AnarchismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismKamenevLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition)
Published weekly by the Communitet LARTA of America (Oppoedtion) at 128 Dast 16th Street, New York, Entered as second class net matter, November 28, 1928 at the Port Office at New York, under the act of March, 1899 VOLUME VI, NO. 30 (WHIOL NO. 177 NEW YORK, SATURDAY JUNE 10, 1933 PRICE CENTS LEON TROTSKY IN ILLINOIS Foreign Policy of the Stalinists Apropos the WHAT HAPPENED Start, Jobless Struggles Sharpen; Unity Need of the Hour of his for point of time with a new one struggle against the operators, the e Lewis Hitler Plansto KillReds TO RAKOVSKY National Drive; The question of the fate of Ra pothesis which requires verification Policies Differ to us today kovsky is enveloped in a traxle 10 any case, it se situation mystery. It may be stated with cer to flow from the In the Orient the Soviet govern tainty that Rakovsky is no longer Rakovsky illness coincided in The Progressive Miners of Americh are now facing a life and death in the Chinese Eastern Railroad. mer deportation. Basing oneself anti Trotskyist fury on the Anti Eviction Conference Demonstrations in 11 the Occident it is renewing the upon information from two differ hand, and with the negotiations be State, the gun thugs and the old German Soviet trenty over llitent sources, One Opis, conneclutest capitulation of Zinovlev and weeks, the policies of the Right New York, More than four conference last May where a proand hind the scenes which led to the machine. For the past several New York End in the other official. that ler signature. In the two obywateted with the stalinists, it may be Kamene, on the other. From the wing leadership have weakened the hundred delegates attended the cram, series of demands and a directions of its foreign polley, Stalin Molotov government is bowl stated with certainty that Rakov. content of the declarations of Zin ion and now the rank and file Anti Eviction and Relief Conference plan of action were to be elaboratel.
ing before imperialism and Fascism. sky. 1ll, was brought from Barnaul over and Kamener it is clear how are beginning to assert themselves called by the provisional Commit The socialists and their unemployed Alarming Disunity to Moscow. The Oppositional source badly stalin stands in need of in order to save the PMA. As yet. tee Against Evictions Irving leagties were conspicuous by their Eastern Italirond does not signify had diell in the Kremlin hospital. Taft Opposition. It is hard to state is by no means a losing night. Plaza on June 3rd. These delegates absence. The Lovestonites came but New York, abandonment York unem.
state of an important economic and Rakovsky is said to have under sky illness to extort from him can make up for the lost ground or under the direct inffuence of the conference rejected their unaccept ployel demonstratel on Tuesday.
lief from the city government!
imperialism of an important instrudented in an obscure manner the Rakovsky was brought to the pri a higher level.
transfer into the hands of Japanese cured. Through Humanite, Stalin probably towards this end that the development of the struggle to oyed councils. With the exceptical or trade union bodies.
ment which will on the very morrow report of Rakovsky death. Never vileged Kremlin hospital, that is, Poboaclass struggle against the stertes. It was a purely party the actions of the reformists, whose her bodrile our cared before whole policy has helped to divide posals for relief. joint committee le directed against China and also theless, the leading circles say was accorded conditions which are Peabody. Horner, Lewis forces the sathering.
nothing about his subsequent fate. beyond the dreams of a deportee. MA surged forward, and like a The failure secure the parti. the unemployed to the seat sats: headed by Norman Thomas, and of the dark night heralded cipation of the socialist or the faction of Tammany Hall. The representing the Workers Commit Stalin agreement with Hitler well known telegram of the The operation, as is reported. was flash out on the American labor Lovestovaid directly at the door their own.
unemployed councils misleaders called a conference of strengthens the position of Hitler Reuter Agency, sent from tee on Unemployment Socialists. and this is quite an Baron en movement. After four years of must upon the state of spirit of the Geri medicine in the Yakutsk district. the character of Stalin the latter crisis, after the American workers fearsabotase and disruption en participation of political orgunta selle kersand met ser construe Workerstate is obliged to seek that: it undoubtedly got the tip in a political bill to settle. Rakovsky rear out, when the whole class close allies in this perfidious job, but they sat side by side with the troede encontre feo Pretorite con friendship with Fascist Germany. Aloscow. Ilow should these facts and this is quite in harmony with was still in disorderly retreat from the Lovestonite Right wing. What socialist party in the couference of wing employer conference for the then that means the position of the be tied together? The transporta his character must have indignant. the capitalists onslaught on wages leaders in refusine tollenate in formigts really had objection to was clergymen and social workers a no doubt helped the reformist mis heir own calling. What the remediate relief: and a delegation of Nazis is solla. This is what every tion of Rukovsky from Burnaul to y spurned the reckoning presented and the standard of living, the II.
thinking German proletariat inevi. the Kremlin hospital would indi him. That is why the old warrior linols miners called a halt and stood common conference and a com. the militant Left wing organizarearen berore the awareness mon are the.
tably says to himself. At the mo cate, it seems, an extraordinary at did not return to Barnaul, but was their ground. This acted as tem ers of the Stalinists for which Xot content with this miserable relief.
mate to present their proposals for ment at which the bureaucracy of tention paid bit. In that case, thrown under the Polar Circle.
porary rallying ground for the class record of sabotage the Right wingEfforts made the Communist International prethen, why was Rakovsky, after the We can find no other explanation as a whole. New life began to they have not yet paid in full.
sents the Hitler victory as a passing operation, not only not sent to the The Stalinists have every positisurige, new hopes began to rises.
lity of denying our hypothesis. We But as soon as the union stabil. Provisional United From Come of the Loft wing militants and to unite the three workers terly incident and puts on the order of Southern region as the doctors have await the denial with impa lized itsell, the Right wing policies tee to organize the struggle against effectiveness in action, excluded the proyed kroups in a common retion the day, the question of the general been demanding for some time now.
for relief. The Socialists and the strike and the insurrection Connor returned to Barnaul, but was intence, or perhaps our hypothesis in the union took shape and began evictions jointly with the socialist completo delegation of the Provi paper. the Soviet bureaucracy finds stead deported to the Polar Circle is too. optimistic, and the Stalto dominate. Now it is time to call and Lovestonite unemployed move sional United Front body from their Lovestoneites had demanded that a ada it indispensible to establish nor that is, under conditions which are inists will find it more to their halt, to smash the class callaboments were in vain. Their sabotage conference. The revolt simmered precondition for the united front be mal relations with the Fascist fatal for him? We have no infor vantage to remain silent. ration policies and to swing out was consistent and to all intents among the rank and file of the so the itsence of any political banners at the demonstration. This the Left dictatorship in Germany. The acmation to explain this contradiction. TROTSKY seruline lento the channels of class zether with all city wide organizating tactice. They moved the rewing conference refused. The latter tions of Litvinoff Chinchuk charac: We are obliged to expound a hy Prinkipo, May 25, 1933. Continued on Page 4)
terixe much more exactly the point of the other groups but mareh under The Illinois miners revolt and tions were invited to a provisional of view of the Stalinists than the the wrth of the Progressive Miners their own banners and have their cheap literature of Manuilsky.
at America came at a period when own delegation at the Board of Kuusinen.
the American working class was Estimate. revolt has taken place in Eurobreaking with its past and entering As the delegutions went into City pean revolutionary circles apropos Communist Leaders Face Death on Arson Frame Up upon the entirely new foundation. Majority of Group Refuses to Quit Jobless Federation marched past the square to Battery reaucracy 11 in foreign policy, not only in the opposition groups the way, The barbarle fury of the Fascist challenge. There is no time to be America, and the contradictions in but also in the official parties. The bandits in Germany continues un lost, we must get into motion now settects in the Progressive Minerscoringfield. The Workers lized that Communists cannot be standing in lue on the word treason is found more often, ole America are not understood by counterenained organising Boare rok terelerde om from the Unemployed their delegates to return, greeted the majority of the leadership of the Chicago unemployed conference if not in the articles, then at least abated. Communist leaders were in letters and conversations.
condemned to death in Altona for!
ASSASSINATE SEVEN the new union.
stand this condite do not under on June 13th, which ended in atials committee, the conference Long live the unity of the working After the report of the credendo as core procession with fraternal cult to understand psychologically il quarters and institutions against a MILITANTS ON PICKET LINE ing their way forward the best theyreltmployed organizations and the and the Left, with plenty of strug. When the Left wing delegation Such protestations are not dif the crime of defending their headbut we cannot associate ourselves As we go to press, we learn of can. Quite often they take a few with them politically. The quest punitive expedition of armed Nazis between the which ended in a bloody battle, on the assassinations of seven militant steps backwards. No one can placestablishment of a National Unem gles within these two main floor came out of City all the demontendencies in the caucuses and strators marchesi to Battery Park Soviet state and is tion of the relation vialism is in July 17, 1932. other Communists Forest Corintata by company too much blame upon this leader. ployed Federation.
The call for the conference stated committees thus in Rather, one must look to the that no Communist would be seated. The determining factors of the place there. As the two demonstra liinois. The ship.
to join the meeting that was taking it essence, a question of the rela were senteeed to long prison terms shootings took place after a clash vanguard of the working class and The press reports further empha Left wing bloc fought for the seat tions met at Battery Park, Carl tion of forces. After the Chinese on the same count.
between 2000 coal diggers picketing tind site on they have understood sixed this fact and the credentials ing of the Unemployed Council dele Winter, of the Unemployed Council revolution in the Orient and the Meanwhile Torgler, former Com en nasse the Peerless Mine of the the situation Only one current of Communism. Committee powerful vanguard of the European munist party Reichstag leader, Peabody Coal Co. and the comcommittee appointed by the Borders gates, for an Unemployed Federajumped on the speakers truck of the credentials tion, for the Leninist United Front the Itight wing meeting.
er the Occident were stoff. Popole and Tanefr, Bulpany deputies scab herders and the left Opixsition, understood this of the Unemployed Councils and tactie is proposed by the comers for Winter to be given permisA howl relation of forces besituation, Iald the theoretical foun fraternal delegates from the workposition, and for an executive Left Op went up from the Left wing work.
came brusquely modified to the garian Communists, are standing gangsters.
Ose of the deputios was seriously dation for the rise of the new union, ers political organizations until a Initted to include representatives of Sion to speak this was refused.
be trial on the monstrous framed up detriment of the Soviet state. Tolbarges of the burning of the Reich injured in the mellee. The opera. Just as the Illinois mines laid it in heated, three hour discussion on the all political tendencies from the When Jack Rubenstein, of the As.
this must be added the disastrous stag early this year.
tors have called in the National material way through the blood credentials committee report, ob Left to the extreme Right internal policy, the completo attenuGuard from Taylorville to handle nist currents failed miserably. The and for the seating of all delegates noor by the lett wing bloc enabled speaker, he was bookled and then sociation of the Unemployed ation of the bonds between the pro It is well known that this conflag the situation.
The struggle to have unity on the Lovestonelte was introduced as a letariat and the peasantry, between ration was a maneuver of the Hit In the apparatus and the personal dic lerites to suppress and drive the tant we expect to carry a tall ac nists, to this day do not under: tutor, between the party and the communists underground.
This has count of this latest example of the ata me dead have those lethemselvut Right wing was an open revolt of another step forward and to save Winter was raised on the shouldThis first victory against the struggle and thereby, to take cut!
and the party. Everyone of these bourgeois journalists. The date of bisne in the night against the dies in the fetishism of fear of dual that very select conference called the couference from any reactionars ers of several workers and carried political causes force the Centrist the trial is kept secret and any parate onslaught of the bosses and mouse, They say the miners it was a revolt of delegates from away a couple of yards where he bureaucrats to batter down the op German attirney attempt death.
to de their state. Continued on Page 4)
Tall parts of the country who rea amended, they were then adopted 048 sections of the demonstration After the committee reports were began a counter meeting! In varlthe Mikado and before Hitler.
unanimously, except that of the con small scrimmages and near fist The Stalinist bureaucracy is re.
But no attorney and no legal desponsible for the whole of its opfense, important as this is, can resButt as chairman, which received and left wing workers were hurling ation committee, with Dennis nights took place. The Socialists portunist and adventuristie policy. cue Torgler and his comrades from a vote of 87 to 17.
invectives an: epithets at one an.
But the consentendent up on their The masses must be rallied inter Comrade Chen Du Siu, secretary Court was a tribunal of the nation of this polles the hands of the Fascist butcher.
This means that the Right wing other. Party members who wanted are no longer own will. It is possibility of com: endorsed the decisions of the con to maintain order formea waring draw at will from an unfavorable test meetings and demonstrationsfaction of the Chinese Communists reactionaty Kuomintang.
around the demonstration No as to relationship of forces. What polics obesave the Communists from all been sentenced to 13 years in Chen went on to submit that opnists and working class would have and is committee that they are one enraged socialists from could be expected of the Soviet gov. bloody death. Now is the time to prisonment, civil rights for 15 years (whatever National Government could not be system in order to Oppltullat erhieting find and that they advisetea finalen en operation, participe that may mean in China. upon the construed as endangering the power.
achieve Germany? The breaking off of relations? The boycott? These meas ment of all working class organi Hu Shan Ching, chiet of the criml was charged. He outlined the reationto comrade Chen: Is it not the Committee. When it could not ob of these leaflets were torn by party An immediate united front move conclusion of his trial before Judge State the offense with which he The Court put the following ques: mechanical control of the Executive Jobless relief was distributed. Many The Borders Committee desired on the united front for immediate urey could not have hade sense xations along the style of the nal section with Chen Du Sia existing regime. From the columnstion of the Communist party to working class unity, who fear unity. was attempted. Despite this, except as preludes for military op Italian anti Fascist movement must Court. Together of the Klangsu u High sons why he was opposed to the ultimate object of the Trotsky factain this and when the enemies of members and physical provocation contiana en. everthrow the Kuomintans and the reste Borders te ato do neabe persing worke is sort of a perspective powerful defense. The Fascist ter 15th at Nanking, China. They were issue of April 26th, we read: not isolated from but in direct conror in Germany is of direct concern nccused of crimes under articles National Government, and to estab. tempts to split our ranks.
nection with a radical change of Chen claimed that the nation is a Dictatorship of the Workers to the American workers Irrespec. and under the law governing had now reached most critical and Peasants?
Borders learned a second lessontion of the demonstation and fol.
polley in the USSR and in Germ. tive of political creed. The per. Emergeney Puntshment of Crimes use of its history and that it of course, it is. was the un: this time. First he learned that lowed our lead in making the (Continued on Page 4) secution of Torgler is a direct Endangering the State. Continued on Page Continued on Page 1)
Chen Du Siu, who bas been in to remain in the present state of well as other co defendants when prison since his arrest last October, inaction. Ile claimed that it was similar questions were put to them throughout his imprisonment and out of patriotic motives that he had by the Court.
best traditions of the Communist and that it was he and comrades endeavored to make a legalistic Endorsed by the iww, Commu Matteoti. It must be made the movement. From a comrade in and not the present rulers that had plea on behalf of Chen and his co Los Angeles, Cal. An event has the a committee of wonist Party of America, Conference starting point of a country wide asi. China we have received word today really the interests of the people at of Progressive Labor Action, Trade tation against the bloody persecu concerning the trial and its out heart.
far had only opposed the Na geles (White Spot) on May 28th, Jane Rose as chairman. Two mass Union Unity League, Communist tion of Anti Fascist workers. The come. This comrade writes: Questioned concerning the activitional Government of the Chinese which is making history for this meetings of women and children Anarchist Group Vanguard, Amal Italian United Front of Anti Fase The Chinese Communist Party tips the Left Opposition (Trotsky bourgeoisie and war lords by propa. region.
Languedor Americae Opposition. active cooperation of the above against Chen and the Left Oppost formation was contained in docu action, Chen repudiated his coun organized finemployed were recely women and children of the organtgamated Food Workers, Communist ist Action is at work with the has opened up a slander campaign group) in China, Chen stated the insanda and not hy deed and directUp till about four weeks ago, the made that on Monday the 20th, all Board ILGWU, Jewish Workers economic organizations to assure the vicious butchers of the Kuomin słon. The aim of the Trotskyista, political arguments submitted by milk, which was given to them red units and ride down the main there and People Commitee Against the success of the June 10th dem. tang In the court he (Chen he said, was to relieve the masses his counsel had been made without distribution by the Food Admistra oughtare in open trucks, with the Fascism, a call for an international onstration which must echo in the was calm, dignified and courageous from their suffering. He stated that consulting him.
Chen Du Siu declared, upon ex lo out of the clear blue sky this cards and signs reading: We de distribution of the milk was stopped mand milk. Thousands of gulItalian Fascist Consulate has just ist esplonage in New York with his demeanor. What a contrast with lons of milk are being been issued by the Italian United the militant protest of thousands the attitude displayed by some offi NEW YORK BRANCH PICNIC tary of the Chinese Communist ete.
Party but had been expelled for at it meeting of the County Council tastexplained in the call, the pur. According to the call issued, the clutches of the Kuomintang, especiThe police, directing traffic along at baltieme differences, and was aligned the Helsefotod corners were ad cam ine choremush tarea pose of the demonstration is to pro concentration point will be at 79th ally the newer recruits of recent TIBETTS BROOK PARK Etesides Chen Du Slu, others of tigate why tals supply of milk had stood at thelr posts gaping. The cution of political prisoners at the Avenues. All workers are called conically We also Plot the left Opposition were examined, been stopped. After being shunted procession moved down the crowded hands of Mussolini blackshirts: to be there at 11 a. sharp, with the recent example of Huan Ping.
on SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1933 and made speeches before the Court. about from office to office, a promise streets, thousands of people looking to demand the immediate and un banners and Among them were Peng Shih chih, was finally elicited from one of the on with wonder on conditional release of Antonio point of assembleares. From the stannader) who. this has the workers been confirmed) capitulated under Games sidewalk Refreshments Speakers who bitterly attacked the Kuomin heads of the Food Administration when the truck reached the meetSandro Pertint, socialistaying in Toth Street and Lexington Avenue, wrote denunciations of Communism munist League of America (Opp. Peng is a Communist leader of old tons would be made to provide this visor they were greeted by Red the Fascist dungeons of Turi and passing before the Italian Fascist in the Kuomiutang press. During (DIRECTIONS: From New York Court after the manner of comrade story short, this promise along with and plain clothes officers.
standing. He also addressed the supply of milk. To make a long lynes and a number of uniformed Planosa; of Velia Matteoti and her consulate and returning to 79th St. the past two years the ranks of two children held as virtual hos where a huge mass meeting will the Chinese parts have been thinned City. Take Woodlawn Jer. Chen. The court room was packed many others relating to the ques Committee Arrested tages in Rome; of Gino Licetti, an. be held with speakers in English almost to the vanishing point by ome Avenue Subway to Woodlawn to full capacity.
archist; of Vodisca, republican; of and Italian.
tion of the state and to the unemthe betrayals of traitors and spies. Station. last stop. From thero At the time of receiving this in ployed was juggled about until all the committee headed by Jane Rose Upon alighting from the trucks, all political prisoners; to Aght All workers organizations are Chen Du Slu made a lengthy adagainst Mussolini war intrigues. urged to participate in the prepara dress in his own defense before the take Melean Ave. car to Tibbetts formation from our Chinese com supposed, formal, legal methods Mrs. Robinson from one of the Brook Park. rades, the trial of the other com were well nigh exhausted.
June 10th coincides with the bar tions for this mass demonstration. court. Opening his speech, comrade rades was still going on.
At a meeting of the council of Negro units and Mrs. Rhea were barous assassination of Giacomo (Press Release)
Chen asked the judges whether the. City Units (the progressive body of (Continued on Page 2)
Chen Du Siu Sentenced to Thirteen Years Fascist act!
Jobless Force Relief in mas demonstration in front of the Fascist consulate bureau of Fase nothing cringing or apologetie in lamination, that he had been secre with no tangible reason given. committee of men were elected the sewers Why down onetionaries,