Anti-naziBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninNazismRussian RevolutionSandinoSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1933 LEAGUE ACTIVITIES Needle Trades Struggles Revolt in Cuba. Muste and Brookwood program for united action in thisBut our counrades, taking a leaf with?
Salut and place it before former size, and there was no fur and teach them the B. of trade without dixerimination for the sake expect any decisive action of the Har oppas only into the International work Why the Stalinists Have Been Caught Unawares (Continued from Page 1) Review of Type of American Centrism Unemployed Struggle Stalinists and in the arrisons of several small of the bones, to be prepared for (Continued from page 1)
The first conference of the Muste self with revolutionary phrases.
in Youngstown tuwas.
in Canada ile inevitable wave of struggle. We movement took place on May 25 The result was that his friends of Youngstown, Responding to to the courts quote verbatim trom reaching campaighe tor unity rather be Inspired by the sector of ante call to all progressives and radicals his collezuek, James Onent, a memthe appeal of Youngstown Unem. Continued from Page 1)
ployed League No. 1, delegates from Gether with its extent and violence, May 18, 1983: The coming strike to see the international con step Machado forces which is favorable all shades in the labor movement. ber of Mustes National Executive The This was stated in the Labor Age Committee, bitterly attacked the for the purpose of issuing a united the meting had been carefully lata. a united front between the mem Industrial Chien were not even principal leaders of the Opposition the Challenge to Progressives. by Sapork, who posed as a Luft front calle Ber ides the Unemployed The racket culminated in the singers of the Industrial unton and the consultert. The committee, consis. Junta wherein are represented most The aim of the conference was to at that time. In the labor Age on frente al fronu Foungstown and ng at the Internationale by the International and the unorganized. ing of Hyman, Boruchovitch and the different burgeois and pretty bring together and militants into a racketeering in the rol Austintown, two Youngstown Unem disturbers, and a large section of First between the members of Cold appeared there on April ployed Councils sont delegates to the audience began streaming for the Industrial union and the Interthis preliminary conference. Thus the exits. fight commenced, and national again sounds like the arty leadership is handing out to intervention at this tine as this Policies of the of bureaucstitute fort of the riteket machine.
The hand to month which the bourgeois clignes are opposed to opernization to fight the reactionary Uniotis where the fakers cob racy.
Have the Musteites lisciplined two national unemployed move for a moment it looked as it a united front from below. How does the trade mots worked havoc. would interfere with their own Oneal? Oh no! They are not Com ments were represented.
riot were inevitable, mut the com In point fire of this editorial munits. They believe in democThis preliminary conference debutants were quickly separated this tally with the first decision The attempt of the leadership to hopeful plates for the distribution the Munteites stated: Fight forlees.
cideci to issue an appeal for a brond Then one of the Stalinite function not to criticize the International wave its face and establish its inlolitical posts and economic the recognition of the principle that fallibility pushed hundreds of dis Miller and Muste united front conference of all labor pries appeared on a balcony at the leadership a minority opposition in disagree Secondly. united front with the apputed needle workers into the advantages among themselves.
Jment wth what happens to be the Here is an example which show organizations in the Mahoning back of the hall and began to adunorganized. What kind of a body clutches of the Right wing clique.
Valley on or about June 25 for the dress his henchmen.
is that to conclude a united front Sow the uuion will suffer more day on the governmental bureau has the right to exist in the move 1931, Bert Miller, once the watch Machado main support rests to tricial position of the movement, how democratie is the CPLA. In purpose of agreeing on a minimum from his own book, howled him If we were assured, in any way. capitulation to the right wing tate power. The several national lo those who are temporarily in whold the blackjacking of the down and forced him to stop. Soon of a following from the unorganized not improbable. And here it is It was generally agreed that the comrade MacDonald stentorian to the extent of relying upon them to the leadership that must be bourgeois grups and the foreign the minority have a chance to fune Trotskytes in 1929, left the Love.
this program joined Muste outfit. Lovestone was would be the general points of and peas. stagnate and die. Labor Age, Feb. too revolutionary for them. The well as the pairous of his ell 1920. antry, are all mellate reier, unemployment insur. com, and the audience began to wing in the dress trade, there would winz after the be no need of appealing for unity! The party fraction in the Indusmination. The very survival of the Mustritos refuse to admit them unance and the shorter work week meeting had resumed, a squad of to the International. The greatest in nion must demand from the dictatorship for such a long period Nice phrases. But who were the they had signed a fatement committee of four, consistings fortunately nothing for them to do, stil the anorganized mass of work: ment a to its readiness for unity: hics existing in the camp of its ference James Oneal (editor of the the Lovestone or may other roll of a delegate from each oraniza they soon took their departure. In ers, having no class instinct It as to our proposal of reentering tion, was selected to draft the ap time, his audience swelled to its is our task to organize them firsten Wer into the International chemies. It would be naive to New Lender. Algernon Lee, tical group. These cowaris signed others the statement despite the fact that peal, tue the various organizations to which her attempt at organized disrup unionism as well as the intricacies of fighting in the interests of proletariat at the present juncture of the same stripe, people who one of the Musteltes took up the it is made. This committee includes ton.
int it is certain that Machado have always fought and helped to fight for them and advised them of the class struggle.
the needle workers.
overthrow would be immediately destroy every Left wing organiza gainst it. The statement was de a Left Ompositionist.
In his speech, comrade MacDonThe boasted clarity falls to The militant workers in the ranks followed by sharp struggles among thon. How could they light the remanded by the revolutionist Muste The attitude and actions of the and drove home the significance of places when we confront the real of the International, anxious to the varous sections of the national actionary policies of the of Lad tie theoretician of the CILA, generally determined the spirit official panic and ideological des and Philadelphia, were called be the of the needle workers, imperialist interests ited in their own organizations for stoncites were eager to join the of Engel letter to Mrs. Wisch Litution. Comrade Spector then fore the delegates to the New York will welcome and understand such The Roosevelt administration has progresve like Muste knew! How they did not even demand the pubwrote think all our practices he reminded them that hoolt etter heel of the long tambiguous) a statement, they words to the not yet determined on a definitever there were a few progressives: Fiction of this statement in the has shown that it is possible to maniem and gangster methods had speeches. The strikes found the canner of the left wing once more course. The comicting Interests of who could be counted on the finger Labor Age. Just another illustrawork along with the Reneral more always been an integral part of the left wing entirely sawlity of agninntrefortuism and the system und in dickering with the State of them left in disgust before the After a few months sojourn in and carry it ahead in the struggle the rival sugar companies are en of one hand, who were not orgation of democracy in the Muste ment of the working class ATactics against the o.
The weakness and gage in backstage arrangements, mixed and had no influence. Some organization.
EVERY ONE OF ITS STAGES The last speaker was comrade the decisions is further evidenced that oppresses them.
WITHOUT GIVING UP OR HID: Norrow, a member of the ING OUR OWN DISTINCT PO who dealt briefly and forcefull by the later declarace the NTWIU.
of the New. BLEEKER Department and with Cuban politiconference lund ended.
the CI LA Bert Miller, together York trade inn both in and out of office. Senawith Harman and Lore, persuaded SITION AND EVEN ORGANIZA: with the issue at hand. At the printed in the Freiheit of May 22 ktor Borah and Hamilton Ish have to worth mentioning to the Muiste to form a the publication OIL THE MACHINERY. declared thwmaelves in favor of readers of the Militant that a work lutionary third political party. In the Americans choose a differ informed that he had just been of the clear decisions, likewise The response to our appeal for American Intervention under the introduced a certain resolution July 1931, the National Committee ent line they will commit a great expelled from the but, was in the Freiheit. In point of fact help for the Militant has made in terms of the Platt Amendment. The at this conference. think he was of the lusteites decided to transmistake. stalinists, take hood! ft. in ignorance of the official ex the trade board voids the decisions bokble to look forward to be recent appointment care funnet conference se resolutioker as the form the CILA Into a political Finally questions were asked for readiness to confer about unity on more confidence. In this big push to Cuba. indicates a change in expulsions in their organizations the political discussion on the for of a week ago by declaring its financial future of the paper with the new American ambassador progressives should fight against scene. To secure a majority at inoithings were hurled at Jack between the lines this means, conformar the entire movement acted policy on the part of Washington and for the reinstatement of those mation of the new purty. Muste Nat Youth Day and the mual array of puerlte the basis of one union. Reading MacDonald why aren you in jail, sent to the demands of the Interpromptly and well.
But the records of two why don you talk about Canada national as a condition for negoOn this day. above all, we minstead of Germany, etc. etc. Notations to give up the NTWIU. is outstanding. The branches although it gives no clear indica antitants who were expelled by the bronight down a squad from Brook tion of the course that policy may actionary trade union officials. wood to vote for him. Lore said (Continued from Page 1)
Kansas City take in the next few months. When this resolution came up for at this meeting that the German a single question bore upon the not forget the criminal treachery question under discussion the sit. neriod about social Fascism, alistanced the field. To date it has forgotten. They demonstrate the leading spirits of the conference. CPLA and most of the Lovestone The propoganda of the third Branch has sent in 70 to date.
But all honors in this drive go The experiences of Nicaragun and discussion Ilardman workers would flock by the thousabout the united fronts to the New York Rranch which Haiti are too recent to be easily Algernon Lee of the socialist misteaders who lation in James Oneal, the ands into the Muste party. The Germany. members resigned from the from world staughter for the defense of disposed of questions in good with scab agencies (reformist through yet.
When comrade MacDonald had about company unions, no pacts turn over 300. And it is not indvisabilits for the imperialists attacked it. Oneal quoted from the capitalist fatherlands. Por fars brumored fashion, comrade Spector unions) had to be countered with. Intervention, excepting as a Third International and finished under the lendership of the social democrats and their youth adjuncts have len mouthing offered 10 minutes to any spoken proposal that would assure the from now on it is all smooth sallonbutting Sandino unsuccessfully tution would bring seabs back into one camp. The Muste third revoBut let no one have the idea that very last resort. In Nicaragua, after his speech by saying that this reso Benjamin went back to the Love man the stalinists might choose. Workers of the Trudustrial Union forhis is a revolutionary move tor six years, the Marines gave the unlons. With this duste agreed. Since then Miller and his par borning tine phrases against be cancer to the result was a diatribe for more in its plea for unity: Were the fort young one struggling up way to the memories. The scandal In reality, this resolution centered ich have also lost the Musteltes Date the sincerity of their out a word about Germany. as Such a display, coming after the without any discrimination heeded Youth Day, the YPSL leaders have clear and forceful exposition given by the Stalinist in their time the press. When it is oiled it vention is no less an argument above. To suit the reactionaries, Who has remained with Muste?
against war, on National Let us take an example from our growing out of the Haiti inter witorinly in the Labor Age cited was too revolutionary for them.
sabotaged the united front and are by our comrades, had the audience Riht wing would have had a much is with the movement. It needs urly well. That is how it ich full les al justification for the resolution was amended and Only those. Americanizing revthe sune tactics in Cuba.
preventing their members from jom kivided between pity and amuse harder task in rejecting the unity lubricants constantly. Money lubri. such action can be found under the fused to carry ont what they them. Budenz and a few scattered assis.
for crippled. The fake progressives re olutionists like Hardman, Lore, is the real face of Yiwel misleaders. thunderons acclaim for Lenin and Our correctness was borne out by Militart! Take all the financial aceruing to the cater. Oil the machinery! Ilelp the Platt Amendment, the responsibility selves hired written.
Their struggle against war is noth he German Revolution.
ing but lip service. DAVIS reality, not only because of the squeaks and groans out of its ma therefrom, would in all likelihood The consequences of the evening exact formulation. We were correct chinery!
The conference adjourned. The be so onerous as to offset any Musteltes named their organization Through its senseless, criminal crents, which set the strength and because we foresaw the trend of NOTE tactics, the remains of the united clarity of the. in such sharp events, the great need for unity not the Militant nt 126 East 16th st. Send all funds withont delay to advantages obtained. The Conference for Progressive. The above article was sent in front from below and social contrast with the stupidity of off as a maneuver, but as a necessity New York, General Menocal and the other their name immediately. The first merly conected with the CPLA. Lalor Action. They began to prove to us by a left wing militant for their willingness to renounce all deep. The bureaucrats have done Fascism on the one hand and now. cial Stalinism, have alrendy struck to strike together at the onslaughter bourgeois opposition leaders are an act of the chairman of the CPLA, second article is to follow next anxious to serve Wall Street and criticism of the Yipsel leaders on their cause in the factional struggle themselves by replacing for Ma. was the ousting of Arthur Calhoun, week.
the other, the YCL is unable to Incalcuable harm. Several of their chado crude dictatorial methods one of the Left wing teachers, from profit from the discontent of the supporters have signified their in products of a decadent feudotrookwood, because he refused to yomg sociaist rink and flle on this tention of resigning, while others bona partism. some form of consign what amounted to a yellow dog Away with the are determined to at least secure Anti Nazi Riot inde other eminent stitutional bourgeois rule, in which contract, which committed teachers, Statement of the prevent a real struggle against war this piece of disloyalty.
Federation of ment and met at the Midwest Con capitalist interests can collaborate CLA wolicies, and thus in effect Unemployed Workers Leagues by nowing confusion and prevent Our comrades of course will detions on November 10th and 20th, democratically. Lite however CILA organization. It was not (Continued from Page 1)
the break of the socialist rank and mand an explanation at the next Ble with their false lenders! meeting of the anti Fascist conter The effects of unemployment upon und formed the Federation of impracticability of any such arenough that Muste had thrown workers of all political tendencies Calhoun out of Brookwood. He who are against Fascism! The elements most immedinte tasks confronting America, with temporary officers of failure, preparations are alreads against him in the capitalist said, that sentiment violent campaign member of the YPSL who spoke.
front of the youth in the fight the united front wing Organiza us today. Within the last four The teinporary committee under already being bargained for, where Communist. See Times, June United Front was gathering, if not and temporary offices in Chicago. being made, strategie positions Times and blacklisted bim as a against imperialist war.
among the Young workers and studente: All inns who disclaim association years of the crisis unemployed or be direction of Karl Borders, the by the various participants expect 10, 1920. Who can say this was on all issues, for the out on National Youth Day!
with the Stalinists are up in arms ganisations of different types and Chairman, carried on the work and never the forging of their approval different political shades, have least against of this cowardly slander of the sprung up in all parts of the Uni laid the foundation for the first to derive advantages for the con not militant progressive action a Fascism.
conference of the Federation which dict that will follow Machado In Muste. SECOND SHOWING Altogether, the Stalin functionaries ted States These organizations all overthrow In the first year or two the CPLA re in a very uncomfortable mess. have the same aim of organizing was held at Lincoln Center, in The next demonstration when OF RUSSIAN MOVIE Chicago, May 13, 14, 15. This conThe new It had no apGoebbels arrives must include the Ry lular rest we are show. Their behavior on this occasion the unemployed of our class to suc ference, built upon the work of the ment between rocal tarif agreemnde no headway.
constitutes another the heavy blow, cessfully resist the lowering of our Midwest canterence was a national is an attempt to reconcile there hasn had any to this day. The TCL members and a handful of ing the preture of the Russian Rex: struck with their own hands, standards of living to prevent conference, much broader in scope contradictions. Any such stabili organization consists of intellectu and Cuba precinble workers in its ranks and masses! Communist party members, olution again at the Labor 242 East 14th Street, this Saturday ainst the waning prestige of their hunger and starvation, to obtain and therefore, went deeper into the nation hoxever can only be of aals, pacifists, members and socialists, mean nothing if they do organization.
adequate cash relief, unemployment evening. May 7, at pm. sharp.
prasaing nature.
insurance, the shorter work week, problems of our class.
Cuba being leaders who themselves need leader not draw in the Trade Unions, ctc. No tickets will be obtainable Yo unemploye anizations of casentially one crop country. ship. Realizi that the CPLA was in the fight against Fascism. Only the door. Subscription tickets at 35 cents must be obtained in ad. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT! ot these unemployed organizations political beliefs were excluded and no permanent solution under and the bureaucracy. In bring home to the German workers vance. Half year sub to the Militant realized the inadequacy of local from participation in the conference capitalism Auspices: Film Club, New York order to atract the more mtiitant the solidarity of America tollers Branch. Communist League of is On a Club Plan with three and sectional unemployed organiothers it is only 50 cents. Continued on age 4)
zations in dealing with the major ROSALIO NEGRETE workers. Muste began to cover him with them.
America (OM)
MAIN RESOLUTION OUTLINES BROAD PROGRAM OF ACTION IN FIGHT TO FREE TOM MOONEY Adopted at the Free Tom Mooney Congress toward Wooney Fetition goal of united netlon take the lead at once and upon the workers and Negros rights Calls for Council of Representatives of Various Held in Chicago, April 30 May The National Council of Action carrying on local united front con the release of Tom Mooney and Organizations with Different Views is also authorized to proceed in Cerences with the brondest possible Warren Billings.
co operation with all organizations representation, particularly striving Mooney Day and Another Congress (Continued from last Issue) winning the support of the Ameri which can he brought to co operate to draw in those organizations like The National Council of Action National Tom Mooney Council of Schmidt and McNamara, The Free Tom Mooney Congress can Federation of Labor and of the whether endorsing this Congress or the of and Socialist Party upon the basis of the development Action to call another Congress at of organisers serving life cells uwon all organizations of International Unions affiliated with not, with a nation wide petition for heretofore insufficiently represented. of a broad mass movement, through such time as it may deem most sentences in San Quentin, and the Iows and Michigan farmers prosec workers to join in setting up the it, and of the Socialist Party. It the purpose of obtaining millions of Mass meetings should be held reports of returning delegates, local proper.
Related Issues uted under the criminal syndica National Tom Mooney Council of Instructs the Council of Action to signatures to the demand for the where reports are made on accom conferences, mass meetings, demonWe regard the struggle for Ne lism laws for organizing resistance of all workers organizations which the leading committees of these don of Tom Mooney. Such a petooney Congress as a preparation will be able at an appropriatelitnegro rights as symbolized by the to foreclosures.
now or after the Congress may be Call to Mass Action drawn into a united struggle for to bring in a continuous effort titlon campaign, accompanying anfor forming the local conferences. to set a national and international Scottsboro case as an inseparable dowo their opposition active mass protest movement, can These conferences should have as Mooney Day of struggle for the part of the struggle for the comupon all workers organisawith the of be con their guard against become a powerful instrument for their task the setting up of local release of Tom Mooney and, Warren plete unity of the working class. calle Free Tom Mooney Congress united front for workers rights and Socialist Party should be more in the struggle for Mooney re and the inauguration of the local rallying point in the whole struggle of the struggle for the freedom of all illusions concerning the chances.
Conditions of Affiliations and frankly carried on with the case and the struggle for workers united front activity.
and Negro rights.
The National Tom Mooney Coun resist energetically any tendency to turning delegates in setting up the Scottsboro boys or any other The conditions for affiliation to rententions should be held strictly Local Councils of Action cil of Action in co operation with diminish the growing mass move local Councils of action to secure victims of capitalist class justice, this Council of Action shall be: This Congress calls upon all or the various organizations should ment by merely formally setting the widest possible active support obtaining their liberty through mere accountable to the masses forganizations here represented and take the lead in the development Mooney Day. The acceptance of the propo continued failure to enter into en upon the individual delegates tol of the nation wide campaign for for the defense of the Scottsboro dependence upon the courts of law. The sals here outlined; Congress or to secure their rights through authorizes the boys.
In addition, we urge the Coun constitutional and legal guarantees The readiness of each orga ergetic mass struggle for the re cils of Action to develop united alone. They have too often been nization to enter actively into mass case of Tom Mooney and for struggle as a necessary supplement workers and Negroes rights.
by Arne Swabeck front support of the outstanding shown to be the frystruments of cases today involving workers and class persecution.
to legal defense and parliamentary In view of the urgency of the activity for workers rights: situation, the Congress calls upon Unemployment and the Negroes rights the Kentucky min. Moss pressure, not the Justice The mobilization of local or all ocal unions, all organiza American Working Class ers sentenced to life for arganizing of the courts, is responsible for a union; the Atlanta prosecutions such victories as the working class ganizations for active participation est of the Socialist Party and of 24 pages бе for organizing unemployed black alone has won. This congress calls in local councils of action to be and white workers; the Centralla upon the masses to enlarge this up throughout the country. other workers organizations, to Postage: le extra per copy IWW prisoners; the Illinois Prog weapon of mass pressure by quickly This Congress calls for a nation affiliate themselves at once with wide campaign to mobilise the the local Tom Mooney ressive Miners arrested and pro establishing the united front of In Defense of the Russian Soviet Economy in Danger secuted for union activities; the labor for the release of Tom Moo Class in the fight for Action. The need for Unencils of Revolution Pioneer Publishers Tampa Cigar workers; the deporta ney, Warren Billings and the other rights and agninst all cannot be postponed. The inde 48 pages forms of discrimination against pendent action of local unions 72 pages tions for 84 Fast 10th St. New York the Negro share croppens con and for the defense of workers and for working class activity: victims of capitalist class justice, Negroes. Particularly this Congrese Socialist Party branches, etc. can determines to concentrate efforts on become a powerful force driving victed in Alabama; Matthew Negroes rights.
Ed Statement of Jobless Leaders eft at ete.
By the end of 1932. a number the workers who sent delegates presents an extreme example of a skeleton organization, Muste beach brond demonstration can The foel organizations Workers Pocket Series By Leon Trotsky action 5c 100