BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismKamenevLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

SATURDAY JUNE 10, 1933 THE MILITANT PAGE Letters from the Nazi Inferno On Zinovico The British Turns Leftward and Kameney ory was the II.
been occupied by the here have what have you done? Just as littlel Fascist government.
III LA emain Letters from Rhineland The Truth About Conditions The Instructions of the party to sis and the The Realignments in the Camper conuncils, to unite the working Above all, the Nazis are preocin the Labor Movement capability. In one circular it says cupled with preparations for the had a of British cars evolutionary crisis of English Reformism talism and the suburdinate role First of May. All the factory workthut dues stamps for April are still marked effect on the entire English of the burgosurlament was to be pasted into the membership labor movement. This is particularly acclaimed by the Conference. ers, must appear at a. sharp some very prominent social demo books; furthermore, at cell meet true of the traditionally left reformat their places of work. Then every cruty have signed declarations in ings, control of membership books body is to proceed to the public which they say that they will not is to take place. Even after the ted.
So they have once more capitulaist party, the Independent Labour London and Lancashire, especially resolution to support the unemsuccesat from there to the have anything more to do with opening of the Reichstag, members triumphantly and the com maturity of San revolutionary rocking strong. The leaders of this group artythe NU. was The Soviet press reports it arty. gange of the growing the influence of the was odoremnization led by the Comterany, company with the ve Marxism (Grell, former minister of ship meetings of as many as somunicates the capitulation to the can often be found in the changey Jack Gaster, Cullens and the carried overwhelmingly after some. Public knows where those who dissent are problem sede, che son of the proteichbare were nedutalligrades albon where whole world. Meanwhile, it is hard which the of socialist cen. them intellectuals dispute the concepter les caract Ww. bitchs hard trista undermere er hele tages en call themselves heministes. lectual exhiary, thzbt ocurred on the It seems that several ner and Landtag deputy: Kuhnt, ings of the ILD were sacked of the stouter characters refused Landtag fundamental; they are divisional conferences held last Peb question of international aflation.
to obey this injunction; for exmunist deputy, etc. Some Comample, a well known machine face knees at the police headquarters. suddenly expose themselves by nam sacrifices. Broken backbones can There are stool pigeons in even the capitulators themselves but also rather changes of form and modes ruary they presented their program: The National Council of the also tell on their the most internal meetings. They the creatmet which requires ut such of expression.
tory. The bosses declared against To the party of Keir Hardie, for revolutionary policy, the im Labour and Socialist International.
was introducel sup the use of any coercion their fac Comm Weimar, secretary of the ing those who are to be arrested no longer serve as props. And the which, immersed in the practical mediate organization of workers Alilatin and instructing Landtag fraction in by the police, after their arrival. Stalinist apparatus has become a political tasks of the day, scoftea velop into a counterparliament, and il National approach councils (soviets) which would deporting tory place of work and not Thuringia; the chairman of the The stools are, or have been for machine for Perushing backboues. at the German theoreticlans, Marx for approach to the Third Interte Nevretarint of the communist a headquarters for political assemblages. Aside from this, they cauuringin and of the municipal the most part, functionaries. Zinoviev and Kameney were sub and Engels: the party which pro national for collaboration. At the tuternation with a view to astegorically refused to hoist the is a short report and pressing. In the party there is, to sected a few months before the. chuced lending spokesmen for the London and South Divisional and certaining in what way the swastika on their rooftops. The money which had been collected sad balance.
be sure, a kreat deal of optimism, but because of any oppositional ace minister, MacDonald, the aspiring for the purchase of the flag was Letter from Hamburg sent back by them.
above. Time is working for us, tivity of their own, but because of Mascist, Mosley suddenly, at Brad. als were accepted. At the latter ternational. The mover of the Several middle provincial organi we still stand before the decisive knowledge of and failure to re ford last August proclaimed itsele conference resolution for imme solution made it clear that he was Up to the middle of the last year, xations of the 10. Bruswick, battles, the masses are turning port oppositional activity of the the party of revolutionary Marx date affiliation to the Comintern Hot asking for tillation to the was rejected.
Communist International but collaone of our comrades was the leader etc. have dissolved. The Free away from the Nazis in huge numklight wing.
Horation in whaterer forin agreed all events, this was ism! The withdrew from the of faire unfurled a strong anti: Lling themselves on the new policy (the reference is to the posson was the fact that in the at om the grounds that its parliamen, 1923) of the Communist Interna party, supported the National Coun Wastsky come here and the de state this letter was written bolley of emergency measures which mosphere of general discontent tar cerita rental este were the used to dil for united front against viow and olemisel nint criticive and vote aguinst the was hailed the calling for approach pelled. After his expulsion, Ed. emphasize their cte inliose pre election promise SINU, Zimovie and Kameney con Labour larty caucus in parliament. a vindication of its viewpoint to the Caminter. Jack Ganter de stituted a danger. They did, it is was appointed in his place. Even dependence of political parties and 11therto, the party did not want to true, capitulate back in January This led to the organization of the had participated on Feb. 4th in rendel the resolution. The vote Socialist Lengue by those who the Lell Sociatlist Parties conter was very close. The resolution car.
at that time, the park and nice had their services for the Germania e any differences at all among the tous Bureaucracy pasaulinige ander wanted to continue the old polies, once at Paris which appealed to meet by a vote of to up against the expulsion of our com all discussion in the bud.
Another resolution, which emthem. It does not say that only the the name of the party. Today, sucharons them such leaders as the labor and Socialist Interna tional and the Comintern for united bodied the full program of the rude. But the bureaucrats imposed upon the workers. Today, in ists, has done away with all the tariat can bring the downtae or the one must acknowledge the infalli Up to the formation of the Com front against Fascism. Fenner Revolutionary Policy Committee, Humbistade of the bureaucrats 18. regular district meeting and re Fascist dictatorship.
bout Issues the sility of Stalin in order to have munist Party (1920 21) the Inde. Brockway wroteica The greatest offered on now constitution for the Teresa of them over to the Storm ports all those which do take place, opinion that Blombers with hits the right to live and breathe poll pendent Labour Party contained Alificance attaches to this mant: party it emphasized the function Troops and the concentration camps. to the police, which prohibits them. Reichswehrent internation with why tically. Zinorier and Kumenev some of the best revolutionary so teste toe the second to niste commendate the workers Councils and Which Is Just to the fakers Amerien and England will bring this simples could rat proses bem standing spokesman of the present cease the attacks see. It was then strongly opwed by the 38 police functionaries have been hiking!
summarily dismissed. The reason The Workers, in spite of the publications of the party are had been in the Lento start too communist Party as Palme Dutt tions of the working class it a basis old guard, particularly Jowo that the chief of the section taught and in spite ot their revelationary are addressed to all possible streets. know Stalin, his role in the past his training in the After the New Leader 10 33 Emphasis inked to achieve power by CHI war, IIc state that the the Schufo (Reichsbanner) the use reorientation, do not, nevertheless, but do not gather the revolutionary and his real caliber. The oath of World War, the Independent Labour original. The LL. addressed an invita Xhonld aim to achieve salalism by activity was betrayed by a mem than they have in the past. They is designated in these leaflets as askuse who throatere expelled a number of fundamental questions the operative heart and the other. re supported the new ber of the Schufo.
say: Yes, and you communists, the main social support of the The nature colonies It is not hard to imagine what to it. The reply drafted by Lenin Trade Union Congress for united constitution. According to the New and the un our own party.
Hitler Youth. The Nazis do not The party has sharpened the took place afterwards behind the made even the more radicat lead front on a definite minimum pro Lender report of the proceedings ers lukewarm. Supporting the view uram against Fascism and the car. 919) by votes to the)
forget anything.
hold of all domains of life and plac putschistie tendencies, but also on. It utilizes the most repulsiva paratus has been calculating that of a caratte or parentar talist offensive at home. Only the Conference rejected the vital section They are seizing In the there are strong struksle ngainst the Left Oppos scenes. For some time now the app of the new Constitution. Appar.
methods. In Wandsbeck a list of Stalin leadership Is costing the revolution to attain socialism. Communist accepted and at the most ambiguous terminopolice.
smeared over the walls of the hous. following: At the time of the the Suediation and bumble internets, and wilting wide dil joint committees. The recommen An interesting art of the ConSometimes, putechist slogans are by the police with remarks like the it. It didn go, of course, without With the British held throughout the country by logy was desired!
es during the night. The stools Yesterday witnessed the follow have penetrated very deeply into Neizure of power by the Commu cession on the part of the so calleferences of opinion and action with ldation of the Comintern was swal. ference was the attempt to intro.
in the mists has succeeded in keep British that and and et in men inte from the Communist party the street. In the course of the licemen declare that of themselves understand in a discussion that he that costs very little nowadays Despite this, the in recent whether locally or nationally, for for meubership would be tested to the ground. His right temple tions, which come in wholesale and ciatiche it be British Daily Worker, citixts from cllcipulinary action on was an open wound and blood was are in great part worthless, but threatened with a physical attack, knowledged, that is, they finally Another comrade was And Zinovlev and Kamener naciowing figures speak for themselves: round which must be mercilessly ment was introduced xafeguarding 1900 28, 000 13 32 acount of their objection to take Nowing down his face. The pass. sufficiently useful for the police to Exprusions and insults have not sank down into the depths. Their 1914 20, 000 urt in war, was withdrawn on an ersby were aroused and hurled oaths enable them to muke several arrests stopped.
personal fate is profoundly tragic.
1919 32. 000 The forty first annual con understanding from John Paton a day.
ference, last April, met inder such that the would accept its If the future historian will aim to heard: Watch out, when the times The Nazi terror strikes us Opposi show how pitilessly the epochs of 1921 37. 000 The proletarian quarters in the touists as well: conditions: a sharp crisis in Brlintention!
change, take care! Such scenes city are submitted to raids on the and deportation to concentration will bring forward the example of truly revolution Aug. 1932 12, 000 arrests, threats great convulsions devastate men, he tish Imperialism, the victory of socialist party!
are not rare here.
very greatest scale, from time to camps. But, by and large, our orSince the Bradford Conference Fascism in Germany, a steady de resolution for ulted front acThe Nazi march on May was time. These sections of Zinovley and Kameney. Aug. 1932) the membership has clue on membership, growing sentition with the Labour Party quite imposing. It is true that it re shut off for the who the city canisation has taken all the neces. At the time of the first capito further declined. At the same time ment towards Communism in etc. was adopted after some disresembled more a country fair show comicile after domicile is carefully curity. Publication is carried ontation they could still foster the a deep ferment developed in the own ranks and the beginning of vention. The new National council day, and sary measures of precaution for sethan a demonstration. It was with searched. Many out movement and without enthu. iniineograph machine writers and undisturbed. There is even a bet act in the party. Influence Committee, a group formed months Communist Party and the the Ievolutionary Lulley Committee Work in the stress ranks. The Revolutionary Policy united front auction between the although containing supporters of are found. In ter sale of publications than previ. siasm. Depression among the work the central bureau for the organionsly. slow stream toward the upon the masses. Today there is previously. continue to issue its The address of Brockway on the like Jack Gaster IN in the threat of discharge. Here and which was discovered, 18, 000 Bat mections all around are there, petty bourgeols drinking tlefund stamps were confiscated.
being. the in the lock strengthened.
alcohol from the bottle.
The Comintern had replied to the return from the opposition to the the oficial organ of the LLP! Intra parliamentary institution, work.
In some places the party com party, but merely from exile to request of the for collaboraMocow, Stalin needs their return tion. Instead of issuing a programrades still were able to holst the for the selfsame purpose for which red flag on chimney: the matic cleclaration so as to win the naturally soon came to take them he needed the appearance of Burevolutionary workers within the down.
charin and Rykov on the tribune LL. to Communism, the Stalinist The party distributed leaflet: Resolution of Left Opposition Youth the present, since it must be clear thereby, the vold around the leadduring the celebration of May Day: We have received the following EXPENDITURES: bureaucracy has confined itself to Under the sign of the Cross. It merely welcoming the step and deRemitted to International Group of Southeast Berlin on was so dull and confusing that no the Question of the New Party to every revolutionary worker. But er is, if not filled up, then at least communication from the American Commission. 340. 00 claring its readiness to collaborate we consider it unconditionally nec concealed.
Committee of the International Cost of remittances and with the most excellent The failure of Zinoviey and Commission for lielp to the Im1. The victory of Fascism in estety for the left oppositions: cable charges.
17. 84 opportunity missed to educate the comrades are so awkward in dis Germany has closed the period of within these cadres to propagandize Kamener first capitulation, which prisoned and Deported Bolsheviks Printing and Stationery. 10. 25 ranks of the But Stalinism, tributing leaflets, that they are our struggle for a turn in the CPG openly for their views on the new bad a political character, proved to Left Opposition. Mailing costs. 90 once again taken by surprise, is caught en masse. Later, when the to the policy of the united front party.
uncertain as to the next steps: It Naxl tribunals sentence them to two and opened the period of struggle be a relentless, and thereby an all We wish to thank the friends years in prison, the papers write for the creation of the new party. We condemn the proposal of the more effective demonstration of of the October revolution who have Total Expenditures 372. 05 is in a quandy.
The American Stalinits claim the Indulgent judges.
That is a fixed fact on which there In No. of Unser Wort, the correctness of the Left Oppo: responded so promptly and gener BALANCE on hand are no differences within the ranks immediate preparation for a four by serving its ideas and not its imprisoned and deported Bolsheviks We are not publishing the names Letter from the South West 133. 70 Onts of the conference and Here conditions differ greatly ac of the LO.
dation congress of a new party.
the which they incorto the methods of the new power in No. of Unser Wort) is of marts of the old Wouldersonal character, strengthens that has been, however, it is only a drop their names public, but we acknow. membershi as victory for the cording to the districts: first, as group of comrades represented by among others the as well capitulation, which has purely Union. Gratitying as the response them have requested us not to make Pectly buterpret an application for and then, relative to the party. The the opinion that it is impossible to have to participate, would probably Like Gogol hero, Stalin gathers of the revolutionary fighters who Some of the letters which we wist arty of Cireat Britain. Daily conclusion from the opposite end. In the bucket compared to the needs lige all donations individually. uniter front licy of the Commuintimate, where there has been immetter, since this does not the program adopted by the Sixth living. The salvaging of the heri tions in the struggle for their con tions show such splendid spirit that NENNE! in the last few years, the and where the pretty bourgeois ele narty members, who still need ad Marxist revelation. We are of the up of new as the histol wish to keep intact those who we cannot refrain from quoting airitish party tried on the craziest an extraordinary number of arrests correspond to the mentality of most Congress of the would be tage of Bolshevism, the training victions. We ask ments are greatly aroused against ditional experience with their party. Opinion that the political clarifica: remains not o revolutionary the reservoir of few. xig mage of any section of the Comthe working class. For our com. We decidedly reject such a view tion in the camp of the working but also a lorty privilege of the represented by these men to renew revolutionary energy and experience Dear Comrade, intern. Subordination to the Lefts rates too, the work is of unheard of point as well difficulty in these regions. But in posing the question. In our orien for such set sutriciently developed Left Opposition.
their whole way of class is not yet Enclosed House ind a money during the British miners and gen5: Its constant organizational measures.
the bie centers, our organization tation, we are guided not by the and that we still have to go through for two (2) dollars, which is changes on the parliamentary field Itheir efforts to help us raise donation to the fund for the Rus which were understood by no one: funds which are so urgently needed.
morbose very well and has remained Huctuating moods of the masses, but a period of clarification and evalu. Prinkipu, May 23, 1933.
We wish to report the results stan Bolshevik Leninists to help studenly the third pericul with its completely intact.
by the objective facts. These are: ation of yesterday events before to which their members do not re tical Half Year sub to the Militant of the American Committee to the We consider them the real com: independent leadership of strikes com and the building of new unions. live the whole weight and the full impossible of the CPG. b) the tional measures for the foundation is On a Club Plan with three close of May 31, 1933 as follows: rades, and further we consider their then the famous Charter campaign others it is only 50 cents. RECEIPTS from donations 373. 75 banishment as the blackest spot on which was an attempt of a united extent of the situation. It is still from disintegration. c) the imrescuing the party of the new party.
the body of the Soviet State com front mass movement which was possible, to be sure, for them to post this party ever again mitted by Stalinist bureaucracy still born, its policy of falsification, count on some activity. But certain sections of the town have already ing class. The recognition of these the confidence of the work The contributors are as follows: 00, 50c, 50c.
etc. alienated the best sections of collapsed.
With Communist greetings, the from the British party.
facts will inevitably penetrate The proof is the fact that few of Bethlehem, Pa. them were won for the party.
Letter from Thuringia among the party members as a result of their further experience with Dear Comrade, After the collapse of the the party and will direct their symThe article by in previous Ite Trotsky, who has gone to all upon the active support of the so Read the April 15th appeal of In the columns of the Labour the members became very much pathles toward the but only issues of the Militant dealt with troubles to prove that social de ciul democracy. There is no ground the musistant for contributions for Monthly a discussion has been go accessible to our literature. Those under the condition that we tell the rabid frothings of Fritz Heck mocracy and Fascism are not twins for the assumption that the fighting our comrades exiled by the Stalining on for some time on Commuganization seek new leadership. tout, without being afraid of tem unanimously adopted by the Bx Poor Fritz Heckert! He tri achieve any decisive victories in Enclosed please find 2, 00. Sorry value. But the practical activities the There isn any more social demo porary unpopularity.
ecutive Committee of the Comin umphed only a few hours too soon, the struggles or in the conduct of it of the reformist trade union bu propaganda for a new party under however, as yet been given an have exposed the counter revolu But Heckert gous even further. we knowing of the good to be sains made in that manner. In comblerebout that. Some sections Just flies his rejection of the able speech of Heckert had not see in what cruel fashion the facts support of the social democracy. we aside to purchase painting materiais unemployment work which has more recent times the Communist reaucracy have, however, published present conditions, one might Just answer by the actual events. This tionary significance (in a deeper He says: Everything that has happene some sheets without any political as well have rejected the prope answer has since arrived, and in sense of the word than he thinks. pened in Germany confirms com sained from it for our poor com Review has contained articles which rades in distress not of the social Hitlerite Trotspletely and fully the prognosis of Sincerely yours, ganda for the united front policy full measure, at that.
attempt to discuss the problems of Hitler does not Among the members of the CPG in the previous period. Only yester Heckert said literally: But what ky to be sure, but of his own. comrade Stalin.
the social de New York City. the Left Socialists. But the influ Dear Comrade ence of the British Party on the there is Independent labour arty or the criminal leadership; neverthe our demand for the Leninist united the represents in is only necessary, before taking po mocracy. Further: Fascism needs less, the organizational conserva iront as counter revolutionary reality, a platform created to ex sition on any question, any propo the trade unions and is taking the scription for our comrades of the Revolutionary Policy Committee is negligible.
blema este contains a hold on a num. Trotskyism. today they are con. onerate the is proved by al In this case: Leiparisto sociale democratic fakers into its Russian Left Upwosition who are comrade struggling in exile from Stalin The tendency towards Communism in the in due primarily bonds are becoming strengthened. they reject the slogan of the new which took place at the very mocase: Hitler It is necessary, be Heckert think now of the correct persecution wrote his fore undertaking the task of desness of the prognosis of comrade Trotsky to the awakening of the more conOld Comrade spread scious elements within it to the the party (illegal regional them of its necessity.
San Francisco, Cal.
If we do article. Trotsky poses the defense Ignating the reciprocal relationship Stalin?
bureaus are ransacked, as well as not tell them in time, they will try of Letpart unions as the second of two political, social factors, to He will naturally continue to LONG LIFE TO COM ism and world imperialism finds impasse in which British imperiaprint shope and conferences, there to find in other directions are mass arrests. The great num and greatly increase the difficulties thee or common front between listen always to the other part, the grumble, to rave and to slander RADE TROTSKY!
itself today. It appears paradoxical and what is worst act according Remittane the Communists and the social de twin!
a time when Stalinism has has, to the commands of his best to: ber of Lumpenproletarians who are of the necessary work of building mocracy. At the same time, howIn the meantime, Hitler But that does not change failed miserably in Germany these now orienting toward Aryanism the new party.
Sidney Hook ever. Trotsky ally Lelpart is de namely, rejected Leipart proposal loader.
is the cause of this. The The recognition of propagan livering the trade unions to Hitler, or rather replied to it with the anything in the least with regard 231 Lincoln Brooklyn, Vrom one point of view it shows elements approach the Comintern.
With Communist greetings.
and the Brandler opposition are stili dixing for the new party does not declaring that the ADGB (German dissolution and sexure of the trade to the fact that the prognosis of The American Committee of another and more fundamental their own political immaturity, from tact with their leaderships. Pos an ultimatum. In this respect we tona) accepts the reorganization of social Fascists proposers, which, ality at the latest in three weeks, for Help to the Imprisoned view, is is an Indiention that they pletely disappeared. At the Munt cadres for the purpose of checking Italian example. The facto have correctness of the famous theory and only in the rarest cases, several and Deported Bolsheviks correctly do not identify Commucipal Assemblies there are at most over the past and clarifying the thus exposed in cruel fashion the of Master Stalin, also quoted by months after they were made. Lett Opposition)
nism with Stalinism.
By a few rare social democrats. There situation. We consider this slogan counter revolutionary significance of Heckert in his article: Fascism is The view of the more advanced are no representatives of the as the correct link in the chain for the platform of the social Hitler an organization which bases itself From Unser Wort Field, Secretary. Continued on Page 4)
ers, who had to participate underation of the Anti Fascist congress, is becoming noticeable; con not even a trace of these illusions Owl literature and hold meeting effect of the decisions of the Brad controlled by the Broek way. Maxton The Discussion on Germany Good Response to Appeal Nevertheless a fairly large Such a party congress, in which devastatedi apparatus. The second of the Left Opposition in the Soviet of individual donors, Moine of ouch the resolution to ApAnother Word About Heckert Apologetics tendency.
toited is oats addressed that