BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerItalyMarxMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1933 Danger Signals at London Meet Exclude at August 4, 1914 and May 17, 1933 it.
Workers Must Organize and Fight Against State Capitalist Measures in the issue capiattiat Anti Fascist Meet (Continued from page 1) of the pillars of the dictatorship of passivity and empty threats of the (Continued from Page 1) kicked out to the devil, and Hitler and miserable parody that the Gerthe proletariat, as Stalin proposed Stalinists.
arranged the miserable comedy of workers veruse to krticipate Behind the Scenes a possibility that in time to come the National Holiday. Hardly in.
in 1923, or does he propose to keep in view of the growing danger to keep it, why of war graphically illustrated both (Conti The nited States in the mean it if he proso? Is it because by the actions and the failures of caused the Comintern bureaucracyjon was inconceivable. And not when he was called back to be inside of the German social democra in Page do not care whether these dele.
not even a penny would be offered had Leinart returned from marchtime has sun risked a crisis in does he not for their most obliging tolera ing behind the Swastika banner gutes buve placed themselves outthe conference by insisting that the that would compel him to point out the London economie conference, to work so diligently to keep the question til And of stabilizing currency be that after all, there is a difference famous price but do declare that by necessary to warn the revolu delegates of the International Left only the social democratie appar. carcerated in the sick tic awde they have broken the atus, but also the bureaucracy of house. The free trade unions be their Opposition away from its halls.
had visu to awatisfactory level between the Soviet State and bour. tionary workers of the world again. geois states? And would not this the Stalinist faction, dominating came Fascist week later, the last faith with the spirit and sollThis meant that only economic raise a question in the minds of and with all the emphasis in our questions outside of curruey could be conference about the peaceful result from the spineless, comprom. of the left concrete proposals the Comintern, arrived at the same too, was done away witb. darity of the literatual of sopower, against the dangers which It feared the Opposition for the or conclusion. Puscism, nourished by the socialis.
be taken uptor a period of weeks coexistence of capitalism and Olising. capitulationist policies of the anization of the European AntiThut sounds rudical, but it is Even in the case the Nazis are cial Democracy, will be obliged to or more likely, mouths. The French cialism?
tion to organization, beginning with taken into the government there break the head of the Social Demouly Leon Blum, who throws out threatened to split away, but haveThe purt of his speech which in Stalinist the in the Soviet Hitler united front from organiza remained in. Under American pres cerested the conference most was 10: Union and Comintern. This of the International of Socialism.
sure, ine British have come out in his plea for eugthened credits wad leadership, forced by the iron logic the problem of Austria and proceed we be no question of the bourocracy in order to arrive at power. Lis chest now and then and speaks Where were now the speculations Le Peuple, the central run of Soviet ex Stalinist bureaucracy is afraid of without the cooperation of the soplentul credit Amerikan ports. with an offer to buy a fundamentally false and potty actual maith low working class act of the Fascist dictatorshlyn Dio cracy? Where were the fancy step further 91: terest practical consequences the btw own shadow. It has lost all cal democracy in the solidification of the social democratic bureau. the Belgian Sucial Democracy gous volles tu intlate or not to intlate, cuminodities under these conditions. une country has lost faith in thini It is interested only in main. International, January 1932. theories Pually there appeared at the taining its own dwindling and unThe thought rings very Reichstag ion a greatly reduced absurd III.
part of the social democratic frac its own hands.
term credits for the Soviet Union world whereaucracy at home. Inde a la Barbusse is sufficient for support to the illusions and wish headed social democracy contamin capitulation before llitler terror Talk and Action La American proletariat. It supports it.
Trotskyism completed the sad the united front masquer that the Stalinist bureaucracy lent The odor of the decay of the betion. and In the currency committee itself when addressed to is counter revolutionary working Helt on and on diplomacy and negotiations it has stood for milley of lower class and constitutes grounds for with the bourgeoisie, reactionary, thinking of the sister social dem ated the air. The vote for Hitler and demagogy.
But the last word has not yet ocratie bureaucracy. And all of at the recent great statement on Completed the capitulation, er vel 20 percent Silver to Surphy of the British but arestarea de coroad. cc confronted been enia. The Left Opposition this could not fail but have an coelest link in the challenge treason ever, also what had already cowg 80 percent sold in such werves. It is perfectly all right as long as with the ravages of and limiting the use of gold to in it is addressed to the bourgeoisie crisis, the dangers intervention resta che defeat to cover wp their social democratic workers. The un it was the consequence and crowd: Lefore been boyun.
It was is ternationul settlements and central only.
from Hitler and the threat of already overflowing crimes with new expected became a fact. exactly a ink of the nigh 20 year old policy the line of the entire Second luwill year after the famous Stalinist proof coalition and toleration. This ternational which the telebistag making other words, But what is the purpose of these Japan, with the ominous lack of crimes. The Left Opposition the phecy of January 1932, 1litler ac crime threatened to pull down the carrots complete with such Lanking ul the present situation iu the Uni critical situation in the its only anwer has been to refrent. shameful maneuver at Paris and its tually reihen thel The pure the leading spirits abroad and there are in the and internation: long term credits? To relieve a recognition from the United States, continue to expose cooperation entire Second International consistency on May 17, 1933.
ted State whereby a bank is not No such situation exists, ac Stalinist initiators. It will work of the democracy instinct of self préser.
In the meanwhile, Stampfer went The possibility of a gigantic cat tirelessly to make the truth known carrying out of the useist dictator vation has led obliged to pay out gold against cording to the Foreign Commissar parler The French with their al on the contrary, prosperity nice and recente aos be recorda untess its lies before the workers to the workers of the world and to ship.
of the Second International to move serial democratie prens an article away from the latest acts in Ger of his entitled Do Not Strike de forces are reassembled under the treatment on the neerest the unitats Germany Is Not Italy many. But they are moving away Them! Not even he dares to de nail, as it will remove one of their world crisis (Ho that there is a leadership of the Communist Interof the real situation. damuable and blighting catch only from one section of the social tend the shameless treachery of the strongest poleces from the chces difference after all between capital national and rearmed as comediate storps phrase ran through the ranks of democratic fraction. They are not last remnant of the once proud 60As we go to press, we have the German proletariat, wandering moving away from the policy, the cial democratic Reichstag fraction position.
reason for Litvinott proposal, in to this end we call upon the work a dispatch from Paris, through all the organizations of the natural result of which was the le tries to explain by alluding to In the economic committee, the his own words, as quoted by the ers to demand the reinstatement of contreming the standarom eelis working class. They consoled each vote for Hitler.
such influences as the expulsion other with it. It was thought up! On May 18, 1933, the bureau of of conscience. the fear physical been a proposal for a 10 percent wish to set this conference along within the Communist Internationsion of the International Left op and set in circulation by frighten the labor and Socialist Internaterror, the consciousness of rotarife reduction all around bastily the 19th which, in our opinion, al and the immediate convocation position and rendering a full ac vd, helpless bureaucrats, at their tional assembled in laris under the sponsibility to the workers who count of the proceedings. The withdrawn by the Americau dele most likely to lead to effective regressi co the.
article will be published in the wits eud. Germany is not Italy. chairmanship of Vandervelde for a were thus to be protected against gation itself and labelled as simply Mults in alleviating the crisis.
consideration of the further terrorism. Herein the role next issue of The Militant Ed. Germany Is not Italy. in pom thorough FIELD.
a suggestion ly the experts This Clearly the crisis which is to be pous and heroic speeches and num. most recent events in Germany. It of the social democracy whows it showed the comptiness of the alleviated is the crisis of capital berless newspaper articles, the to drafted the following resolution to sell in complete clarity. It did its henchman service against cantation was thrown again and be presented in the Reichstag the phrases of the American delegate to Hull in his opening peech on thel When the German social dem.
again at the masses. Germany 18. The Labor Socialist Intergation working class. It is not even taken desirability of lowering tariffs and ocracy at its Leipele conference in not Italy. This mystical dictum, al is convinced that the consent of aback by the most grnesome crimes.
on the harm done by economie 1930 proposed itself to the bournot good enough to hypnotize rab number of the social democratie and then it calls all of that ser tionalista.
geoisie as the doctors of sick bits, was considered suttilently po deputes of the German Reichstag vice to the people. This service In fact, the whole Roosevelt pol capitalism. Communists answered tent to put to sleep the best organ to resolution expressing unrew Hitler most fertile ground.
ley, based on the manipulation correctly that what capitalism capitalists will make the future of working class of the capita declaration of the German govern served solidarity with the recent iv.
through government agencies of needs is not a doctor but an under Continued from Page ist world. Germany is not The workers will consider themthe new American comomy on strictly na takor. Which role is Litvinoff pro attack of the industrialists in comorse than the past. The Century Matbered the degenerate social con ellons not expres the true relves betrayed. writes Olbers.
tional lines, is in sharp contradicing for the Soviet Union?
out the convictions of the German work. They have been betrayed. Betray.
tion to the effort to obtain Inter The Left Opposition has for years Bil. The relation to labor will centralization and concentration of te the collects Germany ting class. It declares that on the ed for decades, and not merely by plying with the Industrial Control of Progress witnessed the further alle national agreement on currency. been advocating long term credits first be kept in the status quo where wealth and capital in the hands or is not, Italy echoed in the high support of that declaration contre the last Reichstag vote, which wag tariffs and trade, as was implied to the Soviet Union, and economic edustries will fulfil the require the vast majority have been drivenmang. in all other sections of the! In a late is Jsible. Where necessary fewer and fewer capitalists while places of the Stalinist Comintern, dicts the principles of the Labor merely the crowning of the letray. betweed the Soviet Communist arty of Ger Socialist International.
world bank, filmself an American Union and of the Vienna The battle behind the scenes con countries but always on a revents of the law, which, at the to deeper levels of misery and dec.
most, call for a safe and sound gradation.
Arbeiter Zeitung, Oda Oldberg ox The Is Dead always pointing amines editorially the last ReichPlenum has.
tinues, meanwhile. In the face of olutionary these demands 1o CN collaboration scheme.
International out the value The working class battle against The Twelfth The is no more. Their the palaveral out The Chicago Tribune, reporting the capitalist offensixe organized shown that there is nof and there ocracy and asks the following ques pnat work has had the good elstag vote of the German social dem agreements on tarifes, Francese mobilizing the masses. What Lit.
American products 15 per cent beite was rejected gear and The Youngstown steel companies have to be fought In the sphere of called classical Fascism, and that Do these pwople really believe The Bus diuished its work ed a law ratineenstoms duties on off snya today as the Stalinst the best comestecatference points the Industrial Control Bill will cannot be such a thing as a so tions?
few days ago, before echoes from slanders against the Left Opposi cides the word anton appear. The tion of the workers into class the necessity of first striking down will iy able to make out this mat from illegal work, being indeed, cils.
hours, and the unionizatory of Italian Fascisin, regarding derstand this attitude, that thes the degenerated bureaucracy shrinks the spreches before the economic tion. committee had died down, pussed What Next. page 175, Another su raising the tarina on read, During the arst stage of the recitation of Labor, which through the planned economy means. The tional, January 10, 1983, page 19. tice are 30 eleverly intertwined to do such work are frowned on.
we to steal a march on the American working class must be told what tractions. Communist Interna formal justice and cunning injus and party functionaries who want about a hundred products, mostly crisis more than two years sakot. President Green announced Communists must present a Marxof German American origin. we proved this question (SovietDidn the Stalinists give un The workers will not Meantime the whole proceedings German collaboration Bin the start of a wide drive to lan analysis, organize the class. bshed henchman service to the the sacrifice has been understand: The bureaucrats die, as they have in vain. The lived, as especially to lead off the action of Social Democracy in that way? Did workers will consider themselves Laurel An Leipzig, from whom ar tying held a while the head print. And the Stalinists immedi unionize the industries of Roosevelt brain trust. Moley. ately set up a hue aud cry that we How the Coal Operators Take It the GreeWells and Lewis, who that not amount to actually facil betrayed. With Hitler no acts the party members demanded the erien places its fist on the agenda of socialism and capitalism, that fought any attempt or suggestion to measures for their class collabora The Left Opposition raised its voice This is actually said they wil regaris to crist, replied to sheet.
in warning: consider themselves betrayed. Here them: Clever, aren you? But we Behind the scenes also was the This was written by comrade Trot they will deal with the unions but The Workers Answer: Class of the German Nazis is the true face of the Second In dou care to go to sntl. If you Rettlement of the question of June Eky early in 1932.
in the rest of the fields they will Struggle Organization The could mean, first of all, will only consider themselves be to it yourselves.
ternational. They the workers want to publish something attend 15 payments on the war debts However, it Litvinom really pre deal with the unorganized. The the destruction of the tower of the trayed. Haven they been betrayFrance yuying nothing. England wented the line which we have Chicago Tribune quotes a cal oper It is not difficult to understand Only very rarely can a more and Italy making small token right to expect from a Communistator as follows: Our job is going that a law which gives the capital of it proletariat, the annihilationed? Olberg and the Arbeiter Zeit courageous word be heard. In its organizations, the eradiction ung tre silent on this count.
payments, the latter received with appearing in negotiations before to be one of the most difficult. It ist and workers equality on paper of its teller in itself and in its fu Leon Blum, shedding some light Remain true to the idea of Social Bremen, the exhorted: apgwintment which it might cause to them as Trotsky talked to Kubat: add a dollar to the price of shoes the right to do what it pleases, the social contradictions prevalent The question of participation of any rate. It is a unique case, which, accordance with the ers of shoes to get together and the strongest organized force greater maturity and acuteness of on the history of the Reichstag ism. Too late for the leaders to in certain circles because of its maun at Brest Litovsk, or Chicher think of loyalty to Socialism.
amall amount.
in to Lloyd George, or Rakovsky There is no substitute for shoes. In this ease the capitalists are well in Germany, the hellish work of the the social democratic delegates in however, can restore nothing and Litvinoff at London to the French concessionaries, and But how can you add an arbitrary organed and entrenched.
In Italian Fascism will probably ap the last session of the Reichstag hold back nothing. The rauk and From the standpoint of the res his correct rerolutionary line han dollar to the price of ton addition it is they who have made rear as a pale, almost humane, ex was the theme of the conference of Ale of the former are witbolutionary workers, the outstanding been perverted by the bourgeois coal. few million bis own the laws of the game which we periment, in comparison with the the newly elected party presidium. out leaders. strong wave of de development of the London econ. press, then the Stalinists owe iters get out a pencil and atart figurmust play. Our lack of pressure, work of the German National So This conference expressed itself un pression and a wave of omie conference so far has been denounce the reports given by thousing oil, or gas, or electricity due to the lack of any worthwhile, Calists. Trotsky, Shall Fascism animously against the participation will not fail to sweep the masses.
to the revolutionary movement to ing how much they can renegacy powerful, organized industrial un Really Be Victorious. Xov. 1931. of the social democratic delegates the best elements, however, will Litvinoff wech, which throws Associated Press and the New York The industrialist conferences are ions as well as to a blunderbuss Biaring light on the extent to which times as distortions and forgeries, secret but anyone who has an leadership within the Communists The bureaucrats, left without any in the Reichstag vote. There was look for new ways. To stand by the Menxherist degeneration of the them Soviet regime has progressed. In and to present an authentic and ounce of brains can easily see that ranks (that of the Stalinists) gives plausible arguments, maligned and for the social democratie delegates nem is our task. We are sure that another dollar on pair of shoes odds in deciding the whole question their panicky helplessness behind that dictated by the conscience of democratic workers will help in the ly as posible to the bourgeois dip. the London Conference.
or a ton of coal. It prices go up Germany There is only one way the work the Feeler is not the Socialist International to de creation of the new Communist lomat boy whom he was surroundthis task the left Oped, the Soviet velegate deliberately blurred the line between Soviet Hugenbers made an open demand capitalists and their government And berurgeois polley, lid not refer for sunwort for Germany in terrain will beat the drums and announce and their Industrial Control Laws: when the boots of the Nazi storm void by their absence to unmaskedtfon will and in the front The organization of powerful in troopers were already trampling to the Reichstag comedy as the fronte line.
once to the interests of the working its African colonies and open. capitalists will pocket the twenty capable of bringing working clas sve or ten percent raise. And the dustrial. unions of class struggle, the ground the most active proletarian forces of Germany. And pressure upon the capitalist system. even today the bureaucracy, which himself in hopeless contradictions ace. Undoubtedly it is correct The Industrial Control BiH is a Upon such a foundation, the Amer events have already proved bank to other diplomats, and tangled and construction of great works of percent diference.
while making the most impermissl to see in this a declaration of in capitalist reform. They drove this can working class can build a rupt, cannot separate itself from the pressure movement that will become power the slogan grown dear to its heart.
ble concessions to the bourgeoisie, tention to seize and exploit the 80 bell through ws and yet the ful enough to abolish capitalurial economie crisis will by itself finish of the working They hone, and say so, that the Standing on the basis of social viet Union.
ism in one country. he, according comrade Trotsky fear of the 17 million unemployed We must oppose the to the Associated Press report, peints out, is playing for the grad. was one of the whips that drove Control Law: present a correct an of Hitler.
Socialist Hopes For coexistence of the two Nystems failure of disarmament and in the had been a working class pressure, Law: agitate and propagate to Merey Shattered ON GERMANY capitalism and Adelalism. Even one of the defense of Europe tormers who see on top to hold full Lett wing in the unite Hitler came to power, and there The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
100 pages 102 piges this was too much to swallow, sosire of the German Nationalists for in check this pressure the bin all the left wing forces nationally was not even the slightest talk repaper cover 35 Postage 06 extra per copy cloth over. 65 the Daily Worker kept this sent quick results. He at once re would have been to a far greater such as the TUUL, the PTUEC, the garding cooperation with the Social Postage 06 extra per copy ful coexisteurs et capitalism and being purely personal, forced thin about labor and labor rights. The amalgamate the craft unions, such the treacherous bureacres y pehad vanished. The theories, and the ON RUSSIA socialismens the tubandonment ses repudian ber by forcing the latest cial reforms is the difference bearWe must answer then icapitalist practice, that Stalinism derived PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF les and not only as an immediate solution of the Nationalist Battle tween the absence of working class drive with a powerful united front therefron, also vanished the tired Price. 15 but in a long term prxpective, and Ring and the integration of the pressure altogether and working arive of the workers against the blow of Fascism was meant for the Postage 01 extra per copy to shove It off into the distant fu Stahlhelm into the Nazi movement. misleaders and agents of the cap HUGO OEHLER, revolutionary proletariat as embodied in But the accusaON SPAIN ture, out of the reach of practical Without the tion levelled against the THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER politie. Was he trying to fool the watement with the first Soviet italists in our ranks.
diplomats, while keeping his own editorial in denunciation of Hitler Industrial Control Bill, the capitalPrice. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy mental reservations? Or is the ite Germany. as the New York ists can drive through their form of fire already suggested that the cialists would be the next victims.
ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION fooling the working class instead? Times correspondent remarks. What state capitalism where to keep This conception of non aggression. dexeneration the smashing of vice of the social The Welses and Breitscheids tried COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM goes far beyond the tarire truce in the German proletariat brought for the restless working class in check to win reprieve. They moved Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy away from the marxism that they itiated by the United States, he wrond het so single word of protest How the Labor Leaders React never belonged to. They tolerated sald. Speaking of a truce acknow. from the Soviet Union; only when The labor leaders are attempting ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY (Continued from Page 1)
the persecutions of They AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION war. An armistice mens cessation were jump on the band wagon and tinue his remarks Minor snarled tolerated the bloody deeds per Wational interestal of all fighting, not merely absten The editorial in Pravda sata, Industrial Saponariats ut oxecotele get away from here your time and rated by the Fascists on the so THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT tron from the beginning of fresh Hitlerism is being forced by members of the tree trade unions.
WORLD REVOLUTION REVOLUTION battles. The same should be truonomic and financial difficulties to with paid jobs, the same as in the Then Minor and following him, Wels, too, protested (though be 25 of economie warfare.
180 pages paper cover started harranguing knew better) against the so called ture by which Germany hopes to Progressive Miners are competing Alexander In other words, he claims to be redresse her own mans bandes te with Lewis for the job of shackling those present in a fashion to make exaggerations of German excesses Postage 06 extra per copy cloth cover 00 Postage 06 extra per copy than Roosevelt, by the degree that establish her shattered prestige Percy took a special trip to Wash envy. No answers to our argu to resign his post in the adminisON CHINA than truce. He is therefore in Trotsky salama year before Hitler munists, the only ones capable of Instead, vituperation, slander and national. True as it was absurd, PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION favor of removing the restrictions took power in the April 1932 issue pointing out the meaning of the hysteria. Minor almost outdid him the hoped for mercy; it 450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 50 the Forum. The difference is that bourgeois colleagues.
of self in trying to create. Postage. 06 extra per copy lynch hoped to be granted a sort of role Few Pointed Questions the Left We must ask a serious question the Stalinista foresaw, whlle rallying the class to action against wpirit in the audience. But Minor as his Nazi Majesty most obedi.
run after the tail the capitalist offensive are bound demagory and vituperation was ent opposition. But Fascism, which the Soviet monopoly of foreign end of events that we distinguish band and foot and passed by the answered subtly by the workers had thrived on social democratic PIONEER PUBLISHERS trade a hindrance to the internationalists and those close after and measure up to the task. See the workers in the audience to join the ing the in its turn Zoor84 EAST 10th STREET, not? Does Litvinoff (comrade Lit above all, proposed a policy of article on the Gillespie Conference, party not sponded. The chairman hastily ad giebel, who on his way was quite rlet monopoly of foreign trade, ono tion instead of the krostiem The planned economy of the journed the meeting.
ready to murder 35 workers, was of Information material in to power At of WORKS by TROTSKY Hitler, as the serHugenberg. 50