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UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
Publisbed weekly by the Com montet League of America (Oppodtlon) at 126 Bart 16th Street. New York. Entered as second class Rail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Once at New York, nder the act Warch, 1970 VOLUME VI, NO. 31, WHOLE NO. 178 NEW YORK, SATURDAY JUNE 17, 1933 PRICE CENTS The New Deal in Practice Industrial Recovery Bill Congress to Meet Bloc vs. Letts at In Mine Area of The Anti. Fascist Opportunists in Class War Rages Trotsky Proposes Hits at Workers Standards in Paris Soon Soviet Trade Accord 4th. Gillespie As London MeetLags Conference Illinois. into a libe se trouver le poulet, a Students Expelled for Fight Against War Tension Brings Sharp Clashes tional scale.
The European Anti Fascist ConBattling heroically against strike The National Industrial Recovery is left to the discretion of the Presibreakers aided by deputy sheriffs, Act has at last become the law of dent, the same Franklin Delano gress will at last take place on pickets of the rogressive Miners the land. After several weeks of Roosevelt whese three months rec Whitsuntide in Paris. The Interof America gave a splendid account of themselves at the Peerless Mine threatening to completely run wild, the sugar coated starvation Prest ready many weeks ago published Congress has at last been whipped dent. The most important items of its principle declaration for this Gillespie, III. The fourth session of the motorious eabody Coal Co. Interview Stresses Inevitable Failure of World Econoin Springfield last Wednesday.
into line, and finally passed the bill the bill may be condensed as fol. congress. Since that time the of the conference of the Progressive The battle started as 2, 000 mincandid warnings in the declaration Trade Union Educational Commitmic Conference and Calls for Realistic Plan of in substantially the same manner lows: in which it was originally advanced Provisions of the Loft Opposition have been tee held at Gillespie, II. on Sun ers pickets asked the scabs at No.
Business Collaboration Between the Two Countries by the president The precise man. Any trade or industrial group confirmed to the highest degrees: dny, June 11, rubber stamped, by mine not to go to work. Immener in which Roosevelt Intends to may adopt a code of fair compe. It must be said openly: the pres an overwhelming majority, the pol diatels, tiring by machine guns and use the ywers deleguted to him tition, which code the president ent congress, especially been use it icies adopted at the previous con rifles broke out from the mine The New York World Tele You have asked my opinion of remains yet to be seen, but a brief may approve, reject, modify or has the composition of an acciden ference. For the third consecutive tipple. Taking advantage of cover seanning of the three months of change. Where no code is agreed international meeting, has been time, the new federationists were the pickets advanced and succeeded sram reports an exclusive inter the economic conference. have in disarming many of the gunmen.
view with comrade Trotsky on not the slightest illusion about its new deal program makes one sus to by industry the resident may called together to create the im defeated.
the subject of the World EconoFighting continued in various If the innumerable conferpect very much that the ned na draw one up for the trade.
pression of activity precisely where The incomplete credentials repor arts of the city as groups of pickIn the mean listed 158 delegates from mic Conference.
ences of recent years teach any. organitional industrial recovery deal will After a code is approved it is there is no activity.
The short statement of our thing it is that real contradictions be nothing more than a continua enforcable by law. The resident while all of the busy perparations nations. Only 30 minions were repots supported by the heroic Wo.
cannot be eliminiated by the gention and an extension to the entire muy institute a licensing system to of the Organization buro for the resented (partial report. a dozen mens Auxiliary fought against comrade outlines a plan for the extulishment of economie rela eral formulas which inevitably make country of the Roosevelt dollar a make the code effective; in that convocation of the Workers Anti from the Progressive Miners of efforts to disperse them.
Seven members of the PMA were tions between the Soviet Union the essence of all such conferences case nobody can engage in that Fascist Congress speak in unmis America, half a dozen from the and the United States based on Actions are necessary The National Industrial Recovery business without a corse.
takable tones: the intention is to Trade Union Unity League, and the shot, one seriously but 42 strike One of these necessary actions Act was originally conceived of by Any action under the bill is make this Congress an empty par balance small E. of locals breakers and thugs were sent to the the relations of the world eco hospital. Tom Urban, Progressive home and political situation. should be settlement of relations between the United States and the mingi rising movement for a selu the industries affected by Harutions were carried on for thio Altogether the representation was Miner, was shot in the stomach and Soviet Union. In so far is your ries of measures that were being the bill, the workers are to have congress? As much as we look there as small, if not smaller than the his life is in danger. Many miners content wharuty, distinguistied the sition of the Left Opposition new administration launches out on advocated by various labor groups. the right to collective bargaining remains only the answer: none! previous conferences. This weak, were bruised and cut in the light.
from the opportunist position of this path, it will take an extremely The first and most potent of the yellow dog contracts and the closed Heldes the declaration of the He was undoubtedly due to the The National Guard was rushed measures which had begun to loom union shops are both outlawed, and we know of no other political docu wording of the call which stated from Taylorville and played its the Stalinist regime as given by important step from the standpoint Litvinoff at London: of international politics as well as The Soviet delegate declared from the standpoint of economics.
that for a six hour day five day mum wages, maximum hours and work of the Congress. The organ was to further our policy of or Womens Auxiliary, insulted by the The Four Power act settles week. Unexpectedly passed by the labor conditions, approved or pre of the Congress, the Anti Fascist sanizing.
Picketing will be continued world toward state of one nothing. The real plan of Hitler Senate with support being given cribed by the persident. These Front contains, besides news from ter, thus implying the conta cen. Guardsmen. knocked out two of the attitude of the capitalistie hundred and seventy million is to find it point of support in Italy the bill by the liberals, the standards are to be worked out by Pascist Germany and reports of was held for the purpose of organi, shortly.
Inhabitants which had adopted and England for war against the of and the railway unions, it collective agreement between labor lected delegations, nothing but su xing a new federation, and possibly Militant mass picketing presentSoviet Union. Whoever does not Bill might suddenly pass from the where to agreement is approved by meaningless remarks of the recruit of the former represented organised the attempt to open up a les tempting to bring about social ce it is blina.
realms of bills before Congress, to him, the president may prescribed freelancers. Nevertheless rationes not receiving copies of the body mine in Saline County, 11. im was a contributing factor to Extablishment of normal relewith scab labor. As 200 rats with the political uncertainty in the tions between Washington and Mosa measure waiting for the Presia labor code of his own making. many numerous and strong delega call from the secretary.
Lewis union cards, escorted by work. He urged recognition of Cow would deliver a much more dent signature. There was even The duration of the law is tions from workers organization Bit of Sleight of Hand talk of incorporating Into the bill one year.
will attend. But what will they McFarlane, secretary of the Pro armed suards and deputy Sheriff the peacful coexistence of the two decisive blow at Hitler bellicose a national minimum wage law. Of Such are the provisions of the tell these delegations, what road gresive Trade Union Educational tried to enter Saline County they sytsens capitalism and Social plans than all the European conism. New York Times, Jone 15. ferences put together.
course the amendments advanced by bill. In brief, industry is told to will be jointed out to them, what Committee, who is the leading force were met by thousands of pickets.
the Communists against a reduction organise under government super lessons will the Congress draw from in front of the scenes to organize During the night the pickets had 1933. We give below the reply of No less important significance. the along the appronch to the mine in comrade Trotsky to the questions may be attached to the collabora a trace is left of all the preparatory tally, also compelled beenuse of Despite this however, all the manu.
tion between the United States and (Continued on Puge 4)
work which will give a clear and rek of finances to mimeograph first second and third times of de asked him as quoted by the World the Soviet Union with respect to facturers associations and local and national chambers of commerce concrete answer to present ques only a portion of the policies ad fenise with strong reserves station Telegram: the ar ant. The present conduct rushed into the fray to defeat the trore the reports the street New York of Janen in no wine expresses its tors of the Ponsors and the initiate. The fortions omitted, were in that he had never seen so many strength. On the contrary, the adFranklin Roosevelt, who, runniy.
congress, themselves, the most important points, with under the cir counter even to the proposals of cannot answer the problems which which he personally disagreed. 1) armed mers hist: has posed before us today. That a sufficient basis for the crea advise the scale to retire.
cumstances he thought it wise to strongly reminiscent of the conduct of Cuatrist bureaucracy in the first own Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, requested that the thirty The congress meets under the tion of a new federation of labor The miners of both Saline and years of the present century.
present time. 2)
hour week bill be dropped, and adsign of the German catastrophe. is lacking at The policy of the social democracy That at the present time we cannot traditions of mass struggle. The Williamson counties have splendid But it is precisely these grisly vocate in its stead, the present operations of irresponsible military work.
camarillas that may inexorably What the Aet Consists of?
New York, Twenty City The policy of the Stalin faction to the limited and sectional repre thoughts of the fate of the sente engender tremendous world convulat the strip mine in Herrin some The bill as it was finally passed articlputing in the anti war dem mocracy to lead its ranks to the continue as a committee to keep college students were expelled for made it possible for the social de sentation at the conference. 3) To years ago lent wings to the LewisThe tension between Nazi Ger siol.
devoted to the increase of publte wete a suspended Blewete more red. com. the road of treachery. The In touch with sympathetic trade comenys abas as they ted tiek mand the Bonapartist Dollfuss Liaison between Washington and is most probably but an the Social Problenus Club, the Stu tones. Are the guilty ready to admit Jointly with them in the preparation giving the lead in mass picketing sure Naxi propaganda, involving a ponding policy it might arrest in The Left wing of the miners are sharp outbreaks due to his presenteet on Tokyo and with a corres other one of the many promises to dent Forum, and the evening ses their errors and to weed them of a broader conference on a na and in the fight to spread the strug bombing terror in the country on time the automatic development of works that the sion Liberal Club were revoked. out?
American people became so familiar No, they are not reads This action followed a special gle into other fields by cooperation the Danube. The Hitler plans to Japanese military adventurism.
with under the Hoover regime. Continued on Page 1)
Continued on Page 4) with other Left wing forces Over three billion dollars are to be investigation which involved about Anschluss, then at least a friendly establishment of normal relations force, if not the long yearned From an economic standpoint expended for public works. What or yourse the school authorities Naxi coalition government at Vlen between the Soviets and America this means one cannot as yet say.
nat, have brought the relations be would yield positive results. The the Does this huge item include within found a technical excuse Itween the two countries at the extensive com the coming breaking point.
plan of the Soitselt the sums to be expended at expulsions. According to Dr. Gott viet Union Boulder Dam for the next five schall, acting dean, the issue is, Dollfuss and his supporters, esperiod base itself non uscist Geryears? Does it include the four whether students shall be allowed The Banking Investigation Itself is the Biggest Scandal pecially the Heimwehr which iany, with which Russia relationyear expenditure contemplated into interfere with a stated college tends toward a Hapsburg restora ship will inevitably become ex.
the Tennessee Valley? Does it in function, to conduct them in a tion, have the backing of Italy. tremely unstable clude the three year naval building defy with impunity college regul the Senate Banking and Curreney Instead of this, the committee grossly discourteous manner and to The greatest scandal exposed by particular crisis.
France and all the powers that do il surgical operation. All the greater significance is program? And does it include the lations in regard to the holding of Committee investigation has been proposes to see if it can tind any not care to see the Hitler state thus aequired by economie collabo ordinary yearly public works exWhat Can the Senate Comm. Do?
meetings on college property.
penditures? Too often now, we The greatest possible measure of the Heimwehr Fascists and the Hit ration of the two republice, Euro have been treated to brandiose but a special menang. ratified the unlimited authority and adequate its eyes to what is normal and reg. committee might conceivably be a therefore part of a larger schema combined population runs to nearly at The Board of Higher Education, governmental body equipped with banking system, deliberately closing audacity on the part of the Senate Ier ascists in Austria proper is combinate and American whole ures by the Hoover regime only to 3300. 000. 000.
find at the end of the year that action of the faculty.
banks the total public works expeheld outside the Lewison Stadium business in the United States. This It is like a policeman catching a posits; that would mean that out character that it does.
drawn character regulated from above and had been less than the year reckoned on a basis of a number exact same thing eccurred in the there. Osere unable was taking place fourth year of the greatest crisis victim, and investigating the have to assume the form of a cor to the increased Nazi agitation and the presence in Moscow of a regime of our forThere were about five hundred in the history of wrold capitalism. knife to see if it is free of germs. poration. This act terror by United States representative would of public works Robinson appeared escorting a creuses coupled with actual de group to the exercises, among in the demagogic pretensions of gation are automatic either nothCo. would have to change their ableht, who had been smuggled convincing itself that despite the creases observed at the end of the whom were, the officer in charge the new deal, the obvious eleing abnormal will be reported, firm name to Morgan co. into the country as director of the acute transitory difficulties of trade, rearst should not prejudice obesentatives from the. there would be to investigate the manner der according to the Shighest pricea a corporation. Reforms in the areas attaches to the letet dentic Surest investment for capital against the three billion dollar sentia eta hered the Pont Rot the stu: in which the private control of legal advice or some little viola income tax law, in the corporation the letter government retaliated would be very happy if you athe. eona ketion of the bill boo and hiss the group. The dustry, how this control is used to to whleh the bankers will reply Noregurine wees van de acero getting been closely in touch with the High These well reasoned out and realtrance to the stadium, began to trol by banking of capitalist in law will be triumphantly exhibited result in a little more work by press attache, the Catholic priest observations to the American puband by far the more important one boos and hisses were primarily in lawyers and accountants have lic concentrate the ownership and con serenly, What do these little spots in The whole Councils of the Centre Party in Istle proposals for economic collaboa The sot hot hands, and how concentrated volume of transactions in be presented a as blankets Hood of propaganda to the masses If we take into consideration the sortly in weed of credits and the as an evidence of the government attacks of the Fascists on the Cath United States, sorely in need of bill to Increuse profits, decrease un. Continued on Page 4)
the devastating enormity of this What Did Morgan Reveal (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
employment, trade, should give an additional work week, woduce a shorter impetus to the movement here for higher wages What has been brought out in and put our entire industry on an the Morgan testimony? That the the recognition of the USSR and organized basis.
gentlemen did favors to their the extension of long term loans measure, like Lydia Pinkham friends, which any business man to it. The American workers espills, is good for whatever ails you has a right to do that they did pecially have everything to gain be it falling hair, fallen arches, Santiago, Chile Our Chilean Chilean Section of the International not taxes when they did not by such an arrangement. planned Philadelphia, Pa. Comrade Leon present at the hearing. group of and extensive trade agreement be dandruff and falling teeth. What comprades, who until their recent Communist Left Opposition as the have to that they conducted sev. Goodman, member of the Philadel about 10 besides members of the twocu the two countries would be section, and what is its history and chilean osetion Communist Party The dialecties of the revolution which they made a profit. What was arrested on Tuesday, June 13, We have drawn up petitions morous factories that now lie idle enforce it? Only in this manner decided to carry forward their revo Communist ranks of the entire these facts, or what action Streets, Philadelphia.
can we obtain an inkling as to what belonerilerletion the communist slobo a division that is growing can they take?
We have sunda supledtest open en con los other that nee Soviet While comrade Roberts was this huge all inclusive measure will left Chilean Section of the Intergraver from day to day. The en It is true that the liberal press speaking about Roosevelt rawal meeting at the Protest openean workmen on the actually mean.
national Communist Left Opposi thronement of a bureaucratic syssamne corner orders.
took the opportunity to publish deal. cop Gallagher tried to smash June 16 at 8:30 pm. We have inThe Origin of the Bill tion. Their Congress has had an tem in the Communist Internation charts showing the Morgan control the speakers stand. When comrade vited the to send a speaker. recognition and the all vital trade The surest way of bringing about brief history of the origin of enormous influence on the political al and in its sections, the tactical over great sections of industry. Goodman told the cop that he had ROBERTS agreement is by the mass pressure SUBS!
was the administration way of deather militants will fianclude impor, hureaucracy which were carecuins drew their liberal conclusions from interference the blue coated thus Since the close of the sub drive taliste sorteramente non of the toiling masses upon the expl side tracking the agitation for the the water hentet from these section of analyzed in the reports and theses them. The Daily Worker for that immediately arrested our comrade on Jute ist which comrade Caplan Soriet leognition and Long Term wage, for no reduction in pay. As ourselves to the following lista presented to the Congress and were matter also published a chart, and The cop did not appear at the of Kansas City won hands down Credits should immediately be made pofficial set forth in published form before pointed out editorially how rotten hearing subs have been rollin in. The fol to occupy a front rank position in for man to enforce the provi appeal taken from the Political the meeting. have given rise in all bankers are.
To magistrate Zweig all Commu lowing list gives a partial picture the struggle of the unemployed and sions of the bill? It is the same Bulletin of the Chilean Section. The real point, however, is that nists are criminals. When the mag of the good work that is being done in united action of employed and countries to the Comunist Left op the Senate investigation is being istrate asked whether comrade by our comrades and friends. Al unemployed workers.
Roosevelt who originated the dollar Comrades: The 10th of March position in whose ranks we Chileans conducted with no other aim or pus Goodman was a Communist here together 43 more subs have come the militant section of the Amera day scheme for the Reforestation marks a new period in the revolu now fake our position.
sible outcome than to expose for plied that he was a member of the in.
save the veterans sugary words and was the day set for the convoca: xixags that characterize the official tinue the delusion that the govern (Left Opposition. This was enough In contrast to the defeats and the sake of whitewashing, to con communist League of America Oehler, Illinois Coal Fields 13 Inscribe this slogan on its banner.
thee a dollar a day: it is the same tion of the sth National Congress policy of the the Left Oppo mental apparatus is really interes evidence against Goodman, without Goodman, Philadelphia. ure for the relief of federal wage cut to the lowest section of the This congress decisive factor in the revolutionary the masses against the bankers, and his defense and the judge immedimets misery All the others, one apie in the crisis; it is an excellent opbrackets: it is the same Roosevelt was to meets Congress for come struggle of the world. The recog thug to support the capitalist sys ately railroadel him for ten days. thing. But there is no satisfying the superiority of planned socialist Now this is what we call some portunity to show by living facts who has as his intimate counsel munist Unification. The attempt nitton by the Congress that the tem by pretending meeting the us. Like Oliver Twist we want construction over capitalist anLet us consider the measure it Stalinist) burak ucracy to take part tional Communist Left Opposition of reinforcing the reactionary as altespite the rest. kepada meeting above record and the record of the listic way of cementing the bonds all of which have in their opening 19th of March marks the initiation theoretie punctualization that is its detects were removed, like erts as the speakers.
right rades Cary Morgenstern and RobEvery sub puts the Militant up a with ensueveri burpees that contelusively of international solidarity between sentences the word may. Nothing of the revolutionary efforts of our (Continued on Page 3)
noteh. Every sub puts a firmer for the defense of the proletarian is stated in a positive manner; alll Party under the banner of the freckles, when what is needed is! We called upon the workers to bel base under the Militant.
THE SENATE INQUIRY EXPOSED the. se is the industrial control section tended to. The officer in uniform. trol of capital in fewer and fewer matter in comparison with the around the new laws.
ists but also to labor. This is the brella: not to cool himself but to not only to crisis in keneral but to should act?
Chilean Opposition Organized Leon Goodman Arrested in Phila.
lors and companions the Wooding towards unity failed as a result of Chilean worker must take his place removing its detectat activity in We continued