BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismTrotskyURSSURSS ConstitutionUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Ameri The first oticial ones in In the period of formation of depressed sentiment among the tions of the nation thru a meshwork obmake en The Meaning of the Farm Revolts Organize Australian Opposition Developing Publlsted weekly by the Communitet Legue of America (Opposition) at 128 Dast 16th Street, New York, Entered 28 second class med matter, November 28, 1928 at the post office at New York, under the act of Mareb, 1849 VOLUME VI, NO. 29 WHOLE NO. 176 NEW YORK, SATURDAY JUNE 3, 1933 PRICE CENTS Problems of the United Front New Deal Fakers THE JOBLESS MOVEMENT Push Inquiry into AND POLITICAL PARTIES from Bankers Deals May Day in The condition of the millions of a case of sowing dragons teeth unemployed in the United States is and reaping Alles.
Gillespie, nl The class collaboAustria The puppets of Wall Street on more miserable and critical than Today, very clearly and sharply, ration policies of the Right wing Capitol Hili are investigating the ever before. Such resources as they opportunistic and even reactionary of the Progressive Miners of AmeriHouse of Morgan. sop to the may have had themselves or through views are being put forth in the ca has been weakening the union pet bruges sont alun ilgston Danger of Imperialist Intervention Imminent. Western friends, relatives, etc. are wholly movement of the unemployed, not in its struggle against the opera (REFLECTIONS FROM AFAR)
exhausted. Dependance upon organs alone by the known labor fakerstors and their agents The red mittee has disclosed damning eviOn the First of May the workers dence on the tentacles of control Powers Haggle Over Vantage Points in Coming of charity and governmental assis of the of and the charla vaitins campaign of the operators tance is greater than at any time tans of the socialist party from aiming to divide and weaken the of denne showed that in spite o of Morgan and Co. which Anti Soviet War. Japan Cinches Position with ernmental relief of the cities and also among so called the Right wing element and to appointment they do bewaant at and political other agencies is being either elements. We cannot here deal with now being followed up in an at Once again it became ap the Help of the Kuomintang and War Lords.
sharply or entirely cut in numerous them all; we take only those contemptin communities, such as New York. cepts brought out by the represen distriet to expel about three dozen crats and semi bureaucrats, theation are viudication of the cow news of Hitler ilsudski plot colonization.
From Paris comes the alarming) Soviet Russia and in its subsequent as well as those of the tention of the Marxians propounded against the Soviet Union. Sauer Furthermore, The New Deal of the Roosevelt tatives of the Lovestone, Kight militant Left wingers sinted to go are Joe Angelo bair hearted opposition, disguise decades ago. Finance capital wieds wein, Foreign editor of the Paris Hitler is indubitably to be the this administration has failed thus far wing Communist, group.
attack, their own lack of decision as its conrtol over the banking institu Matin, reveals the whole machina spearhead. The French merely want to touch to any noticeable degree th misery involving the unemployed bave been organized in a large Movements of the unemployed Freeman Thompson and Voixy.
day, as much or more than hithertoleasure through the instrumenta. the PNA, special provisions were masses. The workers want to fight of luterlocking directorates which tion in a wire to the New York to contract him for the job under millions. All these factors tend toTimes of June the conditions of the Four Power to give a strong Impetus to the ty of various political parties and made to admit into the progressive This is the most important conclu cunningly evade all laws aimed at Wrench authorities made the new Pact, with Poland as a subsidiary.
Krowth of militant and brot tendencies in the labor movement: union all miltants expelled by the won from which we must proceed. then by the trust busting middle these are the official Com Lewis. Fishwick Walker group. The First of May polley of the class. The trustitied Industries, with public in an effort to hold Poland Poland Itselt wrangles for a more movement on behalt of the unem munds party a stalinist the stoworkers who were the first to lead social democratic party consisted few exceptions, are either indebtea and the Little Entente in line, a prominent place ployed.
task which has become increasingly That the French are losing their Of u positive and beneficial charites. Lovestone (Right Communist company and who laid the ground Core the government, in case the control by the Morgan trust. The que to the rigors of the world wide Bussolini to the South and Hitler cialist Party. the CPLA (Muste. the struggle against Lewis and in creating for itself an alibi: be to or outrightly owned, thrus stock difficult for Qui Orsay diplomaesgrip sonewhat is a Marent. With scork upon which the PMA was masses cutered into struggle and organ institution dominates thru economic crisis. The Polish move acter is the growth of tendencies Opposition) and others. built. Now, President Pearcy does suffered defeat; before the masses, its financial affluence a huge section in support of the conspiracy, ori over oland and the Little Entente to the East of them, loss of control which aim for a merking of the These movements of the unem. not remember or is trying to for in case the masses eutered into of the American industrial lite.
gnally concocted by Nazi statesmen, them.
a single, national organization on organizational expression of the wingers tell these militants to first it is hard to conceive of a more to his outright or partial control counternet the Four Power Paet Prategis a united front basis. But as a united front of all organizations get a job and then they win ob disloyal and outrageous policy. It 19 aware his dominating influence plans of France, which have met atfer on the other hand, would consequence, in part of this for ready to take part in the movement tain a card. However, all are mem disloyal because it leaves the por dos be depend upon abstract with resistance from Warsaw due like nothing better than to gira from the objective conditions and Sective must be the mergins of the functioning for months. Further, have a party and a leadership. at soverument, both major political to provisions correa mwent made himself for the French by an allidemands of the unemployed, other now existing various le nom pored one cannot get a job in the mines outrageous because, din most besede serviette att ha de ter he watch the Pilsudsky regime fears. venturer of Bustern Europe, Pilsud.
be decisively revolved soon; they For the innsediate demands them ars Pearey wants them to get which are accustomed to a central national committee of the Repub. The idea of the Nazi scheme, as for Washington blessing.
ski. In this he no doubt hopes involve the growth or crack up of selves of the unemployed movement The Left wing is organizing to on their own book.
a job in the scab mines?
The xed leadership, to seek a way out Lican party, including Edward. the French understand it, is that Roosevelt peace message, which the unemployment movement, and can be fought for successfully only smash this attempt to exclude and partteularly its development in a on a planned, national scale. Such expel the most militant element in cratie partyexcludes the possibility committee. John the Nuttare per lish corridor and receiverse como stay address, leaves ample room for The policy of the social demo bert Hoover for more than ten Poland would make a big territorial the Nazi chancellor was only too class conscious direction.
The numerous conferences of the common, minimum program of of a victory of the proletariat. At pensation territory in Soviet Uk such an aspiration.
The need of an organizel Left the same time, it excludes the possonal beneficiaries of Morgan ben raine in the direction of the Black The first step in its fulliment is.
evolence. The same goes equally for Sea. It is a German idea ence held recently in Chicago which binds all brought together various political movement, to work for its achieve fight for a program of class struggle regime. The proletariat will retional chairman, Raskob, and the Ukraine ever since he fought the titler to offer Pilsudski? On what adhering to the wing in every loent of the PMA to sibility of any opoledavile swellized the Democratic party, whose ex na. Pilsudski has hul his eye on the against the issu. What else has the requirements still confront the economic, etc. differences right and the policy of class colla and hope for a revolutionary through the medium of the secretary movement on behalf of the unem that exist in the movement. This boration, as pointed out for months solution. The bourgeoisie lives in of the treasury. Woodin, have re. From the report, which onselur other grounds can Pilsudski meet Hitler?
Sauerwein says, the French consiployed.
Some of the more impor should be accepted the elemententiates in the Militant, is now a living coltare police measures ar. rerea ceived gifts from the House of dere reliable and theniche tant ones are: Yet, no matter which way the reveal Morgan which But what does not appear to be Stalinites are trying to cateh up every day. The party bourgeois no one in the major party set ungtained from secret sources Franco German angle is solved.
their more and more Basie Requirements accepted as elemental is who shall with events in Illinois.
Letters from the above named in. Namely, that ps: thing stands out most clearly clearly. With France directing or with Hitunder American Working out ways and means up the constituent parts of After the National Miners Union masses are becoming more and dividuals, disclosed at the investi. European diplomatie tangle the way auspices ultimately, the line up must every side of the ler in the lead more nervous. The big bourgeoisie for cooperation and joint action of (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
is becoming more and more e con(Continued on age 4) out is seen in an attack against workers. It will be concluded. That be against the fatherland of the the employed and unemployed.
vinced that without the dictator2. Drawing the trade and labor ship of Fascism it will not be able much is obvious. Ouly the purblind cannot see this. To trust in nonunions, particularly of the Amerito mantain its order. In this way, can Federation of Labor, Into the the social democracy paralyzes the aggression pucts, as the Litvinoffs movement of the Unemployed, for proletariat with its doubly disloyand Stalins and Karakhans do, Lens under thes conditions, to prereciprocal results and benefits.
In the last two years, and par organizational manner.
al, locquacious and cowardly policy atil pours grist to the mill of ceived from the secretary of the We reprint below a letter re the Labour Party a wonderful weapare the ground objectively for a a political con ticularly in recent months, there The importance of this sponta. Fascism.
sciousness among the mass of work has been great increase in the neons revolt of the agrarian bourpon with which to discredit the smashing defeat of Soviet Russia.
newly organized opposition in ers, in this instance, the movement aggressiveness of the American peoisie and petty bourgeoislo must The semi oppositionists of the the Communist Party of AusCommunist party. Recently, this. To put constidence in the imperialist contradictions alone, as the of the unemployed.
farmers in their efforts to throw not be overestimated, so long as it type of Max Adler (can Otto Bauer tralia. It is method of approach. hus been present regime in the Soviet Union Various movements of the unoff the burden of the crisis. The is but little bound up with the still be counted among them. dence and confirmation of the altered, and the party carefully does, means to go to the slaughter employed arose in the past years forms of this activity have been workers struggles and particularly cover up and protect this policy of wreckage perpetrated by points out that when they refer to bindfolded.
the social fascists they only mean The Western powers are heading pressure and organization, the sistance to attempts to foreclose these struggles. From the peasant the working masses there still muvist International. But more the leaders of the social democrats. Lor an intervention agreement. Jamiserable lot of the unemployed mortgages, fu such widely scattered revolt or Jacqueries of France of slows the hope that everything will than that, it is a glowing tribute From Below in the Office an, in the Far East, is making ready for collusion in the attack These are necessary and immedi: Nebraska. Can we look upon these peasant movements of nineteenth that the opposition will soon decide the International Lett Opposition Unfortunately however, they have by the sexure of the Chinese East ate objectives that must be sincerely struggles as having revolutionary century Europe, the independent to wint out the way of struggle and the effectiveness of The forgotten that the workers have ern, by the setting up of a new and militantly fought for by all signiticance?
a habit of remembering, so that North Chin vassal state, by the reaches the serious and sincere forces taking part in the unem The American farmer can be after the treeber Revorlice. Resten and a manner, irretrievable weeks Militant, whose guiding voice when, in a frenzied endeavor to set conclusion of a binding truce with Communist workers in far off ployed movement. For Communists, divided into three classes: the at times were in conflict with the The Left wing of the social up a united frout from below they the lackeys of the Kuomintang.
this is elemental, or ought to be large capitalist farmer, owning revolution, and up to the present democratic opposition made the Australia.
As in other fields of daily class several hundred to several thous time in the Western provinces of first attempt to act when it called To our new fellow nghters and approach these self sume workers from all sides, imperialist ambuswith this brand new form of orga cudes lurk ahead for the fortress strugle, so in the unemployed and acres, regularly exploiting la Chine where the famous Chinese upon the masses to demonstrate in comrades in Australia greetings!
nization (or is it a lactic. the of the world revolution.
Stalinism has paralyzed the Com.
dinte demands in themselves or farmer, operating 40 to 200 acres Army dominate history is called the crater of the city. The call As to ourselves, this tribute from workers greet them with stone lence, and the comrades retire to munist International, the arm of greater or lesser importance. These (20 to so hectares. using little of the experience of independent as any effect, because leadership can comrade on to greater activity. Lick their wounds in Isolation. They world revolution have been more or less accurately occastonal hired labor; and the rarian revolts without the leader not come from an anonymous or with redoubled energy and en then proceed to indulge in selfStalinism has betrayed the Chiworked out and need no repetition small farmer, comparable to the ship of the only revolutionary class, Bunication. The workers want to thusiasm, forward. Ed. crticism sutriciently for them to nese proletariat and helped into here. We present Immediate de Europian peasant, the tenant far the proletariat.
know with whom they are dealing launch another campaign. Then lower the Kuomintang bandits, who mands because as living and not mer and the share cropper.
Aims of Agrarian Revolts It is not, naturally, a question of Sydney, April 14, 1933 they go out and repeat the same have sold out to the Japanese ag.
sterile revolutionaries, we fight for the middle and to some extent, These revolts are not directed persons, but of the baner, the proComrade, old mistakes time and again. Bressor.
the interests of the workers today, the small farmer have been the against the system of capitalism, gram, the slogan, the organization.
In an endeavor to get a clear chronie.
Result: Their isolation is becoming Stalinism has betrayed the German working class by a senseless, ultimate program for the abolition strikes and the militant actions sults of that system. super explot want to fight, are perplexed because conception of the international situunrealistic policy which has played pitalism During these honest, but futile into the hands of Fascism.
To what end? So that socialism by the rule of the working class. The broadest masses of the agra taxes to support the capitalist is created in the course of the of the present line of the attempts of the party membership our baste class approach, namely, agricultural workers have had a goods, compared with low prices cialdemocrats do not come out with in Australia have decided to open with the issuing of mechanical di praction policy, which has com But, if we forget for one instant rian jetty bourgeoisie and of the state, wigh prices for manufactured struggle. As long as the left so from your point of view, 1, in agree to overcome their weakness, the might be built in one country In contents itself Russla. Where has this wise, our need and task to revolutionize limited share in this activity. On for Agricultural commodities re a platform of struggle, their calls the workers; it we allow ourselves the other hand, particularly in the sulting from the control of the state will get 10 echo.
up communication with your orrectives from above. They re promised with Chiang Kai Shek to get lost in a maze of immediate medle West, there bas been a disapparatus by finance and its allied The Communist party is paral ganization.
iterate to a point of monotony thru and alienated the balk of the redemands and become absorbed, how tinet tendency for the revolting industrial capital. The For the past two years some the party press that they are the tormist working class of the world, soever militantly, solely in the formers to seek the assistance of these revolts has been to remove the stalinist bureaucracy in Ger thing has been definitely wrong Vanguard of the working class led to?
struggle for these demands, little or workers, particularly unemployed. abuses and excesses of the many, by the theory and practice with the in Australia. The and that we revolution can be suce must be plainly suid: It has She class. What we reap will be illuso a large extent this has been existing system and build a new mudale tur the question of the united economic crists began to be felt, they apparently sit back in comfort clonary fatherland. It has laid it of opportunism and the chance fornist party and other labor organt rebels themselves still have conf. falsehoods.
fell away. Today we find that de ing masses around their office doors. opportunist compromises directed opportunists and takers to deceivelations have tried to give direction dence in the stability and desira spite the continued reiteration of The lead that they give is purely against the world revolution the workers. In short, it will be to this elemental movement in an bility of the existing system.
The Bolshevik Leninists must look the statement: The ever increasing (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
But when, on the one hand, the revolutionary elements in the Com facts are that an increasing number ing a revolutionary crisis; and on that everything is It is not true or movement launched by the the other, the proletariat, guided by Greut shake ups, transformations in an honest endeavor to correct obits revolutionary party, steps for the masses are still possible. vious Right opportunist errors, ward as the one class in society small organization which knows many good members have been ex.
The opportunist theory of social the USSR and the Comintern. They that has a definite policy and has what it wants can play an histo velled. It is significant that the On Sunday, June 11, 1933, the McLean Ave. trolley to Tibbett the strength ism in one country is showing its stand in opposition to it and nu with which to carry it out, under rical role under such circumstances. Imajority of these expelled members New York Branch of the Commu Brook Park.
fruits. correct revolutionary, the Jalls and places of deportation these circumstances the agrarian. LEON TROTSKY have good records of struggle in nist League of America (Opposil Comrades and sympathizers: ReMarxist Russian Foreign Policy, in the state for which they have revolt is swept along behind the Prokipo, May 7, 1983 their leadership of the workers. tion) will hold its first plenie of serve SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1933 for based upon the theory of the per fought. Bureaucrats who have proletarian revolution and reinWhile pretending to follow in the the season at Tibbetts Brook Park an all day frolle at Tibbetts Brook manent revolution, would have arlsen on the basis of the reaction torces It. Depending on the relative footsteps of Lenin, the party leader (Picnic ground to be announced lark seen its chief tasks in the problems ary theory of socialism in one importance of agriculture in the ship gives lip service to the revo later in the Militant. The plenic.
of the Chinese, the German, the country, which stands in contradie national economy, this reinforce world revolution. or greatest im tion to objective reality, decide the ment may be decisive «Young Spartacus. Out gaging in the concrete work among for all who attend, has the neces NEW YORK BRANCH PICNIC portance was the Comintern as the policies.
Russia, or substantal, as it would the masses so necessary if they sary and excellent objective of Instrument of world revolution. To Nationalist Foreign Policy its interests, diplomacy, which only be in the United States; or even The June issue of Young Sparta wish to win concrete support for raising money to maintain the Logical Consequence negligible, as it would be in Great cus is of the press and ready for their line.
weekly Militant and to assist in has a technical significance, should TIBETTS BROOK PARK Soviet diplomacy has rid itself of Britain.
Day, it contains the International was here, he introduced the theory among the Illinois coal miners.
When the Comintern instructor the work of the Left Opposition (Field to be announced later)
The present central problem of the Soviet Union made an opportunist practice out agriculture basis of American Left Opposition statement to the of social Pruscism. This was Im To this piense have also been inThus, with a correct policy, the all control by the Comintern and is unstable and cannot Youth mediately taken up by the leader vited the members and symuthi SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1933 a juridical fiction in the Soviet be maintained for very many years Copenhagen. This is a powerful ship with enthusasm, and they rers of nearby Branches of the Games. Refreshments. Speakers been the struggle against German Dutta up socialism, it had to con. manent crisis which has corroded studied by both youth and adult the Labour Party with it at every tations have been extended to the munist League of America (Opp. thrash Communist League. Special invl. Auspices: New York Branch, ComFascism, which should not have duet a nationalist foreign policy, American agriculture ever since comrades. It should add in clarl opportunity. Not realizing that they Newark and Philadelphia branches.
been permitted under stances to seize power. DIRECTIONS: From New York ported against the brigand inva macy. Then non aggression pacts, capacity, low prices in relation to other articles are those on Ger democratic worker as a counter To get to Tibbetts Brook Park Station last stop.
ported Chenatustulid horie ben sup had to be subordinated to diplo overextension, excessive productive between the general class move minority of the workers, they in on the job with preparations for City. Take Woodlawn Jer ome Avenue Subway to Woodlawn But the representatives of this participation in the Kelloge Penice manufactured goods, low rate of many, unemployment, reforestation, revolutionary and an enemy of the from New York City: Take the From there correct, international tactle which act moments as the only means of new countries like Canada, Argen in the orienton and New York Boll to open antagonism and hostility train to the Woodlawn station the Brook Park. conforms to the objective require ments do not decide the polley of (Continued on Page Continued on Page 1)
industry, and gave the opportunist leaders of last stop. From there take a the of IC TOP Stalinist Diplomacy Leaves Trail of role and comments on the operating som det er for eticheting released Treachery for International Proletariat New York Branch to Hold Picnic for Benefit of Press Illinois Campaign in sov or