AnarchismAnti-naziAntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxNazismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySpartacistStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of Amerter (Oppoedtion) at 126 at 16th Street, New York, Entered as seond as well matter. November 3, 1998 at the Poet nimine At Vow. mde the set Week 1000 VOLUMEVI, NO. 32 WHOLE NO. 179 NEW YORK, SATURDAY JUNE 24, 1933 PRICE CENTS The Industrial Control Bill Mass Meeting!
All Out to Anti. Nazi Left Opposition Danger Signals Flash Workers Must Organize Germany Under Hitler Excluded at Anti Meet on Union Square at London Conference Against State Capitalism Fascist Congress III. Miners in Mass Action Vote Shakes 2nd Int ll the ure of New York City to Stop All Jobless Hitler Clashes on see with Hugenberg for Control SERIOUS the AN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT On Saturday, June 24, the millof the tant workers all over the United States will come out in the streets The speedy adoption of the in governmental interference, capital. Fascist Dictatorship in Action. The Condition of the Social Demoon June and the European with their German tellow workers War to Solve Crisis Nears as Contradictions Sharpen.
dustrial Control Bill was no sur ist or otherwise, into private busiprise to the industrialists. Beforeness, will wreck our industrial syscracy. The Communist Party delayed and postponed, was finally tortured under the bloody heel of the bill became law three confer: tem and eliminate fair competition?
Imperialists Wrangle Over Tariff, Prices, Markets.
and the Trade Unions held in the Salle Pleyel at Paris. Ilitler Fascist rule. This de The Daladier government had remonstration, called by the United ences of the railroad presidents, the Industry and government always Speaker: Hugenberg Betrays Real Plans. to Attack USSR.
Front Anti Fascint Committee in coal operators and the Iron and were partners and always will be fused permission to hold the meeting anywhere outside of the wellconjunction with various langusteel men were held in Chiengo. because government can nothing ARNE SWA BECK known Communist halls. The reage groups, must cry out its ans.
Long before President Roosevelt le than an instrument of sup Although the London Economic theoretically possible peaceful alwer to the bestial oppression of Conference has been in progress for ternatives, and by bringing intersigned the bill, the new admin pression used by the dominating Just arrived from a visit to Ger stricted nature of the congress, lackthe naked capitalist dictatorship only two weeks, it has alreads national conflicts of interest before trator, Johnson, was busy at economie group. The only differing a broad working class base, work on this job as the head of inence is that in the past the relamany and to comrade Trotsky.
did not allow for a mass protest in Germany. Down with the given ample proof of two things an international arena, will constiNaxl terror!
dustrial control. Within the first tionship was more disguised only Stuyvesant Casino and pressure to force the concesthe breakdown of the illusions of tute a long step in the preparation week after the sion from the government to hold reasonable, peaceful law five in emergencies, in wars, and in the The Left Option calls upon agreement, and the bull headed do The keynote of the conference international of the coming imperialist war.
Second Avenue and oth Street major industrial groups, which, in period of decay capitalism is the rethe convention in full view of the its members and sympathizers to Parisian proletariat.
normal times employ two thirds of intionship of the economic masters THURSDAY, JUNE 29th at P.
be on hand in the demonstrations termination of American imperial intrigue, trenchery, a nauseous the workers of America, were in and the goverment office boys The free lancers the Radical throughout the country and in Lsm to smash through every obsta hypocrisy, and the naked violence ADMISSION: 15 CENTS deputy Bergery, the novelists An session working out their industrial stripped naked before us.
New York on Union Square on cle to obtain its ends.
of an accomplished fact was given dre Gide, Victor Marguerite, Henri Saturday, June 24th at P. codes.
In view of the high tension of the before it started when Roosevelt The conferences already held, and Auspices. New York Branch, Com Barbusse, the professors Prenant in the common protest agninst world crisis on all fronts econ took America of the gold standard The iron and steel, soft coal, what little has leaked out from munist League of America and Nejedly, etc. naturally dom German Pascism. All out! Down automobile, oil and textile bosses them, clearly indicate the line of omie, political, social, nilitary white MacDonald was on his way (Opposition)
inated the scene. The Stalinist with German Huseism this means that the London Conter to Washington, thus breaking the are busy planning how they can in(Continued on Page 4)
Comintern bureaucracy, which im ence, by exhausting some of the strongest wenpon in the British crease profits under the terms of the provised the whole affair, kept well armory, the stabilized depreciation bill. The twenty leading manuin the background during its entire facturers of oil burners have al.
of the pound sterling in terms of duration, the dyilar. England replied after ready drafted their industrial code DAILY WORKER ON MacDonald had left, with a prefer and sent it to Washington for ap CONGRESS ential trade Agreement with Argen.
proval. The railroad presidents Women Auxiliary Takes Valiant Part in Struggle Significant for the stam charac. May 17, 1933: Comparison with Aug. 4, 1914 ima thut save the lie to its sine commen ter. timonious talk about increasing the of a 22 2 percent reaction of the Stalinist press to freedom of international trade.
wage cut.
The militant mass character of 10, 000 MINERS IN FUNERAL it. The Daily Worker, for instance. The policy of coalition and tol closely bound to the deendent state putting the question of German reof setting for itself. It was too America, which had insisted on The Industrial Control Bin which the strikes, demonstrations and CORTEGE did not even dignify the congresserance, ever typical of the social apparatus of the German Itopublic parations on the agenda at is accredited to Roosevelt, was, in meetings of the Progressive Miners 10, 000 miners marched in the with a first page account, but reist arty of Germany, found an The forces of the social democracy Lausanne conference last year, re Franciers and industrialists. Their inois is shown by the reports pub member of the Progressive Miners Speates entough for toe kupekeerleb shominious end when Hitler seized could just bear a penny opposition used to confitte last Xebes To bureaucracy power. As a a no be discussed in London; as if a Already long before Hitler seiz genuine settlement of currency Roosevelt, only carry out their or ressive Miner. The headlines tell gunmen, in Springfield, Ill. Thomas ings. No decisions of any value Faselsm. From 1914 to Hitler: is a necessary step to tighten McDonald Addresses 000 at militant lubor in the United States, fundamentals was permitted. Cerere onsibility for the policy of ly bureaucratized. It was a part al hundreds of millions of dollars og poter the subscr was be unlere thel interually thorough it were decided whether or not the decaying structure of capital. Springfield. 000 in Women was murdered in the sun battle mony and flowery speeches there German bourgeoisie in regards to without an inner life. That for would be moving each year to the ism at home. It is aimed to hurry Parade. Allard speaks to 5, 000 at that took place when scabs attempt is the sum total of the process of centralization and collespie. 15, 000 Aliners Moved to operate the results the German masses. Its occasional one time another grotesque State United States. MacDonald promptmine struck by the achieved by it.
attitude of opposition expressed it. Party could establish itself along ly opened the conference by throw.
ican imperialists to obtain a posl Everywhere except in those places democratic governor of Illinois, tion of advantage in the intense where the armed National Guards Horner, prohibited all banners and bitter international economic prevent meetings, the miners and bands in the perde in the and The International Left Opposirumal to consent to retrenchment in curiosities frequently occuring into the table. quickly followed by interest tion was ottically excluded from social insurance and reduction of and military struggle for world their wives gather in their thou of law and order.
the sessions. Behind the scenes, salaries. Other goals and other the history of the Weimar republic Jung of Italy. Hull of the Amer the bureaucracy built up an entire tasks the was incapable Howeser. the was the Ican delegation held over his speech markets and trade advantages. The ads to discuss their problem.
apparatus whose business it was to state party. It was the party of for twenty four hours during which small the Weimar republic. The work the threat of possible withdrawal be enoducers and others who will The whole of the mining territory see that the Left Opposition voice in the process are opoethes with agitation and action.
of Weimar was condemned to de by America heng over the conferposed to the bill, as are a handful Seren miners and one miner wife quarter it may come. Direct reof capitalis The competition and have paid with their lives for the ports are till forthcoming and it proceeded to its end. Nobody has Matters were patched enough anarchy of capitalist production crime of organizing and fighting is not yet definitely known whether so clearly formulated the task ofl to permit of the organization of will be organized on a a higher for a union of their choice.
the Bolshevik Leninists gained acthe social democracy as Tarnow at the conference into two committees level. However, the leading sec MINERS WOMEN cess by round about ways or not.
the Leipzig party tion, and the real rulers of MENACE IN SOUTHERN Relief But from the preliminaries attend was to act economics. The composition of the him, Watst country were behind the bill. Those ILLINOIS ing the meet, a distinct impression as doctor at the sickbed of the committees alone indicates how who put up a howl, such as thol The chief of police of West ma be gathered of the fierce inmerchants and manufacturers, were Frankfort, III. and his henchmen the Welses, the severings have self took their activities. The dispersed The announcement that on Septent of Stalinism not to permit the The Hitler Ilugenburg rift has guarded the sick patient solicitous chairman of the currency commitnot objecting to the bill, but to the forcibly and brutally section which gives lip service to members of the Women Auxiliary ployment Relice Committee will an account before the whole work more than an internal significance, but they could not cure him. tee is a provincial Ohio politician, of Even a section of the open shoppers who was practising on a buse ball dia little comment in the bourgeois trated against the continue to speak plainEnglish. mondm that city. With no pro press. And for good reason. Open international prolehan and the aneous with the raids on Hugen evil was of no avail, and the mittee consists of representatives preceding raided the office of the Bavarian bouncer, Illiter, to break the head mang. England is represented on of new kind of talk, copied from the thugs charged the women, levelled charity would be too much to ex the seizure of power by Hitler. eople Party (Catholie) in Man of the old family doctor, the neither committee.
which gives lip service to the work them, pointed a machine gun at evident that ine bourgeoisle is un At a regional Anti Fascist con European reformers a language the vilest curses at them. slapped pect. Nevertheless, it is now clearly SLUG. BOLSHEVIK LENINISTS! ich.
16. And so the medical career of The real negotiations all this At least in so far as the raids the Social Democracy came to an time have been taking place behind on the Catholie center were con end.
the scenes. While the upon tho working class is to be disperse.
One woman and five mes even the beggarly sops thrown to Traile Luton Headquarters located: Leuning personalities of such an extreme example of heed. ping with International good will drip launched. aris. Left Oppositionists, dele.
crime of marching around on a Form of State Capitalism a The Industrial Control Bill. as monument to the Freedometer as bulk of the funds for this work, as und local unions were forcefully connected with the recent events in struggle of the against a little committee having nothing to class conscious workers probably unseated and disgracefuly battered Austria, especially with the sup. Pascism. Not only was the do with the conference was fight form of state capitalism, is a dessemblage in America.
realized along time ago, who direct leadership of outstanding rty (Austrian Nazis. com by sluggere organized perate attempt to find a way out NO RACE DISCRIMINATION under the pression of the National Socialist incapable of showing how to ing crimly and silently behind the ing not from our great philanthroof the contradictions which engull HERE pists but from employed workers. French bureaucrats.
The Nazis mean serious business thing in its power to prove that consisted of the governors of the capitallam. Traylor, the La Salle We have always contended that At a second regionn! meet in in Austria. They will tolerate no it could take the place of Hitler central banks of the United States, Street banker, speaking before the the solidarity between the white firms in New York had followed the Paris, not only were the delegates vacillation from distant allies or in all respects. As usual, reform England and France. Five days the Drake Hotel in Chiengo, where achieved in struggle. It is in the lees to make weekly donations to but bona ide trade union we muss were nationalists. Already the long ago lost all feeling of the reled when the American represntasoft coal operators in convention at aud Negro workers will be best policy of requesting their emplose from the Lett Opposition excluded, near allies. That is, from the Bavism wronels estimated Its forces in after the conference started, this more profits said, the program of that the artificial barriers of race mainly one semaent amounts, running pected of solidarity with the views Nazis have undertaken a mighty wirements of the class struggle. tive left for Washington.
to save ourselves from amnibila ice on a hot summer day. We quote with the deepening cek the econo from the hall. Stalinist united in deed. Nazi bomb factories have potence of the apparatus. The bu: terence had been sitting for a week could gag before the big show started. Like the new deal, whatever that may mony of this fact from a letterarastie wage reductions, a militant NEVERTHELESS OUR VOICE by further front. been discovered in Austria. Dolfuss, recuerutie apparatus Austrian Chancellor, has used this and deceive faithful workers. If the bankers committee, it has run be than there is in the communism written to the Progressive Miner: spirit developed among the workers, IS HEARD. as a pretext to banish the Nazi could choke strikes and uprisings into a deadlock of national intersram it we failed in the old stand wife from Saline County, II. many refusing to continue the week It remained for a member of the press.
and be About two weeks ago we went to pat program which ly payments. Confronted with Lovestone and his kind notwith berrieriste, adokte dich not have the ports, it only exhibited the hesita to take the floor for a presentation standing, the differences between strength to choke Fasetions of the Australian and Canadlieve in.
attend a colored funeral and they emma, the bourgeoisie cbaichand of the views of the Left Opposition. Ithe Hitlers and the Hugenburssism.
istically faces the problem: We are informed by the bourgeois honored us to the full extent. The the committee! This is equivalent That was entirely unexpected and are not yet completely ironed out.
Even if the social democratic sions of the Polish and French pea.
inn wheat growers, the apprehenliers that the planned economy is time white and colored folks had to starvation sentence for the unconsternation relined in the ranks The social and political aspirations apparatus did not believe in the sants, the grievances of the Argen: to inaugurate an era of fair com erer mixed here. They said that so as to make a pretense of con young orator could conclude his phases of dominant class interests. polley, they believed at least in the cern of Italy and other countries logists for capitalism informed us who didn discriminate and lived pertists For Bati alle montere a post they were slaidectomlind some people tinuing the work, a good deal is markets for the last score of years that any up to their union obligations.
private cbarities, with emphasis on! Lo proposals put forward by the consolidated his power. But he toleration. To them the thought of for their own farmers.
about coordinating public and crete bureaucracy organized a has been and he is marching for. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
the former. Everything will be left monstrous noise throughout several ward on the path of reaction with in the hands of the past masters parts of the hall to drown out his seven league boots. Unless the of rellet distribution, the Tammany voice. His counter resolution re Communist movement sounds the politicians, ceived two votes, the Stalinist mas alarm and acts in time Austria Such a prospect must be doubly querade was not entirely airtight. will be next in order!
Philadelphia Pa. An enthusiasm and called for them by name. alluring to the jobless of this city. WHY THE TERROR AGAINST Clara Zetkin is dead. The veter and Rosa Luxemburg, she kept aloft which more than hints at the soul. resolution was passed condemn especially in view of the attitude THE LEFT OPPOSITION?
dering unrest of the workers and ing the action of the arrest and of the bankers on governmental Why the terror against the Left But here it must be declared that an revolutionary labor leader of the banner of internationalism durtheir desire for leadership in strus demanding the immediate uncondi economies. To expect the bourge Opption? Why this unheard ot the American rty at least, toore than 60 years of active, milleline the dark days of the imperialist gle blazed forth in answer to the tional release of comrade Goodman oisie to submit to additional taxa determination on the part of the bu Robert Minor und Alexander are tant service to the cause of the slaughter. This indomitable Hight protest open air meeting called by etitions were passed among the tion, for the purpose of meeting rereaucracy? glance at one of the its true spokesmen, and we have no German and international proleer did her part in the foundation of the Philadelphia Branch of the workers which many sluned will let needs, is to expect too much. speeches is sufficient for illumina. reason to doubt that they are, hastarlut has passed away in a want the heroic Spartacus League in Left Opposition where more than ingly. At the close of the meet. The dissolution of the Gibson Comtion on this point. The German de learned nothing from the past.
six hundred workers came out to ing workers formed grouplets among mittee should make this fact plain. legate Mueller, shoved to the fore. Speaking before an audience of ago. The death of Clara Zetkin, a Germany and the Communist Intershow their resentment and to de themselves and around our com On top of that, Mayor Brien front by the bureaucratic impres workers in Brownsville, Brooklyn, real tragedy to the world working national. The Bolshevik work nounce the Fascist tactics of the rades and discussed.
announced last Tuesday night that carios, had the following to say the other night on Fascism, they class, coincides with the greater Clara Zetkin was a milestone in police and the courts exemplified in The Philadelphia Branch has been the city revenues broke down, If today Fascist terror is raging offered such empty and vainglori tracedy of the German proletariat the days when the proletarian inthe malicious frame up of our com carrying on a campaign of open air they would have to appeal to pri. worse than ever before, it is not ous platitudes that though the hour whose movement now writhes unternational had all its strength his turned towards the world revolumeeting held at the same corner Kensington section of the elty. The carry on unemployment aid. Reven. But it is also a sign of the rapidence virtually demanded speakers The name of comrade Zetkin is Trotsky. Lenin rade Leon Goodman at an open air meetings before the workers in the vate charitable agencies to belp an indication of the strength of was nearly twelve when the two or the heel of Hitler and Fascism, but of its weakness. main speakers concluded the audi brown cohorts.
tion in the days of Lenin and two days earlier.
workers are willing to fight but they ues have already broken down, and her a signifiThis protest meeting was far big demand leadership Stalinism with the attempt to pass the buck back rise of the revolutionary wave. from the Left Opposition to take associated with some of the most eant tribute when he said that the ser than any open air meeting the its bureaucratic ultimatist de to private charities means eventually Worker, Saturday, June 17, the floor and present their point of lorous traditions of the German only win in the German party was Stalinists have ever had in this mands stitles initiative and inde ally the utter breakdown of the FABRIC OF LIES view. Though three minutes were proletariat and its struggle for em an old woman.
and The workers responded to our guard of the working class. This ployed workers and their families. It is with such a fabric of lies took the opportunity to point out nation in the socialist movement heroism, comrade Zetkin was sort teaflet appeal. Eight o clock the mass meeting protesting Goodman How is the miserable condition and illustons that the Stalinist bu that Alexander theory the more under the tutelage of Marx and and even equivocal, at times, lined the street within the vicinity arrest casts a perspective of what of the unemployed to be improved reaucracy means to cover up its misery the better was in reality Engels. She was in the forefront the inner struggle in the ranks of hailed us as we approached. The workers. The Stalinists with their struggle. Such a movement de is upon this self same rotten fund that the Leninist approach is to cialist laws of Bismark. The great pathles swerved to Brandter, in the workers were heartened being the initintor of the early days she showed inclinations pearance and drew close to hear measure responsible for their non need of the hour is unity, a common proceeds to cover up its tracks besty that the ravages of Fascism organization of worikng class wo towards the Left Opposition. The our speakers and to take part in organization.
working class polley to fight the fore the working class of the world are in reality a victory and men on an international scale be epigones many times made malictthe protest meeting.
To get ald from the was onslaught of capitalism. It must be br speaking of preparations for a sign of strength for the German longs to Clara Zetkin. Her name ous use of the prestige of Clara Comrade Carey, though not a as easy as it is to pull an elephant driven home that the workers mean German general strike to overthrow working class. as Alexander and is indissolubly associated with this Zetkin.
member of the Opposition was in out of a quicksand bog. We were business, that the starvation pro the Left Opposition would tear the er time was up he asked for an It is their fear that Minor inferred. When the speak indispensable activity.
More important and more out this brave leader is a real loss to Notwithstanding, the death vited to take part in this meeting advised to let Goodman serve the gram of the new deal will not be and was the first speaker. The sentence and our request for a quietly accespted. united front mask off their cynical, lying counother speakers were comrades Mor speaker to be sent to the protest of all workers organizations must tenances and force through a distension of time. The sentimentstanding in the fighting career of the Communist and revolutionary of the workers was to grant it. comrade Zetkin has been her un workers. The name of comrade kenstern and Roberts, Hirsch acting meeting was met by evasion and be the answer. This is the only cussion of the real state of affairs The chairman refused to intervene remitting warfare against the Zetkin is an inspiration it is en as chairman. The workers were finally refused. way that the emergency can be met. and those responsible for it that and as the speaker started to contraitors of the German social dem shrined in the hearts of the pro anxious to listen to our comrades MEYER HIRSCH. BELLOWS. Continued from Page Continued on Page 4)
ocracy and the Second Internation: letarian vanguard wherever it bat!
Hold Protest Meeting in Phila. Zetkin, Veteran Red Diesat 76 in honor of