Bolshevik PartyBolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyImperialismLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Problems of the Soviet Regime Discussion on Tasks in Germany Statement of of National Federation of the Unemployed Addresses Official Party de este menneet on Stand in Minn. Elections will fall on cadres PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1933 Reference to outside danger from capitalist governments does not in itseli expulu everything. We do Ho wish of course to underrate the significance of capitalisten shart BrestA broad discussion is in prothe Fairy to the social dem (Continued from page Degeneration of Theory; tok pouce, the methods of the circlement for the inner regime of ces on the tasks puosed by the Resolution of the of cracy The problem will become more the German Opposition but Trust not landed on the other couereto when we take into cou. Theory of Degeneration) organization of the Red Army, the essity of keeping on wwerrai uixure of power by Pascism in (objective composition of the Central Com.
Germany and the new situation YYYYYYYYYYmitiee, the trade unions, the tran Army is a great sencirele wint of the discussion revolves of bureaucreated thereby. The central vvvvvvv structure for the period of the. went is factorin view of the fullure and the and went over to the chemy Cuis side of the burricades; whereas the crutism. of the has lost its validity openly betrayed after 1914 The dictatorship of the to accept on faith the official est and the policy of the Comintern? panies the Soviet Republic from the revenit un an organization formate of industrialization and col. Why is it impossible now, after the days of its existence Under of new German Communist rendered imissible politically duel Nions in the minds of the masses.
debacle of a its tions ripe for the establishment the suppression of exploiters was teetivizaton, we would have to ceasing of Intervention, after the healthy conditions within the counirst necessary uguint laudlords, capltalists, generals and kulaks insteadmit that the political superstruc rout of the exploiting classes, after try. the pressure of imperialism arty! Comrade Trotsky Josed to the depth and consequences of in this sense, the designation of a the mistakes committed and due to new August is inexact.
as they guve support to the higher developing in diametrically op. after the collectivization of the solidarity of the masses, especially Lure the proletarian regime is the successes of industrialization, would have only strengthened the this question forcefully in his article: The Tragedy of the the defeat and organizationally, strata. Exploiters cannot to direction to the development overwhelming majority of the peas the welling together of the prolebecause of illegales. Vouse deel German roletariat and in his III.
Those ele be a Although developments point to drawn to side of socialism. its economic ausis. Does it untry to allow discussion of the turbuli vanguard. The penetration polemic The Collapse of the anents which will Thelt resistance had to be broken, mean that the laws of Marxism tempos of industrialisation and foreign agents, such as sabotagC. and the Tasks of the Left sively from reformism (social dem the line towards a new purty, this no matter at what cost. The years are falsey No, but the official est collectivization of the co relation Opposition both of which have will not go to slogan would be premature and in no case ocracy) at he organizational false, as the National Conference the old of civil war marked the greatestate of the social foundations of Etween heavy and light industry ingern, Chegeneral in the cat Insule WO hre pui already pred in the Militant.
exercise of the power of the dicche dictatorship is fulse and false or of the policy of it united front intensidication of the methods of justities or explains INI Svity which permitted the has already attirmed. The principle tatorship by the proletariat.
to the core.
in Germany? Why would any memercion.
lishing a draft resolution adopted social committee of for years its or obstacle today lies in the mentality to survientot have its of the SS which is a yetini by the Reichsleitung (National mixtional The problem can be formulated ber of the party who demanded the common interests should be able to regard whole the task was and is an more concretely in this fashion: calling of the next congress of the weet the hostile Clements with lon on this question. Other Comuittee) of the German sec rewreussion in an illegal party. sufficiently awakened.
Before the Only a new political content could slogan of a new party is put for.
entirely different one.
antry must be drawn to the side years of 1917 1991, when the old stitution be immediately expelledjely wisuuts.
derments and discussion articles bave forestalled its disintegration. ward it is necesary that the menII.
which have already appeared in of the socialist regime. We must possessing classes still fought with and subjected to persecutions? Why tality of the masses must go prove to the peasant in practice that woupons in hand, when they were would any Communist who openly An attempt might be made to Unser Wort ud other organs of Two circumstances are at present through a longer process. Ietweeu the goveroment industry is capable actively supported by the interven expressed doubt as to the infulla how that the external pressure has the International luft Oppsition working lainnt rapid disintegrate bankruptcy of the II. Interna of forces are to follow.
tion of the First, the ma much more advantageous conditions the armed kulak sabotaged the arrested? Where docs such a tera the worlal scile lus changed to terial and ideological support fur. Lauternational there was also an than under capitalism and that army and the provisioning of the rible, monstrous, carable exer the advantage of imperialism. LavResolution nished by the existence of the extended period, although in that collective farming is more advan country why was it possible then cle of the political regime come ing inside the question of policy of. Secondly, the fact that case the question was not compli tageous thun individual farming. to discuss openly in the party the fron?
the comintern is one of the causes Our old perspective on the reform while the results of the policy of cated by factors such as these enumerate in joint 11. When it Until this cconomic and cultural for the weakening of the world is matter of putting forward a task is solved and we are very proletariat, the incontrovertible fact slogan, we should take into con far from it, especially as it is solv.
remains that the intensification of sideration what we have often suid able only on an international scale pressure from outside can lead to to the uitra left leidership of the class frictions are inevitable and the burenneratization of the Soviet party in the last few years. It is consequently also state coercion xystem only to the extent that it not a matter of putting forward But it in the struggle against slogans which are generally correct, landlords and capitalists revolucontradictions, Under conditious for the history books so to speak tionary violence served as the basic in which the workers must be method, in relation to the kulaks Comunued from Page 2) jority of the delegates. After the seczed between the vise of the (Continued from Page 1) the city wide campaign in full This is what the did with the general strike in a classic fashion the problem was a different one; amendments were adopted or de sport system and the peasantry By correct action and leadership forec, advocating the need of while crushing mercifully the which went on recurd favoring the unmittees were adoptel with the parents, the pressure from with thence of ever more workers, edu prevailing confusion about election. Itset, of all effectivene. This can the reports of the different between the rise of political de the Communist party gains the con Communist Party. Against the this wloga, which correct in working class political party, the during the last few years, depriving outright counter revolutionary te principle for the Federation. Three sistance of the kulaks, the state national organizations, two others was ready to compromise with them in the process of formning national exception of the report of the con ont must inevitably weaken the cates them in struggle against cap point out to all the workers that subjective and objective conditions Cons: be done only when the corresponding stitution committee which was inerties over more.
u the dconomic field. It did ret organizations, state organizations, adopted is a rote of 15 to Anul vice talism, unites their scattered forces not big men and political prom. sit the growth of contradictions and leads them in dully struggles, ies are going to give them what are given and wle, ot the basis dekulakize the kulak but merely sectional organizations and city The and the they need, but only their own poof these slogans, men can be rallied seating 15 organizationswita 828. controlled leadership and a The psychological and organiza. whole revolutionary violence branches from 16 states and 28 nizations ments. The combination of these are in this election? While recel Workers Government.
tional provisions for a new party should have played only an aux cities from all parts of the United two factors pushes the bureaucracy ing more votes than in the last Chairman, Tom Dixon Workers along the road of ever greater con election (1931. the vote for Mayor mission of the fallacy of the illary and what is more an ever Status.
ad are no lacking in Germany today There sald. be of the termined that the presentation of the local diminishing role. The practical After three long days of discusLeagues ces to the the success of industrialization and sion on the problems of the uni Vice Chairman, Guss Unemployed and collectivization should have ex employed.
repressions role in the city elections of 1920. maneuver with Frank, and accelerate the regrouping but raththe conference adopted Councils.
against the working masses of the figures were all low. During pressed themselves in the modera. the following outstanding proposals: Treasurer, Statman. Industrial their own country.
call to the vanguard to tion of the forms and methods of The establishment of a Na. Workers Unemployed Unions. TROTSKY the same period Farmer Labor.
formisun was growing by leaps and that that give the immediate impression new party will state coercion, in the growing tional Federation of Unemployed Secretary, Leach Workers Comm. To be continued)
bounds among the workers.
immediate demands of the democratization of the Soviet re Workers Leagues with city, county, Harrington United Producerts election platform can be won merely deaf cars entirely.
sectional and state federations to of The Communist party is the only by voting for Workers CandiIV.
molition party that is interested dates. They are good demands, The principal task of the Left Political Regime of the Dicta. coordinate them into one national Dia haigton Council of torship and its Social Foundations in their organisational in Lamson Onemployed Councils SUB DRIVE e thu can clear up the prevailing, but explain the right correctly!
Opposition consists today in proconfusion among the workers about In the 6th Ward alderman wouncing itself for the collection of On January 30, 1933, Pravda dependence, but to coordinate their Zimmerman Workers Leagues Since our last rport 41 more sutslitics. But instead of doing this contest, make a broud, intelligent, material that will make possible wrote: the second five year plan oranizations, through the Federa llugo Oehler Unemployed Union of have come in. As we approach the it adds to the confusion by wrong principle battle against Farmer the construction of a new party ou capitalist elements in our economic ment upon the basis of the imme Truax East deadline of June when the drive tactics. When the Communist party Labor reformism. Act like Com the ruins of the two old parties; Ohio Unemployed close the volume of subs and the valse name, tions under the munists in elections entered the for the formation of cadres on the life. It is clearly evident that ainte demands confronting our Unions tengo are increasing. It is a hot Front Workers The undersigned pledges its full basis of a Marxist analysis of the from the standpoint of this official class.
Lore MO. Unemployed Leagues rues. Last week comrade Capelis Ticket it used the same cheap po support to the party in this cam past. The principal source for these perspective the state should have 12. The conference went on record Welsh Association of Unemployed, waxina te for the three comes basses orties. It prevented the Communist League of America e ils comrade withered away completely during Gourove has himself atilirmed. The the second five year plan, sluce closest relatiouship with the EM Mattock Workers Leagues The Iristory of the Russian from teaching the workers to second: the social democratic party. Left Opposition)
class inequality are liquidated, unions, industrial unions, and all through their trade Conners Allen County Indiana Revolution, ly Comrade Trotsky, Identify condidates with a Party, To issue the slogan for a Second Unemployed Association. which go to the winner. This Alegram and Principles. True, Party today, when these cadres IMPORTANT werk comrade Caplan is so far this maneuver of a United Workers have not as yet income crystallized, In reality however we witness other working class organizations.
The national committee is com heads to make it almost a sure Ticket was to allow the well known, The on neither in the Bor in the CORRECTION properties in the color diametri catayin means perhaps by some posite character. Stalinists do not dare to assert that the die establishment of one national un fention proceedings nil decisions bas shot up to second place. Not enter the elections on a com tatorship of the proletariat has employed organization, in which to all organizations that had dele far behim is comrade Koty from program with the Communist cant in the article Heckert Explaing the ential elements, but all the In the last issue of the militant, new Zimmerwald to serve not there would be no discrimination gates at the Chicago conference and of Newark branch.
didates. But this is rank oppor.
obstacles to. assumed more democratic forms in to all other unemployed organizarecent years, but on the contrar against race, color, creed or pollions in the United States. The can ras upamere 16 to udal break with Frank or else be part in the text. in translating from leadership of the Socialist This is how they did it. Comrade tunism. The party was forced to the Debacle, a mistake was made Brandlerites, the Leninbund, the tical beliefs.
try tirelessly to prove the inevitareturn delegates will make their reners in a political crime against Na Labor Party. and all those who bility of a further sharpening of The conference adopted its ports and will proceed to unite the to his former score: comrade Dunne the working class along with comrade Trotsky Against state coercion. Reality itself, how. Nition on united action of the un unemployed organizations into eity Tolled in Sand comrade Kotz IC Rather than call a spade a snadational Communism the text was ability to lead the German Prolehave already demonstrated their inthe perspectives and prognoses. as: the united action of organisations, especially endeavoring to drive lees. It the best one we re Communist party leaders tried to nista, consider the present govern. will should develop in the If we should estimate Soviet tions, around imunedinte demands. bring into this united action those Over had. And out overlook the cover up the traces. In doing so, ment (Bruening) as an enemy of direction of our analysis. The cadres list them they did untold damage to Com should reality through the lense of the instruer where each organization organizations that were not able to single subs. We don of space, imunism. Aside from otber things the proletariat, but this government the illeen over, learn to ank up work with the legal although insufficient, is absolutely decorations from slander and The conference received lettres of bothere are no less than twenty their actions pushed scores of the supports itself upon your confiwork from the beginning and work Justifiable and extremely important personal attacks against cach other, support from unemployed organiza of them.
liere is the list: Loest workers coming toward the dence and your votes; we want to in the existing mass organizations we should get not only a slome with the right of minority expresions from all parts of the United Party back into the political con fell this government in all alliance, which as yet remuin outside of the Caplan, Kansas City. 22 fusion that Frank represents.
one. The Soviets have lost the last will be excluded and where con their full support and wished it no orgainzation of the unemployed delegates but gave the conference Dunne, Minneapolis. 12 with the Fascists (Referendum) nscist party.
remnants of independent signifiThe slogan for a new party will Kotx, Newark. Therefore the Communist League against you.
cance and ceased being Soviets. The tinued effort will be made to draw success. We hope these organizaIL Capelis, (Laft Opposition. a fuction of The text should have read: We mean that we will have to pose party does not exist. Under the in any organization that does not tions will be among the first to Ituby. Chicago.
Communism, takes this form, an Communists consider the present the old party. This demind would the demand for the destruction of cover of the struggle with the Right unite in action for our immediate help in the formation, and Mupport II. Oehler, Chicago. Open Letter, to address the Official government the enemy of the probe rejected with indignation even its program in action, which in no deviation, the trade unions are demand Konikow, Boston.
larly upon certain vital questions letariat but this government sup by the more critical elements. They The conterence ended by electing way infringes upon the identity Cypko, Bethlehem. of poley in the coming city elee ports itselt on your confidence and must be convinced of the degeneration and stilling of a national committee of 15, with or the autonomy of the subscribing Mnreus, the course of the e party and the Sovietiche seina instructed to carry out the program your votes; we wish to overthrow struggle with the bureauacruey and been headquarters in Chicago, that is organizations. Friend, Lynn, Mass. The party must come out in this government by means of an the clarification around the forma(Signed. Morris, it necessary to take up in a few policy, resolutions and constitution this campaign under its own name, alliance with you and not by means tion of cadres. They must see the Tom Dixon, Chairman Tatinen, Chicago. pat up a Sticker Candidate for of an alliance with the fascists necessity for this step. The queslines the fate of the trade union adopted by an overwhelming maLeach, Secretary Chicago. Mayor, print stickers and get into against you.
tion is oned in the same manner organizations during the period of in the 10. the although the Soviet dictatorship.
for the former of the two the deFight Roosevelt Program The relative Independence of the mind for destruction is already trade unions is a necessary and imposed today.
The struggle for (Continued from Page 1)
cadre brings us closer to the portant corrective in the system of the Soviet state which finds itself Communists must expose these critical elements within the party.
under the prime of the taxantry maneuvers, place in the foreground The demand for Second lurty the independent demands of the separates us from them.
Antil the working class and build the orga the workers must de.
fend themselves, even in a workers nizational machinery for enforcing Only among the old ultra leftists state, these demands which is possible and in the letters of Gourove can ganizations. In oration or words: the only on the basis of the leninist ON GERMANY we observe elements of indignation trade mions renmin trade unions united front of all working class to the point of jurting with us, it while the state organizations.
we do not issue the slogan for a that is an instrains a state. of coercion.
The demand for higher wages and 100 pages 25 paper cover. 35 new jarty.
The statitication of the tradehigher unemployment relief to meet Postage 06 extra per copy cloth over 65 unions enn only grallel with VI.
the rising prices and the threat of ostage. 06 extra per copy the destatixation of the state itWhile the slogain for a Second Intation must be backed up by consell. This means to the extent crete proposals for a national moveON RUSSIA arty does not advance our cause hy an lotu among the semi critical that the liquidation of classes de ment in which representatives of PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF elements in the party, it will not prives the state of its functions of the workers will deterinine on the rice 15 coercion, dissolving it in society, even embrace the completely criPostage. 01 extra per copy basis of national and local considtien! and disillusioned elements.
the trade in ons love their special erations the minimum wage and ON SPAIN For them the idea of the party is class tasks and dissolve themselves relief increases which are acceptin the withering away state.
THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER se compromised that they think of nothing less than of a new party This clinlectie of the clientorship Even such slight signs of econol rice. 15 Postage 01 extra per copy at present.
Whereas the idea of Imprinted in the program of the mic recovery as are now visible Bolshevik party. is recognized in (steel production up to 38 percent ON THE TRADE UNION QUESTION forming cadres will appear selfevident to them. Only experience words also by the Stalinists But of capacity, the highest in two COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM the actual relations between the years; employment in New York will again reconcile them with the rice 15 Postage. 01 extra per copy idea of the party.
trade unions and the state develop State in April up percent in in a diametrically opposite direc.
March, and payrolls because of ON THE THEORY OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUNTRY. One of the editors of the tion. The state not only does not longer hours, up percent. amply wither away (dlepite the heralded warrant a nation wide effort for AND THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION Bulletin of the Russian Opposition.
liquidation of classes. Not only Ed.
genuine unemployment Insurance to does not molerate its methods he administered by THE STRATEGY OF THE THE PERMANENT (despite the economie successes. an immediate demand. The inWORLD REVOLUTION REVOLUTION THE but on the contrary becomes ever MILITANT creased profits which would follow. 25 180 pages paper cover 50 more openly the instrument of any kind of improvement, even if Postage06 extra per copy cloth cover 1, 00 Entered as a second class mail coercion. At the same limited and temporary, must be imPostage 06 extra per copy matter November 28, 1928, at the time, the trade unions transformed mediately claimed by the workers Post Office at New York, Into offices of functionaries of have on whose backs the burdens of the ON CHINA Under the act of March 1879.
completely lost the crisis have been piled.
OF PROBLEMS The recognition of the Soviet THE CHINESE REVOLUTION fulfilling the role of buffers between Published weekly by the Communist the state apparatus and the prole.
Union and long term credits to the 450 pages paper cover 100 cloth cover 60 League of America (Opposition)
tarian masses. Worse than that: Soviet Union must not be left to be Postage 06 extra per copy at 126 East 16th St.
the apparatus of the trade unions decided on the basis sis of their opporEDITORIAL BOARD themselves has become the weapon 100 Pages Postage: Six Cents Extra Per Copy tunity for profits but must be posed Martin Abern James Cannon of an ever growing pressure on the as an immediate working class de Max Shachtman Maurice Spector workers.
Pioneer Publishers mand which ties up immediate in.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS Arne Swabock The preliminary conclusion from 84 EAST 10th STREET terests of the American workers Vol. 6, No. 28 Whole No. 175 the above is that the evolution of NEW YORK, with economic collaboration in 81 EAST 10th STREET, Saturday, May 27, 1933 the Soviets, the party and tradesocialist construction in the Subscription rate: 00 per year.
unions does not follow an ascending. Union. FIELD Feral 50. Five Chata por the LeonTrotsky WORKS by TROTSKY and chces inte through their THE 192 pages ONZE AROO for GERMAX bureaucratic 03