AntifascismCapitalismCommunismDeath SentenceFascismHitlerImperialismMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

UNITE Published weekly by the Com monist League of America (Opportion) at 126 at 10th Street, New York, Eatered as second else med matter, November 28, 1928 at the post once at Now TR de testard 16 VOLUME VI, NO. 33 (WHOLE NO. 180)
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1933 PRICE CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Workers Slave for Return to Narrow Basis at The Textile Code Roosevelt Program Long Range Pennies in Penna.
Sweat Shops Mooney United Front Confab Shows Real Face of the New Deal Plan to Stabilize Capitalism On the Backs of the Workers set tie the NOUS who urged factory workers to what was called as a united fronta united front of working class OT but an attempt to forestall a real efforts are not directed to the im and Interest rates deelin. then it begun to steer u course te The Paris Anti Fascist Congress. an Anti Trotskyite Slug Fest Empty Parade is a se Left Opposition personnes represent Complete Failure Delegates Beaten New York, The great pro. Minor suavely and demagogically Paul Comly French, writing in mise for the broadening of the uni made an appeal that the motion be The past week has seen the pubthe Nation of May 31, gives un al teu front to free Tom Mooney at roted down and that all delegates most uullievable account of cou: the recent National Chicago Mooney De giyen equal opportunity to lication of the first few proposed ditions in factories in Pennsylvania: Congress was given a deplorable speak. How much interest Minor industrial codes up a week; wages as low as cents whelmingly party packed conference equal opportunity to speak was Act. The most important one adan hour: Girls in their carly teens hem last Sunday at Irving Plaza plainly to be seen when in the late waryce mile in the besede expos: Situation of American Imperialism in World Economy Forces «New Deal» Demtheir best superbe des heure delegates for the greater part from duced mution that the last speaker all its richoses the present forennen to keep their jobs. There the and its auxiliaries, but ers be three trade union delegates program. Where soosevelt spoke agogues to Reverse Historic Policy. at Expense of Agriculture and the Pro18 limit to which cupitalist ex: the atmosphere of the conference and spoke against the amendment of a maximum 30 hour working letariat. Program Disguised to Enlist Support of Toiling Masses.
a re week, the manufacturers propose ploiters will not drive their starveharked back to the old third per of the deles et Opposition a 40 hour week. Where Rooseveit and sunted child slaves.
lod days when any criticism was presentative of a. Congress has adjourned, leaving Immediate crisis, which had al and March 15 (rcupcuing of the in the earlier days of capitalism, met with a hysterical howling from ele de la dan met boere melodongs: Shameless gentry translate this in. Itoosevelt hands the most far ready begun to show signs of slack New York Stock Exchange the day under the banner or Ireedom and the party followers.
cyuulity. children were chained to There is a great danger, if the the last few speakers.
machines so that orderly produce indications at the conference mean Despite Minor and the bureau and quote ten dollars for the south crican president has ever bad in for a long period of violent shocks bugun us fur buck un July of last tom. would come here to see young anything, that the party will give cratic procedure of the conference and relevan dollars for the north consecutione becoming proposes into and disturbances of economic, so year and lead daten uit te the stuge, under the banuer fruke the united front and reverse to its succeeded in getting the door when splenble propusul were heard from her the consolidation of capital which the normal forces of capt works of the peut year. Eur labor into cartels, the beating down of talist recovery are insufficient to Soudings, electric power consunapindividualism and the New Deal. ultimatistic united front from be the resolution to be adopted at the even the most reactionary of labor wage standards, the course toward cope, but which on the contrary, tun, utomobile sules, steel progiris just emerging from child low policy.
conference came up and read a leaders. All those labor hokers Inflation, the aggressive assertion demand the atmost concentration duction, and u Lost uk similar in lood, who are working J3 hours aybe Left Opposition delegates Statement. Com dade Geldman. who for years have done nothing of nationalistic policies at the risk and mobilization of the economic dices showed the score of this ime Week for cents an huur, uru drug to New York at uigut by ter were refused the right to address paking for the upon being to better the conditions of the of disrupting the economic confer and political power of the bour pruveineut. The basis for it is to the conference on the ground that siven the floor for a a couple of min most exploited section of our inutes, inade the following state dustrial population, the textile once (allegedly based on internageoisie.
ve yund in the establishment of worker, have today decided to attional cooperation. or production costs masters to give up their huli survenreference must be given to tradement: The delegatos of the Lettempt to rebuild their lost prestige which for so long has raised the dent inaugural address in which modlity prices at a low levelthe eu bodies to prospective buyers of union delegates. That this was Why is American capitalism, the famous sentence in the press through the stabilizatou o com the shirts their sweated labor merely a pretext to prevent them to the accept the drait vos in ottically protesting the miserable slogan, Take the government out he likened the present emergency extensive reductiulis in wages, leadcreated.
Opposition voice being heard at tiom the Free Tom Mooney Al the session of the inchot the conference was plainly evident Conference and pledge themselves aroposals. It is thus that we find of business now in need of the to a state of war. The facts them in to improvement prolit investigation committee ou sweat by the bureaucratic antics of Rob to whops the following revealing testert linor who carefully sifted the tainas out all the provisions con. Thomas Bedlahon of the Roosevelt program, which does tho seves clearly show how unlikely iturgius; und in the re accumulatherein. We protest how of proposing that instead of ten is is the policy of government inter immediate banking crisis, or even result of far reaching liquidation capital seeking luvestment, as the ticle, was made by the burgey ofwrmitted to get the floor. Minor. cedure of the chairman in exclud. at fourteen, and instead of the vention in business carried further about the cyclical crisis of businessud low interest rates. The direct borough or Northbmpton who wil introduced as the imparing our representatives from the mber of lours be set at thirty cumulate of a temporary and limit began to improve rapidly from the intervention of the government was forty hour week, the maximum and further the more evidences as a whole. The banking cuisis where a child labor mill is locuted: tlal representative of the Tom oportunity of addressing this cobine. Today, with the more than upturn in business Is it not second half of March on over eective in bringing about recorference. We state categ categorically lf had my way, he told the Mooney Molders Defense Commit that unless the conference followedollur rapidly falling in value, the ing his efforts the more signs of the banks, Federal reserve notebuting through prompt action to 17 million unemployed, with Governor procedure the to Lo egou orders to unum plused per wus tireless in his efforts to make free from sooney is in danger and roposals of the oblicial A, of Chvalescence his patient shows of the circulatione declinedes er 1, 600 the reopening of the banks. Since a puradox to see a doctor redoubl 18800, 000, 000 in gold came back to ory, at this stage, only by contri can be looked upon as nothing The answer is that the doctor 000. 000, strike. And his wife who luudlus conference into a convention. ganizations which Tom Mooney active movement to resist this mediate symptoms which already What the Government Accomplished but did not create the tendency to unemployment roller in Northam with increasing rapidity.
accelerated When comrade Geldman, Lasked for is irreparably harmed.
ward inilation, which ptou, mas even more amazing ideas. o. delegate, made a starvation program. don believe the strikers should representatives from trade unions some degree of sympathy by some deal picture, we see the provisions very existence of the system. It developments of the month between Kosevelt legislatives and could This statement was received with Finally, to complete this new inner cancer which threatens the sharp slump caused by the banking show some improvement, but to an General business, following the increased uctivity.
be vutitled to any unemployment and political organizations be given The emergency with which the reller, she testified before the cum preference on the speakers list. Continued on Page Continued on Page 1) is not a question of overcoming the Peb. 18 (the Michigan moratorium) gous ruther and deeper, and looks inission, because they don have forward to a period of years. This souls.
can be seen by the scope of the In Gottlieb Sewing Factory at York the usual wage is or sta measures themselves, and of the government apparatus which must week; wir in Berustein factory De provided to make them effective at York report payment of It involves, slaort, the long term 00 for two Weeks workou ruture of American business, that average of three cents an hour. At the York Suit It Co. button sewers reis, an attempt to readjust American economie lite to a new set of ceive from to u week for Elity hours; York tobacco workers conditions apart from the natural a pretext to express the pressure governmeut circles and of your adherence on this basis.
said they received 50 for a week work totaling uity Rours, ranks.
break faith with the Hitler Govternational Secretariat, and is takmg place before our eyes.
the while workers in second eigur The Pleyel parade has come to crnment and Mr. Duladier in any group connected with you have Every previous crisis has elosed factory in in this rich Lancaster Co.
an end. The pseudo congress has way at all.
conducted an infamous campaign agricuitural section suid thadir shown itself unable to solve the Te Marxist Wing Excluded from Wort, organ of your German see same time delegates such, had the high records in production and against the Congress. See Unser passed on into the stage of stabiliwuges aveurged 50 for fifty four problems which confronted it.
the Congress the Preparation zation or detluite prosperity and lours. wilk mill Paris. The specter of Trotsky. Deep cracks were revealed in its York charg tion. You can no longer ignoreganizations of workers or then into a boom, marked by new Ruutange, Gourdeau lieutenant, the fact that your German group right to enter the Congress. But trade. Sometimes the driving forco ed girls 10 for teaching them how ism haunted the organizers of the ranks: the illusion of strength to become operators. Pressers in Pleyel parade (Pleyel is the namo which gave the congress thousands the party contidence man, man in laris has made a decision ex there also the bureaucrats Were has been the opening of Dew territhu Lehigh Valley Shirt in of the hull where Alichows receive sa lut week as held Ed. from the beginning to sergeants at arms were nothing else eral tricks of the organization pour le este the Congress and watchful. noto appeared to try our new murkues; sometimes Avainst 14 pealed to the suwe work the end of the debates. Defeats but expressions or stalinist impo committee so as to serve as buit your ser box cott of the latter. In Humanite demanding that those bigscross. or toreigo wars which for the sucialist rank and tile. Anti Fascist your struggle against the Workers wanting to receive his credential have stimulated American exports two years ago. At the Adkins like that of the German proletariat tence.
Shirt Co. in Allentown only threw threw a burning light on all the The Congress Utilized by French We have already revealed bow, against the united front of millions Belles (Red Trade Union head stries.
Congress, that is, had to appear at the Grange aux sumetimes the growth of new indugirls in the place were over four perspectives established the. Imperialism in the Parisian district, the Op of men for the decisive struggle quarters. teen; their pay averaged 30 to a week, while one girl that the Centrist policy would not! Wasser government protec ally alused were systematically for the overthrow of the murderous time, were in possession of credenty a pe even in sight today. On from Marxist wing years ago. In order Better is that if this congress positionists after being methodic against the advance of Fascism and None of these factors making for The Left Oppositionists, at this peaceful stabilization and prosper with seven years experience, eurn be wiped out by such a congress the tion it played the game of the for thrown out of the district Con Mascist dictatorship. the counter tials of the following organise the contrary, the outlook is that weekboy in for menton district scale of the Shop earned teu cents a week for its criminal policy it had to hang letter from the police department struined interuational system. The leaders of the 2nd International. terial reasons, were not de es web te ligne de bucata come befalter took all the precautions dat dit alte consider approached his is our answer to your remanehnyacontraty to the election and real economy and in its re able to marked by severe shocks and vioa tuweek period.
edy of the united front.
The bureaucratic measures were with the organizers of the conuing drew closer, and more, it Organization Bureau of the for each local group.
ists who multiplied their delegates lations to other countries.
STALINISTS BREAK UP in vain. The Marxist wing of the gress, be knew how to use the con appeared that the Organization Convocation of the European The Long Range Perspective of LEAGUE MEETING IN Committee desired to systematic International, which represents the cross as a national reserve.
Spain. Spanish section of Workers Anti Fascist Congress.
Soviet Workers Excluded from ally eliminate the sections of the Needless to say, we expected such the On Wednesday night, June 28, strength and expresses the hope of Capitalism Luft Opposition; Autonomous When America was changed th the Communist Lege of America the proletarian vanguard, showed the European Congress (Opposition) held a meeting at the way, Building Workers Trade Union; the course of the World War from What is more eloquent on from the Cougress; in fact, every maneuver, they had already rethis Pitkin and Bristol Streets where Oil Workers Trade Union of a debtor to a creditor nation, Astillero; United Trade Union tremendous readjustment was need Every day the Centrist bureau point was the absence, from this delete toutibude to meet the stam, well as others, with the exception about two to three mondered work cracy reveals to what depths European Congress of any Soviet the island testual leadership, that is, ot rank and tile organizations, tant of Ilerena: ed in every single phase of the Amsterdam. All the delegates Belgium. Belgian section of the national economy. debtor namembers and Lers, assemdorlan bureaucracy in which the strates, once again how low this In face of all of these facts, the the International Opposition who Lett Opposition; Knights of tion is one which not fully bled to listen to the point of view term revolutionary serves only as prade stood in the estimation of International Secretariat of the were present in Paris wer (Continued Page 4)
rown up economically: importa Left Opposition sent a delegation capital, exports raw materials and last speaker had concluded his to openly pose the question of our remarks he asked for questions admission to the Anti Fascist Confoodstus, needs a large export surplus with which to pay its debts, from the workers. Up piped a gress. This delegation received an party member, , and demanded evasive reply. On Saturday, June has relatively small industry and nothing short of the platform for 3, on the eve of the Congress an an inperfectly developed or deas long as he wanted. It was exofficial answer was sent us. We pendent banking system, a shortplained to him that it was our plat. New York, NY on June 18. ers have been joining the Forum publish the lettera Organiza The verdict of guilty brought in for the saving of the lives of the use of labor and high wages. Extion Committee below.
the From the Brownsville The party members then set up itay were expelled from the Youth against Hayward Patterson one of framed up Negro boys, the chief actly the opposite is true of economically mature, capital the nine Scottsboro defendanta, was credit goes to the and the porting (imperialist) creditor naThe Explanations of the a yowling and hooting that would controlled organization, the stu Club, Morris Shapiro, a member of undoubtedly have brought the police dent Forum. Their expulsion, bas that organization for seven years, Organization Bureau set aside on June 22nd by Judge Communist movement as a whole. tion. America even before the had not the speaker trota the plated on the Himsiest and most trans and one of its founders, has been TO THE INTERNATIONAL SECHorton.
Despite all mistakes in the united had begun to partake of some of form promised to grant him the parent charges of inactivity, comes expelled for Trotskyism.
RETARIAT OF THE LEFT OP This is the second reprieve grant frout maneuvers, despite the play the beasts high state three minutes that many from the as a result of the feeling of alarm Caesar and Conroe have ed to Patterson, the first having ing up of Tammany llall lawyers, nation of the creditor audience urge that he get. He was among the stalinists and the been expelled from the POSITION OF THE been obtained some time asked if he would contine his rewth or influence of them idcast he also for Trotskyism. Neither of In reply to your letter of May through a decision of the United was able to make the Save the ago the International Labor Defense of industrial development.
war, however, its whole promised that he would. When he young workers and students of the these comrades has endorsed the 23, we answer the following: program of the Left Opposition, States Supreme Court. The European anti Fascist workScottsboro Boys an international economic structure has been shot sot the platform he immediately locality.
but have been studying it.
to ers Congress is a mass congress, to In his statement of opinton ac stogun that helped to weld the intradictions. Its banking system In particular, tho stalinists have in the Student Forum new ex. which the largest sections of the companying the order for a new the time granted him and set about become worried over the class on palsions have been put on the or tolling masses have given their ad trial Judge llorton merely repeat Iternational bonds of the proletarremained a contradictory two story iat.
affair, on top a few score banks of telling the workers gathered there the History and Principles of the der he was going to speak for as Left Opposition. organized under den of business. At the meeting of herence and have elected, through what the defense has been say This temporary respite must in world importance but with few or long as the workers (read: party the auspices of the Spartacus by a Ler to expel Sam Gor tle anti Fascist struggle, represen of the prosecutrix (Victoria Price no was produce any lull in the H0 branches at home, and below members) demanded. whether for Youth Club. This class led by don, Cacar and Lerner for tatives of the masses of all couns in this case is not only uncorre building of the only thing that will them. 30, 000 country and neighGeorge Ray, began with an attend circulating a petition protesting the tries the groupes connected with borated but it also bears to its completely free the boys a mass borhood bunks, were This was too much for even some ance of 18 and has now risen to expulsion of the three Trotsky you do not represent any masses is contradicted by other evia the part of the southern court may in good times and bad. Agriculof his own followers. One worker 30. Joe Ross, president of the face indications of improbability movement. The present move on imated down to 20, 000, by failure declared You will speak over my student Forum, attended ones 20 members signed their namesticipation in the anti Fascist strug: ence, and in addition thereto, the ho just such a maneuver to foster cure, through rapidly giving way ber: He was asked to leave the exposing the Trotskyists. Unforto the petition. The motion was cle and in the strengthening of the evidence creatly preponderatus in illusions in the minds of the work to industry, remained the most im ing class as to the honesty of portant single phase of economic the Alabama Courts. Masslice, providing a huge export sur kan. Cries of shame werd heard in exposing only his own ignor cause some entertainment had to with the European anti Fascist be prepared for the evening. How Congress.
The change in the point of view achusetts honesty sent Succo plus annually, contrary to the food important to their death, Calif. deficits of every other of Jydige Horton, who but on last and Vacunesty sent Tom Mooney Industrial power. Industry itselt with the party and mem rades in the Student Forum is only. Trotskyists from appearing in of February 26 for the convicted youth to death, was hardly to 15 years of a living death, and while rapidly increasing in size workers were trankly disgusted The expulsions of the three com ever, this waarom obstacle tes prasa The appeal of the organization Palm Sunday sentenced the con ornia a the expelled of the bers tactics.
part of the expulsion campaign in the Congress was ad the result of preponderance of Alabama honesty will attempt to and concentration has been ex.
Because of the shouting on the East New York and Brownsville lowed two speakers on the motion, them to adhere to the Congress and day the sentence of death was read reprieve Is the echo of the work than any other economically ad.
The meeting was then resumed. augurated by the Stalinists in the the Forum headquarters. The dressed to all workers political and evidence. The frame up didence send the Scott shoro Boys to their porting only 10 11 per cent of its emocratically al.
the present output, a much smaller proportion part of the party members it was sections. Joe Elliott and LAY one for and one against each have to send delegates to it. Participato Hayward Patterson. The change ing class shout in their defense, so vanced power. The huge export meeting with the Announcementican Youth Club. Elliott made The sum total of all these bu acceptance of the platform of cont of evidence but rather Terance will their complete freedom be the from capital exports were begin impossible to conduct an orderly ton were expelled from the Amering tion in the congress presupposes the was not one in the surpluses continued, while returns in the result of a mighty protest move we were be that was and would return to this The Stalinists wanted to refuse rau cratie expulslono ker thata mate more here topascist stetue la presented tearing to pieces of the erude ment demanding their release. This is to come in and complicate corner. Our comrades struck up him admission on the grounds that and more young workers and stu: in the appeal of the organization frame up by the united efforts of decision for a new trial must be the transfer of international pay.
shame or the workers present, the American Youth Club. Their pro Learning what actually is the pro. We wave no communication on white workers in the struggle for whirlwind campaign that will force powers have solved by accepting the subject of your acceptance of the freedom of the boys.
party members refusd to sing, and nosal was defeated by a vote of gram of the Left Opposition the complete freeing of all nine annually more imports than they left in a body. GLEE. 19 to 18. Since then the GEORGE RAY. Ithe platform of the Congress and for the granting of a new trial, boys. Continued on Page 4)
by the Stalinists Expel L. Youth Scottsboro Decision Reversed exSince steadily de.
an ing one minute aplece.