AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismNazismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE TUE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1933 Students Opportunists in Bloc Nazi. Austrian Plot Pogrom on Workers Interests Against Won vs. Lefts at Gillespie ship Counding at Anti Fascist Meet Recovery Bill Not a student laid a hand on the was brought up by the delegates, al scale, the workers resistance situation becomes exceedingly clear. Catel. Look at the social demociutern. Isn it high time to step on it, and any protesting will the athletic committee began to wraphed sheet with one of the only plane on which it would be but a few minutes and proposed the question from locall at the Plenim of the on Feb. Congress. It does not shrink from shakes off the hypnosis of the the bourgeoisie that will volunta(Continued from Page 1) the workers standard of living. It nist International, remains silent (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
hides behind paper (Continued from Page (Continued from Page 1)
When the matter of these omis. stressed the necessity of immedl olic Journeymen Congress in Mu. to do that. On the contrary, they and actually have the sorry courage to defend orkunizations and behind free branch of industry fail to come to quin an entrance through the stu sions of the policy of the PTUECately workers controls nich, the whole amplitude of the their policy tus correct and vindt het eers who Ng reserves the home ang ugreement wutable to the McFarlane answered that they against the new deal. which president or any member of his didn have enough money to have rects a gigantie class. collaboration country. In case of union with corpse. But the Stalinist faction forward and to raise the voice of be refused the license necessary Austria is predominantly a Catholic racy. It is now, literally, a rotting sroup Several self styled vigil lants who claimell a friliation with he was forced to send out a mimeo and a crime against the government. Germany or of an alliance with it, the leaderbent, still stands at Bolshevism before the world prole all the points mimeographed as paraphernalia, makes strikes illegal which, at to continue to operate under the the minor the Comintern, tariat. The Comintern duty, uew law.
The Stalinists united with the the strength of the Catholic Centre which is responsible for the polles Comintern would have held in the The prest five years has seen this assert themselves among the demon points 16 of them.
strators, and so, the capitalist press delegutes chuckled up their sleevos. Right wing to defeat the LO. pro. would be of a quantity far more of the which, in the final com reporters got their story of a stu. They understood.
posal. The stalinists interpreted formidable than it is in the Reich analysis, led in such a way that course of the last few years, not complete about face on the part of dents anti war riot. The athletic The Stalinists were down in full tionary resolution. They objected the document as a counter revolu. at present and would constitute a it helped Hitler in his road to pow. only dogulur congresses, but the relationships of government and any association whatsoever with force. Minerlch, Shaw, Kling. Web with hypocritical indignation that serious obstacle in the path of They cover themselves partly with fortunately the Leninist Comintern muistration we had non govern has become a Stalinist Comintern. inental interference in industry, these vigilants.
er, and bakers dozen of lesser the German working class did not Hitler progress. The attacks on Union is taking the case to court St. Louis, ete. Due to their case of hot air with their usual tripe the high pitched camgin of the such a manner as if nothing hadvise an account before the interue Hoover this hud changed to gov.
The American Civil Liberties functionaries from Chicago, Detroit, suffer defeat. They wasted a lot the Catholics in Germany itself and silence and partly they speak in And Stalinism of necessity fears to both in words and in action. Under tional proletariat! That is why the ernment proclamations of nonon the round that the students to see a sti caties more than pornstne verit that action is needed, not talk beterore Holidate that the time to Didn Hitler Triumph. The German proletariat has not stalinist Comintern is hiding be interference, together with the rea have the right to parade on the months and more important, their resolutions and conferences and therefore indicate that the change of policy in regard to the ended up, not unnaturally, with a forceful solution of the question campus, therefore the expelled stu. the Stalinists are winning call to vote down the resolution of power between Dollfuss and it suffered a defeat. Then has Hitler hind pacifist organizations and belity of increased govenment parti.
hind free lancers. Thus it was cipation in private industry (Farm not triumphed, too? Or is there a dents should be reinstated.
Inick some of their former adhervictor without a vanquished? Hlas with the Anti War Congress in Am. Board, Itallroad Credit Corp. kter This is clearly a question which ts who rted company with them hd to send protest. to Washer is drawing near.
ington. The Right wing, construing In this internecine struggle be nothing changed in Germany? But sterdam and thus it is planned for construction Finance Corp. aid to militant demonstration against mill. strike wtrategy. The Stalinists them, runty Aurried und offers such tremendous possibilities a quick collapse of Hitler: that the the alarm against this that is our day, we see the Roosevelt regime tarism. As such there is nothing proposing to supervise and direct about it which can be settled in furored to be the major force at the trying to muster votes to defeat it. for a working class movement, it is commomic crisis alone will accom duty as Bolshevik Leninists!
court. It can only find its solution feally advanced group in the con its, Politics makes strange bad ous role of the Austrian social de Banizations of the German working tories that participate and elect the change brought on by the past on conference. However, the only po. They were at one with the Stalin: impossible overlook the ignomin plish that which the powerful or Trotsky makes fun of the fac American economy, and in addition, admitting so openly. Such has been in the struggle between the workers ference was the left Opposition follows.
and the boss classes.
which ideologically whipped the mocracy, the most powerful single la to wore become achieve that belegates to the congress writes les sense The in an executive meet Left wing forward.
All sorts of attempts were made political party in the country and to break the neck of fascism, the conscience less slanderer in ti ing decided recently on its change to Bag comrade Ochler and prevent the all time pride of the Second La Sert, however, arestarea the wall. Bund schau. There is not a single How is the Working Class affected. Co. swers, are awaited in vainword of platform, in true Stalinist mnan Course of Action Adopted him from summing up on his amendIt is only in an Indirect manner, ner, without any discussion on the The conference re affirmed the ment. The Stalinists became full lift, literally not finger to gain Let us not deceive ourselves abe interpreted in this sense. The blown parliamentarians with the a proletarian solution to the crisis, congress which has nothing to International Left Opposition con however, that we are concerned floor by its Tank and file member wisition of the other three confer complete support of the Right wing, but sit back with their puny hearts ny but the old empty phrases and widers itself responsible before the with the inner organization of the ship. From a Communist organithat guards luttering workers to Marxian policies more or Teses new federation tendency. went on us Hections of this organisation upon get they have become a sort of stuers of America, the National Miners them. The indolent excuse of Com ther confusion, disappointment and agaiust making fun of the work the working class. And the reflecSumming Up the Discussion dents union basing Itselt on stu: Onton, West Virginia Miners, IWW munist splitters is here completely discouragement in the working class. Before the working class tion of the above measure can be dent issues. It is hoped that in this of Colorado, rank and tile of the He pointed out that the resolu lacking the social democrats, class. Courage is needed to speak we consider ourselves responsible, seen to portray the real image of way we will attract the student exw, the liners Union of Novation on the Industrial Control Bil caught like rats in a hole, have no set while Emmy Eationalisation but not before the soul less, bureau which when translated into labor develop our principles from practi order to prepare a national organiscussion of the day. Comarde Oehler sent the most piticul spectacle, a me bureaucracy which can no little posts and stipends, not before terms means: less workers, increas They nake fun of ed lay offs and wage cuts; for, it Chile work with the students, says Kation campaign and a strike stated that since this was the first veritable epatome of reformist im longer sustify its own poliey.
The speaks a clear lang the working class who today still is only in this manner that the the statement on the change of an inst the prevailing scale: recom conference since this Bin had got potence.
uage. It has nothing to his hide. For have the tragic audacity to offer bill is to be interpreted by the Only The expulsions at City College mittels of action in the various place to take action on itDe er of the ranks of the workers them iples of Marxism Leninisin. The working class Gala Congresstes ers are to be the first to receive deprive the student movement of localities to carry on united front Stalinists, pointing out that althoing class from the sorry fute of its Loft Opposition has been demon delegates who went to deliver the and they have already begun to coordination, its most militant members and its activities against forced labor. yel none of his opponents gave a sub German brothers. The Left Oppo strated.
crees the authorities have succeeded urged unity of the employed and down. For the benefit of the Right to constitute such a government.
Introduction of a few arbitrary de process, and other local grievances cient labaarst part is just the per te sition is hard at work, exerting The O, has something to say lessness, of despondenes and dement labor program, so that even clearly and openly. Our declaration already suffered bankruptcy and their mild manner begun to raise ship from the mass of the student employed organizations to attach the resolution was not a slander. GORDON is laid on the table of the Anti which leads to perdition. To tight a voice in protest against this Amebody.
themselves with the National Fed against the but on the con Fascist Congress. must be given against this with all means is the ricun bearing Greek gifts.
The success of the faculty in ration of Unemployed Leagues; trary, it gave the officials even more FLOWERS OF STALINIST serious consideration. Ever wider task which stands before us, the their expulsion campaign, and the and passed resolutions against credit than they gave themselves, PROGNOSIS circles of the working class turn International Left opposition, at words seeming to indicate that As for those combinations of their attention to us. The Stalinist present. No one will prevent us Roosevelt will introduce the mini(From the German Pamphlet real protest movement in behalf of Governor Horper reign of terror: by showing their progressive char bureaucracy cannot silently watch from doing this, in spite of vilifi. mum wage and maximum hours. Leninism against Stalinism. this growth of the left Opposition. cation and pogrom incitement. And one cannot but be reminded of the the expelled, can in no small de for the immediate liberation of Tom acter in relation to the entire Amergree be placed at the doors of the Money and the Scottsboro boys, he brought out the historical per than an opportunist overestimation and too cowardly to discuss with go to the Anti Fascist Congress.
Nothing would be more fatal But, it is too weak, too impotent in order to carry out this task, we record of the main empowered to National Student League in failing etc.
enforce the measures. Hidden beto build up an antiwar movement Only one resolution met with class proving that the attack upon cicle de leurstel el Tose our correct before sociale proletariat. estly Role of at the Congress neath the sugar coating will be ing its anti war movement to the resolution giving a political analy. Control Bill was a direct result of up of the Hitler movement. and Campaign of Slander and Provo this congress, not in order to bolso collective bargaining will be transWe starvation revealed the cruel harshness of the student plane and in supporting thesis of the industrial Control Bill the defeat of the German proletas allowed ourselves to be pushed into Stalinist Amsterdam fraud, the cation Against the International ter up any Illusions or reputations. formed into a company union prodimensions of the present fight were which was submitted by an out riat. He finished his speecb with manje frenzy. then we would standing Left Oppositionist, Hugo the axiom that action is meaning of necessity be led to a false manLeft Opposition. Our aim is to clear the road for gram. The uninimum wages, maxl: to a great extent laid down before. Oehler. Tony Minerich, spokesman less unless it is based on a correctner of posing the question in our hand. At the Chicago anti war con for the policy and resolutions com policy.
Provocations and stander are the the future.
mum hours will, when translated ference the proposals of the Left mittee, ked the fight stating that it practical work against the Nazis as answers which the Stalinist bureau Ouly under one condition can nothing more that the extension of into reality, become, most likely organize the anti war fight on the necessary to read the reso in a last word with arguments that to the Thaelmann, Speech tion of the to the Anti Fascist sive, even though modest role: it factory in the country. It is not Opposition delegates, proposals to was Minerich succeeded in squeexing well as and above all with regard frames. the principe de alert the present congress play a progress the stagger system to every large Kution which would have taken the most tlagrant accusations reaucratic, behind the scenes improeffective that of the Communist in its pluce to go on record against angle and not an international one ruary 19, 1932. Page 24. movement taking a leading role in the industrial Control Bill and its these national socialists. He pro(which is beyond the horizon of against us. Let us take one in visations and puts on the order orl rily surrender part of its profits stance: the the organization of a and comrade business. the free exchange of to better the condition of the work worker student united front against class collaboration provisions.
fessed not to see the connection It would be false to believe that Anti Fascist Congress could not be victory of German Fascism, as to to organize, to fight many a ditt Trotsky are blamed because the opinions as to the causes of the ing class. The workers will have war were rejected by the Oehler Gets the Floor Despite with Germany and asked why The whole opportunistic tactic of Stalinists budtee to win these elementary the Stalinists in the recent period extreme hilarity of the myopic taking place in Germany at present writes Karolski in the Basle proletarian organizations, and pro week with no reduction in pay.
labor in the anti war movement has iso Despite Stalinist opposition, com Stalinists present.
is the growth of Fascism. 1198) Rundschau.
poses genuine program of revois the growth of Fascism. Page This time it was not only Wels, lutionary struggle. In this way and STONE lated the students from the working rade Oehler succeeded in getting class at large without whom the the floor and introducing his resogone conclusion. The amendment The voting, of course, was a fore 1198. us from holding the congress in become a factor of revolutionary reStampfer and Hitler who prevented only in this way will the congress struggle against Imperialist war, lution as an amendment to the reheroic though it may be will be of port offered by the policy commit lost by a vote of 78 to 17 with Also, of. attack, of calling for a green lice cenited frend analysis of the international situa amendment was defeated but the Karl Liebknecht House) stood un Mr. Trotsky against the Anti only correct directives for little or no consequence. Instead tee. The resolution gave a political about men domein abstentionsut The Fascist mobilization in front of the in comparison with the provocations national Lett Opposition gives the the Bolshevik Leninists will take the their aghting places in the common the bunglers of Stalinism called a future of the American labor movel Stalinists who cannot see the nellution. Thaelmann: The told them that it had been arranged to make the experience of the colranks, Just as they have done up to being criminal masquerade of its potent superiority over the forces favoring the proletarian revo Congress to the world bourgeoiste. We Bolshevik Leninists propose, now, everywhere and at all times.
Amsterdam which based its strength ment in regards to the newly passed cessity of preparing to fight against Naxl Provocation in Front of the by paper organizations, made fun lapse of German Communism the laration to the Anti Fascist connot upon the proletariat and its or Industrial Control Bill.
In particuThis is the position of our Decganizations but on isolated intelleclar. it explained the defeat of the anything until it is too late Fas Karl Liebknecht House and Sereral of the factories Friting in it point of departure for the rebirth gress. And in this sense we shall tuals of the Barbusse Rolland vari German working class which markscism in Germany and now the lo Lessons, quoted from Muenzen and electing delegates to it, mocked of all the remaining sections. We do our work at the congress. Slanety. The results of this frightful the beginning of a world wide capl. dustrial Control Bill.
division perpetrated by the Stalin talist reaction to further beat down berg Unsere Zeit, February at the invitations to the intellectuare prepared to contribute toward der and pogrom incitement can MARTIN PAYER 1933. Page 134. ists between the students and the cause of the working class. ete name of this task we will stretch voice will be heard by the working Workers how becomes apparent Together with this and in the same out our hands to our bitterest class in Faneist Germany and by even here at home, in the College breath comes the unheard of slan enemies of yesterday. Needless to the whole world proletarint.
der that Trotsky demands of the say, in the struggle against Fasof the City of New York where the students tighting heroleally are left Fascist murder bands in Berlin that (From Unser Wort)
to shift for themselves with no (Continued from page 1)
the value of lands owned by the genuine labor support. The respon intention to drive the money with rail of the New York Cen were enough or too many or not These are the arguments of the promoters. The Nickle Plate, the is worrying about whether there communises the the team warian ders of the Stalinists whose whole The Van Sweringen testimony ran tral was conceived and built as enough holding companies involved Stalin bureaucracy against the prin zig zaging policy has caused this along similar lines. It was brought economic purpose, in the hope, sub these railoads, and whether they stead of thorough, principled disany real sentiment in the working ers had cooked up a series of cor would buy out the promoters at a have, and whether the investors hopeless the cause of such people class for assistance the expelled student support to Porations, with the aid of Morgan, at pront.
to resort to this But the task still remains to or an initial investment of a million The whole Van Sweringen dream Not a word about the rightful surt dhe arguments to ganize a genuine movement against dollars they were able to obtain of a railroad empire started with abuse of the real wealth of the The idea that the International imperialise war. Only in this way control of railroad properties worth their real estate, speculations inter or the interpretes be leterorkers and let oposition, denounced the corner ON GERMANY The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
the expelled students. The struggle further mortgage on the future of velopment around a railroad ter were speeded up and those who them that it hud been arranged by 100 pages. 25 192 pages paper cover. 35 effective if it becomes the spur forciso of warrunts giving them the into buying the Nickel Plate, then van Sweringens efforts to show surd. Does not the Red Postage 06 extra per copy cloth over Postage 06 extra per copy front which will wind the students and all this while inducing the pub to construct a fourth trunk linerallgadabout the waste of reinitiators of the congress And to the main body of the militant lic to put up all the money required. system to compete with the New Murces involved in the building of does not the world bourgeoisie koow ON RUSSIA working class At the same time, cuch turnover of York Central, ennsylvania and new links to join roads in a field what the Just so much PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF funds enabled them to squeeze out Baltimore Ohlo: from this, into whose traffic was insufficient to trash and slander.
More Flowers.
Price. 15 What About Copenhagen?
profits in cash, out of which they the speculative purchase of Mis support existing lines, or about the Postage 01 extra per copy And what about Copenhagen, Naturally Germany will not were able to avoid paying income souri acific from the control of permanent turden on the masses out represented by the issue of over where the congress also was sup ON SPAIN Communists vouch for this, vietor. Mecially created corporations. Jay Gould old gamble of a trans capitalized securities whose hunger posed to be held and couldn be?
become Fascist. The victories of taxes through the formation of Kuhn, Loeb Co. to carry THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER ies beginning with the mass defense All this is undoubtedly interest continental line from Atlantic to Port to rest and dividends will be Was that Trotskyist denunciation Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy to the struggle of the Berlin Trans by which capitalism concentrates nearly every railroad he touched was done last year, and by furprised to read this in the Stalinist ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM by the hundreds of thousands of sitically sucks out enormous profta old Southern Railway. was willing and speeding up the rest with a Apropos Copenhagen: Who was Postage. 01 extra per copy German workers who are striking while so doing. But the basic as enough to gamble someone else 20 percent wage cut to be proposed it during the journey of comrade under the leadership of the Numptions were never questioned money on the new jockey, on the to the railroad workers shortly. Not Trotsky to Denmark, that denounced ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY manipulations played in raising the Trotskyist conference in CopenhaAND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION hundreds of thousands of workers What right have a banker and a lose.
fictitious prosperity of 1929 to a gen? It was the official Stalinist Fotes which have been cast for Com. ir of speculative real estate pro The Reals Abuses Are Left THE STRATEGY OF THE munism, this THE PERMANENT Untouched vouched for by the inoters to jusgle for their personal All this criminally light minded of rose ohtop of another unta viet Government. We shall leave WORLD REVOLUTION irresistable advance of Communism profit with a group of transportaREVOLUTION tena (Kommunistische Internation systems involving the jobs and gambling with the basic transportna bolestimey structure collapse things rest with this malu Femeinde 180 pages paper cover tionale, No. 17, December 16, 1932. the working conditions of thous. tation Interests of American econo in its ruins.
Postage 08 extra per copy The method of the Stalinist cloth cover 00 Page 1215. slanderers is simple: they attribute Postage 06 extra per copy No all this is taken for granted, to others their own actions. Such In spite of the pompous declara decar of hundreds of communities, upon the sweat of the workers and tions of the government, the 6th of the of living of the broad paid over and over again the shoved aside, regarded as legiti a ethod is quite transparent.
ON CHINA March is not a victory for Fascis masses?
broad consuming masses, was based mate private business. That is the The question of the Comintem is PROBLEMS THE. Manifesto of the solely on the greed for power and real scandal of the investigation of interest in this connection. In CHINESE REVOLUTION The Van Sweringen Deals Committee of the March 15, The Van Swerings proposed only profit of a handful of individuals. And an indispensable step on the Germany, a catastrophe has taken 450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 50 1933. to continue the most essential tra The public interest was repre workers road to power will be to place the strongest Communist Postage. 06 extra per copy ditions of the railroads which they sented by the supervision of the arrive at a clear understanding of party in the capitalist world lies ARTICLE DELAYED Due to technical difficulties, the wrecked before it started opera clucking agitatedly like a mother dels is the existence of capitalism a strong Fascist wave is rising in PIONEER PUBLISHERS Upholsterers, annonnced last week genital cripple. Its route being preferred stock of the Nickel Plate, ods as well as of the disease data durere the Communist Party of 84 EAST 10th STREET, for this issue, has had to be held deliberately lata out in a round and the price at which new stock parasite by products which it in swept aside the second Interna tional writhes in the throes of rigor over to the next number of the about manner, avoiding the big of the Chesapeake Ohio shoula evitably breeds Militant.
traffic centers in order to raise be offered to stockholders. FIELD mortis but the Third, the Commu The Real Meaning of the Morgan Inquiry inWORKS by TROTSKY. 65 Price. 15. 25. 50 OF