CommunismDemocracyFascismGermanySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE TIE MILITANT SATURDAY JUNE 24, 1932 in Perspective ON THE WORKER FRONT The Gillespie Meet are au development to agreement 21 and beat down the workers. Review of the Past and Signs for the Future few weeks negotiations have been Pocket Book Workers New York, For the past to force upon the workers by terror.
What can be done in order to pre: Resolution which was Rejected and the Reason Why going on between the Pocketbook vent a new sell out. 1) All groups With each passing day it becomes organized fields steadily increased Workers Union and the Industrial must unite in a general strike com The June 11th Gillespie Confer sentence moi lon which said merely increasingly necessary to consider production until they were mining Council of the Leather Goods EmVote for Strike mittee and force the officials to call once called by the Progressive that we go on record against the the strike immedova red so as to tee, consisting of Left wing trade Oehler entered this resolution which. 2) The Trade Union Educational Commit Industrial Control Bil. Delegate Miners of America with the aim of in the United States. Yet the lead ences were broken off several times their jobs indiscriminately, ascertaining its In the light crship did not budge. Wherever According to our managers report wage scale is not being paid, time involve the non18 at the crossroads. The policies existed, as in West Virginia, Lewis the employers demanded (1) adone away with. Certain shopsganized. 4) The general strike New Federation of Labor and by startel.
Stalinists Set Up Straw Men It adopts will decide its future. In betrayed the minera, piece work system for operators like Blum and Mittenthal, Kadin committee must select a negotia reaffirming the decisions of the The Stalinists set up straw men always be borne in mind, that the stantly worsening conditions for two weeks trial period, which send their work to outside contract member from each group With such a background of con and cutters. 2) abolition of the Bros. etc. have been allowed to tions committee composed of one previous conferences. The backbone negoti of the was and proceeded to tear them to bits basis of the militant Struggle against enles runk and Whende mavet om te leren he abolitosh of the ruinema in The Fraternal Club adminisfrom the ate on the following demands: the delerau crence. As usuarve in their fight against our resolution. 1) 40 hour week, to relleve Miners of America and the numeri. They said: Oehler wants to waste the Lewis machine in the United sentment developed into a stormy ployment insurance fund and the tration never made an attempt to unemployment. 2) The abolition of reorganiza anizations was under the control the Industrial Control Bull; what cally largest force from other or our time calling conferences to flight want them butset, te struggles for sale ale betrayal, ibe to the machine emploither words, the bosses are carries provisions a patient we the tion and readjustment pri of the Stalinists.
we want is mass action of the work existence committee took a ors. They said our resolution was revolved around two resorted to every means at its dis demanding the open shop and hope above abuses. If these fakere vileges.
The pourion by rubber stamp too long. they said everything imFor unemployment insurance correct (primarily the Peabody Coal Com miners and thereby, to successfully conditions of the workery. After they signed last year, how can they to be paid by the bosses only. ing the program and policy laidaginable but they did not show pany) and the officialdom. of the carry through his policy. To ac heated discussion the membership trust them to sign a new agree (4) For the abolition of the in down at the previous conterences where the resolution was wrong.
UMWA (having at its disposal complish it, he had to steal elec decided unanimously to call a strike ment today which may be still stitution of the partial and by bringing in some proposals where the analysis was fulsomhe money, materials, etc. both work tions; expel militants by the hund as soon as possible!
worse? That is why the workers chairman.
for concrete action and for com Stalinists opposed the international Ing with the support of the State reds; kili, maim, torture; and de How is it that at a time when demanded the election of a confer. 6) For the right to strike when mittees of action to be established approach in the resolution with of Illinois, its courts, police, the stroy every vestige of democracy there is general talk of raising enee committee from amongst the employers violate the agree country to work toward the coor ism. The Stalinists must sone day in the different sections of the shameful and narrow minded localcontrolled press, etc. with such an in the union. The union was no wages, the pocketbook bosses are membership. The workers know ment.
array of reaction surrounding it, longer an organization of the coal demanding a lowering of conditions that they can have no faith in These demands will be granted dination of all Left wing correct analysis.
the course chartered out in advance miners. It was a place of loot for the answer is that our present ad. Shiplacofr, Wolinsky and Co.
The present agreement which organization which can strike un only when the employers see an the trade union movements roups in Tarn that action must be built upon However, the Stalinists, who had! The task of the Gillexple confermains so now) precarious one. the unlon who, in carrying through mleleaders did not enforce 10 per was enforced, expired June 1itedly, and strike hard. Only through the conference, and the policy com parts of the state was not to the largest number of delegates in enee gathered together from all Under such conditions two paths this great betrayal of the miners, cent of even that rotten agreement while the agreement workers are conditions from the employers. The mittee which they controlled, failed rubber stamp our previous polley.
guaranteed struggle have the workers gained are open for the new union. Either also proceeded to rifle its treasuries which they forced on the workers 32 and 37 per it succumbs to the pressure of re What should have been the last ear. For the right to collect actually getting only 15 to 22 pocketbook hesses will be forced to miserably to measure up to the task but to present a correct analysis action or it maintains that mill course of the UMWA? Assuming dues in the shops, they gave the week. While the agreement did not grant our demande not by any in confronting the American working of the most dangerous move at prestant class struggle character which it to be a genuine organization of bosses a free band to whatever they permit more than per cent shop austrial Recovery Bill from Wash class and the needs of the conferent of the capitalists against the brought it into existence, and en workers, it should have deavors to spread the union beyond on bold scale to not proceeded pleased with workers. The bosses reorganization, Chick, Morrisington or by any Miss Perkins, but ence. To collconference to rub workers, and to map out a program unionize the un have naturally taken advantage. White, Maxik, stone and Groper, only through their own struggle ber stamp the decisions of the pre of action upon a correct analysis the borders of the State of Illinois organized fields, extend the struggle Workers have been thrown out of Blum and Mittenthal have thrown and organization.
vious conference is waste of in order to fight against it.
energy. Conferences are not called in order to make it a truly national against wage cuts and for wage in.
out from 30 to 50 per cent of their Delegate Payer told the Stalinists for such a purpose. conference that in Germany they did not real no middle road for the union to of the working conditions of the Sugar Coated Misery workers. The union leadership put Law an Order in Illinois et Lett wing trade unionistes must we the danger of fascism until up no resistance whatever.
travel. The militants in the union miners. Needless to say, it did ex This is the leadership that was New York City. from Homes of the Progressive Miners of the class, point out the dangera party, that they do not ols was built upon the foundations his external policies, Lewis resort (they are many after four years of it. Who is responsible for the rebombed last week and one house the class to Aght against the capl der here that this left wing con Fale struggle against Lewis ten eine been cited above, in order to enforce cactories ooperated by the bankers ago and only recently got back into in Christian County, Il, were developing a proconfrontamente anything until it talis upon their by the Progressives in 1924, by the of the union. It is to be observed by the Industrial Recovery Act. which has brought our Industry to any agents in an effort to terror Thrust of Industrial Cotarol Bill ference, called on the eve of the Bill becoming a law, should be used and similar struggles over a period racy in the Lewis union, was de place, and already last week the is the clique? The so called and Ize the miners to return to work The most menacing capitalist as a starting point to organize the of a decade. The victorious strug pendent upon raising at the same employees were informed they fake Progressives, the Leather under company terms. While plek measure confronting our class and American workers against the capigle of the Progressive Miners Union time the question of policies. would go on a six hour day. As Goods Workers Society who formed cting is forbidden and even peace the least understood by our class talist offensive and present to the came as the mighty wave of these workers a correct analysis of the Every movement of revolt in the the workers were being pala by the a united front with the Fraternal ful meetings of miners wives at this stage is the ladustrial Conmany fights.
UMWA, whether or not it momen hour and were working cight and Club. not to better conditions but broken up by the National Guard, trol Law of the capitalists and their industrial Control Bill.
The Red Seare tarlly, raised the question of de a half hours per day that meant to defeat the left wing. It is these apparently law and order allows state. In the future, when the labor The leaders of the the After a series of unsuccessful mocracy as a forefront issue, never exclusive of considerations of high same people, who efforts by Lewis and the Peabody theless had to first of all present er prices and rente, a thirty per leadership cannot cow that the coal pompany thugs to bomb and history as well as the economic be trusted, that shoot with impunity, history of America is written, this tight wing counters by circulating Coal Company to destroy the new to the miners a program in contra cent wage reduction.
rejected the demand for a new conmeasure will stand out in all its petitions, and at that, not against union, they resorted to a familiar distinction to the prevailing pro Thirty percent less than what ference committee representing all capitalist ugliness as an attempt the Industrial Control Bill and the will establish over to hold up a tottering structure the coal Industry, but merely SUBSCRIBE weapon used by all reactionaries gram of the Lewis union, of what they were getting (they were aver groups and tendencies and the TO and Hunkies in the labor movement. value is a program for democratiza aging less than forty cents an hour, election of a general strike commit UNSER WORT The red scare was employed. It tion of union, whịch is not accom and many of them got only three tee under rank and file control.
The Gillespie Con was the against having Lewis appointed Workers and friends who read only Left wing conference of trade Czar of the cont industry, asking the editor of the Progressive Miner. program of vital, militant struggle five dollars and ten cents per week progressive for common action German and are interested in getundente held the point to range also considered by the govem the officialdom of the PMA into re tension. agaist wage cuts (for in working full time) brought forth a ernal clique, but they refused. The tions in Germany can do so by the American workers against the ment when they select the Ozar!
actionary channels. This offensive creases) for retaining the im. healthy response from among the Matlins, David Myers, etc. will be subscribing to Unser Wort, the Industrial Control Law and to fight instead of the brutal dictatorship henliehly rebut leather anders met hered. tensions in the mines and workers who threatened to walk held responsible for any treacher ilegal organ of the German there the labor misleaders plan to the the of Lewis they want to give the ous acts perpetrated by the admin. Opposition, published in Prague.
American workers to this scheme.
workers a sugar coated dictatorfile of the PMA. The leadership of not be of much value.
The superintendent sensed the listration, for failure of militant The Left Opposition delegates and ship, as though it makes any differthe PMA, sad to say, reacted in a The Howat Movement possibility of this development and strike preparations The paper appears every other some of the other delegates realizedence bow you re killed by hanging most shameful and pitiful manner. The outstanding experience of the immediately busted himself, person But the Left wing too must be week. Subscriptions are for a year this danger and the needs of our or by the electric chair.
the vote was taken, It apologized and did precisely Howat movement which rode tho ally interviewing the loyal em criticized for not using their united must be accompanied by currency. dently against this industrial Con the Right wing delegates, what the reactionaries desired. It wave of one mighty revolt, and players best acquainted with the front proposals the progressive Checks and money orders will not trol Bill in the past and could be delegates who were for a new sition to Communism in general in spite Powita Its cry for democracy, have met with the president of the putting these people to the wall by and to communists in the new un and the need for turning the union company and with the bankers continually hammering them in the Comrades who subscribe must at the conference. Delegate Hugo together against our amendment.
lon. It announced that the union into the hands of the nucht He met the threat of a walkout wing must be criticized too for involved. They must allow time pearing in this issue of the MI. Was a conscious vote of Left wing and again. For his tactic was changed. open with such proposals. The Lett take into account the time element Oehler drew up resolution (ap The vote was 72 to 17. Our vote was pure of radicalism. Instead file, it failed miserably, from being this challenge in cam Lewis, because perfect agent for number of workers (he would notity as the Bridgeport revolt of the here, and ten days for the sub to the Industrial Control Bill and en like ourselves, realized the import a fight on this issue and to now proceed to cleanse the union chine. Unless any movement can ing this threat with a promise of taction of White in his New York for the paper to reach them. In national Alght to prepare our class present a correct analysis, Delen. And in their own way, they identical to those of the text is one who they might be. buy cyply some White workers and the re reach Prague and on top of that deavoring to use the Gillespie con tance of using this conference to. HUGO OEHLER and direct blows againt the most tear itselt trom the policies or be a five day week.
shops, with which we will deal in short, the first copy should reach to fight the capitalist offensive.
militant section of the PMA, that trayal to the adoption of the course For the present, this move hava separate article) 60 by unexploit the comrade about three weeks af task because they could net andere Resolution on the Industrial section without which the new un indicated, all its pretenses of de Ing been given the authority of law ed.
fon would have been an impossibil mocracy, of a rank and fille union, and having been put over on them It is now a week since the mem Address all subs to Unser Wort set learned to point out the dan lived through four years of the stand the situation. They have not Control Bill: The American working class has ity.
will fall to pieces.
in the name of the President of the bership decided to go out on strike One thing is certain, the drive The democracy of the union win United States and the Federal gov. in answer to the bosses demande care of the Militant, 126 East 16thlgers ahead, to foresee the blow world crisis which has violently against militants in the new union be achieved only on the basis that crnment, the workers involved are instead of carrying out the mem Street, New York City.
They can only feel blows when they shaken the American structure and will spell its inevitable donth, and the union is militant, and aggres experiencing the meaning of the bership decisions, the leaders are fall upon their heads. Their policy completely changed the position of at present constitutes an ill omen sive in the interests of the rank Industrial Recovery Act and the trying to patch things up by a backour political analysis and instead the offensive of the American caplof what will take place in the un.
ARE YOU SUBSCRIBER New Deal: more unemployment, door agreeinent. They are preparfon, if the leadership will persist in Continued on Page 3)
more misery. SHOP WORKER. ing a new sell out which they mean TO THE MILITANT!
brought in a report with a one talists against the working class its present course remaining smug and self satisfied with early gains This is the second of a serie has continued on all fronts. The New Salary Cuts Impending working class has been driven back union in Illinols and a few con of articles on the situation in After the bankers and politicians in disorderly retreat. Wages have tracts. In a discussion of the union New York had accomplished their purpose, ben reduced and the standard of It is necessary to return to some City, Local of the American with the support of the Joint Sal living has been reduced below the fundamental questions of tactics Federation of Teachers in the ary Committee, and the administra necessity level. The unemployed and strategy that are indispensable of It embodies the ideas the Wall Street bankers for a loan zations were showing signs of sub of the classroom teacher thesetion of the union, the administra number over 18 million. Private to the miners organization.
of a number of Progressive Group to the city, that the impending mitting, the officers of the union supervisors who comprise only tion tried to tell the teachers that charity has long ago broken down The greatest possible error that and Rank and File teachers, the salary cut was an integral part of came out with three strong state percent of all the teachers in the the salary cut was, in substance, a Public and governmental relief has the militants can commit is to con two Left wing groups in the union. this banker politician elbspirea eco ments opposing the cuts under any system, make up almost 50 percent Fletory! On sider that the struggle against the union ad circumstances. Undoubtedly. those of the membership of the represen issued Anuary Program of present situation.
4th the union proven inadequate to cope with the II.
Lewis machine in the UMWA, was Contrary to its picture of the ministrationking clear to the the proposal for the cut. our em Executive Board. The cause pula Alysa An evaluation of the work oneng leeverywhere the chillende ministration should have had the statements turned the tide against tatives to the C, and of its Action For 1933 Suggested by Dr.
The labor leaders and reformers and the rights of the rank and are situation in the unlon, in which 14 union membership and all the teach pharis. miner in the union as such. It is the interests of the teachers, the simple duty.
appears as the representative ofers in the system. That was its impossible to make such an abstracAs every teacher knows now, the for its necessary reorganization will of the short special session showers of labor and the agents of the tion of the struggle for beras administration is clearly revealed special session of the State legis be discussed later. 4) The invisible government had in check the workers resistance and Policy of the Administration lature cut the teachers pay from In any workers Organization. The by its policies to be the representa to created for the purpose of advane reflection of ste policies, non like older, and more conservative teach informed the policy of the admini ician economy triumphed over the song the salaries out the teachers. This means political progress at an workers after the capitalists have mynner the inner life of the UMWAers in the union to the exclusion of stration. On September 2, in an hosannas of the union administra protecting their pensions, etc. in ton imposed upon the legislators The humilia delivered their deadly blows.
The struggle of the Progressive was a result of the policies of be and the teachers as a whole. Letlon, over the signatures of Linville, ceeded in doing, was to disarm the collected tens of thousands of dol and the city officials basmade Miners of Amerien, in revolt against the larger interests of the union other statement issued by the un tion. What the administration suc the course of its existence it has It cannot be redd hat leader in us take first the question of the president: Lefkowitz, Legislative teachers before their attackers and lars from the teachers for this pure with favor upon any legislation Operators and the State nocas the by its leadership that. his murderous regime is more brata Aght against the salary cut which Representative; and Charles restrain them from active resistance Pose How well it has defended which will liberate local govern heroic attempt by the miners to and vicious than othed reactionthe labor.
Long before the cut was actually the administration stated. This record does not exhaust this record for connection with the late monopoly. 5) The united fight offensive, to stop the retreat of our with a desperate and militant rant State legislature, called for that service employees and teachers toers Union is represented in the Committee did absolutely nothing against arbitrary dictatorship has miners acted as a temporary rally.
and file. It is in defense of their and similar purposes. It was clear accept a voluntary salary cut. Joint Salary Committee and has to resist the salary cut it declar: won the policies, that the Lewis machine that the attack was impending. The Deputy Comptroller Frank Your members on tee endeutive ed that the issue was not at all won the respect of both legislators ing center for the whole class. Then the pressure of the enemies forces resorted to the vilest methods Left wing claime that it was ob Prial, and his civil service group Board. The Joint salary. comtree salary reduction but the protec and bankers destroying the will and desires of vious as The bankers and politicians were and wrong policies of the leaders tion of the legislation on the books the coal miners. In the same man. It was such as two years ago. are opposing the proposal for sal tee if a city wide organizacy increases for teachers! And wpect with which the Lefkowitz not yet too late to correct these unmistakable by ary reduction actively, vigorously, made up of representatives not long in demonstrating the reserved it from its course. It is in Albany, making mandatory, sal ner the basis for the struggle of the Walker, who was then mayor, ask the end of last summer, when and successfully. our emphasis. Approximately 75 teachers organLinville Hosanna polley had inspirerrors and utilise the Progressive miners against their leadership, This was on September On zations in arose primarily in reaction, not toled all civil service, employees and October 20, in another statement Teacher Te city, including the along these lines it conducted itsed them. Lefkowitz Program of Miners of America as a rallying agitation. Such a policy must be Union. At this point we Action was issued on January center for the whole American the traktorous policies of the ruling Dement Organization which existe for latest Union, and the otmicers of the Saftice it to say that most of The union administration tailed Lefkowitz, warning against further struggle are needed.
Left wing activities in the Teach sis of the composition of the ous sell out!
unlon issued a bulletin signed by leadership and policies of class Why the Fight Against Lewis? the purpose of defending the inter. union a document which attempts the 75 organizations represented in completely to sound the alarm salary cuts! The Albany situation Admission of Capitalist Bankruptcy The Lewis machine dedicated it ests of the teachers against such at to reply to the criticisms made it, are paper: 44 organizations have against this Following these attacks the capiself to the task of helping the coal tacks, must be on the alert to dis against the administration by the less than 100 members one num trary, it particuery. On the con is one of great uncertainty, but and pregnant with dangerous possibil talists and their government, thru operators at the expense of the cern them when they are being pre Left wing the administration has bering only 8:21 Organizations covered at up. On December 16th, ities for public education and teach the Roosevelt administration, are coal miners. Instead of acting as pared. If the administration can the following to say on the question have less than 500 members; and Lefkowitz put a motion at a meeters. The Republicans are on the driving through the Industrial Conserving their interests, they acted save warning that it was coming, mer of 1982 following the action of visors, who by their position in of confidence in the Joint Salary day voted to fight for a 10 percent dictatorial power of the capitalists the reduction on salaries below 2000 over the working class. When the of the capitalists In this case the to resist it and armed them with a tary cuts of 13 percent from all most entirely integrated into the union administration compromised and a 20 percent cut on salarles Roosevelt administration declare an coal operators. The decline of the correct policy, it can be said to city employees, at a time when the Board of Education, and whose in itself in the eyes of all thinking above 2, 000.
emergency existing and proceed to once powerful United Mine Work have discharged its duty and de leaders of the conservative organi terests, consequently, are not those teachers.
Trs, 15 a tale of sticcessive betrak serves the confidence of the memWhat did Lefkowitz and the ad solve. the emergency by the Inministration propose to do about dustrial Control Bill, through gove als of the miners. Strikes were sold bership of the unlon.
ont. Wage agreements were made But this is what the Lefkowitzthese impending attacks? Get ernment partnership, it is an open by Arme Swabeck that alded only the operators and Linville administration cannot do.
busy. Keep your school commit admission of the decay and breakreduced the already low standards They failed to see the atatek in Unemployment and the tece active. Write, send telegrams, down of capitalist production, an of the miners to an even lower time. Worse! They turned a deat visit your representatives, get or admission that the gigantie pro American Working Class scale. Conditions in the minds be ear to the warnings of the Lett ganizations to act. Only the same ductive forces can no longer cope came steadily worse. With the coat wing. It was only when Walker 24 pages ineffectul measures which facilit with the situation and be used, industry. already coal took to the press with his appeal ated the last cut Yet these mouth under private ownership to feed over developed and constantly menaced by the de for voluntary cuts in the interests Postage: 10 extra per copy ers of phrases and lowers of to the militons of wage slaves.
sion are knights in the crusade It is a capitalist attempt to find velopment of electric and water of economy, that the administra In Defense of the Russian Soviet Economy in Danger against the Left wing. way out of the contradiction befuel power, drifting to the south tion stirred from its lethargy.
Revolution tween socialized production and Pioneer Publishers and the unorganized fields, the! By that time it should have been What must be done concretely to Lewis regime did not raise a finger clear to all from the financial sit 48 pages 50 10c 84 East 10th St. New York defeat these attacks will be dis private capitalist appropriation by cussed later.
establishing a form of State Capiin the direction of the organization uation of New York City and the of the unoganized miners. The an negotiations between the city and (To be continued. Continued on Pace 3)
engaged in red huntine it union, acted as a Teachers Union and the Fight Against Wage Cuts the throttling of democracy, but to teachers to accept a cut of 1 signed by the Joint Committee on cannot undertake a detailed analy branded for what it is treacherowo months later, on March 3, the labor movement. For this daring Workers Pocket Series By Leon Trotsky 72 pages