BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismKamenevLeninMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

TIE MILITANT PAGE LEAGUE ACTIVITIES Attacks Left Wing in the Furniture Union Postscript Subscribes: Are SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1933 Fighting Farmer AMONG THE YOUTH An Open Letter to You a Subscriber? the Committee on the National Youth Day on Amter conference Lett Praternally, Conference precisely detine its at. Calendar of mune, United Front Workers Tick ct, and the opportunist propaganda titude toward the conduct of the alound! Its iminediate demands.
steering committee and its chair Effective Action recided to issue statement on Itesults of Election and indicate line conduct Minneapolis, Minn. Early in Ap for party in the General clection, We publish below an important the members of the Young Com.
ril, the German Campaign of the Jung 12. In Mooney conference The policy of craft unionism into We print below a letter we re letter sent by the Spartacus munist League.
Youth Club to the National Youth For this purpose we present the uust League was the talk or Llau cumigittee to arrange meeting for puting the Furniture workers why set aside a little space to some Idioceived from one of our subscriber Day United Front Committee following resolutions: town, amous the party members Congress reports. Our comrades industrial Untunas exemplitied by and pronunture gluting by that old letter is one of many. All these The letter speaks for itself. Ed. The National Youth Day Uniund le class conscious workers. DL. mitiated a welcome meeting Newport strike (sce Militam belaster the wood fetters tell the same story. The June 5, 1933. tel Front Conference criticizes the conduct of the steering committee hey comerence was under way. The released from jail that week. Meet the ultichal uproval of the Trudo Worker or Moulay, June 6, under ers because it gives them a Marxist. y National Youth Day title Ienegade Cliques at the understanding of working class United Front. and its chairman at the Ilurlem was sented in this ing was successful. Three comrades Chion Unity Council in ita decision ployment demonstration for LaLt Opposition rty utically smoke in a meeting of Railroadtimully rendered in burocratic fuxb Deatr Comades, conference Our problems.
showed its fucu in it. Our delegates, workers, arranged to discuss the cou three weeks after the strike was own Ichabod Crane takes Are you one of these workers? The Spartacus Youth Club ad. 1) discriminating against speakC. Skud. Ceraud Wage Question. Our comrades ingerulmust two inonths after the audition factors you read the Militant every dresses this communication to you ers.
Dunne, played an important part the Chemployed Councils were ac Left wing you will raised in the C) Hermitting other groups to Trotskyite proposed a resolution 10 butidlig tits movement from the live, oue bring elected on the City union.
very day they entered it, though Council, another elected to a district presenting their conservative on long term credits to the Soviet are moving rapidly. No elas con the committee in charge of the dem holil on air meeting around the Sector of the arty. haud initiated tecil. On Sunday. Fifteen cum view it in the form of a decision Chill and that this notion was clous workers can afford to take onstration held in Harlem ou Nademlxtration without control of an indifferent attitude toward the ional Youth Day. We wish to furthe steering committee it on his way East from the West railes turned out for a Taty Day wulst the appeal of Sul Lankined by the stalinisto nad developing world situation. He the protest the conduct of members (e) permitting the Red Front Wals on with the League currectly Lion press and collected as Secretary of the union, it was lecwiere they are building socialism should read the Militant regularly of the organization which initiated Fighters to disrujt the demonstrat Coust. The City Llection Change collection for the German ussury for them to resort to childish and have already abolished unem the rates are so priced as to and is in the leadership of this tion by forming at cricle around the criticizing the opportunism of the party in the Workers Cuted Fruttiruin day to day seen direct results Left wing props in order to vincentile tears for the poor plight make it Kible for everyone who united front. the Young Communist members of the Spartacus Youth And so we progress. We have distortious and fulsitations on the moment. Then, shedding a few Club: is working to suerite: a year League The executive committee of the Election Ticket Conference. The of Leon or fifty two issues: a half year dicate themselves.
of ourse, the followers this, or twenty six ister and fifty cents Conference had decided that variTrotsky, having to (a) not calling to order the call for the May Day Luited route our activities. This lins en wacht the Newport frumemakers he tells us that the Trotskyite for a trial wub of 13 issues.
us to more activity. Our had seen issued by the warty: lere clous and our cumple to the party sure hull Tilt werden hierdie boere the Committee omosed ous representatives of the partici members of the Young Communist this meters is dulling the enge of the chile we control be allowed to upamendment on the ground that it is LETTER FROM SO. DAKOTAting groups would speak at the Hague for provoking fist lights and demonstration. At the last minute caring atlets and Mrs at Mareh 30th: Issued first state weapon of slander the Stalinist bu it was decided that too many speak: munist League, as any other orgaer det hae Workers Ticket Culs raucrats use against us. Our press issuer a trame which comes from norrible to build socialism in on the militanle. May 28, 1893.
ted with and country, saying itconsultation Comrades received the notice that my of peakers were arbitrarily elim nization is responsible for the con Auct of its membership. We suggest with his cuticus, he returned sny. Frauk. Entered the Mooney com and boyuarters. Germany, the exactly whether it was simply the representatives of the Spartacus ference, our coturudes were placedited front tactie, and inner arty because we proxed it, or whethering he would vote for it, ete. Quite sub has expired. Les Miller subinated from the list, among them that the Young Communist langue on transkratili, tak duy, and City lemomcy is worrying the arty they are inherently against Left Jam for the Left Opposition! It seribed for me for six months and Youth Club. But that did not suttice inform its members that they must things are moving so fast these Auditorium decling Cente. Ite laule hip here as much as it inter wlug policy. brut at any rate, they take an Amter to draw the noise had forgotten how long it ran Three or four counrades who had refrain from any physical attacks o tight.
not been scheduled to speak were or provocations on the members of cruited three members for branchests the runk and file members.
quickly defeated our motion and Only. comrade Amter laughed person. am a sheep man and the dishonesty of the reason for during Luited Front action.
unys that the time slips by on given the platform, clearly showing other groups and maintain discipline carried prosal for a more feld Tug Day collection for MuiC. FORSEN propugunda campanyes against Grade that he is, he might have a the cutting down We declare that every group tant on Sunday.
April 7th: 0. instrumental in the individual worker whether or asked himself a few questions adding a trade union and not to work on these frames. Now For instance, why is it that you two dollars for another year il tront ennnot be organized on such maintains its full right of criticism only Jobless Force must refrain from any physical Brunch to Mooney conference. Its every relvel worker knows that soli now, after the Fire Year Plan hason will please continue the paper. baxis.
Open air meetige were held by attacks or secutions. That way permits for Citywide rug Day and Relief in Los Angeles Lustry is the Abend darity between the crafts of an in been completel, after four years of Right now am broke.
itionism. Unless this axis and unemployment, after Since rending the Militant can non participating groups around the group has the right to sell or dissee your use of City Auditorium. Was seute is years of agitation by the Left Oppo look forward to fused to stop them. This helped Front meetings and demonstrations in May Day Conference of party Continued from page manifested in action, the Industrial xition, this slogin of long term of the party and and the position demonstration. The committee retribute its literature at the United and its members were active visit immediately arrested by the Red union forfeits its right to the name credits has finally been accepted by the coming of each copy. It grinds in the general confusion and lack except at the time when comrades on me that there has to be so damn of order. More important than even are speaking ing organizations for further deleInoliou in wooney conference that actacles of working class miulouds to the swamp of cralt union left to Jeft oppositionist to pro rebels but when we look back over Young Communist League with violing of this resolution we cano gates. Comrade Skogluud made Nynad. After this one of the finest and starts back on the road that the party? Further, why it was much friction in the ranks of the that, we charge members of the. We believe that by the adoptism.
ose it stul further beter the pages of history, think the Latin the program endorsed the May Day movement any occurred. About 150 women Call Proposal General Strike stalinist bureaucracy in Moscow old sap head people are doing front to tearing leaflets issued by the United Front on National Youth this body with it. and as many kids piled off the It is because they felt the cor which ditched this slogan of millTrucken, surrounded the police car and uted 00 to My Way and demanded to be arrested along Peeters of our viewpoint and the tant revolutionary action for back retty good to have taken over one urticipating groups the coples of Tay to a broad united action Brunch country and held power as long as the militant and Young Spartacus, against Roosevelt starvation proConference effect that our appeal for solidarity door maneuvers with the capitalist this. can plainly see how the organ of the Spartacus Youth Club, gram, against Fascisin, against imbeing manager of the Hunger Misch an unusual currence. lignes TUCO was obligou that the government would react the Jokeris rest of the world mistat jump on and the leaflets of the Young Com Perinlist war, and for the defense thugs were absolutely flabbergastto distort our the neck of the USSR and try to munist League Opposition Love the Soviet Union, on the basis er, Its local urgan, for his section. They didn know what to do opusa into a utopian call for an Israel limselt, if the truth must take it away from the people but stone group. Despite the fact that of a concrete minimum program. If April 13th: Langue member elee in the face of the tremendous crowa scueral strike of the industry, and be told.
the people at home might raise a some fighting ensued the comrades this resolution is carried out we But, it word on the action of the little hell too.
ted for tu Mooney conference, embled. Any attempt at the tien proceeded with the hellt Om osition the bureau farmers into local committee of members refused to intervene.
of a Jeremiath to lay this at the ad responsible for the demonstration can proceed with the preparations and made member of its District usual violence would have Out here we are organizing the and for the conduct of the YCL for a conference for this purpose.
kosition of the Left wing. venturistie bungling of The The non Communist youth, as well ustry only ILD branch, wrote resolutions has never see. In fact, the subsewhere our union bas not yet coutrole that her of this and find that we can organize just as cordon sanitaire around the mem reject the kind of tunited action on Seuttsboro of telling the American and the farmers don realize it yet. Initlative we do not know, formed in the Spartacus Youth Club, will spoke at two went attempt to disperse these woNegro churches on same question. men and kids only resulted in their over the workers, runs the post workers, strike On comrade elected to May Day militait resistance. Kunpty milk ortem decision of the cause of the rise of Fascism in Conference from ILD brunch.
April 2012: Laague participated men and the they by the wo TUUC, can only be an empty Germany. for which stalinism like fast as we can get them. Our pro bers of the Spartacus Youth Club dinhed ont in llarlem on National bottles were used. actions.
cu mnisse in Aloumey City Wide Tug reach Digletongh kicked the skins sur but a burocratic fashion due to the world imperialists, Wall for et more or lief in the areas and causing disruption. These once must decisively and clearly Day. had 27 collectors out of about the police and the Red Squad the apparatus meu acknowledge for lowly upon intervention wa wenre going along at a rapid committee and the district organi Perry Meyers, Sec one third of all the money collected. The committee was then released rind out by burocratie wishes. It for the extensions of credit to it: tween the neighbors and the fact lenguc. Both denied any knowence on a committee with two trade where the Board of Supervisors not prevent them. However, by we workers, that due to these dangers, thons. he tend that the young mellows the action of the Red Front Fight National Youth Day collected some siu. cn. froin sodelta complete was erected on come le union records the proposals of their active bedre tiene en don take any netive part in meet chairman consented to investigate, in Perth Amboy received pledges for considerably heart these people whispers on the the Left wing. The properties of their day to daye in Perth Amboy National Youth more money. One comrade elected mittee demanded to be heard and minority proposals from the epigones of Stalinism in America National Committee for Action in comrades he very innocently pre Day in orth Amboy, New Jersey. that instead of all this: the suppose you are aware of the Red Front Fighters, around our from ILD branch Chicugo aloo the Board of Supervisors immedords of the union is unprecedented ney Congress, another elected from ately suspended all other business. even in the of lasted merely cover up the dangers and Washington and the rellet confer. tended indignation at us for pro resulted in one of the most brutal party controlled Johu Reed Club to This lady treated to a barrage of pluce in our ranks. Only by fighting resort to a meaningless phrase chces that we have been putting on testing against the Red Front attacks by the police who used tear. another Driagainst such nou democratic meth which serves to cover up all (bombs, guns, vers organization, a supporter of challenge, which was topped by all internet egentlich neuen Sie hier her their The party furnishes the leadership onstration. When the torn coples clubs borguing the workers, young was proposed and elected in of the class nature the class conscious workers bewn bankruptcy.
but we have to depend on north which were lying on ihe ground sro and white in order to breaker one of the largest Workmen the movement and drawn into the movement.
Branches by our comrades in there. The need of working class The Jaft Opwition made the field because there are not enough were shown to him, he walked away the demonstration. About 800 youth Militant Attacked The City Mooney conference elected pressure. After a lengthy speech Concession and voted for the reso party men to go around. don without a word. The steering com and workers had come to participate With naive indignation against lution as amended because the con belong to the party y but have been mittee is responsible for the con in the parade from all parts of the one of our comrades, ection to adjourn for lunch was made the publicity appearing in the Milision of the Stalinists to the point drawn into the work and will end duct of the Red Front Fighters. state of New Jersey. The YCL was The party sabotaged his by Jane Rose, a notion but was lowerless LOCISe of his Demand Continuation of Hearing the Trade Union Unity Council all the greater. Once again the they can put us all in tant on the question of the strike, of view of the Left Opposition was up in one of these days but lynch spirit existed among the represented by Passaic, Paterson, YCL ers. Despite the fact that the Jersey City, Trenton, leadership and activity in confer. This was done with the object further coudenus the articles Stalinists in America voted for a After we get organized here 1, Perth Amboy.
Daily Worker, the Liberator and Newark, Elizabeth and other cities ence. roquased that looney Con in view that the calling of a recess signed by Laukin in the Militat slogan promised by the Left Oppo that we have enough strength and other papers were distributed and of the state. One of the features ference support. May Day Demon world result in the demoralization which he accuses the union of sition which they had previously they jail anyone, we will go up to sold they refused to allow the sale was the large number of Negro ted. The total amount of money passion was renewed after two ually in its contents condemns the ars! In voting for this slogan of Jail lecause it is rather wenk and this a united front demonstration Left omwsition was represented by collected by May Day Conference bours adjournment, the committee union leadership for refusing soll the left opposition, they at the it is in an inland town with alor a meeting of the YCL and the the comrades of the Perth Amboy instrumental in collecting about perceeded to demand continuationing this slanderous attack before the theory of socialism in oneIf you have any men you can of the members of the Spartacus The parade was formed on Elm for expenses was L: 0, wus se women reached in, in a body, and clarity action and also for publish same time deult a terrible blow to small population.
Communist Party?
unit of the Communist League of It was solely due to the discipline Struggle one third of this fund also of the hearing which was granted. even appealing to the TUUC. country and to the knee bending are you should volunteer some April 27th: Weck of May Day. After several others of women Moomy conference included about had taken the floor for a number out of the whole cloth and once sulirdinating back door deals with 10221. Washington, be provoked which prevented an to the city field to hold our meeting These charges are manufactured reactionary diplomacy of Stalin. help to the National Committee Youth Club and their refusal to. 17 local trade unionis. Two hour, comrade Jane Rose sum niore indicate the need to countil revolutionary solidarity of the in ture and the price would like to police up the tourgeois governments to the If you have comrades were on its executive of marini with the warning that any a false policy.
list of the litera actual riot at the demonstration, and to carry through our sport was not The five. In last conference before Chi. Indetinite promises would result in after the appeal made in April was ternational working class which ware it was onlil order some and the value of Live Intervened event program. The songs and of the united front wanted slogans of the marchers cayo our comrade, Coover, ran. demonstration at the next session lored and left unanswered during flows from that illbegotten theory. a little later on. want some of would have been lost.
against the party organizer, Kar of thousands of women and child a strike in which every hour count. That was what was really insolved. Trotsky sech at Copenhagen. We demand that in the uni made a good impression. When we a fine spirit to the parade and son, for chairman of send off meet luntend of hundreds. od, that Lankin finally stated the And that was a genuine victory for ted front the participating groups got to the city field all the police lost after splitting votes with motion was immediately made aft wing point of view in the Your truly, Communism and a real step for refrain from physical attacks or were lined up and refused to give the arty candidate, 15 to 13. Our by the chairman of the body of umns of the Militant (April 15th. ward for the Left wing of Ameriprovocations which would lead to it the marchers the use of it but after was on committee that gave reply that the Beard of Supervisors in of unity and solidarity of all fur unemployment and capitalist misery.
This Unemployed and employed work participating group to sell or dis. decided to let us use Coppers field to the refusal to have a joint tructs the Food Administration niture workers during a strike of. EXI. ers: Demand the extension of long tribute its literature at united front at the other end of the city.
May Day demonstration. All League utice to furnish whatever amounts one craft. The TUUC, on the other members marched in May Day. milk may be required by all the band, did not see fit to act on the term credits to Soviet Russia, which meetings or demonstrations without At Coppers field the meeting was SUBSCRIBE TO will bring Soviet orders to open interference.
rade. We had several banners with units of the unemployed organiza strike policy until three weeks afAmerican factories and relieve in UNSER WORT called to order by Alexander who our slogans and name. Following tion of Los Angeles County, ter the strike was over.
We further demand that the Na: was followed by Charles White, Reevening we held our indoor May Day tional Youth Day United Frontbecca Grecht and Freiman. In every This demonstration was the first the right to publish views on the Workers and friends who read employment!
celebration meeting in the Court effective one of its kind carried on strike and the movement generally German and are interested in getway the police tried to disturb the Houses, where between 40 60 work by the employed as a result of in the working class press, and estions in Germany can do so by meeting but finding they could not do so made their plans for a reguUnited Front, Germany, and the Communist League of America cannot be abrogated simply because Megat organ of the German Left lar attack. Police, dicks and thugs May 5th: The comruiles from comition Auscles branch. the facts in the articles do not Opposition, published in Prague.
of the American Legion began to infiltrate the ports in their respective organiza from the previous class collabora: Fical outcome of that position wout week. Subscriptions are for The paper appars every other at a signal a group of them came over to the platform, demanded a Left opustionist wint of view. life of this unemployed organizaceptance of Stalintsmaspre must be accompanied by currency.
permit for the meeting and kicking. over the platform began to slug the They were in the City conference, workers. Without the slightest prothe John Reed Clubs. and the local Without the calling of a formal dustrial union. Discrimination or checks and money orders will not ILD branch. The Branch Issued a waited front, the committee elected recention of workers who do not Comrades who subscribe must vocation guns were drawn, shots fired, gas bombs hurled and a territic beating given to the workers party vlection policy and pledged Ally every phase of the Los Angeles ship will not build the union. It Aguin its support for the Communist labor movement. They worked co direct violation of the indus for their subs to reach the center Several of the comrades were badly candidates, while criticizing the ohesively and accomplishel marve trial union program, and would cut here, and ten days for the sub to hurt and sent to the hospital and nine were arrested portunism of the tactics in the clearty policy and lots orsanizational results, Out of off all Tossibilities for the move rench Prague and on top of that Our Jewish this nuvement grew the organiza: ment to bronden out. More than ten days to two weeks additional By Judah Magnes Throughout the demonstration and the events that followed the united front against German which bids fair to bemuner shadow of the official Com short, the first copy should reach Left Opposition, through the members of the Communist League of ism, which included every Jewish come a vital force in forwarling meist party Workers organization. Ilere we the class rugle concepts of that it is the its sympathisers. the comrade about three weeks afStruggle, took a very active part.
aim of the day to day documentary study of the negotiations between They were the last to leave the found the opportunism of the party auemployed.
kroup to prevent this and to help Address all subs to Unser Wort, running rumpant, side by side with. ROSE build a militant movement in the care of the Militant, 126 East 16th the German imperial staff and the Bolshevik delegation headed grounds and were given responsifurniture industry adventurism.
by comrade Trotsky. Lenin, Trousky, Kamener, Karakhan and bility to take care of the affair after DEMOCRACY IN ILLINOIS For the Left wing group Street, New York City.
May 9th: Our activity in the variit was broken up, getting bail, send others move and speak through the 192 pages of the book. What ing out various committees to get ous united fronts with the party Determined that the miners shall SOL LANKIN they said and did is quoted from documents and the sources help, etc. There is no doubt that CARL COWL resulted in causing much talk hold no gathering to discuss their CLASS IN CAPITAL are given.
the prestige of the Left Opposition will report Brauch decided to use contacts to the man Sherify Robinson, tool Next week issue of the Militant course in Karl Marx Capital upholwas greatly raised in Perth Amboy Cloth Cover Now. 25 Originally 00 is being given at the Labor Temple, by our correct and prompt action.
buila fraction of League in party request of local union, 1782 UMWA, sterery unity negotiations)
14th Street and Second Ave. by There had been expulsions and much loyalton. III. to hold a meeting Postage. 06 extra per copy The party members now see that IN THE NEXT ISSUE threatening of members by the local to vote funds for payment of taxes far from being counter revolutionAlbert Weisbord. The Course will Ists we know how to take our place bureaucrats. The city primary on their hall. llitier must have The next issue of the Militant be held every Wednesday evening in the front ranks of the struggle.
election had taken place and the obtained some of his ideas from will contain a new article by com at 30 from May 31st to August party had made a bad showing com democratic Illinois.
rade Trotsky on the Rrandler group 1st, including 10 sessions.
SAM FISHER. PIONEER PUBLISHERS pared with elections prior to 1931, and a piece of Alfa on some new The unique feature of this course 84 EAST 10th STREET Stalinist falsifications. There will is that Capital will be given page despite the false covering the party NEW YORK, ARE YOU SUBSCRIBER put around itself in this election SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT: be first hand account of life in by rage and the ideas explained running its candidates under the the Reforestation paradise. just as Marx gives them.
TO THE MILITANT? кате Special Offer!
RUSSIA GERMANY At BREST LITOVSK second lengthy statement upon thel by the women represented practic hold the same views as the leader. Itake into account the time element comiracles were tetive in a brondtion of a Womens Cencil of the that, it would recluce it to even alfor the paper to reach them. In the left wing ter remittance to