CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyLeninMarxismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE TRE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1933 Furniture Union Accepts ON THE WORKERS FRONT The Teachers Union and the Left Wing Proposals Fight for Union Democracy Cum the in high.
Workers Militant Strikes on still in jail as charge after charge, or Stein at the Itand School mectis being placed against them making last Monday. The Left wius ing bail impossible to secure. The must be on guard, mobilize its West Coast original strikers, however, are out forces, explain to the workers that our leaders together with nearly one hundred per cent. Continued from last week)
the situation in the wion and pro The correctly understood taskers. was the demagogic cry, only Los Angeles. The city of Los Strike meetings, hold under the Cliques are not interested to fight It is no aceldent that in the pose a solution for it. The re consist solely of cabing influence the stalinist lendership in the it. Angeles has witnessed, and is wit. leadership of the chairman of the the bosses, but rather patuh pan period of the salary attack. from or in the supreme effort of the over the trade unions, such as they lostrial staved of the responsibil nessing the beginning of a wave of strike committee, comrade Sam axreement that may be worse than September, 1982 to the present administration in its light against are, but in winning through the lity of approaching the of La strikes as the workers are com Noyers, an active Left Opposition. The present agreement.
date, the Left wing grew in size the Luft wing. Four of the live and bluence, increased trade unions, an iniluence over the organization.
ist, are as enthusiastic now as on sol in boldness members of the Grievance majority of the working class. This But so vital is the issue among to starve fighting as to starve work the first day of the strike. The It will be of interest for the un aggressiveness and pressed the muitter were among those who preAbout six weeks ago, is possible only if the methods em. the rank and file of the union that cleaners and Dyers struck. This a long time struggle. The bosses ets of The Militant to know to tantum administration. Ju sound workers are girding themselves for Pocketbook Workers and for ruad attack more sharply against the rerrel the charges. Over this ilagrantly bureaucratie ployed by the party in the trade it could not be postponed for long.
what situation thing the alarm in time and couduct. set up the administration tried to the one stor response are doing likewise.
latter. If the wing proposals stricken from the Federation of Labor: strike of The Chamber of Commerce pre prexhep brought persistent agitution for the draw the veil of respectability. It party buys its incluence in the trade minutes and without much upholsterers is now going on.
Workers. a lon to energetically resist the nominated and elected as the lith unions only at the price of a narence in the outcome of the nego nowever, are those of the agricul check to be in keeping Loss White. This employer was and left wing was only doing its duty. Dewey, notes liberal, cutlet The two most important strikes, sented of Morattack on the teachers salaries the member of the Communiter Jolita rowing on the latter, converting them in the union sent a unity proposal to tural workers and of the milliners Angeles the white spot of the ris is to lay ole vi the largest manu and serving the interests of the Lal for ledent Political to auxiliaries of the quarts for mo Leal 76. Why was it necessary to who are in the left wing Needle However, like a pack of wolves, facturers in the industry. Norris teachers and the union. That is ction and instrumentalist. Dewey, the other manufacturers are whitu, as many other employers, why it won the sympathy of a num to whom the dratt of the report from becoming genuine mass organership by expunging it from the The Mexican agricultural workers izations, the relation between the record and then resurrect it as are a super exploited section of the satching the Golden Bros. orders ambled at Wall Street and of teachers and increased its is attributed did huis Jul well. Thu Out of this springs the policy of tiotably because it was Trotskyist workers are generally migratory or Mr. Golden bank credit is none lost the money be made from the The reply of the administration It asserts several times that the combinations tehind the scenes of contraband. And second, because semi migratory. Entire families the strikers provided the leadership during the Wall Street crash. At was an attempt to silence it be the administratiu involves hushing up, of acupation to ideas and slogans of others, and In our next article, we will con: Children of six and seven to the of the union can formulate and ter the crash, Morris White do expulsions. In this the administra Lundamental questions of thon clared himself bankruptand clos tion was continuing the policy which Lolicy; the mou is faced not tinally the complete passage to the clude the account of the fight for adults. The wages paid range from The need at the moment is ad his factory. The workers walk it had adopted against the Left with it matter of personal con positions of opportuutsin. Lcon unity of the furniture workers to olds to eight cents an hour for ass picket line. This pictet line the streets and starved with wing in 1931. In that year it pro troversy, but with differences of Trotsky wether with the Left wing program twelve year olds and thirteen cents honld bear the character of a uni teir families. When the workerssed the expulsion of the Progres rolicy that are manual to its American industry is beginning for its achievement. CARL COWL an hour for adults. Payments ted front. The issue is elementary had been starved out, Morris White Nive Group. This was not realized. existence. the) main cause to stir into open class struggle. SOL LANKIN.
for work is highly speculative, as and appeals to the proletarian in opened his shop again. Ile signed in June 1932, it attempted to explof the conflict in the mion) is Uppermost in the mind of the workthe Mexican laborer, under constincts of every workers of every agreement with the union and the entire kank adn File group the existence of a conception (un ing class is the burning question. How can these miscrable depres SPARTACUS CLUB LECTURES, reluctant about going to the rear the leadership of the union make workers from the shop This was ministration changed its plan and proper fuuctions and vujuctives The Spartacus Youth Club will channels to collect his wages. The labor organization or will they retration progressive halled as a victory by the adminisproposed to expel only the leading the union. age Spontaneous, elemental Low the fullowing discusslons at ranchers knew this and have been tain their old position of united nenbers of the Rank and File. To The Delegate Assembly living.
At the same time, or before yet, this list it added a leading member strikes and protests break out with meetings.
quick to take advantage of the front from below only. Notwithstanding, the report care Or what Morris White opened another shop of the Progressive Group. The July 6: The Student Question Increasing frequency from unexwas eighteen. By Cully refrains from analysis of the pected quarters and in a surprising the discussion leader will be com Mexican agricultural proletariat.
Beginning as a spontaneous is still worse will they give up out of town in Bridgeport, Conn. total number undamental questions of policy manner. What distresses the boss rade Mannie Garrett.
es and annoys the trade union bu July 13: the welve. By the time this proposal ondary questions. Its thesis is that rocrats is that this upsurge does Your History of the fartier struggle the strikers in this field Service to the idea of a genuine we would have even an honest October this number was reduced to involveil. It deals only with see Movements, and the Draft 000. Arrests of pickets are have now reached the number of united front and sabotage it in ac conservative administration, tion?
union would have sent out or reached the membership of the the light over the fundamentul not wait for the unions to net, Thesis of the Plenum of the daily occurrence but in spite of The strike can be won provided anizer or a committee from time to the uumber slated for intolerable nor does it wait for the busy sen Alictings are at 8:15 Thursday this the countrikers bmtralle spits of a correct policy is followed. The to time and organize or make an sion was reduced to eix.
in the unit which threatson. or for the better moment. nichts at 120 East 16th St. in Los Angeles will attempt ad tied its continued existence. For On Sunday, July 2, there will be or for the thousand and one exA curious phenomenon in this to point out this correct policy in line to organize the Bridgeport The steady retreat of the The present administration ministration reflected the pressure this situation, like the administrulabor a bike to Forrest Park in Queens. strikes the attitude of the sex side of the union and in the strug did not set in touch with the work of the Left wing and the unton tion, it holds the Left wing resumstrategists for delay. It bursts Sleet at 120 East 16th St. at 9:30. ican government.
ers of the Bridgeport shop. The membership which the Left wing xible. Ou this motivation, principal Ex pretresal sle, itsell.
result was that Norris White de esfully aroused against these it made several proposals, which out for wage increases; it bangs Calles has sent the strikers This strike wave particularly to its fist, even in anticipation of the and President Rodriguez has sent the W. the only Ucided to make up his money herectionary propawich were be of the administration. The timThe expul help put the union in the Meket lost gumbling in Wall Street as Nion proceedings. Season. it gives the bosses a The Columbus Meet them 1, 000. The explanation for group of anywhere near a quick as possible, naturally at sun in the memortant changes the structure of foretaste of what is to follow in the season.
and Muste Labor Party to succeed in present day Mexican has caught the party unprepared and saidwarene as. Antes man. Worship for action April 23, 1933. no inten. The creation an The furniture Industry is to exCurrent history is harshly provers and peasants one has to be sum of the the worker. com to it that his workers in the y. the admistration changed its their respective schools. This assem politics with the radicalized work ong paralyzed by the ultraLeft piratory trekt him. The The sentiment ainst expulsion sembly whose delegates will the ception to the trend of the day.
On the contrary it strikingly illu ing the Marxian postulate the socialist or labor or agrarmunists are relearning the art of shop should not make more that Nans in the meeting and proposed inly will have the powers leliber strates how determined, militant there is no middle course leadership in the every dny strus 810 to 16 a week. Workers who suspension. This was defeated aative and voting now exercized at most capitanesco Milliners in Militant Strike leadership, can wrest conditions and the dictatorship of the indus! Another Strike now going. co is ated from the effects of the Third protested were not som any work victory for the Left wing. business meetings.
altogether. In he Seadewage increases from the boss trial working class. The American that of the milliers led by the ful Communist organizers and not in shop he made samples, Disloyalty This effects a radical change in es by sporadie strikes and stop workers must eventually choose the Needle Trades Workers Industrial parroting seetarians. In the class in Bridgeport me made the work campaign the administration rell the committees proposals dis At the height of its expulsion the structure of the union. Point pages.
three upAmeriholsterers in greater Nowa hlork, en or else endure a period of heat eseloopdien the second are the least of the mette rechposition of the. shop, and the workers sorted to a disloyal act.
Upon the torts this strucuras enange in da barely three hundred are organized bariem. As revolutionary Marxists celebrate the New Deal in a lit. are being show. The worker. Com. No matter how many times the summoned to appear at a hvaring Business meetings of the memberthese into both unions: The Furniture we can go into the united front ting fashion. They introduced in Workers Industrial Union and with any and all groups in a strug piece work, speed up systern. The not lie the easy prey for pencil union oticials to take a stand misal from the school system! At commit the union to any policy. pleaded with the before Shea to answer charges ship to discuss, deliberate, and sug which involved his possible dissest to to the Assembly but not to Local 76 of the Upholsterers Inter for immediate, concrete Issues workers, amongst whom were a pushing. infallibie bureaucrat.
against Morris White but it fell on dational, of which the Latter and at the same time not give up nucleus of left wingers, stopped The activities of the o. in the deat ears. White gave the hearings, Linville, president of our emphasis. By this distortthough smaller in actual number, to propogate the above work without going down into the agricultural fields, in the Needle such treatment to his workers in the union, testified against guned version of the shop celegate has signed agreements with three idea.
History has proved that no great Bros. to brought the Golden Trades workers, in the unemployed and in Bridgeport that the These were acts of treachery. The system the reactionary administrastreet and or positions are putting the lett non union workers in Iridgeport on exists for the purpose of de tion is aiming to shut on minority ner our allt. unions, is sowiul problem will be solved by The victory at Golden Bros. be Opposition on the map. Our indurevolted two weeks du lundvent ending the teachers against abuses expression and deaden and further of the union. According to Infor termal affairs. And it cannot tolertions of policy cannot be solved tight over fundamental ques.
the control of certain shops through lowrkers know that by elections the millinery workers who are most our membership is growing in and one in strike without the knowlelgoethe It cannot permit conservatize the organization.
agreement with the employer which and trade union activity alone it is desperately in need of militant or extremely wlow rice disproportion mation, even the Chamber of Comte in its ranks, be they rank and mechanically nor by administrative allows the latter to use the untonssible to permanently raise the sanization. The union is growing con the crowth of our indu: label on his goods and limits the standard of living of the working daily. It has increased its mem trice, organizationally too, we can merce urged the workers not to 80 plers or feaders, informers to the measures. The recourse of the adwork till employer would of membership to little more than any or put an end to economic bership ten fold at least in the last mark some progress.
grant a raise in wages. The emits members. ministration to these methods saya.
those working in these shops. This crises, unemployment, etc. As revo month, since the triumphant stop The expulsion campaign was ac on the one hand, that it cannot tar or two a work. Under the in companied by y an undercover cam match its policies against the Left union and the bes, while it main can go into the unions, the unem. homillinery trade has a large Bosses Lockout Pocket intense two the chamber dere Compaign of incitement of the conser wing and on this basis defeat it.
the other hand this proposal union shops above the general level ronps, etc. we can unite in tains wages and conditions in the played organisations, the framionvon of Communists and The new spirit book Workers sunce the without union guid. vative, and even reactionary preother resolutions introduced by workurs went back to judices of a large number of of the unorganized industry, and with any and all working class amongst the workers also had a work without union conditions and uniori membership against radical the administration giving the Ex BULLETIN without recognition of the unionism and Communism. This was ecutive Board sole power, to susstrike fund and other considerate demands, and, at the same time, ists and Left wingers. Long silent, As we go to press we learn At the same time, a committee the counterpart in the union to end and expel, the outlawing of tions; nevertheless, it quito effec retain the above position and ex they have once more begin agitat that the leadership of the Poc of the y. shop went to Bridge the same campaign conducted by opposition grows, ctc. which are tively creates a barrier between the plain to the workers why we are ing. The next fruits of their agi ketbook Workers unorganized mass, to whom the trying to organize them around a tation has been a strike at Lubes forced by the pressure what was taking the of in the system gener aimed ostensibly at the Left wing were politie hero when. is that the union cannot give jobs. This revolutionary program.
Hlat Works, where forty workers workers in the Union to call a saw the committee, he arrested the present expulsion proceedings from against the democratic rights of At the July 4th Columbus Con walked out demanding the 44 hour general strike in the trade in ment of reactionary lics, mach vention of Unemployed, called by week. they were working 48 hours) New York.
members and tried to frame the the system ly the Biof which the union membership, committee min. But he failed involves the outstanding militants if it is not defeated the adminiine control ignoring of the unor the CPLA through the leadership division of work, recognition of a his efforts. The committee was of the Left wing, is, in large part, istration may succeed in stilling, not ganized and the stilling of the rank of the Ohio Unemployed League shop committee and the cessation In the past issue of The Militant freed. When the committee We the fruit of the expulsion cam only the opposition, but the colle and ble in the union.
the Musteites hope mass labor farmer party. or a picket line was thrown arounale described the present situation turned to a whop meeting pign from the union waged by tive initiative of the union memorganize a of wage cutting.
in the Pocketbook Workers Union was called. At this meeting the the union administration. For hership. This will be a long step The Left Wing in the Trade The Purniture Workers Indus united mass party of workers and Lubes. This line was re enforced Now we will show in brict the de workers forced the mon to take this, too, the union administration trial Union was born out of the site farmers it is the duty or with girls from other shops, partivelopment that took place for the a stand and it was decided to cut must assume its share of response toward the destruction of strike against Morris White The Last wing must adapt itselt The Since last week, the Industrial shops.
eadership of the Under particularly the Communits, to monstration of solidarity Democratie Rights Violated to the new situntio naud work to What does this signity?
the hysterical lash of the Stalinist aber la resplate the role of the Red Squad did not succeed in to. Council of the Leather Goods Em thiru perlod polies, it was not a persware hem to actively oppose strike ting forty eight hours, en the Pensive and locked out 2000 work workers or bridgeport, both shops violations of the temperature and that asthist hiemand testere con for Had The expulsion campaign was also rentrate the Assembly. There and bosses at Lubes pelled) a substantial group of the might advise the Stalinist Central of the workers.
union who together with a number Committee that its faithful followployers aro demanding open shops. victory would have been assured which manifested symapthy with cratie reform of the Delegato of rank and flers who had losters are patiently If the millinery market with The union was forced to answer against Morris White. This would Jaft wing proposals and Assembly for the their confidence in the reactionary party line and instructions ce astir with hope after the first view the lockout with a strike against have been a donth blow to these threatened to carry them, were and tory at Golden s, the condition of the association shops only methods and a warning against arbitrarily adjourned by the ad4. of La unione formed the Les are, in the meantime, hesitant in the workers minds after the sec. trahom ternal a Club anderende olie in een players in the house against ministration en technical protexts. MINN PL existence it has advocate the prin for fear the might support it. left to the imagination. The work cision of the membership to call ad open shocks, and refused to re and wapnorations, etc. presented ciple of one union for the entire lowever, should the workers chief emotion was one of fear and strike in the Association shops Our Fraternal Club by the administraIndustry and has stressed the shop to win the support new the agreement with the union. tion were railroaded through. Mincfforts failers were inspired, but the bosses reneral strike in the industry.
PICNIC as the basic unit of the union. It and they, in turn, pledge their sup alarm.
administra ority ints of view were ruled out will give the bosses a chance to tion have acted the other has championed the democratic port to a labor way of order, or denied the right of SUNDAY, JULY 23, STARTING rights of the rank and file and the task is not to it from sident of the Millinery Ase n, the dent show samples in the indepen around. They have not utilized the expression. Contrary to the charge then our Jr, Sam Golden is the vice pre make AT 11:30 This will prolong the discontent of the workers, they of the administration, the friction idea of an international tionary movement of labor. On the without but to revolutionize it from bosses organization. In an evidstruggle of the workers in the As ve not been in touch with the and disorder at the union meetother hand, it has succumhed to the keer contact with a good element the Golden attack, the bosses and the Leather Workers Society best opportunity to organize the the left wing minority, but to the the within. That is, if, in order to ently Riverside Park on South Side of sociation shops. The progressive workers Bridgeport, and lost the ings, must be attributed, not to Bros. shop began to lay EVERYBODY WEI a tront portet cand the theory of the working class, we are forced the ground work of again attempt who are the leaders in the general WorkersThe workers of the Nora arbitrary practices of the adminiWELCOME of social Fascism. which has pro organize ourselves inside as a frac system. The workers piece Ware stile as the administration fee not a militant struktle, but the situa alty to rethin itse hala wela the Nationally known Speakers duced within the union the atmotion for the purpose of convincing nervously alert demanded of the calling a general strike in the ton in Brldsport is not so rosy due membership, often in direct conAuspices: Minneapolis Free sphere, and without the policy. of the workers of the insufficiency of these plans. When the Messrs. Furthermore, at the last meetingſtration to be on the spot in time bership itself, in short, by its perMooney Conference to the negligence of the adminis. tradiction to the will of the memthe revolutionary sect.
and Golden Bros, the giving up of whole industry.
inevitable treacherous impotence of The discontent and unrest among such a party. We must use the Golden refused, the workers walked of the general strike committee and make the necessary prepara Inent the furniture workers of New York labor party as an arena in which out to the number of 70 out of 90 when election of all important com tions.
refusal SUBSCRIBE TO has had a marked effect on both we shall tactfully agitate for employed, or the 20 remaining mitteos to lead the strike took place. This shows the workers cannot ist and function the right of minorities to ex UNSER WORT organized unions Suddenly Local 76 an Communist party. of course, most of them were relatives. This the Mattins, the David Myers, the have any illusions that this lead. kroups, an essential condition of nounces an organization drive. The this is a hard job, but then Lenin was about a week ago.
Drevnowitzes voted against the ership Workers and friends who read Industrial union intensifies its ef taught us by example that we should The first day of the strike wit Left wing to be represented in the tor can lend the workers to vic trade union democracy, the admin German and are interested in getforts. Local 76 makes some head not drag the labor movement along nessed the arrest of two pickets, important committees. They again lead them to disaster and defeat.
On the contrary, they will istration has demonstrated its re ting first hand accounts of condi.
actionary character.
tions in Germany can do so by way: tbe leads somo line of least resistance He taught comrade Elsle Meyers and Helen united with the Fraternal Club The fight between the administra subscribing to Unser Wort, the each, naturally must undermine road and to combat spontaneltyfrighten the strikers. Picketing monstrates that the administration tion and the Left wing has been illegal organ of the German Left THE BULLETIN OF THE the basis of the other union in or by diverting the labor movement kept right on in spite of the almost and their alliance are not interRUSSIAN OPPOSITION a tense and heated one. If the Opposition, published in Prague.
issues involved have not been made der to proceed. And they are both from its spontaneous trade unionis. despicable collection of human Alth employers. They are more inter Letters from the SOVIET UNION as they should have been, du week. Subscriptions are for a year unbelievably Articles by LEON TROTSKY y brutality of the most ested in a struggle against the met with stony indifference and labor party course into the chan as clear to the union membership The paper appears every other cynicism on the part of the furni nels of revolutionary preparation, which bears the title of Red ested in the fat plums (for them) 36 pages 25e. cops false policies of the Left wing on must be accompanied by currency.
to only and are 00. Subscriptions ture workers who say: Two houses organization and Squad.
Limited number divided against cach other cannot EXPOSIC THE LADity.
PARTY! pickets caursday night six more of the Industrial Recovery Bill, the many questions and the division were arrested. They are! way it was explained by our man. Get your copy now!
stand. plague on both your SUPPORT THE COMMUNIST in its ranks, this served only to Checks and money orders will not make the fight more heated and houses.
to produce a situation in the union Comrades who subscribe must Realizing the burning need for by Ame Swabeek che unification of the industry, the even included the possibility of involved. They must allow time which threatened to paralyze it and take into account the time element Left wing elements in both unions CORRECTION Unemployment and che have come forward with the deThe passnge in the Pocketbook American Working Class split. The responsibility for this for their subs to reach the center situation lies, principaily, on the here, and ten days for the sub to mand for trade union unity on the workers article last week which basis of a Alghting policy against reads: The workers know 24 pages shoulders of the administration reach Prague and on top of that бс The Special Grievance Committee ten days to two weeks additional the boss upholsterers in the coming they can have no faith in Shiplaseason in the Industrial Union, cofr, Wolinsky and Co. shoula Postage: 1e extra per copy But the administration tried to short, the first cops should reach for the paper to reach them. In we have fought for close to six have read The workers know that In Defense of the Russian Soviet Economy in Danger put the responsibility on the left the comrade about three weeks afmonths to put the question of the they can have no faith in the prewing. The Special Grievance Comter remittance to us.
Revolution unity of the unions on the le serere tion which is the heir and protect Pioneer Publishers mittee which was elected 48 pages 72 pages 10 84 East 10th St. New York the administration charges Address all subs to Unser Wort, ridiculed and rejected. No united lor of the Shiplacoffs and the Wolngainst Left wing leaders and re care of the Militant, 126 East 16th front with the social Fascist lead Inskys.
port on them, also took the Street, New York City. back balts our ns Workers Pocket Series By Leon Trotsky that bear 6c