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SATURDAY JUNE 3, 1933 TRE MILITANT PAGE Trotsky to the Austrian Opposition SUB DRIVE Stalin Diplomacy Marxian Fundamentals also the government. Inism. Dunne 11. Oehler, Chicago. declara political slogan vasal state of ot Organize Australian Opposition Litvinoff and Herriot issues.
Several Austrian social demo. Reply to Some Concrete Dannebere Seitz ande. com Call Well it over! What the re Conta Page crats, in opposition to their leader Reactionary Policy and proletarint could be saved from Presem: This could not wave been ship, have done me the honor of Questions names) have betrayed the Austrian sul? We have pushed the sub preventing wars (see the Charter Practical Dangers suid in a more cynical, more brutal proletariat gust rase Wels and conscription list up considerably. It Poe Theople aroghese submitted to asking me for political advice or vvvvvvv fashion. It answers to several concrete ques. pline, the statutes and the unity or betrayed the German proletarial than it was. And the paper is a had of necessity to become things to live in peace and friendship with heral COINCIAW not ouly the a couple of hundred subs larger Litvinot at Geneva last February but tions. Needless to say, am wholly the party.
Only such a candid and categorie ready to answer the questions put. The opposition poses for itsele declaration will make the indepen. bit more widely read geographi which could replace the world every government, eren an openlywolitical narrow mindedness of stal counter revolutionary to me, within the limits prescribed the task opposaving the party. sent interventions the opposition ave made their mark on these dissiqeters of the world revolution The leading Soviet statesmen and And now, after the party has been conte that they have never de by my absence from the scene of what are we to understand by some time inspire confidence and scrolls. Outstanding is the work of diplomats became disinterested in destroyed, Stalin hands out slantis veloped any serious plans of saving that the tradition of Austro serionsness in its intentions. The idea is apparently wide Marxism, its political course, its The comrade Caplan of Kansas City the policies of the revolutionary of cratitude straightens out the the Soviet Union from destruction!
to Fascst Germany, which romped into first place, And parties. In this whole last period, in IIitler will become the superspread among the Austrian Lett bureaucratie apparatus? But we formulations of the document are other new comer is comrade Kotz from 1928 to 1933, a period alive Derop (the reference is to the raids Wrangel. The colonint and corridor trieventily lost already. Such a to all of this as rapidly and as compromise and risk the danger of chocol. comrade Dumne of Minnea com intern has been called. in place on the pretext of weeding out the white world knows this today, social democrats that a strre must, on the contrary, put an end teleur, have a tendency toward a Newark who tled with comrada with struggles of the greatest pro on the Soviet Oil Trust Represe problems can lut solved only on the pessimistic manner of judging a thoroughly as possible. It is im. provoking confusion among the priori is theoretically false and possible to save the social demo workers.
polis hit second place.
litically Impermissible. Doubtless cratic masses from disintegration this same period neither Stalin northe Communists inside them Ed. only the stalinists remain blind and declaration Here is the final standing any other leading Soviet statesman for hlin, And Soviet diplomacy re believelike the social democrats the most favorable moment for and political corruption without The demands Caplan. 24 has a much as uttered a single news the friendship treaty concluded in the Weimar constitution In struggle has been allowed to slip the proclamation of an uncompro that the bourgeois republic be reword on the German problems. ed with Rathenau.
by. But the struggle can also be mising struggle against Bauer and placed by a workers democracy.
the terability of the non aggression Kotz.
No, on the basis of the workers carried on in less favorable condi Co. This struggle must inevitably what is workers democracy? Ilitler Germany has been isolated ctx.
tions and victory obtained, never lead to split. The task is just how Huht can be Capelis. state, they have conducted a bour for a while insofar as its foreign Stalin Diplomacy in the Far East of the bourgeois theless. The pessimists invoke the to consumate this split with the the ratabi conducted either for Czapko, Bethlehem.
geols foreign policy. The Soviet rolicy is concerned. The great all that is reactionary in the Kuby, Chicago. Union is everything. the world towers do, to be sure, want to theory and practice of socialism unfavorable state of mind of the greatest advantage for the prole democracy or for the proletarian maswes. Doubtless, everything that tarian revolution. Marcus, revolution is nothing. that is the utilize Hitler for the general at in one country also romes to the Idemocracy The slogan workers!
could is an impermissible Hamilton. unexpressed principle of Stalinist tack against the Soviet Union, but core in the behavior of Soviet dihas been done to discourage and Does that mean that the enigma in revolutionary politics.
they only assign to him a modestolomacy in the Far Eastern condemoralize the workers. But the tion shall immediately leave the speaks of what the b) The nowhere Konikow, Boston. In reality, the Soviet Union, with role in this. The present hostill tict. Instead of maintaining its We do not list here the comrades out a concretely pursued aim of ties ma nitude, spirit of the masses is a variablerty and create a new one? No. democracy or dictatorship) shall who us up less than three sub world revolution, is nothing and serve merely to show the loudlyd loyalty to the Chinese If a fighting and enmouthed Fascists back to their proletariat aut instead of thereby In reality, the Bigting for itself a powerful ally volce in time, the state of mind the Opposition has not yet presen. stances can only be realized by the Although the drive is over we are than the narrow mindederspectUnion, since In diplomacy has to make the greatest geoisie has realized this much of the masses can change. The ted itselt before the working armed strength of the workers. going to continue listing the subs is being formed salut imperialist Jarun, Stalinist the conillet between the Nazis and the fucilitate the task of Bauer and pay the slogan of workers laration does not they come in. And we ll be stalinist bureaucracy. That is why ternational capitalism sees in the concesious to the torturer of and some more drives. In the meantime it staked everything on the attempt cloonixation of Russia the way out China, to imperialist Japan, for the nation for the intervention of the Collere also the first step shoula soldiers councils; however, the carry on.
sabotage of the official apparatus to dil task of all our a day to take the Comintern out of the toward a new conjuncture. Facedke of its fundamental peace Sub getting is workers. revolutionary should be: to speak out what is.
hands of the Soviet Union, even if with this tremendous danger, the policy as it the existence of the not kive up position for lost so From this point of view, the of the social democracy and the One phase of the drive could it had to pay with small conces stalinist democracy merely sticks Soriet Union had done away with long as it is not in the hands of draft declaration of the social de trade unions will only crush the have been a little better. There sions for this achievement. its head into the sand. The diplo the international class struggle.
the enemy.
mocratic opposition, which has been workers councils; the slogan of weren enough year subs. Now, The Stalin diplomats, led by op mats of the Soviet Union have lost Yes, the revolutionary diploThe social democratie leader. This document criticises the party to the army for the workers.
to me, is altogether inadequate. workers councils opens up the road of course, all subs are welcome irrortunist policy and practice, have confidence in the forces of the world matx were of late even prepared ship true to its traditions, hos. com leadership instead of notifying it the situation can rapidly change year subs are the best. They do (credits favorable trade respective of their duration. But seizeit upon these small 30e proletariat. But they do have faith to in the contradictions among the ud to will it the Chic Platelis. coererlated before me puse uncompromising struggle Many things said above can quickis not cost as much to circularize as mentsfor their sake have ne they use Baxtern. The vassais before la schon tomy cho anirist it, before the party masses. alter. But one thing can be said a half year sub which has to be lected the policy of the revolution sk friendship with Hitler. At the inform this promition and e malforet to forefugiu the state out. might be said that this every word Text unsuide on the part bring in more money at one time Germaus, even went so far as to Isvestia wrote on May 6, 1963 better able to seize Vladivostok to the height of its historic task. workers will examine this word in leadership and in the last analysis, along we are offering a free copy demonstratively for the height of the rest istorical case. The new situation the Austrian will infallibly profite the property to push this phase of the work be forgotten that Litvinor declared union las never set forth any plates in the near future. The Soviet Is that possible? It is useless to a new light, particularly when it Fascism also.
in Geneva last directed against the present politinion denied the report officially, peeniate Action decides in this comes from the Left social démoafter the apcal current in Germany. but the conservative Temps has Trotsky to every comrade and pointment of Hitler as Chancellor That means the Stalinists have been in a position to prove that case. TROTSKY crats. must be stated that Bauer, Prinkipo, March 3, 1933. One of the correspondents triend who sends in a year sub to that the Soviet Union is prepared never considered how the German the report of the proposition rested writes me: You will no doubt the Militant on facts. The French Ambassador had it confirmed by the Japanese demand that we join your organlForeign Minister! Thus, the inzation. No, today the question is ARE YOU SUBSCRIBER ternational bourgeoisie is better not posed no abstractly. The or TO THE MILITANT?
informed about the policy of the (Bolshevik Leninists) stands on the of the Soviet Union than the working Are you a subscriber to the ground of a definite international (Continued from page 1) our own experiences of the line of Militant. Or do you get your copy The New York Times of May 23 diction into which the Stalinist class. whom a certain Michael procrom which has stond the test AlstractNo attempt is made by country, we have arrived at the As far as we can determine with congratulations from Litvinov to lux with the world bourgeoise has The Soviet Union will not dellthe As perpetrated in this from a friend or fellow worker? reports the following telegram of strategy of opportunist maneuver Hollay tells in the Basle Rundschau series of countries (USSR, China, lead and guidance to the party conclusion that our attack against any degree of accuracy, it appears Herriot for his chaurpionship of plunged the ver it locomotives and railroad Great Britain, Spain, Germany, members in their struggles opportunism may have to be exten: that, at least in New York, there the Franco Soviet non agression trning to the Manchurian lackeys etc. happy if the further development They never give a lead in demon the party in this country.
of Japanese Imperialism, it will every copy. Why should that be ratitled last week. If the number on 176 know how to defend the property mass your wrapper is.
However, until we are in possesso? One reason is the terror in We are not forgetting that this of events brings the social democra strations. They have sitsion of sufficient data, we cannot the party which the Stalinist document, whose value in bringing of the workers and peasants, of the tic opposition closer to us. On our leaders in their ranks. They your subscription has expired. liberated Soviet peoples. Should the side, we are ready to do everything above and wait for a spontaneous come out openly in an attack on all who manifest any sympathy furthering the true consolidation of bureaucrats have instituted against our peoples closer together and in If you want to get the Milito facilitate and to hasten this move from the masses. They avoid the line of the To do so with the idens of the Left Oppoal generat peace will continue to grow Japanese imperialists, whose hands tant promptly every week alrendy drip with the blood of the rapprochement through the means the struggle morally and physically. woulų be only to fall into the trap it. But that is breaking down. bears your name the sound renew your subscription at Chinese people, lift them arrogantly of comradely discussion, reciprocal Organize the Opposition once: per year for fifty aglinst the Soviet Union, the Red criticism. But that demands a so serious has the position be kindly laid for us. We require Another reason is the unemploymuin, in your indefatigable struggle two weekly issues; a hali Army will give them their just derelatively long perspective. In the come that we have commenced to facts! We cannot afford to lose ment situation. Many workers can for peace the faithful artisan of year for twenty six weekly this work which began ten years serts.
appreciation of the next, immediate detinitely organize the opposition to even the first round of the conflict. not afford to subscribe.
Strong in words, but weak in But there are a good number of a go.
tasks of the Austrian social demo the party leadership. Many of us can you send us a clear analysis other workers who are indifferent Four days earlier the Times recratie opposition we must above all are outside the party, having been THE MILITANT Keeds, this is how Stalinism looks on the international arena. The 126 East 16th St.
question of a subscription ported the discussions on the pact analyze the present situation in expelled for our criticisms, others of the international situation from to theory of socialism in one country Austria and in the Austrian social are still on the inside but cannot your angle so that we can clarify simply because no one has ever in the French Chamber of Depudemocracy.
which struck the Stalinist blind as more without sharing the same fate our position here? We have good approached them about it. Let us ties: to the close interconnection of in The social democratic oppo as us. We have formed a provi support and are confident of sác make the attempt here. The Mili Many deputies, including Jac ternational class struggle with the sition can bring about a change in sional secretariat and are complet cess if we only approach the work tant appears every week fifty two ques Doriot, the Communist leader, THE MILITANT foreign policy of the Soviet Union, the state of mind of the workers in the details for a conference of ers with a correct political line and times a year. Bought from the saw in the Chamber action ration the condition that it immediately all opposition factions. It at that the will to give it concrete expres newsstands this amounts to 00. Father for Hitlerism in Ger matter November 28, 1928, at the road of open treachery against the Entered as a second class mall and whirh is now leading on to the of the pact) a demonstrashows that it is not inclined to conference we agree politically, we sion. year sub is That is tion German and the Chinese proletaconfine itself to literary criticism shall endeavor to coordinate our am sending this addressed to saving an addition the paper is many than for Fapprochement with Post Office at New York, riat, recomes an acute and immedicapitulate before the party leader. Now, however, another factor as am not acfuninted with the Tuke the question from the angle teil caring the debate to diminien Under the act of March 1879.
and if it is not getting ready to activities from a common center. a member of your editorial board delivered to your door.
Russia. Doriot, himself attem ate danger to the existence of the. Published weekly by the Soviet Union itself.
In other words, they must the expulsion of several of the country regarding revolutionary issues cost 30 on the newsstands. saying that it League of America (Opposition) This theory must be irrevocably at 126 East 16th St.
collapse of the break away from the opposition opposition groups despite the fact correspondence, and a letter ad A half year sub is only But France was fearing only that condemned, the forces of the Octotraditions of Max Adler, whose im that detailed statements from these dressed to an individual is not so there is a way of getting a hall Versailles Treaty and socking to EDITORIAL BOARD ber revolution must be gathered, potent Left criticism only groups have been forwarded to the obrious to the red eyes of the Law year sub for only fifty cents. Here strengthen her position if not by Martin Aborn James Cannon Leninist). readmitted into the the Marxist opposition (BolshevikOtto This has made us decidedly as one addressed to sue organization. Now. Use the club plan! Get three new alliances, at least by obtaining Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Bauer and Co. An opposition is suspicious. We have also just rec. Back to Arne Swabeck Hoping needed for the revolutionary strus ceived a few coples of your paper earliest convenience.
hear from you at your other workers to subscribe with you promises of neutrality from all the at the same internationalist polley which alone time. Shoot in the nations possible.
Vol. No. 29 Whole No. 176 can save the Soviet Union from gle oud which will not be likely The Militant (something that we four names with only two dollars In the congratulations of Litvin Revolutionary greetings, Saturday, June 3, 1933 to hesitate in carrying out this did not know existed) and on comdestruction!
and all four will be entered for ov and the attack of Doriot wel Subscription rate: 00 per year task, out of respect for the diseling your statements therein with Prov. Sec.
half year subs.
have the two faces of the contra Foreign 50 cents per copy (Continued from last issue)
munist party and the social demoThe New Turn It is cratie party are destroyed.
The formula and practice of the Austria turn next. There Fascism united front from below also be is preparing its forces and gathercame untenable by the logic of ine united front and moved the different today. The united front was correctly action on the occasion of the con antagonisms of capitalist society Class loudership is failing as mis ing its strength while the working events, and what irony of fate pursuing Stalinisman an important masses forward to an extent which The series of previous failures, understood by the masses but it stitution of the National Socialist are not diminishing but sharpening erably as in Germany. The Comin part in tin this was the fact that duty to pro the initiative to offer tional united front had to tear into the foundation of Stal system of false orientation, polley mittee. will prove that by ourjortant factory committee and the accentuated in Germany by the ex. we atunited front the Second to the Second International. But Besutinist policy, at least in Germany. or theory of Stalinism, brought the district. There existed united SAP, we had established as united istence of the Fascist regime. To International and put the question below the stalinist leaders made then tenaciously opposed any such of impotency in face of the Fascist the social democratic workers, in the reformist organizations to par perform its mission, it will pursue working closes het verstoppar volte face and decided that in Chunge, branded it as counter revo onslaughte. Some German com cluding the lower functionaries. It ticipate in united struggie. The the attacks upon the prescut trade the agenda. II Austro Starxism approaching the socialist leaders lutionary and removed or expelled rades even today seek to partly had organized a powerful muss social democrats asked us for ne for united action they would recomrades who tried to apply the absolve the party from gullt in its self defense corps, it conducted re gotiations but submitted unaccept cle to destroy the workers organi nililation it will mean to the sec noun the fundamental politieni united front ou a local scale, as present catastrophe by saying: want. weekly discussion meetings, able conditions. We nevertheless murder, Sy note performed by combina International the loss of its it went by arresting, and break we shall show by some concrete was unable to fight. Precisely that together to confer about matters we declared: To every one of these ing things up; but it is also ac developed parties in other words These examples alone are suffi examples.
cient to prove Stalinism as utterly of practical extincNow, however, the events in re. to fight because its leadership over Fascism were held. The sub district is in accord for at working class companied by the inevitable attacks a Krspecte Communist Interis the issue. The party was unable and joint demonstrations against points with which the struggle against upon the workers standard.
tion. And oblivious of a Marxian policy or of card to this specite question have a long period of time, by its bus committee reacted to this by re the Nerdycrometa te condicions That is certain to be expressed national? Yes, to the Comintern in the dana rypstrat e pronto intes áready moved beyond its timeliness reaucratically imposed false policy moving all our local party funie submitted by you means a practical in attacks upon the working condi. the German party meant as much im jerks and spasms from one op in Germany itself. By this we do not theory and concept, had succeeded tionaries, among them old and tried prevention of united action. The tious gained, upon the wage level. if not more than the German social by then. blow. Oferents Naturally further can be done. Quite the when the vanguard is dikarmed, the ship (Brandenburg) covered and socialist leaders would not budge. social insurance and so forth. The ond International In this the it cannot maintain working class contrary. What must be brought mass face certain defect. The act of protected the sub district commit The next day there took place in general statement previously often Comintern, under the Stalin regime confidence and it becomes entirely vut, however, is the fact that the its hjective consequences this can tee. hunt for Trotskyites began our city the greatest demonstration repeated by party leaders who left has now suffered its most tatai impotent of giving any leadership German social democratie leader mean nothing else than Stalinism with the whatever in a serious revolutionary ship ulter the consolidation of the having experienced its August 4th any relations. Those who have seen for a long time directed contident that Hitler would soon blow. The party of the Soviet Union situation. Any old hand organ can Hitler dictatorship have broken in Germany.
with Trotskyists will against the government and also get out of business, to the effect is immersed in the false theory change its tune by merely turning with their own luternational, the be summarily expelled. The biggest against the sabotage of the social that he has no favorable economic of Building Socialism in One a small switch, but it remains second International, over the issue part of the membership became democrats. Despite this outstand perspective ahead of him, is, of country, that it organized not one Lessons of Some Practical nevertheless a hand organ. Cen: or opposing the latter protest stirred and asked. We should dis ing success the district leadership course, true in its historicul sense. Kingle demonstration in support trism with its turns, half turns and against the dictatorship. In this Experiences cuss with the Nazis but not with removed the sub district commit But it does not preclude that Gerits German class brothers during false, turns nevertheless remains they hoped to ease the road for atscuss freely with us the expertlutions were adopted but filed by Many comrades, party members, our own comrades. Protest resotee.
These simple reports are impor. experience in certa upewter peccatarly to the seriete un con las pares themselves personally.
front tactic, partial as it is and crable creatures, except Insofar as lessons which may be appropriated Another party member could, in everywhere Even this change in the united Hitler cannot at all use there is the of the past mistakes. In this the district oflice never to be tant documents. They should serve notic conjuncture. reduction of alyzed by the dead weight of are also trying to draw the answered.
as enlightenment for Communista unemployment would inevitably tend Stalinism.
to increase the working class de Knormous tasks are arising for with its falsity to boot, still rests they can serve for the future de for the future. Their reports are his report, make a valuable contriba What is to be Done Now?
Inands as well as the struggle for the Left Opposition. The sporadic activities now carried on by the theory and polley. In other words, movement, they have capitulated the stalinist tactie worked out in how united front correctly apatiori exists now in Germang tlodic system is developing its relation uperattork on a new and illegal However, an entirely new site these demands.
remnants of the German Commuthe partial rests upon its completely to him.
In general, the capitalist economist Party do not signify its re.
old false faThe united front tactie cannot, of course, exThat means that they have to rade from Berlin, Heligensee re mask the social democratic leaders to the Fascist boasts of abolishing of forces not favorable to the wis, but merely reveal the rear press the sum total of revolutionary all intents and purposes put the lates: He relates from Dessau: We took the class struggle. The internal Fascists but favorable to the work end of its former legal condition.
policy and although it was at the final touches to the liquidation of ing class. Thus the knights of the What must therefore now be done present period the most acute their own organization.
Swastika, despite their easy vic was well expressed in the statement tory, will yet have the greatest dit of a German Left Oppositionist only a part of the bevertheless therefore no more speak of a united whole content of front in Germany from organization by Ame Swabock ficulties ahead of them. Their Above all we must immediately a Sarxian policy. But here it is to organization as far as the social suppressions and repressions will come the directives for the buildnecessary to add that in changes of democratic party is concerned. It Unemployment and the nndoubtedly assume yet more vling of a new party. None of the strategy or tactic in a revolutionary is now necessary to commence on a American Working Class situation, when events usually new foundation. timely, and a to remain a one sided amaie. There are the theme arouse atscussed 24 pages move with lightning speed, the real change, by the Communist are certain also to be struggles in this with many class conscious question of time becomes an im party, however, could unquestionPostage: le extra per copy the near future. What leadership, workers, sterling fighters, and they portant element: sometimes a mat. ubly have brought the millions of then, for the German working are quite unanimous in asserting In Defense of the Russian Soviet Economy in Danger class?
emphatically: yes, the imuilding of Instance it was a matter of lite united action with the Communist Revolution Pioneer Publishers Have we fully comprehended the a newerty is an imperative and death. Even this partial change workers, avoided the heavy price 48 pages 72 pages 10c extent, the scope and the implica necessity it made in time, could perhaps the proletariat now has to pay, and 84 East 10th St. New York tions of the defeat in Germany. ARNE SWABECK have given the impulse to a genu matters might have looked entirely The two workers parties, the Com April, 1930 supports Marxist.
GERMAN LABOR WRITHES UNDER THE WHIP OF THE FASCISTS of Though ences Worker Pocket Series By Leon Trotsky бс 5c