a position would be the workers at the time when the an person who is not a member of parliamentary democracy.
altogether unworthy of Marxista nose in which they are held and do not doubt that the Ger cluss is pulled tighter. WR8 a this honorable house. This is an But this does not at all mean that halls, gambling sbzaloons or scrap the varions parts of Scotland from Napoleon always defeated him, know act of cowardice!
we Communists should forego the iron stores. This was once the licence they came so the hunger called out despondently: How can man comrades do not have this in it is necessary for them in order Deputy ZAPATA. can prove opportunities, offered to us by the proud home of British shipbuilding march ended. It created great ex. no const war against mind. Under the blows of experi to ensler stop the workers com with ample documentation the truth bourgeoista itselt, to make use of engineering and iron working caplostomy and undoubtedly save the who doesn stick to the rules of many ence the utopians of reform will plaints when wages are being slash of my charge.
the national tribune in behalf of tal. The objective conditions are Edinburgh authorities a military science?
become convinced that we are cored and unemployment is growing, What can be done against Dollat the the revolutionary proletariat. Bat certainly favorable for a great ad. fright, but it failed in its main rect. The more firmly and the hy means of such a law you will same time. The Chairman ringe tle must be given to bourgeoisie in rance on the part of the British wbjective bocause of the sectarian when, going against th: more swiftly we shall establish stille groans of the workers as they the silencing, bells. its own terrain of democracy, thus working class movement, but un nature of its make up.
man and divide justice, he simply our position, the greater will our political authority.
ing muperism The law you pro beperty CZAPATA. ukulele or deatsion that the bourgeois parties can er chaos and confusion la the ranks National Unemployed Workers ocracy, the most democratico. com pose is necessary for you, to bol gentlemen. Calm yourselves, de solve the problems of democracy. of labor. The draft resolution poses ster up and strengthen the existing fenders of the White Guard.
The Labour Party still holds the employed organization were there the only one thing is left: subthe question of the creation of forces of class repression.
In the measure that the fundaSeveral deputies: Your honor mental contradictions of the capil orker of politically thinking to a man, but the large mass of the mission. tung has repeatedly deAnd in actuality, the cadres. In itself this slogan is ab. Who is sponsoring the projected cannot express himself in this talist system become more acute, within its ranks but its unemployed and employed treated solutely irreproachable it is only measure the gross provisions of Castion about a person who is not the bourgeoisle will abandon all lit policy continues to be a welter of the grair as one of their busiclared that its party realizes that necessary to reply: for what pur which do not deserve the flattery here.
eral demagogy and will resort to everything under the sun and stress: As consequence, the after the overturn in Germany. pape, the cadres? For the reform of detailed analysis?
is based on class collaboration. It wille stvore more of a so many things will have to of the old party or for the construction of the new one? If un have served all dictatorships was the representative of the rev. hoping to postpone a bit longer for British capitalism and by the attempt to strike a blow on the is jurepared to negotiate with DollThe same bourgeois parties the der such conditions, we take the Chile up to now. They now ralen olutmary laat. If history crumbling of the present social skillful use of Left phrases Itarart of the masses All the recentes aut the new constitution.
road of diplomatic governments all silence, the bourgeois structure. All stalinists will demand an answer cracy. But the same bands have democracy a parliamentary major systems, about to fall, resort to lenders draw away from the Comarches and demonstrations have That means only this; the social the lirill voices in the praise of demo does not give just the same of us and we shall handed over the national sources or ity to the Communists it is be brutal measures in order to retardanunist party thousands of healthy een of this nature and until the emocracy does not object if the cause, as our own comrade Trotsky the fall Flowever, no repressions, cruits the many small sets. strikes a sound line, stunts democracy is beaten the Communists like those augurs who the control of the country fiscal have two doctrines, one for them. institutions to the imperialist Deformed nations into clubs that back the proletariat in its revoly and the anti Parliamentary groupsday.
have been hammering at the Re! Despite the fact that with cach ceremonial is retained. Naturally, of selves and one for the uninitiated. wers. The same elements that have solemnly vote in the Social Revotionary mission.
formist Labour Party and Trade using yenr thousands of sym the Arbeiterzeitung brings not only It is clear that the authors of the ever played with the misery of the The Democratie Parliament can the proletariat will have to sweep with little to show for their work. backs on the in disgust, the contrary to these. It Impelled forward historically. Unions for about thirty years but thelie workers are turning their much declaration, but also others, resolution cannot want and do not Chilean masss are now proposing not represent, it canot even appro aside the outworn forms of bour threatens, such a duplicity.
law giving extraordinary powers ximate the correlation of forces scols society, in order to create on munist party is still isolated from about imaginary victories not ridiculous plans, vacillates between In the draft resolution as to the existing government.
well as in other documents the idea. Shall we permit ourselves to be strument of class domination without exploiters or exploited. class and has completely failed to gradually the real situation is ben condition of headlessness, into that labor in society. Being the in. its ruins a society without classes the main strata of the working in Britain, then in Russia but hope and despair, just as befits such is often repeated that the perspectopled by the pretexts they have clutched in the hands of the bour. Through the dictatorship of the gain a foothold in the factores Einning to burn itself into the minds which that terrible Dollfuss han ha con proletariat, it will construct the band workshops while the keeping of lite and with the recent German de What does the social democracy that the advanced workers are not sure. Its undoubtednim spelletinue to sanction the acts of repres cialist society. beginning prepared paychologically. It it more suffering for the workers. By sion resorted to by the bourgeoisie already been made in the Soviet the reformist bureaucracy who aro bacle and subsequent crazy united still hope for? Naturally, it has immediately, then the workers are protests against the crimes that the revolutionary proletariat The social panorama is becoming price and brazenly selling the workpollits and Co. are skating on thin the intervention of the foreign cally but also politically and theo ed by the bourgeols and petty power taken in its own hands the more definite every other day. ers over the collective wage bar. lee.
countries and in the quarrels withretically. The necessary cadres are bourgeois sections here represented. power, the press the schools tho Everywhere, on all Half Year sub to the Militant see in the dispute between in the Fascist camp. It does not You are responsible for the ex larmy, etc. will an end be put to amidst wars, dictatorships and dip Divorced from the employed, the have no masses. It is impossible cesses and crimes perpetrated by the the comedy of bourgeois democracy. lomatic comedies, capitalist society makes great endeavors among Is On a Club Plan with three itelmweheren and Nazit weer war the to understand the reference to several administrations that have posht lets contradictions, its fake ori crumbling. As soldiers of the the unemployed and has been suc other it is only 60 cents. unification, it dos not see that it country lightning rods and the entire members of the parliament refuse employed demonstrations and hung.
NOW. 85 otherwise than as recently vletimized the resembles a lovers quarrel which our own partisians and and.
ends in a warm embrace It does If the number on scheme of constitutional demagogy to hide our ideas, but will continue er marches. The last attempt was even our sympathizers and semi Deputy URRUTIA (Interrupt So that your wrapper is.
180 not see at all any more. It does in to shout them and to defend them a Scottish hunger march and on sympathizers are not prepared ing. Those were de facto govern the purely formal and well manner today in the tribune of the Sunday June 11, about 1000 pov: not understand the world, and your subscription has psychologically for the sharp ments. The honorable deputy should ed opposition to the projected mea parliament, tomorrow possibly inerty stricken unemployed men and expired. more it is incapable of acting and If you want to get the MII. that is why it will go along the change of perspectives. The auth he careful about making direct ac sure shown here by some sectors of our prisons, in exile or in front women marched into Edinburgh in tant promptly every week ors of the resolution confuse, quite cusations.
rond of debasement and devitaliza the bourgeoisle. The time will of the machine guns of the same order to demand an interview with renew your subscription at tion to the bitter end, paralyzed paration of the proletarian van tives have played an important false tribunes of the people applaud which the Government and the State for Scotland and in order to obviously, two questions: the pre Deputy ZAPATA: The Conserva: come when we shall see the same White Guard, the legal existence of Sir Godfrey Collins, Secretary of once: per year for Afty in mind and body like the German two weekly Issues; a ball social guard for the creation of a new role in the acts of those govern the butchering of the Communista majority of this Parliamnt recog. discuse their demands.
democracy. The Austrian Communist party and the prepara ments. Will you deny that year for twenty six weekly Some of their demands were: the But as my comrade Idalgo so nizes and even justify for what workers can expect nothing from issues.
tlon of our own organization for worthy representatives of that party well sald in the Senate, when speak purpose? For the purposeso cyn. The abolition of the means test. the Exemplary Party of the Second courageous and decisive change have organized the several conspiring in protest against the expulsion ically made plain in the famous re That children of unemployd and THE MILITANT International except disgrace and of our own orientation in the ques. acies that have recently devastated of the primary school teachers, we cruiting slogan oft the Guard: To adult dependents be granted extra 126 East 16th St.
tion of the old and the new party. the country Millions of pesos were Communists shall not wait with shoot down the riff rat. AUSTRIACUS.
relief subsides. That rente be (From Unser Wort)
of appear before the rank and file natural wealth, our Industries and has stated, history bas not trang. no massacres, en succeed to hold much as the the will continue to be the order of the interred, so long as, in considera bellet place little defeat.