BolshevismCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Meet Apropos the Anti Eviction Foreign Policy Party Adopts Slogan of radical under without in Germera hones and the economic already rank Demonstration Ends in Disunity working class workers orgaPAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1933 Starts National Drive; Left accepted by the conference. The wrond mean a revision to the ora Lovestonites Socialists Wing Puts Forward Own Policies of the Stalinists Long Term Credits to SU programs to demonstrate on June 6th thetic. lle concluded his speeca with (Continued from Page 1)
wind is blowing and is alreadly The Delegate from the Speaks. cemarkets, that after years or Sabotage United Front The discussion that followed was could not hope to force the sabo, that we have endeavored to form union.
should not have left the Lewis adapting itself to the condition with phrases. But the time for (Continued from Page 1)
Continued from page 1)
uny, that is to say, counting upon a consideration of this ruling to it was only when the delegate of front over night, that persistent and the united front with the socialists The Stalinists played an equally now, twefore it is too late.
The more reem torcement of the workers state exclude the left wing and passed the loft Opposition, George Clarke, stubborn efforts were needed and but they refuse to come along so, miserable role. Only after the union advanced element of the art wing motion to that effect by majority took the floor that a silence of in the soul was assured. His speech he intimated, we are getting ready its first major battles, did the stal wist hoceed to cornice ieft and of the German proletariat. De vote. It was ruled out of order, terest fell over the hall. The dele was greeted with a good round of discrimination. They must fight for velopments took the opposite road. in true bureaucratie style, by the gates were desirous of learning upplause. Comrade Weisbord of the to return to the united front from inists stop throwing mud at the wing in every local. No litical the following program, which is not are crusted, when the Soviet has been weakened, the course to Uhed out an unheard of allbl away and what policies it advocated spoke along the same lines elaborament for the resolutions committee, stand the upsurge. At no time did the private property of the Left known as the Workers Relief or they try to criticize its natural Opposition, but the collective opintwo thirds vote is necessary for for the unemployed movement. ting on some of the points.
ward revolutionary war would be reconsideration. Let reader Ile Minor Intervenes for the adventurism of the purest water. keer in mind that the Lovestonites greeted the conference in the of the Left Oppositiou stating Official Party vital demands for the unemployed. are trying to make up for lost time ion of other forces as well.
The members must fight for rank and in their clumsy way, they are and file control and in no way must Without such a course, that is, have been part and parcel of this that if the party continued on the Then followed the Stalinist bar. Comrade Kitt made a minority blundering as usual.
Stalinism confuse this with the wrong slogan direct preparations for row. conference and share the responsi new turn in the united front tactic ruge mountuin of confusion. Its report on the resolutions on the stands condemned to a greater de of rank and file louder bin. The olutionary war and the insurrection bility for its treacherous deeds.
the breuking ull of dipWinter Report the decisions of the Chicago unempaxing for the of the Comtion to New York. The resolution who made serious mistakes in their struggle policies and against the lomatic The united front conference conference, new vistas of munist Ile roared that no omitted of the city central strug, le against Lewis.
boycott would only be an impotent opened with an able presentation by growth and powerful imtus turu and been made. in face of bodies are to be invited to We have no time to portion out attempt, on any trumlu charge policies of class collaboration. Every and ruble gesture. The absence Curl Winters, secretary of the pro could be given not ouly to the job the anifesto, the Chicago the formation of the federation in jou death struggle and the Right they are The PA is in a life to expel Laft wing militants because of Russian orders would, it is true, visional committee, of its past his less movement but to working class events and the lies this sound. tation in such a federation on the wing policies must be exposed fought by the whole membership.
reated appeal to New York and called for represend Communists must be increase somewhad the uumber of tory and the persistent endeavors action in general. Comrade Clarke the. central the unemployed. But hus there been it madle to consummate it united condemned the tactics of the so cd extremely ludicrous. the party basis of numerical strength. Com. it is to live. The Left wing forces Mass action must replace the front with the socialists and Love cialists and the Lovestonites which is still following the lines of the rade Kitt explained that such claus must be united. Much has a a lack of unemployed for the revotonite unemployed groups. The be declared, would divide the embel front from below. He tald es would give the reformists a been said in the columus of The Bot.
present laissive attitude of the unlution up to the present? What was litter remained obdurate and block ployed from the unemployed by down the ultimatistic demand Loophole to crawl out of the federa: Militant about the mțstakes of the the lokal light of the Taylorville and a correct policy. That is double site constant appeal they refused very thing that has prevented the then we ll go it alone, for who cation take place on the same basis more can be suid but the main dan. Stoomy te etc. must be started lacking at present. We cannot avoid to participate jerintly in the dem. mmployed movement from attain represents the masses, we or they as in the Chicago conference. The ser now is the danger that the Left at once. Mass picketing must be examining now the question as to onstrations with the Unemployed in any mass dimensions up till in this case why all the desperate stalinists defeated the amendments wing will not unite. If the Left restined.
whom economic reprisals would Councils at the Home Reliet Bil now. The exclusion of political or efforts for united front conferences and consequently assume the rewing cannot find common minimum The Union must take up the fight ben leite find boermeny deals at the recanus and went out of their way to animations, le continued wanted to den constrations with too muchas permit Ylenders the remote te demands in action, if they are to organizations? reformist lenders will be able to remain divided, then the right wing the unemployed throughout the general the unemployed in every con de prostaty dhe bereits eine ordered one or of the parentemente word these unity comes up for con with Germany woulu, wie demonstration to be held at states and every turn and requires the the Chicago conference of the un.
struggle it confronts the Minor ultimatism and said that sideration.
There are many progressives who county into unemployed organizawould like to organize a Left wingtions having the backing of the The six hour day and five day that excludes the Communists belProgressive liners of America will my heavily, and consequently, the relief slashing orders of Tamworkers stato still more.
and file of the organizations assemmany Hall. This anti working class Comrade Clarke criticized Win bled. Then whom did they speak tion at the conference with the may raise a bowl and claim that the main miners, to obtain more We repeat: the Stalinist faction movie was perpetrated with the so ters proposals for the formation or for themselves? And upon what stalinists. Defending the ambigu the Communists are trying to cap eller than they are getting now.
sponsibility for the collapse of the the sincere desire of the United all working class organizations in important decisions made at that they claimed that everything else there are stalinists who would like strengthen tremendously the strugChinese revolution, for the destruc Front Conference for one demon the neighborhood as not being ex kathering? othieses questions that was the stagger system, and in view to have mechanical control and Be suninst the operators. Some tion of the German proletariat and stration on June 6th. All the pleas, tensive enough. Without the parquite naturally failed to answer of the fact that some workers were leadership assured in advance. Both Places (Carlinville and to and thru was a week, the slogan of the six hour senses. The militant miners must forced labor for relict. If this is state. Along this fundamental live, were to no avail. The reformists day was out of the question. The do all possible to guard against accomplished, the operators will see the struggle against it must be com were determined to proceed with delegates of the Left Opposition both dangers. No sabstantial Lett no need of paying even a five dollar ducted. It is necessary to cleanse their own demonstration on June the the world labor movement of the sth. Towards this end they sent rowerful arguments to bear in fa Communists. No Progressive Miners The struggle for the six hour day necessary to fight against the roots the Left wing conference of stand Continued from Page party and its affiliates in particular, six hour day and pointed out that of labor history it the Communists creuses must be put forward as of the malady and not against the ing in the way of a united demonsymptoms of its inevitable couse Winters exploded this nonsense, must reconsider their refusal thus all the conditions were laid for the are hunted inside of it like rats, concrete demand of struggle. The parudle more militantly cathusiastic far to participate in this mandatory building of a huge movement around as they are in the unions of the struggle for wage increases to meet quences.
The content of the Left Opposi action. The socialist workers must that basis and uniting the unem of labor fakers. the inflation prices (30 percent in In the struggle against bureau which tlew in the face of all the tion leaflet follows: exert the utmost pressure on their ployed and employed. The Stalinist The permanent crisis of millions creases in some mining towns alcratic centrism, we remain, as when the light wing unemployed Relief for the Unemployed leaders to Is the pressing task of the enticipating about serious par took fright and accused us of a of unemployed, e relief which will ready) must be startexl.
maneuver to put the party on rec. pass over to a form of social in The miners union has already lutionary realism. If the Bolshevik groups were forced into a hole by Leninists (Left Opposition) were at the protests of their rank and file, tireFront of all only a real. The emergency is great! Act ord against the six hour day slogan surance, the vast army of idle sur been very successful in drawing in they adopted the reactionery excuse Now! This mass movement and and then proceeded to switch the plus labor that will permanently the women. The Ladies Auxiliary the head of the Soviet state today: offered by the Lovestories that nizations political parties, trade demonstration must be regarded and issue with the line that this was press down the wage level; the tas often been the lackbone for they would be forced in their they were ready for joint action unions, unement societies in more powerful working class more ference, etc. etc. ad nauseam. The falling rate of profit at the extense situations. The union must draw counciis, mass can be made a springboard for a mly a local and not a national con capitalist stresle to maintain some spineless creatures immediate, practical acts, to proceed provided there were no political organizations, difficult.
from the relation of forces tenebas banners at the demonstration. He mobilize the power of labor in the ment for the overthrow of capita. six hour day resolution lost but of the workers in short, the in all the youth in the coal campus to save polley. They would be forced, par Left wing conference would be pres and feed the lovedl nent solution to the scourge of un against it.
working class, has already set in. ers or potential strike breakers.
ticularly, to maintain diplomatic of unemployed employment and misery. Workers This vast economic change in their power, added to that of the Finally the Stalinists for and economic commections with Hit out at the demonstration on June workers.
oth with the banners of all organi unite your ranks against capitalist lerist Germany. At the same time, atlons carried above the demon tions, in the nature of maneuvers Not single, planless demonstra misery!
America and in world capitalism Ladies Auxiliaries, will increase the Soviet Credits!
nd the new class relationship lie Aghting enpacities of the union.
they would prepare themselves for strators.
by one organization to outwit anCommunist League of America The talk and action of sending signal victory was won for the at the bottom of the new period of revenge. That is a great task, which Then followed a pitiful sight. other, but powerfully planned action (Left Opposition)
Left Opposition at this conference. American labor history. In this. Organizers to other fields does not requires time, which is not solved delegation of three, the Lovestonite under the control and direction of New York Branch After three years of persevering the struggle of the Progressive answer the important question of which demands a radical change of the Unemployed, and two others Workers Relief can achieve the struggle the Stalinists accepted the Miners of America is a prelude to how to spread out nationally. The policy in all spheres internationalist resolution of the coming storms and battles of the organizing of the Left wing in the representing the socialist jobless common aim to wring from capi.
11 the number on Prinkipo, May 12, 1983.
177 your wrapper is movements, requested and received talis adequate relief for unenLeft Opposition for recognition American workers. Trade Unions UNWA in other fields is necessary. TROTSKY of and long term credits to the can no longer stabilize themselves but the main thing on the order of the floor to make an appeal for ployed men and women.
your subscription has expired.
Soriet Union. Not very long ago as in the past decades. Reformists the day is the CALLING OF unity. This was granted to them.
if you want to get the Mili The Communist Left Opposition They only relterated their abomintakes part in this demonstration in it was called counter revolutionary must adapt themselves to the new NATIONAL CONFERENCE. Invite tant promptly every week by the Stalinist bureaucrats ati conditions if they desire to serve the West Virgina miners, the Nova renow your subscription at Borders Loses in Split; eo con dobioticul la tiher demonstre: the hope that it will be a step for onice: per year for Arty this conference Amter said that their masters. But they will not Scotia miners, the National Minera this resolution (on long term cred have solid footing. The class strug, Union and all Left wing groups in two weekly issues; a half Group Firm for Unity ant but their proposal went against manner in which the socialist party This is the main task year for twenty six weekly its) needs little explanation. am see the American proletariat win the UMWA.
sure that everyone is in favor of In this sense, the Right wing po and talk of a national organisation of the PMA. Any play with words the grain of the militants present. has attempted to disrupt the unemissues.
Characterizing the attitude of the ployment demonstration called for THE MILITANT which in reality make the stalinist licies of the PNA must not be con without this more will play into (Continued from page 1)
126 East 16th St.
adoption of this resolution more fused with the Right wing of the the hands of the Right wing and the workers demanded a genuine sions offered, was a resolution Front Committee Against Evictions contradictory than ever, the confer average of union. There is eventually, the operators.
a distinction, which was not brought ence went on record unanimously united front, and second, he learned introduced by Amter for the resou and Relief Cuts (Left wing) must The Left wing miner should orlutions from his own organization that his stintanittee which properly be condemned openly. The errors of the official Communist party in in favor of long term credits to about by the leaders. The distinc xanize their own Left Wing. No the socialists for their the left wing up to now have hin.
attempt to split the Unemployed THE MILITANT the Soviet Union. The world does thon has been brought about by the one can do this job for them. HowFederation brought a split in his violation of the decisions accepted dered the organization of a broad, matter November 28, 1928, at the Entered as a second class different conditions and ability of ever, they must not get the own Workers Conimittee. The main the and for salon By the time it came to the nom. these conditions.
all inclusive formation of a united Post Office at New York, knows any jority of the Workers Committee. Their subsequent To prefront movement on behalf of the Under the act of March 1870.
ination and election of the permanthing about tactice for coal miners vent the Stalinists from retreating For example, the Gillesple Mass and only led by George Leach and others, bricklayer knows any.
are continuing with the Federation. Crom the position of the united nemployed. The decisions of the Published weekly by the Communistent committee, the ball had dwin Meeting on Decoration Day heard thing about tactics for bricklayers, Chicago Unemployment Conference Leaga lastenneth st.
Amerika (Opposition) and from more than 100 about Flaherty and Pearey speak about etc. The advice and the help of. of EDITORIAL BOARD aid of the remaining Stalinist driving the workers into becoming fixed. The miners Left wing cau the Unemployed Federation received Painters Union, presented an James Cannon stalwarts, the committee was packed Rels. Flaherty said that it lighting cuses should, however, be for and the majority of his members and amendment to the resolution calling ment of all workers organizations, Martin Abern Max Shachtman for another appeal for united se and should be adhered to.
Maurice Spector with apparatus trusties. The Muste for the union means being a Red of miners.
the largest locals!
We do not need any tion of all working class organiza We propose that the Communist ites, to be sure, were awarded and Communist then he was a advice about the danger of outArne Swabeck HUGO OEHLER tions and for one powerful demon. party issue once more the call for Vol. No. 30 Whole No. 177 place on the committee but the red. counter revolutionary Left Oppo The union under the Right wing on. What we need is left wing siders. This is a reactionary slo.
Saturday, June 10, 1933 stration on June 6th and a united the United Front for Workors Resition was debarred.
delegation. Both the resolution and lief to all workers organizations Subscription rate. 00 per year lendership is slipping fast. The action. And the quicker, the The Turns Left the amendment were unanimously without exception. The socialist Foreign 50 cents per copy. Right wing knows which way the better ILUGO OEHLER SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL STRIKES SPREAD Wage cut and also received the 30 hour week in a three weeks battle. Continued from Page 3)
Across the river from Washington Our section in this country is IN MANY PARTS headquarters of the Raw workers in the and they are GROUPS OFI.
unfortunately in a very small minopreparing its first national conferDeal, unorganized women strack ratured big broase din em berst previous MARK ADVANCE ence. Theses on the agrarian guess OF THE against a 10 percent cut in a shirt tion, on the national, trade union factory. Pay rates here can scarco to the conference. These comand Russlau questions have been ly be dignified by that name. For rades elearly state that the place of CHILI all revolutionary workers is in the Workers, organized and unorgan sewing on 1400 pockets 37.
proposed for adoption. The conferCommunist party. They point out As has been known for some time, ence will also discuss the resolu ized, skilled and unskilled, men, For making 84 button holes one and that the the dissident Communist party, an ON GICRMANY Furniture workers at Golan, Va. The ONLY ROAD WHAT NEXT?
formed that the Revolutionary mass influence, has for quite a at, foren recent international pre tile factories of New England, from are also on strike with state police 100 pages 192 pages paper cover Petrom Communities and retire. hlshey with our current. After a prolongea The Brazilian section is publish the old established Electrical Work Danville and Roanoke telecom Postage 06 extra per copy cloth over Postage 06 extra per copy further point out that the present discussion, the plenum of the Cening regularly its journal Lucha ers Union to the unorganized and ters) the National Guard have Communist party has a number of tral Committee decided in January de clase. The comrades enjoy seemingly organizable overall slave been called to quell Strike die ON RUSSIA serious shortcomings which require to deflare Its solidarity in principle great influence among the Hungar of Lebanon, Mo. have downed tools orders.
discussion. They innumerate the with the Left Opposition Internasian and Italian Communist emi and fought bitter battles against In Barre, Vermont, the National PROBLEMS OF THE DE VELOPMENT OF starvation wages and worsening Guard are terrorizing theorics and policies upon which tonn and to propose to the next gration.
striking The comrades collected six bunconditions in the last few weeks.
granite workers.
Price. 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy socialim in one country, the policy herence to our international nech. In Manchester, New Hampshire, section they were among the first boring town of Northagyanist star factory are fighting against a wage women ON SPAIN of the united front from below, the nixation.
the workers in the Amonkeog textile sections to respond to the call.
and children struck THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER policy exemplified by the AmsterA telegram addressed to the Inration wage rates and conditions cut. Police and National Guards dam anti war congress, and the abPrice. 15 Postage 01 extra per copy which beggar description. numsence of party democracy. They ternational Secretariat recently an CUBA un are doing their usual dirty work.
ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION call upon the members to The congress of the dissident some COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM Price 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy The Left Opposition comrades, ample discussion to adherd dedicate party, a Bolshevik Ininist opposlomon the strike spread to Bangor, textile workers are striking for 25 percent raise.
who have recently Issued a printed to the International Left Opposto a small group, which requests us 750 girls struck three shirt facto Cannery workers and salmon fishorgan, Red Flag, have a great task tion ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY on their shoulders: to win the revfor shipments of literature and ries in Shamokin. The average ermen are on strike at Astoria, Ore DEVINIC connections with the other sections wage was to a week. 50 cents son AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION olutionary workers of the for An article dealing with the prog of the International Lett Opposi a week was common. One girl earned Overall the Communism of Marx and Lenin, 2000 Cleaners and Dyer in New workers of Lebanon, Mo. THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT to educate the members of the Compose and developtent of our section tion. The sroup has a platform, 20 in a month of steady work WORLD REVOLUTION REVOLUTION munist party along the line of the in Chili will appear in a forthcom on the basis of which it is working Electrical workers of Denver, Jersey towns.
ing issue.
and developing itself.
Colo. won their fight against a Miners of Franklin County, 180 pages paper cover Left Opposition. On the basis of Textile workers of Bamberg, Postage 06 extra per copy cloth cover 00 we Sherburne, Knoxville, Tenn. Postage 06 extra per copy Strike and the Anglo Russian ComMobile, Ala. are also on strike.
mittee, the recent teachings of the by Arne Swabeck That this ripple of strikes will ON CHINA German events, the program of the Unemployment and the grow into a wave of gigantic pro PROBLEMS Left Opposition on the colonial OF THE portion with the efforts to increase CHINESE REVOLUTION question and the Soviet Union, American Working Class industrial production on the pres.
450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 50 our comrades in Great Britain 24 pages 60 ent low wage rate is assured.
Postage. 06 extra per copy should forge ahead rapidly. Revolutionary union sectarianism. JOSEPH CARTER Postage: 10 extra per copy is the impassable barrier between In Defense of the Russian Soviet Economy in Danger. This statement will appear in these struggles and the Communists. To tear down that barrier PIONEER PUBLISHERS Revolution Pioneer Publishers and restore the trade union strat the forthcoming issue of The 48 pages бс 72 pages 84 EAST 10th STREET, 10c egy and theties of the In the Militant.
84 East 10th St. New York days of Lenin and Trotsky, is the task of the militants. WM man move!
Borders received a majority vote front, 50 painfully acquired, com held in May marked an advance in WORKS by TROTSKY democra the organization and erhalization Communist parts om tion on the world situatiche delen women and children, from the ones quarter Senteret 25 At Havana, Cuba, there has also ber of shops have settled with the 10. 000 are reported on strike in. 28. 50 Worker Pocket Series By Leon Trotsky