BolshevismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyImperialismKamenevLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY JUNE 17, 1933 TE MILITANT PAGE ThePlatformofthe Brandier Group China Receives New Falsifications of the Stalinists. ALFA News From German Chilean Left is Organized (Conti Union. ing districts. The rest have no region heroie sacrifices are still be red million bushels stored in the hote from exile on Yudushka Gol bute. It has made a serious theo. staliniste xgxag policy of the Number of Gegen der Strom. Few Steps Forward Buttonomy, but of false evaluation New Loan In the past year new bit of The Slander of Trotsky which you came to us in London from mier group, now appearing in Strass No Conclusions in the ranks of Cimmunism.
burg, contains thoses on the strug put into circulation. Lenin de Judas Role day. wish you, Lev Davidovitch, 11. The theses declare that outclared Trotsky to strength and health, and embrace kle against Fascism and other proside of the Brandler organization, The new When Where? Whea Judas.
At first, the deal government at you warmly: Krupskaia.
Ber is very important in the deter pelled to evade this centras que reconstruct the German party and Washington, so solicitous for the disturbed about telling this nithy Sensheviks, tas impossible.
Trotsky would have acted more prudently European Stalinists were a little said that the unification (with the mination of the physlognomy of the tion because, by their whole char the Comintern. Even if one were welfare of the poor speculators on rut to the face of the advanced has grasped this and since then had they not raised the question of group What have the Brandlerltes acter and spirit, they are only to recognize this inordinate claim the Chicago wheut market and the workers. But when the defeat of there has not been a better Bob moral contidence. Already ill, Lenin learned from the catastrophe? Have proscribed, insulted little detact with regard to Germany (we are, New Orleans cotton exchange, is het eerime, the most terrible of.
urged Trotsky not to come to an right at the outset: the these cun They light against ultra Lettism. far from such a recognition. then about to come to their alduguin all, into the iuventory of the ex. Trotsky by himself had to make make a rotten compromise and then days of the. tain a number of quite indubitable but they say nothing about the op what about the Communist Inter. The present step, like most of the plots of the stallinst bureaucracy. decisions of extraordinary scope, he will deceive. In his Testament, fundamentals, principally in the do portunism of the bureaucracy, for national? Th: Brandterites are right new deal kind, is completely sur they had to take recourse in very Lenin, on his own initiative, handed Lenin urged the removal of Stalin main of criticism of the party re they themselves shared, gime, of the policy of the united sbare, in all its Richend still in saying that for the last ten years rounded with the usual trappings stire measures. They now began to win a blank sheet of paper with from his post as everal secretary.
front only from below, and the The theses declare that the cally decompoisng.
mistakes. the Comintern has been systemati of aid to the imporеrislied tar circulate the gossip about a Judas the following inscription at the bot giving as his motivation the dis theory of social Puscism. But apart beginning of the fulse policy of the the International the Brandler mers. But like most of the farm with increasing frequency.
tom: Comrades! know the rigor loyalty of Stalin. Finally, the last from these critical Ileus (which, Comintern colucides roughly with its themselves decomposed in the bedient will go to the financiers before the war, in one of the mo rade Trotsky, but am so con before his second attack, was his What is it based upon? Two years ous charter of the orders of com document dietuted by Lewin the day despite their elementary character, the withdrawal of Louin from work. last two or three years? In 1920 whose nearest approach to a farm motits of the accentuation of the viuced, convinced to such an abso letter to stati in which he broke must be insistently repeated. Ge But don the Brandterites know they represented an appreciable is the wheat room of the Chicago Culgrant struggle. Lenin angrily lute degree of the correctness, the off all personal and comradely reof opportunism, as much by what line to the light and to the Left them is fragments. The reason for Board of Trade.
called Trotsky a yudushka in a expediency and the necessity of the lations with him.
note which he wrote. Whoever is order issued by comrade Trotsky ile getirebili cation says, as by what you feel the same oe was accomplish this is the opportunistice imperial This week new pers carried even slightly acquainted with Rus the interest of the cause, that calumniators!
Will this perhaps sutlice, Messrs.
ism, an opportunistic current is not the headline announcements of a man literature knows that Yu completely support the order The theses justly accuse the Kical lever: the struggle against capable of creating any sort of dirty million dollar sule of wheat Justik (Golovlev) is a literary Clianor Lenin Stalinist burcuucracy of deliberate Trotskyism? It one pushes aside virile international organization and and cotton to the Chinese Nauking type, the hero of the Russian satir Is minimixing the importance of the the personal details, the falsifica consequently is equally incapable of government. The money, to pay for ist Saltykov Shtshedrin. In the emitious cited above vives a clear If the first of the two cleclara defeat. But from their own evalutions, the baiting campaign, etc. frescherating the Communist Inter the purchases by the Chinese for grant struggle of those days one enough political evaluation, the e sce ARE YOU SUBSCRIBER lerites do not draw the necessary ter, the revision of the method. The theses contain a number of country, is to be advanced by the article dig borrowed from sal confidence. It is hardly necessary TO THE MILITANT?
conclusions with regard to the parole of Marx and Lenin took place erroneous or ambiguous tactical Ateconstruction Finance Corporation tykov. in the case before us, it to quote the duzens of citations from Half Year sub to the Militant the desire to return to the party. Winst Trotskyism. The ble considerations to which we may as a loan payable after several was not even an article, but ty. As in the past, they express under the aegis of the still have the occasion to refer. years. Although no mention of the written in a moment of anger. At where he expresses his attitude to others it is only 50 cents.
note the articles and speeches of Leninis On a Club Plan with three that is, they act as if no catastes bave not understood this to the Pur the moment, we wished only to subject appears in the dispatches all events, Indushka Golovlev has ward Trotsky, or to reproduce here trophe had taken place. In this present day. They think that the demonstrate that the German catas relating to the subject, the cotton no relation at all to the Judas of once are the correspondence of manner, the Brundlerites helo the strongle against Trotskyism was trophe has unfortunately taught the will most probably be used in the the Evangels.
Stalinists politically to cover up the in and by itself correct, but that Brandlerites nothing. In the do contemplated Nanking campaign Laniu. Trotsky on the national ques. THE MILITANT significance and the dimensions of under cover of this struggle which main of tactical questions they are against the peasant armies. The In connection with the unavoid tion or on the question of the for Entered as a second class mail the defeat. It is not Communism that the party ideology for many years ton of the fight against ultra has been spending millions in his in defense of the attitudes of letter which Krukkain, Len Post Ottice at New York, letters of Lenin, Stalin taking up flue ourselves only to recalling that matter November 28, 1928, at the is the ultra Leftist tactic that has seksliding from the line of Lenor almost all the mistakes of the peasant armies of inner Snina, hus inorier Kamenes in October 1917. a companion for so many years, Under the act of March 1879.
been beaten, the bureaucratic re to the line of the tra Right wing xigas of Stalinism now succeeded iu securing the adcliberately rulis ahead in his letter laulu death: Dear Ta Published weekly by the Communist gime that has been beaten, the leftist course (in actuality, to the and what is much worse, they are vance of this titty million dollars ters, pishes into the foreground Davidovitch: am writing to tell League of America (Opposition)
method of leadership pursued up to the bureaucratic Centrism). incapable of raising themselves from the American government.
such possible mistakes as may be you how Vladmir Illitch, about a at 126 East 16th St.
qow. ciba la not put politically but in tists, internationalists, they would questions of strutegy. The polley Weret, the lewende vele meeste vance with the aim of warning the reading through your book, at EDITORIAL BOARD char. Martin Abern James Cannon ble was between abstract principles that are close a boa rendere la ba the sum of national policies. Even now ug merely tie parases. In the lakes, or else he sometimes punts acterization of Marx and Lenin, and Max Slucht man and not between living political CSSR inviolate and demand the they are incapable of understanding summer day there appeared the new triftes and makes an elephant he asked me to read the passage to Blaurice Spector Arne Swabeck has, of course, not been beaten: Germany, It is not at all a ques. world labor movement and to take Whole No. 178 what has however been beaten is tion here of the autonomy of the their place among them. That crop failures in many parts of polagogical aim. To draw from and then how he himself read it Saturday, June 17, 1933 a false tactie, a bureaucratic regime edge the necessity of such an au has no future.
Tatry, and despite the campaigutch letters of Lenin (and there over again. And there is another that party in Germany which had national sections (we fully acknowl why the current of the of the government to cut the are not a few of such letters ly thing want to tell you: the feel. Subscription rate: 00 per year love conclusion about tragieings which Leniu conceived for you. Foreign 50 cents per copy and which pushed the proletariat wheat being stored in the gruneries de ces of opinion, and to make to the catastrophe.
of this country at the present totals a big to do about it, means not to The ultra Leftist course has been shipwrecked. Whence does it almost four hundred million bush understand Lenin letters, not to come? What is its social content? Rejeet Resolution Who is its benrer? On this score, Remmele expressed a critical opin being let to spoil in the huge ware inisin. 1024. These deductions in Page 1) comtry, how threatening to stifte Justinasi din albe patste wen do not hear have rejected the. com resola pou he got a rebut from the ECCI made to secure any of it for the trailly as a justification for the con fundamentally necessary and cor roletarian internationalism: they were shown the responsibility of ites that Stalinism for the various revolulicy of the Communist Internation politically false. One district de luted. He has not even any connec (with the exception of a few miltober 1917 it was not a question Delegations Represented at. which led to its ruins, her insta manded the return of Heinz Neu tions with the Central Committee on bushies or Farm Board Wheat of a ride at that time or on defeats, especially for the ndefuat, the revolutionary turned oevr to the Red Cross last anat can nevertheless be comThe Congress, begun on the 19th for ten years. Whence comes this namu (probably from the Soviet any more.
The however, de unprecedented perserverance in a Lenin significant.
bureaneracy was carefully disembodied ultra Leftist course bled the request. These are work. Reich is very bad. Only in the Ruhr would show that if the four huute eisode Which produced their conte djured on the 22nd after thirty is of which was carefully Is it true, however, that the connections.
ing made in the carrying on of country today were advanced to the lev.
retic and political contribution to painel ourse of the epigone Com tern work In the national field, these comin Chile has always been ultra Leftist? Expulsion at the Top most five years.
unemployed. It would last for al That Lenin had violent encoun the proletarian wsiderable or rules found themselves obliged to Stalinists Furnish False ters with Trotsky in the years of and represents a Was the five year long subjection The majority of the members of emigration, is known to everyone. ganizational effort. There came to recognize, first, the growing influof the Chinese Communist Party to the Central Committee of the CPG Information Instead of taking any measures But all that was a number of years the Congress delegations the Kuo Min Tang ultra Leftist is in Moscow. Their reports are of press regarding the circulation and trury steps are being taken by the civil war, the building of the Molina, Barrancas, San Antonio The information in the Stalinist to relieve the suffering. exactly con before the October revolution, the Cathan Talca. Tentu, Talence of our larly even in the LaffTalagante, ranks: secondly, they recog.
lley of the Anglo Russian Committee wech. The Leitmotir: There has Ilow shall we characterize the po the same character as the Heckert regularity of appearance of the governmeut and the various relief ovlet state and the founding of the Santiago, Valparaiso, Vina del Aur. diction foxter! by the bureauerrors and the internal which very been defeat in Germany. The Minority Relief Bureau has cut oft ull pay, relations between Lenin and Trot. The following locatities could send wisation as well as that of the Trade dorement Was the policy of has decided to expell everybody Unser Wort Strikes Fear reut. In addition, the ky are, it would appear, set down no delegation by reason of distance South American Bureau.
the Comintern ultra Leftist in in from the party, who speak of a deBureaucratie Hearts Gibson Committee which through in later and more authoritative and economic Uitticulties, but dis. Wo demonstrated by means dia? In Japan. Workers and feat and express critical sentiments Peasants Parties. Isn it obelere oond este cunosc press contingent sectemente resentation on their clience broad our the Red Cross has been distributing documents than that of a note re patched their expression of supportestimony provided by the LatterWhat do the professional casta, Tocopilla, the entire province growing and developing in scope ous that the program of national races Wollenberg and Felix Wole well as Muenzeubery organization tions of discontinuing this work areninators want to say when they of Coquimbo, Vallenar, Copiapo, and influence at an accelerated rate emancipation was and remains a have already been expelled because which was the first communist or forlagging behind Unser Wort, ter the sunmer.
This is the indictment of the throw the comparison with Judas San Rosendo, Chol Chol, the Isle of contrast to Leffertism, whose the chauvinist psychology of the policy. The expulsions at the top. un published abroad. The ECCI ranks were rapidly diminishing and fearann setter at som Canone where only few uncorrupted com. waros aguinst the great danger u resent any steam umidst plenty, there is the roleskatepothie Lenin did not Maipo, Ocon, etc.
There came to the Congress many did this without the least desire in some focalities, disbanding. We regard as ultra Leftist the presentades still attempt to draw the of Trotskyism. The representatives fal Working class movement will he did not trust bim morally? Out Laffertist comrades (meambers of lot underestimating the surviving. pacifists, with individual democrats, mountains for ete. the Anti War Congress, theisions in the loble mas expul above all In Czechoslovakia, have of the buge supplies of all types or we cite two or three.
ly attempted to justify the political lower ranks. reported to Moscow that noser for and clothing stored throughout on November 1, 1917. Lenin said lines of the Anti Fascist Congress, the Antiat a session of the Petrograd party and of the In the international the national official section res.
Appeal for Unification Imperialist League, and in general Kennele Disagrees with Heckert where and leads to demoralizacommittee: cannot even speak field, they were shown the absurdity Thut the Communist Left (Chil all the work directed by Muenzen In a letter to Moscow, Hermann tion in the party. seriously about it. Trotsky has long of the theory of socialism in one can Section of the International berg department for masqerades Communist Left Opposition) could cially useful men and women. Lastete. Witness Chicago! To this the The question of the establishment hold such a Congress, whose great ultra Leftism the declaration of December the teachers won a fight Left wing adds the parents of the the Comintern on March 5th, which Problems of New The single union than estat tradent police nuemere is Wundeniable to force the of to retain on school children. And it should add proclaims its readiness to refrain the list from which appointments the school children themselves.
now a question of life and death. Aand at which the workers positions successful strike, a thorough going were consolidated through weighty from criticism of the social democ.
qualities for jobs in 1928 and were opped to that of the union admiorganisation drive must take into debutes and discussions, was due united front. Continued from Page 2) still uappointed to regular teach nistration and irreconcilable to it.
account other essential branches of to the fact that the Communist Left The theses declare that the ward to their pensions and retire ing positions.
It is the Continued from Page 2)
the trade which are indispensable represents movement that is his.
ultra leftist policy of all the formeut. They prefer a sulary cut. But the system is not only not left wing to clarify these conceporsanization drive. This is the king for united struggle and for its exorical the process of develop eien Sections sexecuted at the com. or some small sacritice which expanding. it is contracting. The tions to the teachers in the union of measure by which the Left wing tension. The establistment of one met the as well as in are sterile, Soviet Union. And what about the maintain salary schedules and in curest. There is a growing ten show how these conceptions moti prove to the workers their the unity with which has destroyed wis dixed beforehand, all dan the ultra Lettist course have its or volve retaliation by the Board of additional teachers by increasing tion and the Loft wing: how they question of united dressmakers Spanish and Italian workers who le against the top being carefully hundred percent collectivitation and in the school, petty persecution or teachers to put in extra time in they affect the struggles of the action.
are increasingly becoming the prejavoided.
the exaggerated industrialization even outright vietimization with summer schools, voluntarily. etc. teachers in defense of their inter At the time the Left Opposition who are organized almost exclu not only fear a common congress dominating factor in the trade and The Laffertist bureaucracy does expressions of an ultra Leftist the consequent loss of their pen Worst of all is the employment of ets.
course? And on the other hand :sions.
substitutos at a fraction of the Unfortunately the Left wing has lered down by the Stalinists as to the out of town market which is terror of a democratic congress of made this proposal, we were holsively in the International; finally, of both factions. It also stands in Can it be denied that the period of To be sure they fail to under regular sulary schedule to avoid not clearly understood its task in agents of Dubiusky with whom the gore spot of neelle trade orsats own faction, where uncovered economic adventurism in the USSR stand entirely that their failure to making regular appointments at the union with the result that its it was unthinkable to sit down at nization, and which finds even the as we well as latent discontent exists.
was preceded by years of economic resist the present attacks will en higher scale. 20 percent of the high opposition to the administration has one table. But much water powerful itight wing only with the Laffertist (stalinist) bureauopportunism: courage the bankers and politicians sehool teachers are substitutes em not been as fruitful in the interests un pased under the bridge since. Skeleton apparatuses.
cracy, bucked by the international according to the theses, is drastic attacks with the possible The Left wing, of course, must whole as the objective situation sitting down with Dubinsky now, The Political Bureau of the to make still further and more Moyed on this basis, Perspectives of the Struggle congress when everything not in a position to give direct result, that, in the end, as in Chi. stand for the interests of the teach bas made possible. Its false but they do so without any previous These sections of the trade must has been gotten ready to silence the leadership to the policy of several caso, they will get no salary at all ers as a whole. But it must lay policies on many questions, and reparation of the membership and be given consideration, if the strike expression of discontent by the base.
dozen countries in and by itsell, and will lose their pensions as well. special emphasis on the cause of the division in its own ranks over without an this is incontestable, but it does Apparenty they have learned noth the lowest stratum. Its appeal these questions has belped the change in face. It is necessary tion of the out of town market is everywhere, is ready to take part the disease which is ravaging the cle of the Chicago teachers. racy of the teachers which has false pleture of the situation in the openly. The leadership of the the attempts of the boxses to lication because it sincerely desires tion of the remoteness of the rotation wiries are contined to los the teachers as a whole anis tappeal representative long time interests the whole way with the money or literaria themselves of whatever union Communist mitication.
litical Bureau, of the lack of time, bying in Albany, paper resolutions must be made to the interests of the union and the teachers; and above if it is really to make an eren in New York. This Congress, to redouble oursel The unity of the dressmakers can lack of knowledge of the situation outraged but impotent dignity.
In the various countries, then the! But the great majority of the the lower salaried, unemployed and which they pursue at the expense necessary push to united action and whole needle industry and when it world. The tens of thousands of of a werken met is het niya ko kide the working class, to the large mass of with special, factional interests He it is really to give the inte establishment of unity in the solutionary movement of the the starting point for forts and one Bolshevik tenacity.
mistakes would be of the most di 15, 000 teucers in the system do not substitute teachers.
reaches that point, verslied elke Fractated Buspielent montes the munition administratiof draws its the union by pursuing a course been the temporarily united Left The Question of Progressivo Lefttentula due to the powerful victory or the perime Silberlink to the portatile from which it must make this appeal through ministration was a table why the ad: ir devival mass militaney in the strength of Oppositionists whom Stalin holds deney. What is the essence of it? and receive lower salaries. They union the defender of the interests the defense of the militants perseWing Bloe it will have achiered by rallying Oppositionists all over the globe What determines its persistency and can less casily afford to make of all the teachers and particularly cuted by the o. This can The Lovestonites, at that time the majority of the far trade. Tre all this shows us the way.
its comparative constancy? What is the meaning of the in a struggle in defense of their must conduct its struggle against the policies of the administration LL. Wual reentry into the the left wing in the needle trades suretices. They have less to lose the worst off. On this basis it best be seen by an examination of proposed the mendons posibilities lie ahead for We have united in an internaW. In other words, shame, it only necesary to know how which are rooted the accelerat system itself of commanding several interests.
the union administration. and the Left wing groups.
dozen parties by the secretariat of The 15, 000 unemployed and sub The defense of the interests of (The policies will be discussed in the Industrial Union. Under the to reach out for them, how to make lug factors of the proletarian revo the Political Bureau? Is this acci stitute teachers are in an even the mass of the teachers cannot be next week issue. pressure et militanes within the establishment of one single class subor hervically. We must attack dental or an aberration of the worse state. Under the economy successful on the basis of the methmind? The Brandlerites talk a lash of the bankers and politicians ods and tacties of the conservative. If the number on. great deal about bureaucratism: the Ryans, the Briens and the union administration. These have but they do not clearly understand Lehmans have demonstrated the demonstratively failed.
178 Something your wrapper is gressives, they now also demand the organisation drive, the conduct of well as in the rural districts. This the meaning of the term. Bureau high esteem which state and mun. more is required.
your subscription has expired.
single, united strike.
cratism, to the extent that it is a cipal bureaucracies place on the read mission of the left wing in a if Against the philosophy which mois the basic slogan pealed forth to you want to get the Mili hody. It is necessary to put them, The Industrial Union has no time you hy the Central Committee of question not of Isolated accidental educational system. School con tivates the policies of the union ad tant promptly every week aberrations but of a mighty system, struction has been stopped. This ministration the left wing has renew ola bloc with the Progressives and of the futility of dissipated, sention of the Duternational Communist is the manner of thinking and of puts an immediate quietus on the raised the principle of the mass per year for fifty Lovestoneltes inside of the Inter tered militancy: if it wants to Opwition. elected by acclamation acting of a bureaucracy, that is, hopes of the unemployed, subsit activity of the teachers in defense two weekly Issues; a half national has thereby become an ac really harness the heroic militancy by the delegates of the First Nalatest The Wing year for twenty six weekly may and does come into conflict more the training schools and col correctly tual possibility. The bloc for the of the Left wing to the struggles of tional Congress of the Internationthat the lobbying issues.
establishment of a single union the great bulk of workers in the al Coinmunist Left in Chile.
with the proletarian vanguard. leges are turning out. These teach delegations in Albany can have THE MILITANT should be concluded with the trade, it must proceed immediately The Central Committee of the Who is the principal bearer of bu ers, must look to an expanding edu effect only it they are supported by 126 East 16th St.
forthwith, a common minimum pro with the proposals to the Interna Communist Left reaucratism in the Comintern if not cational system for an opportunity the mass pressure of the teachers gram should be worked out togeth tional indicated above. Chilean Section of the Inter the Soviet bureaucracy?
to make a living and to become so. in mass meetings, demonstrations, er with them immediately. national Communist Left Opp. ot en el marc la colombian Teachers Fight ExpulsionsbyBofE. is York Dressmakers their tune Together with the Pre makers, the elaboration of a single taking it by storm in the city a once sour subscription and