AnarchismCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

0, recently expelled from the instated to her former position. All question of the strike bas become of the trade, is to be given, a sin.
gressive Group ud will was a member, received a pepulk much is log bail. It was either watch whatch uut te uta!
raw start.
policy of the Stalinists. She also united front meeting, each or dressmakers and which forced the propose to accomplision of movement the teacliers would build, 11 ruke to were pretty well dis Equal to the occasion, with their PAGE TIE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1933 FROM THE MILITANTS On The Workers Front a AMONG THE YOUTH Expells mendation to the members of the First Hand Account of Young Nutpickers in branch which held its meeting on Single Strike Without a Single Organization?
the same night. There were sixteen Burning Problems Left Wing Fights Reforestation Swindle Militant St. Louis Strike Left Oppositionist comrades at the meeting ten of To talk of a single, united strike whom were new members some New Haven, Conn. Again New merely a few weeks standing. Th Facing the New vion drive is ridiculouse The water we have naturelle debate de culor: For the Teachers Haven is on the map for expulsious committee brought in the recomCentertain no alusions avout cuneatiother dollar, a million weeks a uitious bere. Like so many other million dollars, was the rather Left Opposition from revolutionary als secretary be taken from her: Expelled byB. ofE.
time. The two organization drives Lellows, Treely chose this ma loomy prusket for the St. Louis mer or ntethe three meals and one nut prickers under Cupitalism and organizations supposed to be free that she might become a rank and ave!
wreck the preparations. If ular day bemug the center of wage slavery. None of them had road clues issues. These are during that time, she acted in an in New fork und out of town, the Throughout the entire dress trade wary impulses toward the organiThe following analysis of the attraction in prererence to a more ever read the new book at the pub.
vurdes Gaudelman and acceptable manner she might be re ut less uncertam city life. My aplic library. llow to Live on Sothing workers are talking strike. The rather, the reorganization situation in the Teachers Union, of New York City, Lucul of the PCSW was amply justitied. Ja Year, and Roosevelt intatiou umpluyod Councils ou changes of the discussing. of course came the centrul question for the dress the mity of the two unions, the cere cffort must be made toward American Federation of Teach reported to the Army Building program had swept over the like ers in the of en bodies utsuiuung leutlets for and invil crom the old party members.
From which all tellows were sent a lailstorm over at Courth of July uker the ideus ur number of ProLo the camps. Alter bucaners to the Max Schachtbusty exulloon parade, Icaving them lat.
Comrade Duell stated before the misery, involving retreut from hall. Only a genuine erfurt at unity can Itunk and animation, the ot wall lecture on the German situa.
Bu cuongli is plenty and too File teachers, the two Liou cured by the on lust members that if such a status way wolerable conditions gained by from the ouncer in churge. Ile drew work or starve or work and April 2011. The third is comrade meant the repudiation of her views years of struggle, bure brought this waken the workers out of their The kyun Shea regine of the a purtaisiacal version of camp life, starre. They resorted to the only true vuelt, expelled on June out the principles of the o. she aestion to the front with piercing apathy and rutse their contidence grouw in the univu.
that the right wing tubinsky, New York City Board ut Education describing it us a model place to other alternative. They struck. Out trom Le Sacc. Vanzetti Branch or could not consider it. At this shesburpess.
Lue luernational Labor Defense, in was expelled.
For the past or yeurs, dress Hochman and co win sabotage was builtati de scuore internet explorat aua unysical discipline. And into the streets they came, young WC Wue tend the otice of secre. DUELL makers in have been working all attempts at the establishment sous from the school system of the we kyou, the cuts are so swell and uld, male and female, Negro distinctions lur the last two years.
For as little as a day and with of such a lighting unity of the dress and sustain the teach they knock your eyes out. He and white Social at the time or joining the Cannon Meetings a top wage of no more than 18 workers is a foregone conclusioners tight ainst sulary reductious was wrong They knocked our and racial differences were forgot for of lielore euerleius suunaens out. It did not take us. They had spotted their real Ulude Duell wus kuown au industry. Union hours are a thing that they are always more ready to and living conditions.
song tu stamp him a llar.
enemy and they went alter him what party and removed from her Uuliist expelled from the otti in Minneapolis of the distant past too. There are conclude their united fronts with cratic axe has just cut down 1uS sprechended, we anarched to with their only weapon, solidarity no union hours. The boss dictates the bosses associations and the Slumberg. Two other s, at this SS as secretary of the Workers Minneapolis, Minn. The situation and the workers huve to acquiesce capitalist police rather than with writing, are facin exulsiou charlie lerry building to eat before of action.
Teaving for camp. Filthy nes kits Continuously the boss felt them literational Relief and the Inter in the Communist and labor move How the S: Begun and Burrouglis. were handed 10 us as we pusset out by offering them in lucrouse It Orking womens Council. mut is such today in Minneapolistairs come about? What are its The task of cementing the dress their crime consists in leaving coury the big guruise culls thut com which amounted to stront 50 percent wue never concealed her views and that comrade Cunuon, the National root causes! That the depression makers unity is a hard task and ageously protestou the expulsion of Lumed the zood. Hot beans, cola Thcy spurned it. And no wonder. to mem secretary of the Left Oppusition, and unemployment play their parturex grit and endurance. Only Bumbers. It is sure that canned tomat The average weekly ww. uu Snizers.
can uk to everybody. His last is, of course, a forgcone conclusion the left wing, armored with a cor others are also slated for expulsion, our bill of fare. This sweet anys Negro girls was about 50, while Uw Truuble Started meeting here four years ago were But the source of the whole trouble rect policy, is capable of making ibeir names are know even as it stery ot lite hud smell for will. it was 13. The buns was LOT the white girls (due to greater le trouble started wlico com marked by violent physical at runs much deeper than that. his necessity an actual reality. It was know some time in advance there are no polite words. But sulle sue aneu a few pertinent netis, and the arming of our The Division in the Hanks can do this only by patient and Lhut Blumberg Was to be expelled.
what really diu throw a vein vi willing to use scats but one ap The charges, of course, are techniscouragement in us was the cul plicul in spite of the fact that the For nearly five years, two unions wing saboteurs to show their cards, wical and pertain administrative tee. We surely believed that it was cupitalist press maintained a cowa cual program held on Mpoko before pructically the entire suve been lightiug each other tiered and We bud veeu audressed uy a memembership of the oficial party onts, making the united action of the under samme for the contidence of waters but they are only a com made but in the swine trough. Aarily silence about the true condi Join the club ou Gere version, and good sections of uresstakers in their own behalf of the in the course of sective is revealed by its under it down. They failed miser trilliers in Punsylvaniu ud a sicover camxign against all proiestaoly. Some vomited like sick calls. milar strike in St. Louis are, in many. The speaker told of the battare other meetings. Not a utter impossibility. Every seriouslese efforts.
wouderlul movement of the in whiper, let alone a show of lists, and class conscious worker kuows.
came from any party member in to be sure that it is the expulsion What Policies are Required to est, que lumiliar and went home. cutiuus few out their similarity. two diner which it wat country at that time, but noth Commu. The fellows changed their mindspite Fight the Bosses?
chose meetings. They attentively policy carried out 80 ruthlessly iny was said about 18 present reactionary incitement of prejudice wh band watched them went with During the strike, several girl usted to what he had to say.
against the militant Left wing in By what policies can this be against progressive opponents.
play at since the rise of Litler.
them. The rest of us decided to strikers were arrested, the excuse tlu yuestion period comrade The first meeting where Cannon dics Garment Workers Union by the question for the Luft wing workers. shrewdly timed its expulsion cam. ny bus to camp and it was suti were too young for the picket line.
the once mited International Law accomplished? That is the burning The Kyau o shea regime very stick it out. we were transported being given en by the police that they Duell raised the problem of the woke was the rally arranged at reactionary, class collaborationist The stalinists in the leadership of pilgu to begin shortly before the clients pleasant to united trout and the catastrophic Libor 1lcs by the Minnea Sigmart Lluchmau Dubinsky clique the Industrial Union, do, to be sure, clone of the school term, calculat the inicious huku us forget Not too young to be brutally exresults culiseyuent on the crimlual polis. free puloited, but too young to defend Mooney Conference. Which started the split among the peak of one strike. How do they ung that the summer vacation would arriving at camp we were their rights against the capitalist brought up the matter of the Sevanization in the Conference, to Let wing to organize itself on the the all important question one strike in the bud whatever protest assigned to companies. he fellows baby starvers.
ench World Congress of the Bother with the of L, social outside in the ludustrial Union. single organization drive to precede at the present writing the dress Busted. They probably expressed usual stupidity, the stalinists of She askuu whether the whole worlaist purts, and the Farmer Labor That is clear as day for every the strike which is indispensable movement has reucleu considerable there are about your feet cousand evenmittee to put the case before Germany will not warraut the call ram. His speech for Mooney free Left wing Industrial Union, thru swered. In other words, up to Feb. Whether it will be able to defeat me heen. It seems that inferior Mayor Dickmann, hoping doubtless, ing Eugether of the highest body of dom got well rounded upplause from the sectariau Third Period policy rury the ranks of the dressmakers the campaign it is still tood, no female comradeship and to expose le as the cut of the the mernational procurat. She the party followers and trade of the stulist loudership, played are to left confused, answer to her inquiries, aniotists in the ball. He taught into the hands of the splitting tac push is to be given to bring them d, no actual too early to say.
uw wages nike for the muin source bones. But the prophet of the New received but at once an old party member the Communists there how to speak tie of the Right wing clique should out of their apathy. In the strike The Union and Expulsions u discontent. And to make matters Deal was not found mapping. llere worse, at rubber trading post main was the chance of at lifetime brought aruse aud pronounced her a Trotum united front meding. The also be clear for every Left wing itsell, the Industrial union leaderBlumberg was not a member of skyist and it sluderer.
perty members need to learn how militant by now.
tained by the government charges on a silver JMatter by none other ship progkkes a united front with the union. But Begun and Burtrom twenty tive to tifty percentuan the Communists, the very ones On May 14, district Conference to do this very badly. This occur Disunity Plays into the Hand Locul of the con roughs and the others slated for more for staple necessaries. Since he was racking his braiu for a plan Functionaries of the was red on Weduesday night, there were of the Bosses This division in the camp of the is to get Dubinsky to hand the end of its Left wing. It is to the articles and the boys have no he was a perfect picture of the Perence is to held; the conference on are members of the unto Chele Sam does not supply toilet to discredit. Galvanizing into action, report from the District Organizer The following Saturday he gave a ressworkers, initiated by the readership over to the rank and file. credit to the late to the bigoules was money to buy razors, towels, soup, defender of outraged decency. He organizer of the the meeting his lecture, America Roud to Tormist clique and objectively abet hut is how much the Stalinists quick to react to these expulsions, etc. Camp Dix very much resembles spoke to the strikers at the Labor The discussion revea that the the Mayor Reception Hall at the repousible for the prostrute con put the card before the horse: First. made to throw the weight of the or course. newspapers that plus friends. The social Justice Combranches were functioning poorly city llall. The meeting was well uition in the whole trade. The bulk common strike, then the question on into the defense movement the wonders of the Civilian Commission, composed of liberal miand much uncertainty soemwa to sprinkled with party members and of workers, grown uputhetic because waited organization is to able get der slurp durele servation Corps, religiously sup nisters, and the striko was svou ches ou a firm basis. Auch wusers. When the patented question ix. The open shop prevails. Store It must be said outright: with committee was appointed to investits. Some weeks back, the capre litical shysters and the religious said on the united front. Comrade en activity was made, Cumuon de thuu that, the open shop in a con such policy, with the repetition igate the cases and report ou them. talist press reported that forty ve fakers.
were practically all party wembers unemployment movement and the shops which still stand under union dependent strike Committees explicommits the union to ask revoltinguguinst the food. woke tough to give the workers courage. cucus was made because no need for unity and correct policy control.
no headway will be made. Whatever on the Begun Berroughs cases the in which the incident occurred. price of 30 cents al box was incre.
DOL gurty wewvers had been drawu enter the wood be willing the state of affairs of two cumions the motivation let us say, the hope io, ilustead of declaring its soli. They non communists relemented to po cents, an increase of 200 the new vers preseut could tell her work together with the left a constant trump in the hands of the left wing that in the course during with them as it is durysty denied that any of the expelled percent. ROBERTS After the united trout sue said that at the recorders besides League are spread wide over the whole workers will endorse the militante en be construed only as giving us with the test were le vos.
working all day in fields, ter years of repudiation of the Leu wetubers volunteered for this end. market. The contractor or jobber the Industrial Union such a policy The position taken by the union ligging trenches and pitching tente basis for an Unemployed League who is intent in tighting of the ERRATUM inist united freut, like a bolt froin the blue the on March called status de Following Monday, demands of the workers in his shop. ee atsits own purpose. It gives woustituto defeat for the Lett they were fede nedlay benkistentes the talk on The German Tragedy has no trouble at all in playing or tunity they are looking for. They unqualified support of all the vic spoke with admiration of the ex into the article Posteript. on very bad printer error erept proach the central bodies of all were gively members presented in wizie unteamnagu an. the relate will always look for a loop hole to tims of the of reign of terror selleg forty five, who had the guts Amter in the last issue of the offer for joint actions as aleser ment of the social democracy be one shop to auther, and one okunk and Vile Leadership te shly and the teachers in the sys Negros are segregated from the sections of us deleted, and others thundering Indiet est ease, shitt his equipment from hermit them to creep out of united. The importance of this issue to open their mouths and kick. Militant. whote section follow wing to the entire union member the press did not even mention.
another incident happened that in the beginning of the paragraph which reads: But a word on the lained through the application for all questions and discussion so far us to substitute the open weed to cool the workers into think for the purpose of defending the While the sky pilots (and this place uneled on the linotype the good results that a bpdicebem o bisering policy was driveu home, control his actions, even if he goes are just the kiud of loophole they tem. It the union, which exists whites, even at church on Sundays. Cancus. Wus deleted, and others stance that Front Congress, in the short time Communist tactics and oganization tractor has this alternative is in ing teachers interests and of protect is intested with themy preach teretom slwuld read as follows: attacks, al brotherhood, they do their ut. But a word on the action of the that it had been carried out. She priciples. Party members were itself enough of a whip for him ty of existing unions and their stands wide while the reaction most to prevent fraternization bellet Oposition caucus at the conrespective strengths, that the Left turu, a revision ander or disruptive action at this at this meeting. ru riot ference. We objected to the amendThere was no submissiveness.
and to back to the as the preved front from beloweeting on their xurt. Socialist split is the division it has brought way to give the fakers a chance toleranst any protest whatsoever. Nobody seems to know the minor ciples. If the worthy gentleman is just the itself encouraged to proceed which a few Negroee were stabbed. wording ran counter to our prinwas becoming noticeable is was to festo. These remarks called down here was Comunist criticism with trude. section like the pressers, is insincers. But it is precisely this that it can count in advance upon either in the hospital or juil. 10 bewould know that from the first reason the trouble to refresh his memory, the wruth of the of the due to the chaotic conditions caused tactic of the right wing bureau the neutrality of the untou while everybody agrees that the fight re head. He stated that the on her of the united front was fore the salso spoke be. by the split, has become open prey cracy that must be defeated. It is it punishes all protest aguinst its ulted over food. Soldiers now lain articles, resolutions, speeches over application Comrade Forum on the for outright racketeers.
the precise task of the Left wing fuitarul service in behalf of Wall trol the separating avenue with a period of more than three years flexible and thut the party would Cumps of the Minnesota Univer Problems that Need a Solution to prove to the workers that their street Albany economy and recocked ritles and fixed bayonets. we have linked up the question of bers. Comrade Duell, he proclaimed, movement for his freedom. He cor to be ove soon clarify the matter to the mean wity on the Mooney Case and the It is all these obstacles that have call for united action is sincere and trencaueat sebemes such a police as one soldier remarked, couple long term, credits to the Soviet overcome, if the dressmakers the union on the wrong side of grensdes dld the job. deep Union with the agitation and prowas trying to sow confusion among rector tied this case with the gen land the other needle wokers are to show of such sincerity can awaken of the fence. Instead of and fellow express their displanned, socialist construction in the testities to that.
paganda of the superiority of them and that was intolerable. eral struggle for workers rights. help themselves out of the rut. the dressmakers out of their apathy the union against the of of the its banker politician inspired eco content by deserting. Others know. of the branch a letter was meetings, Caunon met with the wy bold, militant action against the Sandwiched between these public They cannot overcome them except and arm them for struggle.
nomy it makes it a partner to their ing what they are in for, penniless What was objectel to in the fact read from Milton of the Work Laagne branch where the Miners boss. That is, by a strike. They Polley to Fill the need of the attacks on the teachers salaries in the city, prefer to remain true that instead of coming out with the Moment and conditions.
ers School of New Haven by the campaign and Militant drive was annot carry an suc boss unless Trotskyites) long ago proposed to in discrediting the union in the eyes console themselves by reflecting the Soviet Union is today gripped the government does not force them complete truth; instead of telling chairman in which charges were discussed at length, together with cessfully against the an action sucThe Communist Left Opposition such a police will succeed only to stay, but starvation does. They the American workers outright that presented against comrade Duell for local activity. The last of these there is a single united struggle the Left wing Industrial unton to of the thinking touchers and of the that six months of forest work wi by a terrific economic crisis. Which so called Cary acti incetings was an open meeting of the Left wins becomes the make an open proposal to the labor movement generally. On the develop their physiques. That it is by the way due to the adventur vities. These chairman at comrade Schachtman Joined the League, and we summed struggle. In all camps there is talk meeting on April 20th at which she the results of the first week of strike and talk of ove, united its membership in body in the Wings progressive one in the government wants is men with trim in Ilusia itself; instead of was supposed to have stated, among of our financial drive for two hund strike. In words, at least, everyboy field of its jurisdiction. This pro interests of the wion and the strong backs and weak mindstelling the American workers, that other things, that workers in the red dollars. We had received cash is unanimous. it remains for the posal must demand the unity of the teachers. The Left Wing must con Survey the tasteless will that is because of this and because of the Soviet Union were imprisoned and and Men for 10. 50 to date.
tortured and that stalin, in particudressmakers to give themselves an ligefimizations on the basis of the rooight to redress the line of servou will not increase anyone fascism cemans for FORSEN lar, was responsible for this oppres.
strike is to be brought about. It tions or restrictions imposed on the Administration and Left Wing cor assures the prople that the share of responsibility the world sion. What comrade Duell actually remains for them to get clear on embers of the Industrial Union. This direct ween the unionforest arny is much healthier njerialists, Wall Street in the suid was that all the ideas of the how the strike is to be prepared.
Left Opposition had been pronouncSUBSCRIBE TO full rights for every member, union administration and the Left wing than the men examined in the last Leads are more ready for bloody, strike in the dress trade can dorite and the rights of mi is not the only one. The others draft. Because of the crisis, young an intervention against the work ed counter revolutionary by the UNSER WORT political be effective only if it comes at the stalinist regime Russia and that members of the LO had suffered German and are interested in ot is the busy season in the trade. Toldustrial Union by the Needle stand the years old and the used to eat rich food and exer due to these dangers, the land of Workers and friends who read height of the spring season which the presented to the convention tons of union policy. To under food which is inexpensive, whereassion of credits to it; instead of of Needle Trades struggle be in good times young men are dis telling the American workers that, persecution and untold misery by ting first hand accounts of condi consider the possibility of a strike Fraction of the Communist League Left wing it is necessary, first, to is little as possible. We are the Hoviets is more in need of their Trades tween the administration whom had given their lives Tor Xheir signs in Germany can do so by the orionext elekberene is out of stories of America (Left Opposition. de understand what sections of the Mainly given to understand that active help than ever, in their every elected to finvestigate the charges illegal organ of the German Left suele in order to prepare for a such a proposal is more timely administration today draws its sup class. Whether the workers believe gainst memployment that instead lehel cominite, new largele to opposition, published in Prague. neschotely three tiverebros es now than everIn fact it is indisport from the otder, better salar this tommy rot is another question of all this: the epigones of Stalinism The paper appears every other absolutely imperative to do the necthe of a. Roosevelt nine by the addition of three witnesses who had attended the Week Subscriptions are for a yearlessary advance work. That is, it successful strike and for a genuine These men and women are little from Iloover policy only to the dangers and resort to a meaningless Schactman meeting and two party only, and are 00. Subscriptions sive organization drive in the win preparation of it united, single inclined to struggle. They look for degree of cornering some three serialism where they building ter season which begins in August. Continued on Pace 3)
Continued on Page 37 hundred thousand young workers socialism and have already abolished before the LL. membership meet Checks and money orders will not and forcing them to increase the unemployemnt. which only serves Ing on June 1st. The charges were do.
again read and she was given the Comrades who subscribe must the government kills two birds witk or rather, their own bankruptes.
opportunity to defend herself. This take into account the time element by Arne Swabeck one stone. It sets a new standard The words which were deleted she did by stating exactly what involved. They must allow time Unemployment and the of wage cutting and at the same are given in blackface type abore.
she said at the meeting and show for their subs to reach the center time paves the way for mass erea.
ing a written outline which she had here, and ten days for the sub to American Working Class tion of constant capital that will prepared before the Schachtman reach Prague and on top of that 24 pages бо make the present crisis look like an JUST RECEIVED!
meeting. But other charges were ten days to two weeks additional appetizer in face of the next and brought against her; such as using for the paper to reach them. In Postage: le extra per copy more terrible crisis. Needless to THE the mailing list to send out short, the first copy should reach say, the government has an excelRUSSELLETIN OF THE OPPOSITION In Defense of the Russian Soviet Eeonomy in Danger The Militant and distributing it to the comrade about three weeks aflent center to teach the workers Articles by LEON TROTSKY members and holding counter revo ter remittance to us.
Revolution Pioneer Publishers how to reduce their cost of living Letters from the SOVIET UNION lutionary ideas in general.
Address all subs to Unser Wort, бс 48 pages 72 pages on the point of consumption, by in: 36 pages 25e. copy 84 East 10th St. New York The conmmittee then retired to care of the Militant, 126 East 16th troducing in their diet the cheapest. Limited number consult and bring in their recom Street, New York City.
and coarsest food.
Get your copy now!
uu Hall added that now, just as suddenly questioners, listeners, and learners to scure the workers under him into wins wants to ignore the regular hunts down and expels the militants tween black and white.
unganations Another insulterable effect of the sunne maneuver. That is out from the system the reuction will broke out several weeks 150 in ment not so much because the be Workers Pocket Series By Leon Trotsky 10