AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY JUNE 24, 1933 TRE MILITANT PAGE us Versailles Revisionism Engenders New Social Chauvinist Wave What does a social democratie Europe can be guaranteed only by whould not the Austrian social de common parden variety reformwill, in spite of the circumstances, assure the extension of the ideas of Marxism Leninism and recreate tria wgether with all Communist Vienna, May 28 on May 26th: Dollfus Strikes an Ominous avons eu Thiriladeren eller Derspective and morepared to learn from the was bishady esteemed even before The Austrian social democracy Review of the Past That Not in oxu battle. It crushed its. urty of Austria was signed by the Blow against the Austrian before it except that of vegetation events and draw conclusions from the warunong its brother parties Helps to Understand rutel the Austriun soclul democracy Council of Minister because of its Its infamous end, which it had to them.
Proletariat for its stulesmau like spirit. Our slowly within itself. Thus arose oft times established danger to the face defenselessly will, it is to be Bebel, a member of the German the Present Austro Marxism.
state and its illegal activity. The vvvwvwwww hopkd, cause a part of the old guard proscription has already been car.
party leadership once suid to AusIf we look upou its fists and not counter revolutionary. They had in the insofar as it has not THE MILITANT trial friends, our Bebel is only cialist world as if it were some upon its mouth, Austro slarxism ried out, the party offices closed, no ideas of their own and restricted yot scattered, to relect more seriall literature, etc. contiseated. The themselves to bring Stalinist loud ously. perspective for illegality matter November 28, 1928, at the Adler is a Field Mursial.
Entered as a second class mati a cavalry colonel, but your (Victor) miracle.
proves to be nothing else but reRote Fahne, the centrul organ of spakers in Austria. Nowhere could is entirely lacking insofar as the post once at New York, Its prominents, after they had formism. Like every other form of changed ownership. The Workers Slippers us here. This they proved the jurty, still appears, but it has ne have found such willing wor is concerned.
After the war, noclulist Austria reconstituted the Second Luterna reformism, it is the adaptation of The relationship of forces has not Under the act of March 1870. Denn weu more fumous. And that, the blur from Friedrich the labor movement to the bour Bodoh ale premsa inserce and also in the mouths ulter the collapse changes at all with the proscript Published woodely by the Communist why not? Ir Stuliu would undertake Adler to doske, led on the look at ouis state, its subordination to the pendent enterprise. There can be of the German Communist Party. tion of the But the fact that League of America (Opposition)
no puble doubt as to how long leckert metal oratory was for the masses, who today still stand the bullding up of socialism in all the international Congresses. The courgeois state. What distinguishes at 126 East 26th St. single country, theu the Austrian teaching which its thinkers had it from the other forms of reformthe Rote Filme will hold out.
EDITORIAL BOARD social democrats could tacklo anthought up. Austro Alurxism, vicism, what allowed it to appear for With the proscription of a poll brought witla it immediate expul thetic in connection with it, is a them revelatiou, doubt in which behind the remained vartin Abern James Cannon veu more complicated tusk, the worldsly surpassed the arrow a long time as something essentially tical party the Bonapartist Dollsion from the party, different and unique was the cirdangerous omen for the future. Max Shuchtman FINN regine has taken a significant it became exceedingly futile in ven in the next few days Dollfuss Arne Swabeck little province, und even in a single and the Austrian Social Democracy cumstance that it assumed the task step in its further development. the works just assed, In which the will prove that against the Nuxis.
Vol. 6, No. 32 (Whole No. 1978)
of adapting the labor movement to city. They save the new Austria Cher such circumstances it is a state which was going to pieces.
SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1933 the most democratie constitutio self evident that today, after the Therein lay not lie in a change in the relation to look fur the line of the the dissolution of the he subscription rate: 00 per year in the world and created thereby German social democracy has sutt strength, that is what gave it the of forces. The lnd become that they could not trust in their will not and cannot undertake any oreign 50 too insignificant for that, and the lucky stars became clour even to thing decisive. For the forces of cents per copy which was to be just as irresistible cury of the labor movement in its which it appeared to have to right 218 it was peaceful government knows this only to the Viennese Stalin agents after the development go far over Dollfuss well. This government measure struggle against the wastika, all German catastrophe. But to defend head and in the last analysis it will If the number on 179 important, however, and to the democracy and to push the social be shown that the blow against And this achievement they brought socialists turu their eyes to Austria, forces. The Austrin in which all your wrapper is.
about as the highest triumph of the exemplary little country of so, the national parties laxed at each highest degree at that, insofar as democratic workers forward in this the was a blow against the it establishes precedent that can direction that was Trotskyism and entire working class not against your subscription has expired.
utilized later.
If you want to get the Mili. with the Christian Socialists. But by Iliiler victory has just taken threatened the existence of the counter revolutionary. So the party but to the advantage of the Naxls. tant promptly every week It must also be recognized that swing round and about without a Germany has also proved this to red in built cooperative and des Beaures et des are stirre state was in reality the classical houses renew your subscription at this time too little Dollfuss pro rudder and without an alm.
once: per year for flity ceeded very skillfully about the Comes to Infamous End Stalinism was, indeed, hard hit turned the whole educational sys. by the question: low will the Aus country of the most guarded com two weekly issues; half ton in a fashiou hair raising for trian social democrucy stand up tutors who made the mieu of being work. It is no mere coincidence The last possibility to obtain po by the proscription of the year for twenty six weekly the blacks (the clergy) and this struggle? Will it not stand the so intransigeant and irreconcilable that at this same time Ilitler new litical significance and influence was and will not be able to recover. issues.
brought about other such bola tost unch better than the German were in reality mercenary, had the measure which, by requiring a cut off from the by the Com. But communism lives. It has long passport charge of 1000 Marks, intern through the refusal to decide ago ceased to be carried by the THE MILITANT changes. In short, the Austrian arty? Are not looking aside from souls of petty shopkeepers and were social democracy rose by its deeds its striking qualities, the circum masters of the vulgar compromise.
practically stop the entire trate upon an international united front Central Committee of the the 126 East 16th St.
and became the Exemplary arty slunces themselves auspicious for They held their fists under the nose of foreigners from Germany to action against Fascism by direct latter only compromised it. The of the Second International, it be it?
o the government so as to be able Austria. On this basis, the Chris negotiations between the Second Lift Opposition, Bolshevik Leninists, tian Socialists deal wharp blows came looked upon in the whole so The German working class was later to stretch out their empty defeated because was split, but alms before it with all the greater Against the Austrian Nazis whom the unity of the Austrian working success.
they accuse of having inspired these never been seriously messures of the German governthreatened by the Third Interna Collusion With Hapsburg ment and of open Treason to AusIn this state, which could not live tria. The forthcoming proscription Bratislova, For and ter of the other front took? The the Gerinan reformist and Commu the Hungarian Jews that surely Austria has always been arreglanul could not die; whose existence of the Nazi party is spoken of in against the revision of the border same sabre rattling, but against nist parties.
papere closest to the government. Iines that is the bone of conten: Revision and for Versailles. The And this luck of understanding Markovic.
did not bring any joy even to Dr. Bible size, small, weak, uuserious was a lamentable drag; which had At the same time we learn that the tion in Europe. The line up is not bourgeois government of the Czecho does not restrict itself to Germany. Neither Revision nor anti Revi proportionately bigger than any cold cash In this decadent world, than the Dollfursovernment, but haven got that far belther eco out an ideological mobilization. leading member of the social con can be considered as a solution clier social democracy. In adax the great Austro Marxist idea was and entrenchdemocrittie jaurty of the Dr. Both can bring only imperialistition to that, Austrian Puscism is in born: tht rewsburg state in re.
was one of the main war. Only revolution can save us itself split into two hostile camps. ment of the is usel. Hitler fullest support is tegically the two fronts are still fense that is only diplomacy. The speakers at the demonstration. He from imperialist war that means Heimwehr Fascism, with the aid of urut for concessions to the working siven right out in the open, in being prepared. The befuddled truth is that Hungary as well as spoke under the nationalist banner overthrow of the profit greedy im. Which Dollfuss wants to cut the class. This program looked very order to consummate the Black peoples Puentroje ile reached ea e are ruled by profit and in line with the heated atmosperialists on toth sides of the Date: Turvat o democracy and Smash the new, very bold. It was like a crea Brown coalition.
new stage of the two chauvinistic hungry capitalists who are chasing phere of chauvinism Importance of Foreign Traffic fronts. Versailles and Anti Ver after markets. Therefore the fricube. Then there will be no chase workers, does not enjoy the support tive thought in this world of fruitSocial Democrats Carries after commodity markets, no tarife of the National Socialists, but is le pettiness. But in reality, this The tying up of the foreign trat sailles. The trench lines are becom tion, the inevitable wars in the capl Patriotie Banner walls, no boundary lines. The peace hard pressed by competition from randiloquent Austro Marxist con fic on the art of the German goving more and more discernable talist system. In the next war of Cul cohabitation of the peoples of them. Kelly, in such a situation, ception was only the translation of erminent werves the end of lifting Italy. Germany. Hungary against the capitalists, just as hitherto, the Austrian Naxis into the saddle Versailles and for Revision. France there will be no defenders among leader seek at such chauvinistic the socialist, planned economy. mocracy come or with using colors: it program cannon fodder for of power and by this means, to and the small Entente against Rethe bourgeois governments. It is affair? The official slogan of the No Balkanization of Europe, no The question is already answered.
voting rights into the Austrian.
bring about the integration of Aus vision and for Versailles.
not decisive who begins the war social democracy 1s it not War Since then Austro Marxism contria with Hitler Germany.
Since The line up of the two fronts for or against Revision for every against War? It is supposed to European dream, no tevision or it cannot be doubted that the coll.
eady astrade dance and espe pour ower Pact Patands only Is the working classes or both the the Anti Cereriledes core sure to the Soviet United Statest pour celor of these of the German social demoe Linnally made state policies, no cially now, because of the scanti appearance in contradiction to this there is any one who has to defend class against the capitalists on both this belligerent capitalist countries. If international front of the working HI. LENOROVICS The Austrian social democracy will volved only around parliament. It soon stand just as naked by its emulated all the petty arts of parment feels, that it has been hit in temporary agreement, a ustpone ass, the international working the patriotic war of the capitalists side. It will lose the war against iamentary cretinism from the bourits sorest spot. An immediate po ment so to Dollfuss the little, has already sevis parties. The Marxist concep mesejuence of the German the Workin Peak. In the meantime, class.
measures could also wreak bavoc nion is to be got rid of. Through class and the Soviet In this light, we must regard the that No, he did not. lle said CHICAGO an und wou ever, unter angle class must be the work of the cumstances, undertake one.
In the Christian Socialist party in the assumption of power by Hitler demonstrations which the Czech something cutirely offerent: If we PICNIC Its True Face as old fashioned.
the tourist country, Tyrol, Salzburg the Revision Front was enormously bourgeoisie held in Bratislava and are attacked, we will know how to Austro Narxist lore knows of no In order to understand this as dispose of a considerable commotion in Hungary. The reac enska Liga marched in full force Revision. This is a patriotic capit SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1933 the only possible, as the self evident acting, struggling proletariat. Acfollowing.
cording to it the worker does not thing. What this Austrian social make his history, he only experi tlonary masters of Hungary are not against revision. For the demontation before capitalism, for as Forest Preserve Western Ave derweracy, praised in all tones and nees, suffers. And so, little by and 87th Street The Austrian Christian Socialists, yet agreed in their opinions as to stration there were mobilized: the long as the latter will exist the however, do not desire to share the who could best carry out the Re Sokol, the Legionaires, the social working class cannot have any inadmired in all languages, really 18 fate of the Centrists in Germany. Vision policy.
democrats and the representatives terest in attack or defense. not in its own imagination, not suffering working class becomes GOOD TINE ASSURED Dollfuss carries on The working class is neither for of Rumania, Jugoslavia and Poland.
a desperate The Legitimists count mostly upin the imagination of its brother jonents and their backer, llitler. Inngarinn Nuxis expect most of a derstand, the bourgeoisie under. front the social de Teaders Games. Refreshments. Sports marties, but in actuality.
fight against his Brown shirt op on the monarchist Itestoration. The what the workers organizations donor against Revision. It stands on automatically triumphant, quite In not yet understand, or or cannot in the literational This third Come early and enjoy the day. Heinrich Unger once said: Libcapitalism and capitalisin becomes To weak to strike a decisive blow Revision under the protection of at the Naxis, who constantly under litter. And the Goemboest owing stands admirably well: One sponker have entirely forgotten. That is Auspices: Chicago Branch of the rulism. bus a great future behind filled more and more with a social mine his basis; unwilling to con considers itselt as the most appro belong to uitterent parties, there continuntion from the year 1914 Communist League of America well for the Austrian socialism. Its lore of Austro Narxism. Publle beginnings were auspicious. Under opinion it blessed with the doing that he would change there to bring back the past, to further an Slovaks, but in the question markably quickly; the fanaticised AAA (Opposition) Austrian working claterader the scholarly, with the keenest arguSocialdemocracy, he merely resorts to mobilize the masses for Revision of Revision we stand united. youth demonstration before the tles against the decayed Hapsburg and for its actions.
to empty threats against the Nazis These are war preparations.
It is this little thing that the Hungarian consulate, shattered the Hall Year sub to the Militant monarchy which aroused the ad(Continued in next issue. labor leaders did not understand windows in the Jewish quarter and by proscribing the unintuentint Workers Against All Capitalist Wars in the struggle against Fascism. soon the chauvinistie Fascist slo is On a Club Plan with three niration of the old Fugels. But He will not intimidate the ultimately, the Austrian state re AUSTRIACUS Nazis by such methods. The ComHow does the Czechoslovak chap Therein lies the deep tragedy of gans were to be heard: Kick out others it is only 50 cents. mained the victor in this struggle.
munist party, however, has been (From Unser Wort. lali prostrate.
of conflict, when the union was concession, a compromise. Such a The strength of the new union necessary steps plan that the InWorkers Passive to Banning of dustrial Control Bill fits into.
Miners of America, all forces stood out of the new movement. Along and militant elements in the union united at least on one question xide with this gradually milder tone are permitted to exist and function The Industrial Control Bill and Continued from Page 2)
This party, the oldest in the in the maintenance and stabilization of the union, its attempts to be a actively. If this right, gained by Continued from Page 2) its arbitration scheme for labor and made itensy for bim to play the and file miners, not in words, but in of the organization. Everyone ree respectable organization, to heroic struggle against Lewis, is talism. Within the framework of capital is an attempt to set up an strong man. The entire bourgeois deeds. This applies with particular ognized that this was impossible tiate with Lewis, to put matters in press limits itselt merely to the emphasis to the WMA, as it does without waging a tierce struggle the hands of the impartial Gow new univni, then it is only a ques. there entradictions cannot be to head of the developing class.
the proscription. Only the Arbeiter a lack of inner democracy, rule Lewis Union, which has within its ing campaign and the attempts to will follow the path of the old. The seizure of power of bascism riul power over the American work Zeitung devotes a leading article of bureaucrats, is an indication of ranks a minority of the miners, expel a number of Left wing ele. There is no pre ordained guarantee in Germany has intensited the coming class. The bill with a govern to this event of May 27th, in which the merce the large bureatened and the greatest number of these ments from the One of the for the new union, Its existence tradition of world capitalism and ment intention publice wilt es tollisk it shows that the Communists to enforce a policy of betrayal kept in the stage in the de was its invitation to all expelled pljes its policies by which it came out the world. The defeat of the LOW REAL WAGE for the Americould complain to the Constitution, which finds nds resentment apace in the clon. It was this UMWA through coerchief accomplishments of the will depend entirely on how it aphis strengthened reaction through a high NION BY wake but a VERY in case it still existed. An empty runk and file.
velopment of the union that pointed UMWA militants, to join the into existence, on how it extends German working class is a defeat can workers.
protest, in which the Arbeiterzeit 1932, the struggles of Ill. to its great uture.
ung deelares its feeling of solidarity inois miners resulted in the orga Recent months witness It is an attempt to side step the But when after a few months of und gılarges them. By beginning of the whole world working class.
reces existence, it in turn, beyins an ex a campaign against those very ele. The Industrial Control Bill, as a dole and social Insurance and in final tone of this article. Other of America. The apparently imme. The campaign of red balting testi very qursons, something is wrong in in the first days of the new organi ing class, is jurt of this reaction the dole, in the form of a money When the Communists, marks the nization of the Progressive Miners sion in this policy of the pulsion campaign against these ments that distinguished themselves dictatorial measure over the work its place, give the equivalent of wise, the proscription of the inte reason for this development Aed that something else is brewing. the union.
xation, the leadership is preparing and the struggle between the image, through public works, las brought forth no repercussion lay in the struggle of the miners This can be described as a settling There exists a great its doom. It must by no means perialist iwwers to gain a point of which is nothing more nor less than in Austria, the working class has for democracy, for a rank and the process. The early cry of building in the The contradiction bark upon the course of expul advantage for the struggle for the clouk for forced labor in exchange a national exists between the rank and leter of early. It sions. It must maintain the charredivision of the earth for relief gree to this blow of the govern democracy (which at that moment less sharp and the leadership wants toe leadership. The rank and tile astea trebuie sa teemly to become the goverument partnership, thru ican working class is at hand and ment. No one doubt the lack rose to its highest pitch through to be respectable as well as respecte militant. It is serious. It has national anton, to strugle for wage the emergency law and the indus with it goes the intens austrial The Europeanization of the Amerof Intluence of the any long the big steal of the miners ballots ted. It is interestedce. It wants for nothing. It sought to build a conditious, to fight for the unioni government subsidy to the decayed Control Bill is an attempt to hold er. The Comintern has been strip on the wage cut) lay the real Issue aspects of their in the legal not carried on its valiant struggle increase for improved working trial Control Bill, will result in the class of pence coal Belds and ass struggle. The Industrial the from the scene so nolse which endeavored to force a Wage with the Lewis union, the mere mention of Lewisism. The the union would be noin an attempt to uphold at tottering in the harness of class collaboraFor this the lessly, in the manner of an ordin cut upon the coul miners.
negotiations leadership were follow. wuch as coul and reairoads, etc. It struggle, the workers leadershit, however, which rose e, and to place the It promised two statements to Lew. during the early struggles, is trying need for it to resort to those dan and decayed structure by shifting tion.
ing ary police action, without any 1o At its inception, the Pala not only is: one calling for a referendum to check this militancy, to become erous and false steps that charac the burden upon the working class Our trade union movement is to this line, years observed attentively the policy rights of minority opinion, inviting result of this vote deciding which through the contracts signed and meet its test, because it has fallen anyone who at least in the last few the rights of the rank and file, the their support of the two unions, the of the union for at least two years is precisely because it does not Trusts were opposed in the past their state Agents of the capitar the political and theoretical balder their militancy, but at the same correct proposal was naturally un: The leadership is adopting a course cause it is preparing to revise its The big capitalists intend to movement. strike against there of the It has reproduced also those expelled by Lewis for union shall remain in Illinois (this is closely treading on false gounds down on all its early promises, be by Cartels will now be organized lists, the Lewises and Greens, will the government.
be selected to control the labor an even more valgar form. Its program of struggle for the inter the other that the unions function collaboration. The miners on the needs resort to a diminution of the cerns in all industries as well as against the government. The strug leading bureaucrats represent thests of the miners as against those where they are a majority (a di very dregs of the Stalinist bureau of the operators. Precisely in the vision of territory) declaring that contrary, want continue the democratic rights in the union, to establish a monopoly price of a sle of the workers for our class through the threat of expulsion group of favored capitalists.
lished in Austria in 19:29 and were much hope for its future. The un organization existing in the Inter There is a great dissatisfaction against Left wingers in the union. Industrial Control will is ans. The interests will be outlawed.
carnestly of the opinion, as early ion pledged itself to spread nation ests of the miners, ie, a miners in the ranks of the union against The miners must attempt The June 11, 1933 Gillespie Trade as the Fall of the same year, that ally, to wage just a struggle in the organization, understand to organize production, but instead Union Conference, called by the this policy of the leadership, which these developments. The greatest it will urganize capitalist compe Progressive Trade Union Education existed in Austria, that work. had refused and prevented. Any This latter statement Glaring Error can have only one y one effect. that of need in the union is the organizatition on a higher plane. It is an tional Committee, goes on record as en Councils should be formed and other course would have established glaring errors which can react only ing it to collapse. The weathervane the safety valve aguinist the meth. but instead will lead to a greater Bill and its sugar conted, class colthe struggle for power prepared. no distinction between the two against the In those areas is the drive made against the mill ods of Lewis in the but to anarchy of capitalist production. It laboration, anti working class proAustrian Stalinists in Dregs of unions. The distinction did exist, where the UMWA is in the major tants in the union and the raising foster and fight for those policies will intensify all of the basic con visions.
Bureaucratie Stupidity In the Spring of 1930 even the promised to fuloll the desires of the compelled to remain in the union above, that for Lewis the destruc may live and gain greater life. capitalism. The Industrial Control favoring the calling of a national however, in that the new union ity, it is so because the miners are of the red scare. We pointed out of struggle, by which the unto tradictions of American and world. The Conference goes on record ECCI has to prove to the Austrian miners and to wage struggle in by force. In recognizing that the tion of the democracy in the union That, at present, is the most impor. Bill is an attempt to hold up the united front conference of all labor leaders that this was pure Idiocy. their behalf.
in the led to the institution of his policy tant task of the Left wing elements falling rate of profit by the reor organizations in the United States, But the expulsions of those who Stabilization of the Interests of the Without an organi ganization of industries and by to be held in Chicago in future, had opposed the Central Committee Since that time much water has tual betrayal of the interests of the ployers, Were confirmed. Since then every flowed under the bridge. The new is committed. For what coulm to the detriment of the nation of its forces, it will be blown beating down of the workers stan to rally the American working class miners. These acts of the to smithereens, and they will sue cards to a new low level. to fight the capitalist offensive, to government became more Fascist union stabilized itselt momentarils reason, then, one may ask, should leadership of the do not the organization that they brought The agrarian crisis has prevented map out a program of action to and the social democracy ever more through the gain of local contracts the exist? Its wage scale stand on a much higher plane. It into existence, dwindle to nothing the farmers from paying the debts protect the workers interests and reaucrats, in the Central Committee, to make these gains only through an organization existing in the in that their weakening of the demo leadeçship and through the heavy velt measures to help the farmers The Conference gives the incom.
more stupid and conscienceless ion gave up many martyrs. With why the organization of a new un is only a reflection of the in the Illinois coal fields who lookers what they owe. This agrarian act for this united action, for joint became ever more absolutistic, ever a heroic struggle in which the un terests of the coal diggers, then cratic rights of the members of the assault of all the forces of reaction is to help the farmers pay the banking national committee power to inside the party and to defend his fieation of the union would have surrender to the Lewis interests, such policies, as are coincident with against the militants in the union. which gives the government un sations. Introduced by delegate, opinion was unalterably stamped asbeen impossible. During the period even though it was presented as a the policies of Lewisism.
ALBERT GLOTZER limited power of inflation, were Hugo Oehler.
existan UMWA is a uniominers, an ac. of class collaboration with the em in the