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Book Review Right Wing and MUSTE BROOKWOOD Stalinists in PMA classoft PAGE TRE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1933 LEAGUE ACTIVITIES Youth March IL.
Against War Cn. cago Branch in Greek Stalinists Exclude and rookwood will go down as a All the previous splits in the light wing lustiution, and no one Militant Drive New York Approximately five CPLA were as nothing when com will shed any tears. Brookwood as Protomagia (Continued from Page thousand young workers paraded pared with the recent wholesale Right wing listitution lets out the streets of Harlem, on the was defeated and became a paper walk out of Musteltes on Muste. grown its usefulness just as Chicago, Ill. The Chicago branch New York Last January the third anniversary of National Youth Pioneer Publishers have just ob organization in Illinois and the Left With the resignation of Sapose, sustotin has no place in the of the latt Opposition has whole Creek organ of the party announced Duy the counter demonstration to taind a baten ut copies of an ex opposition proposed the return of Kennedy and Katherine American Labor Aturement.
heartedly entered into the campaign that a provisional committee was the hypocritical Decoration Day cellent documentary book on the the left wing in the UMWA, the Pollock the CPLA was left like al. It is a grand glorious boast of American Lect opposition. The repairing plans for a conference the military sides of the bankers from november 1, 1917, to the work this course. Later when these militants are faculty mem lighting against labor racketvering.
last week hus witnessed a series which was held last February) of and the munition manufacturers.
of successful activities here which all Greek workers organizations, Ostensibly an anti imperialist Litoysk and its immediate effects away from Lewis and company and terday were members of the vots nuch space to John Lewis will bear rich fruit in the near to outline a common program of war demonstration the tone of the in September 1918.
Musteiten future.
action for unemployment rellet Slogans, due to the environs of the Germany at Brest Litovsk is an all lett wingers enter und build a cring underground for the past lave no es to these unions and Last Sunday, May 21st, we hela from the Greek charity organiza rade, swerved radically from its exposition in detail chronological Left wing in the new union move lew to persuade them that Brookwood cover up the racketeers inside the comrade Cannon who is now on tour At the conference ther was also protest march. The spirit of the Soviet Union and the imperinlist morement and its conventions. Stiu should be a training school for CPLA. Hardanan is one of the outstanding figures of the CI LA.
Cannon lecture on the perspectucational club Protomagia, with but little expression came from the early days of the Revolution.
for the Left Opposition. Comrade represented the Greek workers marchers was highly enthusiastic Towers, particularly Germany in the Inter, when the revolt broke outbudding Me Inside Information, lle also defends one of the most and the Progressive Miners of According tive of the American revolution was three delegates. resolution was YCL and sympathizing bodies of Amertet was established, the Stal It was found that Brookwood and criminal exhibitions of despotism very enthusiastically received by adopted that the conference go on an anti militarist nature.
The history of that period, raud cuites did not understand the move the cPLA were so entangled that and rucketcering in the Amalga the workers present. The atteu record to elect a com mained for the. has been gressly distorted ment, stayed out of it and used Muste, was using Brookwood re mated. The Austeites have madance was excellent in spite of the mittee composed of one delegate Club, affiliated to the Ol fact that it was the first warm each from the participating orgation, which was present in a goodly Sunday following several weeks of mixations. Another resolution was continent, to give the inter altiots tion of the book under considera umns of the Daily Worker to throw up the declining CILA. After the that was never brought to light cold and rainy weather. good proposed by the notorious alist spirit to the gathering.
English on this subject. Here are and at no time did they present the CPLA, the right was forced out that would be very embarrassing number of stalinists were present editor of the Greek party organ, and although the subject was not Empros, to the effect that all par organization of National Youth Daylined peace declarations of the proper political criticism and did into the open with the result that to Ilardman, who is first Until the day of the parade, the Republic, speeches and rectives.
Muste was ousted. The Times relleutenant of Musto in the CPLA.
nature, they re ticipants shall accept the program bore the label of the united front. statements of Trotsky before, durSuch a policy by the Stalinites ported that the majority of the Naturally the Musteites will reply mained throughout of a polemical the meeting and of the party controlled unemployed The Lovestouches of the Young Treaty of Brest Litovsk, famous reactionary element, split the forces withy with Muste. The catch is on racketeering the Spartacus ing and after the signing of the played into the hands of the more students went out on strike in sym: that they did publish an article gave the speaker their undivided councils and that the Empros shall Youth Club, the attention.
Leaguo committee conces of workers took advantage of themittee. We of the Protomagia, pro provisional cred by the Stalin Russian Congress of Soviets in helped intreach the Right wing in the CPLA. This would give them article was prefaced with profuse chairman invitation to leave their tested against this resolution which Sion was even bread and butter and give him apologies from the editor.
poster March 1913, and the actual terms the suddle at the very start.
The turn of the toward the workers that are conspicuously. Furthermore, about a year and a notify them of future meetings and an organization superceding all or alte criticisms of the war record of the treate negotiations un pages united front after the German de Abent in the CPLA.
balt ago in Montreal, three thous altogther, the Left Opposition will anizations and not a genune unt the reformists in the case that the 134 to 145) is a brilliantly concise feat forced a turn in America and Op many benefits from this meet. teel front boily. But we remained latter would participate the march treaty, its conditions and the disdelds and in the last few months ousted for being too militant and incrs of America did against and participated in the committee Youth Day! The day of in National exposition of the meaning in the in the coal helds. The stalinists tho saps group was going to the muted rocketeers and formed a hew changed their policy in the coal tight while he (Muste) was being organization just as the rogressive with the statement that we do not changed all this unusual gentility. pute in the Central Committee of have had a proper program that revolutionary. Let us see whether John Lewisselen The climax of the week activi nccept the resolution.
the members cheche Lett oppower. That aroused the hostility of the in a united front with their paper chance policy be the Beisbeviks was was fur superior to their previous Muste es really going to the rest, replied wito terrorism, strike break and its sympathetie organizations Stalinist bureaucrats against our organizations, the left and itight to utilize the peace negotiations to wrong program in the coalfields. Did Muste, while he was the heading trouchery and collision with on Thursday. After an address by lub and immediaer against us, arrogant conting all their smooth cling and particularly the prole. necessity of Left wing in the cul change of policy. teaching. oration just a lewis dil in Illinois.
they started opposition alone, became insolently arouse the international Working The Stalinists have realized the of Brookwood, ever propose a raditle Low gainst this new organial campaign of comrade Cannon on the work of the Left Opposition in the most preparing the ground for our ex spoken phrases on the united front tariat of Austria and Germany. On Ma, for more than one reason. representation of the student why has the CILA kept silent here 4, 1918, Zinoviev, in the But their method of building a wody, or the fellowship? No! Muste and waxed furth so violently against important class battles waged by clusion from the committee, which to the four winds. Leatiets were of Petrograd Soviets ad Left wing how to improvement did not want such a radical change Lewis the workers recently, the possibili was packed with party members ripped from the hands of the Love This confusion of the Musteites ties of further participation in the presenting non existing organiza stoneites, copies of Young Spartacus ressed the Berlin and Vienna upon the past. They have already in Brookwood in the past, and he and the resultant Lungsterism in order to force our ments of the YCL, with no word of jnionis in arins, by your strikes turned to their old formula.
Soviets Brothers and comforgotten their new turn and re did not advocate such a change was made missible by the bureau recently when he was forced outerntie unders of the Staliniste, Left Opposition, the delegates to withdraw.
criticism or attempt made by their and demonstrations and the creaBolshevik Leninists present gave On May 21, they decided to or from Brookwood. Why is he both nationally and internationally.
The Stalinists were determined leaders to stay their provocative tion of your Soviet of Workers ganixe a Left wing and start at calling him a Left and a rev. Had the Communist party had the o their class and their enthusiasm when their original pressure failed: activhen the parade marched into show that the publicist Fo German week later on the 25th. They the dean of Brookwood, and since have had the opportunity to estab posilccomplishments of the left they proceeded to use open hooli the circle, where the speaking was working class will not allow the consulted no one who is not the formation of the CPLA speak lish this caricature of radicalism wan methods.
Without hesitation they agreed The Greek bureau of the party sition and the Lovestoneites as pence of violation and annexations the party and proceded to call the The onsting of a Left wing Nevertheless Muste and his CPLA the expansion campaign of the Letters to be used as a strong arm well the chairman of the Ameri. on the Socialist Republic of So state conference. They said they scholar like Calhoun from Brook are dermed because.
It is a reformist organization.
Opposition. Pledges were called for. against us. On April 17th, made some objections, unpleasant the prece pourparlers is being de not have time, and with such a Munte adopted a new policy It lus no Cconomic basis.
One comrade pledged 100. 00. An when the committee was supposed to the bureaucrats) were confronted cided not at Brest Litovsk but in my excuse proceeded to exclude excluding students who accepted It has no political organizaother pledged and paid 60. 000 meet, our delegates went over with a refusal to allow them speak the streets of Berlin and Vienua everybody except themselves and the lineup of the Communist party. tion.
Pledges of tens and tives came roll to participate in the meeting. Butlers in spite of the previous agree and German and Austrian cities those who stumbled upon their Muxte did not allow graduates It has no working class folwhen our delegate entered the hallment to the contrary. The excuse. Comrades, members of the man and broke in on them. who are Communists to vote at the lowing.
having no money or their own, vols of the Spartakos Club, where the was that there were already too sovicts of the Workers Delegates In the caucus, they proceeded, annual meeting, although their vote1. It is an eclectic gathering of unteered to canvass their acquain committee was in session, the hoo many speakers (from organizations of Berlin and Vienna, your victory over the and and more on fraction he should remain on the mounted from motions of the could not either way whether radicals and liberals.
It is plain, therefore, that the possibly could. worker who had him to leave. Upon our delegate objection was volced and the ato victory of Socialism. for two and others to organize a provisional Brook wood, collapse of Musteism is inevitable.
Just round a job after eight months demand for an explanations to stalinists were forced to call the therriots revolutions in Russlar and committerende adepthe dente prove the revolutionary a spolicy of the the American working class these men very evident that times com seria elong the form were made to enterende a couple modelené na vergine des voile songs downliche Soviet ses Werken beter in touchonference are rotationary and a left wingers and exposed to deatzean and futile Kaderine per esementare making his er et mustietee which had decided not credinge in giving ehele solation of und Steinn Deing live Commother Løft wing groups, some that The Saponesestou her shure to further the work of to admit anybody else. They all the united front a legitimate mism!
were formed before be calemit. Right Wing of Le clique. DAVIS the Left Opposition. Approximately ready had enough delegates character.
But the Soviets formed in Berlin Instead of a provisional 90. 00 in cash was raised at this Upon our delegate insistance to Then commenced the real provo and Vicma in early 1918 were tee on the narrow foundation of Since Muste was ousted from meeting. Joint committee of the patricipate, a party member, Kacation of the meeting. Rabid young crushed. The policy of No peace, stalinism and the adoption of a Brookwood, the faculty is silent. Musteite Quits patbetle organizations present was others, used physical force to eject tion, taunted them with insulting of the war without an actual and tendencies TO COME TO US, selves as to whether they are for formed to carry on the work of our comrade from the hall remarks and tore literature from treaty, falled to arouse the natural the left Opposition miners frac a change in Brookwood curricu Youngstown, George Perkins, various comrados as they are able the committee demanding an ex cal violence. The Spartacus Youth German army advanced even though sotintions committee and that this ation exercises not a word was menelectton of the Austintown Unemtaneet them and to canvass the planation. This letter has not been club held its ground when sund. Soviet Russia had declared the end en res. Thet forgetbler, bese Brookwood. The faculty is pussy pented to be a candidate by leaving absent members for pledges.
Comrade Cannon will be back in Stalinists tried use this com by a cordon of uniformed self styled troops from the front. No alterna forces, in a broad foundation, footing and supporting the he will speak at a mass meeting means of which to liquidate all the Spartacus Youth Club delega Migning of a peace treal witte Gers meeting where a provisional com of sites. Mark Starr is a memosed to the way in which the Tilsit Peace.
mittees the established. In the ber of the in Poughkeepsie. fore he would not function on the Street on The Tragedy of the Secondly, they entered into an altion. They claimed the reason for Russia and Germany at Brest meantime, as a first step the why in Poughkeeper The answer executive committee elected.
Proletariat. We invite all lance with the Greek church, with this unheard of action was to pro Litovsk was published by the land miners proposed that we organize is that in New York the l erkins, who is also a vice presiStalinists to attend this meeting to the Greek bishop, using them for teet. us from violence, but their school of Social Research. After Loft wing groups in as many corrupt, but not in Poughkeepste denken or the Ohio Unemployed Kennedy and Suposarele: League, was one of the organisers tactic is and how to apply it, and Anally, in order to cover up their The ICL leaders, when approached by Pioneer Publishers there will be The Left Oppostion miner fracturing and participating in to answer for their misleadership adventurism and irresponsibility, and asked the reason for this hos Honore copies available. It orig tion will do all that is possible to activities. Saposs was also one who now organization of will carry the campaign the headquarters of the Needle or shifted the responsibility though we are selling it for 26 (twenty the stafinites and bring all Lett Brookwood.
Along with Mrs. Grace Mettee, culmination with a picnic to be so that it is composed of party The demonstration, luckily for the in group of ten or more corder united front Left wing group. The when the annual meeting of the him. Therkins recently took the held the latter part of June.
members and members of party Stalinists, ended without any alter now before it is too late! Lett Opposition miners fraction at fellowship took place at Brookwood, initiative and leadership in a very affiliates only. week ago they cations.
the same time realized that many an interesting incident occured. poorly prepared and miserably step forward in the work of the conference was held on May This campaign marks a definite announced in the Empros that al This reversion of the Stalinists. The reference is to the Tilsit of the other Left wing tendencies The Right wing which always hol conducted protest strike for more to the gangster tactics of the third Peace imposed by Napoleon the will not go as far as we desire, lered for the last few years that relief that sapped the energy of as nationally. Delinte plans were wholes fess hypocrisy of the world will only bring disgrace First on Prussia in 1807. Inevitable. But at the same time we realize the Communists are about to care forcorsanization and scattered its made to secure a permunent head renuernts. They talk united front motives in the united front. We and used as a breathing spell in broadest layers will be able to deating class and elected a hundred! insofar as the rank and Ale workTrolley of the Stallist bu upon themselves and discredit their it was accepted by the Prussians that only the inclusion of the ture Brookwood, lined up the gradu forces. We supported the strike quarters and to draw new members into the branch from the many and 80 splitting tactics. They use warn again that this road will lead which to prepare their own war feat the Right wing, the Operators percont Right wing clique as offers were in favor of it; yet at the sympathixers we have won in the revolutionary phrases but act no to disaster and isolation from the of independence 1912 1814, which and their Lewis agents.
cers of the National Fellowship. same time we pointed out its un course of our work during the last different from the reactionaries broad masses of the tolling youth. brought about Napoleon downfall. HUGO OEHLER This is the same clique which funcproparedness, its weaknesses and few years. The Left Opposition is. BANANOS tioned for the last few years as a one for the likelihood that it preparing to play its role in the CPLA fellowship. The itight wing would not succeed accomplishing important struggles that lie ahead.
STREET MEETINGS tation to the Left wing group. They venture we proposed a campaign to RS.
The New York Branch is holding TO ALL DELEGATES TO THE the working class lies in the abo nizational independence, refrains did it because the left wing group Increase the local active memberopen air street meetings on current NATIONAL UNEMPLOYED lition of capitalism, working class problems Thursday, CONFERENCE Towards the acheivement of this against ench other, lut maintains demanded and fought for a change employed League in Youngstown SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT! Friday and Saturday evenings in GREETINGS!
soal, it is necessary first of all to the right of minority exprender in Brookwood policy, curriculum ac yox, that stick to the organizaA Half Year sub to the Militant Manhattan, the Bronx and Brookis helson Club Plan with three lyn. Our sympathizers and friends ica (Left Opposition) wishes to This conterence must adopt a pro Front exclude or bar any unem. advocated.
The Communist League of Amer a struggle for its immediate needs. no circumstances enn the United a few points that the Loft wingtion in the critical period following other it is 50 Tare urged addroes the following statement of gram of action for the struggle for played organization from participa We stress the need for Brook to adopt a new constitution that in this conference: sates and representa from all parts prevent the entry of its organize of unem unemployed organization attempt to character in order that it should leadership with a reorganized You are gathered here as the played organizations And since the old leaders, Per the most advanced throwser the United States, assemblea tion into the United Front, contin: be able to serve most effectively collective leadership. This was done.
sys here are carrying on a fight for ned efforts must be made to force dencies in the American Laborkins and Alette, were not specially consulted in this effort of the rank tem in the history of mankind, immediate relief and unemployment them These are necessary formance with the above, this con Brookwood should be primar and file to curb the disastrous millions go hungry and in the need first steps. But it would be wrong peretice must dissolve to effect any a working class college whose leadership of one or two, the latter of the barost necessities of life to contine the struggle of the un United Front with the Unemployed teaching should be based on Marx Apparently tend to try to smash The workers standard of living has employed only to these demands. Councils which have been excluded ism and the classestruggle the League by one means or an3. It is vital that the curricu other.
This is not due to an inability to nist League of America (Left Op As soon as a working agree. lum should include a symposium of Neither their slander, their boyproduce sufficient commodities to position propose to the confer ment can be had between the vari seminar led by leaders of the varicott nor the cowardly, ignorant and red balting campaign cause capitalist production is pro of the following concrete slogans the general development of the can Labor Movement in order that Perkins supports by his silence duction for profit and not for use, and organizational steps: Because the means of production By Judah Magnes For immediate relief and so for the amalgamation of these perspective of the whole political will break the League. The new are privately owned capitalist apcini insurance at the expense of the organizations into one national field in which they intend to serve active support of the unemployed propriation upon the foundation of bosses and their government.
socialized production is an inherent For the hour day, day complishment of this task would student body and the fellowship to gram: the rank and We must back contradiction which cannot be week with an inerende in wages.
increase the fighting ability and the Brookwood board of directors, day to day documentary study of the negotiations between solved within the frameworks of Fight for higher wages and class pressure of the workers maniand the cooperative committee, etc effort to remind the League on a up the excentive in the German Imperial staff and the Bolshevik delegation headed the capitalist mode of production. increased wages to combat inta fold. Such an organization must Is it a wonder the Right wing This is cap. cally true now when tion.
by comrado Trotsky. Lenin, Trotsky, Kamener, Karakhan and agree upon a minimum program of who follow the footsteps of Muste firm foundation.
the accumulation of capital pro For the recognition of and the action, must permit minority ex were scared to death by those others move and speak through the 192 pages of the book. What ceeds in the period of capitalist extension of long term credits to pression, and must prevent discrim proposals?
they said and did is quoted from documents and the sources decay.
ination against any organization Muste and Sapons did not want DRAFT PROGRAM WANTED The present crisis with its 16 To attain the necessary strength because of political opinion. It a radical change for Brookwood.
We are receipt of requests for are given.
million unemployed is a normal de to struggle for these demands we must further prevent discrimination The difference between the two is copies of the Draft Program by Cloth Cover Originally 00 Now. 25 velopment of capitalism. stage propose the following organizaciones Paddition erorts must be the last few yours under CPLA In know this basic document is out this: Muste had Brookwood for comrade Trotsky. As our comrades Posture 06 extra per copy intensification and higher stage of The application of United directed towards the unification of fluence. The Saposs group is keep of print and unavailable. They are the economic crisis. The efforts of Front tactic as the means of uni the struggle of the unemployed ing Brookwood under th and wanted now, not for sale, but for tradictions chans store be there con la to reprint it. But the various unemployed or workers with the employed and in the of Influence. At present our classes. PIONEER PUBLISHERS. the crisis even more heavily upon Unemployed, Unemployed Councils, organizations, munism, and the fellowship from that will take some time yet. In the backs of the working class, both Unemployed Leagues. Workers May 18, 1933 Left wing influence.
the meantime coples are urgently 84 EAST 10th STREET NEW YORK, employed and unemployed.
It Be Leagues, etc. etc. should be put The Brookwood faculty and their needed for classes. Comrades who comes clearer day by day that a into effect. In this United Front, Communist League of America CPLA fellowship clique were vlc. have coples they don need are genuine solution to the problems of each organization retains its orga(Left Opposition) torious. One more victory like this asked to send them in at once.
Statement of Chicago Branch to National Jobless Meet and release servering the produse de composition contained Special Offer!