BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY MAY 27, 1933 THE MILITANT Letters from Germany Reveal Truth on Conditions in Labor Ranks Hail Red Flag!
PAGE Left Opposition Overcomes Obstacle Strengthens Organization in China from the With the Left Socialists. from the Top. Heckert Explains the Debacle Labor Writhes Under Nazi Whip Con. Stalinist Letter from lors were only a yo yo Society with About Our Work to All the party comrades are very raise their hand for all the desympathetic to our cause. They cisions of the come to us for advice as the party offers them absolutely nothing. We There was a provacateur in the Red Front League. The letters published below elections) and one handbill. Almost for party members, in which we are issuing an information bulletin The first number of the am giving you his name and you and halling directly from ditthe entire district and section analyze the present situation, give monthly organ of the British must warn against him in your Peiping, China.
As to the Left Opposition, both feront parts of terror stricken, lendership has been arrested. The the reasons for the detections in Left Opposition Red Flagbulletins. He is a certain who Since our last letter, although in the South and in the North, the Fascist Germany, paint, in entire leadership of the Central the working class, show the mis.
has just appeared. We extend has already served years in pri there was not any broad muss situation is just contrary to what many instances, a black picture to our brother organ across son for theft and forgery. Up timovement in China, yet important the Chinese Fascist Group (Blue of the conditions of the work on the 29th of March a transport takes of the party and trace the correct line for further work. Up the sens our warmest frater. now more than 50 comrades have things have been going on within Shirts) called complete collapse of ing class and its revolutionary of 60 to 65 and on March 30, one till now we have not met with any nal greetings and hope that vanguard. This is a bitter pill of 15 20 men. In the last two days, resistance.
it will succeed in becoming tured because of his denunciations. There has been a continuons cap We are growing, though slowly. The for revolutionists to swallow, All the functionaries new arrests some 40 men, mostly are in jail.
a powerful factor in clearing particularly those who have members of sport organizations, At the present time the workers the road, uprooting Labour the central part of the city has pecially responsible officers. to the though a great loss, on the other been fed on Stalinist pollyanna Party treachery. vaciltook place.
will not follow putschist slogans.
been exposed as a spy and will now enemy, the Koumintang, of lato.
hand objectively gives us chances illusions. But it is our policy The desertion to the Nazi camp They are all beginning to have an lations and Stalinist sectariopenly go over to the Nazis.
Many central committee mem to make propoganda in the court to spenk ont what is, to tell is very great here. personally international outlook. They comanlsm toward the revoluNow, on the state of mind of the bers of the and Land among the masses!
the truth to the working class know more than twelve men today ment on the fallure of the com tionary victory of the proleComrade Chen and several active and especially the Communists.
petty bourgeoisie. The small shop. e. renegades publicly issue their tariat in the homeland of the in the Nazi party who were former intern. manifestoes telling countrymen It is precisely these illusions functionaries in the Party, the Here is a description of the sitoldest of the imperlaist pow celled orders following the anti to wake up before the ruinous Com members of the 0. had made a fast protest (hunger strike)
and these falsely painted picmunist Party of China.
ers. Red Front Fighters. Organiza nation after the burning of the tures, at which the Stalinist Jewish policy. The people say that agatinst the mistreatment in the tion, etc. Among these is the for Reichstag: While no one thought they should not have acted thus Really, the party has no political prison and the postponement of the apparatus has been so adept, mer sub district leader of the of resistance in Berlin, the workers that led the German proletariat have closed their establishments. action expressed for the present the judgment time will come soon.
Young Red Fluchters League. Res here formed self lefense Cerpe in the use of machine guns, etc. sabast the Jews, they should not program for the present and no public court judgement. Now to catastrophe.
ignations from the party are on were arrested in the last few days, in our city (140, 000 inhabitants. We quote a short report The Jews are really not so ter. The fantasy of establishing revo defending hinten a legal from No. 10 of the Inprecorr, simple members but functionaries Hurrection. Everything or nothing only to concentration and forced not deceive the small shopkeeper: several provinces thru the peasants accusation that he en. Rundschau. to indicate how also are turning their backs to the (The party education had to lead labor camps but also to convict as much as some Gentiles. This has been crushed openly, by and dangers the republic of China.
even after the catastrophe the party.
bureaucrats continue their work The Shanghal comrades are of seception and falsehood.
arrested men are often used elections a long street battle took convict prison! We even know of small merchants who name a batch milures of the plan of encircling to scrape of the illegal) placards. place between the Communists and a disabled war evteran who was of German firms that have deceived and taking control, by peasants working under a temporary comMany small section groups them, up till now, they were never strength of Wuhan, Nanchang, etc. With some comrades from North Those who refuse are tortured and the Storm Troops plus the police dragged into a convict prison.
in practically all of agrarian deported. According to the infor with machine guns, armored cars, The has a miserable at deceived by a Jew. They also say Pomerania have been arrested down to the last man; despite mation of a prisoner, their number ete. No paper reported this. titude. They allow themselves to that healthy criticism of the deeds. But some excellent clements of Chine, is preparing for a National that, the work will be carried has grown to 15 Communists and Many comrades were arrested, many be beaten and lick the butcher of the government should be all the party bave joined us or are Congress of the o. of China.
social democrats. The police have fled.
hand. In many cities the lowed under all circumstances be in the major part agreeing with on.
In our branch, the Shantung Conalso ordered With best greetings, municipal councellors vote to have cause the absence of healthy crlour view. Some have struggled Who will carry on the work?
muists and social known Comrepresentatives democrats, stil Hitler and Goebbels named honor ticism sign of weakness with the party on questions of the vention of the The Storm Troopers?
at large, to present themselves from Letter of Comrade Herta from ary citizens. That, however, does Besides this they all wish the futility and even harmfulness of coming from the various districts The entire local group was arrested in Treblin.
time to time to scrape off the plac The worst are the deserters. They hot hinder the Storm Troope from pensions to be increased, the hun. the establishment of Anti Imperio Shantun, was convened in JanThe but the Commumist local group Lars Hailure to do so this means betray everyone. crowd of us we cellers into protective arrest. given to the unemployed. If the with the party or YCL on the one of North China met on March throwing these self same municipal cer deerees abolished and work alistie League running parallel uary 1933.
arrest. The number of those who were arrested in the last few days will continue the work. have refused is very small.
In a near by town the fraction working class constituted a strong hand, and the Anti Japanese Mass to Important decisions were No. our letters don read through the denunciations of formWe are trying to make contacts er Communists.
that way. Much that is in them with party comrades, so as to meet auxiliary police, who are schooled declared that the municipal not yet be lost.
establishing with new Inspiration. every sounds harsh, but only upon and discuss with them. The party in Kao Yan and Chou (districts body among us is turning his ac the truth will we build our fu comrades are quite amenable to our in northern China) etc. Some have, tivities toward the workers.
ture strength.
criticism. If we had the literature already recognized the correctness We are concentrating our work Ed. we could reach very many of them, of the third Chinese Revolution. in three important movements: partienlarly because the party The Communist International rented by none uther than Henrtveldes, Adlers and Rena udels bel. Some of the elements still remain The German tevolution, the AntiLetters from the Rhine and Ruhr neither Informs them nor maintains cently initiated and participated in Barbusse. Socialists from France, fore the eyes of the socialist and in the party apparatus for our Imperialism movement, workers mo! United purposes, and take responsible and the national assembly question The party is smashed here. Most any longer. Now is the best time Fascism that even the stalinist present as well as Communists front with the Brock ways, Patong work. We think that if they, as is which was hotly brought out by of the unit at least 95 percent 49cncounter the party with our press is silent about. According from these countries (except Italy) and Maxtons behind the backs of generally the case, openly declare the bourgeoisie recently. special do not meet any more. Slany deological offensive (als Stalin to the New Leader. April 28. 33. as well as from Germany. Crecho the workers, Inderwendent of the themselves to be Lett Opposition number dereted to the German of the units no longer pas dues and Co. only not in the Stalinist official organ of the Independent) Slovakia and the United States.
There is no connection with manner. Labour Party of Great Britain an The Lett Socialists at the Center ly! This is the queer logie of and to lose their functions within ment was published by the The above. Since January 30, the So much for today.
Central and Western parts of the With the best greetings.
Socialist and conference of Lete ence proposed that efforts should stalinism brought down to its latest the courty This is the reason why Cancuard (organ ve the Chinese city have issued one leaflet (on the. in Paris on April 25. It was initi ecutive Committees of the Labour JOSEPH CARTER (for some comrades only. P, Secretary and Socialist International and the Comintern to consider ways and means of combatting Fascism. This the Stalinista rejected. The latter agreed to collaboration between the Left Socialists and the Communists (continued from the last issue. manifestation of power. In Lue and urged the support of the Eurol (Continued from the last issue)
ary party is to gain influence upon The Stalinist Hypocrites The Hitler Trotskyist United heek, the social democratic Reich Dean Anti Fascist Conference and compelled to beat a hasty retreat.
The Fascists and the The factory councils are now the working masses and particularly those organized in the trade unions.
Front and the March 5th Answer the Roll Call stag deputy Dr. Leber was arrest the Youth Conference against War in many places already passing into Trade Unions The became precisely the Proclamation ved. It resulted in a general strike and Fascism to be held in Paris on oblivion plse could be expected lackeys who are much more alarmed base aim. Numerically feeble, it lasting several hours. Here too, August 5th. No notice has appeared nothi set vw most formidable obstacle to this aside by the Fascists: vwwwvvwvvv But Heckert is attacking a platform invented by himself and only ducted against Fascism. No, they the Communists, thanks to the in the American or international when the Reformists are left in about the rank and Ale action than could of course not at all substitute conside attributed to Trotsky underhand, sociale derneeraeys as inevitable of the Staliniste in the last 10 Conferences. The rett Socialists the Fascisation of the conscienceless, bureaucratic policy press of the Comintern on the latter practically control. Here to even influence them because it sell out to the latter.
and when he says that not even. That means that they consider years, were unable to exert any agreed to support these conferences again they admonished the worken by the Nazi attacks and prefer to for the mass unions. It was unable Wels proposed such treacherou! Fascism as inevitable. That means influence.
to remain neutral politicarselves on the condition that they were not to fight. Do not let was distinctly a rival organization. Their answer is leaflets, in which platform to the No, but standing by passively while Europe What happened on occasions when officially invited and permitted to be irritated, your rights and your they plead with the workers to stay The could naturally not the Socialist and Labor Interna: falls into social decay!
Communists were attacked? What article in their organization. duties and guarded by the constitu at home and not to rexist remain immune from the typical burenneratie methods tional proposed to the on Feb.
In order to prove that the policy happened at the massacre in Els. This was agreed upon.
tion and by the factory council gregating at the headquarters, said either. One party member relates ruary, 11. Bon agression pact and the same wbichlata not, in contradiction to 1923. forces of the Stalinists were showed ted a united front against Fascia law, so said the Hamburg trade the Berlin leadership. will be how in the early part of this year of the correct, that it leben? There where the real The Comintern which had rejec.
And this at the very taken advantage by the Commu. the whole Berlin leadership unanimously endorsed Heckert e refull size? Not rk of or seek at our cment port, in its reply of March COD rob the proletariat more and more ganized resistance! What happened ternational, even refused to openly bruskly dissolved or reorganized, neadquarters? And the end truth was removed and a new one ap with the Labour and Socialist Innon hen the councils are mists. What do they of all ability to act, Heckert is pointed in its place without the sidered it possible to recommend of Brown Shirts before the the method of the worker is that to the bulk of the member slightest explanation made to the Karl International Committee of frain during the time of the com conscience lies and to the incense Llebknecht House, and at the street Left Socialist Parties. It again and tortured and replaced by Vasc. As the disorganizers of the more the elected representatives being falled ship the Communists have appeared membership of mun strugkle against capitalom, system of the Stalinists, built upon battle in Altona? Where did the resorted to the back handed policy ists. No, those who sat sately no ment. tatal injury to the movement organizing of having Henri Barbusse personocratie organizations. The from attacks against the social den llica, has collapsed in Germany. sizable strike of political signif ally arrange for such a meetine far behind were not irritated, only! Thus the road is cleared for the is the record of this policy.
From this they draw the conclu frightened and paralysed. But Nazis. They pursue their destructs consequence contributed heavily is therefore prepared to renoue ston that it is necessary to le still cance? Lies, nothing but lies. Another sign of the much acclaimed even the reorganizations are only tion so far unhampered. Perhaps the marty impotence in face of more profusely and shamelessly in According to Heckert, which in its own words, has led order to conceal their bankruptcy. did not restrict Steater, the party independence of the Communist temporary measures. Not even Nazi the clearest Indication of how they the Nazi advance to its being wiped to organizing International!
to Fascism. This readiness goes councils, so close to the rank and proceed by stages to destroy the out withont a struggle and to the Today the situation is such in the united front from below. We Only a few days after this Com. Ale workers, where class ideology prosent union basis and to transfer defent of the working class as a the Left Oppowill restrict ourselves to once more terence which, we repeat, was muy again penetrate, can be toler the entons into pure organs of the whole wong even far beyond the pielbed to Germany, that the workers do not note from the literature of stal conducted behind the backs andated. That the Fascist dictatorship Fascist state is given by the Bayition demanded a change in vented by Heckert and this Trotsky and then again attacked Cure to speak aloud in the streets. Insts.
by Heckert as Hitler Trotskyist. They do not dare to gather in without the knowledge of the Com is in deadly earnest about their arian government appointed by course and as the only correct one.
The spineless bureaucracy wincess of more than three in their It is clear that no united front munist and revolutionary workers, attempt to do need not doubtfirst act was the trade union decreeturn to the trade unions in order all working class police commissioner von Epp. Its for the to immediately to domiciles.
under the blows of a period which dom working it does not undertsand. At that, to the internatiert. however, lies can be made with these people the Comintern issued its May Day organizations one class. social Fascists. It is clear that Manifesto. Therein we read: for a moment.
in which the unions are ordered to take up the Left wing activities it has an inexerable opponent in saying that the workers at the our dispute with social Fascism. Now we need the united front The Fascists and the Trade Unions to resume their functions, but within them.
on the following conditions: That is still, despite all the porevolutionary Marxism which makes driven the Nazis from the factory Liation table, but on the battlefields the top leaders, with Wels and RenThe Fascist and the workers or They are to make no direct or sitions lost, an imperative necessity.
Fascism has triumphed, the policy and that the same thing is hap of the final struggle and before the audel. For the leaders of the sec: canizations are the two opposite Indirect attempts toward contact it does not diminish with the of the was correct. Trotak pening in ever so many other cities. revolutionary tribunals of the Ger ond International, negotiations of the latter the trade unions form!
poles, mutually exclusive. Within with the probibited political orga transformation of the trade unions It jy furthemore an indisputable man Soviet republle. And that the officials on top are merely the great reserve. Even these the. atlona, their late leaders or into organs of the Fascist state.
holds, of course has criticised this correct policy their members.
On the contrary. It increases in for the little so method of cannot as headquarters importance. So long as they cial Ism) and showed how the victor the party was blind to the danger just as well as for his bigger broth working class.
ben Fascism could ave been pre certes cichwa Sox robe in stare comers Zoergiebel, Severing, etc. Com. United front with the Vander sle against capitalism, including authorities and such necessary. ering workers within their. the mere struggle for reform devented, the workers organizations munist International (German eat must provincial press, quoted in All political activities are pro they constitute a field for revolumands.
maintained, how this struggle could tion of January 10, 1933 (p. 19. Time. Schritthalten. to learn Capitalist society has hibited, the unions are not to hold tionists to work in ommuni them, reached its decay stage and is un any public meetings and regular how to be able to do the work. The 11th plenum of the ECCI International (German proletarian dictatorship. This edition. In reality the quintessence of der ever greater difficulties 10 membership meetings to be held skillfully carefully well planned what the social Hitlerite Trotsky put an end to the artificially con March 15, 1930. united front policy looked like this: granting any reform concessions. At only upon notification given to the and courageously executed. To did with his Hitler Trotskyist structed principal contradiction befight every inch for the existence Hey, social democrats, will you this moment this is the most police. Herr Trotsky and similar coun. so with us? If you don t, we will marked in Germany. Hence, Fasc. At any time the actions or de info algoment from Hitler moto Fascist dictatorship, and by that relore the proletariat want to to with the Fascists. In this way. ism is called upon to perform its cisions the untons, including intons, to fight for existence and platform, in execution of a socialtween the bourgeois democracy and means gave the Communist parties prose to the working class such the Red Referendum WAS rigged misslon.
latter auxiliary. policy as would separate the their finances, are subject to functioning of the factory councils The Marxist revolutionary Heck Against social Fascism, important assistance in the struggle struggle of the revolutionary party Heckert memory has become untons it is also completing the shape nucle up.
In its approach to the trade spection by the Nazt established helping to give expression within them to the working class needs against Fascism from that against somewhat feeble. We ll refresh it counter revolution by stages, en The Fatal Polley of the ert, on the other hand, maintains plenum showed that so called social Fascism and oppose them to This type of united front tactic, countering no obstacles whateverIn this work of destruction, the democratie remands which inevt.
and connecting up therewith the that the defense of the mass trade classical Fascism did not and each other.
unions on the basis of a united front could not exist and that all the recipe, the should give up meantime with the social democrats would theories deduced from the history the struggle against social democ Pracism rules! This platform has as they According to this these continual zig zags in the from the miserable functionario Nazis are proceeding quite unham tably must arle that is the job brought their effect. who are now the lackeys of Hitler pered as far as the militant mino at present. Now that Fascism is have been a deviation from Marx and Leain and would have mennt of Italian Fascism concerning the TACY today and make a bloc with been exposed in the meantime by the Hohenzollerns. In this respect, le ey once up upon a time were to rely It is practically in power, it is an especial necessity going over to Hindenburg MATE Hecessity of first smashing the the party of Hindenburg socialism, the facts as direct service to Hitler. the lead was given by the president not merely by persecution or de for flank attacks until the prolee of the trade unions, to utilize every means available working class were bloodless ab with Noske and Grezezinsky, and Proof that the platform of the Left of and Engele cekecommended the condestructions. nght Hitler on this basis. Thnel. Opposition led to the victory of tion. Laveran trade union federa ault but by deliberate and parturiat enn agnin gather its forces.
the will respond unlons be delivered to Fascism, Was the Party Prepared? mann, Communist International day after Hitler ticularly now proven false policy. That the workers while Hindenburg demanded the And Heckert lies when he says (German edition. June 1932, page Fascism cannot be conjured up by had arrived in power he said That is the Stalinist policy of heroically, has already been shown untted front of the Communists that the German Communist Party 283. ever so many slelghtof hand tricks The present goverument may independent revolutionary untons even in these dithienlt days by local with the social democracy for their forewarned against the coming Whoever demands today bloc on the part of Heckert.
detense! Stalinists are proud. perspective is a particularly rosy tion of For Heckert and the FCCI, the ments perhaps even further reduc 80 in Germany the RGO. arrests aud against attacks upon der eeny The Stucki stes were randert, the was not surprised cratic party helps the social Fascist es nostres after the colctober de toute reaction is the plans from the much more atatlig and much more But the stalinist purty and Lenin.
bs Hitler seixure power. The leaders in the preparation and tent of 1923, as Ching in 1927, as storage room of Antiquated ideas criminally wrong, due to the more Comintern leaders have not changed One sentence in Heckert article Aries were stuck into fall in short role, like that of the social Fascist Staliniste deny the defeat in the pose the rights and liberties of the due to the larger scale of the splita It was commissioned to initiate the party, whose innumerable function execution of their betrayal. Their in Bulgaria in 1924, 60 now the and make arrangements which op advanced political conditions and their course in regard to the forces us to beat the alarm. Heckert says: order, whose apparatus was annl. Teaders, is an immediate Fascist same way as they denied the revo German working class. But the and of the isolation of the party anti Fascist congress scheduled to hilated in the course of several role. Muenzenberk, Roter Aufbau, lutionary situation previous to it. German workers know that after from the masses. The present Fascination of the days. was not surprised. Feb. 15, 1932. Othewise the be held in Prague but prohibited German social democracy is no The workers are going over from a long period of social ascent can characteristics are common to both by the Czecho Slovakian governaccidental interlude, No, according to Heckert, it had Few Things to Explain the social democracy to Commu also sometimes follow reverses, yes of these products of the third per ment. Naturally, it is to be Nurl that efforts will be made democratie parties fortes cumi toranizer homes eso quainted with his own literature has remained intace, the berugbles in other words, the German work Trade unions to be effective to hold the congress will go und any.
in some other similar conditions to strikes Fortunately, he becomes He only knows that the party seve are as yet directly ahead of us. ers have had their good times, now must embrace all workers of the country. But no matter where it somewhat more concrete in this in ral times flew into frenzy and if the working class really wants they should submit and accept the industries or at least a sufficiently with bed when initiated by the already today consider Austria, these 300 strikes, of which 207 be basis This is frightful! The Stalinista stance and permits us to probe into then quoceeded to make united able to organize and lead to the But even such lackey service is workersuction. That will include It cannot even mark a ser on such a theoretical an intact organization, one that is bad times.
decisive France, England as lost to Fascism: long to the realm of imagination front proposals.
of varying political opin ous attempt to really rally a mass As on July 20, struggles, then it must penetrate not sufficient.
Today the Fasclete ions. The a rival union, response to this gathering, not to German eventsed they have the statement en el teu nghe an Strikerbeck. Looked itself over and noticed that than estat inlist. sing politicians, comme axa concentrere honen onderste true blutionary minority and based upon tons. As far as a genuinely united despite their manifesto of what happened in Strasstart? not all of its bones had been broken cadres anew and draw the methods of suppression, Arst ap acceptance in advance of party to working class action against Fase consistent Leninist united front shooting of the social democratie It carried on like this until its and international Stalinism. Not cial democrats and then the aux. paper organization playing no ser called by the Os condemned tactic! They do not want to put mayor, Kasten. The workers were bones were actually crushed.
the social democratie leaders under aroused and decided to resist, but If the party clearly pointed out not to fall into passivity: not to turn, has also commenced against its membership was compacte variee to sterility and imto cling to fatal illusions, but also liary organizations, each in their ous role at all in the class only potence.
the pressure of the proletariat with the reformists succeeded in stilling the danger of Fascism and pursued capitulate before Fascism, but to the trade unions. The rank and of Communists and only very this tactic and so to force them the militant sentiment in a pale a consistent united front policy organize the retreat and to bring nie membership, also in this in small section of the Communists at least to enter into the struggle demonstrative strike. According to from the top and below, then Heck it to a halt; to recapture the postance showing their alarm at the at that. The could, there ticle, the lackles have as is only Since the writing of this ar against Fascism! They do not want Heckert, it was the ownert ought to explain how the social sitions lost; to utilize the differ Nazl advance and showing their fore, not at all serve to connect the natural, and was to be expected to prove to the backward masses to forces that organized the strike, democracy succeeded in maintaining ences between the nationalists and readiness to Aght, respond and party with the masses, but on the crown the past to break with the reformists it a the which prevented the workers in the factories and in pre the hour!
ters at each attack determined struggle is to be con transformation of this strike into venting Communist influence over That does wall of separation. ARNE SWABECK. not at all suit thieso frightened The basic aim of the revolution. Continued in next issue)
to the Communist parties, to reforced to resort to an arsenal or at the provocative parade of the initiate a conference with the br in The de those in trendlopments, been